path: root/src/tuple_gen.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tuple_gen.cpp')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tuple_gen.cpp b/src/tuple_gen.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6861b73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tuple_gen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+ Wenxian Li
+ Hanoh Haim
+ Cisco Systems, Inc.
+Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tuple_gen.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "utl_yaml.h"
+#include "bp_sim.h"
+void CServerPool::Create(IP_DIST_t dist_value,
+ uint32_t min_ip,
+ uint32_t max_ip,
+ double l_flow,
+ double t_cps) {
+ gen = new CIpPool();
+ gen->set_dist(dist_value);
+ uint32_t total_ip = max_ip - min_ip +1;
+ gen->m_ip_info.resize(total_ip);
+ if (total_ip > ((l_flow*t_cps/MAX_PORT))) {
+ for(int idx=0;idx<total_ip;idx++){
+ gen->m_ip_info[idx] = new CServerInfoL();
+ gen->m_ip_info[idx]->set_ip(min_ip+idx);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(int idx=0;idx<total_ip;idx++){
+ gen->m_ip_info[idx] = new CServerInfo();
+ gen->m_ip_info[idx]->set_ip(min_ip+idx);
+ }
+ }
+ gen->CreateBase();
+void CClientPool::Create(IP_DIST_t dist_value,
+ uint32_t min_ip,
+ uint32_t max_ip,
+ double l_flow,
+ double t_cps,
+ ClientCfgDB &client_info,
+ uint16_t tcp_aging,
+ uint16_t udp_aging) {
+ assert(max_ip >= min_ip);
+ set_dist(dist_value);
+ uint32_t total_ip = max_ip - min_ip +1;
+ bool is_long_range = total_ip > (l_flow * t_cps / MAX_PORT);
+ m_ip_info.resize(total_ip);
+ /* if client info is empty - flat allocation o.w use configured clients */
+ if (client_info.is_empty()) {
+ allocate_simple_clients(min_ip, total_ip, is_long_range);
+ } else {
+ allocate_configured_clients(min_ip, total_ip, is_long_range, client_info);
+ }
+ m_tcp_aging = tcp_aging;
+ m_udp_aging = udp_aging;
+ CreateBase();
+ * simple allocation of a client - no configuration was provided
+ *
+ * @author imarom (27-Jun-16)
+ *
+ * @param ip
+ * @param index
+ * @param is_long_range
+ */
+void CClientPool::allocate_simple_clients(uint32_t min_ip,
+ uint32_t total_ip,
+ bool is_long_range) {
+ /* simple creation of clients - no extended info */
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < total_ip; i++) {
+ uint32_t ip = min_ip + i;
+ if (is_long_range) {
+ m_ip_info[i] = new CSimpleClientInfo<CIpInfoL>(ip);
+ } else {
+ m_ip_info[i] = new CSimpleClientInfo<CIpInfo>(ip);
+ }
+ }
+ * simple allocation of a client - no configuration was provided
+ *
+ * @author imarom (27-Jun-16)
+ *
+ * @param ip
+ * @param index
+ * @param is_long_range
+ */
+void CClientPool::allocate_configured_clients(uint32_t min_ip,
+ uint32_t total_ip,
+ bool is_long_range,
+ ClientCfgDB &client_info) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < total_ip; i++) {
+ uint32_t ip = min_ip + i;
+ /* lookup for the right group of clients */
+ ClientCfgEntry *group = client_info.lookup(ip);
+ if (!group) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "client configuration error: could not map IP '" << ip_to_str(ip) << "' to a group\n";
+ throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
+ }
+ ClientCfg info;
+ group->assign(info);
+ if (is_long_range) {
+ m_ip_info[i] = new CConfiguredClientInfo<CIpInfoL>(ip, info);
+ } else {
+ m_ip_info[i] = new CConfiguredClientInfo<CIpInfo>(ip, info);
+ }
+ }
+bool CTupleGeneratorSmart::add_client_pool(IP_DIST_t client_dist,
+ uint32_t min_client,
+ uint32_t max_client,
+ double l_flow,
+ double t_cps,
+ ClientCfgDB &client_info,
+ uint16_t tcp_aging,
+ uint16_t udp_aging) {
+ assert(max_client>=min_client);
+ CClientPool* pool = new CClientPool();
+ pool->Create(client_dist,
+ min_client,
+ max_client,
+ l_flow,
+ t_cps,
+ client_info,
+ tcp_aging,
+ udp_aging);
+ m_client_pool.push_back(pool);
+ return(true);
+bool CTupleGeneratorSmart::add_server_pool(IP_DIST_t server_dist,
+ uint32_t min_server,
+ uint32_t max_server,
+ double l_flow,
+ double t_cps,
+ bool is_bundling){
+ assert(max_server>=min_server);
+ CServerPoolBase* pool;
+ if (is_bundling)
+ pool = new CServerPool();
+ else
+ pool = new CServerPoolSimple();
+ // we currently only supports mac mapping file for client
+ pool->Create(server_dist, min_server, max_server,
+ l_flow, t_cps);
+ m_server_pool.push_back(pool);
+ return(true);
+bool CTupleGeneratorSmart::Create(uint32_t _id,
+ uint32_t thread_id)
+ m_thread_id = thread_id;
+ m_id = _id;
+ m_was_init=true;
+ return(true);
+void CTupleGeneratorSmart::Delete(){
+ m_was_init=false;
+ for (int idx=0;idx<m_client_pool.size();idx++) {
+ m_client_pool[idx]->Delete();
+ delete m_client_pool[idx];
+ }
+ m_client_pool.clear();
+ for (int idx=0;idx<m_server_pool.size();idx++) {
+ m_server_pool[idx]->Delete();
+ delete m_server_pool[idx];
+ }
+ m_server_pool.clear();
+void CTupleGenPoolYaml::Dump(FILE *fd){
+ fprintf(fd," dist : %d \n",m_dist);
+ fprintf(fd," IPs : %08x -%08x \n",m_ip_start,m_ip_end);
+ fprintf(fd," clients per gb : %d \n",m_number_of_clients_per_gb);
+ fprintf(fd," min clients : %d \n",m_min_clients);
+ fprintf(fd," tcp aging : %d sec \n",m_tcp_aging_sec);
+ fprintf(fd," udp aging : %d sec \n",m_udp_aging_sec);
+bool CTupleGenPoolYaml::is_valid(uint32_t num_threads,bool is_plugins){
+ if ( m_ip_start > m_ip_end ){
+ printf(" ERROR The ip_start must be bigger than ip_end \n");
+ return(false);
+ }
+ uint32_t ips= (m_ip_end - m_ip_start +1);
+ if ( ips < num_threads ) {
+ printf(" ERROR The number of ips should be at least number of threads %d \n",num_threads);
+ return (false);
+ }
+ if (ips > 1000000) {
+ printf(" The number of clients requested is %d maximum supported : %d \n",ips,1000000);
+ return (false);
+ }
+ return (true);
+#define UTL_YAML_READ(type, field, target) if (node.FindValue(#field)) { \
+ utl_yaml_read_ ## type (node, #field , target); \
+ } else { printf("generator definition mising " #field "\n"); }
+IP_DIST_t convert_distribution (const YAML::Node& node) {
+ std::string tmp;
+ node["distribution"] >> tmp ;
+ if (tmp == "random") {
+ return cdRANDOM_DIST;
+ }else if (tmp == "normal") {
+ return cdNORMAL_DIST;
+ } else {
+ return cdSEQ_DIST;
+ }
+void read_tuple_para(const YAML::Node& node, CTupleGenPoolYaml & fi) {
+ UTL_YAML_READ(uint32, clients_per_gb, fi.m_number_of_clients_per_gb);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(uint32, min_clients, fi.m_min_clients);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(ip_addr, dual_port_mask, fi.m_dual_interface_mask);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(uint16, tcp_aging, fi.m_tcp_aging_sec);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(uint16, udp_aging, fi.m_udp_aging_sec);
+void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CTupleGenPoolYaml & fi) {
+ if (node.FindValue("name")) {
+ node["name"] >> fi.m_name;
+ } else {
+ printf("error in generator definition, name missing\n");
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ if (node.FindValue("distribution")) {
+ fi.m_dist = convert_distribution(node);
+ }
+ UTL_YAML_READ(ip_addr, ip_start, fi.m_ip_start);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(ip_addr, ip_end, fi.m_ip_end);
+ fi.m_number_of_clients_per_gb = 0;
+ fi.m_min_clients = 0;
+ fi.m_is_bundling = false;
+ fi.m_tcp_aging_sec = 0;
+ fi.m_udp_aging_sec = 0;
+ fi.m_dual_interface_mask = 0;
+ read_tuple_para(node, fi);
+ if (node.FindValue("track_ports")) {
+ node["track_ports"] >> fi.m_is_bundling;
+ }
+void copy_global_pool_para(CTupleGenPoolYaml & src, CTupleGenPoolYaml & dst) {
+ if (src.m_number_of_clients_per_gb == 0)
+ src.m_number_of_clients_per_gb = dst.m_number_of_clients_per_gb;
+ if (src.m_min_clients == 0)
+ src.m_min_clients = dst.m_min_clients;
+ if (src.m_dual_interface_mask == 0)
+ src.m_dual_interface_mask = dst.m_dual_interface_mask;
+ if (src.m_tcp_aging_sec == 0)
+ src.m_tcp_aging_sec = dst.m_tcp_aging_sec;
+ if (src.m_udp_aging_sec == 0)
+ src.m_udp_aging_sec = dst.m_udp_aging_sec;
+void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CTupleGenYamlInfo & fi) {
+ CTupleGenPoolYaml c_pool;
+ CTupleGenPoolYaml s_pool;
+ if (node.FindValue("distribution")) {
+ c_pool.m_dist = convert_distribution(node);
+ s_pool.m_dist = c_pool.m_dist;
+ UTL_YAML_READ(ip_addr, clients_start, c_pool.m_ip_start);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(ip_addr, clients_end, c_pool.m_ip_end);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(ip_addr, servers_start, s_pool.m_ip_start);
+ UTL_YAML_READ(ip_addr, servers_end, s_pool.m_ip_end);
+ read_tuple_para(node, c_pool);
+ s_pool.m_dual_interface_mask = c_pool.m_dual_interface_mask;
+ s_pool.m_is_bundling = false;
+ fi.m_client_pool.push_back(c_pool);
+ fi.m_server_pool.push_back(s_pool);
+ } else {
+ printf("No default generator defined.\n");
+ }
+ if (node.FindValue("generator_clients")) {
+ const YAML::Node& c_pool_info = node["generator_clients"];
+ for (uint16_t idx=0;idx<c_pool_info.size();idx++) {
+ CTupleGenPoolYaml pool;
+ c_pool_info[idx] >> pool;
+ if (fi.m_client_pool.size()>0) {
+ copy_global_pool_para(pool, fi.m_client_pool[0]);
+ }
+ fi.m_client_pool.push_back(pool);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("no client generator pool configured, using default pool\n");
+ }
+ if (node.FindValue("generator_servers")) {
+ const YAML::Node& s_pool_info = node["generator_servers"];
+ for (uint16_t idx=0;idx<s_pool_info.size();idx++) {
+ CTupleGenPoolYaml pool;
+ s_pool_info[idx] >> pool;
+ if (fi.m_server_pool.size()>0) {
+ copy_global_pool_para(pool, fi.m_server_pool[0]);
+ }
+ fi.m_server_pool.push_back(pool);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("no server generator pool configured, using default pool\n");
+ }
+bool CTupleGenYamlInfo::is_valid(uint32_t num_threads,bool is_plugins){
+ for (int i=0;i<m_client_pool.size();i++) {
+ if (m_client_pool[i].is_valid(num_threads, is_plugins)==false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<m_server_pool.size();i++) {
+ if (m_server_pool[i].is_valid(num_threads, is_plugins)==false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+/* split the clients and server by dual_port_id and thread_id ,
+ clients is splited by threads and dual_port_id
+ servers is spliteed by dual_port_id */
+void split_ips(uint32_t thread_id,
+ uint32_t total_threads,
+ uint32_t dual_port_id,
+ CTupleGenPoolYaml& poolinfo,
+ CIpPortion & portion){
+ uint32_t chunks = poolinfo.getTotalIps()/total_threads;
+ assert(chunks>0);
+ uint32_t dual_if_mask=(dual_port_id*poolinfo.getDualMask());
+ portion.m_ip_start = poolinfo.get_ip_start() + thread_id*chunks + dual_if_mask;
+ portion.m_ip_end = portion.m_ip_start + chunks -1 ;