path: root/scripts/automation/regression/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/regression/')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/ b/scripts/automation/regression/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..10e89910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+from CPlatform import *
+import cmd
+import outer_packages
+import termstyle
+import os
+from misc_methods import load_object_config_file
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from CShowParser import PlatformResponseMissmatch, PlatformResponseAmbiguity
+class InteractivePlatform(cmd.Cmd):
+ intro ="\nInteractive shell to control a remote Cisco IOS platform.\nType help to view available pre-defined configurations\n(c) All rights reserved.\n")
+ prompt = '> '
+ def __init__(self, cfg_yaml_path = None, silent_mode = False, virtual_mode = False ):
+# super(InteractivePlatform, self).__init__()
+ cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+ self.virtual_mode = virtual_mode
+ self.platform = CPlatform(silent_mode)
+ if cfg_yaml_path is None:
+ try:
+ cfg_yaml_path = raw_input(termstyle.cyan("Please enter a readable .yaml configuration file path: "))
+ cfg_yaml_path = os.path.abspath(cfg_yaml_path)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ exit(-1)
+ try:
+ self.device_cfg = CDeviceCfg(cfg_yaml_path)
+ self.platform.load_platform_data_from_file(self.device_cfg)
+ if not virtual_mode:
+ # if not virtual mode, try to establish a phyisical connection to platform
+ self.platform.launch_connection(self.device_cfg)
+ except Exception as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ exit(-1)
+ def do_show_cfg (self, line):
+ """Outputs the loaded interface configuration"""
+ self.platform.get_if_manager().dump_if_config()
+ print("*** End of interface configuration ***"))
+ def do_show_nat_cfg (self, line):
+ """Outputs the loaded nat provided configuration"""
+ try:
+ self.platform.dump_obj_config('nat')
+ print("*** End of nat configuration ***"))
+ except UserWarning as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ def do_show_static_route_cfg (self, line):
+ """Outputs the loaded static route configuration"""
+ try:
+ self.platform.dump_obj_config('static_route')
+ print("*** End of static route configuration ***"))
+ except UserWarning as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ def do_switch_cfg (self, cfg_file_path):
+ """Switch the current platform interface configuration with another one"""
+ if cfg_file_path:
+ cfg_yaml_path = os.path.abspath(cfg_file_path)
+ self.device_cfg = CDeviceCfg(cfg_yaml_path)
+ self.platform.load_platform_data_from_file(self.device_cfg)
+ if not self.virtual_mode:
+ self.platform.reload_connection(self.device_cfg)
+ print("Configuration switching completed successfully."))
+ else:
+ print(termstyle.magenta("Configuration file is missing. Please try again."))
+ def do_load_clean (self, arg):
+ """Loads a clean configuration file onto the platform
+ Specify no arguments will load 'clean_config.cfg' file from bootflash disk
+ First argument is clean config filename
+ Second argument is platform file's disk"""
+ if arg:
+ in_val = arg.split(' ')
+ if len(in_val)==2:
+ self.platform.load_clean_config(in_val[0], in_val[1])
+ else:
+ print(termstyle.magenta("One of the config inputs is missing."))
+ else:
+ self.platform.load_clean_config()
+# print termstyle.magenta("Configuration file definition is missing. use 'help load_clean' for further info.")
+ def do_basic_if_config(self, line):
+ """Apply basic interfaces configuartion to all platform interfaces"""
+ self.platform.configure_basic_interfaces()
+ print("Basic interfaces configuration applied successfully."))
+ def do_pbr(self, line):
+ """Apply IPv4 PBR configuration on all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_pbr()
+ print("IPv4 PBR configuration applied successfully."))
+ def do_no_pbr(self, line):
+ """Removes IPv4 PBR configuration from all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_no_pbr()
+ print("IPv4 PBR configuration removed successfully."))
+ def do_nbar(self, line):
+ """Apply NBAR PD configuration on all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_nbar_pd()
+ print("NBAR configuration applied successfully."))
+ def do_no_nbar(self, line):
+ """Removes NBAR PD configuration from all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_no_nbar_pd()
+ print("NBAR configuration removed successfully."))
+ def do_static_route(self, arg):
+ """Apply IPv4 static routing configuration on all interfaces
+ Specify no arguments will apply static routing with following config:
+ 1. clients_start -
+ 2. servers_start -
+ 3. dual_port_mask -
+ 4. client_destination_mask -
+ 5. server_destination_mask -
+ """
+ if arg:
+ stat_route_dict = load_object_config_file(arg)
+# else:
+# print termstyle.magenta("Unknown configutaion option requested. use 'help static_route' for further info.")
+ else:
+ stat_route_dict = { 'clients_start' : '',
+ 'servers_start' : '',
+ 'dual_port_mask': '',
+ 'client_destination_mask' : '',
+ 'server_destination_mask' : '' }
+ stat_route_obj = CStaticRouteConfig(stat_route_dict)
+ self.platform.config_static_routing(stat_route_obj)
+ print("IPv4 static routing configuration applied successfully."))
+# print termstyle.magenta("Specific configutaion is missing. use 'help static_route' for further info.")
+ def do_no_static_route(self, line):
+ """Removes IPv4 static route configuration from all non-duplicated interfaces"""
+ try:
+ self.platform.config_no_static_routing()
+ print("IPv4 static routing configuration removed successfully."))
+ except UserWarning as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ def do_nat(self, arg):
+ """Apply NAT configuration on all non-duplicated interfaces
+ Specify no arguments will apply NAT with following config:
+ 1. clients_net_start -
+ 2. client_acl_wildcard_mask -
+ 3. dual_port_mask -
+ 4. pool_start -
+ 5. pool_netmask -
+ """
+ if arg:
+ nat_dict = load_object_config_file(arg)
+# else:
+# print termstyle.magenta("Unknown nat configutaion option requested. use 'help nat' for further info.")
+ else:
+# print termstyle.magenta("Specific nat configutaion is missing. use 'help nat' for further info.")
+ nat_dict = { 'clients_net_start' : '',
+ 'client_acl_wildcard_mask' : '',
+ 'dual_port_mask' : '',
+ 'pool_start' : '',
+ 'pool_netmask' : '' }
+ nat_obj = CNatConfig(nat_dict)
+ self.platform.config_nat(nat_obj)
+ print("NAT configuration applied successfully."))
+ def do_no_nat(self, arg):
+ """Removes NAT configuration from all non-duplicated interfaces"""
+ try:
+ self.platform.config_no_nat()
+ print("NAT configuration removed successfully."))
+ except UserWarning as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ def do_ipv6_pbr(self, line):
+ """Apply IPv6 PBR configuration on all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_ipv6_pbr()
+ print("IPv6 PBR configuration applied successfully."))
+ def do_no_ipv6_pbr(self, line):
+ """Removes IPv6 PBR configuration from all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_no_ipv6_pbr()
+ print("IPv6 PBR configuration removed successfully."))
+ def do_zbf(self, line):
+ """Apply Zone-Based policy Firewall configuration on all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_zbf()
+ print("Zone-Based policy Firewall configuration applied successfully."))
+ def do_no_zbf(self, line):
+ """Removes Zone-Based policy Firewall configuration from all interfaces"""
+ self.platform.config_no_zbf()
+ print("Zone-Based policy Firewall configuration removed successfully."))
+ def do_show_cpu_util(self, line):
+ """Fetches CPU utilization stats from the platform"""
+ try:
+ print(self.platform.get_cpu_util())
+ print("*** End of show_cpu_util output ***"))
+ except PlatformResponseMissmatch as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ def do_show_drop_stats(self, line):
+ """Fetches packet drop stats from the platform.\nDrop are summed and presented for both input and output traffic of each interface"""
+ print(self.platform.get_drop_stats())
+ print("*** End of show_drop_stats output ***"))
+ def do_show_nbar_stats(self, line):
+ """Fetches NBAR classification stats from the platform.\nStats are available both as raw data and as percentage data."""
+ try:
+ print(self.platform.get_nbar_stats())
+ print("*** End of show_nbar_stats output ***"))
+ except PlatformResponseMissmatch as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ def do_show_nat_stats(self, line):
+ """Fetches NAT translations stats from the platform"""
+ print(self.platform.get_nat_stats())
+ print("*** End of show_nat_stats output ***"))
+ def do_show_cft_stats(self, line):
+ """Fetches CFT stats from the platform"""
+ print(self.platform.get_cft_stats())
+ print("*** End of show_sft_stats output ***"))
+ def do_show_cvla_memory_usage(self, line):
+ """Fetches CVLA memory usage stats from the platform"""
+ (res, res2) = self.platform.get_cvla_memory_usage()
+ print(res)
+ print(res2)
+ print("*** End of show_cvla_memory_usage output ***"))
+ def do_clear_counters(self, line):
+ """Clears interfaces counters"""
+ self.platform.clear_counters()
+ print("*** clear counters completed ***"))
+ def do_clear_nbar_stats(self, line):
+ """Clears interfaces counters"""
+ self.platform.clear_nbar_stats()
+ print("*** clear nbar stats completed ***"))
+ def do_clear_cft_counters(self, line):
+ """Clears interfaces counters"""
+ self.platform.clear_cft_counters()
+ print("*** clear cft counters completed ***"))
+ def do_clear_drop_stats(self, line):
+ """Clears interfaces counters"""
+ self.platform.clear_packet_drop_stats()
+ print("*** clear packet drop stats completed ***"))
+ def do_clear_nat_translations(self, line):
+ """Clears nat translations"""
+ self.platform.clear_nat_translations()
+ print("*** clear nat translations completed ***"))
+ def do_set_tftp_server (self, line):
+ """Configures TFTP access on platform"""
+ self.platform.config_tftp_server(self.device_cfg)
+ print("*** TFTP config deployment completed ***"))
+ def do_show_running_image (self, line):
+ """Fetches currently loaded image of the platform"""
+ res = self.platform.get_running_image_details()
+ print(res)
+ print("*** Show running image completed ***"))
+ def do_check_image_existence(self, arg):
+ """Check if specific image file (usually *.bin) is already stored in platform drive"""
+ if arg:
+ try:
+ res = self.platform.check_image_existence(arg.split(' ')[0])
+ print(res)
+ print("*** Check image existence completed ***"))
+ except PlatformResponseAmbiguity as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ else:
+ print(termstyle.magenta("Please provide an image name in order to check for existance."))
+ def do_load_image (self, arg):
+ """Loads a given image filename from tftp server (if not available on disk) and sets it as the boot image on the platform"""
+ if arg:
+ try:
+ self.platform.load_platform_image('asr1001-universalk9.BLD_V155_2_S_XE315_THROTTLE_LATEST_20150324_100047-std.bin')#arg.split(' ')[0])
+ except UserWarning as inst:
+ print(termstyle.magenta(inst))
+ else:
+ print(termstyle.magenta("Image filename is missing."))
+ def do_reload (self, line):
+ """Reloads the platform"""
+ ans = misc_methods.query_yes_no('This will reload the platform. Are you sure?', default = None)
+ if ans:
+ # user confirmed he wishes to reload the platform
+ self.platform.reload_platform(self.device_cfg)
+ print("*** Platform reload completed ***"))
+ else:
+ print("*** Platform reload aborted ***"))
+ def do_quit(self, arg):
+ """Quits the application"""
+ return True
+ def do_exit(self, arg):
+ """Quits the application"""
+ return True
+ def do_all(self, arg):
+ """Configures bundle of commands to set PBR routing"""
+ self.do_load_clean('')
+ self.do_set_tftp_server('')
+ self.do_basic_if_config('')
+ self.do_pbr('')
+ self.do_ipv6_pbr('')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 1.0 \t (C) Cisco Systems Inc.\n")
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--config-file", dest="cfg_yaml_path",
+ action="store", help="Define the interface configuration to load the applicatino with.", metavar="FILE_PATH")
+ parser.add_option("-s", "--silent", dest="silent_mode", default = False,
+ action="store_true", help="Silence the generated input when commands launched.")
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--virtual", dest="virtual_mode", default = False,
+ action="store_true", help="Interact with a virtual router, no actual link will apply. Show commands are NOT available in this mode.")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ InteractivePlatform(**vars(options)).cmdloop()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ exit(-1)