path: root/doc/trex_console.asciidoc
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+TRex console - commands proposal
+:author: Hanoch Haim
+:email: <>
+:revnumber: 0.1
+:local_web_server_url: csi-wiki-01:8181/trex
+:toclevels: 4
+== Console
+=== Overview
+The console will use TRex Client API for controling TRex
+Some guidelines:
+* Console should not save it own state, it should only cache server state. It assumed there is only one console that has R/W capability so once connected as R/W console (per user/port) it could read the server state and then cache all the operations.
+* There could be many read-only clients for same user same ports. The ability to enforce it does not yet exits in the server (will be done).
+* Console should sync with server to get the state in connection time and cache the server information locally once the state was changed
+* In case of crash/exit of the Console it should sync again at startup
+* Let's assume Console acquire all ports - for simplicity, for now.
+* Commands will be like bash shell - no order args, many flags
+* Ability to show stats in real time. gives the option to open two Console one for stats and one for commands ( many readonly clients)
+=== Ports State
+| state | meaning
+| IDLE | no streams, does not work
+| STREAMS | with streams, does not work
+| WORK | with streams, works
+| PAUSE | with streams, pause
+ IDLE -> (add streams) -> STREAMS (start) -> WORK (stop) -> STREAMS (start)
+ | WORK (pause) -> PAUSE (resume )---
+ | |
+ | |
+ ------------------------------------
+=== Tutorial
+First run trex in interactive mode
+$sudo ./t-rex-64 -i
+on the same machine from a different window connect to to trex
+from console you can run this
+# start traffic on all port
+>start -a -m 1 -f stl/imix_1pkt.yaml
+# stop traffic on all port
+>stop -a
+# show dynamic statistic
+#stop all and remove all stats
+=== Common Arguments
+This section includes arguments that are common to many commands
+In the command they will be marked like this (arg name)
+==== Port mask
+this gives the ability to choose batch of ports
+$command [-a] [-port 1 2 3] [-port 0xff] [-port clients/servers]
+ port mask :
+ [-a] : all ports
+ [-port 1 2 3] : port 1,2 3
+ [-port 0xff] : port by mask 0x1 for port 0 0x3 for port 0 and 1
+ [-port clients/servers] : -port clients will choose all the client side ports
+==== Duration
+duration in second or in min or hours
+$command[-d 100] [-d 10m] [-d 1h]
+ duration:
+ -d 100 : in sec
+ -d 10m : in min
+ -d 1h : in hours
+==== Multiplier
+$command [-m 100] [-m 10gb] [-m 10kpps] [-m 40%]
+ multiplier :
+ -m 100 : multiply stream file by this factor
+ -m 10gb : from graph calculate the maximum rate as this bandwidth ( for each port )
+ -m 10kpps : from graph calculate the maximum rate as this pps ( for each port )
+ -m 40% : from graph calculate the maximum rate as this precent from total port ( for each port )
+=== Commands
+==== Connect
+$trex-con [--ip $IP] [--server $IP] [--rpc-port $PORT] [--async_port port]
+ --rpc-port : change the default server - default 5505 for RPC
+ --async_port : for sub/pub ZMQ - default 4505
+ --ip or --server :default the TRex server ip
+This command
+* try to connect to server
+* send ping command
+* sync with all the ports info / streams info state
+* read all counters stats for reference
+==== reset
+Reset the server and client to a known state - should not be used in a normal scenario
+- force acuire all the ports
+- Stop all traffic on all the ports
+- Remove all the streams from all the ports
+==== port
+Configure port state, autoneg, rate etc
+$port (port mask) --cfg "auto/10/"
+ --cfg string with the configuration name
+==== clear
+Clear all port stats counters
+$clear (port mask)
+==== stats
+Shows global and port statistic
+$stats (port mask) [-g] [-p] [-ps]
+ -g show only global stats
+ -p only ports stats
+ -ps only port status (type/driver/link-up/down/negotion type etc)
+$stats -g
+Connected : 4500
+Version : 1.78 UUID : 12121212
+CPU : 12.0 %%
+Total TX : 20.2 Gb/sec
+Total Rx : 20.2 Gb/sec
+Total PPS : 100MPPS
+Total Streams : 10
+Active ports : 4
+$stats -p
+ port 0 1 2 3
+ ------------------------------------
+ owner my my my my - place holder no need to implement as we takes all port avali
+ active on on off off
+ tx-bytes 12131 0 0 0
+ rx-bytes 0 0 0 0
+ tx-pkts 0 0 0 0
+ rx-pkts 0 0 0 0
+ tx-errors 0 0 0 0
+ rx-errors 0 0 0 0
+ Tx-Bw 12gb 1.3Gb 0 0
+ Rx-Bw 10mb 11.2mb 0 0
+In case of more than four ports should show only the first ports or by mask ( --port mask)
+$stats -ps
+ --- port status
+ port 0 1 2 3
+ ------------------------------------
+ port-type I350 I350 I350 I350
+ maximum 1Gb 1Gb 1Gb !gb
+ link on on off off
+==== streams
+Shows the configured streams on each port/ports
+Should show from client cache
+$streams (port mask) [--streams mask] [-f] [--full] [--graph]
+ --port mask, e.g --port 1 2 3 4
+ --streams mask e.g. --streams 1 2
+ -f /--full print stream info in a JSON format with all the information
+ --graph : add the graph in time of each port stream
+port 0 : imix/a.yaml
+ stream id , packet type , length , mode , rate , next
+ + 0 , ip/tcp , 64 , continues , 100KPPS , none
+ + 1 , ip/udp , 128 , burst , 200KPPS , none
+ + 2 , ip/udp , 1500 , multi-burst , 100KPPS , none
+port 1 : imix/a.yaml
+ + 0 , ip/tcp , 64 , continues , 100KPPS , none
+ + 1 , ip/udp , 128 , burst , 200KPPS , none
+ + 2 , ip/udp , 1500 , multi-burst , 100KPPS , none
+show only port 1 and 2
+$streams --port 1 2
+ ..
+ ..
+$streams --port 0 --streams 0 -f
+ show the full info on stream 0 and port 0, print in JSON format
+==== start
+* work on a set of ports
+* remove all streams
+* load new streams
+* start traffic with specific multiplier
+* limit the traffic to a specific duration
+* port state should be stopped, in case of --force stop the port
+* in case one of the port is not stop don't start any port
+* all ports should be in state IDLE or STREAMS
+$start [--force] (port mask) [-f stl/imix.yaml] [-db ab] (duration) (multiplier)
+ stream to load:
+ -f stl/imix.yaml : load from local disk the streams file
+ --db stream that was loaded to db
+ force:
+ --force stop ports if they are active
+$start -a -f stl/imix.yaml -m 10gb
+start this profile on all all ports maximum bandwidth is 10gb
+$start -port 1 2 -f stl/imix.yaml -m 100
+start this profile on port 1,2 multiply by 100
+ in case of start command without args, try to remember the last args given and reprint them
+==== stop
+* work on a set of ports
+* change the mode of the port to stopped
+* do not remove the streams
+* in case port state is already stopped don't do anything
+* all ports should be in state WORK
+$stop (port mask)
+ See ports command explanation from the start
+==== pause
+* work on a set of ports
+* move a wokring set of ports to a state of pause
+* all ports should be in state WORK
+$pause (port mask)
+ see ports command explanation from start
+==== resume
+* work on a set of ports
+* move a wokring set of port to a state of resume
+* all ports should be in state PAUSE
+$resume (port mask)
+ see ports command explanation from start
+==== restart
+* restart the work on the loaded streams
+* same as start without the -f /--db switch
+* all ports should be in state STREAMS
+$restart (port mask) (duration) (multiplier)
+ see ports command explanation from start
+==== update
+* all ports should be in state WORK
+>update (port mask) (multiplier)
+Update the bandwidth multiplier for a mask of ports
+ Here we could add the ability to disable/enable specific stream, load new stream dynamically etc.
+==== async events queue
+there are two ways to know if somthing async happned
+* pool the state
+* get async event
+example for events are:
+* link is up/down
+* port id stoped
+* port id start
+* errors
+* info
+clear events queue
+show a list of events from the queue
+$remove --event [event-id] --top
+ --event : remove the event-id from the list
+ --top : remove the even from the top
+$wait_for_event [event-id]
+wait only in script mode, simple way to wait for event like all port stopped
+==== stream database commands
+* load/remove/show streams from memory
+$db_load -f [stream ] -name [name]
+$db_remove -name [name]
+$db_show [--all] [--name $name] [--full]
+==== script
+$script -f script_name
+run script of commands
+==== tui
+shows the stats in a textual window (like top)
+enter to a mode of Stats and present 3 type of windows
+* global/port stats/version/connected etc
+* per port
+* per port streams info
+get keyboard
+ q - quit the gui window
+ c - clear all counters
+=== Priorty
+* Console logger - JSON-RPC into a file ( req/res)
+* start/stop/stats/tui/streams/reset
+* db
+* port
+* events
+* pause/resume/restart/restart
+* scripts
+* move all the debug commands to be dbg_xxx
+* implement advance -m ( by reading graphs)
+* Enforcement of one user/port with R/W capability
+=== More ideas
+* define a YAML format that include stream per port inside so in away load each YAML to each port
+* add ability to load range of ip/mac program in YAML file
+ fields :
+ name : ipv4.src
+ offset : 12
+ range :
+ min_ip : addr
+ max_ip :
+ inc : 1
+ dec : 1
+ start :
+ name : ipv4.dest
+ offset : 45
+ range :
+ min_ip :
+ max_ip :
+=== Change log
+| Version | name | meaning
+| 1.00 | Hanoch Haim (hhaim) |
+- first version
+| 1.01 | Hanoch Haim (hhaim) |
+- Incorporate Itay comments