path: root/scripts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index f85dae5d..ce6d2b2f 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import traceback
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from distutils.util import strtobool
import getpass
+import subprocess
class ConfigCreator(object):
mandatory_interface_fields = ['Slot_str', 'Device_str', 'NUMA']
@@ -41,51 +42,52 @@ class ConfigCreator(object):
cores[core] = cores[core][:1]
include_lcores = [int(x) for x in include_lcores]
exclude_lcores = [int(x) for x in exclude_lcores]
self.has_zero_lcore = False
+ self.lcores_per_numa = {}
+ total_lcores = 0
for numa, cores in self.cpu_topology.items():
+ self.lcores_per_numa[numa] = {'main': [], 'siblings': [], 'all': []}
for core, lcores in cores.items():
- for lcore in copy.copy(lcores):
+ total_lcores += len(lcores)
+ for lcore in list(lcores):
if include_lcores and lcore not in include_lcores:
if exclude_lcores and lcore in exclude_lcores:
if 0 in lcores:
self.has_zero_lcore = True
- cores[core].remove(0)
- zero_lcore_numa = numa
- zero_lcore_core = core
- zero_lcore_siblings = cores[core]
- if self.has_zero_lcore:
- del self.cpu_topology[zero_lcore_numa][zero_lcore_core]
- self.cpu_topology[zero_lcore_numa][zero_lcore_core] = zero_lcore_siblings
+ lcores.remove(0)
+ self.lcores_per_numa[numa]['siblings'].extend(lcores)
+ else:
+ self.lcores_per_numa[numa]['main'].extend(lcores[:1])
+ self.lcores_per_numa[numa]['siblings'].extend(lcores[1:])
+ self.lcores_per_numa[numa]['all'].extend(lcores)
for interface in self.interfaces:
for mandatory_interface_field in ConfigCreator.mandatory_interface_fields:
if mandatory_interface_field not in interface:
raise DpdkSetup("Expected '%s' field in interface dictionary, got: %s" % (mandatory_interface_field, interface))
Device_str = self._verify_devices_same_type(self.interfaces)
if '40Gb' in Device_str:
self.speed = 40
self.speed = 10
- lcores_per_numa = OrderedDict()
- system_lcores = int(self.has_zero_lcore)
- for numa, core in self.cpu_topology.items():
- for lcores in core.values():
- if numa not in lcores_per_numa:
- lcores_per_numa[numa] = []
- lcores_per_numa[numa].extend(lcores)
- system_lcores += len(lcores)
- minimum_required_lcores = len(self.interfaces) / 2 + 2
- if system_lcores < minimum_required_lcores:
+ minimum_required_lcores = len(self.interfaces) // 2 + 2
+ if total_lcores < minimum_required_lcores:
raise DpdkSetup('Your system should have at least %s cores for %s interfaces, and it has: %s.' %
- (minimum_required_lcores, len(self.interfaces), system_lcores + (0 if self.has_zero_lcore else 1)))
+ (minimum_required_lcores, len(self.interfaces), total_lcores))
interfaces_per_numa = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(0, len(self.interfaces), 2):
- if self.interfaces[i]['NUMA'] != self.interfaces[i+1]['NUMA'] and not ignore_numa:
+ numa = self.interfaces[i]['NUMA']
+ if numa != self.interfaces[i+1]['NUMA'] and not ignore_numa:
raise DpdkSetup('NUMA of each pair of interfaces should be the same. Got NUMA %s for client interface %s, NUMA %s for server interface %s' %
- (self.interfaces[i]['NUMA'], self.interfaces[i]['Slot_str'], self.interfaces[i+1]['NUMA'], self.interfaces[i+1]['Slot_str']))
- interfaces_per_numa[self.interfaces[i]['NUMA']] += 2
- self.lcores_per_numa = lcores_per_numa
+ (numa, self.interfaces[i]['Slot_str'], self.interfaces[i+1]['NUMA'], self.interfaces[i+1]['Slot_str']))
+ interfaces_per_numa[numa] += 2
self.interfaces_per_numa = interfaces_per_numa
self.prefix = prefix
self.zmq_pub_port = zmq_pub_port
@@ -153,16 +155,20 @@ class ConfigCreator(object):
config_str += ' '*8 + 'src_mac: %s\n' % self.verify_mac(interface['src_mac'])
if index % 2:
config_str += '\n' # dual if barrier
if not self.ignore_numa:
config_str += ' platform:\n'
- if len(self.interfaces_per_numa.keys()) == 1 and -1 in self.interfaces_per_numa: # VM, use any cores, 1 core per dual_if
- lcores_pool = sorted([lcore for lcores in self.lcores_per_numa.values() for lcore in lcores])
- config_str += ' '*6 + 'master_thread_id: %s\n' % (0 if self.has_zero_lcore else lcores_pool.pop())
+ if len(self.interfaces_per_numa.keys()) == 1 and -1 in self.interfaces_per_numa: # VM, use any cores
+ lcores_pool = sorted([lcore for lcores in self.lcores_per_numa.values() for lcore in lcores['all']])
+ config_str += ' '*6 + 'master_thread_id: %s\n' % (0 if self.has_zero_lcore else lcores_pool.pop(0))
config_str += ' '*6 + 'latency_thread_id: %s\n' % lcores_pool.pop(0)
- lcores_per_dual_if = int(len(lcores_pool) / len(self.interfaces))
+ lcores_per_dual_if = int(len(lcores_pool) * 2 / len(self.interfaces))
config_str += ' '*6 + 'dual_if:\n'
for i in range(0, len(self.interfaces), 2):
- lcores_for_this_dual_if = [str(lcores_pool.pop(0)) for _ in range(lcores_per_dual_if)]
+ lcores_for_this_dual_if = list(map(str, sorted(lcores_pool[:lcores_per_dual_if])))
+ lcores_pool = lcores_pool[lcores_per_dual_if:]
+ if not lcores_for_this_dual_if:
+ raise DpdkSetup('lcores_for_this_dual_if is empty (internal bug, please report with details of setup)')
config_str += ' '*8 + '- socket: 0\n'
config_str += ' '*10 + 'threads: [%s]\n\n' % ','.join(lcores_for_this_dual_if)
@@ -170,26 +176,46 @@ class ConfigCreator(object):
lcores_per_dual_if = 99
extra_lcores = 1 if self.has_zero_lcore else 2
# worst case 3 iterations, to ensure master and "rx" have cores left
- while (lcores_per_dual_if * sum(self.interfaces_per_numa.values()) / 2) + extra_lcores > sum([len(lcores) for lcores in self.lcores_per_numa.values()]):
+ while (lcores_per_dual_if * sum(self.interfaces_per_numa.values()) / 2) + extra_lcores > sum([len(lcores['all']) for lcores in self.lcores_per_numa.values()]):
lcores_per_dual_if -= 1
- for numa, cores in self.lcores_per_numa.items():
+ for numa, lcores_dict in self.lcores_per_numa.items():
if not self.interfaces_per_numa[numa]:
- lcores_per_dual_if = min(lcores_per_dual_if, int(2 * len(cores) / self.interfaces_per_numa[numa]))
+ lcores_per_dual_if = min(lcores_per_dual_if, int(2 * len(lcores_dict['all']) / self.interfaces_per_numa[numa]))
lcores_pool = copy.deepcopy(self.lcores_per_numa)
# first, allocate lcores for dual_if section
dual_if_section = ' '*6 + 'dual_if:\n'
for i in range(0, len(self.interfaces), 2):
numa = self.interfaces[i]['NUMA']
dual_if_section += ' '*8 + '- socket: %s\n' % numa
- lcores_for_this_dual_if = [str(lcores_pool[numa].pop(0)) for _ in range(lcores_per_dual_if)]
+ lcores_for_this_dual_if = lcores_pool[numa]['all'][:lcores_per_dual_if]
+ lcores_pool[numa]['all'] = lcores_pool[numa]['all'][lcores_per_dual_if:]
+ for lcore in lcores_for_this_dual_if:
+ if lcore in lcores_pool[numa]['main']:
+ lcores_pool[numa]['main'].remove(lcore)
+ elif lcore in lcores_pool[numa]['siblings']:
+ lcores_pool[numa]['siblings'].remove(lcore)
+ else:
+ raise DpdkSetup('lcore not in main nor in siblings list (internal bug, please report with details of setup)')
if not lcores_for_this_dual_if:
raise DpdkSetup('Not enough cores at NUMA %s. This NUMA has %s processing units and %s interfaces.' % (numa, len(self.lcores_per_numa[numa]), self.interfaces_per_numa[numa]))
- dual_if_section += ' '*10 + 'threads: [%s]\n\n' % ','.join(lcores_for_this_dual_if)
+ dual_if_section += ' '*10 + 'threads: [%s]\n\n' % ','.join(list(map(str, sorted(lcores_for_this_dual_if))))
# take the cores left to master and rx
- lcores_pool_left = [lcore for lcores in lcores_pool.values() for lcore in lcores]
- config_str += ' '*6 + 'master_thread_id: %s\n' % (0 if self.has_zero_lcore else lcores_pool_left.pop(0))
- config_str += ' '*6 + 'latency_thread_id: %s\n' % lcores_pool_left.pop(0)
+ mains_left = [lcore for lcores in lcores_pool.values() for lcore in lcores['main']]
+ siblings_left = [lcore for lcores in lcores_pool.values() for lcore in lcores['siblings']]
+ if mains_left:
+ rx_core = mains_left.pop(0)
+ else:
+ rx_core = siblings_left.pop(0)
+ if self.has_zero_lcore:
+ master_core = 0
+ elif mains_left:
+ master_core = mains_left.pop(0)
+ else:
+ master_core = siblings_left.pop(0)
+ config_str += ' '*6 + 'master_thread_id: %s\n' % master_core
+ config_str += ' '*6 + 'latency_thread_id: %s\n' % rx_core
# add the dual_if section
config_str += dual_if_section
@@ -227,6 +253,7 @@ class CIfMap:
self.m_cfg_file =cfg_file;
+ self.m_is_mellanox_mode=False;
def dump_error (self,err):
@@ -264,6 +291,94 @@ Other network devices
s= self.dump_error (err)
raise DpdkSetup(s)
+ def set_only_mellanox_nics(self):
+ self.m_is_mellanox_mode=True;
+ def get_only_mellanox_nics(self):
+ return self.m_is_mellanox_mode
+ def read_pci (self,pci_id,reg_id):
+ out=subprocess.check_output(['setpci', '-s',pci_id, '%s.w' %(reg_id)])
+ out=out.decode(errors='replace');
+ return (out.strip());
+ def write_pci (self,pci_id,reg_id,val):
+ out=subprocess.check_output(['setpci','-s',pci_id, '%s.w=%s' %(reg_id,val)])
+ out=out.decode(errors='replace');
+ return (out.strip());
+ def tune_mlx5_device (self,pci_id):
+ # set PCIe Read to 1024 and not 512 ... need to add it to startup s
+ val=self.read_pci (pci_id,68)
+ if val[0]!='3':
+ val='3'+val[1:]
+ self.write_pci (pci_id,68,val)
+ assert(self.read_pci (pci_id,68)==val);
+ def get_mtu_mlx5 (self,dev_id):
+ if len(dev_id)>0:
+ out=subprocess.check_output(['ifconfig', dev_id])
+ out=out.decode(errors='replace');
+ if obj:
+ return int(;
+ else:
+'mtu (\d+)',out,flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL);
+ if obj:
+ return int(;
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def set_mtu_mlx5 (self,dev_id,new_mtu):
+ if len(dev_id)>0:
+ out=subprocess.check_output(['ifconfig', dev_id,'mtu',str(new_mtu)])
+ out=out.decode(errors='replace');
+ def set_max_mtu_mlx5_device(self,dev_id):
+ mtu=9*1024+22
+ dev_mtu=self.get_mtu_mlx5 (dev_id);
+ if (dev_mtu>0) and (dev_mtu!=mtu):
+ self.set_mtu_mlx5(dev_id,mtu);
+ if self.get_mtu_mlx5(dev_id) != mtu:
+ print("Could not set MTU to %d" % mtu)
+ exit(-1);
+ def disable_flow_control_mlx5_device (self,dev_id):
+ if len(dev_id)>0:
+ my_stderr = open("/dev/null","wb")
+ cmd ='ethtool -A '+dev_id + ' rx off tx off '
+, stdout=my_stderr,stderr=my_stderr, shell=True)
+ my_stderr.close();
+ def check_ofe_version (self):
+ ofed_info='/usr/bin/ofed_info'
+ ofed_ver= '-3.4-'
+ ofed_ver_show= '3.4-1'
+ if not os.path.isfile(ofed_info):
+ print("OFED %s is not installed on this setup" % ofed_info)
+ exit(-1);
+ try:
+ out = subprocess.check_output([ofed_info])
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("OFED %s can't run " % (ofed_info))
+ exit(-1);
+ lines=out.splitlines();
+ if len(lines)>1:
+ if not (ofed_ver in str(lines[0])):
+ print("installed OFED version is '%s' should be at least '%s' and up" % (lines[0],ofed_ver_show))
+ exit(-1);
def load_config_file (self):
@@ -299,15 +414,19 @@ Other network devices
self.raise_error ('Error: port_limit should not be higher than number of interfaces in config file: %s\n' % fcfg)
- def do_bind_one (self,key):
- cmd='%s --bind=igb_uio %s ' % (sys.executable, key)
+ def do_bind_one (self,key,mellanox):
+ if mellanox:
+ drv="mlx5_core"
+ else:
+ drv="igb_uio"
+ cmd='%s --bind=%s %s ' % (sys.executable, drv,key)
if res!=0:
raise DpdkSetup('')
def pci_name_to_full_name (self,pci_name):
@@ -330,7 +449,7 @@ Other network devices
self.m_devices= dpdk_nic_bind.devices
- def do_run (self):
+ def do_run (self,only_check_all_mlx=False):
self.run_dpdk_lspci ()
if map_driver.dump_interfaces is None or (map_driver.dump_interfaces == [] and map_driver.parent_cfg):
@@ -343,27 +462,74 @@ Other network devices
if_list = list(map(self.pci_name_to_full_name, if_list))
+ # check how many mellanox cards we have
+ Mellanox_cnt=0;
for key in if_list:
if key not in self.m_devices:
err=" %s does not exist " %key;
raise DpdkSetup(err)
+ if 'Vendor_str' not in self.m_devices[key]:
+ err=" %s does not have Vendor_str " %key;
+ raise DpdkSetup(err)
- if 'Driver_str' in self.m_devices[key]:
- if self.m_devices[key]['Driver_str'] not in dpdk_nic_bind.dpdk_drivers :
- self.do_bind_one (key)
+ if self.m_devices[key]['Vendor_str'].find("Mellanox")>-1 :
+ Mellanox_cnt=Mellanox_cnt+1
+ if not map_driver.dump_interfaces :
+ if ((Mellanox_cnt>0) and (Mellanox_cnt!= len(if_list))):
+ err=" All driver should be from one vendor. you have at least one driver from Mellanox but not all ";
+ raise DpdkSetup(err)
+ if not map_driver.dump_interfaces :
+ if Mellanox_cnt>0 :
+ self.set_only_mellanox_nics()
+ if self.get_only_mellanox_nics():
+ self.check_ofe_version ()
+ for key in if_list:
+ pci_id=self.m_devices[key]['Slot_str']
+ self.tune_mlx5_device (pci_id)
+ if 'Interface' in self.m_devices[key]:
+ dev_id=self.m_devices[key]['Interface']
+ self.disable_flow_control_mlx5_device (dev_id)
+ self.set_max_mtu_mlx5_device(dev_id)
+ if only_check_all_mlx:
+ if Mellanox_cnt >0:
+ exit(1);
- self.do_bind_one (key)
+ exit(0);
- if if_list and map_driver.args.parent and dpdk_nic_bind.get_igb_uio_usage():
- pid = dpdk_nic_bind.get_pid_using_pci(if_list)
- if pid:
- cmdline = dpdk_nic_bind.read_pid_cmdline(pid)
- print('Some or all of given interfaces are in use by following process:\npid: %s, cmd: %s' % (pid, cmdline))
- if not dpdk_nic_bind.confirm('Ignore and proceed (y/N):'):
- sys.exit(1)
+ for key in if_list:
+ if key not in self.m_devices:
+ err=" %s does not exist " %key;
+ raise DpdkSetup(err)
+ if 'Driver_str' in self.m_devices[key]:
+ if self.m_devices[key]['Driver_str'] not in (dpdk_nic_bind.dpdk_drivers+dpdk_nic_bind.dpdk_and_kernel) :
+ self.do_bind_one (key,(Mellanox_cnt>0))
+ pass;
- print('WARNING: Some other program is using DPDK driver.\nIf it is TRex and you did not configure it for dual run, current command will fail.')
+ self.do_bind_one (key,(Mellanox_cnt>0))
+ pass;
+ if (Mellanox_cnt==0):
+ # We are not in Mellanox case, we can do this check only in case of Intel (another process is running)
+ if if_list and map_driver.args.parent and (dpdk_nic_bind.get_igb_uio_usage()):
+ pid = dpdk_nic_bind.get_pid_using_pci(if_list)
+ if pid:
+ cmdline = dpdk_nic_bind.read_pid_cmdline(pid)
+ print('Some or all of given interfaces are in use by following process:\npid: %s, cmd: %s' % (pid, cmdline))
+ if not dpdk_nic_bind.confirm('Ignore and proceed (y/N):'):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ print('WARNING: Some other program is using DPDK driver.\nIf it is TRex and you did not configure it for dual run, current command will fail.')
def do_return_to_linux(self):
if not self.m_devices:
@@ -684,7 +850,7 @@ To return to Linux the DPDK bound interfaces (for ifconfig etc.)
sudo ./ -l
To create TRex config file using interactive mode
- sudo ./ -l
+ sudo ./ -i
To create a default config file (example1)
sudo ./ -c 02:00.0 02:00.1 -o /etc/trex_cfg.yaml
@@ -829,6 +995,8 @@ def main ():
if __name__ == '__main__':