path: root/linux_dpdk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'linux_dpdk/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/linux_dpdk/ b/linux_dpdk/
index 0a6ff7c1..1b6d60ef 100755
--- a/linux_dpdk/
+++ b/linux_dpdk/
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ import copy;
import re
import uuid
import subprocess
+import platform
+from waflib import Logs
+from waflib.Configure import conf
+from waflib import Build
+# use hostname as part of cache filename
+Build.CACHE_SUFFIX = '' % platform.node()
# these variables are mandatory ('/' are converted automatically)
top = '../'
@@ -31,6 +38,16 @@ USERS_ALLOWED_TO_RELEASE = ['hhaim']
# utility for group source code
+orig_system = os.system
+def verify_system(cmd):
+ ret = orig_system(cmd)
+ if ret:
+ raise Exception('Return code %s on command: system("%s")' % (ret, cmd))
+os.system = verify_system
class SrcGroup:
' group of source by directory '
@@ -88,9 +105,81 @@ def options(opt):
opt.add_option('--pkg-file', '--pkg_file', dest='pkg_file', default=False, action='store', help="Destination filename for 'pkg' option.")
opt.add_option('--publish-commit', '--publish_commit', dest='publish_commit', default=False, action='store', help="Specify commit id for 'publish_both' option (Please make sure it's good!)")
+def check_ibverbs_deps(bld):
+ if 'LDD' not in bld.env or not len(bld.env['LDD']):
+ bld.fatal('Please run configure. Missing key LDD.')
+ cmd = '%s %s/external_libs/ibverbs/' % (bld.env['LDD'][0], top)
+ ret, out = getstatusoutput(cmd)
+ if ret or not out:
+ bld.fatal("Command of checking libraries '%s' failed.\nReturn status: %s\nOutput: %s" % (cmd, ret, out))
+ if '=> not found' in out:
+ Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'Could not find dependency libraries of')
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ if '=> not found' in line:
+ Logs.pprint('YELLOW', line)
+ dumy_libs_path = os.path.abspath(top + 'scripts/dumy_libs')
+ Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'Adding rpath of %s' % dumy_libs_path)
+ rpath_linkage.append(dumy_libs_path)
+def missing_pkg_msg(fedora, ubuntu):
+ msg = 'not found\n'
+ fedora_install = 'Fedora install:\nsudo yum install %s\n' % fedora
+ ubuntu_install = 'Ubuntu install:\nsudo apt install %s\n' % ubuntu
+ try:
+ if platform.linux_distribution()[0].capitalize() == 'Ubuntu':
+ msg += ubuntu_install
+ elif platform.linux_distribution()[0].capitalize() == 'Fedora':
+ msg += fedora_install
+ else:
+ raise
+ except:
+ msg += 'Could not determine Linux distribution.\n%s\n%s' % (ubuntu_install, fedora_install)
+ return msg
+def check_ofed(ctx):
+ ctx.start_msg('Checking for OFED')
+ ofed_info='/usr/bin/ofed_info'
+ ofed_ver= '-3.4-'
+ ofed_ver_show= 'v3.4'
+ if not os.path.isfile(ofed_info):
+ ctx.end_msg('not found', 'YELLOW')
+ return False
+ ret, out = getstatusoutput(ofed_info)
+ if ret:
+ ctx.end_msg("Can't run %s to verify version:\n%s" % (ofed_info, out), 'YELLOW')
+ return False
+ lines = out.splitlines()
+ if len(lines) < 2:
+ ctx.end_msg('Expected several output lines from %s, got:\n%s' % (ofed_info, out), 'YELLOW')
+ return False
+ if ofed_ver not in lines[0]:
+ ctx.end_msg('Expected version: %s, got: %s.' % (ofed_ver, lines[0]), 'YELLOW')
+ return False
+ ctx.end_msg('Found needed version %s' % ofed_ver_show)
+ return True
def configure(conf):
+ conf.find_program('ldd')
+ conf.check_cxx(lib = 'z', errmsg = missing_pkg_msg(fedora = 'zlib-devel', ubuntu = 'zlib1g-dev'))
+ ofed_ok = conf.check_ofed(mandatory = False)
+ if ofed_ok:
+ conf.check_cxx(lib = 'ibverbs', errmsg = 'Could not find library ibverbs, will use internal version.', mandatory = False)
+ else:
+ Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'Warning: will use internal version of ibverbs. If you need to use Mellanox NICs, install OFED:\n' +
+ '')
def getstatusoutput(cmd):
""" Return (status, output) of executing cmd in a shell. Taken from Python3 subprocess.getstatusoutput"""
@@ -127,11 +216,13 @@ main_src = SrcGroup(dir='src',
+ 'utl_ip.cpp',
+ 'trex_port_attr.cpp',
@@ -202,7 +293,8 @@ stateless_src = SrcGroup(dir='src/stateless/',
- 'rx/trex_stateless_rx_core.cpp'
+ 'rx/trex_stateless_rx_core.cpp',
+ 'rx/trex_stateless_rx_port_mngr.cpp'
# JSON package
json_src = SrcGroup(dir='external_libs/json',
@@ -315,6 +407,21 @@ dpdk_src = SrcGroup(dir='src/dpdk/',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_mr.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_ethdev.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_mac.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxmode.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_stats.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_txq.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_fdir.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rss.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxq.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_trigger.c',
+ 'drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_vlan.c',
@@ -515,6 +622,9 @@ includes_path =''' ../src/pal/linux_dpdk/
+dpdk_includes_verb_path =''
dpdk_includes_path =''' ../src/
@@ -577,6 +687,8 @@ dpdk_includes_path =''' ../src/
client_external_libs = [
@@ -588,6 +700,7 @@ client_external_libs = [
+rpath_linkage = []
RELEASE_ = "release"
DEBUG_ = "debug"
@@ -693,6 +806,8 @@ class build_option:
def get_c_flags (self):
flags = self.get_common_flags()
+ if self.isRelease () :
+ flags += ['-DNDEBUG'];
# for C no special flags yet
return (flags)
@@ -719,9 +834,6 @@ build_types = [
def build_prog (bld, build_obj):
- zmq_lib_path='external_libs/zmq/'
- bld.read_shlib( name='zmq' , paths=[top+zmq_lib_path] )
#rte_libs =[
# 'dpdk'];
@@ -733,13 +845,11 @@ def build_prog (bld, build_obj):
# add electric fence only for debug image
if not build_obj.isRelease ():
- #debug
debug_file_list +=ef_src.file_list(top)
features='c ',
- includes = dpdk_includes_path,
+ includes = dpdk_includes_path+dpdk_includes_verb_path,
cflags = (build_obj.get_c_flags()+DPDK_FLAGS ),
source = bp_dpdk.file_list(top),
@@ -751,8 +861,9 @@ def build_prog (bld, build_obj):
cxxflags =(build_obj.get_cxx_flags()+['-std=gnu++11',]),
linkflags = build_obj.get_link_flags() ,
lib=['pthread','dl', 'z'],
- use =[build_obj.get_dpdk_target(),'zmq'],
+ use =[build_obj.get_dpdk_target(),'zmq','ibverbs'],
source = bp.file_list(top) + debug_file_list,
+ rpath = rpath_linkage,
target = build_obj.get_target())
@@ -768,8 +879,22 @@ def post_build(bld):
install_single_system(bld, exec_p, obj);
def build(bld):
+ global dpdk_includes_verb_path;
+ zmq_lib_path='external_libs/zmq/'
+ bld.read_shlib( name='zmq' , paths=[top+zmq_lib_path] )
+ if bld.env['LIB_IBVERBS']:
+ Logs.pprint('GREEN', 'Info: Using external libverbs.')
+ bld.read_shlib(name='ibverbs')
+ else:
+ Logs.pprint('GREEN', 'Info: Using internal libverbs.')
+ ibverbs_lib_path='external_libs/ibverbs/'
+ dpdk_includes_verb_path =' \n ../external_libs/ibverbs/include/ \n'
+ bld.read_shlib( name='ibverbs' , paths=[top+ibverbs_lib_path] )
+ check_ibverbs_deps(bld)
for obj in build_types:
@@ -883,12 +1008,11 @@ files_list=[
- 't-rex-debug-gdb',
+ 't-rex-64-debug-gdb',
- 'release_notes.pdf',
@@ -898,7 +1022,7 @@ files_list=[
-files_dir=['cap2','avl','cfg','ko','automation', 'external_libs', 'python-lib','stl','api','exp']
+files_dir=['cap2','avl','cfg','ko','automation', 'external_libs', 'python-lib','stl','exp','dumy_libs']
class Env(object):