path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/modules/')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/modules/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07ec7a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Clone of Nmap's first generation OS fingerprinting.
+import os
+from import KnowledgeBase
+from scapy.config import conf
+from scapy.arch import WINDOWS
+ conf.nmap_base=os.environ["ProgramFiles"] + "\\nmap\\nmap-os-fingerprints"
+ conf.nmap_base ="/usr/share/nmap/nmap-os-fingerprints"
+## nmap OS fp stuff ##
+class NmapKnowledgeBase(KnowledgeBase):
+ def lazy_init(self):
+ try:
+ f=open(self.filename)
+ except IOError:
+ return
+ self.base = []
+ name = None
+ try:
+ for l in f:
+ l = l.strip()
+ if not l or l[0] == "#":
+ continue
+ if l[:12] == "Fingerprint ":
+ if name is not None:
+ self.base.append((name,sig))
+ name = l[12:].strip()
+ sig={}
+ p = self.base
+ continue
+ elif l[:6] == "Class ":
+ continue
+ op = l.find("(")
+ cl = l.find(")")
+ if op < 0 or cl < 0:
+ warning("error reading nmap os fp base file")
+ continue
+ test = l[:op]
+ s = map(lambda x: x.split("="), l[op+1:cl].split("%"))
+ si = {}
+ for n,v in s:
+ si[n] = v
+ sig[test]=si
+ if name is not None:
+ self.base.append((name,sig))
+ except:
+ self.base = None
+ warning("Can't read nmap database [%s](new nmap version ?)" % self.filename)
+ f.close()
+nmap_kdb = NmapKnowledgeBase(conf.nmap_base)
+def TCPflags2str(f):
+ s=""
+ for i in range(len(fl)):
+ if f & 1:
+ s = fl[i]+s
+ f >>= 1
+ return s
+def nmap_tcppacket_sig(pkt):
+ r = {}
+ if pkt is not None:
+# r["Resp"] = "Y"
+ r["DF"] = (pkt.flags & 2) and "Y" or "N"
+ r["W"] = "%X" % pkt.window
+ r["ACK"] = pkt.ack==2 and "S++" or pkt.ack==1 and "S" or "O"
+ r["Flags"] = TCPflags2str(pkt.payload.flags)
+ r["Ops"] = "".join(map(lambda x: x[0][0],pkt.payload.options))
+ else:
+ r["Resp"] = "N"
+ return r
+def nmap_udppacket_sig(S,T):
+ r={}
+ if T is None:
+ r["Resp"] = "N"
+ else:
+ r["DF"] = (T.flags & 2) and "Y" or "N"
+ r["TOS"] = "%X" % T.tos
+ r["IPLEN"] = "%X" % T.len
+ r["RIPTL"] = "%X" % T.payload.payload.len
+ r["RID"] = == and "E" or "F"
+ r["RIPCK"] = S.chksum == T.getlayer(IPerror).chksum and "E" or T.getlayer(IPerror).chksum == 0 and "0" or "F"
+ r["UCK"] = S.payload.chksum == T.getlayer(UDPerror).chksum and "E" or T.getlayer(UDPerror).chksum ==0 and "0" or "F"
+ r["ULEN"] = "%X" % T.getlayer(UDPerror).len
+ r["DAT"] = T.getlayer(conf.raw_layer) is None and "E" or S.getlayer(conf.raw_layer).load == T.getlayer(conf.raw_layer).load and "E" or "F"
+ return r
+def nmap_match_one_sig(seen, ref):
+ c = 0
+ for k in seen.keys():
+ if k in ref:
+ if seen[k] in ref[k].split("|"):
+ c += 1
+ if c == 0 and seen.get("Resp") == "N":
+ return 0.7
+ else:
+ return 1.0*c/len(seen.keys())
+def nmap_sig(target, oport=80, cport=81, ucport=1):
+ res = {}
+ tcpopt = [ ("WScale", 10),
+ ("NOP",None),
+ ("MSS", 256),
+ ("Timestamp",(123,0)) ]
+ tests = [ IP(dst=target, id=1)/TCP(seq=1, sport=5001, dport=oport, options=tcpopt, flags="CS"),
+ IP(dst=target, id=1)/TCP(seq=1, sport=5002, dport=oport, options=tcpopt, flags=0),
+ IP(dst=target, id=1)/TCP(seq=1, sport=5003, dport=oport, options=tcpopt, flags="SFUP"),
+ IP(dst=target, id=1)/TCP(seq=1, sport=5004, dport=oport, options=tcpopt, flags="A"),
+ IP(dst=target, id=1)/TCP(seq=1, sport=5005, dport=cport, options=tcpopt, flags="S"),
+ IP(dst=target, id=1)/TCP(seq=1, sport=5006, dport=cport, options=tcpopt, flags="A"),
+ IP(dst=target, id=1)/TCP(seq=1, sport=5007, dport=cport, options=tcpopt, flags="FPU"),
+ IP(str(IP(dst=target)/UDP(sport=5008,dport=ucport)/(300*"i"))) ]
+ ans, unans = sr(tests, timeout=2)
+ ans += map(lambda x: (x,None), unans)
+ for S,T in ans:
+ if == 5008:
+ res["PU"] = nmap_udppacket_sig(S,T)
+ else:
+ t = "T%i" % (
+ if T is not None and T.haslayer(ICMP):
+ warning("Test %s answered by an ICMP" % t)
+ T=None
+ res[t] = nmap_tcppacket_sig(T)
+ return res
+def nmap_probes2sig(tests):
+ tests=tests.copy()
+ res = {}
+ if "PU" in tests:
+ res["PU"] = nmap_udppacket_sig(*tests["PU"])
+ del(tests["PU"])
+ for k in tests:
+ res[k] = nmap_tcppacket_sig(tests[k])
+ return res
+def nmap_search(sigs):
+ guess = 0,[]
+ for os,fp in nmap_kdb.get_base():
+ c = 0.0
+ for t in sigs.keys():
+ if t in fp:
+ c += nmap_match_one_sig(sigs[t], fp[t])
+ c /= len(sigs.keys())
+ if c > guess[0]:
+ guess = c,[ os ]
+ elif c == guess[0]:
+ guess[1].append(os)
+ return guess
+def nmap_fp(target, oport=80, cport=81):
+ """nmap fingerprinting
+nmap_fp(target, [oport=80,] [cport=81,]) -> list of best guesses with accuracy
+ sigs = nmap_sig(target, oport, cport)
+ return nmap_search(sigs)
+def nmap_sig2txt(sig):
+ torder = ["TSeq","T1","T2","T3","T4","T5","T6","T7","PU"]
+ korder = ["Class", "gcd", "SI", "IPID", "TS",
+ "Resp", "DF", "W", "ACK", "Flags", "Ops",
+ "TOS", "IPLEN", "RIPTL", "RID", "RIPCK", "UCK", "ULEN", "DAT" ]
+ txt=[]
+ for i in sig.keys():
+ if i not in torder:
+ torder.append(i)
+ for t in torder:
+ sl = sig.get(t)
+ if sl is None:
+ continue
+ s = []
+ for k in korder:
+ v = sl.get(k)
+ if v is None:
+ continue
+ s.append("%s=%s"%(k,v))
+ txt.append("%s(%s)" % (t, "%".join(s)))
+ return "\n".join(txt)