path: root/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/plugins/
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1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/plugins/ b/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/plugins/
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index 00000000..d1540e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/nose/plugins/
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+ErrorClass Plugins
+ErrorClass plugins provide an easy way to add support for custom
+handling of particular classes of exceptions.
+An ErrorClass plugin defines one or more ErrorClasses and how each is
+handled and reported on. Each error class is stored in a different
+attribute on the result, and reported separately. Each error class must
+indicate the exceptions that fall under that class, the label to use
+for reporting, and whether exceptions of the class should be
+considered as failures for the whole test run.
+ErrorClasses use a declarative syntax. Assign an ErrorClass to the
+attribute you wish to add to the result object, defining the
+exceptions, label and isfailure attributes. For example, to declare an
+ErrorClassPlugin that defines TodoErrors (and subclasses of TodoError)
+as an error class with the label 'TODO' that is considered a failure,
+do this:
+ >>> class Todo(Exception):
+ ... pass
+ >>> class TodoError(ErrorClassPlugin):
+ ... todo = ErrorClass(Todo, label='TODO', isfailure=True)
+The MetaErrorClass metaclass translates the ErrorClass declarations
+into the tuples used by the error handling and reporting functions in
+the result. This is an internal format and subject to change; you
+should always use the declarative syntax for attaching ErrorClasses to
+an ErrorClass plugin.
+ >>> TodoError.errorClasses # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ((<class ...Todo...>, ('todo', 'TODO', True)),)
+Let's see the plugin in action. First some boilerplate.
+ >>> import sys
+ >>> import unittest
+ >>> try:
+ ... # 2.7+
+ ... from unittest.runner import _WritelnDecorator
+ ... except ImportError:
+ ... from unittest import _WritelnDecorator
+ ...
+ >>> buf = _WritelnDecorator(sys.stdout)
+Now define a test case that raises a Todo.
+ >>> class TestTodo(unittest.TestCase):
+ ... def runTest(self):
+ ... raise Todo("I need to test something")
+ >>> case = TestTodo()
+Prepare the result using our plugin. Normally this happens during the
+course of test execution within nose -- you won't be doing this
+yourself. For the purposes of this testing document, I'm stepping
+through the internal process of nose so you can see what happens at
+each step.
+ >>> plugin = TodoError()
+ >>> from nose.result import _TextTestResult
+ >>> result = _TextTestResult(stream=buf, descriptions=0, verbosity=2)
+ >>> plugin.prepareTestResult(result)
+Now run the test. TODO is printed.
+ >>> _ = case(result) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ runTest (....TestTodo) ... TODO: I need to test something
+Errors and failures are empty, but todo has our test:
+ >>> result.errors
+ []
+ >>> result.failures
+ []
+ >>> result.todo # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [(<....TestTodo testMethod=runTest>, '...Todo: I need to test something\\n')]
+ >>> result.printErrors() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ======================================================================
+ TODO: runTest (....TestTodo)
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ...Todo: I need to test something
+Since we defined a Todo as a failure, the run was not successful.
+ >>> result.wasSuccessful()
+ False
+from nose.pyversion import make_instancemethod
+from nose.plugins.base import Plugin
+from nose.result import TextTestResult
+from nose.util import isclass
+class MetaErrorClass(type):
+ """Metaclass for ErrorClassPlugins that allows error classes to be
+ set up in a declarative manner.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, bases, attr):
+ errorClasses = []
+ for name, detail in attr.items():
+ if isinstance(detail, ErrorClass):
+ attr.pop(name)
+ for cls in detail:
+ errorClasses.append(
+ (cls, (name, detail.label, detail.isfailure)))
+ super(MetaErrorClass, self).__init__(name, bases, attr)
+ self.errorClasses = tuple(errorClasses)
+class ErrorClass(object):
+ def __init__(self, *errorClasses, **kw):
+ self.errorClasses = errorClasses
+ try:
+ for key in ('label', 'isfailure'):
+ setattr(self, key, kw.pop(key))
+ except KeyError:
+ raise TypeError("%r is a required named argument for ErrorClass"
+ % key)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.errorClasses)
+class ErrorClassPlugin(Plugin):
+ """
+ Base class for ErrorClass plugins. Subclass this class and declare the
+ exceptions that you wish to handle as attributes of the subclass.
+ """
+ __metaclass__ = MetaErrorClass
+ score = 1000
+ errorClasses = ()
+ def addError(self, test, err):
+ err_cls, a, b = err
+ if not isclass(err_cls):
+ return
+ classes = [e[0] for e in self.errorClasses]
+ if filter(lambda c: issubclass(err_cls, c), classes):
+ return True
+ def prepareTestResult(self, result):
+ if not hasattr(result, 'errorClasses'):
+ self.patchResult(result)
+ for cls, (storage_attr, label, isfail) in self.errorClasses:
+ if cls not in result.errorClasses:
+ storage = getattr(result, storage_attr, [])
+ setattr(result, storage_attr, storage)
+ result.errorClasses[cls] = (storage, label, isfail)
+ def patchResult(self, result):
+ result.printLabel = print_label_patch(result)
+ result._orig_addError, result.addError = \
+ result.addError, add_error_patch(result)
+ result._orig_wasSuccessful, result.wasSuccessful = \
+ result.wasSuccessful, wassuccessful_patch(result)
+ if hasattr(result, 'printErrors'):
+ result._orig_printErrors, result.printErrors = \
+ result.printErrors, print_errors_patch(result)
+ if hasattr(result, 'addSkip'):
+ result._orig_addSkip, result.addSkip = \
+ result.addSkip, add_skip_patch(result)
+ result.errorClasses = {}
+def add_error_patch(result):
+ """Create a new addError method to patch into a result instance
+ that recognizes the errorClasses attribute and deals with
+ errorclasses correctly.
+ """
+ return make_instancemethod(TextTestResult.addError, result)
+def print_errors_patch(result):
+ """Create a new printErrors method that prints errorClasses items
+ as well.
+ """
+ return make_instancemethod(TextTestResult.printErrors, result)
+def print_label_patch(result):
+ """Create a new printLabel method that prints errorClasses items
+ as well.
+ """
+ return make_instancemethod(TextTestResult.printLabel, result)
+def wassuccessful_patch(result):
+ """Create a new wasSuccessful method that checks errorClasses for
+ exceptions that were put into other slots than error or failure
+ but that still count as not success.
+ """
+ return make_instancemethod(TextTestResult.wasSuccessful, result)
+def add_skip_patch(result):
+ """Create a new addSkip method to patch into a result instance
+ that delegates to addError.
+ """
+ return make_instancemethod(TextTestResult.addSkip, result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()