path: root/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
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diff --git a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
index 0a3eed5c..32126b8c 100644
--- a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
+++ b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ endif::backend-xhtml11[]
** Field engine program
*** Ability to change any field inside the packet, for example src_ip =
*** Ability to change the packet size (e.g. Random packet size 64-9K)
-** Mode -Continues/Burst/Multi burst support
+** Mode - Continuous/Burst/Multi burst support
** Rate can be specified in:
*** Packet per second -(e.g. 14MPPS)
*** L1 bandwidth (e.g. 500Mb/sec)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ TRex has limited functionality compared to IXIA, but has some advantages. The fo
| Multi stream | 255 | [green]*Unlimited* |
| Packet build flexibility | Limited | [green]*Scapy- Unlimited* | e.g GRE/VXLAN/NSH is supported. Can be extended to future protocols
| Packet Field engine | limited | [green]*Unlimited* |
-| Tx Mode | Continues/Burst/Multi burst | Continues/Burst/Multi burst|
+| Tx Mode | Continuous/Burst/Multi burst | Continuous/Burst/Multi burst|
| ARP Emulation | Yes | Not yet - workaround |
| Automation | TCL/Python wrapper to TCL | [green]*native Python/Scapy* |
| Automation speed sec| 30sec | [green]*1msec* | test of load/start/stop/get counters
@@ -136,10 +136,34 @@ image::images/stateless_objects.png[title="TRex Entities",align="left",width={p_
** *Mode*: How to send the packet. Continuous/Burst/Multi Burst
** *Rx Stats*: Which Statstistic to collect for each stream
** *Rate*: Specified in Packet Per Second (pps) or bandwidth (bps)
-** *Action*: The next stream to go after this stream is finished. Valid for Burst/Continues mode
+** *Action*: The next stream to go after this stream is finished. Valid for Burst/Continuous mode
-==== TRex package folders
+=== Statful vs Stateless
+TRex Stateless support is basic L2/L3 tests more for Switch/Router.
+With Stateless it is possible to define a Stream that has a *one* packet template, define a program to change any fields in the packet and run it in continues/burst/multi-burst mode.
+With Statless you *can't* learn NAT translation because there is no context of flow/client/server. In Stateful the basic building block is a flow/application (That compose from many packets).
+However, Using Stateless mode, it is much more flexible as you can define any type of packets and build simple program and in a way you can mimic Stateful but not everything.
+For example, you can load a pcap with the number of packets as a link of streams
+a->b->c->d-> back to a
+And create a program for each stream to change src_ip=10. 0.0.1- this will create something similar to Stateful but the underline is totally different.
+If you are confused you probably need Stateless.
+.Statful vs Stateless
+[cols="1^,3^,3^", options="header"]
+| Feature | Stateless |Statful
+| Flow base | No | Yes
+| NAT | No | Yes
+| Tunnel | Yes | Only specific
+| L7 App emulation | No | Yes
+| Any type of packet | Yes | No
+| Latency Jitter | Per Stream | Global/Per flow
+=== TRex package folders
[cols="5,5", options="header",width="100%"]
@@ -203,7 +227,7 @@ def register():
return STLS1()
<1> Define the packet, in this case it IP/UDP with 10 bytes of 'x'(0x78) .See more here link:[Scapy]
-<2> Mode is Continues with a rate of 1 pps (default rate is 1 PPS)
+<2> Mode is Continuous with a rate of 1 pps (default rate is 1 PPS)
<3> get_streams function is mandatory
<4> Each Traffic profile module should have a `register` function
@@ -796,7 +820,7 @@ def register():
return STLS1()
<1> Define the packet, in this case it IP/UDP with 10 bytes of 'x'
-<2> Mode is Continues with rate of 1 PPS (default rate is 1 PPS)
+<2> Mode is Continuous with rate of 1 PPS (default rate is 1 PPS)
<3> Each Traffic profile module should have a `register` function
Now let try to run it throw TRex simulator limiting the number of packets to 10
@@ -3048,6 +3072,36 @@ get keyboard
=== Appendix
+==== Scapy packet examples
+# udp header
+# UDP over one valn
+# UDP QinQ
+#TCP over IP ove VALN
+# IPv6 over valn
+#Ipv6 over UDP over IP
+#DNS packet
+#HTTP packet
+Ether()/IP()/TCP()/"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
==== HLT supported Arguments anchor:altapi-support[]