path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1376 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/rpc_defaults.yaml b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/rpc_defaults.yaml
deleted file mode 100755
index 9325a0e4..00000000
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/rpc_defaults.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#### TRex RPC stream list default values ####
-# this document is based on TRex RPC server spec and its fields:
-# 1. Each key represents an object type
-# 2. Each value can be either a value field or another object
-# 2.1. If a value field, read as:
-# + type: type of field
-# + has_default: if the value has any default
-# + default: the default value (Only appears if has_default field is 'YES')
-# 2.2. If an object type, jump to corresponding object key.
-# 3. If an object has more than one instance type, another layer with the type shall be added.
-# For example, 'mode' object has 3 types: 'continuous', 'single_burst', 'multi_burst'
-# So, 3 mode objects will be defined, named:
-# - mode['continuous']
-# - mode['single_burst']
-# - mode['multi_burst']
-# In this case, there's no default for the 'type' field on the object
-# 4. Some values has 'multiply' property attached.
-# In such case, the loaded value will be multiplied by the multiplier
-# For example, if the mode's 'pps' field value is 10, and its multiplier is 5,
-# the loaded pps value will be 10*5=50
-# 5. Any object type must be listed by the user, even if all its field are defaults.
-# The most basic option would be to declare the object with "[]", which stands for empty object in YAML syntax.
- enabled:
- type: boolean
- has_default: YES
- default: True
- self_start:
- type: boolean
- has_default: YES
- default: True
- isg:
- type: [int, double, string]
- has_default: YES
- default: 0.0
- next_stream_id:
- type: string # string to allow naming binding
- has_default: YES
- default: -1 # no next streams
- packet:
- type: object
- mode:
- type: object
- vm:
- type: object
- rx_stats:
- type: object
- binary:
- type: [array,string]
- has_default: NO
- meta:
- type: string
- has_default: YES
- default: ""
- continuous:
- pps:
- type: [int, double]
- has_default: NO
- multiply: YES
- single_burst:
- pps:
- type: [int, double]
- has_default: NO
- multiply: YES
- total_pkts:
- type: int
- has_default: NO
- multi_burst:
- pps:
- type: [int, double]
- has_default: NO
- multiply: YES
- pkts_per_burst:
- type: int
- has_default: NO
- ibg:
- type: [int, double, string]
- has_default: YES
- default: 100.0
- count:
- type: int
- has_default: YES
- default: 0 # loop forever
- enabled:
- type: boolean
- has_default: YES
- default: False
- stream_id:
- type: string
- has_default: YES
- default: False # use related stream_id
- seq_enabled:
- type: boolean
- has_default: YES
- default: False
- latency_enabled:
- type: boolean
- has_default: YES
- default: False
- instructions:
- type: array
- has_default: YES
- default: []
- split_by_var:
- type: string
- has_default: YES
- default: ""
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3bd6e0cd..00000000
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict, deque
-from client_utils import text_tables
-from common.text_opts import format_text, format_threshold, format_num
-from client.trex_async_client import CTRexAsyncStats
-import copy
-import datetime
-import time
-import re
-import math
-import copy
-ExportableStats = namedtuple('ExportableStats', ['raw_data', 'text_table'])
-# use to calculate diffs relative to the previous values
-# for example, BW
-def calculate_diff (samples):
- total = 0.0
- weight_step = 1.0 / sum(xrange(0, len(samples)))
- weight = weight_step
- for i in xrange(0, len(samples) - 1):
- current = samples[i] if samples[i] > 0 else 1
- next = samples[i + 1] if samples[i + 1] > 0 else 1
- s = 100 * ((float(next) / current) - 1.0)
- # block change by 100%
- total += (min(s, 100) * weight)
- weight += weight_step
- return total
-# calculate by absolute values and not relatives (useful for CPU usage in % and etc.)
-def calculate_diff_raw (samples):
- total = 0.0
- weight_step = 1.0 / sum(xrange(0, len(samples)))
- weight = weight_step
- for i in xrange(0, len(samples) - 1):
- current = samples[i]
- next = samples[i + 1]
- total += ( (next - current) * weight )
- weight += weight_step
- return total
-class CTRexInfoGenerator(object):
- """
- This object is responsible of generating stats and information from objects maintained at
- STLClient and the ports.
- """
- def __init__(self, global_stats_ref, ports_dict_ref):
- self._global_stats = global_stats_ref
- self._ports_dict = ports_dict_ref
- def generate_single_statistic(self, port_id_list, statistic_type):
- if statistic_type == GLOBAL_STATS:
- return self._generate_global_stats()
- elif statistic_type == PORT_STATS:
- return self._generate_port_stats(port_id_list)
- pass
- elif statistic_type == PORT_STATUS:
- return self._generate_port_status(port_id_list)
- else:
- # ignore by returning empty object
- return {}
- def generate_streams_info(self, port_id_list, stream_id_list):
- relevant_ports = self.__get_relevant_ports(port_id_list)
- return_data = OrderedDict()
- for port_obj in relevant_ports:
- streams_data = self._generate_single_port_streams_info(port_obj, stream_id_list)
- if not streams_data:
- continue
- hdr_key = "Port {port}: {yaml_file}".format(port= port_obj.port_id,
- yaml_file= streams_data.raw_data.get('referring_file', ''))
- # TODO: test for other ports with same stream structure, and join them
- return_data[hdr_key] = streams_data
- return return_data
- def _generate_global_stats(self):
- stats_data = self._global_stats.generate_stats()
- # build table representation
- stats_table = text_tables.TRexTextInfo()
- stats_table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"])
- stats_table.add_rows([[k.replace("_", " ").title(), v]
- for k, v in stats_data.iteritems()],
- header=False)
- return {"global_statistics": ExportableStats(stats_data, stats_table)}
- def _generate_port_stats(self, port_id_list):
- relevant_ports = self.__get_relevant_ports(port_id_list)
- return_stats_data = {}
- per_field_stats = OrderedDict([("owner", []),
- ("state", []),
- ("--", []),
- ("Tx bps", []),
- ("Tx pps", []),
- ("---", []),
- ("Rx bps", []),
- ("Rx pps", []),
- ("----", []),
- ("opackets", []),
- ("ipackets", []),
- ("obytes", []),
- ("ibytes", []),
- ("tx-bytes", []),
- ("rx-bytes", []),
- ("tx-pkts", []),
- ("rx-pkts", []),
- ("-----", []),
- ("oerrors", []),
- ("ierrors", []),
- ]
- )
- total_stats = CPortStats(None)
- for port_obj in relevant_ports:
- # fetch port data
- port_stats = port_obj.generate_port_stats()
- total_stats += port_obj.port_stats
- # populate to data structures
- return_stats_data[port_obj.port_id] = port_stats
- self.__update_per_field_dict(port_stats, per_field_stats)
- total_cols = len(relevant_ports)
- header = ["port"] + [port.port_id for port in relevant_ports]
- if (total_cols > 1):
- self.__update_per_field_dict(total_stats.generate_stats(), per_field_stats)
- header += ['total']
- total_cols += 1
- stats_table = text_tables.TRexTextTable()
- stats_table.set_cols_align(["l"] + ["r"] * total_cols)
- stats_table.set_cols_width([10] + [17] * total_cols)
- stats_table.set_cols_dtype(['t'] + ['t'] * total_cols)
- stats_table.add_rows([[k] + v
- for k, v in per_field_stats.iteritems()],
- header=False)
- stats_table.header(header)
- return {"port_statistics": ExportableStats(return_stats_data, stats_table)}
- def _generate_port_status(self, port_id_list):
- relevant_ports = self.__get_relevant_ports(port_id_list)
- return_stats_data = {}
- per_field_status = OrderedDict([("type", []),
- ("maximum", []),
- ("status", [])
- ]
- )
- for port_obj in relevant_ports:
- # fetch port data
- # port_stats = self._async_stats.get_port_stats(port_obj.port_id)
- port_status = port_obj.generate_port_status()
- # populate to data structures
- return_stats_data[port_obj.port_id] = port_status
- self.__update_per_field_dict(port_status, per_field_status)
- stats_table = text_tables.TRexTextTable()
- stats_table.set_cols_align(["l"] + ["c"]*len(relevant_ports))
- stats_table.set_cols_width([10] + [20] * len(relevant_ports))
- stats_table.add_rows([[k] + v
- for k, v in per_field_status.iteritems()],
- header=False)
- stats_table.header(["port"] + [port.port_id
- for port in relevant_ports])
- return {"port_status": ExportableStats(return_stats_data, stats_table)}
- def _generate_single_port_streams_info(self, port_obj, stream_id_list):
- return_streams_data = port_obj.generate_loaded_streams_sum(stream_id_list)
- if not return_streams_data.get("streams"):
- # we got no streams available
- return None
- # because we mutate this - deep copy before
- return_streams_data = copy.deepcopy(return_streams_data)
- for stream_id, stream_id_sum in return_streams_data['streams'].iteritems():
- stream_id_sum['rate_pps'] = format_num(stream_id_sum['rate_pps'], suffix='pps')
- stream_id_sum['packet_type'] = self._trim_packet_headers(stream_id_sum['packet_type'], 20)
- info_table = text_tables.TRexTextTable()
- info_table.set_cols_align(["c"] + ["l"] + ["r"] + ["c"] + ["r"] + ["c"])
- info_table.set_cols_width([10] + [20] + [8] + [16] + [10] + [12])
- info_table.set_cols_dtype(["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"])
- info_table.add_rows([v.values()
- for k, v in return_streams_data['streams'].iteritems()],
- header=False)
- info_table.header(["ID", "packet type", "length", "mode", "rate", "next stream"])
- return ExportableStats(return_streams_data, info_table)
- def __get_relevant_ports(self, port_id_list):
- # fetch owned ports
- ports = [port_obj
- for _, port_obj in self._ports_dict.iteritems()
- if port_obj.port_id in port_id_list]
- # display only the first FOUR options, by design
- if len(ports) > 4:
- print format_text("[WARNING]: ", 'magenta', 'bold'), format_text("displaying up to 4 ports", 'magenta')
- ports = ports[:4]
- return ports
- def __update_per_field_dict(self, dict_src_data, dict_dest_ref):
- for key, val in dict_src_data.iteritems():
- if key in dict_dest_ref:
- dict_dest_ref[key].append(val)
- @staticmethod
- def _trim_packet_headers(headers_str, trim_limit):
- if len(headers_str) < trim_limit:
- # do nothing
- return headers_str
- else:
- return (headers_str[:trim_limit-3] + "...")
-class CTRexStats(object):
- """ This is an abstract class to represent a stats object """
- def __init__(self):
- self.reference_stats = {}
- self.latest_stats = {}
- self.last_update_ts = time.time()
- self.history = deque(maxlen = 10)
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- # override this to allow quick and clean access to fields
- if not item in self.latest_stats:
- return "N/A"
- # item must exist
- m ='_(([a-z])ps)$', item)
- if m:
- # this is a non-relative item
- unit =
- if unit == "b":
- return self.get(item, format=True, suffix="b/sec")
- elif unit == "p":
- return self.get(item, format=True, suffix="pkt/sec")
- else:
- return self.get(item, format=True,
- m ='^[i|o](a-z+)$', item)
- if m:
- # this is a non-relative item
- type =
- if type == "bytes":
- return self.get_rel(item, format=True, suffix="B")
- elif type == "packets":
- return self.get_rel(item, format=True, suffix="pkts")
- else:
- # do not format with suffix
- return self.get_rel(item, format=True)
- # can't match to any known pattern, return N/A
- return "N/A"
- def generate_stats(self):
- # must be implemented by designated classes (such as port/ global stats)
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def update(self, snapshot):
- # update
- self.latest_stats = snapshot
- self.history.append(snapshot)
- diff_time = time.time() - self.last_update_ts
- # 3 seconds is too much - this is the new reference
- if (not self.reference_stats) or (diff_time > 3):
- self.reference_stats = self.latest_stats
- self.last_update_ts = time.time()
- def clear_stats(self):
- self.reference_stats = self.latest_stats
- def invalidate (self):
- self.latest_stats = {}
- def get(self, field, format=False, suffix=""):
- if not field in self.latest_stats:
- return "N/A"
- if not format:
- return self.latest_stats[field]
- else:
- return format_num(self.latest_stats[field], suffix)
- def get_rel(self, field, format=False, suffix=""):
- if not field in self.latest_stats:
- return "N/A"
- if not format:
- if not field in self.reference_stats:
- print "REF: " + str(self.reference_stats)
- print "BASE: " + str(self.latest_stats)
- return (self.latest_stats[field] - self.reference_stats[field])
- else:
- return format_num(self.latest_stats[field] - self.reference_stats[field], suffix)
- # get trend for a field
- def get_trend (self, field, use_raw = False, percision = 10.0):
- if not field in self.latest_stats:
- return 0
- # not enough history - no trend
- if len(self.history) < 5:
- return 0
- # absolute value is too low 0 considered noise
- if self.latest_stats[field] < percision:
- return 0
- field_samples = [sample[field] for sample in self.history]
- if use_raw:
- return calculate_diff_raw(field_samples)
- else:
- return calculate_diff(field_samples)
- def get_trend_gui (self, field, show_value = False, use_raw = False, up_color = 'red', down_color = 'green'):
- v = self.get_trend(field, use_raw)
- value = abs(v)
- arrow = u'\u25b2' if v > 0 else u'\u25bc'
- color = up_color if v > 0 else down_color
- # change in 1% is not meaningful
- if value < 1:
- return ""
- elif value > 5:
- if show_value:
- return format_text(u"{0}{0}{0} {1:.2f}%".format(arrow,v), color)
- else:
- return format_text(u"{0}{0}{0}".format(arrow), color)
- elif value > 2:
- if show_value:
- return format_text(u"{0}{0} {1:.2f}%".format(arrow,v), color)
- else:
- return format_text(u"{0}{0}".format(arrow), color)
- else:
- if show_value:
- return format_text(u"{0} {1:.2f}%".format(arrow,v), color)
- else:
- return format_text(u"{0}".format(arrow), color)
-class CGlobalStats(CTRexStats):
- def __init__(self, connection_info, server_version, ports_dict_ref):
- super(CGlobalStats, self).__init__()
- self.connection_info = connection_info
- self.server_version = server_version
- self._ports_dict = ports_dict_ref
- def get_stats (self):
- stats = {}
- # absolute
- stats['cpu_util'] = self.get("m_cpu_util")
- stats['tx_bps'] = self.get("m_tx_bps")
- stats['tx_pps'] = self.get("m_tx_pps")
- stats['rx_bps'] = self.get("m_rx_bps")
- stats['rx_pps'] = self.get("m_rx_pps")
- stats['rx_drop_bps'] = self.get("m_rx_drop_bps")
- # relatives
- stats['queue_full'] = self.get_rel("m_total_queue_full")
- return stats
- def generate_stats(self):
- return OrderedDict([("connection", "{host}, Port {port}".format(host=self.connection_info.get("server"),
- port=self.connection_info.get("sync_port"))),
- ("version", "{ver}, UUID: {uuid}".format(ver=self.server_version.get("version", "N/A"),
- uuid="N/A")),
- ("cpu_util", u"{0}% {1}".format( format_threshold(self.get("m_cpu_util"), [85, 100], [0, 85]),
- self.get_trend_gui("m_cpu_util", use_raw = True))),
- (" ", ""),
- ("total_tx", u"{0} {1}".format( self.get("m_tx_bps", format=True, suffix="b/sec"),
- self.get_trend_gui("m_tx_bps"))),
- ("total_rx", u"{0} {1}".format( self.get("m_rx_bps", format=True, suffix="b/sec"),
- self.get_trend_gui("m_rx_bps"))),
- ("total_pps", u"{0} {1}".format( self.get("m_tx_pps", format=True, suffix="pkt/sec"),
- self.get_trend_gui("m_tx_pps"))),
- (" ", ""),
- ("drop_rate", "{0}".format( format_num(self.get("m_rx_drop_bps"),
- suffix = 'b/sec',
- opts = 'green' if (self.get("m_rx_drop_bps")== 0) else 'red'))),
- ("queue_full", "{0}".format( format_num(self.get_rel("m_total_queue_full"),
- suffix = 'pkts',
- compact = False,
- opts = 'green' if (self.get_rel("m_total_queue_full")== 0) else 'red'))),
- ]
- )
-class CPortStats(CTRexStats):
- def __init__(self, port_obj):
- super(CPortStats, self).__init__()
- self._port_obj = port_obj
- @staticmethod
- def __merge_dicts (target, src):
- for k, v in src.iteritems():
- if k in target:
- target[k] += v
- else:
- target[k] = v
- def __add__ (self, x):
- if not isinstance(x, CPortStats):
- raise TypeError("cannot add non stats object to stats")
- # main stats
- if not self.latest_stats:
- self.latest_stats = {}
- self.__merge_dicts(self.latest_stats, x.latest_stats)
- # reference stats
- if x.reference_stats:
- if not self.reference_stats:
- self.reference_stats = x.reference_stats.copy()
- else:
- self.__merge_dicts(self.reference_stats, x.reference_stats)
- # history
- if not self.history:
- self.history = copy.deepcopy(x.history)
- else:
- for h1, h2 in zip(self.history, x.history):
- self.__merge_dicts(h1, h2)
- return self
- # for port we need to do something smarter
- def get_stats (self):
- stats = {}
- stats['opackets'] = self.get_rel("opackets")
- stats['ipackets'] = self.get_rel("ipackets")
- stats['obytes'] = self.get_rel("obytes")
- stats['ibytes'] = self.get_rel("ibytes")
- stats['oerrors'] = self.get_rel("oerrors")
- stats['ierrors'] = self.get_rel("ierrors")
- stats['tx_bps'] = self.get("m_total_tx_bps")
- stats['tx_pps'] = self.get("m_total_tx_pps")
- stats['rx_bps'] = self.get("m_total_rx_bps")
- stats['rx_pps'] = self.get("m_total_rx_pps")
- return stats
- def generate_stats(self):
- state = self._port_obj.get_port_state_name() if self._port_obj else ""
- if state == "ACTIVE":
- state = format_text(state, 'green', 'bold')
- elif state == "PAUSE":
- state = format_text(state, 'magenta', 'bold')
- else:
- state = format_text(state, 'bold')
- return {"owner": self._port_obj.user if self._port_obj else "",
- "state": "{0}".format(state),
- "--": " ",
- "---": " ",
- "----": " ",
- "-----": " ",
- "Tx bps": u"{0} {1}".format(self.get_trend_gui("m_total_tx_bps", show_value = False),
- self.get("m_total_tx_bps", format = True, suffix = "bps")),
- "Rx bps": u"{0} {1}".format(self.get_trend_gui("m_total_rx_bps", show_value = False),
- self.get("m_total_rx_bps", format = True, suffix = "bps")),
- "Tx pps": u"{0} {1}".format(self.get_trend_gui("m_total_tx_pps", show_value = False),
- self.get("m_total_tx_pps", format = True, suffix = "pps")),
- "Rx pps": u"{0} {1}".format(self.get_trend_gui("m_total_rx_pps", show_value = False),
- self.get("m_total_rx_pps", format = True, suffix = "pps")),
- "opackets" : self.get_rel("opackets"),
- "ipackets" : self.get_rel("ipackets"),
- "obytes" : self.get_rel("obytes"),
- "ibytes" : self.get_rel("ibytes"),
- "tx-bytes": self.get_rel("obytes", format = True, suffix = "B"),
- "rx-bytes": self.get_rel("ibytes", format = True, suffix = "B"),
- "tx-pkts": self.get_rel("opackets", format = True, suffix = "pkts"),
- "rx-pkts": self.get_rel("ipackets", format = True, suffix = "pkts"),
- "oerrors" : format_num(self.get_rel("oerrors"),
- compact = False,
- opts = 'green' if (self.get_rel("oerrors")== 0) else 'red'),
- "ierrors" : format_num(self.get_rel("ierrors"),
- compact = False,
- opts = 'green' if (self.get_rel("ierrors")== 0) else 'red'),
- }
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- pass
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be20db9..00000000
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-from common.text_opts import *
-# basic error for API
-class STLError(Exception):
- def __init__ (self, msg):
- self.msg = str(msg)
- def __str__ (self):
- exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
- fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
- s = "\n******\n"
- s += "Error at {0}:{1}\n\n".format(format_text(fname, 'bold'), format_text(exc_tb.tb_lineno), 'bold')
- s += "specific error:\n\n{0}\n".format(format_text(self.msg, 'bold'))
- return s
- def brief (self):
- return self.msg
-# raised when the client state is invalid for operation
-class STLStateError(STLError):
- def __init__ (self, op, state):
- self.msg = "Operation '{0}' is not valid while '{1}'".format(op, state)
-# port state error
-class STLPortStateError(STLError):
- def __init__ (self, port, op, state):
- self.msg = "Operation '{0}' on port(s) '{1}' is not valid while port(s) '{2}'".format(op, port, state)
-# raised when argument is not valid for operation
-class STLArgumentError(STLError):
- def __init__ (self, name, got, valid_values = None, extended = None):
- self.msg = "Argument: '{0}' invalid value: '{1}'".format(name, got)
- if valid_values:
- self.msg += " - valid values are '{0}'".format(valid_values)
- if extended:
- self.msg += "\n{0}".format(extended)
-# raised when timeout occurs
-class STLTimeoutError(STLError):
- def __init__ (self, timeout):
- self.msg = "Timeout: operation took more than '{0}' seconds".format(timeout)
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deleted file mode 100755
index c1f1bfa6..00000000
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-import external_packages
-from client_utils.packet_builder_interface import CTrexPktBuilderInterface
-from client_utils.packet_builder import CTRexPktBuilder
-from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
-from client_utils.yaml_utils import *
-import trex_stl_exceptions
-import dpkt
-import struct
-import copy
-import os
-import random
-import yaml
-import base64
-StreamPack = namedtuple('StreamPack', ['stream_id', 'stream'])
-LoadedStreamList = namedtuple('LoadedStreamList', ['name', 'loaded', 'compiled'])
-class CStreamList(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.streams_list = OrderedDict()
- self.yaml_loader = CTRexYAMLLoader(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
- "rpc_defaults.yaml"))
- def generate_numbered_name (self, name):
- prefix = name.rstrip('01234567890')
- suffix = name[len(prefix):]
- if suffix == "":
- n = "_1"
- else:
- n = int(suffix) + 1
- return prefix + str(n)
- def append_stream(self, name, stream_obj):
- assert isinstance(stream_obj, CStream)
- # if name exists simply add numbered suffix to it
- while name in self.streams_list:
- name = self.generate_numbered_name(name)
- self.streams_list[name]=stream_obj
- return name
- def remove_stream(self, name):
- popped = self.streams_list.pop(name)
- if popped:
- for stream_name, stream in self.streams_list.items():
- if stream.next_stream_id == name:
- stream.next_stream_id = -1
- try:
- rx_stats_stream = getattr(stream.rx_stats, "stream_id")
- if rx_stats_stream == name:
- # if a referenced stream of rx_stats object deleted, revert to rx stats of current stream
- setattr(stream.rx_stats, "stream_id", stream_name)
- except AttributeError as e:
- continue #
- return popped
- def export_to_yaml(self, file_path):
- raise NotImplementedError("export_to_yaml method is not implemented, yet")
- def load_yaml(self, file_path, multiplier=1):
- # clear all existing streams linked to this object
- self.streams_list.clear()
- streams_data = load_yaml_to_obj(file_path)
- assert isinstance(streams_data, list)
- new_streams_data = []
- for stream in streams_data:
- stream_name = stream.get("name")
- raw_stream = stream.get("stream")
- if not stream_name or not raw_stream:
- raise ValueError("Provided stream is not according to convention."
- "Each stream must be provided as two keys: 'name' and 'stream'. "
- "Provided item was:\n {stream}".format(stream))
- new_stream_data = self.yaml_loader.validate_yaml(raw_stream,
- "stream",
- multiplier= multiplier)
- new_streams_data.append(new_stream_data)
- new_stream_obj = CStream()
- new_stream_obj.load_data(**new_stream_data)
- self.append_stream(stream_name, new_stream_obj)
- return new_streams_data
- def compile_streams(self):
- # first, assign an id to each stream
- stream_ids = {}
- for idx, stream_name in enumerate(self.streams_list):
- stream_ids[stream_name] = idx
- # next, iterate over the streams and transform them from working with names to ids.
- # with that build a new dict with old stream_name as the key, and StreamPack as the stored value
- compiled_streams = {}
- for stream_name, stream in self.streams_list.items():
- tmp_stream = CStreamList._compile_single_stream(stream_name, stream, stream_ids)
- compiled_streams[stream_name] = StreamPack(stream_ids.get(stream_name),
- tmp_stream)
- return compiled_streams
- @staticmethod
- def _compile_single_stream(stream_name, stream, id_dict):
- # copy the old stream to temporary one, no change to class attributes
- tmp_stream = copy.copy(stream)
- next_stream_id = id_dict.get(getattr(tmp_stream, "next_stream_id"), -1)
- try:
- rx_stats_stream_id = id_dict.get(getattr(tmp_stream.rx_stats, "stream_id"),
- id_dict.get(stream_name))
- except AttributeError as e:
- rx_stats_stream_id = id_dict.get(stream_name)
- # assign resolved values to stream object
- tmp_stream.next_stream_id = next_stream_id
- tmp_stream.rx_stats.stream_id = rx_stats_stream_id
- return tmp_stream
-class CRxStats(object):
- FIELDS = ["seq_enabled", "latency_enabled", "stream_id"]
- def __init__(self, enabled=False, **kwargs):
- self.enabled = bool(enabled)
- for field in CRxStats.FIELDS:
- setattr(self, field, kwargs.get(field, False))
- def dump(self):
- if self.enabled:
- dump = {"enabled": True}
- dump.update({k: getattr(self, k)
- for k in CRxStats.FIELDS}
- )
- return dump
- else:
- return {"enabled": False}
-class CTxMode(object):
- """docstring for CTxMode"""
- GENERAL_FIELDS = ["type", "pps"]
- FIELDS = {"continuous": [],
- "single_burst": ["total_pkts"],
- "multi_burst": ["pkts_per_burst", "ibg", "count"]}
- def __init__(self, type, pps=0, **kwargs):
- self._MODES = CTxMode.FIELDS.keys()
- self.type = type
- self.pps = pps
- for field in CTxMode.FIELDS.get(self.type):
- setattr(self, field, kwargs.get(field, 0))
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._type
- @type.setter
- def type(self, type):
- if type not in self._MODES:
- raise ValueError("Unknown TX mode ('{0}')has been initialized.".format(type))
- self._type = type
- self._reset_fields()
- def dump(self):
- dump = ({k: getattr(self, k)
- for k in CTxMode.GENERAL_FIELDS
- })
- dump.update({k: getattr(self, k)
- for k in CTxMode.FIELDS.get(self.type)
- })
- return dump
- def _reset_fields(self):
- for field in CTxMode.FIELDS.get(self.type):
- setattr(self, field, 0)
-class CStream(object):
- """docstring for CStream"""
- FIELDS = ["enabled", "self_start", "next_stream_id", "isg", "mode", "rx_stats", "packet", "vm"]
- def __init__(self):
- self.is_loaded = False
- self._is_compiled = False
- self._pkt_bld_obj = CTRexPktBuilder()
- for field in CStream.FIELDS:
- setattr(self, field, None)
- def load_data(self, **kwargs):
- try:
- for k in CStream.FIELDS:
- if k == "rx_stats":
- rx_stats_data = kwargs[k]
- if isinstance(rx_stats_data, dict):
- setattr(self, k, CRxStats(**rx_stats_data))
- elif isinstance(rx_stats_data, CRxStats):
- setattr(self, k, rx_stats_data)
- elif k == "mode":
- tx_mode = kwargs[k]
- if isinstance(tx_mode, dict):
- setattr(self, k, CTxMode(**tx_mode))
- elif isinstance(tx_mode, CTxMode):
- setattr(self, k, tx_mode)
- elif k == "packet":
- if isinstance(kwargs[k], CTRexPktBuilder):
- if "vm" not in kwargs:
- self.load_packet_obj(kwargs[k])
- break # vm field check is skipped
- else:
- raise ValueError("When providing packet object with a CTRexPktBuilder, vm parameter "
- "should not be supplied")
- else:
- binary = kwargs[k]["binary"]
- if isinstance(binary, str):
- # TODO: load to _pkt_bld_obj also when passed as byte array!
- if binary.endswith(".pcap"):
- self._pkt_bld_obj.load_packet_from_pcap(binary)
- self._pkt_bld_obj.metadata = kwargs[k]["meta"]
- self.packet = self._pkt_bld_obj.dump_pkt()
- else:
- self.packet = {}
- self.packet['binary'] = binary
- self.packet['meta'] = ""
- else:
- raise ValueError("Packet binary attribute has been loaded with unsupported value."
- "Supported values are reference to pcap file with SINGLE packet, "
- "or a list of unsigned-byte integers")
- else:
- setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])
- self.is_loaded = True
- except KeyError as e:
- cause = e.args[0]
- raise KeyError("The attribute '{0}' is missing as a field of the CStream object.\n"
- "Loaded data must contain all of the following fields: {1}".format(cause, CStream.FIELDS))
- def load_packet_obj(self, packet_obj):
- assert isinstance(packet_obj, CTRexPktBuilder)
- self.packet = packet_obj.dump_pkt()
- self.vm = packet_obj.get_vm_data()
- def load_packet_from_pcap(self, pcap_path, metadata=''):
- with open(pcap_path, 'r') as f:
- pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
- first_packet = True
- for _, buf in pcap:
- # this is an iterator, can't evaluate the number of files in advance
- if first_packet:
- self.packet = {"binary": [struct.unpack('B', buf[i:i+1])[0] # represent data as list of 0-255 ints
- for i in range(0, len(buf))],
- "meta": metadata} # meta data continues without a change.
- first_packet = False
- else:
- raise ValueError("Provided pcap file contains more than single packet.")
- # arrive here ONLY if pcap contained SINGLE packet
- return
- def dump(self):
- if self.is_loaded:
- dump = {}
- for key in CStream.FIELDS:
- try:
- dump[key] = getattr(self, key).dump() # use dump() method of compound object, such TxMode
- except AttributeError:
- dump[key] = getattr(self, key)
- return dump
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("CStream object isn't loaded with data. Use 'load_data' method.")
- def get_stream_layers(self, depth_limit=Ellipsis):
- stream_layers = self._pkt_bld_obj.get_packet_layers(depth_limit)
- return "/".join(stream_layers)
-# describes a stream DB
-class CStreamsDB(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.stream_packs = {}
- def load_yaml_file(self, filename):
- stream_pack_name = filename
- if stream_pack_name in self.get_loaded_streams_names():
- self.remove_stream_packs(stream_pack_name)
- stream_list = CStreamList()
- loaded_obj = stream_list.load_yaml(filename)
- try:
- compiled_streams = stream_list.compile_streams()
- rc = self.load_streams(LoadedStreamList(stream_pack_name,
- loaded_obj,
- [StreamPack(v.stream_id,
- for k, v in compiled_streams.items()]))
- except Exception as e:
- return None
- return self.get_stream_pack(stream_pack_name)
- def load_streams(self, LoadedStreamList_obj):
- if in self.stream_packs:
- return False
- else:
- self.stream_packs[] = LoadedStreamList_obj
- return True
- def remove_stream_packs(self, *names):
- removed_streams = []
- for name in names:
- removed = self.stream_packs.pop(name)
- if removed:
- removed_streams.append(name)
- return removed_streams
- def clear(self):
- self.stream_packs.clear()
- def get_loaded_streams_names(self):
- return self.stream_packs.keys()
- def stream_pack_exists (self, name):
- return name in self.get_loaded_streams_names()
- def get_stream_pack(self, name):
- if not self.stream_pack_exists(name):
- return None
- else:
- return self.stream_packs.get(name)
-########################### Simple Streams ###########################
-from trex_stl_exceptions import *
-# base class for TX mode
-class STLTXMode(object):
- def __init__ (self):
- self.fields = {}
- def to_json (self):
- return self.fields
-# continuous mode
-class STLTXCont(STLTXMode):
- def __init__ (self, pps = 1):
- if not isinstance(pps, (int, float)):
- raise STLArgumentError('pps', pps)
- super(STLTXCont, self).__init__()
- self.fields['type'] = 'continuous'
- self.fields['pps'] = pps
-# single burst mode
-class STLTXSingleBurst(STLTXMode):
- def __init__ (self, pps = 1, total_pkts = 1):
- if not isinstance(pps, (int, float)):
- raise STLArgumentError('pps', pps)
- if not isinstance(total_pkts, int):
- raise STLArgumentError('total_pkts', total_pkts)
- super(STLTXSingleBurst, self).__init__()
- self.fields['type'] = 'single_burst'
- self.fields['pps'] = pps
- self.fields['total_pkts'] = total_pkts
-# multi burst mode
-class STLTXMultiBurst(STLTXMode):
- def __init__ (self,
- pps = 1,
- pkts_per_burst = 1,
- ibg = 0.0,
- count = 1):
- if not isinstance(pps, (int, float)):
- raise STLArgumentError('pps', pps)
- if not isinstance(pkts_per_burst, int):
- raise STLArgumentError('pkts_per_burst', pkts_per_burst)
- if not isinstance(ibg, (int, float)):
- raise STLArgumentError('ibg', ibg)
- if not isinstance(count, int):
- raise STLArgumentError('count', count)
- super(STLTXMultiBurst, self).__init__()
- self.fields['type'] = 'multi_burst'
- self.fields['pps'] = pps
- self.fields['pkts_per_burst'] = pkts_per_burst
- self.fields['ibg'] = ibg
- self.fields['count'] = count
-class STLStream(object):
- def __init__ (self,
- packet,
- mode = STLTXCont(1),
- enabled = True,
- self_start = True,
- isg = 0.0,
- rx_stats = None,
- next_stream_id = -1,
- stream_id = None):
- # type checking
- if not isinstance(mode, STLTXMode):
- raise STLArgumentError('mode', mode)
- if not isinstance(packet, CTrexPktBuilderInterface):
- raise STLArgumentError('packet', packet)
- if not isinstance(enabled, bool):
- raise STLArgumentError('enabled', enabled)
- if not isinstance(self_start, bool):
- raise STLArgumentError('self_start', self_start)
- if not isinstance(isg, (int, float)):
- raise STLArgumentError('isg', isg)
- if (type(mode) == STLTXCont) and (next_stream_id != -1):
- raise STLError("continuous stream cannot have a next stream ID")
- # use a random 31 bit for ID
- self.stream_id = stream_id if stream_id is not None else random.getrandbits(31)
- self.fields = {}
- # basic fields
- self.fields['enabled'] = enabled
- self.fields['self_start'] = self_start
- self.fields['isg'] = isg
- self.fields['next_stream_id'] = next_stream_id
- # mode
- self.fields['mode'] = mode.to_json()
- packet.compile()
- # packet and VM
- self.fields['packet'] = packet.dump_pkt()
- self.fields['vm'] = packet.get_vm_data()
- self.fields['rx_stats'] = {}
- if not rx_stats:
- self.fields['rx_stats']['enabled'] = False
- def __str__ (self):
- return json.dumps(self.fields, indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True)
- def to_json (self):
- return self.fields
- def get_id (self):
- return self.stream_id
- @staticmethod
- def dump_to_yaml (yaml_file, stream_list):
- # type check
- if isinstance(stream_list, STLStream):
- stream_list = [stream_list]
- if not all([isinstance(stream, STLStream) for stream in stream_list]):
- raise STLArgumentError('stream_list', stream_list)
- names = {}
- for i, stream in enumerate(stream_list):
- names[stream.get_id()] = "stream-{0}".format(i)
- yaml_lst = []
- for stream in stream_list:
- fields = dict(stream.fields)
- # handle the next stream id
- if fields['next_stream_id'] == -1:
- del fields['next_stream_id']
- else:
- if not stream.get_id() in names:
- raise STLError('broken dependencies in stream list')
- fields['next_stream'] = names[stream.get_id()]
- # add to list
- yaml_lst.append({'name': names[stream.get_id()], 'stream': fields})
- # write to file
- x = yaml.dump(yaml_lst, default_flow_style=False)
- with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(x)
- return x
-# REMOVE ME when can - convert from stream pack to a simple stream
-class HACKSTLStream(STLStream):
- def __init__ (self, stream_pack):
- if not isinstance(stream_pack, StreamPack):
- raise Exception("internal error")
- packet = CTRexPktBuilder()
- packet.load_from_stream_obj(
- super(HACKSTLStream, self).__init__(packet, stream_id = stream_pack.stream_id)
- self.fields =
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ddacea..00000000
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-from collections import namedtuple
-from common.text_opts import *
-RpcCmdData = namedtuple('RpcCmdData', ['method', 'params'])
-class RpcResponseStatus(namedtuple('RpcResponseStatus', ['success', 'id', 'msg'])):
- __slots__ = ()
- def __str__(self):
- return "{id:^3} - {msg} ({stat})".format(,
- msg=self.msg,
- stat="success" if self.success else "fail")
-# simple class to represent complex return value
-class RC():
- def __init__ (self, rc = None, data = None, is_warn = False):
- self.rc_list = []
- if (rc != None):
- tuple_rc = namedtuple('RC', ['rc', 'data', 'is_warn'])
- self.rc_list.append(tuple_rc(rc, data, is_warn))
- def __nonzero__ (self):
- return self.good()
- def add (self, rc):
- self.rc_list += rc.rc_list
- def good (self):
- return all([x.rc for x in self.rc_list])
- def bad (self):
- return not self.good()
- def warn (self):
- return any([x.is_warn for x in self.rc_list])
- def data (self):
- d = [ if x.rc else "" for x in self.rc_list]
- return (d if len(d) != 1 else d[0])
- def err (self):
- e = [ if not x.rc else "" for x in self.rc_list]
- return (e if len(e) != 1 else e[0])
- def __str__ (self):
- s = ""
- for x in self.rc_list:
- if
- s += format_text("\n{0}".format(, 'bold')
- return s
- def prn_func (self, msg, newline = True):
- if newline:
- print msg
- else:
- print msg,
- def annotate (self, log_func = None, desc = None, show_status = True):
- if not log_func:
- log_func = self.prn_func
- if desc:
- log_func(format_text('\n{:<60}'.format(desc), 'bold'), newline = False)
- else:
- log_func("")
- if self.bad():
- # print all the errors
- print ""
- for x in self.rc_list:
- if not x.rc:
- log_func(format_text("\n{0}".format(, 'bold'))
- print ""
- if show_status:
- log_func(format_text("[FAILED]\n", 'red', 'bold'))
- else:
- if show_status:
- log_func(format_text("[SUCCESS]\n", 'green', 'bold'))
-def RC_OK(data = ""):
- return RC(True, data)
-def RC_ERR (err):
- return RC(False, err)
-def RC_WARN (warn):
- return RC(True, warn, is_warn = True)