path: root/src/gtest
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gtest')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gtest/trex_stateless_gtest.cpp b/src/gtest/trex_stateless_gtest.cpp
index 73b7536a..70f397b1 100644
--- a/src/gtest/trex_stateless_gtest.cpp
+++ b/src/gtest/trex_stateless_gtest.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "bp_sim.h"
#include <common/gtest.h>
#include <common/basic_utils.h>
+#include <trex_stateless.h>
#include <trex_stateless_dp_core.h>
#include <trex_stateless_messaging.h>
#include <trex_streams_compiler.h>
@@ -1027,6 +1028,203 @@ TEST_F(basic_vm, vm_syn_attack) {
+void run_vm_program( StreamVm & vm,
+ std::string input_pcap_file,
+ std::string out_file_name,
+ int num_pkts
+ ){
+ CPcapLoader pcap;
+ pcap.load_pcap_file(input_pcap_file,0);
+ printf(" packet size : %lu \n",(ulong)pcap.m_raw.pkt_len);
+ vm.compile(pcap.m_raw.pkt_len);
+ StreamVmDp * lpDpVm =vm.generate_dp_object();
+ uint32_t program_size=vm.get_dp_instruction_buffer()->get_program_size();
+ printf (" program size : %lu \n",(ulong)program_size);
+ vm.Dump(stdout);
+ std::string out_file_full ="exp/"+out_file_name +".pcap";
+ std::string out_file_ex_full ="exp/"+out_file_name +"-ex.pcap";
+ CFileWriterBase * lpWriter=CCapWriterFactory::CreateWriter(LIBPCAP,(char *)out_file_full.c_str());
+ assert(lpWriter);
+ StreamDPVmInstructionsRunner runner;
+ uint32_t random_per_thread=0;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<num_pkts; i++) {
+ lpDpVm->get_program_size(),
+ lpDpVm->get_program(),
+ lpDpVm->get_bss(),
+ (uint8_t*)pcap.m_raw.raw);
+ uint16_t new_pkt_size=runner.get_new_pkt_size();
+ assert(new_pkt_size>0);
+ if (new_pkt_size ==0) {
+ assert(lpWriter->write_packet(&pcap.m_raw));
+ }else{
+ /* we can only reduce */
+ if (new_pkt_size>pcap.m_raw.pkt_len) {
+ new_pkt_size=pcap.m_raw.pkt_len;
+ }
+ CCapPktRaw np(new_pkt_size);
+ np.time_sec = pcap.m_raw.time_sec;
+ np.time_nsec = pcap.m_raw.time_nsec;
+ np.pkt_cnt = pcap.m_raw.pkt_cnt;
+ memcpy(np.raw,pcap.m_raw.raw,new_pkt_size);
+ assert(lpWriter->write_packet(&np));
+ }
+ }
+ delete lpWriter;
+ CErfCmp cmp;
+ delete lpDpVm;
+ bool ,out_file_ex_full.c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, res1?1:0);
+TEST_F(basic_vm, vm_inc_size_64_128) {
+ StreamVm vm;
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFlowMan( "rand_pkt_size_var",
+ 2, // size var must be 16bit size
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC,
+ 127,
+ 128,
+ 256));
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize( "rand_pkt_size_var"));
+ /* src ip */
+ /*14+ 2 , remove the */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",16, -14,true)
+ );
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4(14) );
+ /* update UDP length */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",32+6, -(14+20),true)
+ );
+ run_vm_program(vm,"stl/udp_1518B_no_crc.pcap","stl_vm_inc_size_64_128",20);
+TEST_F(basic_vm, vm_random_size_64_128) {
+ StreamVm vm;
+ srand(0x1234);
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFlowMan( "rand_pkt_size_var",
+ 2, // size var must be 16bit size
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM,
+ 0,
+ 128,
+ 256));
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize( "rand_pkt_size_var"));
+ /* src ip */
+ /*14+ 2 , remove the */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",16, -14,true)
+ );
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4(14) );
+ /* update UDP length */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",32+6, -(14+20),true)
+ );
+ run_vm_program(vm,"stl/udp_1518B_no_crc.pcap","stl_vm_rand_size_64_128",20);
+/* should have exception packet size is smaller than range */
+TEST_F(basic_vm, vm_random_size_64_127_128) {
+ StreamVm vm;
+ srand(0x1234);
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFlowMan( "rand_pkt_size_var",
+ 2, // size var must be 16bit size
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM,
+ 127,
+ 128,
+ 256));
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize( "rand_pkt_size_var"));
+ /* src ip */
+ /*14+ 2 , remove the */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",16, -14,true)
+ );
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4(14) );
+ /* update UDP length */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",32+6, -(14+20),true)
+ );
+ bool fail=false;
+ try {
+ run_vm_program(vm,"stl/udp_64B_no_crc.pcap","stl_vm_rand_size_64B_127_128",20);
+ } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
+ fail=true;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(true, fail);
+TEST_F(basic_vm, vm_random_size_500b_0_9k) {
+ StreamVm vm;
+ srand(0x1234);
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFlowMan( "rand_pkt_size_var",
+ 2, // size var must be 16bit size
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 9*1024));
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize( "rand_pkt_size_var"));
+ /* src ip */
+ /*14+ 2 , remove the */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",16, -14,true)
+ );
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4(14) );
+ /* update UDP length */
+ vm.add_instruction( new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt( "rand_pkt_size_var",32+6, -(14+20),true)
+ );
+ run_vm_program(vm,"stl/udp_594B_no_crc.pcap","stl_vm_rand_size_512B_64_128",10);