path: root/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp b/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp
index 109cc1a4..14b38165 100644
--- a/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ limitations under the License.
#include <internal_api/trex_platform_api.h>
+#include "trex_stateless_rx_core.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -289,19 +291,15 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
section["ports"] = Json::arrayValue;
for (int i = 0; i < main->get_port_count(); i++) {
- uint32_t speed;
string driver;
- string hw_macaddr;
- string src_macaddr;
- string dst_macaddr;
string pci_addr;
string description;
supp_speeds_t supp_speeds;
int numa;
TrexStatelessPort *port = main->get_port_by_id(i);
- port->get_properties(driver, speed);
- port->get_macaddr(hw_macaddr, src_macaddr, dst_macaddr);
+ port->get_properties(driver);
port->get_pci_info(pci_addr, numa);
@@ -311,12 +309,9 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
section["ports"][i]["driver"] = driver;
section["ports"][i]["description"] = description;
- section["ports"][i]["hw_macaddr"] = hw_macaddr;
- section["ports"][i]["src_macaddr"] = src_macaddr;
- section["ports"][i]["dst_macaddr"] = dst_macaddr;
- section["ports"][i]["pci_addr"] = pci_addr;
- section["ports"][i]["numa"] = numa;
+ section["ports"][i]["pci_addr"] = pci_addr;
+ section["ports"][i]["numa"] = numa;
uint16_t caps = port->get_rx_caps();
section["ports"][i]["rx"]["caps"] = Json::arrayValue;
@@ -330,7 +325,6 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
section["ports"][i]["rx"]["counters"] = port->get_rx_count_num();
- section["ports"][i]["speed"] = (uint16_t) speed / 1000;
section["ports"][i]["is_fc_supported"] = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(i)->is_fc_change_supported();
section["ports"][i]["is_led_supported"] = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(i)->is_led_change_supported();
section["ports"][i]["is_link_supported"] = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(i)->is_link_change_supported();
@@ -345,6 +339,68 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
+TrexRpcCmdSetPortAttr::parse_rx_filter_mode(const Json::Value &msg, uint8_t port_id, Json::Value &result) {
+ const std::string type = parse_choice(msg, "mode", {"hw", "all"}, result);
+ rx_filter_mode_e filter_mode;
+ if (type == "hw") {
+ filter_mode = RX_FILTER_MODE_HW;
+ } else if (type == "all") {
+ filter_mode = RX_FILTER_MODE_ALL;
+ } else {
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_rx_filter_mode(filter_mode);
+TrexRpcCmdSetPortAttr::parse_ipv4(const Json::Value &msg, uint8_t port_id, Json::Value &result) {
+ const std::string ipv4_str = parse_string(msg, "addr", result);
+ uint32_t ipv4_addr;
+ if (!utl_ipv4_to_uint32(ipv4_str.c_str(), ipv4_addr)) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "invalid IPv4 address: '" << ipv4_str << "'";
+ generate_parse_err(result, ss.str());
+ }
+ get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_src_ipv4(ipv4_addr);
+ return (0);
+TrexRpcCmdSetPortAttr::parse_dest(const Json::Value &msg, uint8_t port_id, Json::Value &result) {
+ /* can be either IPv4 or MAC */
+ const std::string addr = parse_string(msg, "addr", result);
+ TRexPortAttr *port_attr = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id);
+ /* try IPv4 */
+ uint32_t ipv4_addr;
+ uint8_t mac[6];
+ if (utl_ipv4_to_uint32(addr.c_str(), ipv4_addr)) {
+ port_attr->get_dest().set_dest_ipv4(ipv4_addr);
+ } else if (utl_str_to_macaddr(addr, mac)) {
+ port_attr->get_dest().set_dest_mac(mac);
+ } else {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "'dest' is not an IPv4 address or a MAC address: '" << addr << "'";
+ generate_parse_err(result, ss.str());
+ }
+ return (0);
* set port commands
@@ -361,46 +417,64 @@ TrexRpcCmdSetPortAttr::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result);
const Json::Value &attr = parse_object(params, "attr", result);
int ret = 0;
- bool changed = false;
/* iterate over all attributes in the dict */
for (const std::string &name : attr.getMemberNames()) {
if (name == "promiscuous") {
bool enabled = parse_bool(attr[name], "enabled", result);
ret = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_promiscuous(enabled);
else if (name == "link_status") {
bool up = parse_bool(attr[name], "up", result);
ret = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_link_up(up);
else if (name == "led_status") {
bool on = parse_bool(attr[name], "on", result);
ret = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_led(on);
- } else if (name == "flow_ctrl_mode") {
+ }
+ else if (name == "flow_ctrl_mode") {
int mode = parse_int(attr[name], "mode", result);
ret = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_flow_ctrl(mode);
- } else {
- generate_execute_err(result, "Not recognized attribute: " + name);
- break;
- if (ret != 0){
- if ( ret == -ENOTSUP ) {
- generate_execute_err(result, "Error applying " + name + ": operation is not supported for this NIC.");
- }
- else if (ret) {
- generate_execute_err(result, "Error applying " + name + " attribute, return value: " + to_string(ret));
- }
+ else if (name == "rx_filter_mode") {
+ const Json::Value &rx = parse_object(attr, name, result);
+ ret = parse_rx_filter_mode(rx, port_id, result);
+ }
+ else if (name == "ipv4") {
+ const Json::Value &ipv4 = parse_object(attr, name, result);
+ ret = parse_ipv4(ipv4, port_id, result);
+ }
+ else if (name == "dest") {
+ const Json::Value &dest = parse_object(attr, name, result);
+ ret = parse_dest(dest, port_id, result);
+ }
+ /* unknown attribute */
+ else {
+ generate_execute_err(result, "unknown attribute type: '" + name + "'");
- } else {
- changed = true;
- }
- if (changed) {
- get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->publish_async_port_attr_changed(port_id);
- }
+ /* check error code */
+ if ( ret == -ENOTSUP ) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, "Error applying " + name + ": operation is not supported for this NIC.");
+ } else if (ret) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, "Error applying " + name + " attribute, return value: " + to_string(ret));
+ }
+ }
result["result"] = Json::objectValue;
return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
@@ -568,17 +642,12 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetPortStatus::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
result["result"]["owner"] = (port->get_owner().is_free() ? "" : port->get_owner().get_name());
result["result"]["state"] = port->get_state_as_string();
result["result"]["max_stream_id"] = port->get_max_stream_id();
- result["result"]["speed"] = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->get_link_speed();
/* attributes */
- result["result"]["attr"]["promiscuous"]["enabled"] = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->get_promiscuous();
- result["result"]["attr"]["link"]["up"] = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->is_link_up();
- int mode;
- int ret = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->get_flow_ctrl(mode);
- if (ret != 0) {
- mode = -1;
- }
- result["result"]["attr"]["fc"]["mode"] = mode;
+ get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->to_json(result["result"]["attr"]);
+ /* RX info */
+ port->get_rx_features().to_json(result["result"]["rx_info"]);
return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
@@ -640,3 +709,149 @@ TrexRpcCmdPushRemote::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ * set on/off RX software receive mode
+ *
+ */
+TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result);
+ TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id);
+ /* decide which feature is being set */
+ const std::string type = parse_choice(params, "type", {"capture", "queue", "server"}, result);
+ if (type == "capture") {
+ parse_capture_msg(params, port, result);
+ } else if (type == "queue") {
+ parse_queue_msg(params, port, result);
+ } else if (type == "server") {
+ parse_server_msg(params, port, result);
+ } else {
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ result["result"] = Json::objectValue;
+ return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
+TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::parse_capture_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result) {
+ bool enabled = parse_bool(msg, "enabled", result);
+ if (enabled) {
+ std::string pcap_filename = parse_string(msg, "pcap_filename", result);
+ uint64_t limit = parse_uint32(msg, "limit", result);
+ if (limit == 0) {
+ generate_parse_err(result, "limit cannot be zero");
+ }
+ try {
+ port->start_rx_capture(pcap_filename, limit);
+ } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ port->stop_rx_capture();
+ } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
+ }
+ }
+TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::parse_queue_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result) {
+ bool enabled = parse_bool(msg, "enabled", result);
+ if (enabled) {
+ uint64_t size = parse_uint32(msg, "size", result);
+ if (size == 0) {
+ generate_parse_err(result, "queue size cannot be zero");
+ }
+ try {
+ port->start_rx_queue(size);
+ } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ port->stop_rx_queue();
+ } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
+ }
+ }
+TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::parse_server_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result) {
+TrexRpcCmdGetRxQueuePkts::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result);
+ TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id);
+ try {
+ const RxPacketBuffer *pkt_buffer = port->get_rx_queue_pkts();
+ if (pkt_buffer) {
+ result["result"]["pkts"] = pkt_buffer->to_json();
+ } else {
+ result["result"]["pkts"] = Json::arrayValue;
+ }
+ } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
+ }
+ return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
+TrexRpcCmdSetARPRes::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result);
+ TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id);
+ const std::string ipv4_str = parse_string(params, "ipv4", result);
+ const std::string mac_str = parse_string(params, "mac", result);
+ uint32_t ipv4_addr;
+ if (!utl_ipv4_to_uint32(ipv4_str.c_str(), ipv4_addr)) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "invalid IPv4 address: '" << ipv4_str << "'";
+ generate_parse_err(result, ss.str());
+ }
+ uint8_t mac[6];
+ if (!utl_str_to_macaddr(mac_str, mac)) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "'invalid MAC address: '" << mac_str << "'";
+ generate_parse_err(result, ss.str());
+ }
+ port->getPortAttrObj()->get_dest().set_dest_ipv4(ipv4_addr, mac);
+ return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);