path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..311dc8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+import os
+import sys
+stl_pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir))
+additional_stl_udp_pkts = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir,'stl'))
+import trex_stl_lib
+from trex_stl_lib.api import *
+from copy import deepcopy
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import hashlib
+import binascii
+from pprint import pprint
+from scapy.layers.dns import *
+from udp_1pkt_vxlan import VXLAN
+from udp_1pkt_mpls import MPLS
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from io import StringIO
+class Scapy_service_api():
+ """ get_all(self)
+ Sends all the protocols and fields that Scapy Service supports.
+ also sends the md5 of the Protocol DB and Fields DB used to check if the DB's are up to date
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ None
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Dictionary (of protocol DB and scapy fields DB)
+ Raises
+ ------
+ Raises an exception when a DB error occurs (i.e a layer is not loaded properly and has missing components)
+ """
+ def get_all(self):
+ pass
+ """ check_update(self,db_md5,field_md5)
+ Checks if the Scapy Service running on the server has a newer version of the databases that the client has
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ db_md5 - The md5 that was delivered with the protocol database that the client owns, when first received at the client
+ field_md5 - The md5 that was delivered with the fields database that the client owns, when first received at the client
+ Returns
+ -------
+ True/False according the Databases version(determined by their md5)
+ Raises
+ ------
+ Raises an exception (ScapyException) when protocol DB/Fields DB is not up to date
+ """
+ def check_update(self,db_md5,field_md5):
+ pass
+ """ build_pkt(self,pkt_descriptor) -> Dictionary (of Offsets,Show2 and Buffer)
+ Performs calculations on the given packet and returns results for that packet.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pkt_descriptor - A string describing a network packet, in Scapy Format
+ Returns
+ -------
+ - The packets offsets: each field in every layer is mapped inside the Offsets Dictionary
+ - The Show2: A description of each field and its value in every layer of the packet
+ - The Buffer: The Hexdump of packet encoded in base64
+ Raises
+ ------
+ will raise an exception when the Scapy string format is illegal, contains syntax error, contains non-supported
+ protocl, etc.
+ """
+ def build_pkt(self,pkt_descriptor):
+ pass
+ """ get_tree(self) -> Dictionary describing an example of hierarchy in layers
+ Scapy service holds a tree of layers that can be stacked to a recommended packet
+ according to the hierarchy
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ None
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Returns an example hierarchy tree of layers that can be stacked to a packet
+ Raises
+ ------
+ None
+ """
+ def get_tree(self):
+ pass
+class ScapyException(Exception): pass
+class Scapy_service(Scapy_service_api):
+ class scapyRegex:
+ def __init__(self,FieldName,regex='empty'):
+ self.FieldName = FieldName
+ self.regex = regex
+ def stringRegex(self):
+ return self.regex
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.Raw = {'Raw':''}
+ self.high_level_protocols = ['Raw']
+ self.transport_protocols = {'TCP':self.Raw,'UDP':self.Raw}
+ self.network_protocols = {'IP':self.transport_protocols ,'ARP':''}
+ self.low_level_protocols = { 'Ether': self.network_protocols }
+ self.regexDB= {'MACField' : self.scapyRegex('MACField','^([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:){5}([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])$'),
+ 'IPField' : self.scapyRegex('IPField','^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])$')}
+ self.all_protocols = self._build_lib()
+ self.protocol_tree = {'ALL':{'Ether':{'ARP':{},'IP':{'TCP':{'RAW':'payload'},'UDP':{'RAW':'payload'}}}}}
+ def _all_protocol_structs(self):
+ old_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
+ ls()
+ sys.stdout = old_stdout
+ all_protocol_data= mystdout.getvalue()
+ return all_protocol_data
+ def _protocol_struct(self,protocol):
+ if '_' in protocol:
+ return []
+ if not protocol=='':
+ if protocol not in self.all_protocols:
+ return 'protocol not supported'
+ protocol = eval(protocol)
+ old_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
+ ls(protocol)
+ sys.stdout = old_stdout
+ protocol_data= mystdout.getvalue()
+ return protocol_data
+ def _build_lib(self):
+ lib = self._all_protocol_structs()
+ lib = lib.splitlines()
+ all_protocols=[]
+ for entry in lib:
+ entry = entry.split(':')
+ all_protocols.append(entry[0].strip())
+ del all_protocols[len(all_protocols)-1]
+ return all_protocols
+ def _parse_description_line(self,line):
+ line_arr = [x.strip() for x in re.split(': | = ',line)]
+ return tuple(line_arr)
+ def _parse_entire_description(self,description):
+ description = description.split('\n')
+ description_list = [self._parse_description_line(x) for x in description]
+ del description_list[len(description_list)-1]
+ return description_list
+ def _get_protocol_details(self,p_name):
+ protocol_str = self._protocol_struct(p_name)
+ if protocol_str=='protocol not supported':
+ return 'protocol not supported'
+ if len(protocol_str) is 0:
+ return []
+ tupled_protocol = self._parse_entire_description(protocol_str)
+ return tupled_protocol
+ def _print_tree(self):
+ pprint(self.protocol_tree)
+ def _get_all_db(self):
+ db = {}
+ for pro in self.all_protocols:
+ details = self._get_protocol_details(pro)
+ db[pro] = details
+ return db
+ def _get_all_fields(self):
+ fields = []
+ for pro in self.all_protocols:
+ details = self._get_protocol_details(pro)
+ for i in range(0,len(details),1):
+ if len(details[i]) == 3:
+ fields.append(details[i][1])
+ uniqueFields = list(set(fields))
+ fieldDict = {}
+ for f in uniqueFields:
+ if f in self.regexDB:
+ fieldDict[f] = self.regexDB[f].stringRegex()
+ else:
+ fieldDict[f] = self.scapyRegex(f).stringRegex()
+ return fieldDict
+ def _show2_to_dict(self,pkt):
+ old_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
+ pkt.show2()
+ sys.stdout = old_stdout
+ show2data = mystdout.getvalue() #show2 data
+ listedShow2Data = show2data.split('###')
+ show2Dict = {}
+ for i in range(1,len(listedShow2Data)-1,2):
+ protocol_fields = listedShow2Data[i+1]
+ protocol_fields = protocol_fields.split('\n')[1:-1]
+ protocol_fields = [f.strip() for f in protocol_fields]
+ protocol_fields_dict = {}
+ for f in protocol_fields:
+ field_data = f.split('=')
+ if len(field_data)!= 1 :
+ field_name = field_data[0].strip()
+ protocol_fields_dict[field_name] = field_data[1].strip()
+ layer_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '',listedShow2Data[i]) #clear layer name to include only alpha-numeric
+ show2Dict[layer_name] = protocol_fields_dict
+ return show2Dict
+#pkt_desc as string
+#dictionary of offsets per protocol. tuple for each field: (name, offset, size) at json format
+ def _get_all_pkt_offsets(self,pkt_desc):
+ pkt_protocols = pkt_desc.split('/')
+ scapy_pkt = eval(pkt_desc)
+ total_protocols = len(pkt_protocols)
+ res = {}
+ for i in range(total_protocols):
+ fields = {}
+ for field in scapy_pkt.fields_desc:
+ size = field.get_size_bytes()
+ layer_name = pkt_protocols[i].partition('(')[0] #clear layer name to include only alpha-numeric
+ layer_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '',layer_name)
+ if is 'load':
+ layer_name ='Raw'
+ size = len(scapy_pkt)
+ fields[]=[field.offset, size]
+ fields['global_offset'] = scapy_pkt.offset
+ res[layer_name] = fields
+ scapy_pkt=scapy_pkt.payload
+ return res
+#input: container
+#output: md5 encoded in base64
+ def _get_md5(self,container):
+ container = json.dumps(container)
+ m = hashlib.md5()
+ m.update(container.encode('ascii'))
+ res_md5 = binascii.b2a_base64(m.digest())
+ return res_md5
+ def get_version(self):
+ return {'built_by':'itraviv','version':'v1.01'}
+ def supported_methods(self,method_name=''):
+ if method_name=='':
+ methods = {}
+ for f in dir(Scapy_service):
+ if inspect.ismethod(eval('Scapy_service.'+f)):
+ param_list = inspect.getargspec(eval('Scapy_service.'+f))[0]
+ del param_list[0] #deleting the parameter "self" that appears in every method
+ #because the server automatically operates on an instance,
+ #and this can cause confusion
+ methods[f] = (len(param_list), param_list)
+ return methods
+ if method_name in dir(Scapy_service):
+ return True
+ return False
+#--------------------------------------------API implementation-------------
+ def get_tree(self):
+ return self.protocol_tree
+# pkt_descriptor in string format
+ def build_pkt(self,pkt_descriptor):
+ pkt = eval(pkt_descriptor)
+ show2data = self._show2_to_dict(pkt)
+ bufferData = str(pkt) #pkt buffer
+ bufferData = binascii.b2a_base64(bufferData)
+ pkt_offsets = self._get_all_pkt_offsets(pkt_descriptor)
+ res = {}
+ res['show2'] = show2data
+ res['buffer'] = bufferData
+ res['offsets'] = pkt_offsets
+ return res
+ def get_all(self):
+ fields=self._get_all_fields()
+ db=self._get_all_db()
+ fields_md5 = self._get_md5(fields)
+ db_md5 = self._get_md5(db)
+ res = {}
+ res['db'] = db
+ res['fields'] = fields
+ res['db_md5'] = db_md5
+ res['fields_md5'] = fields_md5
+ return res
+#input in string encoded base64
+ def check_update(self,db_md5,field_md5):
+ fields=self._get_all_fields()
+ db=self._get_all_db()
+ current_db_md5 = self._get_md5(db)
+ current_field_md5 = self._get_md5(fields)
+ res = []
+ if (field_md5.decode("base64") == current_field_md5.decode("base64")):
+ if (db_md5.decode("base64") == current_db_md5.decode("base64")):
+ return True
+ else:
+ raise ScapyException("Protocol DB is not up to date")
+ else:
+ raise ScapyException("Fields DB is not up to date")