diff options
authorHanoh Haim <>2015-07-02 13:35:47 +0300
committerHanoh Haim <>2015-07-02 13:35:47 +0300
commit01c3340c77f6578e052eb60ab890b4b071fdd564 (patch)
parentca98e9e5f0c053a2180e4b7b780b1cc1c17f4eb2 (diff)
clean up makefiles, after more eyes look into it
2 files changed, 944 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linux/ b/linux/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..93ed02b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Hanoh Haim
+# Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import os;
+import commands;
+import shutil;
+import copy;
+top = '../'
+out = 'build'
+b_path ="./build/linux/"
+class SrcGroup:
+ ' group of source by directory '
+ def __init__(self,dir,src_list):
+ self.dir = dir;
+ self.src_list = src_list;
+ self.group_list = None;
+ assert (type(src_list)==list)
+ assert (type(dir)==str)
+ def file_list (self,top):
+ ' return the long list of the files '
+ res=''
+ for file in self.src_list:
+ res= res + top+'/'+self.dir+'/'+file+' ';
+ return res;
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+ def __repr__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+class SrcGroups:
+ ' group of source groups '
+ def __init__(self,list_group):
+ self.list_group = list_group;
+ assert (type(list_group)==list)
+ def file_list (self,top):
+ ' return the long list of the files '
+ res=''
+ for o in self.list_group:
+ res += o.file_list(top);
+ return res;
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+ def __repr__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+def options(opt):
+ opt.load('compiler_cxx')
+def configure(conf):
+ conf.load('g++')
+main_src = SrcGroup(dir='src',
+ src_list=[
+ 'main.cpp',
+ 'bp_sim.cpp',
+ 'bp_gtest.cpp',
+ 'os_time.cpp',
+ 'rx_check.cpp',
+ 'tuple_gen.cpp',
+ 'platform_cfg.cpp',
+ 'utl_yaml.cpp',
+ 'rx_check_header.cpp',
+ 'nat_check.cpp',
+ 'timer_wheel_pq.cpp',
+ 'time_histogram.cpp',
+ 'utl_json.cpp',
+ 'utl_cpuu.cpp',
+ 'msg_manager.cpp',
+ 'gtest/tuple_gen_test.cpp',
+ 'gtest/nat_test.cpp',
+ 'pal/linux/pal_utl.cpp',
+ 'pal/linux/mbuf.cpp'
+ ]);
+cmn_src = SrcGroup(dir='src/common',
+ src_list=[
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'basic_utils.cpp',
+ 'captureFile.cpp',
+ 'erf.cpp',
+ 'pcap.cpp'
+ ]);
+net_src = SrcGroup(dir='src/common/Network/Packet',
+ src_list=[
+ 'CPktCmn.cpp',
+ 'EthernetHeader.cpp',
+ 'IPHeader.cpp',
+ 'TCPHeader.cpp',
+ 'TCPOptions.cpp',
+ 'UDPHeader.cpp',
+ 'MacAddress.cpp',
+ 'VLANHeader.cpp']);
+yaml_src = SrcGroup(dir='yaml-cpp/src/',
+ src_list=[
+ 'aliasmanager.cpp',
+ 'binary.cpp',
+ 'contrib/graphbuilder.cpp',
+ 'contrib/graphbuilderadapter.cpp',
+ 'conversion.cpp',
+ 'directives.cpp',
+ 'emitfromevents.cpp',
+ 'emitter.cpp',
+ 'emitterstate.cpp',
+ 'emitterutils.cpp',
+ 'exp.cpp',
+ 'iterator.cpp',
+ 'node.cpp',
+ 'nodebuilder.cpp',
+ 'nodeownership.cpp',
+ 'null.cpp',
+ 'ostream.cpp',
+ 'parser.cpp',
+ 'regex.cpp',
+ 'scanner.cpp',
+ 'scanscalar.cpp',
+ 'scantag.cpp',
+ 'scantoken.cpp',
+ 'simplekey.cpp',
+ 'singledocparser.cpp',
+ 'stream.cpp',
+ 'tag.cpp']);
+bp =SrcGroups([
+ main_src,
+ cmn_src ,
+ net_src ,
+ yaml_src
+ ]);
+cxxflags_base =['-DWIN_UCODE_SIM',
+ '-DLINUX',
+ '-g',
+ ];
+includes_path =''' ../src/pal/linux/
+ ../src/
+ ../yaml-cpp/include/
+ ''';
+RELEASE_ = "release"
+DEBUG_ = "debug"
+PLATFORM_64 = "64"
+PLATFORM_32 = "32"
+class build_option:
+ def __init__(self,platform,debug_mode,is_pie):
+ self.mode = debug_mode; ##debug,release
+ self.platform = platform; #['32','64']
+ self.is_pie = is_pie
+ def __str__(self):
+ s=self.mode+","+self.platform;
+ return (s);
+ def lib_name(self,lib_name_p,full_path):
+ if full_path:
+ return b_path+lib_name_p;
+ else:
+ return lib_name_p;
+ #private functions
+ def toLib (self,name,full_path = True):
+ lib_n = "lib"+name+".a";
+ return (self.lib_name(lib_n,full_path));
+ def toExe(self,name,full_path = True):
+ return (self.lib_name(name,full_path));
+ def is64Platform (self):
+ return ( self.platform == PLATFORM_64);
+ def isRelease (self):
+ return ( self.mode == RELEASE_);
+ def isPIE (self):
+ return self.is_pie
+ def update_executable_name (self,name):
+ return self.update_name(name,"-")
+ def update_non_exe_name (self,name):
+ return self.update_name(name,"_")
+ def update_name (self,name,delimiter):
+ trg = copy.copy(name);
+ if self.is64Platform():
+ trg += delimiter + "64";
+ else:
+ trg += delimiter + "32";
+ if self.isRelease () :
+ trg += "";
+ else:
+ trg += delimiter + "debug";
+ if self.isPIE():
+ trg += delimiter + "pie"
+ return trg;
+ def cxxcomp_flags (self,flags):
+ result = copy.copy(flags);
+ if self.is64Platform () :
+ result+=['-m64'];
+ else:
+ result+=['-m32'];
+ if self.isRelease () :
+ result+=['-O2'];
+ else:
+ if self.isPIE():
+ result += ['-fPIE', '-DPATCH_FOR_PIE']
+ return result;
+ def get_target (self):
+ return self.update_executable_name("bp-sim");
+ def get_flags (self):
+ return self.cxxcomp_flags(cxxflags_base);
+ def get_link_flags(self):
+ # add here basic flags
+ base_flags = ['-lpthread'];
+ if self.isPIE():
+ base_flags.append('-lstdc++')
+ #platform depended flags
+ if self.is64Platform():
+ base_flags += ['-m64'];
+ else:
+ base_flags += ['-lrt'];
+ if self.isPIE():
+ base_flags += ['-pie', '-DPATCH_FOR_PIE']
+ return base_flags;
+ def get_exe (self,full_path = True):
+ return self.toExe(self.get_target(),full_path);
+build_types = [
+ build_option(debug_mode= DEBUG_, platform = PLATFORM_32, is_pie = False),
+ build_option(debug_mode= DEBUG_, platform = PLATFORM_64, is_pie = False),
+ build_option(debug_mode= RELEASE_,platform = PLATFORM_32, is_pie = False),
+ build_option(debug_mode= RELEASE_,platform = PLATFORM_64, is_pie = False),
+ ]
+def build_prog (bld, build_obj):
+ bld.program(features='cxx cxxprogram',
+ includes =includes_path,
+ cxxflags =build_obj.get_flags(),
+ stlib = 'stdc++',
+ linkflags = build_obj.get_link_flags(),
+ source = bp.file_list(top),
+ target = build_obj.get_target())
+def build_type(bld,build_obj):
+ build_prog(bld, build_obj);
+def post_build(bld):
+ print "copy objects"
+ exec_p ="../scripts/"
+ for obj in build_types:
+ install_single_system(bld, exec_p, obj);
+def build(bld):
+ bld.add_post_fun(post_build);
+ for obj in build_types:
+ build_type(bld,obj);
+def build_info(bld):
+ pass;
+def install_single_system (bld, exec_p, build_obj):
+ o='build/linux/';
+ src_file = os.path.realpath(o+build_obj.get_target())
+ if os.path.exists(src_file):
+ dest_file = exec_p +build_obj.get_target()
+ if not os.path.lexists(dest_file):
+ relative_path = os.path.relpath(src_file, exec_p)
+ os.symlink(relative_path, dest_file);
diff --git a/linux_dpdk/ b/linux_dpdk/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6e066661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_dpdk/
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Hanoh Haim
+# Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import os;
+import commands;
+import shutil;
+import copy;
+import re
+# these variables are mandatory ('/' are converted automatically)
+top = '../'
+out = 'build_dpdk'
+b_path ="./build/linux_dpdk/"
+# utility for group source code
+class SrcGroup:
+ ' group of source by directory '
+ def __init__(self,dir,src_list):
+ self.dir = dir;
+ self.src_list = src_list;
+ self.group_list = None;
+ assert (type(src_list)==list)
+ assert (type(dir)==str)
+ def file_list (self,top):
+ ' return the long list of the files '
+ res=''
+ for file in self.src_list:
+ res= res + top+'/'+self.dir+'/'+file+' ';
+ return res;
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+ def __repr__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+class SrcGroups:
+ ' group of source groups '
+ def __init__(self,list_group):
+ self.list_group = list_group;
+ assert (type(list_group)==list)
+ def file_list (self,top):
+ ' return the long list of the files '
+ res=''
+ for o in self.list_group:
+ res += o.file_list(top);
+ return res;
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+ def __repr__ (self):
+ return (self.file_list(''));
+def options(opt):
+ opt.load('compiler_cxx')
+ opt.load('compiler_cc')
+def configure(conf):
+ conf.load('g++')
+ conf.load('gcc')
+main_src = SrcGroup(dir='src',
+ src_list=[
+ 'utl_term_io.cpp',
+ 'global_io_mode.cpp',
+ 'main_dpdk.cpp',
+ 'bp_sim.cpp',
+ 'platform_cfg.cpp',
+ 'tuple_gen.cpp',
+ 'rx_check.cpp',
+ 'rx_check_header.cpp',
+ 'timer_wheel_pq.cpp',
+ 'time_histogram.cpp',
+ 'os_time.cpp',
+ 'utl_cpuu.cpp',
+ 'utl_json.cpp',
+ 'utl_yaml.cpp',
+ 'nat_check.cpp',
+ 'msg_manager.cpp',
+ 'pal/linux_dpdk/pal_utl.cpp',
+ 'pal/linux_dpdk/mbuf.cpp'
+ ]);
+cmn_src = SrcGroup(dir='src/common',
+ src_list=[
+ 'basic_utils.cpp',
+ 'captureFile.cpp',
+ 'erf.cpp',
+ 'pcap.cpp',
+ ]);
+net_src = SrcGroup(dir='src/common/Network/Packet',
+ src_list=[
+ 'CPktCmn.cpp',
+ 'EthernetHeader.cpp',
+ 'IPHeader.cpp',
+ 'TCPHeader.cpp',
+ 'TCPOptions.cpp',
+ 'UDPHeader.cpp',
+ 'MacAddress.cpp',
+ 'VLANHeader.cpp']);
+yaml_src = SrcGroup(dir='yaml-cpp/src/',
+ src_list=[
+ 'aliasmanager.cpp',
+ 'binary.cpp',
+ 'contrib/graphbuilder.cpp',
+ 'contrib/graphbuilderadapter.cpp',
+ 'conversion.cpp',
+ 'directives.cpp',
+ 'emitfromevents.cpp',
+ 'emitter.cpp',
+ 'emitterstate.cpp',
+ 'emitterutils.cpp',
+ 'exp.cpp',
+ 'iterator.cpp',
+ 'node.cpp',
+ 'nodebuilder.cpp',
+ 'nodeownership.cpp',
+ 'null.cpp',
+ 'ostream.cpp',
+ 'parser.cpp',
+ 'regex.cpp',
+ 'scanner.cpp',
+ 'scanscalar.cpp',
+ 'scantag.cpp',
+ 'scantoken.cpp',
+ 'simplekey.cpp',
+ 'singledocparser.cpp',
+ 'stream.cpp',
+ 'tag.cpp']);
+dpdk_src = SrcGroup(dir='src/dpdk_lib18/',
+ src_list=[
+ 'librte_ring/rte_ring.c',
+ 'librte_timer/rte_timer.c',
+ #'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_82599_bypass.c',
+ #'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_bypass.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_fdir.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_pf.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx_vec.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_82598.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_82599.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_api.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_common.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_dcb.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_dcb_82598.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_dcb_82599.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_mbx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_phy.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_vf.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_x540.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe/ixgbe_x550.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_vmxnet3/vmxnet3_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_vmxnet3/vmxnet3_rxtx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_virtio/virtio_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_virtio/virtio_pci.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_virtio/virtio_rxtx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_virtio/virtqueue.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/enic_clsf.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/enic_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/enic_main.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/enic_res.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/vnic/vnic_cq.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/vnic/vnic_dev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/vnic/vnic_intr.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/vnic/vnic_rq.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/vnic/vnic_rss.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_enic/vnic/vnic_wq.c',
+ 'librte_malloc/malloc_elem.c',
+ 'librte_malloc/malloc_heap.c',
+ 'librte_malloc/rte_malloc.c',
+ 'librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c',
+ 'librte_mempool/rte_mempool.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/em_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/em_rxtx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/igb_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/igb_pf.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/igb_rxtx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_80003es2lan.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_82540.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_82541.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_82542.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_82543.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_82571.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_82575.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_api.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_i210.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_ich8lan.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_mac.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_manage.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_mbx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_nvm.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_osdep.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_phy.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_e1000/e1000/e1000_vf.c',
+ 'librte_hash/rte_fbk_hash.c',
+ 'librte_hash/rte_hash.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_cirbuf.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_parse.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_parse_etheraddr.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_parse_ipaddr.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_parse_num.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_parse_portlist.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_parse_string.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_rdline.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_socket.c',
+ 'librte_cmdline/cmdline_vt100.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_cpuflags.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_dev.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_devargs.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_errno.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_hexdump.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_launch.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_log.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_memory.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_memzone.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_options.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_pci.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_string_fns.c',
+ 'librte_eal/common/eal_common_tailqs.c',
+ 'librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_ring/rte_eth_ring.c',
+ 'librte_kvargs/rte_kvargs.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_alarm.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_debug.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_hugepage_info.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_interrupts.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_ivshmem.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_lcore.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_log.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_memory.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci_uio.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci_vfio.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci_vfio_mp_sync.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_thread.c',
+ 'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_timer.c',
+ #'librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_xen_memory.c'
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e_ethdev.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e_ethdev_vf.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e_fdir.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e_pf.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e_rxtx.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e/i40e_adminq.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e/i40e_common.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e/i40e_dcb.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e/i40e_diag.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e/i40e_hmc.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e/i40e_lan_hmc.c',
+ 'librte_pmd_i40e/i40e/i40e_nvm.c'
+ ]);
+bp_dpdk =SrcGroups([
+ dpdk_src
+ ]);
+# this is the library dp going to falcon (and maybe other platforms)
+bp =SrcGroups([
+ main_src,
+ cmn_src ,
+ net_src ,
+ yaml_src,
+ #sw_mini_shell_grp_src
+ #dpdk_src
+ ]);
+l2fwd_main_src = SrcGroup(dir='src',
+ src_list=[
+ 'l2fwd/main.c'
+ ]);
+l2fwd =SrcGroups([
+ l2fwd_main_src]);
+cxxflags_base =['-DWIN_UCODE_SIM',
+ '-Wno-format',
+ '-DLINUX',
+ '-g',
+ '-march=native',
+ '-include','../src/pal/linux_dpdk/dpdk180/rte_config.h'
+ ];
+cxxflags_base_old =['-DWIN_UCODE_SIM',
+ '-DLINUX',
+ '-Wno-format',
+ '-DUCS_210',
+ '-g',
+ '-march=corei7',
+ '-mtune=generic',
+ '-include','../src/pal/linux_dpdk/dpdk180/rte_config.h'
+ ];
+includes_path =''' ../src/pal/linux_dpdk/
+ ../src/
+ ../yaml-cpp/include/
+ ../src/zmq/include/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/include/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/common/include/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/common/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/common/include/arch/x86
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_ring/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_mempool/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_malloc/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_ether/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_cmdline/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_hash/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_lpm/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_mbuf/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_igb/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_ixgbe/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_enic/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_enic/vnic/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_virtio/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_vmxnet3/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_timer/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_net/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_ring/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_kvargs/
+ ''';
+dpdk_includes_path =''' ../src/
+ ../src/pal/linux_dpdk/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/include/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/common/include/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/common/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_eal/common/include/arch/x86
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_enic/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_virtio/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_vmxnet3/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_enic/vnic/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_ring/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_mempool/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_malloc/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_ether/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_cmdline/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_hash/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_lpm/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_mbuf/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_igb/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_ixgbe/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_timer/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_net/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_pmd_ring/
+ ../src/dpdk_lib18/librte_kvargs/
+ ''';
+RELEASE_ = "release"
+DEBUG_ = "debug"
+PLATFORM_64 = "64"
+PLATFORM_32 = "32"
+class build_option:
+ def __init__(self,platform,debug_mode,is_pie):
+ self.mode = debug_mode; ##debug,release
+ self.platform = platform; #['32','64']
+ self.is_pie = is_pie
+ def __str__(self):
+ s=self.mode+","+self.platform;
+ return (s);
+ def lib_name(self,lib_name_p,full_path):
+ if full_path:
+ return b_path+lib_name_p;
+ else:
+ return lib_name_p;
+ #private functions
+ def toLib (self,name,full_path = True):
+ lib_n = "lib"+name+".a";
+ return (self.lib_name(lib_n,full_path));
+ def toExe(self,name,full_path = True):
+ return (self.lib_name(name,full_path));
+ def is64Platform (self):
+ return ( self.platform == PLATFORM_64);
+ def isRelease (self):
+ return ( self.mode == RELEASE_);
+ def isPIE (self):
+ return self.is_pie
+ def update_executable_name (self,name):
+ return self.update_name(name,"-")
+ def update_non_exe_name (self,name):
+ return self.update_name(name,"_")
+ def update_name (self,name,delimiter):
+ trg = copy.copy(name);
+ if self.is64Platform():
+ trg += delimiter + "64";
+ else:
+ trg += delimiter + "32";
+ if self.isRelease () :
+ trg += "";
+ else:
+ trg += delimiter + "debug";
+ if self.isPIE():
+ trg += delimiter + "o"
+ return trg;
+ def cxxcomp_flags (self,flags):
+ result = copy.copy(flags);
+ if self.is64Platform () :
+ result+=['-m64'];
+ else:
+ result+=['-m32'];
+ if self.isRelease () :
+ result+=['-O3'];
+ else:
+ return result;
+ def get_target (self):
+ return self.update_executable_name("_t-rex");
+ def get_target_l2fwd (self):
+ return self.update_executable_name("l2fwd");
+ def get_dpdk_target (self):
+ return self.update_executable_name("dpdk");
+ def get_flags (self):
+ if self.isPIE():
+ return self.cxxcomp_flags(cxxflags_base_old);
+ else:
+ return self.cxxcomp_flags(cxxflags_base);
+ def get_link_flags(self):
+ base_flags = [];
+ if self.is64Platform():
+ base_flags += ['-m64'];
+ else:
+ base_flags += ['-lrt'];
+ return base_flags;
+build_types = [
+ build_option(debug_mode= DEBUG_, platform = PLATFORM_64, is_pie = False),
+ build_option(debug_mode= RELEASE_,platform = PLATFORM_64, is_pie = False),
+ build_option(debug_mode= DEBUG_, platform = PLATFORM_64, is_pie = True),
+ build_option(debug_mode= RELEASE_,platform = PLATFORM_64, is_pie = True),
+ ]
+def build_prog (bld, build_obj):
+ zmq_lib_path='src/zmq/'
+ bld.read_shlib( name='zmq' , paths=[top+zmq_lib_path] )
+ #rte_libs =[
+ # 'dpdk'];
+ #rte_libs1 = rte_libs+rte_libs+rte_libs;
+ #for obj in rte_libs:
+ # bld.read_shlib( name=obj , paths=[top+rte_lib_path] )
+ bld.objects(
+ features='c ',
+ includes = dpdk_includes_path,
+ cflags = (build_obj.get_flags()+DPDK_WARNING ),
+ source = bp_dpdk.file_list(top),
+ target=build_obj.get_dpdk_target()
+ );
+ bld.program(features='cxx cxxprogram',
+ includes =includes_path,
+ cxxflags =build_obj.get_flags(),
+ linkflags = build_obj.get_link_flags() ,
+ lib=['pthread','dl'],
+ use =[build_obj.get_dpdk_target(),'zmq'],
+ source = bp.file_list(top),
+ target = build_obj.get_target())
+def build_type(bld,build_obj):
+ build_prog(bld, build_obj);
+def post_build(bld):
+ print "copy objects"
+ exec_p ="../scripts/"
+ for obj in build_types:
+ install_single_system(bld, exec_p, obj);
+def build(bld):
+ bld.add_post_fun(post_build);
+ for obj in build_types:
+ build_type(bld,obj);
+def build_info(bld):
+ pass;
+def install_single_system (bld, exec_p, build_obj):
+ o='build_dpdk/linux_dpdk/';
+ src_file = os.path.realpath(o+build_obj.get_target())
+ if os.path.exists(src_file):
+ dest_file = exec_p +build_obj.get_target()
+ print dest_file
+ if not os.path.lexists(dest_file):
+ relative_path = os.path.relpath(src_file, exec_p)
+ os.symlink(relative_path, dest_file);