path: root/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-terminal-device.yang
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authorAndrej Kozemcak <>2018-12-20 17:49:33 +0100
committerAndrej Kozemcak <>2018-12-20 17:51:10 +0100
commit639509ad42f8bd6baf9b6f5b668a9bbfb05108d4 (patch)
tree83de866d2e47bd71dae0c6ff9e03f51c3269413b /src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-terminal-device.yang
parentba089324594f450a1b549906ec7fde1ba63a1e89 (diff)
Add Openconfig YANG modules.
Change-Id: I7e98bf1ca7196cff042a35b8bf096d2ea9d80028 Signed-off-by: Andrej Kozemcak <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-terminal-device.yang')
1 files changed, 1370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-terminal-device.yang b/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-terminal-device.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27de12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/yang/openconfig/openconfig-terminal-device.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,1370 @@
+module openconfig-terminal-device {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "oc-opt-term";
+ import openconfig-types { prefix oc-types; }
+ import openconfig-transport-types { prefix oc-opt-types; }
+ import openconfig-if-ethernet { prefix oc-eth; }
+ import openconfig-platform { prefix oc-platform; }
+ import openconfig-platform-transceiver { prefix oc-transceiver; }
+ import openconfig-lldp { prefix oc-lldp; }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; }
+ import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; }
+ import openconfig-interfaces { prefix oc-if; }
+ import openconfig-yang-types { prefix oc-yang; }
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "This module describes a terminal optics device model for
+ managing the terminal systems (client and line side) in a
+ DWDM transport network.
+ Elements of the model:
+ physical port: corresponds to a physical, pluggable client
+ port on the terminal device. Examples includes 10G, 40G, 100G
+ (e.g., 10x10G, 4x25G or 1x100G) and 400G/1T in the future.
+ Physical client ports will have associated operational state or
+ PMs.
+ physical channel: a physical lane or channel in the
+ physical client port. Each physical client port has 1 or more
+ channels. An example is 100GBASE-LR4 client physical port having
+ 4x25G channels. Channels have their own optical PMs and can be
+ monitored independently within a client physical port (e.g.,
+ channel power). Physical client channels are defined in the
+ model as part of a physical client port, and are modeled
+ primarily for reading their PMs.
+ logical channel: a logical grouping of logical grooming elements
+ that may be assigned to subsequent grooming stages for
+ multiplexing / de-multiplexing, or to an optical channel for
+ line side transmission. The logical channels can represent, for
+ example, an ODU/OTU logical packing of the client
+ data onto the line side. Tributaries are similarly logical
+ groupings of demand that can be represented in this structure and
+ assigned to an optical channel. Note that different types of
+ logical channels may be present, each with their corresponding
+ PMs.
+ optical channel: corresponds to an optical carrier and is
+ assigned a wavelength/frequency. Optical channels have PMs
+ such as power, BER, and operational mode.
+ Directionality:
+ To maintain simplicity in the model, the configuration is
+ described from client-to-line direction. The assumption is that
+ equivalent reverse configuration is implicit, resulting in
+ the same line-to-client configuration.
+ Physical layout:
+ The model does not assume a particular physical layout of client
+ and line ports on the terminal device (e.g., such as number of
+ ports per linecard, separate linecards for client and line ports,
+ etc.).";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "1.4.0";
+ revision "2018-08-28" {
+ description
+ "Adds terminal device related Ethernet counters";
+ reference "1.4.0";
+ }
+ revision "2018-07-30" {
+ description
+ "Adds lldp snooping config leaf and augmented it to oc-lldp";
+ reference "1.3.0";
+ }
+ revision "2018-07-26" {
+ description
+ "Adds OTN protocol counter stats of errored-blocks and
+ fec-uncorrectable-blocks, adds ethernet-config-ext grouping
+ and uses it to augment oc-eth";
+ reference "1.2.0";
+ }
+ revision "2018-07-17" {
+ description
+ "Adds testing enum to link-state";
+ reference "1.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2017-07-08" {
+ description
+ "Adds test-signal";
+ reference "1.0.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-12-22" {
+ description
+ "Fixes and additions to terminal optics model";
+ reference "0.4.0";
+ }
+ grouping terminal-input-optical-power {
+ description
+ "Reusable leaves related to input optical power";
+ leaf input-power {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ units dBm;
+ description
+ "The input optical power of this port in units of 0.01dBm.
+ If the port is an aggregate of multiple physical channels,
+ this attribute is the total power or sum of all channels.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-ethernet-protocol-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for logical channels with Ethernet
+ framing";
+ //TODO:currently a empty container
+ }
+ grouping terminal-ethernet-protocol-state {
+ description
+ "Ethernet-specific counters when logical channel
+ is using Ethernet protocol framing, e.g., 10GE, 100GE";
+ uses oc-eth:ethernet-interface-state-counters;
+ uses terminal-ethernet-protocol-state-counters;
+ }
+ grouping terminal-ethernet-protocol-state-counters {
+ description
+ "Ethernet-specific counters for terminal devices when
+ logical channel is using Ethernet protocol framing,
+ e.g., 10GE, 100GE";
+ // ingress counters
+ leaf in-pcs-bip-errors {
+ type oc-yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of received bit interleaved parity (BIP) errors
+ at the physical coding sublayer (PCS). If the interface
+ consists of multiple lanes, this will be the sum of all
+ errors on the lane";
+ }
+ leaf in-pcs-errored-seconds {
+ type oc-yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that physical coding sublayer (PCS)
+ errors have crossed a sytem defined threshold indicating the
+ link is erroring";
+ }
+ leaf in-pcs-severely-errored-seconds {
+ type oc-yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that physical coding sublayer (PCS)
+ errors have crossed a system defined threshold indicating the
+ link is severely erroring";
+ }
+ leaf in-pcs-unavailable-seconds {
+ type oc-yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that physical coding sublayer (PCS)
+ errors have crossed a system defined threshold indicating the
+ link is unavailable";
+ }
+ // egress counters
+ leaf out-pcs-bip-errors {
+ type oc-yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of transmitted bit interleaved parity (BIP) errors
+ at the physical coding sublayer (PCS). If the interface
+ consists of multiple lanes, this will be the sum of all
+ errors on the lane";
+ }
+ leaf out-crc-errors {
+ type oc-yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "Number of FCS/CRC error check failures sent on the interface";
+ }
+ leaf out-block-errors {
+ type oc-yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of transmitted errored blocks. Error detection
+ codes are capable of detecting whether one or more errors have
+ occurred in a given sequence of bits - the block. It is
+ normally not possible to determine the exact number of errored
+ bits within the block";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-ethernet-protocol-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for data related to Ethernet protocol
+ framing on logical channels";
+ container ethernet {
+ description
+ "Top level container for data related to Ethernet framing
+ for the logical channel";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for Ethernet protocol framing on
+ logical channels";
+ uses terminal-ethernet-protocol-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for Ethernet protocol framing
+ on logical channels";
+ uses terminal-ethernet-protocol-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-otn-protocol-config {
+ description
+ "OTU configuration when logical channel
+ framing is using an OTU protocol, e.g., OTU1, OTU3, etc.";
+ leaf tti-msg-transmit {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Trail trace identifier (TTI) message transmitted";
+ }
+ leaf tti-msg-expected {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Trail trace identifier (TTI) message expected";
+ }
+ leaf tti-msg-auto {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "Trail trace identifier (TTI) transmit message automatically
+ created. If true, then setting a custom transmit message
+ would be invalid.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-otn-protocol-counter-stats {
+ description
+ "Counter based statistics containers for logical channels
+ using OTN framing";
+ leaf errored-seconds {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that at least one errored blocks
+ occurs, at least one code violation occurs, loss of sync is
+ detected or loss of signal is detected";
+ }
+ leaf severely-errored-seconds {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that loss of frame is detected OR
+ the number of errored blocks, code violations, loss of sync
+ or loss of signal is detected exceeds a predefined
+ threshold";
+ }
+ leaf unavailable-seconds {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds during which the link is unavailable";
+ }
+ leaf code-violations {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "For ethernet or fiberchannel links, the number of 8b/10b
+ coding violations. For SONET/SDH, the number of BIP (bit
+ interleaved parity) errors";
+ }
+ leaf errored-blocks {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of errored blocks. Error detection codes are
+ capable to detect whether one or more errors have occurred
+ in a given sequence of bits - the block. It is normally not
+ possible to determine the exact number of errored bits within
+ the block.";
+ reference "ITU-T Rec. G.826";
+ }
+ leaf fec-uncorrectable-blocks {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of blocks that were uncorrectable by the FEC";
+ }
+ leaf fec-uncorrectable-words {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of words that were uncorrectable by the FEC";
+ }
+ leaf fec-corrected-bytes {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of bytes that were corrected by the FEC";
+ }
+ leaf fec-corrected-bits {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of bits that were corrected by the FEC";
+ }
+ leaf background-block-errors {
+ type yang:counter64;
+ description
+ "The number of background block errors";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-otn-protocol-multi-stats {
+ description
+ "Multi-value statistics containers for logical channels using
+ OTN framing (e.g., max, min, avg, instant)";
+ container pre-fec-ber {
+ description
+ "Bit error rate before forward error correction -- computed
+ value with 18 decimal precision. Note that decimal64
+ supports values as small as i x 10^-18 where i is an
+ integer. Values smaller than this should be reported as 0
+ to inidicate error free or near error free performance.
+ Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and
+ maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not
+ supported, the target is expected to just supply the
+ instant value";
+ uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision18-ber;
+ }
+ container post-fec-ber {
+ description
+ "Bit error rate after forward error correction -- computed
+ value with 18 decimal precision. Note that decimal64
+ supports values as small as i x 10^-18 where i is an
+ integer. Values smaller than this should be reported as 0
+ to inidicate error free or near error free performance.
+ Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and
+ maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not
+ supported, the target is expected to just supply the
+ instant value";
+ uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision18-ber;
+ }
+ container q-value {
+ description
+ "Quality value (factor) in dB of a channel with two
+ decimal precision. Values include the instantaneous,
+ average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max
+ statistics are not supported, the target is expected
+ to just supply the instant value";
+ uses oc-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-dB;
+ }
+ container esnr {
+ description
+ "Electrical signal to noise ratio. Baud rate
+ normalized signal to noise ratio based on
+ error vector magnitude in dB with two decimal
+ precision. Values include the instantaneous, average,
+ minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max
+ statistics are not supported, the target is expected
+ to just supply the instant value";
+ uses oc-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-dB;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-otn-protocol-state {
+ description
+ "OTU operational state when logical channel
+ framing is using an OTU protocol, e.g., OTU1, OTU3, etc.";
+ leaf tti-msg-recv {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Trail trace identifier (TTI) message received";
+ }
+ leaf rdi-msg {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Remote defect indication (RDI) message received";
+ }
+ uses terminal-otn-protocol-counter-stats;
+ uses terminal-otn-protocol-multi-stats;
+ }
+ grouping terminal-otn-protocol-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for data related to OTN protocol framing";
+ container otn {
+ description
+ "Top level container for OTU configuration when logical
+ channel framing is using an OTU protocol, e.g., OTU1, OTU3,
+ etc.";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for OTN protocol framing";
+ uses terminal-otn-protocol-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for OTN protocol PMs, statistics,
+ etc.";
+ uses terminal-otn-protocol-config;
+ uses terminal-otn-protocol-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-client-port-assignment-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for assigning physical client ports to
+ logical channels";
+ leaf index {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "Index of the client port assignment";
+ }
+ leaf description {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Descriptive name for the client port-to-logical channel
+ mapping";
+ }
+ leaf logical-channel {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/oc-opt-term:terminal-device/oc-opt-term:logical-channels" +
+ "/oc-opt-term:channel/oc-opt-term:index";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the logical channel for this
+ assignment";
+ }
+ leaf allocation {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 3;
+ }
+ units Gbps;
+ description
+ "Allocation of the client physical port to the assigned
+ logical channel expressed in Gbps. In most cases,
+ the full client physical port rate is assigned to a single
+ logical channel.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-client-port-assignment-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state data for assigning physical client ports
+ to logical channels";
+ }
+ grouping terminal-client-port-assignment-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for the assigment of client physical ports
+ to logical channels";
+ //TODO: this grouping could be removed, instead reusing a common
+ //grouping for logical client assignment pointers
+ container logical-channel-assignments {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for client port to logical client
+ mappings";
+ list assignment {
+ key "index";
+ description
+ "List of assignments to logical clients";
+ leaf index {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/index";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the index of this logical client
+ assignment";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for the logical client assignment";
+ uses terminal-client-port-assignment-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for the logical client
+ assignment";
+ uses terminal-client-port-assignment-config;
+ uses terminal-client-port-assignment-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-chan-assignment-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for assigning client logical channels
+ to line-side tributaries";
+ leaf index {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "Index of the current logical client channel to tributary
+ mapping";
+ }
+ leaf description {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Name assigned to the logical client channel";
+ }
+ leaf assignment-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ description
+ "Subsequent channel is a logical channel";
+ }
+ description
+ "Subsequent channel is a optical channel / carrier";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Each logical channel element may be assigned to subsequent
+ stages of logical elements to implement further grooming, or
+ can be assigned to a line-side optical channel for
+ transmission. Each assignment also has an associated
+ bandwidth allocation.";
+ }
+ leaf logical-channel {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/oc-opt-term:terminal-device/" +
+ "oc-opt-term:logical-channels/oc-opt-term:channel/" +
+ "oc-opt-term:index";
+ }
+ must "../assignment-type = 'LOGICAL_CHANNEL'" {
+ description
+ "The assignment-type must be set to LOGICAL_CHANNEL for
+ this leaf to be valid";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to another stage of logical channel elements.";
+ }
+ leaf optical-channel {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/" +
+ "oc-platform:name";
+ }
+ must "../assignment-type = 'OPTICAL_CHANNEL'" {
+ description
+ "The assignment-type must be set to OPTICAL_CHANNEL for
+ this leaf to be valid";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the line-side optical channel that should
+ carry the current logical channel element. Use this
+ reference to exit the logical element stage.";
+ }
+ leaf allocation {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 3;
+ }
+ units Gbps;
+ description
+ "Allocation of the logical client channel to the tributary
+ or sub-channel, expressed in Gbps";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-chan-assignment-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state data for the assignment of logical client
+ channel to line-side tributary";
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-chan-assignment-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for the list of logical client channel-to-
+ tributary assignments";
+ container logical-channel-assignments {
+ //TODO: we need a commonly understood name for this logical
+ //channel structure
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for tributary assignments";
+ list assignment {
+ key "index";
+ description
+ "Logical channel elements may be assigned directly to
+ optical channels for line-side transmission, or can be
+ further groomed into additional stages of logical channel
+ elements. The grooming can multiplex (i.e., split the
+ current element into multiple elements in the subsequent
+ stage) or de-multiplex (i.e., combine the current element
+ with other elements into the same element in the subsequent
+ stage) logical elements in each stage.
+ Note that to support the ability to groom the logical
+ elements, the list of logical channel elements should be
+ populated with an entry for the logical elements at
+ each stage, starting with the initial assignment from the
+ respective client physical port.
+ Each logical element assignment consists of a pointer to
+ an element in the next stage, or to an optical channel,
+ along with a bandwidth allocation for the corresponding
+ assignment (e.g., to split or combine signal).";
+ leaf index {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/index";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the index for the current tributary
+ assignment";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for tributary assignments";
+ uses terminal-logical-chan-assignment-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for tributary assignments";
+ uses terminal-logical-chan-assignment-config;
+ uses terminal-logical-chan-assignment-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-channel-ingress-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for ingress signal to logical channel";
+ leaf transceiver {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/" +
+ "oc-platform:name";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the transceiver carrying the input signal
+ for the logical channel. If specific physical channels
+ are mapped to the logical channel (as opposed to all
+ physical channels carried by the transceiver), they can be
+ specified in the list of physical channel references.";
+ }
+ leaf-list physical-channel {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/" +
+ "oc-transceiver:transceiver/" +
+ "oc-transceiver:physical-channels/" +
+ "oc-transceiver:channel/oc-transceiver:index";
+ }
+ description
+ "This list should be populated with references
+ to the client physical channels that feed this logical
+ channel from the transceiver specified in the 'transceiver'
+ leaf, which must be specified. If this leaf-list is empty,
+ all physical channels in the transceiver are assumed to be
+ mapped to the logical channel.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-channel-ingress-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state data for ingress signal to logical channel";
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-channel-ingress-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for ingress signal to logical channel";
+ container ingress {
+ description
+ "Top-level container for specifying references to the
+ source of signal for the logical channel, either a
+ transceiver or individual physical channels";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for the signal source for the
+ logical channel";
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-ingress-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for the signal source for the
+ logical channel";
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-ingress-config;
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-ingress-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-channel-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for logical channels";
+ leaf index {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "Index of the current logical channel";
+ }
+ leaf description {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Description of the logical channel";
+ }
+ leaf admin-state {
+ type oc-opt-types:admin-state-type;
+ description
+ "Sets the admin state of the logical channel";
+ }
+ leaf rate-class {
+ type identityref {
+ base oc-opt-types:TRIBUTARY_RATE_CLASS_TYPE;
+ }
+ description
+ "Rounded bit rate of the tributary signal. Exact bit rate
+ will be refined by protocol selection.";
+ }
+ leaf trib-protocol {
+ type identityref {
+ base oc-opt-types:TRIBUTARY_PROTOCOL_TYPE;
+ }
+ description
+ "Protocol framing of the tributary signal. If this
+ LogicalChannel is directly connected to a Client-Port or
+ Optical-Channel, this is the protocol of the associated port.
+ If the LogicalChannel is connected to other LogicalChannels,
+ the TributaryProtocol of the LogicalChannels will define a
+ specific mapping/demapping or multiplexing/demultiplexing
+ function.
+ Not all protocols are valid, depending on the value
+ of trib-rate-class. The expectation is that the NMS
+ will validate that a correct combination of rate class
+ and protocol are specfied. Basic combinations are:
+ rate class: 1G
+ protocols: 1GE
+ rate class: 2.5G
+ protocols: OC48, STM16
+ rate class: 10G
+ protocols: 10GE LAN, 10GE WAN, OC192, STM64, OTU2, OTU2e,
+ OTU1e, ODU2, ODU2e, ODU1e
+ rate class: 40G
+ protocols: 40GE, OC768, STM256, OTU3, ODU3
+ rate class: 100G
+ protocols: 100GE, 100G MLG, OTU4, OTUCn, ODU4";
+ }
+ leaf logical-channel-type {
+ type identityref {
+ }
+ description
+ "The type / stage of the logical element determines the
+ configuration and operational state parameters (PMs)
+ available for the logical element";
+ }
+ leaf loopback-mode {
+ type oc-opt-types:loopback-mode-type;
+ description
+ "Sets the loopback type on the logical channel. Setting the
+ mode to something besides NONE activates the loopback in
+ the specified mode.";
+ }
+ leaf test-signal {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When enabled the logical channel's DSP will generate a pseudo
+ randmon bit stream (PRBS) which can be used during testing.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-channel-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state data for logical client channels";
+ leaf link-state {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum UP {
+ description
+ "Logical channel is operationally up";
+ }
+ enum DOWN {
+ description
+ "Logical channel is operationally down";
+ }
+ enum TESTING {
+ description
+ "Logical channel is under test as a result of
+ enabling test-signal";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Link-state of the Ethernet protocol on the logical channel,
+ SONET / SDH framed signal, etc.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-logical-channel-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for logical channels";
+ container logical-channels {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container the list of logical channels";
+ list channel {
+ key "index";
+ description
+ "List of logical channels";
+ //TODO: naming for this list of logical elements should be
+ //revisited.
+ leaf index {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/index";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the index of the logical channel";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for logical channels";
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for logical channels";
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-config;
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-state;
+ }
+ uses terminal-otn-protocol-top {
+ when "config/logical-channel-type = 'PROT_OTN'" {
+ description
+ "Include the OTN protocol data only when the
+ channel is using OTN framing.";
+ }
+ }
+ uses terminal-ethernet-protocol-top {
+ when "config/logical-channel-type = 'PROT_ETHERNET'" {
+ description
+ "Include the Ethernet protocol statistics only when the
+ protocol used by the link is Ethernet.";
+ }
+ }
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-ingress-top;
+ uses terminal-logical-chan-assignment-top;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-optical-channel-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for describing optical channels";
+ leaf frequency {
+ type oc-opt-types:frequency-type;
+ description
+ "Frequency of the optical channel, expressed in MHz";
+ }
+ leaf target-output-power {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ units dBm;
+ description
+ "Target output optical power level of the optical channel,
+ expressed in increments of 0.01 dBm (decibel-milliwats)";
+ }
+ leaf operational-mode {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "Vendor-specific mode identifier -- sets the operational
+ mode for the channel. The specified operational mode must
+ exist in the list of supported operational modes supplied
+ by the device";
+ //
+ // Ideally, this leaf should be a leafref to the supported
+ // operational modes, but YANG 1.0 does not allow a r/w
+ // leaf to be a leafref to a r/o leaf.
+ }
+ leaf line-port {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/" +
+ "oc-platform:name";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the line-side physical port that carries
+ this optical channel. The target port should be
+ a component in the physical inventory data model.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-optical-channel-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state data for optical channels";
+ leaf group-id {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "If the device places constraints on which optical
+ channels must be managed together (e.g., transmitted on the
+ same line port), it can indicate that by setting the group-id
+ to the same value across related optical channels.";
+ }
+ uses oc-transceiver:optical-power-state;
+ container chromatic-dispersion {
+ description
+ "Chromatic Dispersion of an optical channel in
+ picoseconds / nanometer (ps/nm) as reported by receiver
+ with two decimal precision. Values include the instantaneous,
+ average, minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max
+ statistics are not supported, the target is expected to just
+ supply the instant value";
+ uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-ps-nm;
+ }
+ container polarization-mode-dispersion {
+ description
+ "Polarization Mode Dispersion of an optical channel
+ in picosends (ps) as reported by receiver with two decimal
+ precision. Values include the instantaneous, average,
+ minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics
+ are not supported, the target is expected to just supply the
+ instant value";
+ uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-ps;
+ }
+ container second-order-polarization-mode-dispersion {
+ description
+ "Second Order Polarization Mode Dispersion of an optical
+ channel in picoseconds squared (ps^2) as reported by
+ receiver with two decimal precision. Values include the
+ instantaneous, average, minimum, and maximum statistics.
+ If avg/min/max statistics are not supported, the target
+ is expected to just supply the instant value";
+ uses oc-opt-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-ps2;
+ }
+ container polarization-dependent-loss {
+ description
+ "Polarization Dependent Loss of an optical channel
+ in dB as reported by receiver with two decimal precision.
+ Values include the instantaneous, average, minimum, and
+ maximum statistics. If avg/min/max statistics are not
+ supported, the target is expected to just supply the
+ instant value";
+ uses oc-types:avg-min-max-instant-stats-precision2-dB;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-optical-channel-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for optical channel data";
+ container optical-channel {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for the list of optical channels";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for optical channels";
+ uses terminal-optical-channel-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for optical channels";
+ uses terminal-optical-channel-config;
+ uses terminal-optical-channel-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-operational-mode-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for vendor-supported operational modes";
+ }
+ grouping terminal-operational-mode-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state data for vendor-supported operational
+ modes";
+ leaf mode-id {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "Two-octet encoding of the vendor-defined operational
+ mode";
+ }
+ leaf description {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Vendor-supplied textual description of the characteristics
+ of this operational mode to enable operators to select the
+ appropriate mode for the application.";
+ }
+ //TODO: examples of the kind of info that would be useful to
+ //report in the operational mode:
+ //Symbol rate (32G, 40G, 43G, 64G, etc.)
+ //Modulation (QPSK, 8-QAM, 16-QAM, etc.)
+ //Differential encoding (on, off/pilot symbol, etc)
+ //State of polarization tracking mode (default, med.
+ //high-speed, etc.)
+ //Pulse shaping (RRC, RC, roll-off factor)
+ //FEC mode (SD, HD, % OH)
+ leaf vendor-id {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Identifier to represent the vendor / supplier of the
+ platform and the associated operational mode information";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-operational-mode-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for vendor-supported operational modes";
+ container operational-modes {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for list of operational modes";
+ list mode {
+ key "mode-id";
+ config false;
+ description
+ "List of operational modes supported by the platform.
+ The operational mode provides a platform-defined summary
+ of information such as symbol rate, modulation, pulse
+ shaping, etc.";
+ leaf mode-id {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/mode-id";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to mode-id";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for operational mode";
+ uses terminal-operational-mode-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for the platform-defined
+ operational mode";
+ uses terminal-operational-mode-config;
+ uses terminal-operational-mode-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ethernet-config-ext {
+ description
+ "Extended ethernet config data on terminal device";
+ leaf client-fec {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum ENABLED {
+ description
+ "FEC is enabled";
+ }
+ enum DISABLED {
+ description
+ "FEC is disabled";
+ }
+ enum AUTO {
+ description
+ "System will automatically enable or disable FEC
+ according to the Ethernet compliance codes (PMD)
+ supported by transceivers";
+ }
+ }
+ default AUTO;
+ description
+ "Configure whether FEC will be manually or automatically
+ enabled or disabled on the client port";
+ }
+ leaf client-als {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum NONE {
+ description
+ "The client port will do nothing when a failure is
+ detected on the line port or the remote client port";
+ }
+ description
+ "The client port will shut down the laser to notify the
+ subtending Ethernet equipment of the failure detected on
+ the line port or the remote client port.";
+ }
+ enum ETHERNET {
+ description
+ "The client port will propagate the local fault or remote
+ fault signal to the subtending Ethernet equipment.";
+ }
+ }
+ default ETHERNET;
+ description
+ "Sets the client port behavior that defines if the actions
+ of automatic laser shutdown (als), ethernet fault
+ propagation, or nothing will be done upon the detection
+ of a failure on the line port or the upstream remote
+ client port.";
+ }
+ leaf als-delay {
+ type uint32;
+ units milliseconds;
+ default 0;
+ description
+ "The timer to delay the client-als actions on the client
+ port when a local or remote fault is detected on the line
+ port. The delay will only be valid when the client-als is
+ }
+ }
+ grouping terminal-device-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for transport terminal devices at a
+ device-wide level";
+ }
+ grouping terminal-device-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state data for transport terminal devices at a
+ device-wide level";
+ }
+ grouping terminal-device-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level grouping for data for terminal devices";
+ container terminal-device {
+ description
+ "Top-level container for the terminal device";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration data for global terminal-device";
+ uses terminal-device-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state data for global terminal device";
+ uses terminal-device-config;
+ uses terminal-device-state;
+ }
+ uses terminal-logical-channel-top;
+ uses terminal-operational-mode-top;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping lldp-interface-config {
+ description
+ "Extension to the configuration data for LLDP on each
+ optical terminal interface";
+ leaf snooping {
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description
+ "If true, LLDP PDUs are only received and processed on
+ the interface, but are not originated by the local agent.
+ The PDUs are not dropped by the interface after processing,
+ but relayed to the downstream link layer neighbors.
+ If false, LLDP PDUs are both received and originated on the
+ interface. The snooping mode is valid only when LLDP is
+ enabled on the interface. The snooping mode is useful
+ when an interface does not want its link layer neighbors to
+ discover itself since, for example, it is a lower-layer
+ interface";
+ }
+ }
+ // data definition statements
+ uses terminal-device-top;
+ // augment statements
+ augment "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component" {
+ when "/oc-platform:components/oc-platform:component/" +
+ "oc-platform:state/oc-platform:type = 'OPTICAL_CHANNEL'" {
+ description
+ "Augment is active when component is of type
+ }
+ description
+ "Adding optical channel data to physical inventory";
+ uses terminal-optical-channel-top {
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface/oc-eth:ethernet" +
+ "/oc-eth:config" {
+ description
+ "Adds configuration data for client interfaces using Ethernet
+ framing";
+ uses ethernet-config-ext;
+ }
+ augment "/oc-lldp:lldp/oc-lldp:interfaces/oc-lldp:interface/" +
+ "oc-lldp:config" {
+ description
+ "Augment the lldp config data to support the snooping mode
+ for each optical terminal interface";
+ uses lldp-interface-config;
+ }