path: root/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-bgp-neighbor.yang
diff options
authorAndrej Kozemcak <>2019-01-11 07:45:19 +0100
committerAndrej Kozemcak <>2019-01-11 07:46:46 +0100
commit8a72578cec9ffe5bf815e38918fd82b190f8af38 (patch)
tree38fc04ef4dab6431861119e63f4559d5ad59bd10 /src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-bgp-neighbor.yang
parentb70c4a3f70c08d93afb52ecb1bdd50a50feb1e1f (diff)
Remove not supported openconfig yang modules.
Change-Id: I721def08356e64918424fdb889f545b64daeea88 Signed-off-by: Andrej Kozemcak <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-bgp-neighbor.yang')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 704 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-bgp-neighbor.yang b/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-bgp-neighbor.yang
deleted file mode 100644
index f7ae33b..0000000
--- a/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-bgp-neighbor.yang
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-submodule openconfig-bgp-neighbor {
- belongs-to openconfig-bgp {
- prefix "oc-bgp";
- }
- import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; }
- import openconfig-routing-policy { prefix oc-rpol; }
- import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; }
- import openconfig-bgp-types { prefix oc-bgp-types; }
- import openconfig-inet-types { prefix oc-inet; }
- import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; }
- // Include the common submodule
- include openconfig-bgp-common;
- include openconfig-bgp-common-multiprotocol;
- include openconfig-bgp-peer-group;
- include openconfig-bgp-common-structure;
- // meta
- organization
- "OpenConfig working group";
- contact
- "OpenConfig working group
- description
- "This sub-module contains groupings that are specific to the
- neighbor context of the OpenConfig BGP module.";
- oc-ext:openconfig-version "5.0.1";
- revision "2018-08-20" {
- description
- "Correct description of AFI-SAFI enabled leaf.";
- reference "5.0.1";
- }
- revision "2018-04-11" {
- description
- "Correct naming of BGP maximum prefix warning percentage leaf.";
- reference "5.0.0";
- }
- revision "2018-03-20" {
- description
- "Added SR-TE policy SAFI";
- reference "4.1.0";
- }
- revision "2017-07-30" {
- description
- "Clarification of add-paths send-max leaf";
- reference "4.0.1";
- }
- revision "2017-07-10" {
- description
- "Add error notifications; moved add-paths config; add AS
- prepend policy features; removed unneeded config leaves";
- reference "4.0.0";
- }
- revision "2017-02-02" {
- description
- "Bugfix to remove remaining global-level policy data";
- reference "3.0.1";
- }
- revision "2017-01-26" {
- description
- "Add dynamic neighbor support, migrate to OpenConfig types";
- reference "3.0.0";
- }
- revision "2016-06-21" {
- description
- "OpenConfig BGP refactor";
- reference "2.1.1";
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to a base BGP neighbor that
- are not also applicable to any other context
- (e.g., peer group)";
- leaf peer-group {
- type leafref {
- path "../../../../peer-groups/peer-group/peer-group-name";
- }
- description
- "The peer-group with which this neighbor is associated";
- }
- leaf neighbor-address {
- type oc-inet:ip-address;
- description
- "Address of the BGP peer, either in IPv4 or IPv6";
- }
- leaf enabled {
- type boolean;
- default true;
- description
- "Whether the BGP peer is enabled. In cases where the
- enabled leaf is set to false, the local system should not
- initiate connections to the neighbor, and should not
- respond to TCP connections attempts from the neighbor. If
- the state of the BGP session is ESTABLISHED at the time
- that this leaf is set to false, the BGP session should be
- ceased.";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-use-multiple-paths {
- description
- "Multipath configuration and state applicable to a BGP
- neighbor";
- container use-multiple-paths {
- description
- "Parameters related to the use of multiple-paths for the same
- NLRI when they are received only from this neighbor";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to multipath";
- uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State parameters relating to multipath";
- uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-config;
- }
- container ebgp {
- description
- "Multipath configuration for eBGP";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to eBGP multipath";
- uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ebgp-as-options-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information relating to eBGP multipath";
- uses bgp-common-use-multiple-paths-ebgp-as-options-config;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-state {
- description
- "Operational state parameters relating only to a BGP neighbor";
- leaf session-state {
- type enumeration {
- enum IDLE {
- description
- "neighbor is down, and in the Idle state of the
- FSM";
- }
- enum CONNECT {
- description
- "neighbor is down, and the session is waiting for
- the underlying transport session to be established";
- }
- enum ACTIVE {
- description
- "neighbor is down, and the local system is awaiting
- a conncetion from the remote peer";
- }
- enum OPENSENT {
- description
- "neighbor is in the process of being established.
- The local system has sent an OPEN message";
- }
- description
- "neighbor is in the process of being established.
- The local system is awaiting a NOTIFICATION or
- KEEPALIVE message";
- }
- description
- "neighbor is up - the BGP session with the peer is
- established";
- }
- }
- description
- "Operational state of the BGP peer";
- }
- leaf last-established {
- type oc-types:timeticks64;
- description
- "This timestamp indicates the time that the
- BGP session last transitioned in or out of the Established
- state. The value is the timestamp in seconds relative to
- the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
- The BGP session uptime can be computed by clients as the
- difference between this value and the current time in UTC
- (assuming the session is in the ESTABLISHED state, per the
- session-state leaf).";
- }
- leaf established-transitions {
- type oc-yang:counter64;
- description
- "Number of transitions to the Established state for
- the neighbor session. This value is analogous to the
- bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions object from the standard
- BGP-4 MIB";
- reference
- "RFC 4273 - Definitions of Managed Objects for BGP-4";
- }
- leaf-list supported-capabilities {
- type identityref {
- base oc-bgp-types:BGP_CAPABILITY;
- }
- description
- "BGP capabilities negotiated as supported with the peer";
- }
- container messages {
- description
- "Counters for BGP messages sent and received from the
- neighbor";
- container sent {
- description
- "Counters relating to BGP messages sent to the neighbor";
- uses bgp-neighbor-counters-message-types-state;
- }
- container received {
- description
- "Counters for BGP messages received from the neighbor";
- uses bgp-neighbor-counters-message-types-state;
- }
- }
- container queues {
- description
- "Counters related to queued messages associated with the
- BGP neighbor";
- uses bgp-neighbor-queue-counters-state;
- }
- leaf dynamically-configured {
- type boolean;
- default false;
- description
- "When this leaf is set to true, the peer was configured dynamically
- due to an inbound connection request from a specified source prefix
- within a dynamic-neighbor-prefix.";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-counters-message-types-state {
- description
- "Grouping of BGP message types, included for re-use
- across counters";
- leaf UPDATE {
- type uint64;
- description
- "Number of BGP UPDATE messages announcing, withdrawing
- or modifying paths exchanged.";
- }
- type uint64;
- description
- "Number of BGP NOTIFICATION messages indicating an
- error condition has occurred exchanged.";
- }
- leaf last-notification-time {
- type oc-types:timeticks64;
- description
- "This timestamp indicates the time that a NOTIFICATION
- message was sent or received on the peering session
- (based on whether this leaf is associated with
- sent or received messages).
- The value is the timestamp in seconds relative to
- the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).";
- }
- leaf last-notification-error-code {
- type identityref {
- base oc-bgp-types:BGP_ERROR_CODE;
- }
- description
- "Indicates the last BGP error sent or received on the peering
- session (based on whether this leaf is associated with
- sent or received messages).";
- }
- leaf last-notification-error-subcode {
- type identityref {
- base oc-bgp-types:BGP_ERROR_SUBCODE;
- }
- description
- "Indicates the last BGP error subcode sent or received on
- the peering session (based on whether this leaf is associated
- with sent or received messages)";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-queue-counters-state {
- description
- "Counters relating to the message queues associated with the
- BGP peer";
- leaf input {
- type uint32;
- description
- "The number of messages received from the peer currently
- queued";
- }
- leaf output {
- type uint32;
- description
- "The number of messages queued to be sent to the peer";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-transport-state {
- description
- "Operational state parameters relating to the transport session
- used for the BGP session";
- leaf local-port {
- type oc-inet:port-number;
- description
- "Local TCP port being used for the TCP session supporting
- the BGP session";
- }
- leaf remote-address {
- type oc-inet:ip-address;
- description
- "Remote address to which the BGP session has been
- established";
- }
- leaf remote-port {
- type oc-inet:port-number;
- description
- "Remote port being used by the peer for the TCP session
- supporting the BGP session";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-error-handling-state {
- description
- "Operational state parameters relating to enhanced error
- error handling for BGP";
- leaf erroneous-update-messages {
- type uint32;
- description
- "The number of BGP UPDATE messages for which the
- treat-as-withdraw mechanism has been applied based
- on erroneous message contents";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-timers-state {
- description
- "Operational state parameters relating to BGP timers associated
- with the BGP session";
- leaf negotiated-hold-time {
- type decimal64 {
- fraction-digits 2;
- }
- description
- "The negotiated hold-time for the BGP session";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-afi-safi-graceful-restart-state {
- description
- "Operational state variables relating to the graceful-restart
- mechanism on a per-AFI-SAFI basis";
- leaf received {
- type boolean;
- description
- "This leaf indicates whether the neighbor advertised the
- ability to support graceful-restart for this AFI-SAFI";
- }
- leaf advertised {
- type boolean;
- description
- "This leaf indicates whether the ability to support
- graceful-restart has been advertised to the peer";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-graceful-restart-state {
- description
- "Operational state information relevant to graceful restart
- for BGP";
- leaf peer-restart-time {
- type uint16 {
- range 0..4096;
- }
- description
- "The period of time (advertised by the peer) that
- the peer expects a restart of a BGP session to
- take";
- }
- leaf peer-restarting {
- type boolean;
- description
- "This flag indicates whether the remote neighbor is currently
- in the process of restarting, and hence received routes are
- currently stale";
- }
- leaf local-restarting {
- type boolean;
- description
- "This flag indicates whether the local neighbor is currently
- restarting. The flag is unset after all NLRI have been
- advertised to the peer, and the End-of-RIB (EOR) marker has
- been unset";
- }
- leaf mode {
- type enumeration {
- enum HELPER_ONLY {
- description
- "The local router is operating in helper-only mode, and
- hence will not retain forwarding state during a local
- session restart, but will do so during a restart of the
- remote peer";
- }
- enum BILATERAL {
- description
- "The local router is operating in both helper mode, and
- hence retains forwarding state during a remote restart,
- and also maintains forwarding state during local session
- restart";
- }
- description
- "The local system is able to retain routes during restart
- but the remote system is only able to act as a helper";
- }
- }
- description
- "Ths leaf indicates the mode of operation of BGP graceful
- restart with the peer";
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-afi-safi-state {
- description
- "Operational state parameters relating to an individual AFI,
- SAFI for a neighbor";
- leaf active {
- type boolean;
- description
- "This value indicates whether a particular AFI-SAFI has
- been succesfully negotiated with the peer. An AFI-SAFI
- may be enabled in the current running configuration, but a
- session restart may be required in order to negotiate the new
- capability.";
- }
- container prefixes {
- description "Prefix counters for the BGP session";
- leaf received {
- type uint32;
- description
- "The number of prefixes received from the neighbor";
- }
- leaf sent {
- type uint32;
- description
- "The number of prefixes advertised to the neighbor";
- }
- leaf installed {
- type uint32;
- description
- "The number of advertised prefixes installed in the
- Loc-RIB";
- }
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-afi-safi-list {
- description
- "List of address-families associated with the BGP neighbor";
- list afi-safi {
- key "afi-safi-name";
- description
- "AFI,SAFI configuration available for the
- neighbour or group";
- leaf afi-safi-name {
- type leafref {
- path "../config/afi-safi-name";
- }
- description
- "Reference to the AFI-SAFI name used as a key
- for the AFI-SAFI list";
- }
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters for the AFI-SAFI";
- uses bgp-common-mp-afi-safi-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information relating to the AFI-SAFI";
- uses bgp-common-mp-afi-safi-config;
- uses bgp-neighbor-afi-safi-state;
- }
- container graceful-restart {
- description
- "Parameters relating to BGP graceful-restart";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration options for BGP graceful-restart";
- uses bgp-common-mp-afi-safi-graceful-restart-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information for BGP graceful-restart";
- uses bgp-common-mp-afi-safi-graceful-restart-config;
- uses bgp-neighbor-afi-safi-graceful-restart-state;
- }
- }
- uses bgp-common-structure-neighbor-group-add-paths;
- uses bgp-common-mp-all-afi-safi-list-contents;
- uses bgp-neighbor-use-multiple-paths;
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-base {
- description
- "Parameters related to a BGP neighbor";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to the BGP neighbor or
- group";
- uses bgp-neighbor-config;
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information relating to the BGP neighbor";
- uses bgp-neighbor-config;
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-config;
- uses bgp-neighbor-state;
- }
- container timers {
- description
- "Timers related to a BGP neighbor";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to timers used for the
- BGP neighbor";
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-timers-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information relating to the timers used for the BGP
- neighbor";
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-timers-config;
- uses bgp-neighbor-timers-state;
- }
- }
- container transport {
- description
- "Transport session parameters for the BGP neighbor";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to the transport
- session(s) used for the BGP neighbor";
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-transport-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information relating to the transport session(s)
- used for the BGP neighbor";
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-transport-config;
- uses bgp-neighbor-transport-state;
- }
- }
- container error-handling {
- description
- "Error handling parameters used for the BGP neighbor or
- group";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters enabling or modifying the
- behavior or enhanced error handling mechanisms for the BGP
- neighbor";
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-error-handling-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information relating to enhanced error handling
- mechanisms for the BGP neighbor";
- uses bgp-common-neighbor-group-error-handling-config;
- uses bgp-neighbor-error-handling-state;
- }
- }
- container graceful-restart {
- description
- "Parameters relating the graceful restart mechanism for BGP";
- container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to graceful-restart";
- uses bgp-common-graceful-restart-config;
- }
- container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information associated with graceful-restart";
- uses bgp-common-graceful-restart-config;
- uses bgp-neighbor-graceful-restart-state;
- }
- }
- uses bgp-common-structure-neighbor-group-logging-options;
- uses bgp-common-structure-neighbor-group-ebgp-multihop;
- uses bgp-common-structure-neighbor-group-route-reflector;
- uses bgp-common-structure-neighbor-group-as-path-options;
- uses bgp-neighbor-use-multiple-paths;
- uses oc-rpol:apply-policy-group;
- container afi-safis {
- description
- "Per-address-family configuration parameters associated with
- the neighbor";
- uses bgp-neighbor-afi-safi-list;
- }
- }
- grouping bgp-neighbor-list {
- description
- "The list of BGP neighbors";
- list neighbor {
- key "neighbor-address";
- description
- "List of BGP neighbors configured on the local system,
- uniquely identified by peer IPv[46] address";
- leaf neighbor-address {
- type leafref {
- path "../config/neighbor-address";
- }
- description
- "Reference to the address of the BGP neighbor used as
- a key in the neighbor list";
- }
- uses bgp-neighbor-base;
- }
- }