path: root/scripts/automation/regression/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/regression/')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/ b/scripts/automation/regression/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b96f2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import misc_methods
+import re
+import signal
+import time
+from CProgressDisp import TimedProgressBar
+from stateful_tests.tests_exceptions import TRexInUseError
+import datetime
+class CTRexScenario:
+ modes = set() # list of modes of this setup: loopback, virtual etc.
+ server_logs = False
+ is_test_list = False
+ is_init = False
+ is_stl_init = False
+ trex_crashed = False
+ configuration = None
+ trex = None
+ stl_trex = None
+ stl_ports_map = None
+ stl_init_error = None
+ router = None
+ router_cfg = None
+ daemon_log_lines = 0
+ setup_name = None
+ setup_dir = None
+ router_image = None
+ trex_version = None
+ scripts_path = None
+ benchmark = None
+ report_dir = 'reports'
+ # logger = None
+ test_types = {'functional_tests': [], 'stateful_tests': [], 'stateless_tests': []}
+ is_copied = False
+ GAManager = None
+ no_daemon = False
+ debug_image = False
+ test = None
+ json_verbose = False
+class CTRexRunner:
+ """This is an instance for generating a CTRexRunner"""
+ def __init__ (self, config_dict, yaml):
+ self.trex_config = config_dict#misc_methods.load_config_file(config_file)
+ self.yaml = yaml
+ def get_config (self):
+ """ get_config() -> dict
+ Returns the stored configuration of the TRex server of the CTRexRunner instance as a dictionary
+ """
+ return self.trex_config
+ def set_yaml_file (self, yaml_path):
+ """ update_yaml_file (self, yaml_path) -> None
+ Defines the yaml file to be used by the TRex.
+ """
+ self.yaml = yaml_path
+ def generate_run_cmd (self, multiplier, cores, duration, nc = True, export_path="/tmp/trex.txt", **kwargs):
+ """ generate_run_cmd(self, multiplier, duration, export_path) -> str
+ Generates a custom running command for the kick-off of the TRex traffic generator.
+ Returns a command (string) to be issued on the trex server
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ multiplier : float
+ Defines the TRex multiplier factor (platform dependant)
+ duration : int
+ Defines the duration of the test
+ export_path : str
+ a full system path to which the results of the trex-run will be logged.
+ """
+ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(self.yaml)
+ if self.yaml == None:
+ raise ValueError('TRex yaml file is not defined')
+ elif fileExtension != '.yaml':
+ raise TypeError('yaml path is not referencing a .yaml file')
+ if 'results_file_path' in kwargs:
+ export_path = kwargs['results_file_path']
+ trex_cmd_str = './t-rex-64 -c %d -m %f -d %d -f %s '
+ if nc:
+ trex_cmd_str = trex_cmd_str + ' --nc '
+ trex_cmd = trex_cmd_str % (cores,
+ multiplier,
+ duration,
+ self.yaml)
+ # self.trex_config['trex_latency'])
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ tmp_key = key.replace('_','-')
+ dash = ' -' if (len(key)==1) else ' --'
+ if value == True:
+ trex_cmd += (dash + tmp_key)
+ else:
+ trex_cmd += (dash + '{k} {val}'.format( k = tmp_key, val = value ))
+ print("\nTRex COMMAND: ", trex_cmd)
+ cmd = 'sshpass.exp %s %s root "cd %s; %s > %s"' % (self.trex_config['trex_password'],
+ self.trex_config['trex_name'],
+ self.trex_config['trex_version_path'],
+ trex_cmd,
+ export_path)
+ return cmd;
+ def generate_fetch_cmd (self, result_file_full_path="/tmp/trex.txt"):
+ """ generate_fetch_cmd(self, result_file_full_path) -> str
+ Generates a custom command for which will enable to fetch the resutls of the TRex run.
+ Returns a command (string) to be issued on the trex server.
+ Example use: fetch_trex_results() - command that will fetch the content from the default log file- /tmp/trex.txt
+ fetch_trex_results("/tmp/trex_secondary_file.txt") - command that will fetch the content from a custom log file- /tmp/trex_secondary_file.txt
+ """
+ #dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
+ script_running_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # get the current script working directory so that the sshpass could be accessed.
+ cmd = script_running_dir + '/sshpass.exp %s %s root "cat %s"' % (self.trex_config['trex_password'],
+ self.trex_config['trex_name'],
+ result_file_full_path);
+ return cmd;
+ def run (self, multiplier, cores, duration, **kwargs):
+ """ run(self, multiplier, duration, results_file_path) -> CTRexResults
+ Running the TRex server based on the config file.
+ Returns a CTRexResults object containing the results of the run.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ multiplier : float
+ Defines the TRex multiplier factor (platform dependant)
+ duration : int
+ Defines the duration of the test
+ results_file_path : str
+ a full system path to which the results of the trex-run will be logged and fetched from.
+ """
+ tmp_path = None
+ # print kwargs
+ if 'export_path' in kwargs:
+ tmp_path = kwargs['export_path']
+ del kwargs['export_path']
+ cmd = self.generate_run_cmd(multiplier, cores, duration, tmp_path, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ cmd = self.generate_run_cmd(multiplier, cores, duration, **kwargs)
+# print 'TRex complete command to be used:'
+# print cmd
+ # print kwargs
+ progress_thread = TimedProgressBar(duration)
+ progress_thread.start()
+ interrupted = False
+ try:
+ start_time = time.time()
+ start =
+ results =, shell = True, stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
+ end_time = time.time()
+ fin =
+ # print "Time difference : ", fin-start
+ runtime_deviation = abs(( (end_time - start_time)/ (duration+15) ) - 1)
+ print("runtime_deviation: %2.0f %%" % ( runtime_deviation*100.0))
+ if ( runtime_deviation > 0.6 ) :
+ # If the run stopped immediately - classify as Trex in use or reachability issue
+ interrupted = True
+ if ((end_time - start_time) < 2):
+ raise TRexInUseError ('TRex run failed since TRex is used by another process, or due to reachability issues')
+ else:
+ CTRexScenario.trex_crashed = True
+ # results = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb'),
+ # shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("\nTRex test interrupted by user during traffic generation!!")
+ results.killpg(, signal.SIGTERM) # Send the kill signal to all the process groups
+ interrupted = True
+ raise RuntimeError
+ finally:
+ progress_thread.join(isPlannedStop = (not interrupted) )
+ if results!=0:
+ sys.stderr.write("TRex run failed. Please Contact trex-dev mailer for further details")
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return None
+ elif interrupted:
+ sys.stderr.write("TRex run failed due user-interruption.")
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return None
+ else:
+ if tmp_path:
+ cmd = self.generate_fetch_cmd( tmp_path )#**kwargs)#results_file_path)
+ else:
+ cmd = self.generate_fetch_cmd()
+ try:
+ run_log = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = True)
+ trex_result = CTRexResult(None, run_log)
+ trex_result.load_file_lines()
+ trex_result.parse()
+ return trex_result
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ sys.stderr.write("TRex result fetching failed. Please Contact trex-dev mailer for further details")
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return None
+class CTRexResult():
+ """This is an instance for generating a CTRexResult"""
+ def __init__ (self, file, buffer = None):
+ self.file = file
+ self.buffer = buffer
+ self.result = {}
+ def load_file_lines (self):
+ """ load_file_lines(self) -> None
+ Loads into the self.lines the content of self.file
+ """
+ if self.buffer:
+ self.lines = self.buffer.split("\n")
+ else:
+ f = open(self.file,'r')
+ self.lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ def dump (self):
+ """ dump(self) -> None
+ Prints nicely the content of self.result dictionary into the screen
+ """
+ for key, value in self.result.items():
+ print("{0:20} : \t{1}".format(key, float(value)))
+ def update (self, key, val, _str):
+ """ update (self, key, val, _str) -> None
+ Updates the self.result[key] with a possibly new value representation of val
+ Example: 15K might be updated into 15000.0
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ key :
+ Key of the self.result dictionary of the TRexResult instance
+ val : float
+ Key of the self.result dictionary of the TRexResult instance
+ _str : str
+ a represntation of the BW (.
+ """
+ s = _str.strip()
+ if s[0]=="G":
+ val = val*1E9
+ elif s[0]=="M":
+ val = val*1E6
+ elif s[0]=="K":
+ val = val*1E3
+ if key in self.result:
+ if self.result[key] > 0:
+ if (val/self.result[key] > 0.97 ):
+ self.result[key]= val
+ else:
+ self.result[key] = val
+ else:
+ self.result[key] = val
+ def parse (self):
+ """ parse(self) -> None
+ Parse the content of the result file from the TRex test and upload the data into
+ """
+ stop_read = False
+ d = {
+ 'total-tx' : 0,
+ 'total-rx' : 0,
+ 'total-pps' : 0,
+ 'total-cps' : 0,
+ 'expected-pps' : 0,
+ 'expected-cps' : 0,
+ 'expected-bps' : 0,
+ 'active-flows' : 0,
+ 'open-flows' : 0
+ }
+ self.error = ""
+ # Parse the output of the test, line by line (each line matches another RegEx and as such
+ # different rules apply
+ for line in self.lines:
+ match = re.match(".*/var/run/.rte_config.*", line)
+ if match:
+ stop_read = True
+ continue
+ #Total-Tx : 462.42 Mbps Nat_time_out : 0 ==> we try to parse the next decimal in this case Nat_time_out
+# match = re.match("\W*(\w(\w|[-])+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+[.]\d+)\W*\w+\W+(\w+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+)(.*)", line);
+# if match:
+# key = misc_methods.mix_string(
+# val = float(
+# # continue to parse !! we try the second
+# self.result[key] = val #update latest
+ # check if we need to stop reading
+ match = re.match(".*latency daemon has stopped.*", line)
+ if match:
+ stop_read = True
+ continue
+ match = re.match("\W*(\w(\w|[-])+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+[.]\d+)(.*ps)\s+(\w+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+)", line)
+ if match:
+ key = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ val = float(
+ if key in d:
+ if stop_read == False:
+ self.update (key, val,
+ else:
+ self.result[key] = val # update latest
+ key2 = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ val2 = int(
+ self.result[key2] = val2 # always take latest
+ match = re.match("\W*(\w(\w|[-])+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+[.]\d+)(.*)", line)
+ if match:
+ key = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ val = float(
+ if key in d:
+ if stop_read == False:
+ self.update (key, val,
+ else:
+ self.result[key] = val # update latest
+ continue
+ match = re.match("\W*(\w(\w|[-])+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+)(.*)", line)
+ if match:
+ key = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ val = float(
+ self.result[key] = val #update latest
+ continue
+ match = re.match("\W*(\w(\w|[-])+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(OK)(.*)", line)
+ if match:
+ key = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ val = 0 # valid
+ self.result[key] = val #update latest
+ continue
+ match = re.match("\W*(Cpu Utilization)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+[.]\d+) %(.*)", line)
+ if match:
+ key = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ val = float(
+ if key in self.result:
+ if (self.result[key] < val): # update only if larger than previous value
+ self.result[key] = val
+ else:
+ self.result[key] = val
+ continue
+ match = re.match(".*(rx_check\s.*)\s+:\s+(\w+)", line)
+ if match:
+ key = misc_methods.mix_string(
+ try:
+ val = int(
+ except ValueError: # corresponds with rx_check validation case
+ val =
+ finally:
+ self.result[key] = val
+ continue
+ def get_status (self, drop_expected = False):
+ if (self.error != ""):
+ print(self.error)
+ return (self.STATUS_ERR_FATAL)
+ d = self.result
+ # test for latency
+ latency_limit = 5000
+ if ( d['maximum-latency'] > latency_limit ):
+ self.reason="Abnormal latency measured (higher than %s" % latency_limit
+ return self.STATUS_ERR_LATENCY
+ # test for drops
+ if drop_expected == False:
+ if ( d['total-pkt-drop'] > 0 ):
+ self.reason=" At least one packet dropped "
+ return self.STATUS_ERR_DROP
+ # test for rx/tx distance
+ rcv_vs_tx = d['total-tx']/d['total-rx']
+ if ( (rcv_vs_tx >1.2) or (rcv_vs_tx <0.9) ):
+ self.reason="rx and tx should be close"
+ # expected measurement
+ expect_vs_measued=d['total-tx']/d['expected-bps']
+ if ( (expect_vs_measued >1.1) or (expect_vs_measued < 0.9) ) :
+ print(expect_vs_measued)
+ print(d['total-tx'])
+ print(d['expected-bps'])
+ self.reason="measure is not as expected"
+ if ( d['latency-any-error'] !=0 ):
+ self.reason=" latency-any-error has error"
+ return self.STATUS_OK
+ # return types
+def test_TRex_result_parser():
+ t=CTRexResult('trex.txt');
+ t.load_file_lines()
+ t.parse()
+ print(t.result)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #test_TRex_result_parser();
+ pass