path: root/doc/backends/deckjs/deck.js/extensions/toc/deck.toc.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/backends/deckjs/deck.js/extensions/toc/deck.toc.js')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/backends/deckjs/deck.js/extensions/toc/deck.toc.js b/doc/backends/deckjs/deck.js/extensions/toc/deck.toc.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b16bd6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/backends/deckjs/deck.js/extensions/toc/deck.toc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+Deck JS - deck.toc
+Copyright (c) 2011 Remi BARRAQUAND
+Dual licensed under the MIT license and GPL license.
+This module provides a support for TOC to the deck.
+(function($, deck, undefined) {
+ var $d = $(document);
+ var $toc;
+ /*
+ Extends defaults/options.
+ options.classes.toc
+ This class is added to the deck container when showing the slide
+ toc.
+ options.keys.toc
+ The numeric keycode used to toggle between showing and hiding
+ the slide toc.
+ options.selectors.toc
+ The element matching this selector displays the toc.
+ options.selectors.tocTitle
+ The element matching this selector displays the current title
+ of the slide i.e the current h1.
+ options.selectors.tocSection
+ The element matching this selector displays the current section
+ of the slide i.e the current h2.
+ options.selectors.tocSubSection
+ The element matching this selector displays the current
+ subsection of the slide i.e the current h3.
+ options.selectors.tocSubSubSection
+ The element matching this selector displays the current
+ subsubsection of the slide i.e the current h4.
+ */
+ $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, {
+ classes: {
+ toc: 'deck-toc-frame'
+ },
+ keys: {
+ toc: 84 // t
+ },
+ selectors: {
+ toc: '.deck-toc',
+ tocTitle: '.deck-toc-h1',
+ tocSection: '.deck-toc-h2',
+ tocSubSection: '.deck-toc-h3',
+ tocSubSubSection: '.deck-toc-h4',
+ tocStatus: '.deck-toc-status'
+ }
+ });
+ /*
+ jQuery.deck('showToc')
+ Shows the slide toc by adding the class specified by the toc class option
+ to the deck container.
+ */
+ $[deck]('extend', 'showToc', function() {
+ $[deck]('getContainer').addClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.toc);
+ });
+ /*
+ jQuery.deck('hideToc')
+ Hides the slide toc by removing the class specified by the toc class
+ option from the deck container.
+ */
+ $[deck]('extend', 'hideToc', function() {
+ $[deck]('getContainer').removeClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.toc);
+ });
+ /*
+ jQuery.deck('toggleToc')
+ Toggles between showing and hiding the TOC.
+ */
+ $[deck]('extend', 'toggleToc', function() {
+ $[deck]('getContainer').hasClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.toc) ?
+ $[deck]('hideToc') : $[deck]('showToc');
+ });
+ /*
+ jQuery.deck('Init')
+ */
+ $d.bind('deck.init', function() {
+ var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+ var container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+ /* Bind key events */
+ $d.unbind('keydown.decktoc').bind('keydown.decktoc', function(e) {
+ if (e.which === opts.keys.toc || $.inArray(e.which, opts.keys.toc) > -1) {
+ $[deck]('toggleToc');
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ /* Hide TOC panel when user click on container */
+ $[deck]('hideToc');
+ });
+ /* Init TOC and append it to the document */
+ $toc = new TOC();
+ $($[deck]('getOptions').selectors.toc).append($toc.root);
+ /* Go through all slides */
+ $.each($[deck]('getSlides'), function(i, $el) {
+ var slide = $[deck]('getSlide',i);
+ //var tocElementFound = false;
+ /* If there is a toc item, push it in the TOC */
+ for(var level=1; level<6; level++) {
+ if( slide.find("h"+level).length > 0) {
+ var tocTitle = "";
+ var $tocElement = slide.find("h"+level+":first");
+ if( $tocElement.attr("title") != undefined && $tocElement.attr("title") != "") {
+ tocTitle = $tocElement.attr("title");
+ } else {
+ tocTitle = $tocElement.text();
+ }
+ $toc.push(level, tocTitle, slide);
+ $toc.tag(slide);
+ //tocElementFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Tag the slide with the current TOC level */
+ $toc.tag(slide);
+ });
+ })
+ /* Update current slide number with each change event */
+ .bind('deck.change', function(e, from, to) {
+ var opts = $[deck]('getOptions');
+ var slideTo = $[deck]('getSlide', to);
+ var container = $[deck]('getContainer');
+ if (container.hasClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.toc)) {
+ container.scrollTop(slideTo.offset().top);
+ }
+ /* update toc status */
+ if("toc") ) {
+ // reset
+ $(opts.selectors.tocTitle).text("");
+ $(opts.selectors.tocSection).text("");
+ $(opts.selectors.tocSubSection).text("");
+ $(opts.selectors.tocSubSubSection).text("");
+ if( slideTo.hasClass('hide-toc-status') ) {
+ $(opts.selectors.tocStatus).hide();
+ } else {
+ $(opts.selectors.tocStatus).show();
+ // update according to the current context
+ var $context = $toc.context('toc'))
+ for(var level=1; level<=$context.length; level++) {
+ switch(level) {
+ case 1:
+ $(opts.selectors.tocTitle).text($context[level-1]);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $(opts.selectors.tocSection).text($context[level-1]);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $(opts.selectors.tocSubSection).text($context[level-1]);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $(opts.selectors.tocSubSubSection).text($context[level-1]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ /*
+ Simple TOC manager (must be improved)
+ */
+ var TOC = function() {
+ this.root = $("<ul/>", {"class":"toc"});
+ /*
+ Push new item in the TOC
+ depth is the level (e.g. 1 for h1, 2 for h2, etc.)
+ title is the toc-item title
+ slide is the slide that provides the toc-element
+ */
+ this.push = function(depth,title,slide) {
+ inc(depth);
+ /* Create toc element */
+ var $tocElm = $("<li />", {
+ id: "toc-"+($c.join('-'))
+ }).data({ // keep track of the slide in case...
+ slide: slide,
+ title: title
+ }).append($("<a />", { // create an hyperlink
+ href: "#"+$(slide).attr('id'),
+ text: title
+ })).append($("<ul />"));
+ /* insert it at the right place */
+ var $target = this.root;
+ if( depth > 1) {
+ $target = ($target.find("li#toc-"+($c.slice(0,$c.length-1).join('-')))).children("ul");
+ }
+ $tocElm.appendTo($target);
+ };
+ /*
+ Tag the slide with the current TOC level.
+ slide is the slide to tag
+ */
+ this.tag = function(slide) {
+ toc: $c.slice(0)
+ });
+ }
+ /*
+ Get the current TOC context
+ path is the current path in the TOC
+ */
+ this.context = function(path) {
+ $context = new Array();
+ var $target = this.root;
+ for(var depth=0; depth<path.length; depth++) {
+ var tocElm = $target.find("li#toc-"+(path.slice(0,depth+1).join('-')))
+ $context.push('title'));
+ $target = (tocElm).children("ul");
+ }
+ return $context;
+ }
+ /* cursor */
+ var $c = [-1];
+ function inc(depth) {
+ var current_depth = $c.length;
+ if(depth>current_depth) {
+ for(i=current_depth;i<depth;i++) {
+ $c.push(0);
+ }
+ } else if( current_depth>depth) {
+ for(i=depth;i<current_depth;i++) {
+ $c.pop();
+ $c[depth-1]++
+ }
+ } else {
+ $c[depth-1]++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+})(jQuery, 'deck'); \ No newline at end of file