path: root/scripts/automation
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1 files changed, 54 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
index 93e0081f..e24fe3bd 100644
--- a/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ class STLCapture_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
# move to service mode
- self.c.set_service_mode(ports = self.rx_port)
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port])
# start a capture
- rc = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = [self.rx_port], limit = pkt_count)
+ txc = self.c.start_capture(tx_ports = self.tx_port, limit = pkt_count)
+ rxc = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = self.rx_port, limit = pkt_count)
# inject few packets with a VM
vm = STLScVmRaw( [STLVmFlowVar ( "ip_src", min_value="", max_value="", size=4, step = 7, op = "inc"),
@@ -77,15 +79,23 @@ class STLCapture_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
self.c.start(ports = self.tx_port, force = True)
self.c.wait_on_traffic(ports = self.tx_port)
- pkt_list = []
- self.c.stop_capture(rc['id'], output = pkt_list)
+ tx_pkt_list = []
+ rx_pkt_list = []
+ self.c.stop_capture(txc['id'], output = tx_pkt_list)
+ self.c.stop_capture(rxc['id'], output = rx_pkt_list)
- assert (len(pkt_list) == pkt_count)
+ assert (len(tx_pkt_list) == len(rx_pkt_list) == pkt_count)
+ # make sure we have the same binaries in both lists
+ tx_bin = [pkt['binary'] for pkt in tx_pkt_list]
+ rx_bin = [pkt['binary'] for pkt in rx_pkt_list]
+ assert(set(tx_bin) == set(rx_bin))
# generate all the values that should be
expected_src_ips = [ip_add('', i * 7) for i in range(pkt_count)]
- for i, pkt in enumerate(pkt_list):
+ for i, pkt in enumerate(rx_pkt_list):
pkt_scapy = Ether(pkt['binary'])
pkt_ts = pkt['ts']
@@ -276,3 +286,41 @@ class STLCapture_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port], enabled = False)
+ # in this test we stress TX & RX captures in parallel
+ def test_stress_tx_rx (self):
+ pkt_count = 100
+ try:
+ # move to service mode
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.rx_port, self.tx_port])
+ # start heavy traffic
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/'a_payload_example')
+ stream = STLStream(name = 'burst',
+ packet = pkt,
+ mode = STLTXCont(percentage = self.percentage)
+ )
+ self.c.add_streams(ports = self.tx_port, streams = [stream])
+ self.c.start(ports = self.tx_port, mult = "50%", force = True)
+ # start a capture on the RX port
+ capture_rx = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = self.rx_port, limit = 1000)
+ # now under traffic start/stop the TX capture
+ for i in range(0, 1000):
+ # start a common capture
+ capture_txrx = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = self.rx_port, tx_ports = self.tx_port, limit = 1000)
+ self.c.stop_capture(capture_txrx['id'])
+ except STLError as e:
+ assert False , '{0}'.format(e)
+ finally:
+ self.c.remove_all_captures()
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.rx_port, self.tx_port], enabled = False)