path: root/scripts/automation/regression/stateful_tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/regression/stateful_tests/')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/stateful_tests/ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateful_tests/
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index 00000000..e968d380
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+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateful_tests/
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+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014"
+ This script creates the functionality to test the performance of the TRex traffic generator
+ The tested scenario is a TRex TG directly connected to a Cisco router.
+ Topology:
+ ------- --------
+ | | Tx---1gig/10gig----Rx | |
+ | TRex | | router |
+ | | Rx---1gig/10gig----Tx | |
+ ------- --------
+from nose.plugins import Plugin
+from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
+import trex
+from trex import CTRexScenario
+import misc_methods
+import sys
+import os
+# from CPlatformUnderTest import *
+from CPlatform import *
+import termstyle
+import threading
+from .tests_exceptions import *
+from platform_cmd_link import *
+import unittest
+from glob import glob
+def setUpModule(module):
+ pass
+def tearDownModule(module):
+ pass
+class CTRexGeneral_Test(unittest.TestCase):
+ """This class defines the general stateful testcase of the TRex traffic generator"""
+ def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ if CTRexScenario.is_test_list:
+ return
+ # Point test object to scenario global object
+ self.configuration = CTRexScenario.configuration
+ self.benchmark = CTRexScenario.benchmark
+ self.trex = CTRexScenario.trex
+ self.stl_trex = CTRexScenario.stl_trex
+ self.trex_crashed = CTRexScenario.trex_crashed
+ self.modes = CTRexScenario.modes
+ self.GAManager = CTRexScenario.GAManager
+ self.no_daemon = CTRexScenario.no_daemon
+ self.skipping = False
+ self.fail_reasons = []
+ if not hasattr(self, 'unsupported_modes'):
+ self.unsupported_modes = []
+ self.is_loopback = True if 'loopback' in self.modes else False
+ self.is_virt_nics = True if 'virt_nics' in self.modes else False
+ self.is_VM = True if 'VM' in self.modes else False
+ if not CTRexScenario.is_init:
+ if self.trex and not self.no_daemon: # stateful
+ CTRexScenario.trex_version = self.trex.get_trex_version()
+ if not self.is_loopback:
+ # initilize the scenario based on received configuration, once per entire testing session
+ CTRexScenario.router = CPlatform(CTRexScenario.router_cfg['silent_mode'])
+ device_cfg = CDeviceCfg()
+ device_cfg.set_platform_config(CTRexScenario.router_cfg['config_dict'])
+ device_cfg.set_tftp_config(CTRexScenario.router_cfg['tftp_config_dict'])
+ CTRexScenario.router.load_platform_data_from_file(device_cfg)
+ CTRexScenario.router.launch_connection(device_cfg)
+ if CTRexScenario.router_cfg['forceImageReload']:
+ running_image = CTRexScenario.router.get_running_image_details()['image']
+ print('Current router image: %s' % running_image)
+ needed_image = device_cfg.get_image_name()
+ if not CTRexScenario.router.is_image_matches(needed_image):
+ print('Setting router image: %s' % needed_image)
+ CTRexScenario.router.config_tftp_server(device_cfg)
+ CTRexScenario.router.load_platform_image(needed_image)
+ CTRexScenario.router.set_boot_image(needed_image)
+ CTRexScenario.router.reload_platform(device_cfg)
+ CTRexScenario.router.launch_connection(device_cfg)
+ running_image = CTRexScenario.router.get_running_image_details()['image'] # verify image
+ if not CTRexScenario.router.is_image_matches(needed_image):
+'Unable to set router image: %s, current image is: %s' % (needed_image, running_image))
+ else:
+ print('Matches needed image: %s' % needed_image)
+ CTRexScenario.router_image = running_image
+ if self.modes:
+ print('\t!!!\tRunning with modes: %s, not suitable tests will be skipped.\t!!!' % list(self.modes)))
+ CTRexScenario.is_init = True
+ print("Done instantiating TRex scenario!\n"))
+# raise RuntimeError('CTRexScenario class is not initialized!')
+ self.router = CTRexScenario.router
+# def assert_dict_eq (self, dict, key, val, error=''):
+# v1 = int(dict[key]))
+# self.assertEqual(v1, int(val), error)
+# def assert_dict_gt (self, d, key, val, error=''):
+# v1 = int(dict[key])
+# self.assert_gt(v1, int(val), error)
+ def assertEqual(self, v1, v2, s):
+ if v1 != v2:
+ error='ERROR '+str(v1)+' != '+str(v2)+ ' '+s;
+ def assert_gt(self, v1, v2, s):
+ if not v1 > v2:
+ error='ERROR {big} < {small} {str}'.format(big = v1, small = v2, str = s)
+ def check_results_eq (self,res,name,val):
+ if res is None:
+'TRex results cannot be None !')
+ return
+ if name not in res:
+'TRex results does not include key %s' % name)
+ return
+ if res[name] != float(val):
+'TRex results[%s]==%f and not as expected %f ' % (name, res[name], val))
+ def check_CPU_benchmark (self, trex_res, err = 25, minimal_cpu = 10, maximal_cpu = 85):
+ cpu_util = trex_res.get_avg_steady_state_value('')
+ trex_tx_bps = trex_res.get_avg_steady_state_value('')
+ expected_norm_cpu = self.get_benchmark_param('bw_per_core')
+ cores = self.get_benchmark_param('cores')
+ ports_count = trex_res.get_ports_count()
+ if not (cpu_util and ports_count and cores):
+ print("Can't calculate CPU benchmark, need to divide by zero: cpu util: %s, ports: %s, cores: %s" % (cpu_util, ports_count, cores))
+ test_norm_cpu = -1
+ else:
+ test_norm_cpu = trex_tx_bps / (cpu_util * ports_count * cores * 2.5e6)
+ if '1G' in self.modes:
+ minimal_cpu /= 10.0
+ if not self.is_virt_nics:
+ if cpu_util > maximal_cpu:
+"CPU is too high (%s%%), probably queue full." % cpu_util )
+ #if cpu_util < minimal_cpu:
+ #"CPU is too low (%s%%), can't verify performance in such low CPU%%." % cpu_util )
+ print("TRex CPU utilization: %g%%, norm_cpu is : %g Gb/core" % (round(cpu_util, 2), round(test_norm_cpu, 2)))
+ if test_norm_cpu < 0:
+ return
+ if not expected_norm_cpu:
+ expected_norm_cpu = 1
+ calc_error_precent = abs(100.0 * test_norm_cpu / expected_norm_cpu - 100)
+ print('Err percent: %s' % calc_error_precent)
+ #if calc_error_precent > err and cpu_util > 10:
+ #'Excepted bw_per_core ratio: %s, got: %g' % (expected_norm_cpu, round(test_norm_cpu)))
+ # report benchmarks
+ if self.GAManager:
+ try:
+ pass
+ #setup_test = '%s.%s' % (CTRexScenario.setup_name, self.get_name())
+ #self.GAManager.gaAddAction(Event = 'stateful_test', action = setup_test, label = 'bw_per_core', value = int(test_norm_cpu))
+ #self.GAManager.gaAddAction(Event = 'stateful_test', action = setup_test, label = 'bw_per_core_exp', value = int(expected_norm_cpu))
+ #self.GAManager.emptyAndReportQ()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Sending GA failed: %s' % e)
+ def check_results_gt (self, res, name, val):
+ if res is None:
+'TRex results canot be None !')
+ return
+ if name not in res:
+'TRex results does not include key %s' % name)
+ return
+ if res[name]< float(val):
+'TRex results[%s]<%f and not as expected greater than %f ' % (name, res[name], val))
+ def check_for_trex_crash(self):
+ pass
+ def get_benchmark_param (self, param, sub_param = None, test_name = None):
+ if not test_name:
+ test_name = self.get_name()
+ if test_name not in self.benchmark:
+ self.skip('No data in benchmark.yaml for test: %s, param: %s. Skipping.' % (test_name, param))
+ if sub_param:
+ return self.benchmark[test_name][param].get(sub_param)
+ else:
+ return self.benchmark[test_name].get(param)
+ def check_general_scenario_results (self, trex_res, check_latency = True):
+ try:
+ # check if test is valid
+ if not trex_res.is_done_warmup():
+'TRex did not reach warm-up situtaion. Results are not valid.')
+ # check history size is enough
+ if len(trex_res._history) < 5:
+'TRex results list is too short. Increase the test duration or check unexpected stopping.')
+ # check TRex number of drops
+ trex_tx_pckt = trex_res.get_last_value("")
+ trex_drops = trex_res.get_total_drops()
+ trex_drop_rate = trex_res.get_drop_rate()
+ if ( trex_drops > 0.001 * trex_tx_pckt) and (trex_drop_rate > 0.0): # deliberately mask kickoff drops when TRex first initiated
+'Number of packet drops larger than 0.1% of all traffic')
+ # check queue full, queue drop, allocation error
+ m_total_alloc_error = trex_res.get_last_value("")
+ m_total_queue_full = trex_res.get_last_value("")
+ m_total_queue_drop = trex_res.get_last_value("")
+ self.assert_gt(1000, m_total_alloc_error, 'Got allocation errors. (%s), please review multiplier and templates configuration.' % m_total_alloc_error)
+ self.assert_gt(1000, m_total_queue_drop, 'Too much queue_drop (%s), please review multiplier.' % m_total_queue_drop)
+ if self.is_VM:
+ allowed_queue_full = 10000 + trex_tx_pckt / 100
+ else:
+ allowed_queue_full = 1000 + trex_tx_pckt / 1000
+ self.assert_gt(allowed_queue_full, m_total_queue_full, 'Too much queue_full (%s), please review multiplier.' % m_total_queue_full)
+ # # check TRex expected counters
+ #trex_exp_rate = trex_res.get_expected_tx_rate().get('m_tx_expected_bps')
+ #assert trex_exp_rate is not None
+ #trex_exp_gbps = trex_exp_rate/(10**9)
+ if check_latency:
+ # check that max latency does not exceed 1 msec
+ if self.configuration.trex['trex_name'] == '': # temporary workaround for latency issue in kiwi02, remove it ASAP.
+ allowed_latency = 8000
+ elif self.is_VM:
+ allowed_latency = 9999999
+ else: # no excuses, check 1ms
+ allowed_latency = 1000
+ if max(trex_res.get_max_latency().values()) > allowed_latency:
+'LatencyError: Maximal latency exceeds %s (usec)' % allowed_latency)
+ # check that avg latency does not exceed 1 msec
+ if self.is_VM:
+ allowed_latency = 9999999
+ else: # no excuses, check 1ms
+ allowed_latency = 1000
+ if max(trex_res.get_avg_latency().values()) > allowed_latency:
+'LatencyError: Average latency exceeds %s (usec)' % allowed_latency)
+ if not self.is_loopback:
+ # check router number of drops --> deliberately masked- need to be figured out!!!!!
+ pkt_drop_stats = self.router.get_drop_stats()
+# assert pkt_drop_stats['total_drops'] < 20
+ # check for trex-router packet consistency
+ # TODO: check if it's ok
+ print('router drop stats: %s' % pkt_drop_stats)
+ print('TRex drop stats: %s' % trex_drops)
+ #self.assertEqual(pkt_drop_stats, trex_drops, "TRex's and router's drop stats don't match.")
+ except KeyError as e:
+ #assert False
+ # except AssertionError as e:
+ # e.args += ('TRex has crashed!')
+ # raise
+ @staticmethod
+ def unzip_client_package():
+ client_pkg_files = glob('%s/trex_client*.tar.gz' % CTRexScenario.scripts_path)
+ if not len(client_pkg_files):
+ raise Exception('Could not find client package')
+ if len(client_pkg_files) > 1:
+ raise Exception('Found more than one client packages')
+ if not os.path.exists('%s/trex_client' % CTRexScenario.scripts_path):
+ print('\nUnzipping package')
+ return_code, _, stderr = misc_methods.run_command("tar -xzf %s -C %s" % (client_pkg_files[0], CTRexScenario.scripts_path))
+ if return_code:
+ raise Exception('Could not untar the client package: %s' % stderr)
+ else:
+ print('\nClient package is untarred')
+ # We encountered error, don't fail the test immediately
+ def fail(self, reason = 'Unknown error'):
+ print('Error: %s' % reason)
+ self.fail_reasons.append(reason)
+ # skip running of the test, counts as 'passed' but prints 'skipped'
+ def skip(self, message = 'Unknown reason'):
+ print('Skip: %s' % message)
+ self.skipping = True
+ raise SkipTest(message)
+ # get name of currently running test
+ def get_name(self):
+ return self._testMethodName
+ def setUp(self):
+ test_setup_modes_conflict = self.modes & set(self.unsupported_modes)
+ if test_setup_modes_conflict:
+ self.skip("The test can't run with following modes of given setup: %s " % test_setup_modes_conflict)
+ if not self.stl_trex and not self.trex.is_idle():
+ print('Warning: TRex is not idle at setUp, trying to stop it.')
+ self.trex.force_kill(confirm = False)
+ if not self.is_loopback:
+ print('')
+ if not self.stl_trex: # stateful
+ self.router.load_clean_config()
+ self.router.clear_counters()
+ self.router.clear_packet_drop_stats()
+ ########################################################################
+ #### Added tests here will held once for EVERY test sub-class ####
+ ########################################################################
+ # masked example to such test. uncomment to watch how it affects #
+# def test_isInitialized(self):
+# assert CTRexScenario.is_init == True
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if not self.stl_trex and not self.trex.is_idle():
+ print('Warning: TRex is not idle at tearDown, trying to stop it.')
+ self.trex.force_kill(confirm = False)
+ if not self.skipping:
+ # print server logs of test run
+ if self.trex and CTRexScenario.server_logs and not self.no_daemon:
+ try:
+ print('\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Daemon log <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'))
+ daemon_log = self.trex.get_trex_daemon_log()
+ log_size = len(daemon_log)
+ print(''.join(daemon_log[CTRexScenario.daemon_log_lines:]))
+ CTRexScenario.daemon_log_lines = log_size
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Can't get TRex daemon log:", e)
+ try:
+ print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trex log <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'))
+ print(''.join(self.trex.get_trex_log()))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Can't get TRex log:", e)
+ if len(self.fail_reasons):
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ raise Exception('The test is failed, reasons:\n%s' % '\n'.join(self.fail_reasons))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def check_for_trex_crash(self):
+ pass