diff options
3 files changed, 67 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/linux_dpdk/ b/linux_dpdk/
index 1a96e127..f098e193 100755
--- a/linux_dpdk/
+++ b/linux_dpdk/
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ def options(opt):
opt.add_option('--pkg-dir', '--pkg_dir', dest='pkg_dir', default=False, action='store', help="Destination folder for 'pkg' option.")
opt.add_option('--pkg-file', '--pkg_file', dest='pkg_file', default=False, action='store', help="Destination filename for 'pkg' option.")
+ opt.add_option('--publish-commit', '--publish_commit', dest='publish_commit', default=False, action='store', help="Specify commit id for 'publish_both' option (Please make sure it's good!)")
def configure(conf):
@@ -887,11 +888,14 @@ class Env(object):
s= Env().get_env('TREX_EX_WEB_SRV');
return s;
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_trex_regression_workspace():
+ return Env().get_env('TREX_REGRESSION_WORKSPACE')
def check_release_permission():
if os.getenv('USER') not in USERS_ALLOWED_TO_RELEASE:
- print 'You are not allowed to release TRex. Please contact Hanoch.'
- return False
- return True
+ raise Exception('You are not allowed to release TRex. Please contact Hanoch.')
# build package in parent dir. can provide custom name and folder with --pkg-dir and --pkg-file
def pkg(self):
@@ -920,9 +924,8 @@ def release(bld, custom_dir = None):
""" release to local folder """
if custom_dir:
exec_p = custom_dir
- elif not check_release_permission():
- return
+ check_release_permission()
exec_p = Env().get_release_path()
print "copy images and libs"
os.system(' mkdir -p '+exec_p);
@@ -947,34 +950,77 @@ def release(bld, custom_dir = None):
os.system("mv %s/%s.tar.gz %s" % (os.getcwd(),rel,exec_p));
-def publish(bld):
- if not check_release_permission():
- return
+def publish(bld, custom_source = None):
+ check_release_permission()
exec_p = Env().get_release_path()
rel=get_build_num ()
release_name ='%s.tar.gz' % (rel);
- from_ = exec_p+'/'+release_name;
+ if custom_source:
+ from_ = custom_source
+ else:
+ from_ = exec_p+'/'+release_name;
os.system("rsync -av %s %s:%s/%s " %(from_,Env().get_local_web_server(),Env().get_remote_release_path (), release_name))
os.system("ssh %s 'cd %s;rm be_latest; ln -P %s be_latest' " %(Env().get_local_web_server(),Env().get_remote_release_path (),release_name))
#os.system("ssh %s 'cd %s;rm latest; ln -P %s latest' " %(Env().get_local_web_server(),Env().get_remote_release_path (),release_name))
-def publish_ext(bld):
- if not check_release_permission():
- return
+def publish_ext(bld, custom_source = None):
+ check_release_permission()
exec_p = Env().get_release_path()
rel=get_build_num ()
release_name ='%s.tar.gz' % (rel);
- from_ = exec_p+'/'+release_name;
+ if custom_source:
+ from_ = custom_source
+ else:
+ from_ = exec_p+'/'+release_name;
os.system('rsync -avz -e "ssh -i %s" --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync %s %s@%s:%s/release/%s' % (Env().get_trex_ex_web_key(),from_, Env().get_trex_ex_web_user(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_srv(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_path() ,release_name) )
os.system("ssh -i %s -l %s %s 'cd %s/release/;rm be_latest; ln -P %s be_latest' " %(Env().get_trex_ex_web_key(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_user(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_srv(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_path(),release_name))
#os.system("ssh -i %s -l %s %s 'cd %s/release/;rm latest; ln -P %s latest' " %(Env().get_trex_ex_web_key(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_user(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_srv(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_path(),release_name))
-def release_successful(self):
- print 'Not implemented'
+# publish latest passed regression package (or custom commit from --publish_commit option) as be_latest to and internal wiki
+def publish_both(self):
+ check_release_permission()
+ packages_dir = Env().get_env('TREX_LOCAL_PUBLISH_PATH') + '/experiment/packages'
+ publish_commit = self.options.publish_commit
+ if publish_commit:
+ package_file = '%s/%s.tar.gz' % (packages_dir, publish_commit)
+ else:
+ last_passed_commit_file = Env().get_trex_regression_workspace() + '/reports/last_passed_commit'
+ with open(last_passed_commit_file) as f:
+ last_passed_commit =
+ package_file = '%s/%s.tar.gz' % (packages_dir, last_passed_commit)
+ publish(self, custom_source = package_file)
+ publish_ext(self, custom_source = package_file)
+# print detailed latest passed regression commit + brief info of 5 commits before it
+def show(bld):
+ last_passed_commit_file = Env().get_trex_regression_workspace() + '/reports/last_passed_commit'
+ with open(last_passed_commit_file) as f:
+ last_passed_commit =
+ # last passed nightly
+ command = 'timeout 10 git show %s --quiet' % last_passed_commit
+ result, output = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
+ if result == 0:
+ print 'Last passed regression commit:\n%s\n' % output
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Error getting commit info with command: %s' % command)
+ # brief list of 5 commits before passed
+ result, output = commands.getstatusoutput('git --version')
+ if result != 0 or output.startswith('git version 1'):
+ # old format, no color etc.
+ command = "timeout 10 git log --no-merges -n 5 --pretty=format:'%%h %%an %%ci %%s' %s^@" % last_passed_commit
+ else:
+ # new format, with color, padding, truncating etc.
+ command = "timeout 10 git log --no-merges -n 5 --pretty=format:'%%C(auto)%%h%%Creset %%<(10,trunc)%%an %%ci %%<(100,trunc)%%s' %s^@ " % last_passed_commit
+ result, output = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
+ if result == 0:
+ print output
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Error getting commits info with command: %s' % command)
def test (bld):
r=commands.getstatusoutput("git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1")
diff --git a/linux_dpdk/wscript b/linux_dpdk/wscript
index 67434a19..981e4b92 100755
--- a/linux_dpdk/wscript
+++ b/linux_dpdk/wscript
@@ -43,17 +43,16 @@ def publish_ext(bld):
def publish_web(bld):
-def release_successful(bld):
- ws_main.release_successful(bld)
def sync(bld):
def test(bld):
+def show(bld):
+def publish_both(bld):
+ ws_main.publish_both(bld)
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/unit_tests/functional_tests/ b/scripts/automation/regression/unit_tests/functional_tests/
index 96393d1e..b8831c04 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/regression/unit_tests/functional_tests/
+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/unit_tests/functional_tests/
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class CTRexPktBuilder_Test(pkt_bld_general_test.CGeneralPktBld_Test):
# finally, set IP header len with relation to payload data
self.pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l3_ip", "len", len(self.pkt_bld.get_layer('l3_ip')))
- filepath = "reports/test.pcap"
+ filepath = 'reports/test%s.pcap' % os.getenv('SETUP_DIR', '')
assert os.path.isfile(filepath)
# remove pcap after ensuring it exists