path: root/doc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 1095 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..237ea743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# hhaim, 2014 (IL) base on WAF book
+call 'waf --targets=waf.pdf' or use 'waf list' to see the targets available
+import os, re, shutil
+import sys
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import json
+import re
+from waflib import Logs
+top = '.'
+out = 'build'
+sphinx_version = None
+ from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
+ from html.parser import HTMLParser
+class CTocNode:
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.level=1; # 1,2,3,4
+ self.parent=None
+ self.childs=[]; # link to CTocNode
+ def get_link (self):
+ if
+ l=name.split('.');
+ l=l[-1].lower()
+ s='';
+ for c in l:
+ if c.isalpha() or c.isspace():
+ s+=c
+ return '#_'+'_'.join(s.lower().split());
+ else:
+ return '#'
+ def add_new_child (self,name,level,link):
+ n=CTocNode();
+ n.level=level;
+ n.parent=self;
+ self.childs.append(n);
+ return n
+ def to_json_childs (self):
+ l=[]
+ for obj in self.childs:
+ l.append(obj.to_json());
+ return (l);
+ def to_open (self):
+ if self.level <3:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def to_json (self):
+ d={"text" :,
+ "link" : self.get_link(),
+ "state" : {
+ "opened" : self.to_open()
+ }
+ }
+ if len(self.childs)>0 :
+ d["children"]= self.to_json_childs()
+ return d
+class TocHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ HTMLParser.__init__(self);
+ self.state=0;
+ self.root=CTocNode()
+ self.root.parent=self.root
+ self.level=2;
+ self.attrs=None
+ self.d={};
+ self.last_level=1
+ self.set_level(1,self.root)
+ def set_level (self,level,node):
+ assert(node!=None);
+ assert(isinstance(node,CTocNode)==True);
+ self.d[str(level)]=node
+ # in case we change from high to low level remove the higher level
+ if level<self.last_level:
+ for l in range(level+1,self.last_level+1):
+ self.d.pop(str(l),None)
+ def _get_level (self,level):
+ k=str(level)
+ if k in self.d:
+ n=self.d[k]
+ assert(n!=None);
+ return n
+ else:
+ return None
+ def get_level (self,level):
+ for l in range(level,0,-1):
+ n=self._get_level(l)
+ if n != None:
+ return n
+ assert(0);
+ def is_header (self,tag):
+ if len(tag)==2 and tag[0]=='h' and tag[1].isdigit() and (int(tag[1])>1):
+ return (True);
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ if self.is_header (tag):
+ self.attrs=attrs
+ self.state=True;
+ self.level=int(tag[1]);
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ if self.is_header (tag):
+ self.state=False;
+ def get_id (self):
+ if self.attrs:
+ for obj in self.attrs:
+ if obj[0]=='id':
+ return obj[1]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ if self.state:
+ level=self.level
+ cnode=self.get_level(level-1)
+ n=cnode.add_new_child(data,level,self.get_id());
+ assert(n!=None);
+ self.set_level(level,n)
+ self.last_level=level
+ def dump_as_json (self):
+ return json.dumps(self.root.to_json_childs(), sort_keys=False, indent=4)
+def create_toc_json (input_file,output_file):
+ f = open (input_file)
+ l=f.readlines()
+ f.close();
+ html_input = ''.join(l)
+ parser = TocHTMLParser()
+ parser.feed(html_input);
+ f = open (output_file,'w')
+ f.write(parser.dump_as_json());
+ f.close();
+re_xi = re.compile('''^(include|image)::([^.]*.(asciidoc|\\{PIC\\}))\[''', re.M)
+def ascii_doc_scan(self):
+ p = self.inputs[0].parent
+ node_lst = [self.inputs[0]]
+ seen = []
+ depnodes = []
+ while node_lst:
+ nd = node_lst.pop(0)
+ if nd in seen: continue
+ seen.append(nd)
+ code =
+ for m in re_xi.finditer(code):
+ name =
+ if == '{PIC}':
+ ext = '.eps'
+ if self.generator.rule.rfind('A2X') > 0:
+ ext = '.png'
+ k = p.find_resource(name.replace('{PIC}', ext))
+ if k:
+ depnodes.append(k)
+ else:
+ k = p.find_resource(name)
+ if k:
+ depnodes.append(k)
+ node_lst.append(k)
+ return [depnodes, ()]
+def scansize(self):
+ name = 'image::%s\\{PIC\\}\\[.*,(width|height)=(\\d+)' % self.inputs[0].name[:-4]
+ re_src = re.compile(name)
+ lst = self.inputs[0].parent.get_src().ant_glob('*.txt')
+ for x in lst:
+ m =
+ if m:
+ val = str(int(1.6 * int(
+ if == 'width':
+ w = val
+ h = "800"
+ else:
+ w = "800"
+ h = val
+ ext = self.inputs[0].name[-3:]
+ if ext == 'eps':
+ code = '-geometry %sx%s' % (w, h)
+ elif ext == 'dia':
+ if == 'width':
+ h = ''
+ else:
+ w = ''
+ code = '--size %sx%s' % (w, h)
+ else:
+ code = '-Gsize="%s,%s"' % (w, h)
+ break
+ else:
+ return ([], '')
+ return ([], code)
+def options(opt):
+ opt.add_option('--exe', action='store_true', default=False, help='Execute the program after it is compiled')
+def configure(conf):
+ search_path = '~/.local/bin /usr/local/bin/ /usr/bin'
+ conf.find_program('asciidoc', path_list=search_path, var='ASCIIDOC')
+ conf.find_program('sphinx-build', path_list=search_path, var='SPHINX')
+ conf.find_program('source-highlight', path_list=search_path, var='SRC_HIGHLIGHT')
+ conf.find_program('dblatex', path_list=search_path, var='DBLATEX')
+ conf.find_program('a2x', path_list=search_path, var='A2X')
+ pass;
+def convert_to_pdf(task):
+ input_file = task.outputs[0].abspath()
+ out_dir = task.outputs[0].parent.get_bld().abspath()
+ return os.system('a2x --no-xmllint %s -f pdf -d article %s -D %s ' %('-v' if Log.verbose else '', task.inputs[0].abspath(),out_dir ) )
+TOC_HEAD = """
+<body class="book">
+<div id="toc-section">
+ <div id="toctitle">
+ <img class="trex_logo" src="images/trex_logo_toc.png"/>
+ Table of Contents
+ </div>
+ <div id="toggle">
+ <img src="images/icons/toggle.png" title="click to toggle table of contents"/>
+ </div>
+ <div id="toc">
+ <div id="nav-tree">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<div id="content-section">
+ <!-- load the theme CSS file -->
+ <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
+ <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
+ <!-- include the jQuery library -->
+ <script src="">
+ </script>
+ <!-- include the jQuery UI library -->
+ <script src="">
+ </script>
+ <!-- include the minified jstree source -->
+ <script src="">
+ </script>
+ <!-- Hide TOC on mobile -->
+ <script>
+ // Hide TOC when it is mobile
+ checkMobile();
+ // Hide TOC by default if it is mobile
+ function checkMobile(){
+ if(isMobileDevice()){
+ hideTOC();
+ }
+ }
+ // Check it it it is running on mobile device
+ function isMobileDevice() {
+ if(
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i)
+ )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Hide TOC - for the first time in mobile
+ function hideTOC(){
+ $("#toc").hide();
+ $("#toctitle").hide();
+ // Show the show/hide button
+ $("#toggle").css("right", "-40px");
+ // Fil width
+ $("body").css("margin-left", "50px");
+ }
+ </script>
+ <div id="content-section-inner">
+TOC_END = """
+ </div>
+ <!-- End Of Inner Content Section -->
+<!-- End of Content Section -->
+<style type="text/css">
+ #toc {
+ margin-bottom: 2.5em;
+ }
+ #toctitle {
+ color: #527bbd;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 1.0em;
+ margin-bottom: 0.1em;
+ }
+ @media screen {
+ body {
+ margin-left: 20em;
+ }
+ #toc {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 51px;
+ left: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ width: 18em;
+ padding-bottom: 1.5em;
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow-x: auto !important;
+ overflow-y: auto !important;
+ border-right: solid 2px #cfcfcf;
+ background-color: #FAFAFA;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ }
+ #toctitle {
+ font-size: 17px !important;
+ color: #4d4d4d !important;
+ margin-top: 0px;
+ height: 36px;
+ line-height: 36px;
+ background-color: #e4e2e2;
+ padding: 8px 0px 7px 45px;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ left: 0px;
+ display: block;
+ position: fixed;
+ z-index: 100;
+ width: 245px;
+ top: 0px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ #toc .toclevel1 {
+ margin-top: 0.5em;
+ }
+ #toc .toclevel2 {
+ margin-top: 0.25em;
+ display: list-item;
+ color: #aaaaaa;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Custom for Nave Tree */
+ #nav-tree{
+ margin-left: 10px !important;
+ }
+ #nav-tree ul > li {
+ color: #000 !important;
+ }
+ .jstree-wholerow.jstree-wholerow-clicked {
+ background-image: url('images/icons/selected_tab_bg.png');
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ color: #fff !important;
+ text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0);
+ }
+ /* For side bar */
+ .ui-resizable-e{
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 4px !important;
+ position: fixed !important;
+ top: 0px !important;
+ cursor: e-resize !important;
+ background: url('images/splitbar.png') repeat scroll right center transparent !important;
+ }
+ .jstree-default .jstree-themeicon{
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+ .jstree-anchor {
+ font-size: 12px !important;
+ color: #91A501 !important;
+ }
+ .jstree-clicked{
+ color: white !important;
+ }
+ #toggle {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 14px;
+ left: 10px;
+ z-index: 210;
+ width: 24px;
+ }
+ #toggle img {
+ opacity:0.3;
+ }
+ #toggle img:hover {
+ opacity:0.9;
+ }
+ .trex_logo{
+ top: 6px;
+ position: relative;
+ }
+ html{
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ body{
+ margin-right: 0px !important;
+ margin-top: 0px !important;
+ margin-bottom: 0px !important;
+ }
+ #toc-section{
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 200;
+ }
+ #content-section{
+ overflow: auto;
+ }
+ #content-section-inner{
+ max-width: 50em;
+ }
+ </style>
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ var isOpen = true;
+ // Initialize NavTree
+ initializeNavTree();
+ // Drag TOC left and right
+ initResizable();
+ // Toggle TOC whe clicking on the menu icon
+ toggleTOC();
+ // Handle Mobile - close TOC
+ checkMobile();
+ function initializeNavTree() {
+ // TOC tree options
+ var toc_tree = $('#nav-tree');
+ var toc_tree_options = {
+ 'core' : {
+ "animation" :false,
+ "themes" : { "stripes" : false },
+ 'data' : {
+ "url" : "./input_replace_me.json",
+ "dataType" : "json" // needed only if you do not supply JSON headers
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ "plugins" : [ "wholerow" ]
+ };
+ $('#nav-tree').jstree(toc_tree_options) ;
+ toc_tree.on("changed.jstree", function (e, data) {
+ window.location.href = data.instance.get_selected(true)[0];
+ });
+ }
+ function initResizable() {
+ var toc = $("#toc");
+ var body = $("body");
+ // On resize
+ $("#toc").resizable({
+ resize: function(e, ui) {
+ resized();
+ },
+ handles: 'e'
+ });
+ // On zoom changed
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ if(isOpen){
+ resized();
+ }
+ });
+ // Do it for the first time
+ var tocWidth = $(toc).outerWidth();
+ var windowHeight = $(window).height();
+ $(".ui-resizable-e").css({"right":$(window).width()-parseInt(tocWidth)+"px"});
+ $("#toctitle").css({"width":parseInt(tocWidth)-45+"px"});
+ $("#toc-section").css({"height":windowHeight + "px"});
+ $("#content-section").css({"height":windowHeight + "px"});
+ }
+ function resized(){
+ var body = $("body");
+ var tocWidth = $(toc).outerWidth();
+ var windowHeight = $(window).height();
+ body.css({"marginLeft":parseInt(tocWidth)+20+"px"});
+ $(".ui-resizable-e").css({"right":$(window).width()-parseInt(tocWidth)+"px"});
+ $("#toctitle").css({"width":parseInt(tocWidth)-45+"px"});
+ $("#toc-section").css({"height":windowHeight + "px"});
+ $("#content-section").css({"height":windowHeight + "px"});
+ }
+ function toggleTOC(){
+ $( "#toggle" ).click(function() {
+ if ( isOpen ) {
+ // Close it
+ closTOC();
+ } else {
+ // Open it
+ openTOC();
+ }
+ // Toggle status
+ isOpen = !isOpen;
+ });
+ }
+ // Close TOC by default if it is mobile
+ function checkMobile(){
+ if(isMobileDevice()){
+ isOpen=false;
+ $(".ui-resizable-e").hide();
+ }
+ }
+ // Check it it it is running on mobile device
+ function isMobileDevice() {
+ if(
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i) ||
+ navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i)
+ )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Close TOC
+ function closTOC(){
+ $("#toc").hide("slide", 500);
+ $("#toctitle").hide("slide", 500);
+ if(!isMobileDevice()){
+ $(".ui-resizable-e").hide("slide", 500);
+ }
+ // Show the show/hide button
+ $("#toggle").css("right", "-40px");
+ // Fil width
+ $("body").animate({"margin-left": "50px"}, 500);
+ }
+ // Open TOC
+ function openTOC(){
+ $("#toc").show("slide", 500);
+ $("#toctitle").show("slide", 500);
+ if(!isMobileDevice()){
+ $(".ui-resizable-e").show("slide", 500);
+ }
+ // Show the show/hide button
+ $("#toggle").css("right", "15px");
+ // Minimize page width
+ $("body").animate({"margin-left": $(toc).outerWidth()+20+"px"}, 500);
+ }
+ });
+def do_replace (input_file,contents,look,str_replaced):
+ if contents.count(look)!=1 :
+ raise Exception('Cannot find {0} in file {1} '.format(look,input_file))
+ return contents.replace(look, str_replaced)
+def toc_fixup_file (input_file,
+ out_file,
+ json_file_name
+ ):
+ file = open(input_file)
+ contents =
+ contents = do_replace(input_file,contents,'<body class="book">', TOC_HEAD);
+ contents = do_replace(input_file,contents,'</body>', TOC_END)
+ contents = do_replace(input_file,contents,'input_replace_me.json', json_file_name)
+ file = open(out_file,'w')
+ file.write(contents)
+ file.close();
+def convert_to_html_toc_book(task):
+ input_file = task.inputs[0].abspath()
+ json_out_file = os.path.splitext(task.outputs[0].abspath())[0]+'.json'
+ tmp = os.path.splitext(task.outputs[0].abspath())[0]+'.tmp'
+ json_out_file_short = os.path.splitext(task.outputs[0].name)[0]+'.json'
+ cmd='{0} -a stylesheet={1} -a icons=true -a docinfo -d book -o {2} {3}'.format(
+ task.env['ASCIIDOC'][0],
+ task.inputs[1].abspath(),
+ tmp,
+ task.inputs[0].abspath());
+ res= os.system( cmd )
+ if res !=0 :
+ return (1)
+ create_toc_json(tmp,json_out_file)
+ toc_fixup_file(tmp,task.outputs[0].abspath(),json_out_file_short);
+ return os.system('rm {0}'.format(tmp));
+def convert_to_pdf_book(task):
+ input_file = task.outputs[0].abspath()
+ out_dir = task.outputs[0].parent.get_bld().abspath()
+ return os.system('a2x --no-xmllint %s -f pdf -d book %s -D %s ' %('-v' if Logs.verbose else '', task.inputs[0].abspath(),out_dir ) )
+def ensure_dir(f):
+ if not os.path.exists(f):
+ os.makedirs(f)
+def my_copy(task):
+ input_file=task.outputs[0].abspath()
+ out_dir=task.outputs[0].parent.get_bld().abspath()
+ ensure_dir(out_dir)
+ shutil.copy2(input_file, out_dir+ os.sep+task.outputs[0].name)
+ return (0)
+def do_visio(bld):
+ for x in bld.path.ant_glob('visio\\*.vsd'):
+ tg = bld(rule='${VIS} -i ${SRC} -o ${TGT} ', source=x, target=x.change_ext('.png'))
+def get_sphinx_version(sphinx_path):
+ try:
+ global sphinx_version
+ if not sphinx_version:
+ sphinx_version_regexp = '^Sphinx \(sphinx-build\) (\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+$'
+ cmd = '%s %s --version' % (sys.executable, sphinx_path)
+ output = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmd), universal_newlines = True)
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ ver = re.match(sphinx_version_regexp, line)
+ if ver:
+ sphinx_version = float('%s.%s' % (,
+ return sphinx_version
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error getting Sphinx version: %s' % e)
+def get_trex_core_git():
+ trex_core_git_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir))
+ if not os.path.isdir(trex_core_git_path):
+ trex_core_git_path = os.getenv('TREX_CORE_GIT', None)
+ return trex_core_git_path
+def parse_hlt_args(task):
+ trex_core_git_path = get_trex_core_git()
+ if not trex_core_git_path:
+ return 1
+ hltapi_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(trex_core_git_path, 'scripts', 'automation', 'trex_control_plane', 'stl', 'trex_stl_lib', ''))
+ header = ['[options="header",cols="<.^1,^.^1,9<.^e"]', '|=================', '^| Argument | Default ^| Comment']
+ footer = ['|=================\n']
+ hlt_asciidoc = []
+ category_regexp = '^(\S+)_kwargs = {$'
+ comment_line_regexp = '^\s*#\s*(.+)$'
+ arg_line_regexp = "^\s*'([^']+)':\s*'?([^,']+)'?,\s*#?\s*(.+)?$"
+ if not os.path.exists(hltapi_path):
+ raise Exception('Could not find hltapi file: %s' % hltapi_path)
+ with open(hltapi_path) as f:
+ in_args = False
+ for line in
+ if not in_args:
+ if line.startswith('import'):
+ break
+ category_line = re.match(category_regexp, line)
+ if category_line:
+ hlt_asciidoc.append('\n===== %s\n' %
+ hlt_asciidoc += header
+ in_args = True
+ continue
+ comment_line = re.match(comment_line_regexp, line)
+ if comment_line:
+ hlt_asciidoc.append('3+^.^s| %s' %'|', '\|'))
+ continue
+ arg_line = re.match(arg_line_regexp, line)
+ if arg_line:
+ arg, default, comment = arg_line.groups()
+ hlt_asciidoc.append('| %s | %s | %s' % (arg, default, comment.replace('|', '\|') if comment else ''))
+ continue
+ if line == '}':
+ hlt_asciidoc += footer
+ in_args = False
+ if not len(hlt_asciidoc):
+ raise Exception('Parsing of hltapi args failed')
+ with open('build/hlt_args.asciidoc', 'w') as f:
+ f.write('\n'.join(hlt_asciidoc))
+ return 0
+def build_cp_docs (task):
+ out_dir = task.outputs[0].abspath()
+ export_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'cp_docs')
+ trex_core_git_path = get_trex_core_git()
+ if not trex_core_git_path: # there exists a default directory or the desired ENV variable.
+ return 1
+ trex_core_docs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(trex_core_git_path, 'scripts', 'automation', 'trex_control_plane', 'doc'))
+ sphinx_version = get_sphinx_version(task.env['SPHINX'][0])
+ if not sphinx_version:
+ return 1
+ if sphinx_version < 1.3:
+ additional_args = '-D html_theme=default'
+ else:
+ additional_args = ''
+ build_doc_cmd = "{pyt} {sph} {add} {ver} -W -b {bld} {src} {dst}".format(
+ pyt= sys.executable,
+ sph= task.env['SPHINX'][0],
+ add= additional_args,
+ ver= '' if Logs.verbose else '-q',
+ bld= "html",
+ src= ".",
+ dst= out_dir)
+ if Logs.verbose:
+ print(build_doc_cmd)
+ try:
+ return, cwd = trex_core_docs_path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ print('Failed command: %s\nError: %s' % (build_doc_cmd, e))
+ return 1
+def build_stl_cp_docs (task):
+ out_dir = task.outputs[0].abspath()
+ export_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'cp_stl_docs')
+ trex_core_git_path = get_trex_core_git()
+ if not trex_core_git_path: # there exists a default directory or the desired ENV variable.
+ return 1
+ trex_core_docs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(trex_core_git_path, 'scripts', 'automation', 'trex_control_plane', 'doc_stl'))
+ sphinx_version = get_sphinx_version(task.env['SPHINX'][0])
+ if not sphinx_version:
+ return 1
+ if sphinx_version < 1.3:
+ additional_args = '-D html_theme=default'
+ else:
+ additional_args = ''
+ build_doc_cmd = "{pyt} {sph} {add} {ver} -W -b {bld} {src} {dst}".format(
+ pyt= sys.executable,
+ sph= task.env['SPHINX'][0],
+ add= additional_args,
+ ver= '' if Logs.verbose else '-q',
+ bld= "html",
+ src= ".",
+ dst= out_dir)
+ if Logs.verbose:
+ print(build_doc_cmd)
+ try:
+ return, cwd = trex_core_docs_path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ print('Failed command: %s\nError: %s' % (build_doc_cmd, e))
+ return 1
+def build_cp(bld,dir,root,callback):
+ export_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', dir)
+ trex_core_git_path = get_trex_core_git()
+ if not trex_core_git_path: # there exists a default directory or the desired ENV variable.
+ raise NameError("Environment variable 'TREX_CORE_GIT' is not defined.")
+ trex_core_docs_path = os.path.join(trex_core_git_path, 'scripts', 'automation', 'trex_control_plane', root, 'index.rst')
+ bld(rule=callback,target = dir)
+def build(bld):
+ bld(rule=my_copy, target='symbols.lang')
+ for x in bld.path.ant_glob('images\\**\**.png'):
+ bld(rule=my_copy, target=x)
+ bld.add_group()
+ for x in bld.path.ant_glob('yaml\\**\**.yaml'):
+ bld(rule=my_copy, target=x)
+ bld.add_group()
+ for x in bld.path.ant_glob('video\\**\**.mp4'):
+ bld(rule=my_copy, target=x)
+ bld.add_group()
+ for x in bld.path.ant_glob('images\\**\**.jpg'):
+ bld(rule=my_copy, target=x)
+ bld.add_group()
+ bld(rule=my_copy, target='my_chart.js')
+ build_cp(bld,'hlt_args.asciidoc','stl/trex_stl_lib', parse_hlt_args)
+ bld.add_group() # separator, the documents may require any of the pictures from above
+ if os.path.exists('build/hlt_args.asciidoc'):
+ bld.add_manual_dependency(
+ bld.path.find_node('trex_stateless.asciidoc'),
+ b'build/hlt_args.asciidoc')
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -f ../backends/deckjs/deckjs.conf -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='trex_config.asciidoc ', target='trex_config_guide.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -f ../backends/deckjs/deckjs.conf -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='trex_preso.asciidoc ', target='trex_preso.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a max-width=55em -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='release_notes.asciidoc waf.css', target='release_notes.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a docinfo -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -d book -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc waf.css', target='draft_trex_stateless.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a docinfo -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -d book -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='draft_trex_stateless_moved1.asciidoc waf.css', target='draft_trex_stateless1.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule=convert_to_pdf_book,source='trex_book.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_book.pdf', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule=convert_to_pdf_book,source='trex_stateless.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_stateless.pdf', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule=convert_to_pdf_book,source='draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc waf.css', target='draft_trex_stateless.pdf', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule=convert_to_pdf_book,source='trex_vm_manual.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_vm_manual.pdf', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule=convert_to_pdf_book,source='trex_control_plane_peek.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_control_plane_peek.pdf', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule=convert_to_pdf_book, source='trex_control_plane_design_phase1.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_control_plane_design_phase1.pdf', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ # with nice TOC
+ bld(rule=convert_to_html_toc_book,
+ source='trex_vm_manual.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_vm_manual.html',scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule=convert_to_html_toc_book,
+ source='trex_stateless.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_stateless.html',scan=ascii_doc_scan);
+ bld(rule=convert_to_html_toc_book,
+ source='trex_stateless_bench.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_stateless_bench.html',scan=ascii_doc_scan);
+ bld(rule=convert_to_html_toc_book,
+ source='trex_book.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_manual.html',scan=ascii_doc_scan);
+ bld(rule=convert_to_html_toc_book,
+ source='trex_faq.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_faq.html',scan=ascii_doc_scan);
+ bld(rule=convert_to_html_toc_book,
+ source='trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_rpc_server_spec.html',scan=ascii_doc_scan);
+ bld(rule=convert_to_html_toc_book,
+ source='trex_scapy_rpc_server.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_scapy_rpc_server.html',scan=ascii_doc_scan);
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='vm_doc.asciidoc waf.css', target='vm_doc.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='packet_builder_yaml.asciidoc waf.css', target='packet_builder_yaml.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='trex_control_plane_design_phase1.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_control_plane_design_phase1.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='trex_control_plane_peek.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_control_plane_peek.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='trex_console.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_console.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a max-width=55em -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='trex_index.asciidoc waf.css', target='index.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ build_cp(bld,'cp_docs','doc',build_cp_docs)
+ build_cp(bld,'cp_stl_docs','doc_stl',build_stl_cp_docs)
+class Env(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_env(name) :
+ s= os.environ.get(name);
+ if s == None:
+ print("You should define $",name)
+ raise Exception("Env error");
+ return (s);
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_release_path () :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_LOCAL_PUBLISH_PATH');
+ s +=get_build_num ()+"/"
+ return s;
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_remote_release_path () :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_REMOTE_PUBLISH_PATH');
+ return s;
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_local_web_server () :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_WEB_SERVER');
+ return s;
+ # extral web
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_trex_ex_web_key() :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_EX_WEB_KEY');
+ return s;
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_trex_ex_web_path() :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_EX_WEB_PATH');
+ return s;
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_trex_ex_web_user() :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_EX_WEB_USER');
+ return s;
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_trex_ex_web_srv() :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_EX_WEB_SRV');
+ return s;
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_trex_core() :
+ s= Env().get_env('TREX_CORE_GIT');
+ return s;
+def release(bld):
+ # copy all the files to our web server
+ core_dir = Env().get_trex_core()
+ release_dir = core_dir +"/scripts/doc/";
+ os.system('mkdir -p '+release_dir)
+ os.system('cp -rv build/release_notes.* '+ release_dir)
+def publish(bld):
+ # copy all the files to our web server
+ remote_dir = "%s:%s" % ( Env().get_local_web_server(), Env().get_remote_release_path ()+'../doc/')
+ os.system('rsync -av --del --rsh=ssh build/ %s' % (remote_dir))
+def publish_ext(bld):
+ from_ = 'build/'
+ os.system('rsync -avz --del -e "ssh -i %s" --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync %s %s@%s:%s/doc/' % (Env().get_trex_ex_web_key(),from_, Env().get_trex_ex_web_user(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_srv(),Env().get_trex_ex_web_path() ) )
+def publish_test(bld):
+ # copy all the files to our web server
+ remote_dir = "%s:%s" % ( Env().get_local_web_server(), Env().get_remote_release_path ()+'../test/')
+ os.system('rsync -av --del --rsh=ssh build/ %s' % (remote_dir))
+def publish_both(bld):
+ publish(bld)
+ publish_ext(bld)
+def test(bld):
+ # copy all the files to our web server
+ toc_fixup_file ('build/trex_stateless.tmp',
+ 'build/trex_stateless.html',
+ 'trex_stateless.json')