path: root/scripts/automation/regression/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/regression/')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/ b/scripts/automation/regression/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3445c70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+import re
+import misc_methods
+class PlatformResponseMissmatch(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
+ super(PlatformResponseMissmatch, self).__init__(message + ' is not available for given platform state and data.\nPlease make sure the relevant features are turned on in the platform.')
+class PlatformResponseAmbiguity(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
+ super(PlatformResponseAmbiguity, self).__init__(message + ' found more than one file matching the provided filename.\nPlease provide more distinct filename.')
+class CShowParser(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_drop_stats (query_response, interfaces_list):
+ res = {'total_drops' : 0}
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ mtch_found = 0
+ for line in response_lst:
+ mtch = re.match("^\s*(\w+/\d/\d)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)", line)
+ if mtch:
+ mtch_found += 1
+ if ( in interfaces_list):
+ res[] = (int( + int(
+ res['total_drops'] += (int( + int(
+# if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
+# raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('Drop stats')
+# else:
+# return res
+ return res
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_nbar_stats (query_response):
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ stats = {}
+ final_stats = {}
+ mtch_found = 0
+ for line in response_lst:
+ mtch = re.match("\s*([\w-]+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s+", line)
+ if mtch:
+ mtch_found += 1
+ key =
+ pkt_in = int(
+ pkt_out = int(
+ avg_pkt_cnt = ( pkt_in + pkt_out )/2
+ if avg_pkt_cnt == 0.0:
+ # escaping zero division case
+ continue
+ if key in stats:
+ stats[key] += avg_pkt_cnt
+ else:
+ stats[key] = avg_pkt_cnt
+ # Normalize the results to percents
+ for protocol in stats:
+ protocol_norm_stat = int(stats[protocol]*10000/stats['Total'])/100.0 # round the result to x.xx format
+ if (protocol_norm_stat != 0.0):
+ final_stats[protocol] = protocol_norm_stat
+ if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
+ raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('NBAR classification stats')
+ else:
+ return { 'percentage' : final_stats, 'packets' : stats }
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_nat_stats (query_response):
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ res = {}
+ mtch_found = 0
+ for line in response_lst:
+ mtch = re.match("Total (active translations):\s+(\d+).*(\d+)\s+static,\s+(\d+)\s+dynamic", line)
+ if mtch:
+ mtch_found += 1
+ res['total_active_trans'] = int(
+ res['static_active_trans'] = int(
+ res['dynamic_active_trans'] = int(
+ continue
+ mtch = re.match("(Hits):\s+(\d+)\s+(Misses):\s+(\d+)", line)
+ if mtch:
+ mtch_found += 1
+ res['num_of_hits'] = int(
+ res['num_of_misses'] = int(
+ if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
+ raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('NAT translations stats')
+ else:
+ return res
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_cpu_util_stats (query_response):
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ res = { 'cpu0' : 0,
+ 'cpu1' : 0 }
+ mtch_found = 0
+ for line in response_lst:
+ mtch = re.match("\W*Processing: Load\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*", line)
+ if mtch:
+ mtch_found += 1
+ res['cpu0'] += float(
+ res['cpu1'] += float(
+ if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
+ raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('CPU utilization processing')
+ else:
+ res['cpu0'] = res['cpu0']/mtch_found
+ res['cpu1'] = res['cpu1']/mtch_found
+ return res
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_cft_stats (query_response):
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ res = {}
+ mtch_found = 0
+ for line in response_lst:
+ mtch = re.match("\W*(\w+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+)", line)
+ if mtch:
+ mtch_found += 1
+ res[ str( mix_string( )] = float(
+ if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
+ raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('CFT counters stats')
+ else:
+ return res
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_cvla_memory_usage(query_response):
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ res = {}
+ res2 = {}
+ cnt = 0
+ state = 0
+ name = ''
+ number = 0.0
+ for line in response_lst:
+ if state == 0:
+ mtch = re.match("\W*Entity name:\W*(\w[^\r\n]+)", line)
+ if mtch:
+ name = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ state = 1
+ cnt += 1
+ elif state == 1:
+ mtch = re.match("\W*Handle:\W*(\d+)", line)
+ if mtch:
+ state = state + 1
+ else:
+ state = 0;
+ elif state == 2:
+ mtch = re.match("\W*Number of allocations:\W*(\d+)", line)
+ if mtch:
+ state = state + 1
+ number=float(
+ else:
+ state = 0;
+ elif state == 3:
+ mtch = re.match("\W*Memory allocated:\W*(\d+)", line)
+ if mtch:
+ state = 0
+ res[name] = float(
+ res2[name] = number
+ else:
+ state = 0
+ if cnt == 0:
+ raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('CVLA memory usage stats')
+ return (res,res2)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_show_image_version(query_response):
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ res = {}
+ for line in response_lst:
+ mtch = re.match("System image file is \"(\w+):(.*/)?(.+)\"", line)
+ if mtch:
+ res['drive'] =
+ res['image'] =
+ return res
+ raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('Running image info')
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_image_existence(query_response, img_name):
+ response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
+ cnt = 0
+ for line in response_lst:
+ regex = re.compile(".* (?!include) %s" % img_name )
+ mtch = regex.match(line)
+ if mtch:
+ cnt += 1
+ if cnt == 1:
+ return True
+ elif cnt > 1:
+ raise PlatformResponseAmbiguity('Image existence')
+ else:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_file_copy (query_response):
+ rev_response_lst = reversed(query_response.split('\r\n'))
+ lines_parsed = 0
+ for line in rev_response_lst:
+ mtch = re.match("\[OK - (\d+) bytes\]", line)
+ if mtch:
+ return True
+ lines_parsed += 1
+ if lines_parsed > 5:
+ return False
+ return False
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pass