path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 816 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/
deleted file mode 100644
index c5ac2520..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,816 +0,0 @@
-## This file is part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-General utility functions.
-import os,sys,socket,types
-import random,time
-import gzip,zlib,cPickle
-import re,struct,array
-import subprocess
-import warnings
-warnings.filterwarnings("ignore","tempnam",RuntimeWarning, __name__)
-from config import conf
-from data import MTU
-from error import log_runtime,log_loading,log_interactive, Scapy_Exception
-from base_classes import BasePacketList
-## Tools ##
-def get_temp_file(keep=False, autoext=""):
- f = os.tempnam("","scapy")
- if not keep:
- conf.temp_files.append(f+autoext)
- return f
-def sane_color(x):
- r=""
- for i in x:
- j = ord(i)
- if (j < 32) or (j >= 127):
- r=r+conf.color_theme.not_printable(".")
- else:
- r=r+i
- return r
-def sane(x):
- r=""
- for i in x:
- j = ord(i)
- if (j < 32) or (j >= 127):
- r=r+"."
- else:
- r=r+i
- return r
-def lhex(x):
- if type(x) in (int,long):
- return hex(x)
- elif type(x) is tuple:
- return "(%s)" % ", ".join(map(lhex, x))
- elif type(x) is list:
- return "[%s]" % ", ".join(map(lhex, x))
- else:
- return x
-def hexdump(x):
- x=str(x)
- l = len(x)
- i = 0
- while i < l:
- print "%04x " % i,
- for j in range(16):
- if i+j < l:
- print "%02X" % ord(x[i+j]),
- else:
- print " ",
- if j%16 == 7:
- print "",
- print " ",
- print sane_color(x[i:i+16])
- i += 16
-def linehexdump(x, onlyasc=0, onlyhex=0):
- x = str(x)
- l = len(x)
- if not onlyasc:
- for i in range(l):
- print "%02X" % ord(x[i]),
- print "",
- if not onlyhex:
- print sane_color(x)
-def chexdump(x):
- x=str(x)
- print ", ".join(map(lambda x: "%#04x"%ord(x), x))
-def hexstr(x, onlyasc=0, onlyhex=0):
- s = []
- if not onlyasc:
- s.append(" ".join(map(lambda x:"%02x"%ord(x), x)))
- if not onlyhex:
- s.append(sane(x))
- return " ".join(s)
-def hexdiff(x,y):
- """Show differences between 2 binary strings"""
- x=str(x)[::-1]
- y=str(y)[::-1]
- d={}
- d[-1,-1] = 0,(-1,-1)
- for j in range(len(y)):
- d[-1,j] = d[-1,j-1][0]+INSERT, (-1,j-1)
- for i in range(len(x)):
- d[i,-1] = d[i-1,-1][0]+INSERT, (i-1,-1)
- for j in range(len(y)):
- for i in range(len(x)):
- d[i,j] = min( ( d[i-1,j-1][0]+SUBST*(x[i] != y[j]), (i-1,j-1) ),
- ( d[i-1,j][0]+INSERT, (i-1,j) ),
- ( d[i,j-1][0]+INSERT, (i,j-1) ) )
- backtrackx = []
- backtracky = []
- i=len(x)-1
- j=len(y)-1
- while not (i == j == -1):
- i2,j2 = d[i,j][1]
- backtrackx.append(x[i2+1:i+1])
- backtracky.append(y[j2+1:j+1])
- i,j = i2,j2
- x = y = i = 0
- colorize = { 0: lambda x:x,
- -1: conf.color_theme.left,
- 1: conf.color_theme.right }
- dox=1
- doy=0
- l = len(backtrackx)
- while i < l:
- separate=0
- linex = backtrackx[i:i+16]
- liney = backtracky[i:i+16]
- xx = sum(len(k) for k in linex)
- yy = sum(len(k) for k in liney)
- if dox and not xx:
- dox = 0
- doy = 1
- if dox and linex == liney:
- doy=1
- if dox:
- xd = y
- j = 0
- while not linex[j]:
- j += 1
- xd -= 1
- print colorize[doy-dox]("%04x" % xd),
- x += xx
- line=linex
- else:
- print " ",
- if doy:
- yd = y
- j = 0
- while not liney[j]:
- j += 1
- yd -= 1
- print colorize[doy-dox]("%04x" % yd),
- y += yy
- line=liney
- else:
- print " ",
- print " ",
- cl = ""
- for j in range(16):
- if i+j < l:
- if line[j]:
- col = colorize[(linex[j]!=liney[j])*(doy-dox)]
- print col("%02X" % ord(line[j])),
- if linex[j]==liney[j]:
- cl += sane_color(line[j])
- else:
- cl += col(sane(line[j]))
- else:
- print " ",
- cl += " "
- else:
- print " ",
- if j == 7:
- print "",
- print " ",cl
- if doy or not yy:
- doy=0
- dox=1
- i += 16
- else:
- if yy:
- dox=0
- doy=1
- else:
- i += 16
-crc32 = zlib.crc32
-if struct.pack("H",1) == "\x00\x01": # big endian
- def checksum(pkt):
- if len(pkt) % 2 == 1:
- pkt += "\0"
- s = sum(array.array("H", pkt))
- s = (s >> 16) + (s & 0xffff)
- s += s >> 16
- s = ~s
- return s & 0xffff
- def checksum(pkt):
- if len(pkt) % 2 == 1:
- pkt += "\0"
- s = sum(array.array("H", pkt))
- s = (s >> 16) + (s & 0xffff)
- s += s >> 16
- s = ~s
- return (((s>>8)&0xff)|s<<8) & 0xffff
-def warning(x):
- log_runtime.warning(x)
-def mac2str(mac):
- return "".join(map(lambda x: chr(int(x,16)), mac.split(":")))
-def str2mac(s):
- return ("%02x:"*6)[:-1] % tuple(map(ord, s))
-def strxor(x,y):
- return "".join(map(lambda x,y:chr(ord(x)^ord(y)),x,y))
-# Workarround bug 643005 :
- socket.inet_aton("")
-except socket.error:
- def inet_aton(x):
- if x == "":
- return "\xff"*4
- else:
- return socket.inet_aton(x)
- inet_aton = socket.inet_aton
-inet_ntoa = socket.inet_ntoa
- inet_ntop = socket.inet_ntop
- inet_pton = socket.inet_pton
-except AttributeError:
- from scapy.pton_ntop import *
-"inet_ntop/pton functions not found. Python IPv6 support not present")
-def atol(x):
- try:
- ip = inet_aton(x)
- except socket.error:
- ip = inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(x))
- return struct.unpack("!I", ip)[0]
-def ltoa(x):
- return inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", x&0xffffffff))
-def itom(x):
- return (0xffffffff00000000L>>x)&0xffffffffL
-def do_graph(graph,prog=None,format=None,target=None,type=None,string=None,options=None):
- """do_graph(graph,, format="svg",
- target="| conf.prog.display", options=None, [string=1]):
- string: if not None, simply return the graph string
- graph: GraphViz graph description
- format: output type (svg, ps, gif, jpg, etc.), passed to dot's "-T" option
- target: filename or redirect. Defaults pipe to Imagemagick's display program
- prog: which graphviz program to use
- options: options to be passed to prog"""
- if format is None:
- format = "png" # use common format to make sure a viewer is installed
- else:
- format = "svg"
- if string:
- return graph
- if type is not None:
- format=type
- if prog is None:
- prog =
- start_viewer=False
- if target is None:
- tempfile = os.tempnam("", "scapy") + "." + format
- target = "> %s" % tempfile
- start_viewer = True
- else:
- target = "| %s" % conf.prog.display
- if format is not None:
- format = "-T %s" % format
- w,r = os.popen2("%s %s %s %s" % (prog,options or "", format or "", target))
- w.write(graph)
- w.close()
- if start_viewer:
- # Workaround for file not found error: We wait until tempfile is written.
- waiting_start = time.time()
- while not os.path.exists(tempfile):
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if time.time() - waiting_start > 3:
- warning("Temporary file '%s' could not be written. Graphic will not be displayed." % tempfile)
- break
- else:
- if conf.prog.display == conf.prog._default:
- os.startfile(tempfile)
- else:
- subprocess.Popen([conf.prog.display, tempfile])
-_TEX_TR = {
- "{":"{\\tt\\char123}",
- "}":"{\\tt\\char125}",
- "\\":"{\\tt\\char92}",
- "^":"\\^{}",
- "$":"\\$",
- "#":"\\#",
- "~":"\\~",
- "_":"\\_",
- "&":"\\&",
- "%":"\\%",
- "|":"{\\tt\\char124}",
- "~":"{\\tt\\char126}",
- "<":"{\\tt\\char60}",
- ">":"{\\tt\\char62}",
- }
-def tex_escape(x):
- s = ""
- for c in x:
- s += _TEX_TR.get(c,c)
- return s
-def colgen(*lstcol,**kargs):
- """Returns a generator that mixes provided quantities forever
- trans: a function to convert the three arguments into a color. lambda x,y,z:(x,y,z) by default"""
- if len(lstcol) < 2:
- lstcol *= 2
- trans = kargs.get("trans", lambda x,y,z: (x,y,z))
- while 1:
- for i in range(len(lstcol)):
- for j in range(len(lstcol)):
- for k in range(len(lstcol)):
- if i != j or j != k or k != i:
- yield trans(lstcol[(i+j)%len(lstcol)],lstcol[(j+k)%len(lstcol)],lstcol[(k+i)%len(lstcol)])
-def incremental_label(label="tag%05i", start=0):
- while True:
- yield label % start
- start += 1
-#### Enum management ####
-class EnumElement:
- _value=None
- def __init__(self, key, value):
- self._key = key
- self._value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %s[%r]>" % (self.__dict__.get("_name", self.__class__.__name__), self._key, self._value)
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return getattr(self._value, attr)
- def __str__(self):
- return self._key
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self._value == int(other)
-class Enum_metaclass(type):
- element_class = EnumElement
- def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
- rdict={}
- for k,v in dct.iteritems():
- if type(v) is int:
- v = cls.element_class(k,v)
- dct[k] = v
- rdict[v] = k
- dct["__rdict__"] = rdict
- return super(Enum_metaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
- def __getitem__(self, attr):
- return self.__rdict__[attr]
- def __contains__(self, val):
- return val in self.__rdict__
- def get(self, attr, val=None):
- return self._rdict__.get(attr, val)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s>" % self.__dict__.get("name", self.__name__)
-## Object saving ##
-def export_object(obj):
- print gzip.zlib.compress(cPickle.dumps(obj,2),9).encode("base64")
-def import_object(obj=None):
- if obj is None:
- obj =
- return cPickle.loads(gzip.zlib.decompress(obj.strip().decode("base64")))
-def save_object(fname, obj):
- cPickle.dump(obj,,"wb"))
-def load_object(fname):
- return cPickle.load(,"rb"))
-def corrupt_bytes(s, p=0.01, n=None):
- """Corrupt a given percentage or number of bytes from a string"""
- s = array.array("B",str(s))
- l = len(s)
- if n is None:
- n = max(1,int(l*p))
- for i in random.sample(xrange(l), n):
- s[i] = (s[i]+random.randint(1,255))%256
- return s.tostring()
-def corrupt_bits(s, p=0.01, n=None):
- """Flip a given percentage or number of bits from a string"""
- s = array.array("B",str(s))
- l = len(s)*8
- if n is None:
- n = max(1,int(l*p))
- for i in random.sample(xrange(l), n):
- s[i/8] ^= 1 << (i%8)
- return s.tostring()
-## pcap capture file stuff ##
-def wrpcap(filename, pkt, *args, **kargs):
- """Write a list of packets to a pcap file
-gz: set to 1 to save a gzipped capture
-linktype: force linktype value
-endianness: "<" or ">", force endianness"""
- PcapWriter(filename, *args, **kargs).write(pkt)
-def rdpcap(filename, count=-1):
- """Read a pcap file and return a packet list
-count: read only <count> packets"""
- return PcapReader(filename).read_all(count=count)
-class RawPcapReader:
- """A stateful pcap reader. Each packet is returned as a string"""
- def __init__(self, filename):
- self.filename = filename
- try:
- self.f =,"rb")
- magic =
- except IOError:
- self.f = open(filename,"rb")
- magic =
- if magic == "\xa1\xb2\xc3\xd4": #big endian
- self.endian = ">"
- elif magic == "\xd4\xc3\xb2\xa1": #little endian
- self.endian = "<"
- else:
- raise Scapy_Exception("Not a pcap capture file (bad magic)")
- hdr =
- if len(hdr)<20:
- raise Scapy_Exception("Invalid pcap file (too short)")
- vermaj,vermin,tz,sig,snaplen,linktype = struct.unpack(self.endian+"HHIIII",hdr)
- self.linktype = linktype
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- """impliment the iterator protocol on a set of packets in a pcap file"""
- pkt = self.read_packet()
- if pkt == None:
- raise StopIteration
- return pkt
- def read_packet(self, size=MTU):
- """return a single packet read from the file
- returns None when no more packets are available
- """
- hdr =
- if len(hdr) < 16:
- return None
- sec,usec,caplen,wirelen = struct.unpack(self.endian+"IIII", hdr)
- s =[:MTU]
- return s,(sec,usec,wirelen) # caplen = len(s)
- def dispatch(self, callback):
- """call the specified callback routine for each packet read
- This is just a convienience function for the main loop
- that allows for easy launching of packet processing in a
- thread.
- """
- for p in self:
- callback(p)
- def read_all(self,count=-1):
- """return a list of all packets in the pcap file
- """
- res=[]
- while count != 0:
- count -= 1
- p = self.read_packet()
- if p is None:
- break
- res.append(p)
- return res
- def recv(self, size=MTU):
- """ Emulate a socket
- """
- return self.read_packet(size)[0]
- def fileno(self):
- return self.f.fileno()
- def close(self):
- return self.f.close()
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tracback):
- pass
-class PcapReader(RawPcapReader):
- def __init__(self, filename):
- RawPcapReader.__init__(self, filename)
- try:
- self.LLcls = conf.l2types[self.linktype]
- except KeyError:
- warning("PcapReader: unknown LL type [%i]/[%#x]. Using Raw packets" % (self.linktype,self.linktype))
- self.LLcls = conf.raw_layer
- def read_packet(self, size=MTU):
- rp = RawPcapReader.read_packet(self,size)
- if rp is None:
- return None
- s,(sec,usec,wirelen) = rp
- try:
- p = self.LLcls(s)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except:
- if conf.debug_dissector:
- raise
- p = conf.raw_layer(s)
- p.time = sec+0.000001*usec
- return p
- def read_all(self,count=-1):
- res = RawPcapReader.read_all(self, count)
- import plist
- return plist.PacketList(res,name = os.path.basename(self.filename))
- def recv(self, size=MTU):
- return self.read_packet(size)
-class RawPcapWriter:
- """A stream PCAP writer with more control than wrpcap()"""
- def __init__(self, filename, linktype=None, gz=False, endianness="", append=False, sync=False):
- """
- linktype: force linktype to a given value. If None, linktype is taken
- from the first writter packet
- gz: compress the capture on the fly
- endianness: force an endianness (little:"<", big:">"). Default is native
- append: append packets to the capture file instead of truncating it
- sync: do not bufferize writes to the capture file
- """
- self.linktype = linktype
- self.header_present = 0
- self.append=append
- self.gz = gz
- self.endian = endianness
- self.filename=filename
- self.sync=sync
- bufsz=4096
- if sync:
- bufsz=0
- self.f = [open,][gz](filename,append and "ab" or "wb", gz and 9 or bufsz)
- def fileno(self):
- return self.f.fileno()
- def _write_header(self, pkt):
- self.header_present=1
- if self.append:
- # Even if prone to race conditions, this seems to be
- # safest way to tell whether the header is already present
- # because we have to handle compressed streams that
- # are not as flexible as basic files
- g = [open,][self.gz](self.filename,"rb")
- if
- return
- self.f.write(struct.pack(self.endian+"IHHIIII", 0xa1b2c3d4L,
- 2, 4, 0, 0, MTU, self.linktype))
- self.f.flush()
- def write(self, pkt):
- """accepts a either a single packet or a list of packets
- to be written to the dumpfile
- """
- if not self.header_present:
- self._write_header(pkt)
- if type(pkt) is str:
- self._write_packet(pkt)
- else:
- for p in pkt:
- self._write_packet(p)
- def _write_packet(self, packet, sec=None, usec=None, caplen=None, wirelen=None):
- """writes a single packet to the pcap file
- """
- if caplen is None:
- caplen = len(packet)
- if wirelen is None:
- wirelen = caplen
- if sec is None or usec is None:
- t=time.time()
- it = int(t)
- if sec is None:
- sec = it
- if usec is None:
- usec = int(round((t-it)*1000000))
- self.f.write(struct.pack(self.endian+"IIII", sec, usec, caplen, wirelen))
- self.f.write(packet)
- if self.gz and self.sync:
- self.f.flush()
- def flush(self):
- return self.f.flush()
- def close(self):
- return self.f.close()
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tracback):
- self.flush()
-class PcapWriter(RawPcapWriter):
- def _write_header(self, pkt):
- if self.linktype == None:
- if type(pkt) is list or type(pkt) is tuple or isinstance(pkt,BasePacketList):
- pkt = pkt[0]
- try:
- self.linktype = conf.l2types[pkt.__class__]
- except KeyError:
- warning("PcapWriter: unknown LL type for %s. Using type 1 (Ethernet)" % pkt.__class__.__name__)
- self.linktype = 1
- RawPcapWriter._write_header(self, pkt)
- def _write_packet(self, packet):
- sec = int(packet.time)
- usec = int(round((packet.time-sec)*1000000))
- s = str(packet)
- caplen = len(s)
- RawPcapWriter._write_packet(self, s, sec, usec, caplen, caplen)
-re_extract_hexcap = re.compile("^((0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{2,}[ :\t]{,3}|) *(([0-9a-fA-F]{2} {,2}){,16})")
-def import_hexcap():
- p = ""
- try:
- while 1:
- l = raw_input().strip()
- try:
- p += re_extract_hexcap.match(l).groups()[2]
- except:
- warning("Parsing error during hexcap")
- continue
- except EOFError:
- pass
- p = p.replace(" ","")
- return p.decode("hex")
-def wireshark(pktlist):
- """Run wireshark on a list of packets"""
- f = get_temp_file()
- wrpcap(f, pktlist)
- subprocess.Popen([conf.prog.wireshark, "-r", f])
-def hexedit(x):
- x = str(x)
- f = get_temp_file()
- open(f,"w").write(x)
-[conf.prog.hexedit, f])
- x = open(f).read()
- os.unlink(f)
- return x
-def __make_table(yfmtfunc, fmtfunc, endline, list, fxyz, sortx=None, sorty=None, seplinefunc=None):
- vx = {}
- vy = {}
- vz = {}
- vxf = {}
- vyf = {}
- l = 0
- for e in list:
- xx,yy,zz = map(str, fxyz(e))
- l = max(len(yy),l)
- vx[xx] = max(vx.get(xx,0), len(xx), len(zz))
- vy[yy] = None
- vz[(xx,yy)] = zz
- vxk = vx.keys()
- vyk = vy.keys()
- if sortx:
- vxk.sort(sortx)
- else:
- try:
- vxk.sort(lambda x,y:int(x)-int(y))
- except:
- try:
- vxk.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(atol(x),atol(y)))
- except:
- vxk.sort()
- if sorty:
- vyk.sort(sorty)
- else:
- try:
- vyk.sort(lambda x,y:int(x)-int(y))
- except:
- try:
- vyk.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(atol(x),atol(y)))
- except:
- vyk.sort()
- if seplinefunc:
- sepline = seplinefunc(l, map(lambda x:vx[x],vxk))
- print sepline
- fmt = yfmtfunc(l)
- print fmt % "",
- for x in vxk:
- vxf[x] = fmtfunc(vx[x])
- print vxf[x] % x,
- print endline
- if seplinefunc:
- print sepline
- for y in vyk:
- print fmt % y,
- for x in vxk:
- print vxf[x] % vz.get((x,y), "-"),
- print endline
- if seplinefunc:
- print sepline
-def make_table(*args, **kargs):
- __make_table(lambda l:"%%-%is" % l, lambda l:"%%-%is" % l, "", *args, **kargs)
-def make_lined_table(*args, **kargs):
- __make_table(lambda l:"%%-%is |" % l, lambda l:"%%-%is |" % l, "",
- seplinefunc=lambda a,x:"+".join(map(lambda y:"-"*(y+2), [a-1]+x+[-2])),
- *args, **kargs)
-def make_tex_table(*args, **kargs):
- __make_table(lambda l: "%s", lambda l: "& %s", "\\\\", seplinefunc=lambda a,x:"\\hline", *args, **kargs)