path: root/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/')
1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/ b/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4214c2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import ConfigParser
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from nose.util import absdir, tolist
+from nose.plugins.manager import NoPlugins
+from warnings import warn, filterwarnings
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# not allowed in config files
+option_blacklist = ['help', 'verbose']
+config_files = [
+ # Linux users will prefer this
+ "~/.noserc",
+ # Windows users will prefer this
+ "~/nose.cfg"
+ ]
+# plaforms on which the exe check defaults to off
+# Windows and IronPython
+exe_allowed_platforms = ('win32', 'cli')
+filterwarnings("always", category=DeprecationWarning,
+ module=r'(.*\.)?nose\.config')
+class NoSuchOptionError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ Exception.__init__(self, name)
+ = name
+class ConfigError(Exception):
+ pass
+class ConfiguredDefaultsOptionParser(object):
+ """
+ Handler for options from commandline and config files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parser, config_section, error=None, file_error=None):
+ self._parser = parser
+ self._config_section = config_section
+ if error is None:
+ error = self._parser.error
+ self._error = error
+ if file_error is None:
+ file_error = lambda msg, **kw: error(msg)
+ self._file_error = file_error
+ def _configTuples(self, cfg, filename):
+ config = []
+ if self._config_section in cfg.sections():
+ for name, value in cfg.items(self._config_section):
+ config.append((name, value, filename))
+ return config
+ def _readFromFilenames(self, filenames):
+ config = []
+ for filename in filenames:
+ cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ try:
+ except ConfigParser.Error, exc:
+ raise ConfigError("Error reading config file %r: %s" %
+ (filename, str(exc)))
+ config.extend(self._configTuples(cfg, filename))
+ return config
+ def _readFromFileObject(self, fh):
+ cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ try:
+ filename =
+ except AttributeError:
+ filename = '<???>'
+ try:
+ cfg.readfp(fh)
+ except ConfigParser.Error, exc:
+ raise ConfigError("Error reading config file %r: %s" %
+ (filename, str(exc)))
+ return self._configTuples(cfg, filename)
+ def _readConfiguration(self, config_files):
+ try:
+ config_files.readline
+ except AttributeError:
+ filename_or_filenames = config_files
+ if isinstance(filename_or_filenames, basestring):
+ filenames = [filename_or_filenames]
+ else:
+ filenames = filename_or_filenames
+ config = self._readFromFilenames(filenames)
+ else:
+ fh = config_files
+ config = self._readFromFileObject(fh)
+ return config
+ def _processConfigValue(self, name, value, values, parser):
+ opt_str = '--' + name
+ option = parser.get_option(opt_str)
+ if option is None:
+ raise NoSuchOptionError(name)
+ else:
+ option.process(opt_str, value, values, parser)
+ def _applyConfigurationToValues(self, parser, config, values):
+ for name, value, filename in config:
+ if name in option_blacklist:
+ continue
+ try:
+ self._processConfigValue(name, value, values, parser)
+ except NoSuchOptionError, exc:
+ self._file_error(
+ "Error reading config file %r: "
+ "no such option %r" % (filename,,
+ name=name, filename=filename)
+ except optparse.OptionValueError, exc:
+ msg = str(exc).replace('--' + name, repr(name), 1)
+ self._file_error("Error reading config file %r: "
+ "%s" % (filename, msg),
+ name=name, filename=filename)
+ def parseArgsAndConfigFiles(self, args, config_files):
+ values = self._parser.get_default_values()
+ try:
+ config = self._readConfiguration(config_files)
+ except ConfigError, exc:
+ self._error(str(exc))
+ else:
+ try:
+ self._applyConfigurationToValues(self._parser, config, values)
+ except ConfigError, exc:
+ self._error(str(exc))
+ return self._parser.parse_args(args, values)
+class Config(object):
+ """nose configuration.
+ Instances of Config are used throughout nose to configure
+ behavior, including plugin lists. Here are the default values for
+ all config keys::
+ self.env = env = kw.pop('env', {})
+ self.args = ()
+ self.testMatch = re.compile(r'(?:^|[\\b_\\.%s-])[Tt]est' % os.sep)
+ self.addPaths = not env.get('NOSE_NOPATH', False)
+ self.configSection = 'nosetests'
+ self.debug = env.get('NOSE_DEBUG')
+ self.debugLog = env.get('NOSE_DEBUG_LOG')
+ self.exclude = None
+ self.getTestCaseNamesCompat = False
+ self.includeExe = env.get('NOSE_INCLUDE_EXE',
+ sys.platform in exe_allowed_platforms)
+ self.ignoreFiles = (re.compile(r'^\.'),
+ re.compile(r'^_'),
+ re.compile(r'^setup\.py$')
+ )
+ self.include = None
+ self.loggingConfig = None
+ self.logStream = sys.stderr
+ self.options = NoOptions()
+ self.parser = None
+ self.plugins = NoPlugins()
+ self.srcDirs = ('lib', 'src')
+ self.runOnInit = True
+ self.stopOnError = env.get('NOSE_STOP', False)
+ = sys.stderr
+ self.testNames = ()
+ self.verbosity = int(env.get('NOSE_VERBOSE', 1))
+ self.where = ()
+ self.py3where = ()
+ self.workingDir = None
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ self.env = env = kw.pop('env', {})
+ self.args = ()
+ self.testMatchPat = env.get('NOSE_TESTMATCH',
+ r'(?:^|[\b_\.%s-])[Tt]est' % os.sep)
+ self.testMatch = re.compile(self.testMatchPat)
+ self.addPaths = not env.get('NOSE_NOPATH', False)
+ self.configSection = 'nosetests'
+ self.debug = env.get('NOSE_DEBUG')
+ self.debugLog = env.get('NOSE_DEBUG_LOG')
+ self.exclude = None
+ self.getTestCaseNamesCompat = False
+ self.includeExe = env.get('NOSE_INCLUDE_EXE',
+ sys.platform in exe_allowed_platforms)
+ self.ignoreFilesDefaultStrings = [r'^\.',
+ r'^_',
+ r'^setup\.py$',
+ ]
+ self.ignoreFiles = map(re.compile, self.ignoreFilesDefaultStrings)
+ self.include = None
+ self.loggingConfig = None
+ self.logStream = sys.stderr
+ self.options = NoOptions()
+ self.parser = None
+ self.plugins = NoPlugins()
+ self.srcDirs = ('lib', 'src')
+ self.runOnInit = True
+ self.stopOnError = env.get('NOSE_STOP', False)
+ = sys.stderr
+ self.testNames = []
+ self.verbosity = int(env.get('NOSE_VERBOSE', 1))
+ self.where = ()
+ self.py3where = ()
+ self.workingDir = os.getcwd()
+ self.traverseNamespace = False
+ self.firstPackageWins = False
+ self.parserClass = OptionParser
+ self.worker = False
+ self._default = self.__dict__.copy()
+ self.update(kw)
+ self._orig = self.__dict__.copy()
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ state = self.__dict__.copy()
+ del state['stream']
+ del state['_orig']
+ del state['_default']
+ del state['env']
+ del state['logStream']
+ # FIXME remove plugins, have only plugin manager class
+ state['plugins'] = self.plugins.__class__
+ return state
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ plugincls = state.pop('plugins')
+ self.update(state)
+ self.worker = True
+ # FIXME won't work for static plugin lists
+ self.plugins = plugincls()
+ self.plugins.loadPlugins()
+ # needed so .can_configure gets set appropriately
+ dummy_parser = self.parserClass()
+ self.plugins.addOptions(dummy_parser, {})
+ self.plugins.configure(self.options, self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ d = self.__dict__.copy()
+ # don't expose env, could include sensitive info
+ d['env'] = {}
+ keys = [ k for k in d.keys()
+ if not k.startswith('_') ]
+ keys.sort()
+ return "Config(%s)" % ', '.join([ '%s=%r' % (k, d[k])
+ for k in keys ])
+ __str__ = __repr__
+ def _parseArgs(self, argv, cfg_files):
+ def warn_sometimes(msg, name=None, filename=None):
+ if (hasattr(self.plugins, 'excludedOption') and
+ self.plugins.excludedOption(name)):
+ msg = ("Option %r in config file %r ignored: "
+ "excluded by runtime environment" %
+ (name, filename))
+ warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
+ else:
+ raise ConfigError(msg)
+ parser = ConfiguredDefaultsOptionParser(
+ self.getParser(), self.configSection, file_error=warn_sometimes)
+ return parser.parseArgsAndConfigFiles(argv[1:], cfg_files)
+ def configure(self, argv=None, doc=None):
+ """Configure the nose running environment. Execute configure before
+ collecting tests with nose.TestCollector to enable output capture and
+ other features.
+ """
+ env = self.env
+ if argv is None:
+ argv = sys.argv
+ cfg_files = getattr(self, 'files', [])
+ options, args = self._parseArgs(argv, cfg_files)
+ # If -c --config has been specified on command line,
+ # load those config files and reparse
+ if getattr(options, 'files', []):
+ options, args = self._parseArgs(argv, options.files)
+ self.options = options
+ if args:
+ self.testNames = args
+ if options.testNames is not None:
+ self.testNames.extend(tolist(options.testNames))
+ if options.py3where is not None:
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ options.where = options.py3where
+ # `where` is an append action, so it can't have a default value
+ # in the parser, or that default will always be in the list
+ if not options.where:
+ options.where = env.get('NOSE_WHERE', None)
+ # include and exclude also
+ if not options.ignoreFiles:
+ options.ignoreFiles = env.get('NOSE_IGNORE_FILES', [])
+ if not options.include:
+ options.include = env.get('NOSE_INCLUDE', [])
+ if not options.exclude:
+ options.exclude = env.get('NOSE_EXCLUDE', [])
+ self.addPaths = options.addPaths
+ self.stopOnError = options.stopOnError
+ self.verbosity = options.verbosity
+ self.includeExe = options.includeExe
+ self.traverseNamespace = options.traverseNamespace
+ self.debug = options.debug
+ self.debugLog = options.debugLog
+ self.loggingConfig = options.loggingConfig
+ self.firstPackageWins = options.firstPackageWins
+ self.configureLogging()
+ if not options.byteCompile:
+ sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
+ if options.where is not None:
+ self.configureWhere(options.where)
+ if options.testMatch:
+ self.testMatch = re.compile(options.testMatch)
+ if options.ignoreFiles:
+ self.ignoreFiles = map(re.compile, tolist(options.ignoreFiles))
+"Ignoring files matching %s", options.ignoreFiles)
+ else:
+"Ignoring files matching %s", self.ignoreFilesDefaultStrings)
+ if options.include:
+ self.include = map(re.compile, tolist(options.include))
+"Including tests matching %s", options.include)
+ if options.exclude:
+ self.exclude = map(re.compile, tolist(options.exclude))
+"Excluding tests matching %s", options.exclude)
+ # When listing plugins we don't want to run them
+ if not options.showPlugins:
+ self.plugins.configure(options, self)
+ self.plugins.begin()
+ def configureLogging(self):
+ """Configure logging for nose, or optionally other packages. Any logger
+ name may be set with the debug option, and that logger will be set to
+ debug level and be assigned the same handler as the nose loggers, unless
+ it already has a handler.
+ """
+ if self.loggingConfig:
+ from logging.config import fileConfig
+ fileConfig(self.loggingConfig)
+ return
+ format = logging.Formatter('%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
+ if self.debugLog:
+ handler = logging.FileHandler(self.debugLog)
+ else:
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler(self.logStream)
+ handler.setFormatter(format)
+ logger = logging.getLogger('nose')
+ logger.propagate = 0
+ # only add our default handler if there isn't already one there
+ # this avoids annoying duplicate log messages.
+ found = False
+ if self.debugLog:
+ debugLogAbsPath = os.path.abspath(self.debugLog)
+ for h in logger.handlers:
+ if type(h) == logging.FileHandler and \
+ h.baseFilename == debugLogAbsPath:
+ found = True
+ else:
+ for h in logger.handlers:
+ if type(h) == logging.StreamHandler and \
+ == self.logStream:
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ # default level
+ lvl = logging.WARNING
+ if self.verbosity >= 5:
+ lvl = 0
+ elif self.verbosity >= 4:
+ lvl = logging.DEBUG
+ elif self.verbosity >= 3:
+ lvl = logging.INFO
+ logger.setLevel(lvl)
+ # individual overrides
+ if self.debug:
+ # no blanks
+ debug_loggers = [ name for name in self.debug.split(',')
+ if name ]
+ for logger_name in debug_loggers:
+ l = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
+ l.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ if not l.handlers and not logger_name.startswith('nose'):
+ l.addHandler(handler)
+ def configureWhere(self, where):
+ """Configure the working directory or directories for the test run.
+ """
+ from nose.importer import add_path
+ self.workingDir = None
+ where = tolist(where)
+ warned = False
+ for path in where:
+ if not self.workingDir:
+ abs_path = absdir(path)
+ if abs_path is None:
+ raise ValueError("Working directory %s not found, or "
+ "not a directory" % path)
+"Set working dir to %s", abs_path)
+ self.workingDir = abs_path
+ if self.addPaths and \
+ os.path.exists(os.path.join(abs_path, '')):
+"Working directory %s is a package; "
+ "adding to sys.path" % abs_path)
+ add_path(abs_path)
+ continue
+ if not warned:
+ warn("Use of multiple -w arguments is deprecated and "
+ "support may be removed in a future release. You can "
+ "get the same behavior by passing directories without "
+ "the -w argument on the command line, or by using the "
+ "--tests argument in a configuration file.",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warned = True
+ self.testNames.append(path)
+ def default(self):
+ """Reset all config values to defaults.
+ """
+ self.__dict__.update(self._default)
+ def getParser(self, doc=None):
+ """Get the command line option parser.
+ """
+ if self.parser:
+ return self.parser
+ env = self.env
+ parser = self.parserClass(doc)
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-V","--version", action="store_true",
+ dest="version", default=False,
+ help="Output nose version and exit")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-p", "--plugins", action="store_true",
+ dest="showPlugins", default=False,
+ help="Output list of available plugins and exit. Combine with "
+ "higher verbosity for greater detail")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-v", "--verbose",
+ action="count", dest="verbosity",
+ default=self.verbosity,
+ help="Be more verbose. [NOSE_VERBOSE]")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--verbosity", action="store", dest="verbosity",
+ metavar='VERBOSITY',
+ type="int", help="Set verbosity; --verbosity=2 is "
+ "the same as -v")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const=0, dest="verbosity",
+ help="Be less verbose")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-c", "--config", action="append", dest="files",
+ metavar="FILES",
+ help="Load configuration from config file(s). May be specified "
+ "multiple times; in that case, all config files will be "
+ "loaded and combined")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-w", "--where", action="append", dest="where",
+ metavar="WHERE",
+ help="Look for tests in this directory. "
+ "May be specified multiple times. The first directory passed "
+ "will be used as the working directory, in place of the current "
+ "working directory, which is the default. Others will be added "
+ "to the list of tests to execute. [NOSE_WHERE]"
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--py3where", action="append", dest="py3where",
+ metavar="PY3WHERE",
+ help="Look for tests in this directory under Python 3.x. "
+ "Functions the same as 'where', but only applies if running under "
+ "Python 3.x or above. Note that, if present under 3.x, this "
+ "option completely replaces any directories specified with "
+ "'where', so the 'where' option becomes ineffective. "
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-m", "--match", "--testmatch", action="store",
+ dest="testMatch", metavar="REGEX",
+ help="Files, directories, function names, and class names "
+ "that match this regular expression are considered tests. "
+ "Default: %s [NOSE_TESTMATCH]" % self.testMatchPat,
+ default=self.testMatchPat)
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--tests", action="store", dest="testNames", default=None,
+ metavar='NAMES',
+ help="Run these tests (comma-separated list). This argument is "
+ "useful mainly from configuration files; on the command line, "
+ "just pass the tests to run as additional arguments with no "
+ "switch.")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-l", "--debug", action="store",
+ dest="debug", default=self.debug,
+ help="Activate debug logging for one or more systems. "
+ "Available debug loggers: nose, nose.importer, "
+ "nose.inspector, nose.plugins, nose.result and "
+ "nose.selector. Separate multiple names with a comma.")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--debug-log", dest="debugLog", action="store",
+ default=self.debugLog, metavar="FILE",
+ help="Log debug messages to this file "
+ "(default: sys.stderr)")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--logging-config", "--log-config",
+ dest="loggingConfig", action="store",
+ default=self.loggingConfig, metavar="FILE",
+ help="Load logging config from this file -- bypasses all other"
+ " logging config settings.")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-I", "--ignore-files", action="append", dest="ignoreFiles",
+ metavar="REGEX",
+ help="Completely ignore any file that matches this regular "
+ "expression. Takes precedence over any other settings or "
+ "plugins. "
+ "Specifying this option will replace the default setting. "
+ "Specify this option multiple times "
+ "to add more regular expressions [NOSE_IGNORE_FILES]")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-e", "--exclude", action="append", dest="exclude",
+ metavar="REGEX",
+ help="Don't run tests that match regular "
+ "expression [NOSE_EXCLUDE]")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-i", "--include", action="append", dest="include",
+ metavar="REGEX",
+ help="This regular expression will be applied to files, "
+ "directories, function names, and class names for a chance "
+ "to include additional tests that do not match TESTMATCH. "
+ "Specify this option multiple times "
+ "to add more regular expressions [NOSE_INCLUDE]")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-x", "--stop", action="store_true", dest="stopOnError",
+ default=self.stopOnError,
+ help="Stop running tests after the first error or failure")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-P", "--no-path-adjustment", action="store_false",
+ dest="addPaths",
+ default=self.addPaths,
+ help="Don't make any changes to sys.path when "
+ "loading tests [NOSE_NOPATH]")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--exe", action="store_true", dest="includeExe",
+ default=self.includeExe,
+ help="Look for tests in python modules that are "
+ "executable. Normal behavior is to exclude executable "
+ "modules, since they may not be import-safe "
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--noexe", action="store_false", dest="includeExe",
+ help="DO NOT look for tests in python modules that are "
+ "executable. (The default on the windows platform is to "
+ "do so.)")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--traverse-namespace", action="store_true",
+ default=self.traverseNamespace, dest="traverseNamespace",
+ help="Traverse through all path entries of a namespace package")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--first-package-wins", "--first-pkg-wins", "--1st-pkg-wins",
+ action="store_true", default=False, dest="firstPackageWins",
+ help="nose's importer will normally evict a package from sys."
+ "modules if it sees a package with the same name in a different "
+ "location. Set this option to disable that behavior.")
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--no-byte-compile",
+ action="store_false", default=True, dest="byteCompile",
+ help="Prevent nose from byte-compiling the source into .pyc files "
+ "while nose is scanning for and running tests.")
+ self.plugins.loadPlugins()
+ self.pluginOpts(parser)
+ self.parser = parser
+ return parser
+ def help(self, doc=None):
+ """Return the generated help message
+ """
+ return self.getParser(doc).format_help()
+ def pluginOpts(self, parser):
+ self.plugins.addOptions(parser, self.env)
+ def reset(self):
+ self.__dict__.update(self._orig)
+ def todict(self):
+ return self.__dict__.copy()
+ def update(self, d):
+ self.__dict__.update(d)
+class NoOptions(object):
+ """Options container that returns None for all options.
+ """
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return {}
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ pass
+ def __getnewargs__(self):
+ return ()
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return False
+def user_config_files():
+ """Return path to any existing user config files
+ """
+ return filter(os.path.exists,
+ map(os.path.expanduser, config_files))
+def all_config_files():
+ """Return path to any existing user config files, plus any setup.cfg
+ in the current working directory.
+ """
+ user = user_config_files()
+ if os.path.exists('setup.cfg'):
+ return user + ['setup.cfg']
+ return user
+# used when parsing config files
+def flag(val):
+ """Does the value look like an on/off flag?"""
+ if val == 1:
+ return True
+ elif val == 0:
+ return False
+ val = str(val)
+ if len(val) > 5:
+ return False
+ return val.upper() in ('1', '0', 'F', 'T', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'ON', 'OFF')
+def _bool(val):
+ return str(val).upper() in ('1', 'T', 'TRUE', 'ON')