path: root/src/stateless/cp/trex_stream_vm.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/stateless/cp/trex_stream_vm.cpp')
1 files changed, 801 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/stateless/cp/trex_stream_vm.cpp b/src/stateless/cp/trex_stream_vm.cpp
index 2e760ae9..e10e1a81 100644
--- a/src/stateless/cp/trex_stream_vm.cpp
+++ b/src/stateless/cp/trex_stream_vm.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Itay Marom
+ Hanoch Haim
Cisco Systems, Inc.
@@ -19,6 +20,108 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include <trex_stream_vm.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <trex_stateless.h>
+#include <common/Network/Packet/IPHeader.h>
+#include <common/basic_utils.h>
+void StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4::Dump(FILE *fd){
+ fprintf(fd," fix_check_sum , %lu \n",(ulong)m_pkt_offset);
+void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check_valid_size(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){
+ uint8_t valid[]={1,2,4,8};
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<sizeof(valid)/sizeof(valid[0]); i++) {
+ if (valid[i]==m_size_bytes) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' has non valid length " << m_size_bytes ;
+ lp->err(ss.str());
+void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check_valid_opt(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){
+ uint8_t valid[]={FLOW_VAR_OP_INC,
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<sizeof(valid)/sizeof(valid[0]); i++) {
+ if (valid[i]==m_op) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' has non valid op " << (int)m_op ;
+ lp->err(ss.str());
+void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check_valid_range(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){
+ //TBD check that init,min,max in valid range
+void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){
+ sanity_check_valid_size(ins_id,lp);
+ sanity_check_valid_opt(ins_id,lp);
+ sanity_check_valid_range(ins_id,lp);
+void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::Dump(FILE *fd){
+ fprintf(fd," flow_var , %s ,%lu, ",m_var_name.c_str(),(ulong)m_size_bytes);
+ switch (m_op) {
+ case FLOW_VAR_OP_INC :
+ fprintf(fd," INC ,");
+ break;
+ case FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC :
+ fprintf(fd," DEC ,");
+ break;
+ fprintf(fd," RANDOM ,");
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(fd," UNKNOWN,");
+ break;
+ };
+ fprintf(fd," (%lu:%lu:%lu) \n",m_init_value,m_min_value,m_max_value);
+void StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt::Dump(FILE *fd){
+ fprintf(fd," write_pkt , %s ,%lu, add, %ld, big, %lu \n",m_flow_var_name.c_str(),(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(long)m_add_value,(ulong)(m_is_big_endian?1:0));
+void StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::Dump(FILE *fd){
+ fprintf(fd," client_var ,%s , ",m_var_name.c_str());
+ fprintf(fd," ip:(%x-%x) port:(%x-%x) flow_limit:%lu flags: %x\n",m_client_min,m_client_max, m_port_min,m_port_max,(ulong)m_limit_num_flows,m_flags);
* StreamVmInstruction
@@ -36,19 +139,714 @@ void StreamVm::add_instruction(StreamVmInstruction *inst) {
+StreamDPVmInstructions *
+ return &m_instructions;
const std::vector<StreamVmInstruction *> &
StreamVm::get_instruction_list() {
return m_inst_list;
-bool StreamVm::compile() {
- /* implement me */
- return (false);
+void StreamVm::var_clear_table(){
+ m_flow_var_offset.clear();
+bool StreamVm::var_add(const std::string &var_name,VmFlowVarRec & var){
+ m_flow_var_offset[var_name] = var;
+ return (true);
+uint16_t StreamVm::get_var_offset(const std::string &var_name){
+ VmFlowVarRec var;
+ bool res=var_lookup(var_name,var);
+ assert(res);
+ return (var.m_offset);
+bool StreamVm::var_lookup(const std::string &var_name,VmFlowVarRec & var){
+ auto search = m_flow_var_offset.find(var_name);
+ if (search != m_flow_var_offset.end()) {
+ var = search->second;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+void StreamVm::err(const std::string &err){
+ throw TrexException("*** error: " + err);
+void StreamVm::build_flow_var_table() {
+ var_clear_table();
+ m_cur_var_offset=0;
+ uint32_t ins_id=0;
+ /* scan all flow var instruction and build */
+ for (auto inst : m_inst_list) {
+ if ( inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN ){
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *)inst;
+ /* check that instruction is valid */
+ ins_man->sanity_check(ins_id,this);
+ VmFlowVarRec var;
+ /* if this is the first time */
+ if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name,var) == true){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' flow variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists";
+ err(ss.str());
+ }else{
+ var.m_offset=m_cur_var_offset;
+ var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv = ins_man;
+ var.m_size_bytes = ins_man->m_size_bytes;
+ var_add(ins_man->m_var_name,var);
+ m_cur_var_offset += ins_man->m_size_bytes;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_CLIENT ){
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowClient * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowClient *)inst;
+ VmFlowVarRec var;
+ /* if this is the first time */
+ if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name+".ip",var) == true){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' client variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists";
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
+ if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name+".port",var) == true){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' client variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists";
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
+ if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name+".flow_limit",var) == true){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' client variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists";
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
+ var.m_offset = m_cur_var_offset;
+ var.m_ins.m_ins_flow_client = ins_man;
+ var.m_size_bytes =4;
+ VmFlowVarRec var_port;
+ var_port.m_offset = m_cur_var_offset+4;
+ var_port.m_ins.m_ins_flow_client = ins_man;
+ var_port.m_size_bytes =2;
+ VmFlowVarRec var_flow_limit;
+ var_flow_limit.m_offset = m_cur_var_offset+6;
+ var_flow_limit.m_ins.m_ins_flow_client = ins_man;
+ var_flow_limit.m_size_bytes =4;
+ var_add(ins_man->m_var_name+".ip",var);
+ var_add(ins_man->m_var_name+".port",var_port);
+ var_add(ins_man->m_var_name+".flow_limit",var_flow_limit);
+ m_cur_var_offset += StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::get_flow_var_size();
+ assert(sizeof(StreamDPFlowClient)==StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::get_flow_var_size());
+ }
+ /* limit the flow var size */
+ if (m_cur_var_offset > StreamVm::svMAX_FLOW_VAR ) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "too many flow varibles current size is :" << m_cur_var_offset << " maximum support is " << StreamVm::svMAX_FLOW_VAR;
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
+ ins_id++;
+ }
+void StreamVm::alloc_bss(){
+ free_bss();
+ m_bss=(uint8_t *)malloc(m_cur_var_offset);
+void StreamVm::clean_max_field_cnt(){
+ m_max_field_update=0;
+void StreamVm::add_field_cnt(uint16_t new_cnt){
+ if ( new_cnt > m_max_field_update) {
+ m_max_field_update = new_cnt;
+ }
+void StreamVm::free_bss(){
+ if (m_bss) {
+ free(m_bss);
+ m_bss=0;
+ }
+void StreamVm::build_program(){
+ /* build the commands into a buffer */
+ m_instructions.clear();
+ clean_max_field_cnt();
+ uint32_t ins_id=0;
+ for (auto inst : m_inst_list) {
+ StreamVmInstruction::instruction_type_t ins_type=inst->get_instruction_type();
+ /* itFIX_IPV4_CS */
+ if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFIX_IPV4_CS) {
+ StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4 *lpFix =(StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4 *)inst;
+ add_field_cnt(lpFix->m_pkt_offset +12);
+ if ( (lpFix->m_pkt_offset + IPV4_HDR_LEN) > m_pkt_size ) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix ipv4 command offset " << lpFix->m_pkt_offset << " is too high relative to packet size "<< m_pkt_size;
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
+ StreamDPOpIpv4Fix ipv_fix;
+ ipv_fix.m_offset = lpFix->m_pkt_offset;
+ ipv_fix.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditFIX_IPV4_CS;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&ipv_fix,sizeof(ipv_fix));
+ }
+ /* flow man */
+ if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN) {
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *lpMan =(StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *)inst;
+ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 1 ){
+ uint8_t op=StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC8;
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC8 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC8 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM8 ;
+ }
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar8 fv8;
+ fv8.m_op = op;
+ fv8.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name);
+ fv8.m_min_val = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_min_value;
+ fv8.m_max_val = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_max_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&fv8,sizeof(fv8));
+ }
+ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 2 ){
+ uint8_t op;
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC16;
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC16 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC16 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM16 ;
+ }
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar16 fv16;
+ fv16.m_op = op;
+ fv16.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name);
+ fv16.m_min_val = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_min_value;
+ fv16.m_max_val = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_max_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&fv16,sizeof(fv16));
+ }
+ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 4 ){
+ uint8_t op;
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC32;
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC32 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC32 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM32 ;
+ }
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar32 fv32;
+ fv32.m_op = op;
+ fv32.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name);
+ fv32.m_min_val = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_min_value;
+ fv32.m_max_val = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_max_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&fv32,sizeof(fv32));
+ }
+ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 8 ){
+ uint8_t op;
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC64;
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC64 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC64 ;
+ }
+ if ( lpMan->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM ){
+ op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM64 ;
+ }
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar32 fv64;
+ fv64.m_op = op;
+ fv64.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name);
+ fv64.m_min_val = (uint64_t)lpMan->m_min_value;
+ fv64.m_max_val = (uint64_t)lpMan->m_max_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&fv64,sizeof(fv64));
+ }
+ }
+ if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_WR) {
+ StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt *lpPkt =(StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt *)inst;
+ VmFlowVarRec var;
+ if ( var_lookup(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name ,var) == false){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet write with no valid flow varible name '" << lpPkt->m_flow_var_name << "'" ;
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
+ if (lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + var.m_size_bytes > m_pkt_size ) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet write with packet_offset " << lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + var.m_size_bytes << " bigger than packet size "<< m_pkt_size;
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
+ add_field_cnt(lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + var.m_size_bytes);
+ uint8_t op_size=var.m_size_bytes;
+ bool is_big = lpPkt->m_is_big_endian;
+ uint8_t flags = (is_big?StreamDPOpPktWrBase::PKT_WR_IS_BIG:0);
+ uint8_t flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name);
+ if (op_size == 1) {
+ StreamDPOpPktWr8 pw8;
+ pw8.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR8;
+ pw8.m_flags =flags;
+ pw8.m_offset =flow_offset;
+ pw8.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset;
+ pw8.m_val_offset = (int8_t)lpPkt->m_add_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&pw8,sizeof(pw8));
+ }
+ if (op_size == 2) {
+ StreamDPOpPktWr16 pw16;
+ pw16.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR16;
+ pw16.m_flags =flags;
+ pw16.m_offset =flow_offset;
+ pw16.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset;
+ pw16.m_val_offset = (int16_t)lpPkt->m_add_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&pw16,sizeof(pw16));
+ }
+ if (op_size == 4) {
+ StreamDPOpPktWr32 pw32;
+ pw32.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR32;
+ pw32.m_flags =flags;
+ pw32.m_offset =flow_offset;
+ pw32.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset;
+ pw32.m_val_offset = (int32_t)lpPkt->m_add_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&pw32,sizeof(pw32));
+ }
+ if (op_size == 8) {
+ StreamDPOpPktWr64 pw64;
+ pw64.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR64;
+ pw64.m_flags =flags;
+ pw64.m_offset =flow_offset;
+ pw64.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset;
+ pw64.m_val_offset = (int64_t)lpPkt->m_add_value;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&pw64,sizeof(pw64));
+ }
+ }
+ if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_CLIENT) {
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowClient *lpMan =(StreamVmInstructionFlowClient *)inst;
+ if ( lpMan->is_unlimited_flows() ){
+ StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit client_cmd;
+ client_cmd.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itCLIENT_VAR_UNLIMIT;
+ client_cmd.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name+".ip"); /* start offset */
+ client_cmd.m_flags = 0; /* not used */
+ client_cmd.m_pad = 0;
+ client_cmd.m_min_ip = lpMan->m_client_min;
+ client_cmd.m_max_ip = lpMan->m_client_max;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&client_cmd,sizeof(client_cmd));
+ }else{
+ StreamDPOpClientsLimit client_cmd;
+ client_cmd.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itCLIENT_VAR;
+ client_cmd.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name+".ip"); /* start offset */
+ client_cmd.m_flags = 0; /* not used */
+ client_cmd.m_pad = 0;
+ client_cmd.m_min_port = lpMan->m_port_min;
+ client_cmd.m_max_port = lpMan->m_port_max;
+ client_cmd.m_min_ip = lpMan->m_client_min;
+ client_cmd.m_max_ip = lpMan->m_client_max;
+ client_cmd.m_limit_flows = lpMan->m_limit_num_flows;
+ m_instructions.add_command(&client_cmd,sizeof(client_cmd));
+ }
+ }
+ ins_id++;
+ }
+void StreamVm::build_bss() {
+ alloc_bss();
+ uint8_t * p=(uint8_t *)m_bss;
+ for (auto inst : m_inst_list) {
+ if ( inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN ){
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *)inst;
+ switch (ins_man->m_size_bytes) {
+ case 1:
+ *p=(uint8_t)ins_man->m_init_value;
+ p+=1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ *((uint16_t*)p)=(uint16_t)ins_man->m_init_value;
+ p+=2;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ *((uint32_t*)p)=(uint32_t)ins_man->m_init_value;
+ p+=4;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ *((uint64_t*)p)=(uint64_t)ins_man->m_init_value;
+ p+=8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_CLIENT ){
+ StreamVmInstructionFlowClient * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowClient *)inst;
+ if (ins_man->m_client_min>0) {
+ *((uint32_t*)p)=(uint32_t)(ins_man->m_client_min-1);
+ }else{
+ *((uint32_t*)p)=(uint32_t)ins_man->m_client_min;
+ }
+ p+=4;
+ if (ins_man->is_unlimited_flows() ) {
+ *((uint16_t*)p)=StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit::CLIENT_UNLIMITED_MIN_PORT;
+ }else{
+ *((uint16_t*)p)=(uint16_t)ins_man->m_port_min;
+ }
+ p+=2;
+ *((uint32_t*)p)=0;
+ p+=4;
+ }
+ }
+void StreamVm::compile() {
+ /* build flow var offset table */
+ build_flow_var_table() ;
+ /* build init flow var memory */
+ build_bss();
+ build_program();
+ if ( get_max_packet_update_offset() >svMAX_PACKET_OFFSET_CHANGE ){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "maximum offset is" << get_max_packet_update_offset() << " bigger than maximum " <<svMAX_PACKET_OFFSET_CHANGE;
+ err(ss.str());
+ }
StreamVm::~StreamVm() {
for (auto inst : m_inst_list) {
delete inst;
+ }
+ free_bss();
+void StreamVm::Dump(FILE *fd){
+ fprintf(fd," instructions \n");
+ uint32_t cnt=0;
+ for (auto inst : m_inst_list) {
+ fprintf(fd," [%04lu] : ",(ulong)cnt);
+ inst->Dump(fd);
+ cnt++;
+ if ( get_bss_size() ) {
+ fprintf(fd," BSS size %lu\n",(ulong)get_bss_size());
+ utl_DumpBuffer(fd,get_bss_ptr(),get_bss_size(),0);
+ }
+ if ( m_instructions.get_program_size() > 0 ){
+ fprintf(fd," RAW instructions \n");
+ m_instructions.Dump(fd);
+ }
+void StreamDPVmInstructions::clear(){
+ m_inst_list.clear();
+void StreamDPVmInstructions::add_command(void *buffer,uint16_t size){
+ int i;
+ uint8_t *p= (uint8_t *)buffer;
+ /* push byte by byte */
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
+ m_inst_list.push_back(*p);
+ p++;
+ }
+uint8_t * StreamDPVmInstructions::get_program(){
+ return (&m_inst_list[0]);
+uint32_t StreamDPVmInstructions::get_program_size(){
+ return (m_inst_list.size());
+void StreamDPVmInstructions::Dump(FILE *fd){
+ uint8_t * p=get_program();
+ uint32_t program_size = get_program_size();
+ uint8_t * p_end=p+program_size;
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar8 *lpv8;
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar16 *lpv16;
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar32 *lpv32;
+ StreamDPOpFlowVar64 *lpv64;
+ StreamDPOpIpv4Fix *lpIpv4Fix;
+ StreamDPOpPktWr8 *lpw8;
+ StreamDPOpPktWr16 *lpw16;
+ StreamDPOpPktWr32 *lpw32;
+ StreamDPOpPktWr64 *lpw64;
+ StreamDPOpClientsLimit *lp_client;
+ StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit *lp_client_unlimited;
+ while ( p < p_end) {
+ uint8_t op_code=*p;
+ switch (op_code) {
+ case ditINC8 :
+ lpv8 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8 *)p;
+ lpv8->dump(fd,"INC8");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8);
+ break;
+ case ditINC16 :
+ lpv16 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16 *)p;
+ lpv16->dump(fd,"INC16");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16);
+ break;
+ case ditINC32 :
+ lpv32 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32 *)p;
+ lpv32->dump(fd,"INC32");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32);
+ break;
+ case ditINC64 :
+ lpv64 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64 *)p;
+ lpv64->dump(fd,"INC64");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64);
+ break;
+ case ditDEC8 :
+ lpv8 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8 *)p;
+ lpv8->dump(fd,"DEC8");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8);
+ break;
+ case ditDEC16 :
+ lpv16 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16 *)p;
+ lpv16->dump(fd,"DEC16");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16);
+ break;
+ case ditDEC32 :
+ lpv32 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32 *)p;
+ lpv32->dump(fd,"DEC32");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32);
+ break;
+ case ditDEC64 :
+ lpv64 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64 *)p;
+ lpv64->dump(fd,"DEC64");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64);
+ break;
+ case ditRANDOM8 :
+ lpv8 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8 *)p;
+ lpv8->dump(fd,"RAND8");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8);
+ break;
+ case ditRANDOM16 :
+ lpv16 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16 *)p;
+ lpv16->dump(fd,"RAND16");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16);
+ break;
+ case ditRANDOM32 :
+ lpv32 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32 *)p;
+ lpv32->dump(fd,"RAND32");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32);
+ break;
+ case ditRANDOM64 :
+ lpv64 =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64 *)p;
+ lpv64->dump(fd,"RAND64");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64);
+ break;
+ case ditFIX_IPV4_CS :
+ lpIpv4Fix =(StreamDPOpIpv4Fix *)p;
+ lpIpv4Fix->dump(fd,"Ipv4Fix");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpIpv4Fix);
+ break;
+ case itPKT_WR8 :
+ lpw8 =(StreamDPOpPktWr8 *)p;
+ lpw8->dump(fd,"Wr8");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr8);
+ break;
+ case itPKT_WR16 :
+ lpw16 =(StreamDPOpPktWr16 *)p;
+ lpw16->dump(fd,"Wr16");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr16);
+ break;
+ case itPKT_WR32 :
+ lpw32 =(StreamDPOpPktWr32 *)p;
+ lpw32->dump(fd,"Wr32");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr32);
+ break;
+ case itPKT_WR64 :
+ lpw64 =(StreamDPOpPktWr64 *)p;
+ lpw64->dump(fd,"Wr64");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr64);
+ break;
+ case itCLIENT_VAR :
+ lp_client =(StreamDPOpClientsLimit *)p;
+ lp_client->dump(fd,"Client");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpClientsLimit);
+ break;
+ lp_client_unlimited =(StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit *)p;
+ lp_client_unlimited->dump(fd,"ClientUnlimted");
+ p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ };
+void StreamDPOpFlowVar8::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu- %lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val);
+void StreamDPOpFlowVar16::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val);
+void StreamDPOpFlowVar32::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val);
+void StreamDPOpFlowVar64::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val);
+void StreamDPOpPktWr8::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu, f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset);
+void StreamDPOpPktWr16::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu , f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset);
+void StreamDPOpPktWr32::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu , f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset);
+void StreamDPOpPktWr64::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu , f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset);
+void StreamDPOpIpv4Fix::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, offset: %lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_offset);
+void StreamDPOpClientsLimit::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flow_offset: %lu (%x-%x) (%x-%x) flow_limit :%lu flags:%x \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,m_min_ip,m_max_ip,m_min_port,m_max_port,(ulong)m_limit_flows,m_flags);
+void StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){
+ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flow_offset: %lu (%x-%x) flags:%x \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,m_min_ip,m_max_ip,m_flags);