path: root/scripts/automation/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/')
1 files changed, 1266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/ b/scripts/automation/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..08d15caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/
@@ -0,0 +1,1266 @@
+import h_avc
+import ConfigParser
+import threading
+import time,signal
+import argparse
+import sys
+import os
+sys.path.append(os.path.join('trex_control_plane', 'stf', 'trex_stf_lib'))
+from trex_client import CTRexClient
+import subprocess
+from time import sleep
+import signal
+import textwrap
+import getpass
+import random
+import datetime
+from datetime import timedelta
+import traceback
+import math
+import re
+import termios
+import errno
+import smtplib
+from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
+from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
+from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
+from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
+from email import Encoders
+from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
+from distutils.version import StrictVersion
+class TrexRunException(Exception):
+ def __init__ (self, reason, cmd = None, std_log = None, err_log = None):
+ self.reason = reason
+ self.std_log = std_log
+ self.err_log = err_log
+ # generate the error message
+ self.message = "\nSummary of error:\n\n %s\n" % (reason)
+ if std_log:
+ self.message += "\nConsole Log:\n\n %s\n" % (self.std_log)
+ if err_log:
+ self.message += "\nStd Error Log:\n\n %s\n" % (self.err_log)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.message
+############################# utility functions start #################################
+def verify_glibc_version ():
+ x = subprocess.check_output("/usr/bin/ldd --version", shell=True)
+ m = re.match("^ldd \([^\)]+\) (.*)", x)
+ if not m:
+ raise Exception("Cannot determine LDD version")
+ current_version =
+ if StrictVersion(current_version) < StrictVersion("2.5"):
+ raise Exception("GNU ldd version required for graph plotting is at least 2.5, system is %s - please run simple 'find'" % current_version)
+def get_median(numericValues):
+ theValues = sorted(numericValues)
+ if len(theValues) % 2 == 1:
+ return theValues[(len(theValues)+1)/2-1]
+ else:
+ lower = theValues[len(theValues)/2-1]
+ upper = theValues[len(theValues)/2]
+ return (float(lower + upper)) / 2
+def list_to_clusters(l, n):
+ for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
+ yield l[i:i+n]
+def cpu_histo_to_str (cpu_histo):
+ s = "\nCPU Samplings:\n\n"
+ period = 0
+ clusters = list(list_to_clusters(cpu_histo, 10))
+ for cluster in clusters:
+ period += 10
+ line = "%3s Seconds: [" % period
+ cluster += (10 - len(cluster)) * [None]
+ for x in cluster:
+ if (x != None):
+ line += "%5.1f%%, " % x
+ else:
+ line += " "
+ line = line[:-2] # trim the comma and space
+ line += " " # return the space
+ line += "]\n"
+ s += line
+ return s
+# Terminal Manager Class
+class TermMng:
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ self.old = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd)
+ # copy new and remove echo
+ new = self.old[:]
+ new[3] &= ~termios.ECHO
+ self.tcsetattr_flags = termios.TCSAFLUSH
+ if hasattr(termios, 'TCSASOFT'):
+ self.tcsetattr_flags |= termios.TCSASOFT
+ termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, self.tcsetattr_flags, new)
+ def __exit__ (self ,type, value, traceback):
+ termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, self.tcsetattr_flags, self.old)
+############################# utility functions stop #################################
+def send_mail(send_from, send_to, subject, html_text, txt_attachments=[], images=[], server="localhost"):
+ assert isinstance(send_to, list)
+ assert isinstance(txt_attachments, list)
+ assert isinstance(images, list)
+ # create a multi part message
+ msg = MIMEMultipart()
+ msg['From'] = send_from
+ msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(send_to)
+ msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
+ msg['Subject'] = subject
+ msg['Cc'] = ""
+ # add all images to the text as embbeded images
+ for image in images:
+ html_text += '<br><img src="cid:{0}"><br>'.format(image)
+ fp = open(image, 'rb')
+ image_object = MIMEImage(
+ fp.close()
+ image_object.add_header('Content-ID', image)
+ msg.attach(image_object)
+ # attach the main report as embedded HTML
+ msg.attach( MIMEText(html_text, 'html') )
+ # attach regualr txt files
+ for f in txt_attachments:
+ part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream")
+ part.set_payload( open(f,"rb").read() )
+ Encoders.encode_base64(part)
+ part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(f))
+ msg.attach(part)
+ smtp = smtplib.SMTP(server)
+ smtp.sendmail(send_from, send_to, msg.as_string())
+ smtp.close()
+# convert HTML to image - returning a image file as a string
+def html2image (html_filename, image_filename):
+ cmd = "./phantom/phantomjs ./phantom/rasterize.js {0} {1}".format(html_filename, image_filename)
+, shell=True)
+ assert os.path.exists(image_filename)
+ return (image_filename)
+# convert results of run to a string
+def run_results_to_str (results, cond_type):
+ output = ""
+ output += "M: {0:<12.6f}\n".format(results['m'])
+ output += "BW: {0:<12,.2f} [Mbps]\n".format(results['tx'])
+ output += "PPS: {0:<12,} [pkts]\n".format(int(results['total-pps']))
+ output += "CPU: {0:.4f} %\n".format(results['cpu_util'])
+ output += "Maximum Latency: {0:<12,} [usec]\n".format(int(results['maximum-latency']))
+ output += "Average Latency: {0:<12,} [usec]\n".format(int(results['average-latency']))
+ output += "Pkt Drop: {0:<12,} [pkts]\n".format(int(results['total-pkt-drop']))
+ output += "Condition: {0:<12} ({1})\n".format("Passed" if check_condition(cond_type, results) else "Failed", cond_type_to_str(cond_type))
+ return (output)
+############################# classes #################################
+class ErrorHandler(object):
+ def __init__ (self, exception, traceback):
+ if isinstance(exception, TrexRunException):
+ logger.log("\n*** Script Terminated Due To Trex Failure")
+ logger.log("\n********************** TRex Error - Report **************************\n")
+ logger.log(str(exception))
+ logger.flush()
+ elif isinstance(exception, IOError):
+ logger.log("\n*** Script Terminated Due To IO Error")
+ logger.log("\nEither Router address or the Trex config is bad or some file is missing - check traceback below")
+ logger.log("\n********************** IO Error - Report **************************\n")
+ logger.log(str(exception))
+ logger.log(str(traceback))
+ logger.flush()
+ else:
+ logger.log("\n*** Script Terminated Due To Fatal Error")
+ logger.log("\n********************** Internal Error - Report **************************\n")
+ logger.log(str(exception) + "\n")
+ logger.log(str(traceback))
+ logger.flush()
+ # call the handler
+ g_kill_cause = "error"
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1)
+# simple HTML table
+class HTMLTable:
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.table_rows = []
+ def add_row (self, param, value):
+ self.table_rows.append([param, value])
+ def generate_table(self):
+ txt = '<table class="myWideTable" style="width:50%">'
+ txt += "<tr><th>Parameter</th><th>Results</th></tr>"
+ for row in self.table_rows:
+ txt += "<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td></tr>".format(row[0], row[1])
+ txt += "</table>"
+ return txt
+# process results and dispatch it
+class JobReporter:
+ def __init__ (self, job_summary):
+ self.job_summary = job_summary
+ pass
+ def __plot_results_to_str (self, plot_results):
+ output = "\nPlotted Points: \n\n"
+ for p in plot_results:
+ output += "BW : {0:8.2f}, ".format(p['tx'])
+ output += "PPS : {0:8,} ".format(int(p['total-pps']))
+ output += "CPU : {0:8.2f} %, ".format(p['cpu_util'])
+ output += "Max Latency : {0:10,}, ".format(int(p['maximum-latency']))
+ output += "Avg Latency : {0:10,}, ".format(int(p['average-latency']))
+ output += "Pkt Drop : {0:12,}, \n".format(int(p['total-pkt-drop']))
+ return (output + "\n")
+ def __summary_to_string (self):
+ output = ""
+ output += "\n-== Job Completed Successfully ==-\n\n"
+ output += "Job Report:\n\n"
+ output += "Job Name: {0}\n".format(self.job_summary['job_name'])
+ output += "YAML file: {0}\n".format(self.job_summary['yaml'])
+ output += "Job Type: {0}\n".format(self.job_summary['job_type_str'])
+ output += "Condition: {0}\n".format(self.job_summary['cond_name'])
+ output += "Job Dir: {0}\n".format(self.job_summary['job_dir'])
+ output += "Job Log: {0}\n".format(self.job_summary['log_filename'])
+ output += "Email Report: {0}\n".format(self.job_summary['email'])
+ output += "Job Total Time: {0}\n\n".format(self.job_summary['total_run_time'])
+ if (self.job_summary.get('find_results') != None):
+ find_results = self.job_summary['find_results']
+ output += ("Maximum BW Point Details:\n\n")
+ output += run_results_to_str(find_results, self.job_summary['cond_type'])
+ if (self.job_summary.get('plot_results') != None):
+ plot_results = self.job_summary['plot_results']
+ output += self.__plot_results_to_str(plot_results)
+ return output
+ # simple print to screen of the job summary
+ def print_summary (self):
+ summary = self.__summary_to_string()
+ logger.log(summary)
+ def __generate_graph_report (self, plot_results):
+ graph_data = str( [ [x['tx'], x['cpu_util']/100, x['maximum-latency'], x['average-latency']] for x in plot_results ] )
+ table_data = str( [ [x['tx'], x['total-pps'], x['cpu_util']/100, x['norm_cpu'], x['maximum-latency'], x['average-latency'], x['total-pkt-drop']] for x in plot_results ] )
+ with open ("graph_template.html", "r") as myfile:
+ data =
+ data = data.replace("!@#$template_fill_head!@#$", self.job_summary['yaml'])
+ data = data.replace("!@#$template_fill_graph!@#$", graph_data[1:(len(graph_data) - 1)])
+ data = data.replace("!@#$template_fill_table!@#$", table_data[1:(len(table_data) - 1)])
+ # generate HTML report
+ graph_filename = self.job_summary['graph_filename']
+ text_file = open(graph_filename, "w")
+ text_file.write(str(data))
+ text_file.close()
+ return graph_filename
+ def __generate_body_report (self):
+ job_setup_table = HTMLTable()
+ job_setup_table.add_row("User Name", self.job_summary['user'])
+ job_setup_table.add_row("Job Name", self.job_summary['job_name'])
+ job_setup_table.add_row("Job Type", self.job_summary['job_type_str'])
+ job_setup_table.add_row("Test Condition", self.job_summary['cond_name'])
+ job_setup_table.add_row("YAML File", self.job_summary['yaml'])
+ job_setup_table.add_row("Job Total Time", "{0}".format(self.job_summary['total_run_time']))
+ job_summary_table = HTMLTable()
+ find_results = self.job_summary['find_results']
+ if find_results != None:
+ job_summary_table.add_row("Maximum Bandwidth", "{0:,.2f} [Mbps]".format(find_results['tx']))
+ job_summary_table.add_row("Maximum PPS", "{0:,} [pkts]".format(int(find_results['total-pps'])))
+ job_summary_table.add_row("CPU Util.", "{0:.2f}%".format(find_results['cpu_util']))
+ job_summary_table.add_row("Maximum Latency", "{0:,} [usec]".format(int(find_results['maximum-latency'])))
+ job_summary_table.add_row("Average Latency", "{0:,} [usec]".format(int(find_results['average-latency'])))
+ job_summary_table.add_row("Total Pkt Drop", "{0:,} [pkts]".format(int(find_results['total-pkt-drop'])))
+ with open ("report_template.html", "r") as myfile:
+ data =
+ data = data.replace("!@#$template_fill_job_setup_table!@#$", job_setup_table.generate_table())
+ data = data.replace("!@#$template_fill_job_summary_table!@#$", job_summary_table.generate_table())
+ return data
+ # create an email report and send to the user
+ def send_email_report (self):
+ images = []
+ logger.log("\nCreating E-Mail Report...\n")
+ # generate main report
+ report_str = self.__generate_body_report()
+ # generate graph report (if exists)
+ plot_results = self.job_summary['plot_results']
+ if plot_results:
+ logger.log("Generating Plot Results HTML ...\n")
+ graph_filename = self.__generate_graph_report(plot_results)
+ logger.log("Converting HTML to image ...\n")
+ images.append(html2image(graph_filename, graph_filename + ".png"))
+ else:
+ graph_filename = None
+ # create email
+ from_addr = ''
+ to_addr = []
+ to_addr.append(self.job_summary['email'])
+ to_addr.append('')
+ attachments = []
+ attachments.append(self.job_summary['log_filename'])
+ logger.log("Attaching log {0}...".format(self.job_summary['log_filename']))
+ if graph_filename:
+ attachments.append(graph_filename)
+ logger.log("Attaching plotting report {0}...".format(graph_filename))
+ logger.flush()
+ send_mail(from_addr, to_addr, "TRex Performance Report", report_str, attachments, images)
+ logger.log("\nE-mail sent successfully to: " + self.job_summary['email'])
+# dummy logger in case logger creation failed
+class DummyLogger(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def log(self, text, force = False, newline = True):
+ text_out = (text + "\n") if newline else text
+ sys.stdout.write(text_out)
+ def console(self, text, force = False, newline = True):
+ self.log(text, force, newline)
+ def flush (self):
+ pass
+# logger object
+class MyLogger(object):
+ def __init__(self, log_filename):
+ # Store the original stdout and stderr
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ self.stdout_fd = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno())
+ self.devnull ='/dev/null', os.O_WRONLY)
+ self.log_file = open(log_filename, 'w')
+ self.silenced = False
+ self.pending_log_file_prints = 0
+ = True
+ def shutdown (self):
+ = False
+ def reactive (self):
+ = True
+ # silence all prints from stdout
+ def silence(self):
+ os.dup2(self.devnull, sys.stdout.fileno())
+ self.silenced = True
+ # restore stdout status
+ def restore(self):
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ # Restore normal stdout
+ os.dup2(self.stdout_fd, sys.stdout.fileno())
+ self.silenced = False
+ #print a message to the log (both stdout / log file)
+ def log(self, text, force = False, newline = True):
+ if not
+ return
+ self.log_file.write((text + "\n") if newline else text)
+ self.pending_log_file_prints += 1
+ if (self.pending_log_file_prints >= 10):
+ self.log_file.flush()
+ self.pending_log_file_prints = 0
+ self.console(text, force, newline)
+ # print a message to the console alone
+ def console(self, text, force = False, newline = True):
+ if not
+ return
+ _text = (text + "\n") if newline else text
+ # if we are silenced and not forced - go home
+ if self.silenced and not force:
+ return
+ if self.silenced:
+ os.write(self.stdout_fd, _text)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(_text)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ # flush
+ def flush(self):
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.log_file.flush()
+ def __del__(self):
+ os.close(self.devnull)
+ if self.log_file:
+ self.log_file.flush()
+ self.log_file.close()
+# simple progress bar
+class ProgressBar(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, time_sec, router):
+ super(ProgressBar, self).__init__()
+ = True
+ self.time_sec = time_sec + 15
+ self.router = router
+ def run (self):
+ global g_stop
+ col = 40
+ delta_for_sec = float(col) / self.time_sec
+ accu = 0.0
+ for i in range(self.time_sec):
+ if ( == False):
+ # print 100% - done
+ bar = "\r[" + ('#' * col) + "] {0:.2f} %".format(100)
+ logger.console(bar, force = True, newline = False)
+ break
+ if (g_stop == True):
+ break
+ sleep(1)
+ accu += delta_for_sec
+ bar = "\r[" + ('#' * int(accu)) + (' ' * (col - int(accu))) + "] {0:.2f} %".format( (accu/col) * 100 )
+ bar += " / Router CPU: {0:.2f} %".format(self.router.get_last_cpu_util())
+ logger.console(bar, force = True, newline = False)
+ logger.console("\r\n", force = True, newline = False)
+ logger.flush()
+ def stop (self):
+ = False
+ self.join()
+# global vars
+g_stop = False
+logger = DummyLogger()
+# cleanup list is a list of callables to be run when cntrl+c is caught
+cleanup_list = []
+################ threads ########################
+# sampler
+class Sample_Thread (threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, threadID, router):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.threadID = threadID
+ self.router = router
+ self.stop = False
+ def run(self):
+ self.router.clear_sampling_stats()
+ try:
+ while (self.stop==False) and (g_stop==False):
+ self.router.sample_stats()
+ time.sleep(1);
+ except Exception as e:
+ ErrorHandler(e, traceback.format_exc())
+ def do_stop(self):
+ self.stop = True
+def general_cleanup_on_error ():
+ global g_stop
+ global cleanup_list
+ # mark all the threads to finish
+ g_stop = True;
+ # shutdown and flush the logger
+ logger.shutdown()
+ if logger:
+ logger.flush()
+ # execute the registered callables
+ for c in cleanup_list:
+ c()
+ # dummy wait for threads to finish (TODO: make this more smart)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ exit(-1)
+# just a dummy for preventing chain calls
+def signal_handler_dummy (sig_id, frame):
+ pass
+def error_signal_handler (sig_id, frame):
+ # make sure no chain of calls
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal_handler_dummy)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler_dummy)
+ general_cleanup_on_error()
+def int_signal_handler(sig_id, frame):
+ # make sure no chain of calls
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler_dummy)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal_handler_dummy)
+ logger.log("\n\nCaught Cntrl+C... Cleaning up!\n\n")
+ general_cleanup_on_error()
+# Trex with sampling
+class CTRexWithRouter:
+ def __init__(self, trex, trex_params):
+ self.trex = trex;
+ self.trex_params = trex_params
+ if self.trex_params['router_type'] == "ASR":
+ self.router = h_avc.ASR1k(self.trex_params['router_interface'], self.trex_params['router_port'], self.trex_params['router_password'])
+ elif self.trex_params['router_type'] == "ISR":
+ self.router = h_avc.ISR(self.trex_params['router_interface'], self.trex_params['router_port'], self.trex_params['router_password'])
+ else:
+ raise Exception("unknown router type in config file")
+ self.router.connect()
+ def get_router (self):
+ return self.router
+ def run(self, m, duration):
+ self.sample_thread = Sample_Thread(1, self.router)
+ self.sample_thread.start();
+ # launch trex
+ try:
+# trex_res =, duration);
+ self.trex.start_trex(c = self.trex_params['trex_cores'],
+ m = m,
+ d = duration,
+ f = self.trex_params['trex_yaml_file'],
+ nc = True,
+ l = self.trex_params['trex_latency'],
+ limit_ports = self.trex_params['trex_limit_ports'])
+ self.trex.sample_to_run_finish(20) # collect trex-sample every 20 seconds.
+ except Exception:
+ self.sample_thread.do_stop() # signal to stop
+ self.sample_thread.join() # wait for it to realy stop
+ raise
+ self.sample_thread.do_stop() # signal to stop
+ self.sample_thread.join() # wait for it to realy stop
+ self.res = self.trex.get_result_obj()
+ results = {}
+ results['status'] = True
+ results['trex_results'] = self.res
+ results['avc_results'] = self.router.get_stats()
+ return (results)
+ #return(trex_res.get_status() == STATUS_OK);
+# sanity checks to see run really went well
+def sanity_test_run (trex_r, avc_r):
+ pass
+ #if (sum(avc_r['cpu_histo']) == 0):
+ #raise h_trex.TrexRunException("CPU utilization from router is zero, check connectivity")
+def _trex_run (job_summary, m, duration):
+ trex_thread = job_summary['trex_thread']
+ p = ProgressBar(duration, trex_thread.get_router())
+ p.start()
+ try:
+ results =, duration)
+ except Exception as e:
+ p.stop()
+ raise
+ p.stop()
+ if (results == None):
+ raise Exception("Failed to run Trex")
+ # fetch values
+ trex_r = results['trex_results']
+ avc_r = results['avc_results']
+ sanity_test_run(trex_r, avc_r)
+ res_dict = {}
+ res_dict['m'] = m
+ total_tx_bps = trex_r.get_last_value("")
+ res_dict['tx'] = total_tx_bps / (1000 * 1000) # EVENTUALLY CONTAINS IN MBPS (EXTRACTED IN BPS)
+ res_dict['cpu_util'] = avc_r['cpu_util']
+ if int(res_dict['cpu_util']) == 0:
+ res_dict['norm_cpu']=1;
+ else:
+ res_dict['norm_cpu'] = (res_dict['tx'] / res_dict['cpu_util']) * 100
+ res_dict['maximum-latency'] = max ( trex_r.get_max_latency().values() ) #trex_r.res['maximum-latency']
+ res_dict['average-latency'] = trex_r.get_avg_latency()['all'] #trex_r.res['average-latency']
+ logger.log(cpu_histo_to_str(avc_r['cpu_histo']))
+ res_dict['total-pkt-drop'] = trex_r.get_total_drops()
+ res_dict['expected-bps'] = trex_r.get_expected_tx_rate()['m_tx_expected_bps']
+ res_dict['total-pps'] = get_median( trex_r.get_value_list("") )#trex_r.res['total-pps']
+ res_dict['m_total_pkt'] = trex_r.get_last_value("")
+ res_dict['latency_condition'] = job_summary['trex_params']['trex_latency_condition']
+ return res_dict
+def trex_run (job_summary, m, duration):
+ res = _trex_run (job_summary, m, duration)
+ return res
+def m_to_mbps (job_summary, m):
+ return (m * job_summary['base_m_unit'])
+# find the correct range of M
+def find_m_range (job_summary):
+ trex = job_summary['trex']
+ trex_config = job_summary['trex_params']
+ # if not provided - guess the correct range of bandwidth
+ if not job_summary['m_range']:
+ m_range = [0.0, 0.0]
+ # 1 Mbps -> 1 Gbps
+ LOW_TX = 1.0 * 1000 * 1000
+ MAX_TX = 1.0 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000
+ # for 10g go to 10g
+ if trex_config['trex_machine_type'] == "10G":
+ MAX_TX *= 10
+ # dual injection can potentially reach X2 speed
+ if trex_config['trex_is_dual'] == True:
+ MAX_TX *= 2
+ else:
+ m_range = job_summary['m_range']
+ LOW_TX = m_range[0] * 1000 * 1000
+ MAX_TX = m_range[1] * 1000 * 1000
+ logger.log("\nSystem Settings - Min: {0:,} Mbps / Max: {1:,} Mbps".format(LOW_TX / (1000 * 1000), MAX_TX / (1000 * 1000)))
+ logger.log("\nTrying to get system minimum M and maximum M...")
+ res_dict = trex_run(job_summary, 1, 30)
+ # figure out low / high M
+ m_range[0] = (LOW_TX / res_dict['expected-bps']) * 1
+ m_range[1] = (MAX_TX / res_dict['expected-bps']) * 1
+ # return both the m_range and the base m unit for future calculation
+ results = {}
+ results['m_range'] = m_range
+ results['base_m_unit'] = res_dict['expected-bps'] /(1000 * 1000)
+ return (results)
+# calculate points between m_range[0] and m_range[1]
+def calculate_plot_points (job_summary, m_range, plot_count):
+ cond_type = job_summary['cond_type']
+ delta_m = (m_range[1] - m_range[0]) / plot_count
+ m_current = m_range[0]
+ m_end = m_range[1]
+ logger.log("\nStarting Plot Graph Task ...\n")
+ logger.log("Plotting Range Is From: {0:.2f} [Mbps] To: {1:.2f} [Mbps] Over {2} Points".format(m_to_mbps(job_summary, m_range[0]),
+ m_to_mbps(job_summary, m_range[1]),
+ plot_count))
+ logger.log("Delta Between Points is {0:.2f} [Mbps]".format(m_to_mbps(job_summary, delta_m)))
+ plot_points = []
+ duration = 180
+ iter = 1
+ trex = job_summary['trex']
+ while (iter <= plot_count):
+ logger.log("\nPlotting Point [{0}/{1}]:\n".format(iter, plot_count))
+ logger.log("Estimated BW ~= {0:,.2f} [Mbps]\n".format(m_to_mbps(job_summary, m_current)))
+ logger.log("M = {0:.6f}".format(m_current))
+ logger.log("Duration = {0} seconds\n".format(duration))
+ res_dict = trex_run(job_summary, m_current, duration)
+ print_trex_results(res_dict, cond_type)
+ plot_points.append(dict(res_dict))
+ m_current += delta_m
+ iter = iter + 1
+ # last point - make sure its the maximum point
+ if (iter == plot_count):
+ m_current = m_range[1]
+ #print "waiting for system to stabilize ..."
+ #time.sleep(30);
+ return plot_points
+def cond_type_to_str (cond_type):
+ return "Max Latency" if cond_type=='latency' else "Pkt Drop"
+# success condition (latency or drop)
+def check_condition (cond_type, res_dict):
+ if cond_type == 'latency':
+ if res_dict['maximum-latency'] < res_dict['latency_condition']:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ # drop condition is a bit more complex - it should create high latency in addition to 0.2% drop
+ elif cond_type == 'drop':
+ if (res_dict['maximum-latency'] > (res_dict['latency_condition']+2000) ) and (res_dict['total-pkt-drop'] > (0.002 * res_dict['m_total_pkt'])):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ assert(0)
+def print_trex_results (res_dict, cond_type):
+ logger.log("\nRun Results:\n")
+ output = run_results_to_str(res_dict, cond_type)
+ logger.log(output)
+######################## describe a find job ########################
+class FindJob:
+ # init a job object with min / max
+ def __init__ (self, min, max, job_summary):
+ self.min = float(min)
+ self.max = float(max)
+ self.job_summary = job_summary
+ self.cond_type = job_summary['cond_type']
+ self.success_points = []
+ self.iter_num = 1
+ self.found = False
+ self.iter_duration = 300
+ def _distance (self):
+ return ( (self.max - self.min) / min(self.max, self.min) )
+ def time_to_end (self):
+ time_in_sec = (self.iters_to_end() * self.iter_duration)
+ return timedelta(seconds = time_in_sec)
+ def iters_to_end (self):
+ # find 2% point
+ ma = self.max
+ mi = self.min
+ iter = 0
+ while True:
+ dist = (ma - mi) / min(ma , mi)
+ if dist < 0.02:
+ break
+ if random.choice(["up", "down"]) == "down":
+ ma = (ma + mi) / 2
+ else:
+ mi = (ma + mi) / 2
+ iter += 1
+ return (iter)
+ def _cur (self):
+ return ( (self.min + self.max) / 2 )
+ def _add_success_point (self, res_dict):
+ self.success_points.append(res_dict.copy())
+ def _is_found (self):
+ return (self.found)
+ def _next_iter_duration (self):
+ return (self.iter_duration)
+ # execute iteration
+ def _execute (self):
+ # reset the found var before running
+ self.found = False
+ # run and print results
+ res_dict = trex_run(self.job_summary, self._cur(), self.iter_duration)
+ self.iter_num += 1
+ cur = self._cur()
+ if (self._distance() < 0.02):
+ if (check_condition(self.cond_type, res_dict)):
+ # distance < 2% and success - we are done
+ self.found = True
+ else:
+ # lower to 90% of current and retry
+ self.min = cur * 0.9
+ self.max = cur
+ else:
+ # success
+ if (check_condition(self.cond_type, res_dict)):
+ self.min = cur
+ else:
+ self.max = cur
+ if (check_condition(self.cond_type, res_dict)):
+ self._add_success_point(res_dict)
+ return res_dict
+ # find the max M before
+ def find_max_m (self):
+ res_dict = {}
+ while not self._is_found():
+ logger.log("\n-> Starting Find Iteration #{0}\n".format(self.iter_num))
+ logger.log("Estimated BW ~= {0:,.2f} [Mbps]".format(m_to_mbps(self.job_summary, self._cur())))
+ logger.log("M = {0:.6f}".format(self._cur()))
+ logger.log("Duration = {0} seconds".format(self._next_iter_duration()))
+ logger.log("Current BW Range = {0:,.2f} [Mbps] / {1:,.2f} [Mbps]".format(m_to_mbps(self.job_summary, self.min), m_to_mbps(self.job_summary, self.max)))
+ logger.log("Est. Iterations Left = {0} Iterations".format(self.iters_to_end()))
+ logger.log("Est. Time Left = {0}\n".format(self.time_to_end()))
+ res_dict = self._execute()
+ print_trex_results(res_dict, self.cond_type)
+ find_results = res_dict.copy()
+ find_results['max_m'] = self._cur()
+ return (find_results)
+######################## describe a plot job ########################
+class PlotJob:
+ def __init__(self, findjob):
+ self.job_summary = findjob.job_summary
+ self.plot_points = list(findjob.success_points)
+ self.plot_points.sort(key = lambda item:item['tx'])
+ def plot (self, duration = 300):
+ return self.plot_points
+ # add points if needed
+ #iter = 0
+ #for point in self.success_points:
+ #iter += 1
+ #logger.log("\nPlotting Point [{0}/{1}]:\n".format(iter, self.plot_count))
+ #logger.log("Estimated BW ~= {0:,.2f} [Mbps]\n".format(m_to_mbps(self.job_summary, point['m'])))
+ #logger.log("M = {0:.6f}".format(point['m']))
+ #logger.log("Duration = {0} seconds\n".format(duration))
+ #res_dict = trex_run(self.job_summary, point['m'], duration)
+ #print_trex_results(res_dict, self.job_summary['cond_type'])
+ #self.plot_points.append(dict(res_dict))
+ #self.plot_points = list(self.success_points)
+ #print self.plot_points
+ #self.plot_points.sort(key = lambda item:item['m'])
+ #print self.plot_points
+ #return self.plot_points
+def generate_job_id ():
+ return (str(int(random.getrandbits(32))))
+def print_header ():
+ logger.log("--== TRex Performance Tool v1.0 (2014) ==--")
+# print startup summary
+def log_startup_summary (job_summary):
+ trex = job_summary['trex']
+ trex_config = job_summary['trex_params']
+ logger.log("\nWork Request Details:\n")
+ logger.log("Setup Details:\n")
+ logger.log("TRex Config File: {0}".format(job_summary['config_file']))
+ logger.log("Machine Name: {0}".format(trex_config['trex_name']))
+ logger.log("TRex Type: {0}".format(trex_config['trex_machine_type']))
+ logger.log("TRex Dual Int. Tx: {0}".format(trex_config['trex_is_dual']))
+ logger.log("Router Interface: {0}".format(trex_config['router_interface']))
+ logger.log("\nJob Details:\n")
+ logger.log("Job Name: {0}".format(job_summary['job_name']))
+ logger.log("YAML file: {0}".format(job_summary['yaml']))
+ logger.log("Job Type: {0}".format(job_summary['job_type_str']))
+ logger.log("Condition Type: {0}".format(job_summary['cond_name']))
+ logger.log("Job Log: {0}".format(job_summary['log_filename']))
+ logger.log("Email Report: {0}".format(job_summary['email']))
+# logger.log("\nTrex Command Used:\n{0}".format(trex.build_cmd(1, 10)))
+def load_trex_config_params (filename, yaml_file):
+ config = {}
+ parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ config['trex_name'] = parser.get("trex", "machine_name")
+ config['trex_port'] = parser.get("trex", "machine_port")
+ config['trex_hisory_size'] = parser.getint("trex", "history_size")
+ config['trex_latency_condition'] = parser.getint("trex", "latency_condition")
+ config['trex_yaml_file'] = yaml_file
+ # support legacy data
+ config['trex_latency'] = parser.getint("trex", "latency")
+ config['trex_limit_ports'] = parser.getint("trex", "limit_ports")
+ config['trex_cores'] = parser.getint("trex", "cores")
+ config['trex_machine_type'] = parser.get("trex", "machine_type")
+ config['trex_is_dual'] = parser.getboolean("trex", "is_dual")
+ # optional Trex parameters
+ if parser.has_option("trex", "config_file"):
+ config['trex_config_file'] = parser.get("trex", "config_file")
+ else:
+ config['trex_config_file'] = None
+ if parser.has_option("trex", "misc_params"):
+ config['trex_misc_params'] = parser.get("trex", "misc_params")
+ else:
+ config['trex_misc_params'] = None
+ # router section
+ if parser.has_option("router", "port"):
+ config['router_port'] = parser.get("router", "port")
+ else:
+ # simple telnet port
+ config['router_port'] = 23
+ config['router_interface'] = parser.get("router", "interface")
+ config['router_password'] = parser.get("router", "password")
+ config['router_type'] = parser.get("router", "type")
+ except Exception as inst:
+ raise TrexRunException("\nBad configuration file: '{0}'\n\n{1}".format(filename, inst))
+ return config
+def prepare_for_run (job_summary):
+ global logger
+ # generate unique id
+ job_summary['job_id'] = generate_job_id()
+ job_summary['job_dir'] = "trex_job_{0}".format(job_summary['job_id'])
+ job_summary['start_time'] =
+ if not job_summary['email']:
+ job_summary['user'] = getpass.getuser()
+ job_summary['email'] = "{0}".format(job_summary['user'])
+ # create dir for reports
+ try:
+ job_summary['job_dir'] = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'logs', job_summary['job_dir']) )
+ print(job_summary['job_dir'])
+ os.makedirs( job_summary['job_dir'] )
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno == errno.EACCES:
+ # fall back. try creating the dir name at /tmp path
+ job_summary['job_dir'] = os.path.join("/tmp/", "trex_job_{0}".format(job_summary['job_id']) )
+ os.makedirs(job_summary['job_dir'])
+ job_summary['log_filename'] = os.path.join(job_summary['job_dir'], "trex_log_{0}.txt".format(job_summary['job_id']))
+ job_summary['graph_filename'] = os.path.join(job_summary['job_dir'], "trex_graph_{0}.html".format(job_summary['job_id']))
+ # init logger
+ logger = MyLogger(job_summary['log_filename'])
+ # mark those as not populated yet
+ job_summary['find_results'] = None
+ job_summary['plot_results'] = None
+ # create trex client instance
+ trex_params = load_trex_config_params(job_summary['config_file'],job_summary['yaml'])
+ trex = CTRexClient(trex_host = trex_params['trex_name'],
+ max_history_size = trex_params['trex_hisory_size'],
+ trex_daemon_port = trex_params['trex_port'])
+ job_summary['trex'] = trex
+ job_summary['trex_params'] = trex_params
+ # create trex task thread
+ job_summary['trex_thread'] = CTRexWithRouter(trex, trex_params);
+ # in case of an error we need to call the remote cleanup
+ cleanup_list.append(trex.stop_trex)
+ # signal handler
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, int_signal_handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, error_signal_handler)
+def after_run (job_summary):
+ job_summary['total_run_time'] = - job_summary['start_time']
+ reporter = JobReporter(job_summary)
+ reporter.print_summary()
+ reporter.send_email_report()
+def launch (job_summary):
+ prepare_for_run(job_summary)
+ print_header()
+ log_startup_summary(job_summary)
+ # find the correct M range if not provided
+ range_results = find_m_range(job_summary)
+ job_summary['base_m_unit'] = range_results['base_m_unit']
+ if job_summary['m_range']:
+ m_range = job_summary['m_range']
+ else:
+ m_range = range_results['m_range']
+ logger.log("\nJob Bandwidth Working Range:\n")
+ logger.log("Min M = {0:.6f} / {1:,.2f} [Mbps] \nMax M = {2:.6f} / {3:,.2f} [Mbps]".format(m_range[0], m_to_mbps(job_summary, m_range[0]), m_range[1], m_to_mbps(job_summary, m_range[1])))
+ # job time
+ findjob = FindJob(m_range[0], m_range[1], job_summary)
+ job_summary['find_results'] = findjob.find_max_m()
+ if job_summary['job_type'] == "all":
+ # plot points to graph
+ plotjob = PlotJob(findjob)
+ job_summary['plot_results'] = plotjob.plot()
+ after_run(job_summary)
+# populate the fields for run
+def populate_fields (job_summary, args):
+ job_summary['config_file'] = args.config_file
+ job_summary['job_type'] = args.job
+ job_summary['cond_type'] = args.cond_type
+ job_summary['yaml'] = args.yaml
+ if args.n:
+ job_summary['job_name'] = args.n
+ else:
+ job_summary['job_name'] = "Nameless"
+ # did the user provided an email
+ if args.e:
+ job_summary['email'] = args.e
+ else:
+ job_summary['email'] = None
+ # did the user provide a range ?
+ if args.m:
+ job_summary['m_range'] = args.m
+ else:
+ job_summary['m_range'] = None
+ # some pretty shows
+ job_summary['cond_name'] = 'Drop Pkt' if (args.cond_type == 'drop') else 'High Latency'
+ if args.job == "find":
+ job_summary['job_type_str'] = "Find Max BW"
+ elif args.job == "plot":
+ job_summary['job_type_str'] = "Plot Graph"
+ else:
+ job_summary['job_type_str'] = "Find Max BW & Plot Graph"
+ if args.job != "find":
+ verify_glibc_version()
+# verify file exists for argparse
+def is_valid_file (parser, err_msg, filename):
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ parser.error("{0}: '{1}'".format(err_msg, filename))
+ else:
+ return (filename) # return an open file handle
+def entry ():
+ job_summary = {}
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("-n", help="Job Name",
+ type = str)
+ parser.add_argument("-m", help="M Range [default: auto calcuation]",
+ nargs = 2,
+ type = float)
+ parser.add_argument("-e", help="E-Mail for report [default:]",
+ type = str)
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--cfg", dest = "config_file", required = True,
+ help = "Configuration File For Trex/Router Pair",
+ type = lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, "config file does not exists",x))
+ parser.add_argument("job", help = "Job type",
+ type = str,
+ choices = ['find', 'plot', 'all'])
+ parser.add_argument("cond_type", help="type of failure condition",
+ type = str,
+ choices = ['latency','drop'])
+ parser.add_argument("-f", "--yaml", dest = "yaml", required = True,
+ help="YAML file to use", type = str)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ with TermMng():
+ try:
+ populate_fields(job_summary, args)
+ launch(job_summary)
+ except Exception as e:
+ ErrorHandler(e, traceback.format_exc())
+ logger.log("\nReport bugs to\n")
+ g_stop = True
+def dummy_test ():
+ job_summary = {}
+ find_results = {}
+ job_summary['config_file'] = 'config/trex01-1g.cfg'
+ job_summary['yaml'] = 'dummy.yaml'
+ job_summary['email'] = ''
+ job_summary['job_name'] = 'test'
+ job_summary['job_type_str'] = 'test'
+ prepare_for_run(job_summary)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ job_summary['yaml'] = 'dummy.yaml'
+ job_summary['job_type'] = 'find'
+ job_summary['cond_name'] = 'Drop'
+ job_summary['cond_type'] = 'drop'
+ job_summary['job_id']= 94817231
+ find_results['tx'] = 210.23
+ find_results['m'] = 1.292812
+ find_results['total-pps'] = 1000
+ find_results['cpu_util'] = 74.0
+ find_results['maximum-latency'] = 4892
+ find_results['average-latency'] = 201
+ find_results['total-pkt-drop'] = 0
+ findjob = FindJob(1,1,job_summary)
+ plotjob = PlotJob(findjob)
+ job_summary['plot_results'] = plotjob.plot()
+ job_summary['find_results'] = find_results
+ job_summary['plot_results'] = [{'cpu_util': 2.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000, 'expected-bps': 999980.0, 'average-latency': 85.0, 'tx': 0.00207*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 221.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 8.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000,'expected-bps': 48500000.0, 'average-latency': 87.0, 'tx': 0.05005*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 279.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 14.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000,'expected-bps': 95990000.0, 'average-latency': 92.0, 'tx': 0.09806*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 273.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 20.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000,'expected-bps': 143490000.0, 'average-latency': 95.0, 'tx': 0.14613*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 271.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 25.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000,'expected-bps': 190980000.0, 'average-latency': 97.0, 'tx': 0.1933*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 302.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 31.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000,'expected-bps': 238480000.0, 'average-latency': 98.0, 'tx': 0.24213*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 1.0, 'maximum-latency': 292.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 37.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000, 'expected-bps': 285970000.0, 'average-latency': 99.0, 'tx': 0.29011*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 344.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 43.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000, 'expected-bps': 333470000.0, 'average-latency': 100.0, 'tx': 0.3382*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 351.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 48.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000, 'expected-bps': 380970000.0, 'average-latency': 100.0, 'tx': 0.38595*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 0.0, 'maximum-latency': 342.0},
+ {'cpu_util': 54.0,'norm_cpu': 1.0, 'total-pps': 1000, 'expected-bps': 428460000.0, 'average-latency': 19852.0, 'tx': 0.43438*1000, 'total-pkt-drop': 1826229.0, 'maximum-latency': 25344.0}]
+ after_run(job_summary)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ entry ()