path: root/jjb/cicn/cicn.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jjb/cicn/cicn.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 632 deletions
diff --git a/jjb/cicn/cicn.yaml b/jjb/cicn/cicn.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c19a06aa..00000000
--- a/jjb/cicn/cicn.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-- project:
- name: cicn-libparc
- jobs:
- - 'cicn-libparc-verify-{stream}-{os}'
- - 'cicn-libparc-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- - 'cicn-libparc-docs-verify-{stream}'
- - 'cicn-libparc-docs-merge-{stream}'
- project: 'cicn'
- os:
- - ubuntu1804:
- repo-os-part: 'ubuntu.bionic.main'
- - ubuntu1604:
- repo-os-part: 'ubuntu.xenial.main'
- - centos7:
- repo-os-part: 'centos7'
- stream:
- - master:
- branch: 'cframework/master'
- repo-stream-part: 'master'
- type:
- - short
- - long
-- project:
- name: cicn-libparc-arm64
- jobs:
- - 'cicn-arm64-libparc-verify-{stream}-{os}'
- - 'cicn-arm64-libparc-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- project: 'cicn'
- stream:
- - master:
- branch: 'cframework/master'
- repo-stream-part: 'master'
- os:
- - ubuntu1804:
- repo-os-part: 'ubuntu-arm.bionic.main'
- type:
- - short
- - long
-- project:
- name: cicn-viper
- jobs:
- - 'cicn-viper-verify-{stream}-{os}'
- - 'cicn-viper-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- project: 'cicn'
- os:
- - ubuntu1804:
- repo-os-part: 'ubuntu.bionic.main'
- stream:
- - master:
- branch: 'viper/master'
- repo-stream-part: 'master'
- type:
- - short
- - long
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-libparc-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: '{os}-m'
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - os-parameter:
- os: '{os}'
- - maven-project-parameter:
- maven: 'mvn33-new'
- - maven-exec:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- - repo-name-parameter:
- repo-name: '{repo-stream-part}.{repo-os-part}'
- - stream-parameter:
- stream: 'hicn'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: ''
- choosing-strategy: 'default'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - reverse:
- jobs: 'cicn-longbow-merge-{stream}-ubuntu1604'
- result: 'success'
- - gerrit-trigger-patch-merged:
- name: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- - reverse:
- jobs: 'cicn-longbow-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- result: 'failure'
- builders:
- - config-file-provider:
- files:
- - file-id: '.packagecloud'
- target: '/root/.packagecloud'
- - config-file-provider:
- files:
- - file-id: 'packagecloud_api'
- target: '/root/packagecloud_api'
- - maven-target:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- goals: '--version'
- settings: 'cicn-settings'
- settings-type: cfp
- global-settings: 'global-settings'
- global-settings-type: cfp
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- - provide-maven-settings:
- settings-file: 'cicn-settings'
- global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- - ../scripts/
- -
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- - ../scripts/
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-libparc-verify-{stream}-{os}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: '{os}-m'
- concurrent: true
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - os-parameter:
- os: '{os}'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
- choosing-strategy: 'gerrit'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted:
- name: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- builders:
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-libparc-docs-merge-{stream}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: 'ubuntu1604-builder-8c-32g'
- concurrent: true
- archive-artifacts: 'libparc/build/documentation/*.tar'
- allow-empty: 'true'
- fingerprint: false
- only-if-success: true
- default-excludes: false
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - maven-exec:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: ''
- choosing-strategy: 'default'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - reverse:
- jobs: 'cicn-libparc-merge-{stream}-ubuntu1604'
- result: 'success'
- - gerrit:
- server-name: 'Primary'
- trigger-on:
- - comment-added-contains-event:
- comment-contains-value: 'run-docs'
- projects:
- - project-compare-type: 'ANT'
- project-pattern: '{project}'
- branches:
- - branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
- branch-pattern: '**/{branch}'
- skip-vote:
- successful: true
- failed: true
- unstable: true
- notbuilt: true
- builders:
- - maven-target:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- goals: '--version'
- settings: 'vpp-settings'
- settings-type: cfp
- global-settings: 'global-settings'
- global-settings-type: cfp
- - provide-maven-settings:
- settings-file: 'cicn-settings'
- global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-libparc-docs-verify-{stream}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: 'ubuntu1604-builder-8c-32g'
- concurrent: true
- archive-artifacts: 'libparc/build/documentation/*.tar'
- allow-empty: 'true'
- fingerprint: false
- only-if-success: true
- default-excludes: false
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - maven-exec:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: ''
- choosing-strategy: 'default'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted:
- name: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- builders:
- - maven-target:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- goals: '--version'
- settings: 'vpp-settings'
- settings-type: cfp
- global-settings: 'global-settings'
- global-settings-type: cfp
- - provide-maven-settings:
- settings-file: 'cicn-settings'
- global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-arm64-libparc-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: '{os}arm-us'
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - os-parameter:
- os: '{os}'
- - maven-project-parameter:
- maven: 'mvn33-new'
- - maven-exec:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- - repo-name-parameter:
- repo-name: '{repo-stream-part}.{repo-os-part}'
- - stream-parameter:
- stream: 'hicn'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: ''
- choosing-strategy: 'default'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - gerrit-trigger-patch-merged:
- name: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- builders:
- - config-file-provider:
- files:
- - file-id: '.packagecloud'
- target: '/root/.packagecloud'
- - config-file-provider:
- files:
- - file-id: 'packagecloud_api'
- target: '/root/packagecloud_api'
- - maven-target:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- goals: '--version'
- settings: 'cicn-settings'
- settings-type: cfp
- global-settings: 'global-settings'
- global-settings-type: cfp
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- - provide-maven-settings:
- settings-file: 'cicn-settings'
- global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- - ../scripts/
- -
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- - ../scripts/
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-arm64-libparc-verify-{stream}-{os}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: '{os}arm-us'
- concurrent: true
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - os-parameter:
- os: '{os}'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
- choosing-strategy: 'gerrit'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted:
- name: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- builders:
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-viper-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: '{os}-m'
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - os-parameter:
- os: '{os}'
- - maven-project-parameter:
- maven: 'mvn33-new'
- - maven-exec:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- - repo-name-parameter:
- repo-name: '{repo-stream-part}.{repo-os-part}'
- - stream-parameter:
- stream: 'hicn'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: ''
- choosing-strategy: 'default'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - gerrit-trigger-patch-merged:
- name: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- - reverse:
- jobs: 'cicn-libicnet-merge-{stream}-{os}'
- result: 'failure'
- builders:
- - config-file-provider:
- files:
- - file-id: '.packagecloud'
- target: '/root/.packagecloud'
- - config-file-provider:
- files:
- - file-id: 'packagecloud_api'
- target: '/root/packagecloud_api'
- - maven-target:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
- goals: '--version'
- settings: 'cicn-settings'
- settings-type: cfp
- global-settings: 'global-settings'
- global-settings-type: cfp
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- - provide-maven-settings:
- settings-file: 'cicn-settings'
- global-settings-file: 'global-settings'
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- - ../scripts/
- -
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- - ../scripts/
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- job-template:
- name: 'cicn-viper-verify-{stream}-{os}'
- project-type: freestyle
- node: '{os}-m'
- concurrent: true
- build-discarder:
- daysToKeep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
- numToKeep: '{build-num-to-keep}'
- artifactDaysToKeep: '{build-artifact-days-to-keep}'
- artifactNumToKeep: '{build-artifact-num-to-keep}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- - gerrit-parameter:
- branch: '{branch}'
- - os-parameter:
- os: '{os}'
- - string:
- default: '{archive-artifacts}'
- description: Artifacts to archive to the logs server.
- scm:
- - gerrit-trigger-scm:
- credentials-id: 'jenkins-gerrit-credentials'
- refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
- choosing-strategy: 'gerrit'
- wrappers:
- - fdio-infra-wrappers:
- build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
- triggers:
- - gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted:
- name: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- builders:
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- -
- publishers:
- - fdio-infra-shiplogs:
- maven-version: 'mvn33-new'
-- project:
- name: cicn-info
- project-name: cicn
- jobs:
- - gerrit-info-yaml-verify
- build-node: centos7-builder-2c-2g
- project: cicn
- branch: master
-- project:
- name: cicn-sonar
- project: cicn
- project-name: cicn
- mvn-settings: cicn-settings
- sonarcloud: true
- sonarcloud-project-organization: '{sonarcloud_project_organization}'
- sonarcloud-api-token: '{sonarcloud_api_token}'
- sonarcloud-project-key: '{sonarcloud_project_organization}_{project-name}'
- branch: master
- build-node: centos7-builder-2c-2g
- jobs:
- - gerrit-maven-sonar