path: root/libparc/parc/algol/test
diff options
authorMauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>2019-01-24 17:52:53 +0100
committerMauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>2019-01-24 17:52:53 +0100
commitc07ad72f016930e2aba6471d0e2e9625b935bf9a (patch)
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parent9fc2b9ec49c54ec2d5f0164bbedc1c78732c464c (diff)
Remove cframework files from master
Change-Id: I02f17ede1cf97986a8b8852ed6d6a28fc016f590 Signed-off-by: Mauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'libparc/parc/algol/test')
66 files changed, 0 insertions, 31440 deletions
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--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Enable gcov output for the tests
-configure_file(data.json data.json COPYONLY)
- test_parc_ArrayList
- test_parc_AtomicInteger
- test_parc_Base64
- test_parc_BitVector
- test_parc_Buffer
- test_parc_BufferChunker
- test_parc_BufferComposer
- test_parc_ByteArray
- test_parc_Clock
- test_parc_Chunker
- test_parc_Deque
- test_parc_Dictionary
- test_parc_Display
- test_parc_Environment
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- test_parc_EventBuffer
- test_parc_EventQueue
- test_parc_EventScheduler
- test_parc_EventSignal
- test_parc_EventSocket
- test_parc_EventTimer
- test_parc_File
- test_parc_FileChunker
- test_parc_FileInputStream
- test_parc_FileOutputStream
- test_parc_Hash
- test_parc_HashCode
- test_parc_HashCodeTable
- test_parc_HashMap
- test_parc_InputStream
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- test_parc_TreeRedBlack
- test_parc_URI
- test_parc_URIAuthority
- test_parc_URIPath
- test_parc_URISegment
- test_parc_Varint
- test_parc_Vector
- )
-foreach(test ${TestsExpectedToPass})
- AddTest(${test})
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/_test_parc_URI.h b/libparc/parc/algol/test/_test_parc_URI.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 01d3afae..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/_test_parc_URI.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * _test_parc_URI.h
- * PARC Algol
- */
-#ifndef PARC_Algol__test_parc_URI_h
-#define PARC_Algol__test_parc_URI_h
-#define URI_SCHEME "lci"
-#define URI_AUTHORITY_USERINFO "user:pass"
-#define URI_AUTHORITY_USERINFO_2 "user2:pass2"
-#define URI_AUTHORITY_HOSTNAME "parc.com"
-#define URI_AUTHORITY_HOSTNAME_2 "xerox.com"
-#define URI_AUTHORITY_LITERAL_HOSTNAME6_2 "[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]"
-#define URI_AUTHORITY_PORT_1 "1234"
-#define URI_AUTHORITY_PORT_2 "5678"
-#define URI_PATH_SEGMENT "%00%01%02-.%03%04_%05%06%07%08%09abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-#define URI_QUERY "x=1&y=2&z=3"
-#define URI_FRAGMENT "alphabetagamma"
-#endif // PARC_Algol__test_parc_URI_h
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-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ArrayList.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ArrayList.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 51e9e11c..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ArrayList.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_ArrayList.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Buffer.h>
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Add);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_AddAll);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_CustomDestroyer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Equals_Contract);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Equals_Contract_Deep);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_FromInitialCapacity);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Get);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_New);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Remove_AtIndex_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Remove_AtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Remove_AtIndex_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_IsEmpty);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Add)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, 0);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(1 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 1, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_AddAll)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- void *elements[] = {
- strdup("a"),
- strdup("b"),
- strdup("c"),
- };
- parcArrayList_AddAll(array, elements, 3);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(3 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 3, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Copy)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *copy = parcArrayList_Copy(array);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(array, copy), "Expected arrays to be equal.");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&copy);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-static void
-testCustomDestroyer(void **bufferVoidPtr)
- PARCBuffer **bufferPtr = (PARCBuffer **) bufferVoidPtr;
- parcBuffer_Release(bufferPtr);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_CustomDestroyer)
- size_t before = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(testCustomDestroyer);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(20);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, parcBuffer_Acquire(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- size_t after = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- assertTrue(before == after, "Memory imbalance after using custom destroy, expected %zu got %zu", before, after);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Destroy)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- assertNull(array, "Expected null.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Equals_Empty)
- PARCArrayList *a = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- PARCArrayList *b = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(a, b), "Equal values were expected to be equal");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&a);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&b);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Equals_Same)
- PARCArrayList *a = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(a, a), "Expected the same array list to be equal to itself.");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&a);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Equals_Contract)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- char d[] = "potato";
- PARCArrayList *x = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, c);
- PARCArrayList *y = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, c);
- PARCArrayList *z = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, c);
- PARCArrayList *u1 = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, b);
- PARCArrayList *u2 = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- PARCArrayList *u3 = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, d);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcArrayList_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, u3);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&x);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&y);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&z);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u1);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u2);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u3);
-static bool
-stringEquals(void *x, void *y)
- return strcmp((char *) x, (char *) y) == 0;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Equals_Contract_Deep)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- char d[] = "potato";
- PARCArrayList *x = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, c);
- PARCArrayList *y = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, c);
- PARCArrayList *z = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, c);
- PARCArrayList *u1 = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, b);
- PARCArrayList *u2 = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- PARCArrayList *u3 = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, d);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcArrayList_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, u3);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&x);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&y);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&z);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u1);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u2);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, PARC_ArrayList_EnsureRemaining_Empty)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- size_t expected = 4;
- _ensureRemaining(array, expected);
- size_t actual = _remaining(array);
- assertTrue(actual >= expected, "Expected >= %zd, actual=%zd", expected, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, PARC_ArrayList_EnsureRemaining_NonEmpty)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, 0);
- size_t expected = 5;
- _ensureRemaining(array, expected);
- size_t actual = _remaining(array);
- assertTrue(actual >= expected, "Expected >= %zd, actual=%zd", expected, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_FromInitialCapacity)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(NULL, parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction, 10);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(0 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 0, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Get)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- char *expected = strdup("Hello World");
- parcArrayList_Add(array, expected);
- char *actual = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected=%p, actual=%p", (void *) expected, (void *) actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_New)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- size_t size = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(0 == size, "Expected %d actual=%zu", 0, size);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Size)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, 0);
- size_t size = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(1 == size, "Expected %d actual=%zu", 1, size);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_IsEmpty)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_IsEmpty(array), "Expected a new array to be empty.");
- parcArrayList_Add(array, 0);
- assertFalse(parcArrayList_IsEmpty(array), "Expected an array with more than zero elements to be empty.");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 2);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(2 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 2, actual);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 1, (void *) 3);
- actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(3 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 3, actual);
- void *element0 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(element0 == (void *) 1, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element1 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 1);
- assertTrue(element1 == (void *) 3, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element2 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 2);
- assertTrue(element2 == (void *) 2, "Element 1 moved?");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_Empty)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 0, (void *) 3);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(1 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 1, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_First)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 0, (void *) 2);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(2 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 2, actual);
- void *element0 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(element0 == (void *) 2, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element1 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 1);
- assertTrue(element1 == (void *) 1, "Element 1 moved?");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_Last)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 2);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(2 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 2, actual);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 2, (void *) 3);
- actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(3 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 3, actual);
- void *element0 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(element0 == (void *) 1, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element1 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 1);
- assertTrue(element1 == (void *) 2, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element2 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 2);
- assertTrue(element2 == (void *) 3, "Element 1 moved?");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Remove_AtIndex_First)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- void *removedElement = parcArrayList_RemoveAtIndex(array, 0);
- assertTrue(removedElement == a, "Expected ");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Remove_AtIndex)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- void *removedElement = parcArrayList_RemoveAtIndex(array, 1);
- assertTrue(removedElement == b, "Expected ");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_Remove_AtIndex_Last)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- void *removedElement = parcArrayList_RemoveAtIndex(array, 2);
- assertTrue(removedElement == c, "Expected ");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_First)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- parcArrayList_RemoveAndDestroyAtIndex(array, 0);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- parcArrayList_RemoveAndDestroyAtIndex(array, 1);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_ArrayList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_Last)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- parcArrayList_RemoveAndDestroyAtIndex(array, 2);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, PARC_ArrayList_EnsureRemaining_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, PARC_ArrayList_EnsureRemaining_NonEmpty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_OutOfCapacity);
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, array);
- PARCArrayList *array = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, PARC_ArrayList_InsertAtIndex_OutOfCapacity, .event = &LongBowAssertEvent)
- PARCArrayList *array = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- printf("1\n");
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- printf("2\n");
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 2);
- printf("3\n");
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 200, (void *) 3);
- printf("4\n");
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARC_ArrayList);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_AtomicInteger.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_AtomicInteger.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd1b99a..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_AtomicInteger.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/** *
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_AtomicInteger.c"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Increment);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Decrement);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint64Increment);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint64Decrement);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Increment)
- uint32_t value = 0;
- parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Increment(&value);
- assertTrue(value == 1, "Expected 1, actual, %u", value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Decrement)
- uint32_t value = 0;
- parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Increment(&value);
- assertTrue(value == 1, "Expected 1, actual, %u", value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint64Increment)
- uint64_t value = 0;
- parcAtomicInteger_Uint64Increment(&value);
- assertTrue(value == 1, "Expected 1, actual, %" PRIu64 "", value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcAtomicInteger_Uint64Decrement)
- uint64_t value = 0;
- parcAtomicInteger_Uint64Increment(&value);
- assertTrue(value == 1, "Expected 1, actual, %" PRIu64 "", value);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Threaded, collaborative);
-static void *
-collaborator_A(void *data)
- uint32_t *valuePointer = (uint32_t *) data;
- uint32_t contribution = 0;
- while (*valuePointer < 1000000) {
- parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Increment(valuePointer);
- contribution++;
- }
- printf("A contribution %d\n", contribution);
- pthread_exit((void *) NULL);
-static void *
-collaborator_B(void *data)
- uint32_t *valuePointer = (uint32_t *) data;
- uint32_t contribution = 0;
- while (*valuePointer < 1000000) {
- parcAtomicInteger_Uint32Increment(valuePointer);
- contribution++;
- }
- printf("B contribution %d\n", contribution);
- pthread_exit((void *) NULL);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Threaded, collaborative)
- uint32_t value = 0;
- pthread_t thread_A;
- pthread_t thread_B;
- pthread_create(&thread_A, NULL, collaborator_A, &value);
- pthread_create(&thread_B, NULL, collaborator_B, &value);
- pthread_join(thread_A, NULL);
- pthread_join(thread_B, NULL);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(test_parc_AtomicInteger);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Base64.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Base64.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 4509ded3..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Base64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Base64.c"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Decode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Decode_Linefeeds);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Encode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Encode_Binary);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-static struct testvector_s {
- char *plaintext;
- char *encoded;
-} testvector[] = {
- // Test vectors from RFC 4648
- { .plaintext = "", .encoded = "" },
- { .plaintext = "f", .encoded = "Zg==" },
- { .plaintext = "fo", .encoded = "Zm8=" },
- { .plaintext = "foo", .encoded = "Zm9v" },
- { .plaintext = "foob", .encoded = "Zm9vYg==" },
- { .plaintext = "fooba", .encoded = "Zm9vYmE=" },
- { .plaintext = "foobar", .encoded = "Zm9vYmFy" },
- { .plaintext = NULL, .encoded = NULL }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Decode)
- int i = 0;
- while (testvector[i].plaintext != NULL) {
- PARCBufferComposer *input = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(input, testvector[i].encoded);
- PARCBuffer *inputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(input);
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, testvector[i].plaintext);
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- parcBase64_Decode(output, parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(input));
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "encoding, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- i++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&inputBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&input);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Decode_Linefeeds)
- PARCBufferComposer *input = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- char plaintext[] = "It was a dark and stormy night, and all through the code not bit was stirring.\x0A";
- char encoded_with_crlf[] = "SXQg" "\x0D\x0A" "d2FzIGEgZGFyayBhbmQgc3Rvcm15IG5pZ2h0LCBhbmQgYWxsIHRocm91Z2gg" "\x0D\x0A" "dGhlIGNvZGUgbm90IGJpdCB3YXMgc3RpcnJpbmcuCg==";
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(input, encoded_with_crlf);
- PARCBuffer *inputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(input);
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, plaintext);
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- parcBase64_Decode(output, parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(input));
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "encoding, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&inputBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&input);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Encode)
- int i = 0;
- while (testvector[i].plaintext != NULL) {
- PARCBufferComposer *input = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(input, testvector[i].plaintext);
- PARCBuffer *inputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(input);
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, testvector[i].encoded);
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- parcBase64_Encode(output, parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(input));
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "encoding, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- i++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&inputBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&input);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBase64_Encode_Binary)
- uint8_t zero[] = { 0 };
- // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- char *truthvector[] = { "AA==", "AAA=", "AAAA", "AAAAAA==", "AAAAAAA=", "AAAAAAAA", "AAAAAAAAAA==" };
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(truthvector) / sizeof(truthvector[0]); i++) {
- PARCBufferComposer *input = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutArray(truth, (uint8_t *) truthvector[i], strlen(truthvector[i]));
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- // just keep apending a zero to make it longer
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(input), parcBuffer_Capacity(parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(input)));
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(input), i);
- parcBufferComposer_PutArray(input, zero, 1);
- PARCBuffer *inputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(input);
- parcBase64_Encode(output, parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(input));
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "encoding, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&inputBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&input);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, encodeWithPad_0);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, encodeWithPad_1);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, encodeWithPad_2);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_invalid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_1);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_2);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_3);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- * This will encode "foo"
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, encodeWithPad_0)
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t input[] = "foobar";
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, "Zm9v");
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- _encodeWithPad(output, input, 0);
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "Failed 3-byte encode, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
- * This will encode "fo" because we tell it there's 1 pad byte
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, encodeWithPad_1)
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t input[] = "foobar";
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, "Zm8=");
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- _encodeWithPad(output, input, 1);
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "Failed 3-byte encode, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
- * This will encode "f" because we tell it there's 2 pad byte
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, encodeWithPad_2)
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t input[] = "foobar";
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, "Zg==");
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- _encodeWithPad(output, input, 2);
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "Failed 3-byte encode, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_1)
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t input[] = "Zg==";
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, "f");
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- bool success = _decode(output, input);
- assertTrue(success, "Valid base64 failed decode");
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "Failed 3-byte encode, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_2)
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t input[] = "Zm8=";
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, "fo");
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- bool success = _decode(output, input);
- assertTrue(success, "Valid base64 failed decode");
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "Failed 3-byte encode, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_3)
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t input[] = "Zm9v";
- PARCBufferComposer *truth = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(truth, "foo");
- PARCBuffer *truthBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(truth);
- bool success = _decode(output, input);
- assertTrue(success, "Valid base64 failed decode");
- PARCBuffer *outputBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(output);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(truthBuffer, outputBuffer),
- "Failed 3-byte encode, expected '%s' got '%s'",
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(truthBuffer),
- parcBuffer_ToHexString(outputBuffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&truthBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&outputBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&truth);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, decode_invalid)
- PARCBufferComposer *output = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t input[] = "@@@@";
- bool success = _decode(output, input);
- assertFalse(success, "Invalid base64 somehow decoded");
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&output);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Base64);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BitVector.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BitVector.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 9a4d0806..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BitVector.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_BitVector.c"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <limits.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Create_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_SetClear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_SetVector);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Reset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_ClearVector);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_NextBitSet);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Get);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_ToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Contains);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Set);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_And);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Or);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Shift);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Create_Release)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- PARCBitVector *reference = parcBitVector;
- parcBitVector_Acquire(reference);
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
- parcBitVector_Release(&reference);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Set)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Create created a non-empty vector");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 0);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 1, "Expect number of bits set to be 1");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->firstBitSet == 0, "Expect first bit set to be 0");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitLength == 8, "Expect the bitLength to be 8");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitArray[0] == (uint8_t) 1, "Expect the bitArray as a unsigned char to be = 1");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 7);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 2, "Expect number of bits set to be 2");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->firstBitSet == 0, "Expect first bit set to be 0");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitLength == 8, "Expect the bitLength to be 8");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitArray[0] == (uint8_t) 0x81, "Expect the bitArray as a unsigned char to be = 0x81");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 8);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 3, "Expect number of bits set to be 3");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->firstBitSet == 0, "Expect first bit set to be 0");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitLength == 16, "Expect the bitLength to be 16");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitArray[0] == (uint8_t) 0x81, "Expect the bitArray as a unsigned char to be = 0x81");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitArray[1] == (uint8_t) 0x1, "Expect the bitArray as a unsigned char to be = 0x1");
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_And)
- PARCBitVector *vector1 = parcBitVector_Create();
- PARCBitVector *vector2 = parcBitVector_Create();
- parcBitVector_Set(vector1, 1);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector1, 2);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector1, 10);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector2, 2);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector2, 1);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector2, 20);
- PARCBitVector *result = parcBitVector_And(vector1, vector2);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(result) == 2, "AND vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- result = parcBitVector_And(vector1, NULL);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(result) == 0, "AND vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- result = parcBitVector_And(NULL, vector2);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(result) == 0, "AND vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- result = parcBitVector_And(NULL, NULL);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(result) == 0, "AND vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- parcBitVector_Release(&vector1);
- parcBitVector_Release(&vector2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Or)
- PARCBitVector *vector1 = parcBitVector_Create();
- PARCBitVector *vector2 = parcBitVector_Create();
- parcBitVector_Set(vector1, 1);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector1, 2);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector1, 10);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector2, 2);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector2, 1);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector2, 20);
- PARCBitVector *result = parcBitVector_Or(vector1, vector2);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Contains(result, vector1), "Vector contents not included in OR operation results");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Contains(result, vector2), "Vector contents not included in OR operation results");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(result) == 4, "OR vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- result = parcBitVector_Or(vector1, NULL);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Equals(result, vector1), "OR vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- result = parcBitVector_Or(NULL, vector2);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Equals(result, vector2), "OR vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- result = parcBitVector_Or(NULL, NULL);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(result) == 0, "OR vector not equal to expected results");
- parcBitVector_Release(&result);
- parcBitVector_Release(&vector1);
- parcBitVector_Release(&vector2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Shift)
- PARCBitVector *vector = parcBitVector_Create();
- parcBitVector_Set(vector, 0); // should drop off on left shift
- parcBitVector_Set(vector, 11);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector, 12);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector, 13);
- parcBitVector_Set(vector, 22);
- parcBitVector_LeftShift(vector, 10);
- parcBitVector_RightShift(vector, 10);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NextBitSet(vector, 0) == 11, "Shift operations failed");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NextBitSet(vector, 12) == 12, "Shift operations failed");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NextBitSet(vector, 14) == 22, "Shift operations failed");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(vector) == 4, "Shift operations failed to drop first bit on left shift");
- parcBitVector_Release(&vector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_SetClear)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Create created a non-empty vector");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 10);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 1, "parcBitVector_Set failed");
- parcBitVector_Clear(parcBitVector, 10);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Clear failed");
- parcBitVector_Clear(parcBitVector, 20);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Clear failed");
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_SetVector)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- PARCBitVector *setVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 1);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 1, "parcBitVector_Set failed");
- parcBitVector_Set(setVector, 20);
- parcBitVector_SetVector(parcBitVector, setVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 2, "parcBitVector_SetVector failed");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 0) == 1, "parcBitVector_Set failed to set bit 1");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 2) == 20, "parcBitVector_SetVector failed to set bit 20");
- parcBitVector_Set(setVector, 10);
- parcBitVector_SetVector(parcBitVector, setVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 3, "parcBitVector_SetVector failed");
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
- parcBitVector_Release(&setVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Reset)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- // Reset and empty vector test
- parcBitVector_Reset(parcBitVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Reset failed");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 1);
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 42);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 2, "parcBitVector_Set failed");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitLength == 48, "Expected a bitLength of 48");
- parcBitVector_Reset(parcBitVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Reset failed");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector->bitLength == 48, "Expected a bitLength of 48");
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_ClearVector)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- PARCBitVector *setVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 1);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 1, "parcBitVector_Set failed to set bit");
- parcBitVector_Set(setVector, 1);
- parcBitVector_Set(setVector, 20);
- parcBitVector_ClearVector(parcBitVector, setVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_ClearVector failed to clear vector");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 12);
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 17);
- parcBitVector_ClearVector(parcBitVector, parcBitVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_ClearVector failed to clear vector");
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
- parcBitVector_Release(&setVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_NextBitSet)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Create created a non-empty vector");
- int nextBit = parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 0);
- assertTrue(nextBit == -1, "parcBitVector_NextBitSet should have failed (%d)", nextBit);
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 10);
- nextBit = parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 0);
- assertTrue(nextBit == 10, "parcBitVector_NextBitSet failed (%d)", nextBit);
- nextBit = parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 20);
- assertTrue(nextBit == -1, "parcBitVector_NextBitSet read past end of vector (%d)", nextBit);
- nextBit = parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 10);
- assertTrue(nextBit == 10, "parcBitVector_NextBitSet failed (%d)", nextBit);
- nextBit = parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 11);
- assertTrue(nextBit == -1, "parcBitVector_NextBitSet should have failed (%d)", nextBit);
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 20);
- nextBit = parcBitVector_NextBitSet(parcBitVector, 11);
- assertTrue(nextBit == 20, "parcBitVector_NextBitSet failed (%d)", nextBit);
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Get)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(parcBitVector) == 0, "parcBitVector_Create created a non-empty vector");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 10);
- int bitValue = parcBitVector_Get(parcBitVector, 10);
- assertTrue(bitValue == 1, "parcBitVector_Get returned wrong value (%d)", bitValue);
- bitValue = parcBitVector_Get(parcBitVector, 11);
- assertTrue(bitValue == 0, "parcBitVector_Get returned wrong value (%d)", bitValue);
- bitValue = parcBitVector_Get(parcBitVector, 100);
- assertTrue(bitValue == -1, "parcBitVector_NextBitSet should have failed (%d)", bitValue);
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_ToString)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- char *string = parcBitVector_ToString(parcBitVector);
- assertTrue(strcmp(string, "[ ]") == 0, "parcBitVector_ToString returned unexpected representation (%s != [ ])", string);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&string);
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 10);
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 1);
- string = parcBitVector_ToString(parcBitVector);
- assertTrue(strcmp(string, "[ 1 10 ]") == 0, "parcBitVector_ToString returned unexpected representation (%s != [ 1 10 ])", string);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&string);
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Copy)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 10);
- PARCBitVector *copy = parcBitVector_Copy(parcBitVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NumberOfBitsSet(copy) == 1, "parcBitVector_Copy failed to copy set bit");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_NextBitSet(copy, 0) == 10, "parcBitVector_Copy failed to copy correct bit");
- parcBitVector_Release(&copy);
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Equals)
- PARCBitVector *parcBitVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- assertTrue(parcBitVector, "parcBitVector_Create returned a NULL pointer");
- parcBitVector_Set(parcBitVector, 10);
- PARCBitVector *copy = parcBitVector_Copy(parcBitVector);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Equals(parcBitVector, copy), "Duplicate vector found unequal");
- parcBitVector_Set(copy, 9);
- assertFalse(parcBitVector_Equals(parcBitVector, copy), "Unequal vector found equal");
- parcBitVector_Clear(copy, 9);
- parcBitVector_Set(copy, 29);
- assertFalse(parcBitVector_Equals(parcBitVector, copy), "Unequal long vector found equal");
- parcBitVector_Clear(copy, 29);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Equals(parcBitVector, copy), "Equal long vector found unequal");
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Equals(copy, parcBitVector), "Equal long vector found unequal");
- parcBitVector_Release(&copy);
- parcBitVector_Release(&parcBitVector);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBitVector_Contains)
- PARCBitVector *supersetVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- parcBitVector_Set(supersetVector, 10);
- parcBitVector_Set(supersetVector, 11);
- PARCBitVector *testVector = parcBitVector_Create();
- parcBitVector_Set(testVector, 10);
- assertTrue(parcBitVector_Contains(supersetVector, testVector), "Expect superset to contain testVector");
- parcBitVector_Set(testVector, 12);
- assertFalse(parcBitVector_Contains(supersetVector, testVector), "Expect superset to not contain testVector");
- parcBitVector_Release(&supersetVector);
- parcBitVector_Release(&testVector);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_BitVector);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Buffer.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Buffer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 99b3bfd6..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Buffer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1502 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Buffer.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(CreateDestroyErrors);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate_0);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate_SIZE_MAX);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Wrap);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Wrap_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Wrap_WithOffset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_AllocateCString);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate)
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(actual) == 0, "Expected initial position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(actual) == 10, "Expected initial limit to be 10.");
- assertTrue(_markIsDiscarded(actual), "Expected initial mark to be discarded.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate_0)
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Allocate(0);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(actual) == 0, "Expected initial position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(actual) == 0, "Expected initial limit to be 10.");
- assertTrue(_markIsDiscarded(actual), "Expected initial mark to be discarded.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate_SIZE_MAX)
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Allocate(SIZE_MAX);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcBuffer_Allocate to return NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Wrap_NULL)
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Wrap(NULL, 10, 0, 10);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcBuffer_Wrap to return NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Wrap)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(actual) == 0, "Expected initial position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(actual) == sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]), "Expected initial limit to be 10.");
- assertTrue(_markIsDiscarded(actual), "Expected initial mark to be discarded.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Wrap_WithOffset)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 3, 10);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Capacity(actual) == 10, "Expected initial capacity to be 3.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(actual) == 10, "Expected initial limit to be 3.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(actual) == 3, "Expected initial position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(_markIsDiscarded(actual), "Expected initial mark to be discarded.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_AllocateCString)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello World");
- assertNotNull(buffer, "Expected parcBuffer_AllocateCString to return non-null value");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Acquire(expected);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %p, actual %p", (void *) expected, (void *) actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- assertTrue(expected == NULL, "Expected parcBuffer_Release to NULL the pointer.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
- assertTrue(actual == NULL, "Expected parcBuffer_Release to NULL the pointer.");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroyErrors, parcBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease_TooMany);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroyErrors, parcBuffer_WrapByteArray_limit_exceeds_capacity);
- PARCByteArray *array = parcByteArray_Allocate(10);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, array);
- PARCByteArray *array = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcByteArray_Release(&array);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(CreateDestroyErrors, parcBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease_TooMany, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Acquire(expected);
- PARCBuffer *alias = actual;
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&alias); // this must fail.
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(CreateDestroyErrors, parcBuffer_WrapByteArray_limit_exceeds_capacity, .event = &LongBowAssertEvent)
- PARCByteArray *array = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapByteArray(array, 0, parcByteArray_Capacity(array) + 1);
- assertNotNull(buffer, "Expected NULL");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ArrayOffset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Clear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Clone);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Duplicate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Clone_WithOffset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Compare);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Equals_ZeroLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Equals_Bug80);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Flip);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_GetByte);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_GetBytes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_GetBytes_Incremental);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_HasRemaining);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_HashCode_ZeroRemaining);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Mark);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Growing);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Growing_AtLimit);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Shrinking);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Shrinking_AtLimit);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Example);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Slice);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Overlay);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Position);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutBuffer_ZeroLength_operand);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutByte);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutBytes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutCString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Remaining);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Rewind);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SetLimit);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SetLimit_TruncatePosition);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SetPosition);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Slice);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ToString_ZeroRemaining);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipOver);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipOver_NotFound);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipTo_NotFound);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipTo);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_FindUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_FindUint8_NotFound);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_IsValid_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ParseNumeric_Decimal);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ParseNumeric_Hexadecimal);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ParseHexString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_CreateFromArray);
-static size_t _longBowGlobal_Global_outstanding;
- _longBowGlobal_Global_outstanding = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- LongBowStatus result = LONGBOW_STATUS_SUCCEEDED;
- size_t allocationsLeaked = parcMemory_Outstanding() - _longBowGlobal_Global_outstanding;
- if (allocationsLeaked) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %zd allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), allocationsLeaked);
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- }
- return result;
- uint8_t decodeBytes[] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A, 'b', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'y', 'w', 'i', 'n', 'e' };
- PARCBuffer *b1 = parcBuffer_Wrap(decodeBytes, sizeof(decodeBytes), 0, sizeof(decodeBytes));
- // b1 is a buffer wrapping a byte array.
- // This will take 2 allocations: 1 for the buffer and 1 for the wrapper around the byte array.
- PARCBuffer *s2 = parcBuffer_Slice(b1);
- // s2 is another buffer referencing the wrapper created in the original buffer.
- // This will increase the allocations by 1 for the buffer making it 3.
- // **** DO NOT RELEASE s2
- parcBuffer_Release(&b1);
- // This releases the b1 buffer, deallocating it. The wrapper around the original byte array still has a reference to it from s2.
- // The number of allocations is reduced by 1, making it 2 (1 for s2, and 1 for the wrapper it references)
- assertTrue(parcMemory_Outstanding() == 2, "memory imbalance");
- parcBuffer_Release(&s2);
- assertTrue(parcMemory_Outstanding() == 0, "memory imbalance must be 0, actual %d", parcMemory_Outstanding());
- uint8_t decodeBytes[] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A, 'b', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'y', 'w', 'i', 'n', 'e' };
- PARCBuffer *b1 = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(decodeBytes));
- // This will create a buffer, a wrapper, and an allocated array of bytes to wrap.
- // The number of allocations is 3.
- parcBuffer_PutArray(b1, sizeof(decodeBytes), decodeBytes);
- parcBuffer_Flip(b1);
- PARCBuffer *s2 = parcBuffer_Slice(b1);
- // The number of allocations is 4.
- // **** DO NOT RELEASE s2
- parcBuffer_Release(&b1);
- // The number of allocations is now 3, the slice buffer, the wrapper, and the allocated array of bytes.
- // This will now correctly assert
- assertTrue(parcMemory_Outstanding() == 3, "memory imbalance");
- parcBuffer_Release(&s2);
- assertTrue(parcMemory_Outstanding() == 0, "memory imbalance");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Equals)
- PARCBuffer *x = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCBuffer *y = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCBuffer *z = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wzero-length-array\"")
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wgnu-empty-initializer\"")
- struct hack {
- uint8_t dummy;
- uint8_t empty[];
- };
- struct hack h = { 0 };
- PARCBuffer *u0 = parcBuffer_Wrap(h.empty, 0, 0, 0);
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
- PARCBuffer *u1 = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCBuffer *u2 = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 9, 0, 9);
- PARCBuffer *u3 = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9);
- PARCBuffer *u4 = parcBuffer_SetPosition(parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9), 2);
- PARCBuffer *u5 = parcBuffer_SetPosition(parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9), 9);
- PARCBuffer *u6 = parcBuffer_SetPosition(parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9), 9);
- PARCBuffer *u7 = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0 }, 0, 0, 0);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcBuffer_Equals, x, y, z, u0, u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, NULL);
- parcBuffer_Release(&x);
- parcBuffer_Release(&y);
- parcBuffer_Release(&z);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u0);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u5);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u6);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u7);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Equals_ZeroLength)
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wzero-length-array\"")
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wgnu-empty-initializer\"")
- struct hack {
- uint8_t dummy;
- uint8_t empty[];
- };
- struct hack h = { 0 };
- PARCBuffer *x = parcBuffer_Wrap(h.empty, 0, 0, 0);
- PARCBuffer *y = parcBuffer_Wrap(h.empty, 0, 0, 0);
- PARCBuffer *z = parcBuffer_Wrap(h.empty, 0, 0, 0);
- // _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
- PARCBuffer *u1 = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCBuffer *u2 = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 9, 0, 9);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcBuffer_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, NULL);
- parcBuffer_Release(&x);
- parcBuffer_Release(&y);
- parcBuffer_Release(&z);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Equals_Bug80)
- PARCBuffer *x = parcBuffer_WrapCString("a");
- PARCBuffer *y = parcBuffer_WrapCString("a");
- PARCBuffer *z = parcBuffer_WrapCString("a");
- PARCBuffer *u1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("b");
- PARCBuffer *u2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("");
- PARCBuffer *u3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("ab");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcBuffer_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, u3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&x);
- parcBuffer_Release(&y);
- parcBuffer_Release(&z);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&u3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Compare)
- PARCBuffer *x = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCBuffer *y = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCBuffer *equivalent[] = {
- x,
- y,
- };
- PARCBuffer *lesser[] = {
- parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0 }, 0, 0, 0),
- parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8}, 10, 0, 10),
- parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8,}, 9, 0, 9),
- };
- PARCBuffer *greater[] = {
- parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 }, 10, 0, 10),
- parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [11]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, 11, 0, 11),
- };
- parcObjectTesting_AssertCompareTo(parcBuffer_Compare, x, equivalent, lesser, greater);
- parcBuffer_Release(&x);
- parcBuffer_Release(&y);
- for (int i = 0; lesser[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcBuffer_Release(&lesser[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; greater[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcBuffer_Release(&greater[i]);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Array)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(expected, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCByteArray *array = parcBuffer_Array(buffer);
- uint8_t *actual = parcByteArray_Array(array);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected %p, actual %p", (void *) expected, (void *) actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Growing)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(12);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(expected), expected);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 5);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, 11);
- parcBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Resize(buffer, 20);
- assertTrue(buffer->position == 5, "Expected position at %d, actual %zd", 5, buffer->position);
- assertTrue(buffer->mark == 5, "Expected mark at %d, actual %zd", 5, buffer->mark);
- assertTrue(buffer->limit == 11, "Expected limit at %d, actual %zd", 11, buffer->limit);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer) == 20, "Expected capacity at %d, actual %zd", 20, parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Growing_AtLimit)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(12);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(expected), expected);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 5);
- parcBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Resize(buffer, 20);
- assertTrue(buffer->position == 5, "Expected position at %d, actual %zd", 5, buffer->position);
- assertTrue(buffer->mark == 5, "Expected mark at %d, actual %zd", 5, buffer->mark);
- assertTrue(buffer->limit == 20, "Expected limit at %d, actual %zd", 20, buffer->limit);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer) == 20, "Expected capacity at %d, actual %zd", 20, parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Shrinking)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(expected), expected);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 3);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, 4);
- parcBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Resize(buffer, 5);
- assertTrue(buffer->position == 3, "Expected position at %d, actual %zd", 3, buffer->position);
- assertTrue(buffer->mark == 3, "Expected mark to be 3");
- assertTrue(buffer->limit == 4, "Expected limit at %d, actual %zd", 4, buffer->limit);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer) == 5, "Expected capacity at %d, actual %zd", 5, parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Shrinking_AtLimit)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(expected), expected);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 5);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, 5);
- parcBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Resize(buffer, 3);
- assertTrue(buffer->position == 3, "Expected position at %d, actual %zd", 3, buffer->position);
- assertTrue(_markIsDiscarded(buffer), "Expected mark to be discarded");
- assertTrue(buffer->limit == 3, "Expected limit at %d, actual %zd", 3, buffer->limit);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer) == 3, "Expected capacity at %d, actual %zd", 3, parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Example)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- parcBuffer_Resize(buffer, 4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Resize_Slice)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 5);
- PARCBuffer *slice = parcBuffer_Slice(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Resize(slice, 4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&slice);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Flip)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, 10, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 0, "Expected position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(buffer) == 10, "Expected limit to be 10.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Clear)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, 10, expected);
- parcBuffer_Clear(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 0, "Expected position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(buffer) == 10, "Expected limit to be 10.");
- assertTrue(buffer->mark >= parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer), "Expected the mark to be unset.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ArrayOffset)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- size_t expected = 5;
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, expected, 10);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_ArrayOffset(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(0 == actual,
- "Expected offset to be 0, actual %zd", actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Position)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 5;
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected position to be 0, actual %zd", actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Overlay)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- uint8_t expected[5] = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t position = 5;
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, position);
- uint8_t *actual = parcBuffer_Overlay(buffer, sizeof(array) - position);
- assertTrue(memcmp(expected, actual, sizeof(expected)) == 0,
- "Array contents should not be different.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Clone)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *original = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCBuffer *clone = parcBuffer_Copy(original);
- assertTrue(clone != original, "Expected the clone to be a different instance.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(original, clone), "Expected clone to be equal to the original.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&original);
- assertNull(original, "Expected the parcBuffer_Release function to NULL the pointer.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&clone);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Clone_WithOffset)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *original = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(original, 9);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(original, 1);
- PARCBuffer *range = parcBuffer_Slice(original);
- PARCBuffer *clone = parcBuffer_Copy(range);
- assertTrue(clone != original, "Expected the clone to be a different instance.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(range, clone), "Expected clone to be equal to the original.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&clone);
- parcBuffer_Release(&range);
- parcBuffer_Release(&original);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SetPosition)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SetLimit)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Limit(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SetLimit_TruncatePosition)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 5);
- parcBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Limit(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Slice)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcBuffer_Slice(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(actual) == 0,
- "Expected position to be 0");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(actual) == parcBuffer_Remaining(buffer),
- "Expected position to be %zd", parcBuffer_Remaining(buffer));
- assertTrue(_markIsDiscarded(actual), "Expected the mark to be discarded.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Remaining)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Limit(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_HasRemaining)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- bool actual = parcBuffer_HasRemaining(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected true");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Rewind)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 4);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 4, "Expected position to be at 4.");
- parcBuffer_Rewind(buffer);
- actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 0, "Expected position to be at 0.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Duplicate)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 4);
- PARCBuffer *buffer2 = parcBuffer_Duplicate(buffer);
- assertTrue(buffer != buffer2, "Expected distinct pointers to the different buffers.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == parcBuffer_Position(buffer2), "Expected equal position values.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(buffer) == parcBuffer_Limit(buffer2), "Expected equal limit values.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer) == parcBuffer_Capacity(buffer2), "Expected equal capacity values.");
- parcBuffer_Rewind(buffer);
- assertFalse(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == parcBuffer_Position(buffer2), "Expected unequal position values.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_Mark)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 4);
- parcBuffer_Reset(buffer);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutByte)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- uint8_t expectedValue = 1;
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, expectedValue);
- size_t expectedPosition = 1;
- size_t actualPosition = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 0);
- uint8_t actualValue = parcBuffer_GetAtIndex(buffer, 0);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expectedValue == actualValue,
- "Expected %d, actual %d", expectedValue, actualValue);
- assertTrue(expectedPosition == actualPosition,
- "Expected %zu, actual %zu", expectedPosition, actualPosition);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutCString)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- char *expectedValue = "abcdefg";
- parcBuffer_PutCString(buffer, expectedValue);
- size_t expectedPosition = 8;
- size_t actualPosition = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- uint8_t zero = parcBuffer_GetAtIndex(buffer, 7);
- assertTrue(zero == 0, "Expected zero, actual %d", zero);
- assertTrue(expectedPosition == actualPosition,
- "Expected %zu, actual %zu", expectedPosition, actualPosition);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutUint16)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- uint16_t expectedValue = 0x1234;
- parcBuffer_PutUint16(buffer, expectedValue);
- size_t expectedPosition = 2;
- size_t actualPosition = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expectedPosition == actualPosition,
- "Expected position %zd, actual %zd", expectedPosition, actualPosition);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- uint16_t actualValue = parcBuffer_GetUint16(buffer);
- actualPosition = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expectedValue == actualValue,
- "Expected %d, actual %d", expectedValue, actualValue);
- assertTrue(expectedPosition == actualPosition,
- "Expected %zu, actual %zu", expectedPosition, actualPosition);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutIndex)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- uint8_t expected = 1;
- parcBuffer_PutAtIndex(buffer, 0, expected);
- uint8_t actual = parcBuffer_GetAtIndex(buffer, 0);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected %" PRIu8 ", actual %" PRIu8 "", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutBytes)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, 10, array);
- size_t expected = parcBuffer_Limit(buffer);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected position to be at the limit.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutBuffer)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer1 = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer1, 5, array);
- PARCBuffer *buffer2 = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer2, 5, &array[5]);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer2);
- parcBuffer_PutBuffer(buffer1, buffer2);
- size_t expected = parcBuffer_Limit(buffer1);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer1);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected position to be at the limit. Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- assertTrue(memcmp(array, parcByteArray_Array(buffer1->array), sizeof(array)) == 0,
- "Array content differs.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_GetByte)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(expected), expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- uint8_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected[0] == actual,
- "Expected %d, actual %d", expected[0], actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_GetBytes)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- uint8_t actual[10];
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(expected), expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcBuffer_GetBytes(buffer, sizeof(actual), actual);
- assertTrue(memcmp(expected, actual, sizeof(actual)) == 0,
- "Expected arrays to be equal.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_GetBytes_Incremental)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- uint8_t actual[10];
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(expected), expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcBuffer_GetBytes(buffer, 1, actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 1, "Expected position to be %d\n", 1);
- assertTrue(actual[0] == expected[0], "Expected %d, actual %d", expected[0], actual[0]);
- parcBuffer_GetBytes(buffer, 1, actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 2, "Expected position to be 2, actual %zd\n", parcBuffer_Position(buffer));
- assertTrue(actual[0] == expected[1], "Expected %d, actual %d", expected[1], actual[0]);
- parcBuffer_GetBytes(buffer, 1, actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 3, "Expected position to be 3, actual %zd\n", parcBuffer_Position(buffer));
- assertTrue(actual[0] == expected[2], "Expected %d, actual %d", expected[2], actual[0]);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_PutBuffer_ZeroLength_operand)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer1 = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer1, 10, array);
- PARCBuffer *buffer2 = parcBuffer_Allocate(0);
- parcBuffer_PutBuffer(buffer1, buffer2);
- size_t expected = parcBuffer_Limit(buffer1);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_Position(buffer1);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected position to be at the limit.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_HashCode)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer1 = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer1, 10, array);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer1);
- PARCBuffer *buffer2 = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer2, 10, array);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer2);
- PARCHashCode hashX = parcBuffer_HashCode(buffer1);
- PARCHashCode hashY = parcBuffer_HashCode(buffer2);
- assertTrue(hashX == hashY, "Expected %" PRIPARCHashCode ", actual %" PRIPARCHashCode, hashX, hashY);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_HashCode_ZeroRemaining)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer1 = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer1, 10, array);
- PARCHashCode hashX = parcBuffer_HashCode(buffer1);
- assertTrue(hashX == 0, "Expected 0, actual %" PRIPARCHashCode, hashX);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ToString)
- uint8_t array[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', 'x' };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(array) - 1);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(array) - 1, array);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp("hello world", actual) == 0, "Expected 'hello world', actual %s", actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ToString_ZeroRemaining)
- uint8_t array[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', 'x' };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(array) - 1);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, sizeof(array) - 1, array);
-// parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp("", actual) == 0, "Expected '', actual %s", actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipOver)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- uint8_t skipOverBytes[] = { 'H', 0 };
- bool actual = parcBuffer_SkipOver(buffer, 1, skipOverBytes);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcBuffer_SkipOver to return true.");
- uint8_t peekByte = parcBuffer_PeekByte(buffer);
- assertTrue(peekByte == 'e', "Expected buffer to point to 'e', actual '%c'", peekByte);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipOver_NotFound)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- bool actual = parcBuffer_SkipOver(buffer, 8, (uint8_t *) "Helo Wrd");
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcBuffer_SkipOver to return false.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Remaining(buffer) == 0,
- "Expected buffer to have no remaining bytes. Actual %zd", parcBuffer_Remaining(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipTo)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- uint8_t skipToBytes[] = { 'l', 0 };
- bool actual = parcBuffer_SkipTo(buffer, 1, skipToBytes);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcBuffer_SkipOver to return true.");
- uint8_t peekByte = parcBuffer_PeekByte(buffer);
- assertTrue(peekByte == 'l', "Expected buffer to point to 'l', actual '%c'", peekByte);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_SkipTo_NotFound)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- bool actual = parcBuffer_SkipTo(buffer, 1, (uint8_t *) "x");
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcBuffer_SkipOver to return false.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Remaining(buffer) == 0,
- "Expected buffer to have no remaining bytes. Actual %zd", parcBuffer_Remaining(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_FindUint8)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- size_t index = parcBuffer_FindUint8(buffer, 'e');
- assertTrue(index == 1, "Expected index to be 1, actual %zu", index);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_FindUint8_NotFound)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- size_t index = parcBuffer_FindUint8(buffer, 'z');
- assertTrue(index == SIZE_MAX, "Expected index to be SIZE_MAX, actual %zu", index);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_IsValid_True)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello World");
- bool actual = parcBuffer_IsValid(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected PARCBuffer to be valid");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ParseNumeric_Decimal)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("123abc");
- uint64_t actual = parcBuffer_ParseNumeric(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 123, "Expected 123, actual %" PRIu64 "", actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 3, "Expected position to be 3, actual %zd", parcBuffer_Position(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ParseNumeric_Hexadecimal)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("0x123xyz");
- uint64_t actual = parcBuffer_ParseNumeric(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 0x123, "Expected 0x123, actual %" PRIx64 "", actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 5, "Expected position to be 5, actual %zd", parcBuffer_Position(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_ParseHexString)
- char *expected = "00";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_ParseHexString("3030");
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBuffer_CreateFromArray)
- char *expected = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_CreateFromArray(expected, strlen(expected));
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 16, "Expected position to be at 15, actual %zd", parcBuffer_Position(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_ToHexString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_ToHexString_NULLBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_Display_NULL);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(100);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, buffer);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint8)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- uint8_t expected = 0x12;
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- uint8_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint16)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- uint16_t expected = 0x1234;
- parcBuffer_PutUint16(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- uint16_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint16(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint32)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- uint32_t expected = 0x12345678;
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- uint32_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint32(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcPutGetUint64)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- uint64_t expected = 0x1234567812345678;
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- uint64_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint64(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %" PRIu64 ", actual %" PRIu64 "", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_ToHexString)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- uint64_t expected = 0x1234567812345678;
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- char *hexString = parcBuffer_ToHexString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp("1234567812345678", hexString) == 0, "Expected 1234567812345678, actual %s", hexString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &hexString);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_ToHexString_NULLBuffer)
- char *hexString = parcBuffer_ToHexString(NULL);
- assertTrue(strcmp("null", hexString) == 0, "Expected null, actual %s", hexString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &hexString);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_Display)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- uint64_t expected = 0x1234567812345678;
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Display(buffer, 0);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(GettersSetters, parcBuffer_Display_NULL)
- parcBuffer_Display(NULL, 0);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcBuffer_GetByte_Underflow);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcBuffer_Mark_mark_exceeds_position);
-typedef struct parc_buffer_longbow_clipboard {
- PARCBuffer *buffer;
-} parcBuffer_LongBowClipBoard;
- parcBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = calloc(1, sizeof(parcBuffer_LongBowClipBoard));
- testData->buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, testData);
- parcBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcBuffer_Release(&testData->buffer);
- free(testData);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcBuffer_GetByte_Underflow, .event = &LongBowTrapOutOfBounds)
- parcBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = testData->buffer;
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, 1, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer);
- parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer); // this will fail.
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcBuffer_Mark_mark_exceeds_position, .event = &LongBowAssertEvent)
- parcBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = testData->buffer;
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 0);
- parcBuffer_Reset(buffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _digittoint);
- _longBowGlobal_Global_outstanding = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- LongBowStatus result = LONGBOW_STATUS_SUCCEEDED;
- size_t allocationsLeaked = parcMemory_Outstanding() - _longBowGlobal_Global_outstanding;
- if (allocationsLeaked) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %zd allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), allocationsLeaked);
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- }
- return result;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _digittoint)
- char *base10 = "0123456789";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(base10); i++) {
- int expected = (int) i;
- int actual = _digittoint(base10[i]);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
- }
- char *base16 = "0123456789abcdef";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(base16); i++) {
- int expected = (int) i;
- int actual = _digittoint(base16[i]);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
- }
- base16 = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(base16); i++) {
- int expected = (int) i;
- int actual = _digittoint(base16[i]);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_FIXTURE_OPTIONS(Performance, .enabled = false)
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcBuffer_Create);
- _longBowGlobal_Global_outstanding = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- LongBowStatus result = LONGBOW_STATUS_SUCCEEDED;
- size_t allocationsLeaked = parcMemory_Outstanding() - _longBowGlobal_Global_outstanding;
- if (allocationsLeaked) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %zd allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), allocationsLeaked);
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- }
- return result;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcBuffer_Create)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1200);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parcBuffer);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BufferChunker.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BufferChunker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 8f770968..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BufferChunker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_BufferChunker.c"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_CreateFromBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_Buffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_BufferPartial);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_BufferSmall);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_Buffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_BufferPartial);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_BufferSmall);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_GetChunkSize);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_CreateFromBuffer)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1024);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCBufferChunker *copy = parcBufferChunker_Acquire(chunker);
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- assertNotNull(copy, "Expected non-NULL copy of Chunker");
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&copy);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_Buffer)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1024);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcBufferChunker_ForwardIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == count, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", count, i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 32, "Expected to iterate over 32 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_BufferPartial)
- // Allocate something that's not divisible by the chunk size
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1030);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- // Special 0xFF to mark the end...
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcBufferChunker_ForwardIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- if (count < 32) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == count, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", count, i, contents[i]);
- }
- } else {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 33, "Expected to iterate over 33 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_BufferSmall)
- // Allocate something that's not divisible by the chunk size
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(16);
- // Special 0xFF to mark the end...
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcBufferChunker_ForwardIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected to iterate over 1 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_Buffer)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1024);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcBufferChunker_ReverseIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == (31 - count), "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (31 - count), i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 32, "Expected to iterate over 32 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_BufferPartial)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1030);
- // Special 0xFF to mark the start
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcBufferChunker_ReverseIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- if (count < 32) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == (31 - count), "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", count, i, contents[i]);
- }
- } else {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 33, "Expected to iterate over 33 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_BufferSmall)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(16);
- // Special 0xFF to mark the start
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcBufferChunker_ReverseIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected to iterate over 1 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_GetChunkSize)
- size_t expectedChunkSize = 32;
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(16);
- PARCBufferChunker *chunker = parcBufferChunker_Create(buffer, expectedChunkSize); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- size_t actualChunkSize = parcBufferChunker_GetChunkSize(chunker);
- assertTrue(actualChunkSize == expectedChunkSize, "Expected chunk size of %zu, got %zu", expectedChunkSize, actualChunkSize);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferChunker_Release(&chunker);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_BufferChunker);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BufferComposer.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BufferComposer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fad9857c..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_BufferComposer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_BufferComposer.c"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t setupAllocations;
- PARCBufferComposer *composer;
-} TestData;
-static TestData*
- uint32_t outstanding = parcSafeMemory_Outstanding();
- TestData *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestData));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear of %zu bytes returned NULL.", sizeof(TestData));
- data->setupAllocations = outstanding;
- data->composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- return data;
-static uint32_t
-commonTearDown(TestData *data)
- uint32_t setupAllocations = data->setupAllocations;
- // NOTE: The `parcBufferComposer_AssertValid_IncrementSize` invalidates this object, so we must
- // restore it to a good state in order for all memory to be released correctly.
- (data->composer)->incrementHeuristic = sizeof(void *);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&(data->composer));
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &data);
- return parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO) - setupAllocations;
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Allocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Allocate_SizeMax);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_AssertValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_AssertValid_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_AssertValid_IncrementSize);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutArray);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutStrings);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Format);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutChar);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_CreateBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutString_Extend);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_ToString);
- TestData *data = commonSetup();
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, data);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = commonTearDown(data);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Acquire)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *handle = parcBufferComposer_Acquire(composer);
- assertNotNull(handle, "Acquired PARCBufferComposer handle should be non-NULL.");
- assertTrue(parcBufferComposer_Equals(composer, handle), "PARCBufferComposer instances should be equal");
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&handle);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Allocate)
- size_t size = 10;
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Allocate(size);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(composer);
- assertNotNull(composer, "PARCBufferComposer instance should be non-NULL.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Limit(buffer) == size,
- "PARCBufferComposer instance's internal PARCBuffer limit must be %zu: %zu", size, parcBuffer_Limit(buffer));
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Allocate_SizeMax)
- size_t size = SIZE_MAX;
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Allocate(size);
- assertNull(composer, "PARCBufferComposer instance should be NULL.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_AssertValid)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- assertNotNull(composer, "PARCBufferComposer instance should be non-NULL.");
- parcBufferComposer_AssertValid(composer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Global, parcBufferComposer_AssertValid_NULL, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- parcBufferComposer_AssertValid(NULL);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Global, parcBufferComposer_AssertValid_IncrementSize, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- (data->composer)->incrementHeuristic = 0; // must be >= sizeof(void *)
- parcBufferComposer_AssertValid(data->composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Create)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- assertNotNull(composer, "PARCBufferComposer instance should be non-NULL.");
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Equals)
- PARCBufferComposer *x = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *y = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *z = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *u = parcBufferComposer_Allocate(10);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcBufferComposer_Equals, x, y, z, u);
- u->incrementHeuristic = 0;
- assertFalse(parcBufferComposer_Equals(x, u), "PARCBufferComposer instances should be unequal due to size increments.");
- assertFalse(parcBufferComposer_Equals(x, NULL), "Equals should return false since the second parameter is NULL.");
- u->incrementHeuristic = sizeof(void *);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&x);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&y);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&z);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&u);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_ToString)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "hello %s", "world");
- char *string = parcBufferComposer_ToString(composer);
- assertNotNull(string, "Expected non-NULL result from parcBufferComposer_ToString");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_GetBuffer(composer);
- assertNotNull(composer, "PARCBufferComposer instance should be non-NULL.");
- assertNotNull(buffer, "PARCBufferComposer instance's internal PARCBuffer should not be NULL");
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutArray)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t string[6] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };
- parcBufferComposer_PutArray(composer, string, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char expected[5] = "hello";
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(expected, actual, 5) == 0, "Expected strings to match. Got %s, expected %s", actual, expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutBuffer)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBuffer *insertee = parcBuffer_WrapCString("hello world");
- parcBufferComposer_PutBuffer(composer, insertee);
- parcBuffer_Release(&insertee);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char expected[11] = "hello world";
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(expected, actual, 11) == 0, "Expected strings to match. Got %s, expected %s", actual, expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint16)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint16_t val = 0x0101;
- parcBufferComposer_PutUint16(composer, val);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_GetUint16(buffer) == val, "Expected inserted uint16_t to be equal to %x, got %x", val, parcBuffer_GetUint16(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint32)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint32_t val = 0x0101FFFF;
- parcBufferComposer_PutUint32(composer, val);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_GetUint32(buffer) == val, "Expected inserted uint32_t to be equal to %x, got %x", val, parcBuffer_GetUint32(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint64)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint64_t val = 0x0101FFFFABCD0123;
- parcBufferComposer_PutUint64(composer, val);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_GetUint64(buffer) == val,
- "Expected inserted uint64_t to be equal to %" PRIu64 ", got %" PRIu64 "", val, parcBuffer_GetUint64(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutUint8)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- uint8_t byte = 0x01;
- parcBufferComposer_PutUint8(composer, byte);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer) == byte, "Expected inserted byte to be equal to %x, got %x", byte, parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutString)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- char string[14] = "Hello, World!";
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, string);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(actual, string, strlen(string)) == 0,
- "Expected inserted string to be equal to %s, got %s", string, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutStrings)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- char string[14] = "Hello, World!";
- parcBufferComposer_PutStrings(composer, "Hello", ", ", "World!", NULL);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(actual, string, strlen(string)) == 0, "Expected inserted string to be equal to %s, got %s", string, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_Format)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "hello %s", "world");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char expected[11] = "hello world";
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(expected, actual, 11) == 0, "Expected strings to match. Got %s, expected %s", actual, expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutChar)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- char byte = 'a';
- parcBufferComposer_PutChar(composer, byte);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer) == byte, "Expected inserted char to be equal to %c, got %c", byte, parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer));
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_CreateBuffer)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, "hello world");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_CreateBuffer(composer);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer); // flip the buffer since it was returned in write mode
- char expected[11] = "hello world";
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(expected, actual, 11) == 0, "Expected strings to match. Got %s, expected %s", actual, expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, "hello world");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char expected[11] = "hello world";
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(expected, actual, 11) == 0, "Expected strings to match. Got %s, expected %s", actual, expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcBufferComposer_PutString_Extend)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Allocate(4);
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, "hello world");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char expected[11] = "hello world";
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strncmp(expected, actual, 11) == 0, "Expected strings to match. Got %s, expected %s", actual, expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_BufferComposer);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ByteArray.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ByteArray.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 971d79dd..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ByteArray.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * @file test_parc_ByteArray.c
- *
- */
-#include "../parc_ByteArray.c"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Acquire_destroyoriginal);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Allocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Allocate_ZeroLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Wrap_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Wrap_ZeroLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Wrap);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_AddressOfIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Capacity);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Copy_Allocated);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Copy_Wrapped);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Compare);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_PutBytes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_CopyOut);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_CopyInByteArray);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Get);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Put);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Display);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Allocate)
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Allocate(10);
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Allocate_ZeroLength)
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Allocate(0);
- assertNotNull(actual, "parcByteArray_Allocate(0) must not return NULL.");
- assertTrue(parcByteArray_Capacity(actual) == 0, "Expected capacity to be 0");
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Wrap)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Wrap_NULL)
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, NULL);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected NULL return value from parcByteArray_Wrap()");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Wrap_ZeroLength)
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Wrap(0, (uint8_t[1]) { 0 });
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected non-NULL return value from parcByteArray_Wrap()");
- assertTrue(parcByteArray_Capacity(actual) == 0, "Expected capacity to be zero.");
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Array)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- assertTrue(buffer == parcByteArray_Array(actual), "Expected the array to be the wrapped array.");
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_AddressOfIndex)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- uint8_t *address = parcByteArray_AddressOfIndex(actual, 3);
- assertTrue(buffer[3] == *address,
- "Expected %d, actual %d", buffer[3], *address);
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Release)
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Allocate(10);
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected the pointer to be NULL after parcByteArray_Release");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Copy_Allocated)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *original = parcByteArray_Allocate(sizeof(buffer));
- parcByteArray_PutBytes(original, 0, sizeof(buffer), buffer);
- PARCByteArray *clone = parcByteArray_Copy(original);
- assertTrue(original != clone, "Expected clone to be a different instance that original.");
- assertTrue(parcByteArray_Equals(original, clone), "Expected the clone to be equal to the original.");
- parcByteArray_Release(&original);
- parcByteArray_Release(&clone);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Copy_Wrapped)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *original = parcByteArray_Wrap(sizeof(buffer), buffer);
- PARCByteArray *clone = parcByteArray_Copy(original);
- assertTrue(original != clone, "Expected clone to be a different instance that original.");
- assertTrue(parcByteArray_Equals(original, clone), "Expected the clone to be equal to the original.");
- parcByteArray_Release(&original);
- parcByteArray_Release(&clone);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Compare)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *x = parcByteArray_Wrap(sizeof(buffer), buffer);
- PARCByteArray **equivalents = (PARCByteArray *[]) {
- parcByteArray_Wrap(sizeof(buffer), buffer),
- };
- PARCByteArray **lessers = (PARCByteArray *[]) {
- parcByteArray_Wrap(sizeof(buffer) - 1, buffer),
- parcByteArray_Wrap(sizeof(buffer) - 1, (uint8_t[]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 }),
- };
- PARCByteArray **greaters = (PARCByteArray *[]) {
- parcByteArray_Wrap(11, (uint8_t[]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }),
- parcByteArray_Wrap(10, (uint8_t[]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 }),
- };
- /*
- * (a - b)
- */
- parcObjectTesting_AssertCompareTo(parcByteArray_Compare, x, equivalents, lessers, greaters);
- parcByteArray_Release(&x);
- for (int i = 0; equivalents[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcByteArray_Release(&equivalents[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; lessers[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcByteArray_Release(&lessers[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; greaters[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcByteArray_Release(&greaters[i]);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Equals)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *x = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- PARCByteArray *y = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- PARCByteArray *z = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- PARCByteArray *u1 = parcByteArray_Wrap(5, buffer);
- PARCByteArray *u2 = parcByteArray_Allocate(5);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcByteArray_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, NULL);
- parcByteArray_Release(&x);
- parcByteArray_Release(&y);
- parcByteArray_Release(&z);
- parcByteArray_Release(&u1);
- parcByteArray_Release(&u2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Capacity)
- size_t expected = 10;
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Allocate(expected);
- assertTrue(expected == parcByteArray_Capacity(actual), "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, parcByteArray_Capacity(actual));
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_CopyOut)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- uint8_t actual[10];
- PARCByteArray *original = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, expected);
- parcByteArray_GetBytes(original, 0, sizeof(actual), actual);
- assertTrue(memcmp(expected, actual, sizeof(actual)) == 0,
- "Expected parcByteArray_CopyOut to copy the orginal data");
- parcByteArray_Release(&original);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_PutBytes)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- uint8_t actual[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- PARCByteArray *original = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, expected);
- parcByteArray_PutBytes(original, 0, 10, actual);
- assertTrue(memcmp(expected, actual, 10) == 0,
- "Expected parcByteArray_CopyOut to copy the orginal data");
- parcByteArray_Release(&original);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_CopyInByteArray)
- uint8_t array1[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- uint8_t array2[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *a1 = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, array1);
- PARCByteArray *a2 = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, array2);
- parcByteArray_ArrayCopy(a1, 3, a2, 0, 3);
- assertTrue(memcmp(expected, parcByteArray_Array(a1), 10) == 0,
- "Expected parcByteArray_CopyOut to copy the orginal data");
- parcByteArray_Release(&a1);
- parcByteArray_Release(&a2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Get)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *original = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- for (uint8_t index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
- uint8_t actual = parcByteArray_GetByte(original, index);
- assertTrue(index == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", index, actual);
- }
- parcByteArray_Release(&original);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Put)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- PARCByteArray *original = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- for (uint8_t index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
- parcByteArray_PutByte(original, index, index);
- }
- for (uint8_t index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
- uint8_t actual = parcByteArray_GetByte(original, index);
- assertTrue(index == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", index, actual);
- }
- parcByteArray_Release(&original);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Acquire)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *actual = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- PARCByteArray *reference = parcByteArray_Acquire(actual);
- assertTrue(reference == actual, "Expected the new reference to be equal to the original.");
- PARCByteArray *new1 = parcByteArray_Acquire(actual);
- assertTrue(new1 == actual, "Expected new to be the same as actual");
- PARCByteArray *new2 = parcByteArray_Acquire(actual);
- assertTrue(new2 == actual, "Expected new to be the same as actual");
- parcByteArray_Release(&new1);
- assertNull(new1, "Expected destroy to null the pointer");
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected destroy to NOT null the original pointer");
- parcByteArray_Release(&new2);
- assertNull(new1, "Expected destroy to null the pointer");
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected destroy to NOT null the original pointer");
- parcByteArray_Release(&reference);
- parcByteArray_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Acquire_destroyoriginal)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *original = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- PARCByteArray *ref1 = parcByteArray_Acquire(original);
- assertTrue(ref1 == original, "Expected new to be the same as original");
- parcByteArray_Release(&original);
- assertNull(original, "Expected destroy to null the pointer");
- assertNotNull(ref1, "Expected destroy to NOT null the new reference");
- parcByteArray_Release(&ref1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_HashCode)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCByteArray *x = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- PARCByteArray *y = parcByteArray_Wrap(10, buffer);
- PARCHashCode hashX = parcByteArray_HashCode(x);
- PARCHashCode hashY = parcByteArray_HashCode(y);
- assertTrue(hashX == hashY,
- "Expected %" PRIPARCHashCode ", actual %" PRIPARCHashCode, hashX, hashY);
- parcByteArray_Release(&x);
- parcByteArray_Release(&y);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcByteArray_Display)
- uint8_t buffer[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 };
- PARCByteArray *x = parcByteArray_Wrap(sizeof(buffer), buffer);
- parcByteArray_Display(x, 0);
- parcByteArray_Release(&x);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcByteArray_Put_overrun);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcByteArray_Get_overrun);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcByteArray_CopyIn_overrun);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcByteArray_CopyOut_overrun);
-typedef struct parc_byte_array_longbow_clipboard {
- PARCByteArray *byteArray;
-} parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard;
- parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard *clipboardData = calloc(1, sizeof(parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard));
- clipboardData->byteArray = parcByteArray_Allocate(10);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, clipboardData);
- parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard *clipboardData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcByteArray_Release(&clipboardData->byteArray);
- free(clipboardData);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcByteArray_Put_overrun, .event = &LongBowTrapOutOfBounds)
- parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCByteArray *original = testData->byteArray;
- for (uint8_t index = 0; index < 10 + 1; index++) {
- parcByteArray_PutByte(original, index, index); // This will fail.
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcByteArray_CopyIn_overrun, .event = &LongBowTrapOutOfBounds)
- uint8_t actual[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCByteArray *original = testData->byteArray;
- parcByteArray_GetBytes(original, 1, 10, actual); // This will fail.
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcByteArray_CopyOut_overrun, .event = &LongBowTrapOutOfBounds)
- uint8_t actual[10];
- parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCByteArray *original = testData->byteArray;
- parcByteArray_GetBytes(original, 1, 10, actual); // This will fail.
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcByteArray_Get_overrun, .event = &LongBowTrapOutOfBounds)
- uint8_t buffer[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- parcByteArray_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCByteArray *original = testData->byteArray;
- parcByteArray_PutBytes(original, 0, 10, buffer);
- for (uint8_t index = 0; index < 10 + 1; index++) {
- uint8_t actual = parcByteArray_GetByte(original, index); // this will fail.
- assertTrue(index == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", index, actual);
- }
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARCByteArray);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Chunker.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Chunker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 945e6bab..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Chunker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Chunker.c"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Object.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-typedef struct {
- int val;
- int dir;
- bool atEnd;
-} _DummyChunkerState;
-typedef struct {
- int start;
- int end;
- bool released;
- size_t chunkSize;
-} _DummyChunker;
-static void *
-_InitForward(_DummyChunker *chunker)
- _DummyChunkerState *state = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(_DummyChunkerState));
- state->val = 0;
- state->dir = 1;
- state->atEnd = false;
- return state;
-static bool
-_hasNext(_DummyChunker *chunker, void *voidstate)
- _DummyChunkerState *state = (_DummyChunkerState *) voidstate;
- return !state->atEnd;
-static void *
-_next(_DummyChunker *chunker, void *voidstate)
- _DummyChunkerState *state = (_DummyChunkerState *) voidstate;
- state->val++;
- if (state->val == chunker->end) {
- state->atEnd = true;
- }
- return state;
-static void *
-_get(_DummyChunker *chunker, void *voidstate)
- _DummyChunkerState *state = (_DummyChunkerState *) voidstate;
- return &(state->val);
-static void
-_finish(_DummyChunker *chunker, void *state)
- _DummyChunkerState *thestate = (_DummyChunkerState *) state;
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&thestate);
-static PARCIterator *
-_mock_ForwardIterator(const void *chunker)
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcIterator_Create((void *) chunker,
- (void *(*)(PARCObject *))_InitForward,
- (bool (*)(PARCObject *, void *))_hasNext,
- (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_next,
- (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_get,
- (void (*)(void *, void *))_finish,
- NULL);
- return iterator;
-static PARCIterator *
-_mock_ReverseIterator(const void *chunker)
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcIterator_Create((void *) chunker,
- (void *(*)(PARCObject *))_InitForward,
- (bool (*)(PARCObject *, void *))_hasNext,
- (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_next,
- (void *(*)(PARCObject *, void *))_get,
- (void (*)(void *, void *))_finish,
- NULL);
- return iterator;
-static size_t
-_mock_GetChunkSize(const void *chunker)
- _DummyChunker *dummy = (_DummyChunker *) chunker;
- return dummy->chunkSize;
-static void
-_dummyDestroy(_DummyChunker **chunkerP)
- // pass...
-PARCChunkerInterface *_MockChunker = &(PARCChunkerInterface) {
- .ForwardIterator = (void *(*)(const void *))_mock_ForwardIterator,
- .ReverseIterator = (void *(*)(const void *))_mock_ReverseIterator,
- .GetChunkSize = (size_t (*)(const void *))_mock_GetChunkSize
-parcObject_ExtendPARCObject(_DummyChunker, _dummyDestroy, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-parcObject_ImplementAcquire(_dummy, _DummyChunker);
-parcObject_ImplementRelease(_dummy, _DummyChunker);
-static _DummyChunker *
-_dummy_Create(int val)
- _DummyChunker *chunker = (_DummyChunker *) parcObject_CreateAndClearInstance(_DummyChunker);
- chunker->start = 0;
- chunker->end = val;
- chunker->released = false;
- chunker->chunkSize = val;
- return chunker;
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_GetChunkSize);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_Create)
- _DummyChunker *dummy = _dummy_Create(10);
- PARCChunker *chunker = parcChunker_Create(dummy, _MockChunker);
- _dummy_Release(&dummy);
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL PARCChunker to be created from the dummy MockChunker");
- PARCChunker *copy = parcChunker_Acquire(chunker);
- assertNotNull(copy, "Expected non-NULL copy of the PARCChunker");
- parcChunker_Release(&chunker);
- parcChunker_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator)
- int n = 10;
- _DummyChunker *dummy = _dummy_Create(n);
- PARCChunker *chunker = parcChunker_Create(dummy, _MockChunker);
- _dummy_Release(&dummy);
- PARCIterator *itr = parcChunker_ForwardIterator(chunker);
- int targetSum = (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
- int sum = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- int *val = parcIterator_Next(itr);
- sum += *val;
- }
- assertTrue(targetSum == sum, "Expected the iterator to walk the chunker as needed\n");
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcChunker_Release(&chunker);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator)
- int n = 10;
- _DummyChunker *dummy = _dummy_Create(n);
- PARCChunker *chunker = parcChunker_Create(dummy, _MockChunker);
- _dummy_Release(&dummy);
- PARCIterator *itr = parcChunker_ReverseIterator(chunker);
- int targetSum = (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
- int sum = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- int *val = parcIterator_Next(itr);
- sum += *val;
- }
- assertTrue(targetSum == sum, "Expected the iterator to walk the chunker as needed\n");
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcChunker_Release(&chunker);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_GetChunkSize)
- int n = 10;
- _DummyChunker *dummy = _dummy_Create(n);
- PARCChunker *chunker = parcChunker_Create(dummy, _MockChunker);
- _dummy_Release(&dummy);
- size_t chunkSize = parcChunker_GetChunkSize(chunker);
- assertTrue(chunkSize == n, "Expected the chunk size to be %d, got %zu\n", n, chunkSize);
- parcChunker_Release(&chunker);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Chunker);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Clock.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Clock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0adf813e..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Clock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Clock.c"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
-// ==========================================================
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock_GetTime);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock_GetTimeval);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Montonic);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Monotonic_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Monotonic_GetTime);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Monotonic_GetTimeval);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_GetTime);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_GetTime_Twice);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_GetTimeval);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Wallclock();
- assertNotNull(clock, "Got null wall clock");
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock_Acquire)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Wallclock();
- PARCClock *copy = parcClock_Acquire(clock);
- assertNotNull(copy, "Got null wall clock");
- parcClock_Release(&copy);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock_GetTime)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Wallclock();
- uint64_t t = parcClock_GetTime(clock);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
- assertTrue(t > 0, "got 0 time");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Wallclock_GetTimeval)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Wallclock();
- struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 };
- parcClock_GetTimeval(clock, &tv);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
- assertTrue(tv.tv_sec > 0, "Got 0 seconds");
-// -----
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Montonic)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Monotonic();
- assertNotNull(clock, "Got null wall clock");
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Monotonic_Acquire)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Monotonic();
- PARCClock *copy = parcClock_Acquire(clock);
- assertNotNull(copy, "Got null wall clock");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Monotonic_GetTime)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Monotonic();
- uint64_t t = parcClock_GetTime(clock);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
- assertTrue(t > 0, "got 0 time");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcClock_Monotonic_GetTimeval)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Monotonic();
- struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 };
- parcClock_GetTimeval(clock, &tv);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
- assertTrue(tv.tv_sec > 0, "Got 0 seconds");
-// -----
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_Create)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Counter();
- assertNotNull(clock, "Got null wall clock");
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_Acquire)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Counter();
- PARCClock *copy = parcClock_Acquire(clock);
- assertNotNull(copy, "Got null wall clock");
- parcClock_Release(&copy);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_GetTime)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Counter();
- uint64_t t = parcClock_GetTime(clock);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
- assertTrue(t == 1, "On first call should have gotten 1");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_GetTime_Twice)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Counter();
- parcClock_GetTime(clock);
- uint64_t t2 = parcClock_GetTime(clock);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
- assertTrue(t2 == 2, "On second call should have gotten 2");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, counterClock_GetTimeval)
- PARCClock *clock = parcClock_Counter();
- struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 };
- parcClock_GetTimeval(clock, &tv);
- parcClock_Release(&clock);
- assertTrue(tv.tv_usec == 1, "On first call should have gotten 1 usec");
-// ==========================================================
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Clock);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Deque.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Deque.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 02884b4a..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Deque.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_Deque.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_StdlibMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcDeque_CreateRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcDeque_CreateRelease_WithEquals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcDeque_AcquireRelease);
- bool leaked = parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks memory \n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase)) != true;
- if (leaked) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- printf("bailing\n");
- exit(1);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcDeque_CreateRelease)
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- assertNotNull(deque, "Expected non-null result from parcDeque_Create()");
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
- assertNull(deque, "Expected parcDeque_Release to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcDeque_CreateRelease_WithEquals)
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_CreateCustom(NULL, NULL);
- assertNotNull(deque, "Expected non-null result from parcDeque_Create()");
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
- assertNull(deque, "Expected parcDeque_Release to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcDeque_AcquireRelease)
- PARCDeque *original = parcDeque_Create();
- assertNotNull(original, "Expected non-null result from parcDeque_Create()");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcDeque_Acquire, original);
- PARCDeque *reference = parcDeque_Acquire(original);
- assertTrue(original == reference, "Expected the reference to be equal to the original.");
- parcDeque_Release(&original);
- assertNull(original, "Expected parcDeque_Release to null the pointer");
- parcDeque_Append(reference, (void *) 1);
- size_t expected = 1;
- size_t actual = parcDeque_Size(reference);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected size %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcDeque_Release(&reference);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Append_One);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Append_Two);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_CreateDestroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_PeekFirst);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_PeekLast);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Prepend_One);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Prepend_Two);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Prepend_Three);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_IsEmpty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_GetAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_RemoveFirst);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_RemoveFirst_SingleElement);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_RemoveLast);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Display_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Iterator);
- bool leaked = parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks memory \n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase)) != true;
- if (leaked) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Append_One)
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- PARCDeque *actual = parcDeque_Append(deque, "element 1");
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcDeque_Append to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcDeque_Size(deque) == 1, "Expected size of 1, actual %zd", parcDeque_Size(deque));
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Append_Two)
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(deque, "element 1");
- PARCDeque *actual = parcDeque_Append(deque, "element 2");
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcDeque_Append to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcDeque_Size(deque) == 2, "Expected size of 2, actual %zd", parcDeque_Size(deque));
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_CreateDestroy)
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- assertNotNull(deque, "Expected non-null result from parcDeque_Create()");
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
- assertNull(deque, "Expected parcDeque_Destroy to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_PeekFirst)
- char *expected = "element 2";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected);
- parcDeque_Append(deque, "element 2");
- parcDeque_Append(deque, "element 3");
- char *actual = parcDeque_PeekFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_PeekLast)
- char *expected = "element 2";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(deque, "element 1");
- parcDeque_Append(deque, "element 2");
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected);
- char *actual = parcDeque_PeekLast(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Prepend_One)
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- PARCDeque *actual = parcDeque_Prepend(deque, "element 1");
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcDeque_Append to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcDeque_Size(deque) == 1, "Expected size of 1, actual %zd", parcDeque_Size(deque));
- assertTrue(deque->head != NULL, "Expected head to be not null.");
- assertTrue(deque->head == deque->tail, "Expected head to be equal to the tail.");
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Prepend_Two)
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, "element 2");
- PARCDeque *actual = parcDeque_Prepend(deque, "element 1");
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcDeque_Prepend to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcDeque_Size(deque) == 2, "Expected size of 2, actual %zd", parcDeque_Size(deque));
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Prepend_Three)
- char *expectedFirst = "expected first";
- char *expectedLast = "expected last";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedLast);
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, "element 2");
- PARCDeque *actual = parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedFirst);
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcDeque_Prepend to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcDeque_Size(deque) == 3, "Expected size of 3, actual %zd", parcDeque_Size(deque));
- char *peek = parcDeque_PeekFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedFirst, peek) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expectedFirst, peek);
- peek = parcDeque_PeekLast(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedLast, peek) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expectedLast, peek);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_RemoveFirst)
- char *expectedFirst = "expected 1st";
- char *expectedLast = "expected last";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedLast);
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, "element 2");
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedFirst);
- char *peek = parcDeque_RemoveFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedFirst, peek) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expectedFirst, peek);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_RemoveFirst_SingleElement)
- char *expectedFirst = "expected 1st";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedFirst);
- char *peek = parcDeque_RemoveFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedFirst, peek) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expectedFirst, peek);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_RemoveLast)
- char *expectedFirst = "expected 1st";
- char *expectedLast = "expected last";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedLast);
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, "element 2");
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedFirst);
- char *peek = parcDeque_RemoveLast(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedLast, peek) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expectedLast, peek);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_RemoveLast_SingleElement)
- char *expectedFirst = "expected 1st";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedFirst);
- char *peek = parcDeque_RemoveLast(deque);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedFirst, peek) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expectedFirst, peek);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Size)
- char *expectedFirst = "expected 1st";
- char *expectedLast = "expected last";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedLast);
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, "element 2");
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedFirst);
- assertTrue(parcDeque_Size(deque) == 3,
- "Expected 3, actual %zd", parcDeque_Size(deque));
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_IsEmpty)
- char *expectedLast = "expected last";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- assertTrue(parcDeque_IsEmpty(deque), "Expected true.");
- parcDeque_Prepend(deque, expectedLast);
- assertFalse(parcDeque_IsEmpty(deque), "Expected false.");
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_GetAtIndex)
- char *expected0 = "expected 1";
- char *expected1 = "expected 2";
- char *expected2 = "expected 3";
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected0);
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected1);
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected2);
- char *actual;
- actual = parcDeque_GetAtIndex(deque, 0);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected0) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s", expected0, actual);
- actual = parcDeque_GetAtIndex(deque, 1);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected1) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s", expected1, actual);
- actual = parcDeque_GetAtIndex(deque, 2);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected2) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s", expected2, actual);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Equals)
- PARCDeque *x = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 0);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 1);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 2);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 3);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 4);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 5);
- PARCDeque *y = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(y, (void *) 0);
- parcDeque_Append(y, (void *) 1);
- parcDeque_Append(y, (void *) 2);
- parcDeque_Append(y, (void *) 3);
- parcDeque_Append(y, (void *) 4);
- parcDeque_Append(y, (void *) 5);
- PARCDeque *z = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(z, (void *) 0);
- parcDeque_Append(z, (void *) 1);
- parcDeque_Append(z, (void *) 2);
- parcDeque_Append(z, (void *) 3);
- parcDeque_Append(z, (void *) 4);
- parcDeque_Append(z, (void *) 5);
- PARCDeque *u1 = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(u1, (void *) 0);
- parcDeque_Append(u1, (void *) 1);
- parcDeque_Append(u1, (void *) 2);
- parcDeque_Append(u1, (void *) 3);
- parcDeque_Append(u1, (void *) 4);
- PARCDeque *u2 = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(u2, (void *) 0);
- parcDeque_Append(u2, (void *) 1);
- parcDeque_Append(u2, (void *) 2);
- parcDeque_Append(u2, (void *) 3);
- parcDeque_Append(u2, (void *) 4);
- parcDeque_Append(u2, (void *) 4);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcDeque_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, NULL);
- parcDeque_Release(&x);
- parcDeque_Release(&y);
- parcDeque_Release(&z);
- parcDeque_Release(&u1);
- parcDeque_Release(&u2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Copy)
- PARCDeque *x = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 0);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 1);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 2);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 3);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 4);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 5);
- PARCDeque *y = parcDeque_Copy(x);
- assertTrue(parcDeque_Equals(x, y), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original.");
- parcDeque_Release(&y);
- parcDeque_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Display)
- PARCDeque *x = parcDeque_Create();
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 0);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 1);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 2);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 3);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 4);
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) 5);
- parcDeque_Display(x, 0);
- parcDeque_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Display_NULL)
- parcDeque_Display(NULL, 0);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDeque_Iterator)
- PARCDeque *x = parcDeque_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) i);
- }
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcDeque_Iterator(x);
- size_t expected = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- size_t actual = (size_t) parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- expected++;
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcDeque_Release(&x);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parcDequeNode_Create);
- bool leaked = parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks memory \n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase)) != true;
- if (leaked) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parcDequeNode_Create)
- void *element = "element";
- struct parc_deque_node *previous = NULL;
- struct parc_deque_node *next = NULL;
- struct parc_deque_node *actual = _parcDequeNode_Create(element, previous, next);
- _parcDequeNode_Destroy(NULL, &actual);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcDeque_GetAtIndex_OutOfBounds);
- PARCDeque *deque = parcDeque_Create();
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, deque);
- PARCDeque *deque = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcDeque_Release(&deque);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcDeque_GetAtIndex_OutOfBounds, .event = &LongBowTrapOutOfBounds)
- char *expected0 = "expected 1";
- char *expected1 = "expected 2";
- char *expected2 = "expected 3";
- PARCDeque *deque = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected0);
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected1);
- parcDeque_Append(deque, expected2);
- parcDeque_GetAtIndex(deque, 3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_FIXTURE_OPTIONS(Performance, .enabled = false)
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcQueue_Append);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcQueue_N2);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcQueue_Iterator);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCStdlibMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcQueue_Append)
- PARCDeque *x = parcDeque_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) i);
- }
- parcDeque_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcQueue_N2)
- PARCDeque *x = parcDeque_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) i);
- }
- for (size_t expected = 0; expected < parcDeque_Size(x); expected++) {
- size_t actual = (size_t) parcDeque_GetAtIndex(x, expected);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- }
- parcDeque_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcQueue_Iterator)
- PARCDeque *x = parcDeque_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
- parcDeque_Append(x, (void *) i);
- }
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcDeque_Iterator(x);
- size_t expected = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- size_t actual = (size_t) parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- expected++;
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcDeque_Release(&x);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Deque);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Dictionary.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Dictionary.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 095f3c98..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Dictionary.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,736 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include "../parc_Dictionary.c"
-static int *
-_keyNewInt(int key)
- int *newKey = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- assertNotNull(newKey, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL",
- sizeof(int));
- *newKey = key;
- return newKey;
-static int *
-_valueNewInt(int value)
- int *newValue = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- assertNotNull(newValue, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(int));
- *newValue = value;
- return newValue;
-static bool
-_valueEquals(const void *value1, const void *value2)
- return *(int *) value1 == *(int *) value2;
-static int
-_intKeyComp(const void *key1, const void *key2)
- if (*(int *) key1 < *(int *) key2) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (*(int *) key1 == *(int *) key2) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-static uint32_t
-_intKeyHash(const void *key1)
- return *(int *) key1;
-static void
-_keyFree(void **value)
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) value);
- *value = NULL;
-static void
-_valueFree(void **key)
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) key);
- *key = NULL;
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(-1);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_SetValue_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size_AfterDelete);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size_AfterOverwrite);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_EmptyTree);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_NonExistent);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Remove_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Remove_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_RemoveAndDestroy_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_RemoveAndDestroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_RemoveAndDestroy_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Keys);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Values);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals_Not_Values);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals_Not_Keys);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Create)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_SetValue_Destroy)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(1), (void *) _valueNewInt(11));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(2), (void *) _valueNewInt(12));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(3), (void *) _valueNewInt(13));
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size_Empty)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- assertTrue(0 == parcDictionary_Size(dictionary), "Wrong size of dictionary - empty, start");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(4), (void *) _valueNewInt(1004));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(3), (void *) _valueNewInt(1003));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(2), (void *) _valueNewInt(1002));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(8), (void *) _valueNewInt(1008));
- assertTrue(4 == parcDictionary_Size(dictionary), "Wrong size of dictionary after add 3");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size_AfterDelete)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(4), (void *) _valueNewInt(1004));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(3), (void *) _valueNewInt(1003));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(2), (void *) _valueNewInt(1002));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(8), (void *) _valueNewInt(1008));
- int searchKey = 2;
- parcDictionary_RemoveAndDestroyValue(dictionary, &searchKey);
- size_t size = parcDictionary_Size(dictionary);
- assertTrue(3 == size, "Wrong size of dictionary after 1 delete (%zu instead of 3)", size);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Size_AfterOverwrite)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(4), (void *) _valueNewInt(1004));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(3), (void *) _valueNewInt(1003));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(2), (void *) _valueNewInt(1002));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(8), (void *) _valueNewInt(1008));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(3), (void *) _valueNewInt(1010));
- size_t size = parcDictionary_Size(dictionary);
- assertTrue(4 == size, "Wrong size of dictionary after 1 delete (%zu instead of 4)", size);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_EmptyTree)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- int key = 100;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- void *value = parcDictionary_GetValue(dictionary, &key);
- assertTrue(NULL == value, "Object did not exist, must return NULL");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_NonExistent)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- int key = 100;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- void *value = parcDictionary_GetValue(dictionary, &key);
- assertTrue(NULL == value, "Object did not exist, must return NULL");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_First)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- int key = 1;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int *value = parcDictionary_GetValue(dictionary, &key);
- assertNotNull(value, "NULL value returned");
- assertTrue(*value == (1 << 8), "Wrong object returned or not found");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- int key = 5;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int *value = parcDictionary_GetValue(dictionary, &key);
- assertNotNull(value, "NULL value returned");
- assertTrue(*value == (5 << 8), "Wrong object returned or not found");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Get_Last)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary;
- int key = 9;
- dictionary = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int *value = parcDictionary_GetValue(dictionary, &key);
- assertNotNull(value, "NULL value returned");
- assertTrue(*value == (9 << 8), "Wrong object returned or not found");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Remove_First)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(1), (void *) _valueNewInt(1 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 1;
- void *data = parcDictionary_RemoveValue(dictionary1, &searchKey);
- _valueFree(&data);
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Remove)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 31; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(30), (void *) _valueNewInt(31 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 30;
- void *data = parcDictionary_RemoveValue(dictionary1, &searchKey);
- _valueFree(&data);
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Remove_Last)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(100), (void *) _valueNewInt(100 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 100;
- void *data = parcDictionary_RemoveValue(dictionary1, &searchKey);
- _valueFree(&data);
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_RemoveAndDestroy_First)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(1), (void *) _valueNewInt(1 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 1;
- parcDictionary_RemoveAndDestroyValue(dictionary1, &searchKey);
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_RemoveAndDestroy)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 31; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(30), (void *) _valueNewInt(31 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 30;
- parcDictionary_RemoveAndDestroyValue(dictionary1, &searchKey);
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_RemoveAndDestroy_Last)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(100), (void *) _valueNewInt(100 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 100;
- parcDictionary_RemoveAndDestroyValue(dictionary1, &searchKey);
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Keys)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary =
- parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- PARCArrayList *keys = parcDictionary_Keys(dictionary);
- assertNotNull(keys,
- "parcDictionary_Keys returned NULL, expected non-NULL.");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Size(keys) == parcDictionary_Size(dictionary),
- "Expected parcDictionary_Keys size %zu, actual %zd, ",
- parcDictionary_Size(dictionary), parcArrayList_Size(keys));
- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- bool found = false;
- int *keyToFind = _keyNewInt(i);
- for (int j = 0; j < parcArrayList_Size(keys); j++) {
- int *keyToTest = parcArrayList_Get(keys, j);
- if (*keyToTest == *keyToFind) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- assertTrue(found, "Expected to find Key %d, not found", *keyToFind);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &keyToFind);
- }
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&keys);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Values)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary =
- parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the dictionary
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary, (void *) _keyNewInt(i), (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- PARCArrayList *values = parcDictionary_Values(dictionary);
- assertNotNull(values,
- "parcDictionary_Values returned NULL, expected not NULL");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Size(values) == parcDictionary_Size(dictionary),
- "parcDictionary_Values size %zd not equal not parcDictionary_Size, %zd",
- parcArrayList_Size(values), parcDictionary_Size(dictionary));
- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- bool found = false;
- int *keyToFind = _keyNewInt(i);
- int *valueToFind = parcDictionary_GetValue(dictionary, keyToFind);
- for (int j = 0; j < parcArrayList_Size(values); j++) {
- int *valueToTest = parcArrayList_Get(values, j);
- if (valueToFind == valueToTest) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- assertTrue(found,
- "Expected to find value %d, not found", *valueToFind);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &keyToFind);
- }
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&values);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals_Empty)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Empty lists are not equal");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals_Not_Values)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- int compareSetValues = 100;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- printf("Testing dictionary equals...\n");
- for (int i = 1; i < compareSetValues; i++) {
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1,
- (void *) _keyNewInt(i),
- (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2,
- (void *) _keyNewInt(compareSetValues - i),
- (void *) _valueNewInt((compareSetValues + i) << 8));
- }
- assertFalse(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Dictionaries are equal and they shouldn't be!");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals_Not_Keys)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- int compareSetValues = 100;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 1; i < compareSetValues; i++) {
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1,
- (void *) _keyNewInt(i),
- (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2,
- (void *) _keyNewInt(compareSetValues + i),
- (void *) _valueNewInt((compareSetValues - i) << 8));
- }
- assertFalse(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Lists are equal");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_Dictionary_Equals)
- PARCDictionary *dictionary1;
- PARCDictionary *dictionary2;
- int compareSetValues = 100;
- dictionary1 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- dictionary2 = parcDictionary_Create(_intKeyComp, _intKeyHash, _keyFree, _valueEquals, _valueFree);
- for (int i = 1; i < compareSetValues; i++) {
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary1,
- (void *) _keyNewInt(i),
- (void *) _valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcDictionary_SetValue(dictionary2,
- (void *) _keyNewInt(compareSetValues - i),
- (void *) _valueNewInt((compareSetValues - i) << 8));
- }
- assertTrue(parcDictionary_Equals(dictionary1, dictionary2), "Dictionaries are not equal");
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary1);
- parcDictionary_Destroy(&dictionary2);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARC_Dictionary);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Display.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Display.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 29b9fdf2..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Display.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_DisplayIndented.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDisplay_PrintLine);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcDisplay_PrintLine)
- testUnimplemented("");
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Display);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Environment.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Environment.c
deleted file mode 100755
index e4513b31..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Environment.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Environment.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcEnvironment_GetHomeDirectory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcEnvironment_GetHomeDirectory)
- const char *homeDirectory = parcEnvironment_GetHomeDirectory();
- assertNotNull(homeDirectory, "Cannot get the current home directory.");
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Environment);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Event.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Event.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 261cd079..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Event.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Event.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEvent_EnableDebug();
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEvent_DisableDebug();
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Create_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Start);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Stop);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Poll);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_SetPriority);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-static int _test_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_test_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- _test_event_called++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Create_Destroy)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEvent *parcEvent = parcEvent_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0], PARCEventType_Write, _test_event, NULL);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEvent_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEvent_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Start)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEvent *parcEvent = parcEvent_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0], PARCEventType_Read | PARCEventType_Write, _test_event, NULL);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEvent_Create returned a null reference");
- _test_event_called = 0;
- parcEvent_Start(parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- assertTrue(_test_event_called == 1, "Event never called.");
- parcEvent_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-static int _test_stop_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_test_stop_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEvent **parcEvent = (PARCEvent **) data;
- _test_stop_event_called++;
- parcEvent_Stop(*parcEvent);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Stop)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEvent *parcEvent = parcEvent_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0], PARCEventType_Write | PARCEventType_Persist, _test_stop_event, &parcEvent);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEvent_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEvent_Start(parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- assertTrue(_test_stop_event_called > 0, "Event never called.");
- assertFalse(_test_stop_event_called != 1, "Event called more than once.");
- parcEvent_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_Poll)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEvent *parcEvent = parcEvent_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0], PARCEventType_Write, _test_event, NULL);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEvent_Create returned a null reference");
- result = parcEvent_Poll(parcEvent, PARCEventType_Read);
- // should be no outstanding events
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEvent_Poll returned %d\n", result);
- parcEvent_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-static int _test_writeMaxPriority_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_test_writeMaxPriority_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEvent *parcEvent = *((PARCEvent **) data);
- parcEvent_Stop(parcEvent);
- _test_writeMaxPriority_event_called++;
-static int _test_writeMinPriority_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_test_writeMinPriority_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEvent *parcEvent = *((PARCEvent **) data);
- parcEvent_Stop(parcEvent);
- _test_writeMinPriority_event_called++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Event_SetPriority)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- //
- // First event to be called back disables its partner's event
- //
- PARCEvent *parcEventWriteMax, *parcEventWriteMin;
- parcEventWriteMax = parcEvent_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0],
- PARCEventType_Write,
- _test_writeMaxPriority_event,
- (void *) &parcEventWriteMin);
- assertNotNull(parcEventWriteMax, "parcEvent_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventWriteMin = parcEvent_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[1],
- PARCEventType_Write,
- _test_writeMinPriority_event,
- (void *) &parcEventWriteMax);
- assertNotNull(parcEventWriteMin, "parcEvent_Create returned a null reference");
- result = parcEvent_SetPriority(parcEventWriteMin, PARCEventPriority_Minimum);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEvent_SetPriority write returned %d\n", result);
- result = parcEvent_SetPriority(parcEventWriteMax, PARCEventPriority_Maximum);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEvent_SetPriority read returned %d\n", result);
- parcEvent_Start(parcEventWriteMin);
- parcEvent_Start(parcEventWriteMax);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_NonBlocking);
- assertTrue(_test_writeMaxPriority_event_called == 1, "Read event called before priority write event handled");
- assertTrue(_test_writeMinPriority_event_called == 0, "Write event never triggered");
- parcEvent_Destroy(&parcEventWriteMax);
- parcEvent_Destroy(&parcEventWriteMin);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Event);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventBuffer.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventBuffer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0b8d8c9..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventBuffer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_EventBuffer.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_EventBuffer.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_Create_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_GetLength_Append);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_Prepend_Pullup);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_ReadIntoBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_AppendBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_Read);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_WriteToFileDescriptor);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_ReadFromFileDescriptor);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_ReadLine_FreeLine);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_GetQueueBuffer);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_Create_Destroy)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- parcEventBuffer_DisableDebug();
-static int _dataLength = 8192;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_GetLength_Append)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char data[_dataLength];
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBuffer, data, _dataLength);
- assertTrue(parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBuffer) == _dataLength, "Buffer length does not match length of appended data");
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static uint8_t prependedDataValue = '1';
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_Prepend_Pullup)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char data[_dataLength];
- data[0] = 2;
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBuffer, data, _dataLength);
- assertTrue(parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBuffer) == _dataLength, "Buffer length does not match length of appended data");
- uint8_t prependedData[1];
- prependedData[0] = prependedDataValue;
- parcEventBuffer_Prepend(parcEventBuffer, prependedData, sizeof(uint8_t));
- size_t bufferSize = parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBuffer);
- assertTrue(bufferSize == (_dataLength + 1), "Buffer length does not match length plus prepended data length");
- uint8_t *completeBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Pullup(parcEventBuffer, -1);
- assertTrue(completeBuffer[0] == prependedDataValue, "Prepended data doesn't match %d != %d", completeBuffer[0], prependedDataValue);
- assertTrue(completeBuffer[1] == 2, "Consolidated data doesn't match %d != %d", completeBuffer[1], 2);
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_ReadIntoBuffer)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBufferSource = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBufferSource, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char sourceData[_dataLength];
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBufferSource, sourceData, _dataLength);
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBufferDestination = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBufferDestination, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char destinationData[_dataLength];
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBufferDestination, destinationData, _dataLength);
- parcEventBuffer_ReadIntoBuffer(parcEventBufferSource, parcEventBufferDestination, -1);
- size_t bufferSize = parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBufferDestination);
- assertTrue(bufferSize == (_dataLength * 2), "Destination buffer size doesn't match expected length");
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBufferSource);
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBufferDestination);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_AppendBuffer)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBufferSource = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBufferSource, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char sourceData[_dataLength];
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBufferSource, sourceData, _dataLength);
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBufferDestination = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBufferDestination, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char destinationData[_dataLength];
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBufferDestination, destinationData, _dataLength);
- parcEventBuffer_AppendBuffer(parcEventBufferSource, parcEventBufferDestination);
- size_t bufferSize = parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBufferDestination);
- assertTrue(bufferSize == (_dataLength * 2), "Destination buffer size doesn't match expected length, %zu != %d", bufferSize, _dataLength * 2);
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBufferSource);
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBufferDestination);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_Read)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char sourceData[64] = "This is a test";
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBuffer, sourceData, 64);
- char readDataBuffer[64];
- int length = parcEventBuffer_Read(parcEventBuffer, readDataBuffer, 32);
- assertTrue(strncmp(sourceData, readDataBuffer, 32) == 0,
- "Buffer contents written do not match contents read");
- assertTrue(length == 32, "parcEventBuffer_Read length unexpected %d != 32\n", length);
- length = parcEventBuffer_Read(parcEventBuffer, NULL, 64);
- assertTrue(length == 0, "Drain of parcEventBuffer returned %d", length);
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_WriteToFileDescriptor)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char sourceData[100] = "This is a test";
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBuffer, sourceData, 64);
- size_t written = parcEventBuffer_WriteToFileDescriptor(parcEventBuffer, fds[0], 64);
- assertTrue(written == 64, "Length written does not match buffer length.");
- assertTrue(read(fds[1], sourceData, 100) == 64, "Length read does not match length written.");
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_ReadFromFileDescriptor)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char sourceData[64] = "This is a test";
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBuffer, sourceData, 64);
- size_t written = parcEventBuffer_WriteToFileDescriptor(parcEventBuffer, fds[0], 64);
- assertTrue(written == 64, "Length written does not match buffer length.");
- size_t read = parcEventBuffer_ReadFromFileDescriptor(parcEventBuffer, fds[1], -1);
- assertTrue(read == 64, "Length read does not match amount written.");
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_ReadLine_FreeLine)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer = parcEventBuffer_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer, "parcEventBuffer_Create returned a null reference");
- char sourceData[64] = "This is a test\n";
- parcEventBuffer_Append(parcEventBuffer, sourceData, 64);
- assertTrue(parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBuffer) == 64, "parcEventBuffer has wrong length %zu.", parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBuffer));
- size_t bytesRead;
- char *lineRead = parcEventBuffer_ReadLine(parcEventBuffer, &bytesRead);
- // read up to newline and terminate, so we read the newline but don't return it in the result
- assertTrue(parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBuffer) == (64 - (bytesRead + 1)),
- "parcEventBuffer has wrong length %zu != %zu.",
- (64 - (bytesRead + 1)), parcEventBuffer_GetLength(parcEventBuffer));
- assertTrue(strncmp(sourceData, lineRead, bytesRead) == 0, "Line read doesn't match %s != %s", sourceData, lineRead);
- assertTrue((strlen(sourceData) - strlen(lineRead)) == 1, "Line length doesn't match %zu != %zu", strlen(sourceData), strlen(lineRead));
- parcEventBuffer_FreeLine(parcEventBuffer, &lineRead);
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventBuffer_GetQueueBuffer)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventBuffer_EnableDebug(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler));
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0], 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer_Output = parcEventBuffer_GetQueueBufferOutput(parcEventQueue);
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer_Output, "Received null output buffer from queue");
- PARCEventBuffer *parcEventBuffer_Input = parcEventBuffer_GetQueueBufferInput(parcEventQueue);
- assertNotNull(parcEventBuffer_Input, "Received null input buffer from queue");
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer_Output);
- parcEventBuffer_Destroy(&parcEventBuffer_Input);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_EventBuffer);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventQueue.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventQueue.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 862cb61d..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventQueue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_EventQueue.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_EventQueue.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventQueue_EnableDebug();
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventQueue_DisableDebug();
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Create_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetFileDescriptor_GetFileDecriptor);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Get_Enable_Disable);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetCallbacks);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Flush);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Finished);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetWatermark);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_ReadWrite);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetPriority);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Printf);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_GetEvBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_ConnectSocket);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Create_Destroy_Pair);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_GetUpDownQueue);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Create_Destroy)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- assertNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Destroy did not clear reference");
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- assertNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Destroy did not clear reference");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Get_Enable_Disable)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventType defaultEvents = parcEventQueue_GetEnabled(parcEventQueue);
- parcEventQueue_Enable(parcEventQueue, PARCEventType_Read);
- PARCEventType newEvents = parcEventQueue_GetEnabled(parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(newEvents == (defaultEvents | PARCEventType_Read),
- "parcEventQueue_GetEnabled returned incorrect event set 0x%x != 0x%x",
- newEvents, defaultEvents | PARCEventType_Read);
- parcEventQueue_Disable(parcEventQueue, PARCEventType_Read);
- newEvents = parcEventQueue_GetEnabled(parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(defaultEvents == newEvents, "parcEventQueue_GetEnabled returned incorrect event set 0x%x != 0x%x", newEvents, defaultEvents);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetFileDescriptor_GetFileDecriptor)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned null");
- result = parcEventQueue_SetFileDescriptor(parcEventQueue, fds[0]);
- assertTrue(result == 0, " parcEventQueue_SetFileDescriptor call failed");
- result = parcEventQueue_GetFileDescriptor(parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(result == fds[0], "parcEventQueue_GetFileDescriptor failed");
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Create_Destroy_Pair)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned null");
- PARCEventQueuePair *parcEventQueuePair = parcEventQueue_CreateConnectedPair(parcEventScheduler);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueuePair, "parcEventQueue_CreateConnectedPair returned a null pair");
- parcEventQueue_DestroyConnectedPair(&parcEventQueuePair);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_GetUpDownQueue)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- PARCEventQueuePair *parcEventQueuePair = parcEventQueue_CreateConnectedPair(parcEventScheduler);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue_GetConnectedUpQueue(parcEventQueuePair), "parcEventQueue_GetUpQueue returned null");
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue_GetConnectedDownQueue(parcEventQueuePair), "parcEventQueue_GetDownQueue returned null");
- parcEventQueue_DestroyConnectedPair(&parcEventQueuePair);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static int _queue_callback_count = 0;
-static void
-_queue_callback(PARCEventQueue *event, PARCEventType type, void *data)
- _queue_callback_count++;
-static int _queue_event_callback_count = 0;
-static void
-_queue_event_callback(PARCEventQueue *event, PARCEventQueueEventType type, void *data)
- _queue_event_callback_count++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetCallbacks)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventQueue_SetCallbacks(parcEventQueue,
- _queue_callback,
- _queue_callback,
- _queue_event_callback,
- NULL);
- _parc_queue_read_callback(NULL, parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(_queue_callback_count == 1, "Callback count expected 1 got %d", _queue_callback_count);
- _parc_queue_write_callback(NULL, parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(_queue_callback_count == 2, "Callback count expected 2 got %d", _queue_callback_count);
- _parc_queue_event_callback(NULL, PARCEventQueueEventType_EOF, parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(_queue_event_callback_count == 1, "Callback event count expected 1 got %d", _queue_event_callback_count);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Flush)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- int result = parcEventQueue_Flush(parcEventQueue, PARCEventType_Read);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEventQueue_Flush failed with %d", result);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Finished)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- int result = parcEventQueue_Finished(parcEventQueue, PARCEventType_Read);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEventQueue_Finished failed with %d", result);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetWatermark)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventQueue_SetWatermark(parcEventQueue, PARCEventType_Read, 0, 0);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_ReadWrite)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- char *data = "Hello World\n";
- int length = strlen(data);
- int result = parcEventQueue_Write(parcEventQueue, data, length);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEventQueue_Write failed.");
- char buffer[64];
- result = parcEventQueue_Read(parcEventQueue, buffer, 64);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEventQueue_Read failed.");
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static int _test_writeMaxPriority_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_test_writeMaxPriority_callback(PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue, PARCEventType event, void *data)
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueuePartner = *((PARCEventQueue **) data);
- parcEventQueue_Disable(parcEventQueuePartner, event);
- _test_writeMaxPriority_event_called++;
-static int _test_writeMinPriority_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_test_writeMinPriority_callback(PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue, PARCEventType event, void *data)
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueuePartner = *((PARCEventQueue **) data);
- parcEventQueue_Disable(parcEventQueuePartner, event);
- _test_writeMinPriority_event_called++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_SetPriority)
- int fds[2];
- int result = socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fds);
- assertFalse(result, "Socketpair creation failed.\n");
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- //
- // First queue to be called back disables its partner's queue
- //
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueueMin, *parcEventQueueMax;
- parcEventQueueMin = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0], PARCEventQueueOption_CloseOnFree);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueueMin, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventQueue_SetCallbacks(parcEventQueueMin, NULL, _test_writeMinPriority_callback, NULL, (void *) &parcEventQueueMax);
- parcEventQueueMax = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, fds[0], PARCEventQueueOption_CloseOnFree);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueueMax, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventQueue_SetCallbacks(parcEventQueueMax, NULL, _test_writeMaxPriority_callback, NULL, (void *) &parcEventQueueMin);
- result = parcEventQueue_SetPriority(parcEventQueueMin, PARCEventPriority_Minimum);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEventQueue_SetPriority Minimum priority failed.");
- result = parcEventQueue_SetPriority(parcEventQueueMax, PARCEventPriority_Maximum);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEventQueue_SetPriority Maximum priority failed.");
- parcEventQueue_Enable(parcEventQueueMin, PARCEventType_Write);
- parcEventQueue_Enable(parcEventQueueMax, PARCEventType_Write);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_NonBlocking);
- assertTrue(_test_writeMaxPriority_event_called == 1, "Read event called before priority write event handled");
- assertTrue(_test_writeMinPriority_event_called == 0, "Write event never triggered");
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueueMin);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueueMax);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- close(fds[0]);
- close(fds[1]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_Printf)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- int result = parcEventQueue_Printf(parcEventQueue, "%s %s\n", "Hello", "World");
- assertTrue(result == 12, "parcEventQueue_Printf didn't write expected length %d != %d", result, 12);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_GetEvBuffer)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- struct evbuffer *result = internal_parcEventQueue_GetEvInputBuffer(parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(result != NULL, "parcEventQueue_GetEvInputBuffer failed.");
- result = internal_parcEventQueue_GetEvOutputBuffer(parcEventQueue);
- assertTrue(result != NULL, "parcEventQueue_GetEvOutputBuffer failed.");
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventQueue_ConnectSocket)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventQueue *parcEventQueue = parcEventQueue_Create(parcEventScheduler, -1, 0);
- assertNotNull(parcEventQueue, "parcEventQueue_Create returned a null reference");
- struct sockaddr_in address;
- int addressLength = sizeof(address);
- memset(&address, 0, addressLength);
- address.sin_family = AF_INET;
- address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000001); /* */
- address.sin_port = htons(8080); /* Port 8080 */
- int result = parcEventQueue_ConnectSocket(parcEventQueue, (struct sockaddr *) &address, addressLength);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "parcEventQueue_ConnectSocket returned %d", result);
- parcEventQueue_Destroy(&parcEventQueue);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_EventQueue);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventScheduler.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventScheduler.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 8195bd2e..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventScheduler.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include "../internal_parc_Event.h"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_EventScheduler.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_EventTimer.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_EventScheduler.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Create_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Run);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Dispatch);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Stop);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Abort);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Memory);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_GetEvBase);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_GetLogger);
- parcEventScheduler_EnableDebug();
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- parcEventScheduler_DisableDebug();
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Create_Destroy)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- assertNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Destroy failed to null reference");
-static void
-_event_callback(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- (*(unsigned *) data)++;
-static int _callback_event_called = 0;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Run)
- _callback_event_called = 0;
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventTimer *parcEvent = parcEventTimer_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, _event_callback, (void *) &_callback_event_called);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEventTimer_Create returned a null reference");
- struct timeval fs = { 0, 1 };
- parcEventTimer_Start(parcEvent, &fs);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- assertTrue(_callback_event_called == 1, "Timer event never called back");
- parcEventTimer_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Dispatch)
- _callback_event_called = 0;
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventTimer *parcEvent = parcEventTimer_Create(parcEventScheduler, 0, _event_callback, (void *) &_callback_event_called);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEventTimer_Create returned a null reference");
- struct timeval fs = { 0, 1 };
- parcEventTimer_Start(parcEvent, &fs);
- // This will block until the event is processed
- parcEventScheduler_DispatchBlocking(parcEventScheduler);
- assertTrue(_callback_event_called == 1, "Timer event never called back");
- // Start the timer
- struct timeval longerfs = { 1, 0 }; // 1s
- parcEventTimer_Start(parcEvent, &longerfs);
- parcEventScheduler_DispatchNonBlocking(parcEventScheduler);
- assertTrue(_callback_event_called == 1, "Timer event called again prematurely");
- usleep(2000000); // 2s
- parcEventScheduler_DispatchNonBlocking(parcEventScheduler);
- assertTrue(_callback_event_called == 2, "Timer event never called back");
- parcEventTimer_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static void
-_stop_callback(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = (PARCEventScheduler *) data;
- struct timeval fs = { 0, 0 };
- parcEventScheduler_Stop(parcEventScheduler, &fs);
- _callback_event_called++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Stop)
- _callback_event_called = 0;
- // Create a new scheduler
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- // Create a persistent event which will repeat until stopped
- PARCEventTimer *parcEvent = parcEventTimer_Create(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventType_Persist, _stop_callback, parcEventScheduler);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEventTimer_Create returned a null reference");
- struct timeval fs = { 1, 0 };
- parcEventTimer_Start(parcEvent, &fs);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- assertTrue(_callback_event_called == 1, "Timer event never called back");
- parcEventTimer_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static void
-_abort_callback(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = (PARCEventScheduler *) data;
- parcEventScheduler_Abort(parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Abort)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventTimer *parcEvent = parcEventTimer_Create(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventType_Persist, _abort_callback, parcEventScheduler);
- assertNotNull(parcEvent, "parcEventTimer_Create returned a null reference");
- struct timeval fs = { 1, 0 };
- parcEventTimer_Start(parcEvent, &fs);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- parcEventTimer_Destroy(&parcEvent);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static void
-_test_memory_event(int fd, short flags, void *data)
- * Ensure that the scheduler is using parc memory inside libevent
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_Memory)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- size_t baseline = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- struct event *testEvent = event_new(parcEventScheduler_GetEvBase(parcEventScheduler), -1, 0, _test_memory_event, NULL);
- assertTrue(parcMemory_Outstanding() > baseline,
- "event_new() did not increase parcMemory_Outstanding: baseline %zu now %u",
- baseline,
- parcMemory_Outstanding());
- event_free(testEvent);
- assertTrue(parcMemory_Outstanding() == baseline,
- "event_free() did reduce to baseline: baseline %zu now %u",
- baseline,
- parcMemory_Outstanding());
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO) == 0, "Memory imbalance on create/destroy: %u", parcMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_GetEvBase)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler_GetEvBase(parcEventScheduler), "Expected a non-null EV pointer.");
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventScheduler_GetLogger)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler_GetLogger(parcEventScheduler), "Expected a non-null logger.");
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_EventScheduler);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventSignal.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventSignal.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fcb86333..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventSignal.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_EventSignal.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_EventSignal.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventSignal_EnableDebug();
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventSignal_DisableDebug();
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventSignal_Create_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventSignal_Start_Stop);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-static int _empty_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_empty_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- _empty_event_called++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventSignal_Create_Destroy)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventSignal *parcEventSignal = parcEventSignal_Create(parcEventScheduler, SIGUSR1, PARCEventType_Signal | PARCEventType_Persist, _empty_event, NULL);
- assertNotNull(parcEventSignal, "parcEventSignal_Create returned a null reference");
- _parc_event_signal_callback(0, 0, (void *) parcEventSignal);
- assertTrue(_empty_event_called == 1, "Event handler never called.");
- parcEventSignal_Destroy(&parcEventSignal);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-#include <pthread.h>
-static void *
-_run_scheduler(void *data)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = (PARCEventScheduler *) data;
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- return NULL;
-static int _test_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_signal_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEventSignal **parcEventSignal = (PARCEventSignal **) data;
- _test_event_called++;
- parcEventSignal_Stop(*parcEventSignal);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventSignal_Start_Stop)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventSignal *parcEventSignal = parcEventSignal_Create(parcEventScheduler, SIGUSR1, PARCEventType_Signal | PARCEventType_Persist, _signal_event, &parcEventSignal);
- assertNotNull(parcEventSignal, "parcEventSignal_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventSignal_Start(parcEventSignal);
- pthread_t thread;
- pthread_create(&thread, NULL, _run_scheduler, parcEventScheduler);
- kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1);
- pthread_join(thread, NULL);
- assertTrue(_test_event_called == 1, "Event never called.");
- parcEventSignal_Destroy(&parcEventSignal);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static void
-_test_stop_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEventSignal **parcEventSignal = (PARCEventSignal **) data;
- _test_event_called++;
- parcEventSignal_Stop(*parcEventSignal);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventSignal_Stop)
- _test_event_called = 0;
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventSignal *parcEventSignal = parcEventSignal_Create(parcEventScheduler, SIGUSR1, PARCEventType_Signal | PARCEventType_Persist, _test_stop_event, &parcEventSignal);
- assertNotNull(parcEventSignal, "parcEventSignal_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventSignal_Start(parcEventSignal);
- kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- assertTrue(_test_event_called == 1, "Event never called.");
- parcEventSignal_Destroy(&parcEventSignal);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_EventSignal);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventSocket.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventSocket.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe8892b..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventSocket.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_EventSocket.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_EventSocket.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventSocket_EnableDebug();
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventSocket_DisableDebug();
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventSocket_Create_Destroy);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-static int _test_event_called = 0;
-static void
-listener_callback(int fd, struct sockaddr *sa, int socklen, void *user_data)
- _test_event_called++;
-static int _test_error_event_called = 0;
-static void
-listener_error_callback(PARCEventScheduler *base, int error, char *errorString, void *addr_unix)
- _test_error_event_called++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventSocket_Create_Destroy)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(49009);
- inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(addr.sin_addr));
- PARCEventSocket *parcEventSocket = parcEventSocket_Create(parcEventScheduler,
- listener_callback,
- listener_error_callback,
- NULL, NULL, 0);
- assertNull(parcEventSocket, "parcEventSocket_Create didn't return an error when expected");
- parcEventSocket = parcEventSocket_Create(parcEventScheduler,
- listener_callback,
- listener_error_callback,
- NULL, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr));
- assertNotNull(parcEventSocket, "parcEventSocket_Create returned a null reference");
- _parc_evconn_callback(NULL, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr), parcEventSocket);
- assertTrue(_test_event_called == 1, "Listener callback wasn't triggered");
- _parc_evconn_error_callback(NULL, parcEventSocket);
- assertTrue(_test_error_event_called == 1, "Listener error callback wasn't triggered");
- parcEventSocket_Destroy(&parcEventSocket);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_EventSocket);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventTimer.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventTimer.c
deleted file mode 100755
index f6b9917e..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_EventTimer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_EventTimer.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_EventTimer.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventTimer_EnableDebug();
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- parcEventTimer_DisableDebug();
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventTimer_Create_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventTimer_Start);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventTimer_Stop);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-static int _test_event_called = 0;
-static void
-_test_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- _test_event_called++;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventTimer_Create_Destroy)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventTimer *parcEventTimer = parcEventTimer_Create(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventType_None, _test_event, NULL);
- assertNotNull(parcEventTimer, "parcEventTimer_Create returned a null reference");
- parcEventTimer_Destroy(&parcEventTimer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventTimer_Start)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventTimer *parcEventTimer = parcEventTimer_Create(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventType_None, _test_event, NULL);
- assertNotNull(parcEventTimer, "parcEventTimer_Create returned a null reference");
- struct timeval timeout = { 1, 0 };
- parcEventTimer_Start(parcEventTimer, &timeout);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- assertTrue(_test_event_called == 1, "Event never called.");
- parcEventTimer_Destroy(&parcEventTimer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-static void
-_test_stop_event(int fd, PARCEventType flags, void *data)
- PARCEventTimer **parcEventTimer = (PARCEventTimer **) data;
- _test_event_called++;
- parcEventTimer_Stop(*parcEventTimer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_EventTimer_Stop)
- PARCEventScheduler *parcEventScheduler = parcEventScheduler_Create();
- assertNotNull(parcEventScheduler, "parcEventScheduler_Create returned a null reference");
- PARCEventTimer *parcEventTimer = parcEventTimer_Create(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventType_None | PARCEventType_Persist, _test_stop_event, &parcEventTimer);
- assertNotNull(parcEventTimer, "parcEventTimer_Create returned a null reference");
- _test_event_called = 0;
- struct timeval timeout = { 1, 0 };
- parcEventTimer_Start(parcEventTimer, &timeout);
- parcEventScheduler_Start(parcEventScheduler, PARCEventSchedulerDispatchType_Blocking);
- assertTrue(_test_event_called == 1, "Event never called.");
- parcEventTimer_Destroy(&parcEventTimer);
- parcEventScheduler_Destroy(&parcEventScheduler);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_EventTimer);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_File.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_File.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eccef210..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_File.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.h"
-#include "../parc_File.c"
-#define PATH_SEGMENT "A"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFile_AcquireRelease);
- longBowClipBoard_SetInt(testClipBoard, "initalAllocations", parcMemory_Outstanding());
- uint64_t initialAllocations = longBowClipBoard_GetAsInt(testClipBoard, "initalAllocations");
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (initialAllocations < outstandingAllocations) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFile_AcquireRelease)
- char *root = "/tmp/test_parc_File";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(root);
- PARCFile *reference = parcFile_Acquire(file);
- parcFile_Release(&reference);
- parcFile_AssertValid(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_CreateChild);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_CreateDeleteNewFile);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_CreateDelete_Directory);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_Exists);
- longBowClipBoard_SetInt(testClipBoard, "initalAllocations", parcMemory_Outstanding());
- uint64_t initialAllocations = longBowClipBoard_GetAsInt(testClipBoard, "initalAllocations");
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (initialAllocations < outstandingAllocations) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_Exists)
- char *root = "/tmp";
- PARCFile *parent = parcFile_Create(root);
- char *child = "foo";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_CreateChild(parent, child);
- parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- bool actual = parcFile_Exists(file);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected the file to exist.");
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFile_Release(&parent);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_CreateChild)
- char *root = "/tmp";
- PARCFile *parent = parcFile_Create(root);
- char *child = "foo";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_CreateChild(parent, child);
- char *actual = parcFile_ToString(file);
- assertTrue(strcmp("/tmp/foo", actual) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", "/tmp/foo", actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFile_Release(&parent);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_CreateDeleteNewFile)
- char *name = "/tmp/test_parc_File";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(name);
- parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- bool actual = parcFile_Delete(file);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcFile_Delete to return true.");
- parcFile_Release(&file);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFile_CreateDelete_Directory)
- char *name = "/tmp/test_parc_File_directory";
- PARCFile *directory = parcFile_Create(name);
- parcFile_Mkdir(directory);
- char *fileName = "foo";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_CreateChild(directory, fileName);
- bool success = parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- assertTrue(success, "Expected parcFile_CreateNewFile success");
- bool actual = parcFile_Delete(directory);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcFile_Delete to return true.");
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFile_Release(&directory);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_File);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileChunker.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileChunker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 6060cff6..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileChunker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_FileChunker.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_BufferChunker.h>
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_CreateFromFile);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_File);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_FilePartial);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_FileSmall);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_File);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_FilePartial);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_FileSmall);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_GetChunkSize);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-static void
-_createFile(char *fname, PARCBuffer *buffer)
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(fname);
- if (!parcFile_Exists(file)) {
- parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- }
- PARCRandomAccessFile *fhandle = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Write(fhandle, buffer);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Close(fhandle);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&fhandle);
-static void
-_deleteFile(char *fname)
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(fname);
- parcFile_Delete(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_CreateFromFile)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1024);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- PARCFileChunker *copy = parcFileChunker_Acquire(chunker);
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- assertNotNull(copy, "Expected non-NULL copy of Chunker");
- parcFileChunker_Release(&copy);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_File)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1024);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcFileChunker_ForwardIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == count, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", count, i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 32, "Expected to iterate over 32 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_FilePartial)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1030);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- // Special 0xFF to mark the end...
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcFileChunker_ForwardIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- if (count < 32) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == count, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", count, i, contents[i]);
- }
- } else {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 33, "Expected to iterate over 33 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ForwardIterator_FileSmall)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(16);
- // Special 0xFF to mark the end...
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, 4096); // each chunk is 1024 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcFileChunker_ForwardIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected to iterate over 1 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_File)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1024);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcFileChunker_ReverseIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == (31 - count), "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", count, i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 32, "Expected to iterate over 32 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_FilePartial)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1030);
- // Special 0xFF to mark the start...
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, i);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcFileChunker_ReverseIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- if (count < 32) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == (31 - count), "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (31 - count), i, contents[i]);
- }
- } else {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 33, "Expected to iterate over 33 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_ReverseIterator_FileSmall)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1030);
- // Special 0xFF to mark the start...
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, 32); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- assertNotNull(chunker, "Expected non-NULL Chunker");
- PARCIterator *itr = parcFileChunker_ReverseIterator(chunker);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(itr)) {
- PARCBuffer *payload = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(itr);
- uint8_t *contents = parcBuffer_Overlay(payload, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- assertTrue(contents[i] == 0xFF, "Expected %zu at index %zu, got %d", (size_t) 0xFF, i, contents[i]);
- }
- count++;
- parcBuffer_Release(&payload);
- }
- assertTrue(count == 1, "Expected to iterate over 1 content objects from the chunker, but for %zu", count);
- parcIterator_Release(&itr);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Chunker_GetChunkSize)
- size_t expectedChunkSize = 32;
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1030);
- // Special 0xFF to mark the start...
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, 0xFF);
- }
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- _createFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp", buffer);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- PARCFileChunker *chunker = parcFileChunker_Create(file, expectedChunkSize); // each chunk is 32 bytes
- size_t actualChunkSize = parcBufferChunker_GetChunkSize(chunker);
- assertTrue(actualChunkSize == expectedChunkSize, "Expected chunk size of %zu, got %zu", expectedChunkSize, actualChunkSize);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcFileChunker_Release(&chunker);
- _deleteFile("/tmp/file_chunker.tmp");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_FileChunker);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileInputStream.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileInputStream.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 49032050..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileInputStream.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * @header <#Headline Name#>
- * @abstract <#Abstract#>
- * @discussion
- * <#Discussion#>
- *
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_FileInputStream.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_File.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFileInputStream_Open);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFileInputStream_ReadFile);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFileInputStream_Open)
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("test_parc_FileInputStream");
- PARCFileInputStream *stream = parcFileInputStream_Open(file);
- parcFileInputStream_Release(&stream);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFileInputStream_ReadFile)
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create("test_parc_FileInputStream");
- PARCFileInputStream *stream = parcFileInputStream_Open(file);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcFileInputStream_ReadFile(stream);
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected non-null result from parcFileInputStream_ReadFile");
- parcBuffer_Flip(actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_HasRemaining(actual), "Expected the buffer to contain data.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcFileInputStream_Release(&stream);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(test_parc_FileInputStream);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileOutputStream.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileOutputStream.c
deleted file mode 100755
index aa4236ae..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_FileOutputStream.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.h"
-#include "../parc_FileOutputStream.c"
-#define PATH_SEGMENT "A"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFileOutputStream_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFileOutputStream_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFileOutputStream_AcquireRelease);
- unlink("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream");
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFileOutputStream_Create)
- PARCFileOutputStream *stream = parcFileOutputStream_Create(open("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600));
- assertNotNull(stream, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- parcFileOutputStream_Release(&stream);
- assertNull(stream, "Expected parcFileOutputStream_Release to null the pointer");
- unlink("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFileOutputStream_Release)
- PARCFileOutputStream *stream = parcFileOutputStream_Create(open("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600));
- assertNotNull(stream, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- parcFileOutputStream_Release(&stream);
- assertNull(stream, "Expected parcFileOutputStream_Release to null the pointer");
- unlink("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcFileOutputStream_AcquireRelease)
- PARCFileOutputStream *stream = parcFileOutputStream_Create(open("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600));
- assertNotNull(stream, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- PARCFileOutputStream *reference = parcFileOutputStream_Acquire(stream);
- assertTrue(stream == reference, "Expected the reference to be equal to the original.");
- parcFileOutputStream_Release(&stream);
- assertNull(stream, "Expected parcFileOutputStream_Release to null the pointer");
- parcFileOutputStream_Release(&reference);
- unlink("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFileOutputStream_Write);
- unlink("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream");
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcFileOutputStream_Write)
- PARCFileOutputStream *stream =
- parcFileOutputStream_Create(open("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600));
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(16 * 1024 * 1024);
- parcFileOutputStream_Write(stream, buffer);
- assertFalse(parcBuffer_HasRemaining(buffer), "Expected the buffer to be emtpy");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcFileOutputStream_Release(&stream);
- unlink("/tmp/test_parc_FileOutputStream");
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_FileOutputStream);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Hash.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Hash.c
deleted file mode 100755
index cc92a867..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Hash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_Hash.c"
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Update);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_UpdateUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Hash);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash32_Data);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash32_Int32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash32_Int64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash64_Data);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash64_Int32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash64_Int64);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Create)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Acquire)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Release)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Update)
- PARCHash32Bits *hash = parcHash32Bits_Create();
- parcHash32Bits_Update(hash, "123", 3);
- uint32_t value = parcHash32Bits_Hash(hash);
- assertTrue(value != 0, "Expected a non-zero (non-initial) value");
- parcHash32Bits_Release(&hash);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_UpdateUint32)
- PARCHash32Bits *hash = parcHash32Bits_Create();
- parcHash32Bits_UpdateUint32(hash, 123);
- uint32_t value = parcHash32Bits_Hash(hash);
- assertTrue(value != 0, "Expected a non-zero (non-initial) value");
- parcHash32Bits_Release(&hash);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHash32Bit_Hash)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash32_Data)
- char *data1 = "Hello World";
- char *data2 = "Hello World1";
- char *data3 = "Hello World2";
- char data4[20];
- strncpy(data4, data1, sizeof(data4));
- uint32_t hash1 = parcHash32_Data(data1, strlen(data1));
- uint32_t hash2 = parcHash32_Data(data2, strlen(data2));
- uint32_t hash3 = parcHash32_Data(data3, strlen(data3));
- uint32_t hash4 = parcHash32_Data(data4, strlen(data4));
- assertTrue(hash1 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash2 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash4 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != hash1, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash4, "Hash different for same content");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash32_Int32)
- uint32_t data1 = 12345;
- uint32_t data2 = 12346;
- uint32_t data3 = 12345;
- uint32_t hash1 = parcHash32_Int32(data1);
- uint32_t hash2 = parcHash32_Int32(data2);
- uint32_t hash3 = parcHash32_Int32(data3);
- assertTrue(hash1 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash2 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash3, "Hash different for same content");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash32_Int64)
- uint64_t data1 = 10010010012345;
- uint64_t data2 = 10010010012346;
- uint64_t data3 = 10010010012345;
- uint32_t hash1 = parcHash32_Int64(data1);
- uint32_t hash2 = parcHash32_Int64(data2);
- uint32_t hash3 = parcHash32_Int64(data3);
- assertTrue(hash1 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash2 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash3, "Hash different for same content");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash64_Data)
- char *data1 = "Hello World";
- char *data2 = "Hello World1";
- char *data3 = "Hello World2";
- char data4[20];
- strncpy(data4, data1, sizeof(data4));
- uint64_t hash1 = parcHash64_Data(data1, strlen(data1));
- uint64_t hash2 = parcHash64_Data(data2, strlen(data2));
- uint64_t hash3 = parcHash64_Data(data3, strlen(data3));
- uint64_t hash4 = parcHash64_Data(data4, strlen(data4));
- assertTrue(hash1 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash2 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash4 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != hash1, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash4, "Hash different for same content");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash64_Int32)
- uint32_t data1 = 12345;
- uint32_t data2 = 12346;
- uint32_t data3 = 12345;
- uint64_t hash1 = parcHash64_Int32(data1);
- uint64_t hash2 = parcHash64_Int32(data2);
- uint64_t hash3 = parcHash64_Int32(data3);
- assertTrue(hash1 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash2 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash3, "Hash different for same content");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parc_Hash64_Int64)
- uint64_t data1 = 10010010012345;
- uint64_t data2 = 10010010012346;
- uint64_t data3 = 10010010012345;
- uint64_t hash1 = parcHash64_Int64(data1);
- uint64_t hash2 = parcHash64_Int64(data2);
- uint64_t hash3 = parcHash64_Int64(data3);
- assertTrue(hash1 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash2 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash3 != 0, "Hash is 0, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 != hash2, "Hash collision, unlikely");
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash3, "Hash different for same content");
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Hash);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashCode.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashCode.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a5b21137..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashCode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/** *
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_HashCode.c"
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCode_HashImpl);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCode_HashHashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCode_Hash);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCode_HashImpl)
- PARCHashCode lastValue = 0;
- uint8_t *memory = (uint8_t *) "1234";
- size_t length = 4;
- PARCHashCode expected = 3316911679945239212ULL;
- PARCHashCode actual = parcHashCode_HashImpl(memory, length, lastValue);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %" PRIPARCHashCode " actual %" PRIPARCHashCode, expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCode_HashHashCode)
- PARCHashCode lastValue = 0;
- uint8_t *memory = (uint8_t *) "1234";
- size_t length = 4;
- PARCHashCode lastHash = parcHashCode_HashImpl(memory, length, lastValue);
- PARCHashCode hashedHash = parcHashCode_HashHashCode(lastHash, 123456);
- assertTrue(lastHash != 0, "Expected a non zero hash value for lastHash");
- assertTrue(hashedHash != 0, "Expected a non zero hash value for hashedHash");
- assertTrue(lastHash != hashedHash, "Expected different hash values for hashedHash and lastHash");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCode_Hash)
- char *testString1 = "this is some test data";
- char *testString2 = "this is different test data";
- PARCHashCode hash1 = parcHashCode_Hash((uint8_t *) testString1, strlen(testString1));
- PARCHashCode hash2 = parcHashCode_Hash((uint8_t *) testString2, strlen(testString2));
- assertTrue(hash1 != 0, "Expected a non zero hash value for testString1");
- assertTrue(hash2 != 0, "Expected a non zero hash value for testString2");
- assertTrue(hash1 != hash2, "Expected different hash values for testString1 and testString2");
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(test_parc_HashCode);
- int exitStatus = longBowMain(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashCodeTable.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashCodeTable.c
deleted file mode 100755
index c2adf9d2..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashCodeTable.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include <config.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include "../parc_HashCodeTable.c"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-// ==============================
-// The objects to put in the hash table. We have a separate key class and data class
-typedef struct test_key_class {
- unsigned key_value;
- unsigned hash_value;
-} TestKeyClass;
-typedef struct test_data_class {
- unsigned data_value;
-} TestDataClass;
-static bool
-TestKeyClass_Equals(const void *a, const void *b)
- return ((TestKeyClass *) a)->key_value == ((TestKeyClass *) b)->key_value;
-static HashCodeType
-TestKeyClass_Hash(const void *a)
- return ((TestKeyClass *) a)->hash_value;
-static void
-TestKeyClassDestroy(void **aPtr)
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) aPtr);
- aPtr = NULL;
-static void
-TestDataClassDestroy(void **aPtr)
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) aPtr);
- aPtr = NULL;
-typedef struct truth_table_entry {
- unsigned key_value;
- unsigned hash_code;
- unsigned data_value;
-} TruthTableEntry;
-// ==============================
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Add_Get);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Create_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Del);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Add_DuplicateHashes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Add_DuplicateValues);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_BigTable);
- if (parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO) != 0) {
- printf("('%s' leaks memory by %d (allocs - frees)) ", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), parcMemory_Outstanding());
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Add_Get)
- const int testsize = 4096;
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy);
- TruthTableEntry *truthtable = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(TruthTableEntry) * testsize);
- assertNotNull(truthtable, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TruthTableEntry) * testsize);
- int i;
- int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if (fd == -1) {
- assertFalse(fd == -1, "Error opening random number generator: %s", strerror(errno));
- }
- ssize_t nread = read(fd, truthtable, sizeof(TruthTableEntry) * testsize);
- assertTrue(nread > 0, "Error using read");
- close(fd);
- for (i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
- TestKeyClass *key = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestDataClass *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- key->key_value = truthtable[i].key_value;
- key->hash_value = truthtable[i].hash_code;
- data->data_value = truthtable[i].data_value;
- bool success = parcHashCodeTable_Add(table, key, data);
- assertTrue(success, "Failed inserting value");
- }
- // now retrieve them
- for (i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
- TestKeyClass lookupkey;
- lookupkey.key_value = truthtable[i].key_value;
- lookupkey.hash_value = truthtable[i].hash_code;
- TestDataClass *data = parcHashCodeTable_Get(table, &lookupkey);
- assertTrue(data->data_value == truthtable[i].data_value, "Data value incorrect");
- }
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &truthtable);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Create)
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy);
- assertNotNull(table, "table came back as null");
- assertTrue(table->hashtable.tableSize == 0, "Hash table initialized to wrong size");
- assertTrue(table->hashtable.tableLimit == MIN_SIZE, "Initial table limit size is wrong");
- assertTrue(table->keyEqualsFunc == TestKeyClass_Equals, "KeyEqualsFunc wrong");
- assertTrue(table->keyHashCodeFunc == TestKeyClass_Hash, "KeyHashFunc wrong");
- assertTrue(table->keyDestroyer == TestKeyClassDestroy, "KeyDestroyer wrong");
- assertTrue(table->dataDestroyer == TestDataClassDestroy, "DataDestroyer wrong");
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Create_Size)
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create_Size(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy, 16);
- assertNotNull(table, "table came back as null");
- assertTrue(table->hashtable.tableLimit == 16, "Initial table limit size is wrong");
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Del)
- const int testsize = 6;
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy);
- TruthTableEntry *truthtable = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(TruthTableEntry) * testsize);
- assertNotNull(truthtable, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TruthTableEntry) * testsize);
- int i;
- int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if (fd == -1) {
- assertFalse(fd == -1, "Error opening random number generator: %s", strerror(errno));
- }
- ssize_t nread = read(fd, truthtable, sizeof(TruthTableEntry) * testsize);
- assertTrue(nread > 0, "Error using read");
- close(fd);
- for (i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
- TestKeyClass *key = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestDataClass *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- key->key_value = truthtable[i].key_value;
- key->hash_value = truthtable[i].hash_code;
- data->data_value = truthtable[i].data_value;
- bool success = parcHashCodeTable_Add(table, key, data);
- assertTrue(success, "Failed inserting value");
- }
- // delete the last one
- {
- TestKeyClass lookupkey;
- lookupkey.key_value = truthtable[testsize - 1].key_value;
- lookupkey.hash_value = truthtable[testsize - 1].hash_code;
- parcHashCodeTable_Del(table, &lookupkey);
- assertTrue(table->hashtable.tableSize == testsize - 1, "tableSize wrong");
- }
- for (i = 0; i < testsize - 1; i++) {
- TestKeyClass lookupkey;
- lookupkey.key_value = truthtable[i].key_value;
- lookupkey.hash_value = truthtable[i].hash_code;
- TestDataClass *data = parcHashCodeTable_Get(table, &lookupkey);
- assertTrue(data->data_value == truthtable[i].data_value, "Data value incorrect");
- }
- for (i = testsize - 1; i < testsize; i++) {
- TestKeyClass lookupkey;
- lookupkey.key_value = truthtable[i].key_value;
- lookupkey.hash_value = truthtable[i].hash_code;
- TestDataClass *data = parcHashCodeTable_Get(table, &lookupkey);
- assertNull(data, "Should not have returned deleted value");
- }
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &truthtable);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Add_DuplicateHashes)
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy);
- TestKeyClass *key1 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key1, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestKeyClass *key2 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key2, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestDataClass *data1 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data1, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- TestDataClass *data2 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data2, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- TestDataClass *test;
- bool success;
- *key1 = (TestKeyClass) { .key_value = 1, .hash_value = 2 };
- *key2 = (TestKeyClass) { .key_value = 3, .hash_value = 2 };
- data1->data_value = 11;
- data2->data_value = 22;
- success = parcHashCodeTable_Add(table, key1, data1);
- assertTrue(success, "Failed to add value");
- success = parcHashCodeTable_Add(table, key2, data2);
- assertTrue(success, "Failed to add value");
- // value 3 should be in position 3
- test = parcHashCodeTable_Get(table, key1);
- assertNotNull(test, "returned null on get");
- assertTrue(test->data_value == 11, "Got wrong value back for key1");
- test = parcHashCodeTable_Get(table, key2);
- assertNotNull(test, "returned null on get");
- assertTrue(test->data_value == 22, "Got wrong value back for key1");
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_Add_DuplicateValues)
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy);
- TestKeyClass *key1 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key1, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestKeyClass *key2 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key2, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestDataClass *data1 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data1, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- TestDataClass *data2 = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data2, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- TestDataClass *test;
- bool success;
- *key1 = (TestKeyClass) { .key_value = 1, .hash_value = 2 };
- *key2 = (TestKeyClass) { .key_value = 1, .hash_value = 2 };
- data1->data_value = 11;
- data2->data_value = 22;
- success = parcHashCodeTable_Add(table, key1, data1);
- assertTrue(success, "Failed to add value");
- success = parcHashCodeTable_Add(table, key2, data2);
- assertFalse(success, "Second add should have failed on duplicate key");
- // value 3 should be in position 3
- test = parcHashCodeTable_Get(table, key1);
- assertNotNull(test, "returned null on get");
- assertTrue(test->data_value == 11, "Got wrong value back for key1");
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &key2);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &data2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashCodeTable_BigTable)
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy);
- struct timeval t0, t1;
- gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
- int loops = 1000;
- for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
- TestKeyClass *key = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestDataClass *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- *key = (TestKeyClass) { .key_value = i, .hash_value = i };
- data->data_value = i;
- bool success = parcHashCodeTable_Add(table, key, data);
- assertTrue(success, "Failed to add value");
- }
- gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
- timersub(&t1, &t0, &t1);
- double sec = t1.tv_sec + t1.tv_usec * 1E-6;
- printf("expand count %u, sec = %.3f, sec/add = %.9f\n", table->expandCount, sec, sec / loops);
- gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
- gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
- timersub(&t1, &t0, &t1);
- sec = t1.tv_sec + t1.tv_usec * 1E-6;
- printf("destroy sec = %.3f, sec/add = %.9f\n", sec, sec / loops);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _findIndex);
- if (parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO) != 0) {
- printf("('%s' leaks memory by %d (allocs - frees)) ", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), parcMemory_Outstanding());
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _findIndex)
- PARCHashCodeTable *table = parcHashCodeTable_Create(TestKeyClass_Equals, TestKeyClass_Hash, TestKeyClassDestroy, TestDataClassDestroy);
- // stick a data element in the middle of the table
- TestKeyClass *key = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- assertNotNull(key, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestKeyClass));
- TestDataClass *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestDataClass));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestDataClass));
- key->key_value = 1;
- key->hash_value = 37;
- data->data_value = 7;
- table->hashtable.entries[37].key = key;
- table->hashtable.entries[37].hashcode = key->hash_value;
- table->hashtable.entries[37].data = data;
- size_t index;
- bool success = _findIndex(table, key, &index);
- assertTrue(success, "FindIndex did not find known value");
- assertTrue(index == 37, "FindIndex returned wrong value");
- parcHashCodeTable_Destroy(&table);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_HashCodeTable);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashMap.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashMap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b071f44..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_HashMap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_HashMap.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_StdlibMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateCapacity0);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateCapacityNominal);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- assertNotNull(instance, "Expeced non-null result from parcHashMap_Create();");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcHashMap_Acquire, instance);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
- assertNull(instance, "Expeced null result from parcHashMap_Release();");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateCapacity0)
- const size_t CAPACITY = 0;
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_CreateCapacity(CAPACITY);
- assertNotNull(instance, "Expeced non-null result from parcHashMap_Create();");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcHashMap_Acquire, instance);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateCapacityNominal)
- const size_t CAPACITY = 10000;
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_CreateCapacity(CAPACITY);
- assertNotNull(instance, "Expeced non-null result from parcHashMap_Create();");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcHashMap_Acquire, instance);
- assertTrue(instance->capacity == CAPACITY, "Expect capacity to be %zu", CAPACITY);
- assertTrue(instance->size == 0, "Expect size to be 0");
- //Make sure all the buckets exist
- for (size_t i = 0; i < CAPACITY; ++i) {
- assertNull(instance->buckets[i], "Expect the hashmap to be clear");
- }
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
- assertNull(instance, "Expeced null result from parcHashMap_Release();");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_HashCode_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_HashCode_NonEmpty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_IsValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_AssertValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_ToJSON);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_ToString);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(1);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_Copy)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCHashMap *copy = parcHashMap_Copy(instance);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_Equals(instance, copy), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original");
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
- parcHashMap_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_Display)
- PARCHashMap *x = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(x, key, value);
- parcHashMap_Display(x, 0);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_Equals)
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- PARCHashMap *x = parcHashMap_Create();
- parcHashMap_Put(x, key, value);
- PARCHashMap *y = parcHashMap_Create();
- parcHashMap_Put(y, key, value);
- PARCHashMap *z = parcHashMap_Create();
- parcHashMap_Put(z, key, value);
- PARCHashMap *u1 = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCHashMap *u2 = parcHashMap_Create();
- parcHashMap_Put(u2, key, value);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEquals(x, y, z, u1, NULL);
- parcHashMap_Release(&x);
- parcHashMap_Release(&y);
- parcHashMap_Release(&z);
- parcHashMap_Release(&u1);
- parcHashMap_Release(&u2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_HashCode_Empty)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCHashCode code = parcHashMap_HashCode(instance);
- assertTrue(code == 0, "Expected 0, actual %" PRIPARCHashCode, code);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_HashCode_NonEmpty)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- PARCHashCode code = parcHashMap_HashCode(instance);
- assertTrue(code != 0, "Expected a non-zero hash code, actual %" PRIPARCHashCode, code);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_IsValid)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcHashMap_Create to result in a valid instance.");
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
- assertFalse(parcHashMap_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcHashMap_Create to result in an invalid instance.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_AssertValid)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- parcHashMap_AssertValid(instance);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_ToJSON)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- PARCJSON *json = parcHashMap_ToJSON(instance);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ObjectContract, parcHashMap_ToString)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- char *string = parcHashMap_ToString(instance);
- assertNotNull(string, "Expected non-NULL result from parcHashMap_ToString");
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&string);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Put);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_PutN);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Put_Replace);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Get_NoValue);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Contains_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Contains_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Remove_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Resize);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator_HasNext);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator_Next);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator_HasNext);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator_Next);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator_Remove);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(1);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Put)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- //size_t keyReferences = parcObject_GetReferenceCount(key);
- size_t valueReferences = parcObject_GetReferenceCount(value);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- //M.S. Put() now results in a copy of the key.
- //assertTrue(keyReferences + 1 == parcObject_GetReferenceCount(key), "Expected key reference to be incremented by 1.");
- assertTrue(valueReferences + 1 == parcObject_GetReferenceCount(value), "Expected value reference to be incremented by 1.");
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcHashMap_Get(instance, key);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value, actual), "Expected value was not returned from Get");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-typedef struct {
- int64_t number;
-} _Int;
-static char *
-_int_toString(const _Int *anInt)
- char *result = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(22);
- sprintf(result, "%" PRIi64 "", anInt->number);
- return result;
-static PARCHashCode
-_int_hashCode(const _Int *anInt)
- PARCHashCode result = anInt->number;
- return result;
-parcObject_ExtendPARCObject(_Int, NULL, NULL, _int_toString, NULL, NULL, _int_hashCode, NULL);
-parcObject_ImplementRelease(_int, _Int);
-static _Int *
-_int_Create(int64_t anInt)
- _Int *_int = parcObject_CreateInstance(_Int);
- if (_int != NULL) {
- _int->number = anInt;
- }
- return _int;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber)
- size_t minimumSize = 100;
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_CreateCapacity(minimumSize);
- double maxLoadFactor = instance->maxLoadFactor;
- // Load a hash map up to its load-factor
- size_t testRunSize = minimumSize * maxLoadFactor - 20;
- srand(time(NULL));
- for (int i = 0; i < testRunSize; ++i) {
- _Int *key = _int_Create(rand());
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 1000 + i);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- _int_Release(&key);
- }
- double currentClusteringNumber = parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber(instance);
- if (currentClusteringNumber < 0.5) {
- testWarn("Oddly low clustering number detected.");
- }
- if (currentClusteringNumber > 1.5) {
- testWarn("Oddly high clustering number detected.");
- }
- // This will load up one bucket
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
- _Int *key = _int_Create(1 + (100 * i));
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 10 + i);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- _int_Release(&key);
- }
- currentClusteringNumber = parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber(instance);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
- if (currentClusteringNumber < 2.9) {
- testWarn("Oddly low clustering number detected.");
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Resize)
- size_t initialSize = 8;
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_CreateCapacity(initialSize);
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- PARCBuffer *value42 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value42");
- double maxLoadFactor = instance->maxLoadFactor;
- // Load a hash map up to its load-factor
- size_t testRunSize = initialSize * maxLoadFactor;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < testRunSize; ++i) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, i);
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 1000 + i);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key), value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- }
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_Size(instance) == testRunSize, "Expect the size to be %zu", testRunSize);
- assertTrue(instance->capacity == initialSize, "Expect to have the original capacity");
- // Test for expected values
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < testRunSize; ++i) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, i);
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 1000 + i);
- const PARCBuffer *storedValue = parcHashMap_Get(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key));
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value, storedValue), "Expect looked up values to match");
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- }
- // Add one more item to the the hash map, this should trigger an expansion
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, 42);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key), value42);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_Size(instance) == testRunSize + 1, "Expect the size to be %zu", testRunSize);
- assertTrue(instance->capacity == 2 * initialSize, "Expect to have the original capacity");
- // Re-test value look ups to make sure the new hash map still maps correctly
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < testRunSize; ++i) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, i);
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 1000 + i);
- const PARCBuffer *storedValue = parcHashMap_Get(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key));
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value, storedValue), "Expect looked up values to match");
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- }
- double averageBucketSize = parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber(instance);
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, 42);
- const PARCBuffer *storedValue = parcHashMap_Get(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key));
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value42, storedValue), "Expect to get back value42");
- parcBuffer_Release(&value42);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber(instance) <= averageBucketSize,
- "Expect the average bucket size to be less then it was");
- // Now test multiple expansions to make sure they happened are result in a valid hash map
- size_t testCapacity = 1024;
- // If we load up to (maxLoadFactor * testCapacity) + 1, the capacity should expand to 2 * testCapacity
- testRunSize = (testCapacity * maxLoadFactor) + 1;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < testRunSize; ++i) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, i);
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 1000 + i);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key), value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- if (i == (testRunSize - 2)) {
- averageBucketSize = parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber(instance);
- }
- }
- assertTrue(instance->capacity == (2 * testCapacity),
- "Expect capacity to be %zu got %zu", (2 * testCapacity), instance->capacity);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_GetClusteringNumber(instance) < averageBucketSize,
- "Expect the average bucket size to be less then it was");
- // Now test multiple contractions.
- // If we remove all elements from index "smallSize" (eg. 8) up we will be left with a map of size smallSize,
- // the map capacity should be contracting and, because the minimum load factor is 0.25 and the contraction
- // is a divide by 2, the last contraction should be from capacity of "smallSize * 4" (32) to one
- // of "smallSize * 2" (16) when size goes from "smallSize +1" (9) to "smallSize" (8).
- //
- size_t smallSize = 8;
- for (uint32_t i = smallSize; i < testRunSize; ++i) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, i);
- parcBuffer_Flip(key);
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 1000 + i);
- const PARCBuffer *storedValue = parcHashMap_Get(instance, key);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value, storedValue), "Expect looked up values to match");
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_Remove(instance, key), "Expect Remove to succeed");
- }
- assertTrue(instance->size == smallSize,
- "Expect the hash map to have size %zu, got %zu", smallSize, instance->size)
- assertTrue(instance->capacity == (smallSize * 2),
- "Expect capacity to be %zu, got %zu", (smallSize * 2), instance->capacity);
- // Re-test value look ups to make sure the new hash map still maps correctly
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < smallSize; ++i) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, i);
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(value, 1000 + i);
- const PARCBuffer *storedValue = parcHashMap_Get(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key));
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value, storedValue), "Expect looked up values to match");
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- }
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_PutN)
- size_t testRunSize = 100;
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_CreateCapacity(testRunSize);
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- PARCBuffer *value42 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value42");
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < testRunSize * 2; ++i) {
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, i);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key), value);
- if (i == 42) {
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value42);
- }
- }
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(key, 42);
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcHashMap_Get(instance, parcBuffer_Flip(key));
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value42, actual), "Expect to get back value42");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value42);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Put_Replace)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- PARCBuffer *value2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value2");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value1);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value2);
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcHashMap_Get(instance, key);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value2, actual), "Expected value was not returned from Get");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value2);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Get_NoValue)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcHashMap_Get(instance, key);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcHashMap_Get to return NULL for non-existent key.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Contains_True)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- bool actual = parcHashMap_Contains(instance, key);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcHashMap_Contains to return true");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Contains_False)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- bool actual = parcHashMap_Contains(instance, key);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcHashMap_Contains to return NULL for non-existent key.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Remove)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- bool actual = parcHashMap_Remove(instance, key);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcHashMap_Remove to return true.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_Remove_False)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *key2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key2");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- bool actual = parcHashMap_Remove(instance, key2);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcHashMap_Remove to return false.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator(instance);
- assertNotNull(iterator, "Expected parcHashMap_ValueIterator to return non-null result");
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator_HasNext)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator(instance);
- assertTrue(parcIterator_HasNext(iterator), "Expected parcIterator_HasNext to return true");
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator_Next)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *key2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key2");
- PARCBuffer *value2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *key3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key3");
- PARCBuffer *value3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *key4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key4");
- PARCBuffer *value4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key1, value1);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key2, value2);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key3, value3);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key4, value4);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateValueIterator(instance);
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected parcIterator_Next to return non-null");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Remaining(actual) > 0, "The same value appeared more than once in the iteration");
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(actual, parcBuffer_Limit(actual));
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value4);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator(instance);
- assertNotNull(iterator, "Expected parcHashMap_KeyIterator to return non-null result");
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator_HasNext)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key, value);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator(instance);
- assertTrue(parcIterator_HasNext(iterator), "Expected parcIterator_HasNext to return true");
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator_Next)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *key2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key2");
- PARCBuffer *value2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *key3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key3");
- PARCBuffer *value3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *key4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key4");
- PARCBuffer *value4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key1, value1);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key2, value2);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key3, value3);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key4, value4);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator(instance);
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected parcIterator_Next to return non-null");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Remaining(actual) > 0, "The same value appeared more than once in the iteration");
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(actual, parcBuffer_Limit(actual));
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value4);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcHashMap_KeyIterator_Remove)
- PARCHashMap *instance = parcHashMap_Create();
- PARCBuffer *key1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *key2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key2");
- PARCBuffer *value2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *key3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key3");
- PARCBuffer *value3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *key4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key4");
- PARCBuffer *value4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key1, value1);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key2, value2);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key3, value3);
- parcHashMap_Put(instance, key4, value4);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_Size(instance) == 4, "Expected 4, actual %zd", parcHashMap_Size(instance));
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcHashMap_CreateKeyIterator(instance);
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_Acquire(parcIterator_Next(iterator));
- parcIterator_Remove(iterator);
- assertNull(parcHashMap_Get(instance, key), "Expected deleted entry to not be gettable.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- assertTrue(parcHashMap_Size(instance) == 0, "Expected 0, actual %zd", parcHashMap_Size(instance));
- parcBuffer_Release(&key1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value4);
- parcHashMap_Release(&instance);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, parcHashMapEntry);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(1);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, parcHashMapEntry)
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("key1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("value1");
- _PARCHashMapEntry *instance = _parcHashMapEntry_Create(key, value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- _parcHashMapEntry_Release(&instance);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_HashMap);
- int exitStatus = longBowMain(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_InputStream.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_InputStream.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 46d47862..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_InputStream.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_InputStream.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream_Read);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream_Release);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream_Acquire)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream_Read)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcInputStream_Release)
- testUnimplemented("");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcInputStream_Finalize);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcInputStream_Finalize)
- testUnimplemented("");
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_InputStream);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Iterator.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Iterator.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d5778721..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Iterator.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Iterator.c"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Buffer.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, parcIterator_CreateAcquireRelease);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase))) {
- }
-static uint64_t _state;
-static void *
-init(PARCObject *object __attribute__((unused)))
- _state = 0;
- return &_state;
-static bool
-hasNext(PARCObject *object __attribute__((unused)), void *state)
- uint64_t *value = (uint64_t *) state;
- return (*value < 5);
-static void *
-next(PARCObject *object __attribute__((unused)), void *state)
- uint64_t *value = (uint64_t *) state;
- (*value)++;
- return state;
-static void
-removex(PARCObject *object __attribute__((unused)), void **state)
-static void *
-getElement(PARCObject *object __attribute__((unused)), void *state)
- uint64_t *value = (uint64_t *) state;
- return (void *) *value;
-static void
-fini(PARCObject *object __attribute__((unused)), void *state __attribute__((unused)))
-static void
-assertValid(const void *state __attribute__((unused)))
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, parcIterator_CreateAcquireRelease)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcIterator_Create(buffer, init, hasNext, next, removex, getElement, fini, assertValid);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcIterator_Acquire, iterator);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcIterator_HasNext);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcIterator_Next);
- bool leaked = parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks memory \n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase)) != true;
- if (leaked) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcIterator_HasNext)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcIterator_Create(buffer, init, hasNext, next, removex, getElement, fini, assertValid);
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- uint64_t value = (uint64_t) parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", value);
- }
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcIterator_Next)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(1);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcIterator_Create(buffer, init, hasNext, next, removex, getElement, fini, assertValid);
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- uint64_t value = (uint64_t) parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", value);
- }
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _finalize)
- testUnimplemented("");
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Iterator);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSON.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSON.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d1825319..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSON.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,690 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_JSON.c"
-#include "../parc_JSONPair.c"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_List.h"
-#include "../parc_ArrayList.h"
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.h"
-#include "../parc_Memory.h"
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSON, parcJSON_GetByPath_BadArrayIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSON, parcJSON_ParseBuffer_WithExcess);
-typedef struct {
- PARCJSON *json;
- char *expected;
- char *compactExpected;
-} TestData;
- TestData *data = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(TestData));
- char *temp = "{ \"string\" : \"foo\\/bar\", \"null\" : null, \"true\" : true, \"false\" : false, \"integer\" : 31415, \"float\" : 3.141500, \"json\" : { \"string\" : \"foo\\/bar\" }, \"array\" : [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\", [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\" ], { } ] }";
- data->expected = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(temp, strlen(temp));
- temp = "{\"string\":\"foo/bar\",\"null\":null,\"true\":true,\"false\":false,\"integer\":31415,\"float\":3.141500,\"json\":{\"string\":\"foo/bar\"},\"array\":[null,false,true,31415,\"string\",[null,false,true,31415,\"string\"],{}]}";
- data->compactExpected = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(temp, strlen(temp));
- data->json = parcJSON_ParseString(temp);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, data);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcJSON_Release(&data->json);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&data->expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&data->compactExpected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&data);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- assertNull(json, "Expected the NULL pointer side-effect of Release.");
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCJSON *copy = parcJSON_Copy(data->json);
- assertTrue(parcJSON_Equals(data->json, copy), "Expect copy to equal original");
- parcJSON_Release(&copy);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCHashCode expected = parcHashCode_Hash((uint8_t *) data->compactExpected, strlen(data->compactExpected));
- PARCHashCode hashCode = parcJSON_HashCode(data->json);
- assertTrue(hashCode == expected, "Expect correct hash code");
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- {
- PARCBuffer *string = parcBuffer_WrapCString("string");
- PARCJSONValue *stringValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(string);
- PARCBuffer *stringName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("string");
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(stringName, stringValue);
- parcJSON_AddPair(json, pair);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringName);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&stringValue);
- parcBuffer_Release(&string);
- }
- {
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("null");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, value);
- parcJSON_AddPair(json, pair);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- }
- {
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("true");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(true);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, value);
- parcJSON_AddPair(json, pair);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- }
- {
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("false");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(false);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, value);
- parcJSON_AddPair(json, pair);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- }
- {
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("integer");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(31415);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, value);
- parcJSON_AddPair(json, pair);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- }
- {
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("float");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(3.1415);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, value);
- parcJSON_AddPair(json, pair);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- }
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- char *s = parcJSON_ToString(data->json);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
- PARCList *members = parcJSON_GetMembers(data->json);
- assertTrue(parcList_Size(members) == 8, "Expected 8, actual %zd", parcList_Size(members));
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- int expected = 31415;
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(data->json, "integer");
- PARCBuffer *name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- int64_t actual = parcJSONValue_GetInteger(value);
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("integer");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'integer', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %" PRIi64 "", expected, actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- int expected = 31415;
- const PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSON_GetValueByName(data->json, "integer");
- int64_t actual = parcJSONValue_GetInteger(value);
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("integer");
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %" PRIi64 "", expected, actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 0);
- PARCBuffer *name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("string");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'string', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 1);
- name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("null");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'null', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 2);
- name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("true");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'true', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 3);
- name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("false");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'false', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 4);
- name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("integer");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'integer', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 5);
- name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("float");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'float', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 6);
- name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("json");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'json', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- pair = parcJSON_GetPairByIndex(data->json, 7);
- name = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- expectedName = parcBuffer_WrapCString("array");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, name),
- "Expected 'array', actual '%s'", (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(name));
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 0);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 1);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 2);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 3);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 4);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 5);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 6);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- value = parcJSON_GetValueByIndex(data->json, 7);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(value),
- "Expected value to be type string");
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSON_BuildString(data->json, composer, false);
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(data->expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", data->expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSON_BuildString(data->json, composer, true);
- tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(data->compactExpected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", data->compactExpected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- char *actual = parcJSON_ToString(data->json);
- assertTrue(strcmp(data->expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", data->expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- char *actual = parcJSON_ToCompactString(data->json);
- assertTrue(strcmp(data->compactExpected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", data->expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCJSON *json = data->json;
- char *s = parcJSON_ToString(json);
- printf("%s\n", s);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
- const PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/string");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(value), "Expected /string to be a string type.");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/null");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(value), "Expected /null to be a null type.");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/true");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(value), "Expected /true to be a boolean type.");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/integer");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(value), "Expected /integer to be a number type.");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/float");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(value), "Expected /float to be a number type.");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/array");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(value), "Expected /array to be an array type.");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/nonexistent");
- assertNull(value, "Expected /nonexistent to be NULL");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/array/1");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(value), "Expected /array/0 to be a boolean type.");
- value = parcJSON_GetByPath(json, "/array/5");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(value), "Expected /array/5 to be an array type.");
- assertNotNull(value, "Expected non-null pair");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSON, parcJSON_GetByPath_BadArrayIndex)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- const PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSON_GetByPath(data->json, "/array/100");
- assertNull(value, "Expected null value return from parcJSON_GetByPath");
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- const PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSON_GetByPath(data->json, "/string/foo");
- assertNull(value, "Expected null value return from parcJSON_GetByPath");
- PARCJSON *x = parcJSON_ParseString("{ \"string\" : \"xyzzy\" }");
- PARCJSON *y = parcJSON_ParseString("{ \"string\" : \"xyzzy\" }");
- PARCJSON *z = parcJSON_ParseString("{ \"string\" : \"xyzzy\" }");
- PARCJSON *notEqual1 = parcJSON_ParseString("{ \"string\" : \"string\" }");
- PARCJSON *notEqual2 = parcJSON_ParseString("{ \"string\" : \"xyzzy\", \"integer\" : 1 }");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSON_Equals, x, y, z, notEqual1, notEqual2);
- parcJSON_Release(&x);
- parcJSON_Release(&y);
- parcJSON_Release(&z);
- parcJSON_Release(&notEqual1);
- parcJSON_Release(&notEqual2);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcJSON_Display(data->json, 0);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_ParseString(data->expected);
- char *actual = parcJSON_ToString(json);
- assertTrue(strcmp(data->expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", data->expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSON, parcJSON_ParseBuffer_WithExcess)
- char *string = "{ \"string\" : \"string\", \"null\" : null, \"true\" : true, \"false\" : false, \"integer\" : 31415, \"float\" : 3.141500, \"array\" : [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\", [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\" ], { } ] }Xhowdy";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString((char *) string);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_ParseBuffer(buffer);
- char actual = parcBuffer_GetUint8(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 'X', "Expected buffer position to point to X, actual %x", actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- char *expectedName = "string";
- char *expectedValue = "value";
- parcJSON_AddString(json, expectedName, expectedValue);
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, "string");
- PARCBuffer *actualName = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCJSONValue *actualValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedName, parcBuffer_Overlay(actualName, 0)) == 0,
- "Expected name %s, actual %s",
- expectedName,
- parcBuffer_ToString(actualName));
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedValue, parcBuffer_Overlay(parcJSONValue_GetString(actualValue), 0)) == 0,
- "Expected value %s, actual %s",
- expectedValue,
- parcJSONValue_ToString(actualValue));
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- PARCJSON *expectedValue = parcJSON_ParseString("{ \"string\" : \"xyzzy\" }");
- parcJSON_AddObject(json, "object", expectedValue);
- char *expectedName = "object";
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, expectedName);
- PARCBuffer *actualName = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCJSONValue *actualValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedName, parcBuffer_Overlay(actualName, 0)) == 0,
- "Expected name %s, actual %s", expectedName, (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(actualName));
- assertTrue(parcJSON_Equals(expectedValue, parcJSONValue_GetJSON(actualValue)),
- "Expected value did not match the actual value.");
- parcJSON_Release(&expectedValue);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- char *expectedName = "integer";
- uint64_t expectedValue = 12345;
- parcJSON_AddInteger(json, expectedName, expectedValue);
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, expectedName);
- PARCBuffer *actualName = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCJSONValue *actualValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedName, parcBuffer_Overlay(actualName, 0)) == 0,
- "Expected name %s, actual %s", expectedName, (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(actualName));
- assertTrue(expectedValue == parcJSONValue_GetInteger(actualValue),
- "Expected %" PRIi64 "d actual %" PRIi64 "d", expectedValue, parcJSONValue_GetInteger(actualValue));
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- char *expectedName = "boolean";
- bool expectedValue = true;
- parcJSON_AddBoolean(json, expectedName, expectedValue);
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, expectedName);
- PARCBuffer *actualName = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCJSONValue *actualValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedName, parcBuffer_Overlay(actualName, 0)) == 0,
- "Expected name %s, actual %s", expectedName, (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(actualName));
- assertTrue(expectedValue == parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(actualValue),
- "Expected %d actual %d", expectedValue, parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(actualValue));
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- char *expectedName = "array";
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromCString("Some Pig");
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSON_AddArray(json, expectedName, array);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, expectedName);
- PARCBuffer *actualName = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCJSONValue *actualValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedName, parcBuffer_Overlay(actualName, 0)) == 0,
- "Expected name %s, actual %s", expectedName, (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(actualName));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(actualValue), "Expect value to be type PARCJSONArray");
- array = parcJSONValue_GetArray(actualValue);
- PARCJSONValue *result = parcJSONArray_GetValue(array, 0);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcJSONValue_GetString(result), parcJSONValue_GetString(value)),
- "Expected %s actual %s",
- parcJSONValue_ToString(value),
- parcJSONValue_ToString(result));
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- char *expectedName = "value";
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromCString("Some Pig");
- parcJSON_AddValue(json, expectedName, value);
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, expectedName);
- PARCBuffer *actualName = parcJSONPair_GetName(pair);
- PARCJSONValue *actualValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedName, parcBuffer_Overlay(actualName, 0)) == 0,
- "Expected name %s, actual %s", expectedName, (char *) parcBuffer_ToString(actualName));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(actualValue), "Expect value to be type PARCJSONArray");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcJSONValue_GetString(actualValue), parcJSONValue_GetString(value)),
- "Expected %s actual %s",
- parcJSONValue_ToString(value),
- parcJSONValue_ToString(actualValue));
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_JSON);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONArray.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONArray.c
deleted file mode 100755
index d0ad9ec5..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONArray.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_JSONArray.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "../parc_List.h"
-#include "../parc_ArrayList.h"
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.h"
-#include "../parc_Memory.h"
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_CreateRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_AddValue);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_GetLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_GetValue);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_BuildString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_ToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_Display);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_CreateRelease)
- PARCJSONArray *expected = parcJSONArray_Create();
- parcJSONArray_AssertValid(expected);
- assertNotNull(expected, "Expected non-null return value from parcJSONArray_Create");
- PARCJSONArray *actual = parcJSONArray_Acquire(expected);
- parcJSONArray_AssertValid(actual);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&actual);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected null value set by parcJSONArray_Release");
- parcJSONArray_AssertValid(expected);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&expected);
- assertNull(expected, "Expected null value set by parcJSONArray_Release");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_Equals)
- PARCJSONArray *x = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONArray *y = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONArray *z = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONArray *notEqual1 = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromCString("Hello");
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(notEqual1, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONArray_Equals, x, y, z, notEqual1);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&x);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&y);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&z);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&notEqual1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_AddValue)
- PARCJSONArray *expected = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(10);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(expected, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_GetLength)
- PARCJSONArray *expected = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(10);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(expected, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertTrue(parcJSONArray_GetLength(expected) == 1, "Expected a length of 1");
- parcJSONArray_Release(&expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_GetValue)
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *expected = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(10);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, expected);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONArray_GetValue(array, 0);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected different value");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expected);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_BuildString)
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *expected = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(10);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, expected);
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSONArray_BuildString(array, composer, false);
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- char *result = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- assertTrue(strlen(result) > 0, "Expected non-empty string result");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &result);
- composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSONArray_BuildString(array, composer, true);
- tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- result = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- assertTrue(strlen(result) > 0, "Expected non-empty string result");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &result);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expected);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_ToString)
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *expected = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(10);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, expected);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expected);
- const char *string = parcJSONArray_ToString(array);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parc_JSONArray, parcJSONArray_Display)
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *expected = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(10);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, expected);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expected);
- parcJSONArray_Display(array, 0);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_JSONArray);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONPair.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONPair.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c0c3f9..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONPair.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_JSONPair.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "../parc_List.h"
-#include "../parc_ArrayList.h"
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.h"
-#include "../parc_Memory.h"
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateAcquireRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_BuildString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateValue);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateFromBoolean);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateFromFloat);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateAcquireRelease)
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("name");
- PARCBuffer *stringValue = parcBuffer_WrapCString("foo");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringValue);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringValue);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, value);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(name, pair->name),
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", parcBuffer_ToString(name), parcBuffer_ToString(pair->name));
- assertTrue(value == pair->value,
- "Expected %p' actual %p", (void *) value, (void *) pair->value);
- PARCJSONPair *reference = parcJSONPair_Acquire(pair);
- assertTrue(reference == pair,
- "Expected parcJSONPair_Acquire to return the same pointer as the original.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&reference);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("name");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("foo");
- PARCJSONValue *jsonValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, jsonValue);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&jsonValue);
- parcJSONPair_Display(pair, 0);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_BuildString)
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("name");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("foo/bar");
- PARCJSONValue *jsonValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, jsonValue);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&jsonValue);
- // umcompressed
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSONPair_BuildString(pair, composer, false);
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- char *expected = "\"name\" : \"foo\\/bar\"";
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- // compressed
- composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSONPair_BuildString(pair, composer, true);
- tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- expected = "\"name\":\"foo/bar\"";
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- PARCBuffer *name = parcBuffer_WrapCString("name");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("foo");
- PARCJSONValue *jsonValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Create(name, jsonValue);
- parcBuffer_Release(&name);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&jsonValue);
- char *expected = "\"name\" : \"foo\"";
- char *actual = parcJSONPair_ToString(pair);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- char *name = "MyNull";
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromNULL(name);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a JSON Null value.");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateValue)
- char *name = "MyNull";
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromCString("Some Pig");
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromJSONValue(name, value);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a String value.");
- assertTrue(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair) == value, "Expect values to be equal");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateString)
- char *name = "MyNull";
- char *value = "value";
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONValue *expectedValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromCString(value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromString(name, value);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_Equals(expectedValue, parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected value '%s', Got '%s'", value, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONValue_GetString(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair))));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a JSON String value.");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expectedValue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateFromBoolean)
- char *name = "MyNull";
- bool value = true;
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONValue *expectedValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromBoolean(name, value);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_Equals(expectedValue, parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected value '%d', Got '%d'", value, parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a JSON Boolean value.");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expectedValue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger)
- char *name = "MyNull";
- int value = 31415;
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONValue *expectedValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger(name, value);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_Equals(expectedValue, parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected value '%d', Got '%" PRIi64 "'", value, parcJSONValue_GetInteger(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a JSON Integer value.");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expectedValue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONPair, parcJSONPair_CreateFromFloat)
- char *name = "MyNull";
- double value = 3.1;
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONValue *expectedValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromDouble(name, value);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_Equals(expectedValue, parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected %g, got %Lg", value, parcJSONValue_GetFloat(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a JSON number value.");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expectedValue);
- char *name = "MyNull";
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONValue *expectedValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSONArray(array);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromJSONArray(name, array);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_Equals(expectedValue, parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected the value to be equal the same array provided");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a JSON Array value.");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expectedValue);
- char *name = "MyNull";
- PARCJSON *value = parcJSON_Create();
- PARCBuffer *expectedName = parcBuffer_AllocateCString(name);
- PARCJSONValue *expectedValue = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSON(value);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromJSON(name, value);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expectedName, parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)),
- "Expected name '%s', got '%s'", name, parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_Equals(expectedValue, parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected %s", parcJSON_ToString(value));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair)),
- "Expected a JSON Object value.");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expectedName);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expectedValue);
- parcJSON_Release(&value);
- char *name = "MyNull";
- char *unequalName = "foo";
- int value = 31415;
- int unequalValue = 141;
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger(name, value);
- PARCJSONPair *y = parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger(name, value);
- PARCJSONPair *z = parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger(name, value);
- PARCJSONPair *unequal1 = parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger(name, unequalValue);
- PARCJSONPair *unequal2 = parcJSONPair_CreateFromInteger(unequalName, unequalValue);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONPair_Equals, pair, y, z, unequal1, unequal2);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&y);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&z);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&unequal1);
- parcJSONPair_Release(&unequal2);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("\"name\" : \"value\"");
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSONPair_Parser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(parcJSONPair_GetName(pair)) == 0, "Expected the JSONPair name buffer to be 'reset'");
- parcJSONPair_Release(&pair);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_JSONPair);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONParser.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONParser.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 63bcea8d..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONParser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <math.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_JSONParser.c"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_JSONValue.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_List.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_ArrayList.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_StdlibMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Memory.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(JSONParse_CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONParse_CreateAcquireRelease, parcJSONParser_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONParse_CreateAcquireRelease, parcJSONParser_AcquireRelease);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONParse_CreateAcquireRelease, parcJSONParser_Create)
- char *string = "\"string\"";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertNull(parser,
- "Expected parcJSONParser_Release to set the reference pointer to NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONParse_CreateAcquireRelease, parcJSONParser_AcquireRelease)
- char *string = "\"string\"";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *expected = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONParser *actual = parcJSONParser_Acquire(expected);
- assertTrue(actual == expected,
- "Expected the acquired reference to be the same as the original instance.");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&actual);
- assertNull(actual,
- "Expected parcJSONParser_Release to set the reference pointer to NULL");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSONString_Parser);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSONParser_RequireString_Fail);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSONString_Parser_Quoted);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSON_ParseFileToString);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSONString_Parser)
- char *string = "\"\\\" \\\\ \\b \\f \\n \\r \\t \\/\"";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("\" \\ \b \f \n \r \t /");
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcJSONParser_ParseString(parser);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, actual), "Expected string");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSONParser_RequireString_Fail)
- char *string = "\"string\"";
- char *requiredString = "foo";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- bool actual = parcJSONParser_RequireString(parser, requiredString);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcJSONParser_RequireString to fail");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSONString_Parser_Quoted)
- char *string = "\"str\\\"ing\"";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_WrapCString("str\"ing");
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcJSONParser_ParseString(parser);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, actual), "Expected string");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- char *expected = "{ \"string\" : \"string\", \"null\" : null, \"true\" : true, \"false\" : false, \"integer\" : 31415, \"float\" : 3.141500, \"array\" : [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\", [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\" ], { } ] }";
- expected = "{ \"integer\" : 31415 }";
- expected = "{ \"string\" : \"string\", \"null\" : null, \"true\" : true, \"false\" : false, \"integer\" : 31415, \"array\" : [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\", [ null, false, true, 31415, \"string\" ], { \"string\" : \"string\" } ] }";
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_ParseString(expected);
- assertNotNull(json, "Parse error for %s", expected);
- char *actual = parcJSON_ToString(json);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
- printf("%s\n", actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- char *string = NULL;
- size_t nread = longBowDebug_ReadFile("data.json", &string);
- assertTrue(nread != -1, "Cannot read '%s'", "data.json");
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_ParseString(string);
- assertNotNull(json, "parcJSON_ParseString failed");
- // assertTrue(longBowDebug_WriteFile("/tmp/test_parc_JSON.json", actual, strlen(actual)) != 0,
- // "Can't write file");
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONParse, parcJSON_ParseFileToString)
- char *string = NULL;
- size_t nread = longBowDebug_ReadFile("data.json", &string);
- assertTrue(nread != -1, "Cannot read '%s'", "data.json");
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_ParseString(string);
- assertNotNull(json, "parcJSON_ParseString failed");
- char *actual = parcJSON_ToString(json);
- // assertTrue(longBowDebug_WriteFile("/tmp/test_parc_JSON.json", actual, strlen(actual)) != 0,
- // "Can't write file");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcJSON_ParseFileToString);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCStdlibMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcJSON_ParseFileToString)
- char *string = NULL;
- size_t nread = longBowDebug_ReadFile("citylots.json", &string);
- assertTrue(nread != -1, "Cannot read '%s'", "citylots.json");
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_ParseString(string);
- assertNotNull(json, "parcJSON_ParseString failed");
- char *actual = parcJSON_ToString(json);
- // assertTrue(longBowDebug_WriteFile("/tmp/test_parc_JSON.json", actual, strlen(actual)) != 0,
- // "Can't write file");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_JSONParser);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONValue.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONValue.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 804eb690..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_JSONValue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1365 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_JSONValue.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "../parc_List.h"
-#include "../parc_ArrayList.h"
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.h"
-#include "../parc_Memory.h"
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(JSONValue_CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue_CreateAcquireRelease, _createValue);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue_CreateAcquireRelease, parcJSONValue_AcquireRelease);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue_CreateAcquireRelease, _createValue)
- PARCJSONValue *result = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- assertNotNull(result, "Expected non-null return value from _createValue");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(result),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_Null");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&result);
- assertNull(result, "Expected parcJSONValue_Release to NULL the instance pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue_CreateAcquireRelease, parcJSONValue_AcquireRelease)
- PARCJSONValue *result = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- assertNotNull(result, "Expected non-null return value from _createValue");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(result),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_Null");
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Acquire(result);
- assertTrue(result == actual, "Expected parcJSONValue_Acquire return value to be same as the original.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&result);
- assertNull(result, "Expected parcJSONValue_Release to NULL the instance pointer.");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Boolean);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Float);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Integer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_String);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Timespec);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Timeval);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_BuildString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Boolean);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Float);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Integer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_String);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_CreateCString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Boolean);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Integer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Float);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_String);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Object);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Array);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- bool actual = parcJSONValue_IsValid(NULL);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected a NULL value to be invalid");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- actual = parcJSONValue_IsValid(value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected a NULL value to be invalid");
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSON(json);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(value),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_JSON");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_GetJSON(value) == json,
- "Expected parcJSONValue_GetJSON to return the original instance pointer.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Timeval)
- struct timeval timeval = { .tv_sec = 42, .tv_usec = 23 };
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromTimeval(&timeval);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(value),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_JSON");
- struct timeval actual;
- parcJSONValue_GetTimeval(value, &actual);
- assertTrue(timeval.tv_sec == actual.tv_sec, "Expected seconds to be equal.");
- assertTrue(timeval.tv_usec == actual.tv_usec, "Expected seconds to be equal.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Timespec)
- struct timespec timespec = { .tv_sec = 42, .tv_nsec = 23 };
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromTimespec(&timespec);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(value),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_JSON");
- struct timespec testTS;
- parcJSONValue_GetTimespec(value, &testTS);
- assertTrue(memcmp(&timespec, &testTS, sizeof(struct timespec)) == 0,
- "Expected parcJSONValue_GetTimespec to return the original instance pointer.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- assertTrue(value->type == PARCJSONValueType_Null,
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_Null, actual %d", value->type);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(value),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_Null");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Boolean)
- bool expected = true;
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(expected);
- assertTrue(value->type == PARCJSONValueType_Boolean,
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_BooleanON_VALUE_BOOLEAN, actual %d", value->type);
- assertTrue(value->value.boolean == expected, "Expected %d actual %d", expected, value->value.boolean);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(value),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_Boolean");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(value), "Expected value to be true");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Float)
- double expected = 3.1415;
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(expected);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(value),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_IsNumber to be true.");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_GetFloat(value) == expected,
- "Expected %g, actual %Lg", expected, parcJSONValue_GetFloat(value));
- char *expectedString = "3.141500";
- char *actualString = parcJSONValue_ToString(value);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedString, actualString) == 0, "Exepcted %s, actual %s", expectedString, actualString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualString);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Integer)
- int expected = 31415;
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(expected);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNumber(value),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_IsNumber");
- int64_t actual = parcJSONValue_GetInteger(value);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %" PRIi64 "", expected, actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_String)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_WrapCString("31415");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(expected);
- assertTrue(value->type == PARCJSONValueType_String,
- "Expected parcJSONValueType.String, actual %d", value->type);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(value->value.string, expected),
- "Expected %s actual %s", parcBuffer_ToString(expected), parcBuffer_ToString(value->value.string));
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(value),
- "Expected PARCJSONValueType_String");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcJSONValue_GetString(value), expected), "Expected value did not match actual value");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_CreateCString)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_WrapCString("31415");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromCString("31415");
- assertTrue(value->type == PARCJSONValueType_String,
- "Expected parcJSONValueType.String, actual %d", value->type);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcJSONValue_GetString(value), expected), "Assert:")
- {
- char *expectedString = parcBuffer_ToString(expected);
- char *actualString = parcBuffer_ToString(parcJSONValue_GetString(value));
- printf("Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expectedString, actualString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &expectedString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualString);
- }
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Create_Array)
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSONArray(array);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
- assertNull(value, "Expected NULL pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_BuildString)
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(false);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(true);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(31415);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- PARCBuffer *stringValue = parcBuffer_WrapCString("stringA/stringB");
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringValue);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringValue);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSONArray(array);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
- // Uncompacted
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSONValue_BuildString(value, composer, false);
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- char *expected = "[ null, false, true, 31415, \"stringA\\/stringB\" ]";
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- // Compacted
- composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcJSONValue_BuildString(value, composer, true);
- tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- expected = "[null,false,true,31415,\"stringA/stringB\"]";
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Array)
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(false);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(true);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(31415);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- PARCBuffer *stringValue = parcBuffer_WrapCString("stringA/stringB");
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringValue);
- parcJSONArray_AddValue(array, value);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringValue);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSONArray(array);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
- char *expected = "[ null, false, true, 31415, \"stringA\\/stringB\" ]";
- char *actual = parcJSONValue_ToString(value);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Display)
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- parcJSONValue_Display(value, 0);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(true);
- parcJSONValue_Display(value, 0);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromCString("hello");
- parcJSONValue_Display(value, 0);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(3.14);
- parcJSONValue_Display(value, 0);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(314);
- parcJSONValue_Display(value, 0);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSONArray(array);
- parcJSONValue_Display(value, 0);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSON(json);
- parcJSONValue_Display(value, 0);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- char *expected = "null";
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- char *actual = parcJSONValue_ToString(value);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Boolean)
- char *expected = "true";
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(expected);
- char *actual = parcJSONValue_ToString(value);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Float)
- struct test_values {
- char *string;
- long double value;
- long double error;
- } successful[] = {
- { "-0.0415e-12", -0.0415e-12, 0.00001e-12 },
- { "-0.0415e12", -0.0415e12, 0.00001e12 },
- { "-0.0415", -0.0415, 0.00001 },
- { "-3.0415", -3.0415, 0.00001 },
- { "123.456", 123.456, 0.0001 },
- { "123.456e78", 123.456e78, 0.0001e78 },
- { "123.456e-78", 123.456e-78, 0.0001e-78 },
- { "123.456e-78", 123.456e-78, 0.0001e-78 },
- { "4e1", 40.0, 0.0001e-78 },
- { NULL },
- };
- for (int i = 0; successful[i].string != NULL; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(successful[i].string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *expected = _parcJSONValue_NumberParser(parser);
- char *string = parcJSONValue_ToString(expected);
- assertTrue(strcmp(successful[i].string, string) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", successful[i].string, string);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expected);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_Integer)
- char *expected = "31415";
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(31415);
- char *actual = parcJSONValue_ToString(value);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_ToString_String)
- char *input = "31415\b";
- char *expected = "\"31415\\b\"";
- PARCBuffer *stringValue = parcBuffer_WrapCString(input);
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringValue);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringValue);
- char *actual = parcJSONValue_ToString(value);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- char *expected = "{ }";
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSON(json);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- char *actual = parcJSONValue_ToString(value);
- assertTrue(strcmp(actual, expected) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- PARCJSONValue *example = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- PARCJSONValue *equal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- PARCJSONValue *equal2 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromNULL();
- PARCBuffer *stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello");
- PARCJSONValue *string = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONValue_Equals, example, equal1, equal2, string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal2);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&example);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Boolean)
- PARCJSONValue *example = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(true);
- PARCJSONValue *equal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(true);
- PARCJSONValue *equal2 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(true);
- PARCJSONValue *unequal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromBoolean(false);
- PARCBuffer *stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello");
- PARCJSONValue *string = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONValue_Equals, example, equal1, equal2, unequal1, string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal2);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&example);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Integer)
- PARCJSONValue *example = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(31415);
- PARCJSONValue *equal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(31415);
- PARCJSONValue *equal2 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(31415);
- PARCJSONValue *unequal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromInteger(4);
- PARCBuffer *stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello");
- PARCJSONValue *string = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONValue_Equals, example, equal1, equal2, unequal1, string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal2);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&example);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Float)
- PARCJSONValue *example = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(3.1415);
- PARCJSONValue *equal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(3.1415);
- PARCJSONValue *equal2 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(3.1415);
- PARCJSONValue *unequal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(4.0);
- PARCBuffer *stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello");
- PARCJSONValue *string = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONValue_Equals, example, equal1, equal2, unequal1, string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal2);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&example);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_String)
- PARCBuffer *stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello");
- PARCJSONValue *example = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello");
- PARCJSONValue *equal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("Hello");
- PARCJSONValue *equal2 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- PARCJSONValue *unequal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(4.0);
- stringBuffer = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("World");
- PARCJSONValue *string = parcJSONValue_CreateFromString(stringBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&stringBuffer);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONValue_Equals, example, equal1, equal2, unequal1, string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal2);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&equal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&example);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Object)
- char *string = "{ \"name\" : 1, \"name2\" : 2 }";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *x = parcJSONValue_ObjectParser(parser);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(x), "Expected a JSON Object value.");
- buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *y = parcJSONValue_ObjectParser(parser);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *z = parcJSONValue_ObjectParser(parser);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- PARCJSONValue *unequal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(4.0);
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *unequal2 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSON(json);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONValue_Equals, x, y, z, unequal1, unequal2);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&x);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&y);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&z);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValue, parcJSONValue_Equals_Array)
- char *string = "[ \"name\", 1, true, false, null, [ ], { } ]";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *x = _parcJSONValue_ArrayParser(parser);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(x), "Expected a JSON Array value.");
- buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *y = _parcJSONValue_ArrayParser(parser);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *z = _parcJSONValue_ArrayParser(parser);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- PARCJSONValue *unequal1 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromFloat(4.0);
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONArray_Create();
- PARCJSONValue *unequal2 = parcJSONValue_CreateFromJSONArray(array);
- parcJSONArray_Release(&array);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcJSONValue_Equals, x, y, z, unequal1, unequal2);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&x);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&y);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&z);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal1);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&unequal2);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_NullParser);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_NullParser_Bad);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_TrueParser);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_TrueParser_Bad);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_FalseParser);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_FalseParser_Bad);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_StringParser);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ObjectParser);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ObjectParser_Bad_Pair);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ObjectParser_Bad_Pair2);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ArrayParser);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_StringParser_BAD);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_NumberParser_BatchedFloat);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Comma);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_CloseBracket);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Null);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_String);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Object);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_NullParser)
- char *string = "null";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_NullParser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(actual), "Expected a JSON Null value.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_NullParser_Bad)
- char *string = "nulx";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_NullParser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected a NULL return value");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_TrueParser)
- char *string = "true";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_TrueParser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(actual), "Expected a JSON Boolean value.");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(actual), "Expected true.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_TrueParser_Bad)
- char *string = "trux";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_TrueParser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected a NULL return value");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_FalseParser)
- char *string = "false";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_FalseParser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(actual), "Expected a JSON Boolean value.");
- assertFalse(parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(actual), "Expected false.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_FalseParser_Bad)
- char *string = "falsx";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_FalseParser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected a NULL return value");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_StringParser)
- char *parserInput = "\"\\\" \\\\ \\b \\f \\n \\r \\t \\/\"";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(parserInput);
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_AllocateCString("\" \\ \b \f \n \r \t /");
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_StringParser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(actual),
- "Expected a JSON String value.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, actual->value.string),
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", parcBuffer_ToString(expected), parcBuffer_ToString(actual->value.string))
- {
- parcBuffer_Display(expected, 0);
- parcBuffer_Display(actual->value.string, 0);
- }
- char *string = parcJSONValue_ToString(actual);
- assertTrue(strcmp(parserInput, string) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", parserInput, string);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, _parcJSONValue_StringParser_BAD)
- char *bad[] = {
- "\"\t\"",
- "\"",
- };
- for (int i = 0; bad[i] != NULL; i++) {
- char *parserInput = bad[i];
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(parserInput);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_StringParser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected failure");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ObjectParser)
- char *string = "{ \"name\" : 1, \"name2\" : 2 }";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_ObjectParser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(actual), "Expected a JSON Object value.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ObjectParser_Bad_Pair)
- char *string = "{ \"name\" , \"name2\" : 2 }";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_ObjectParser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcJSONValue_ObjectParser to return NULL indicating failure");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ObjectParser_Bad_Pair2)
- char *string = "{ 2 }";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_ObjectParser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcJSONValue_ObjectParser to return NULL indicating failure");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_ArrayParser)
- char *string = "[ \"name\", 1, true, false, null, [ ], { } ]";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = _parcJSONValue_ArrayParser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(actual), "Expected a JSON Array value.");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_NumberParser_BatchedFloat)
- struct test_values {
- char *string;
- char *expectedString;
- long double floatValue;
- int64_t integerValue;
- long double floatTolerance;
- } successful[] = {
- { "0", "0", 0.0, 0, 0 },
- { " 1", "1", 1.0, 1, 0 },
- { "-1", "-1", -1.0, -1, 0 },
- { "1e1", "1e1", 1.0e1, 10, 0 },
- { "-2e1", "-2e1", -2.0e1, -2e1, 0 },
- { "-2e+1", "-2e1", -2.0e+1, -2e+1, 0 },
- { " 1.0", "1", 1.0, 1, 0 },
- { "3e-1", "3e-1", 3e-1, 0, 0.01e-1 },
- { "100e-2", "100e-2", 100e-2, 100e-2, 0.0001 },
- { "123.456e11", "123.456e11", 123.456e11, 12345600000000, 0.0001e11 },
- { "-0.0415e-12", "-0.0415e-12", -0.0415e-12, 0, 0.00001e-12 },
- { "-0.0415e12", "-0.0415e12", -0.0415e12, -41500000000, 0.00001e12 },
- { "-0.0415", "-0.0415", -0.0415, 0, 0.00001 },
- { "-3.0415", "-3.0415", -3.0415, -3, 0.00001 },
- { "123.456", "123.456", 123.456, 123, 0.0001 },
- { "123.456e+11", "123.456e11", 123.456e+11, 12345600000000, 0.0001e+11 },
- { "123.456e-11", "123.456e-11", 123.456e-11, 0, 0.0001e-11 },
- { "1e-1", "1e-1", 1e-1, 0, 0.1e-1 },
- { NULL },
- };
- for (int i = 0; successful[i].string != NULL; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(successful[i].string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *expected = _parcJSONValue_NumberParser(parser);
- assertNotNull(expected, "_parcJSONValue_NumberParser returned NULL");
- long double floatValue = parcJSONValue_GetFloat(expected);
- assertTrue(fabsl(floatValue - successful[i].floatValue) <= successful[i].floatTolerance,
- "Expected %Lf actual %Lf", successful[i].floatValue, floatValue);
- char *string = parcJSONValue_ToString(expected);
- assertTrue(strcmp(successful[i].expectedString, string) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", successful[i].expectedString, string);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- int64_t integerValue = parcJSONValue_GetInteger(expected);
- assertTrue(integerValue == (int64_t) successful[i].integerValue,
- "Expected %" PRIi64 " actual %" PRIi64 "", (int64_t) successful[i].integerValue, integerValue);
- parcJSONValue_Release(&expected);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Comma)
- char *string = ", null";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return NULL when encountering a comma");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_CloseBracket)
- char *string = "], null";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return NULL when encountering a ]");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Null)
- char *string = " null";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsNull(actual),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return a Null JSON value when encountering 'null'");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_True)
- char *string = " true";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(actual),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return a boolean JSON value when encountering 'true'");
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(actual),
- "Expected true");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_False)
- char *string = " false";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsBoolean(actual),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return a boolean JSON value when encountering 'false'");
- assertFalse(parcJSONValue_GetBoolean(actual),
- "Expected true");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_String)
- char *string = " \"string\"";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsString(actual),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return a string JSON value");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Array)
- char *string = " [ ]";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsArray(value),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return a array JSON value");
- PARCJSONArray *array = parcJSONValue_GetArray(value);
- assertNotNull(array, "Expected a non-null pointer to a PARCJSONArray");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&value);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(JSONValueParsing, parcJSONValue_Parser_Object)
- char *string = " { }";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- PARCJSONValue *actual = parcJSONValue_Parser(parser);
- assertTrue(parcJSONValue_IsJSON(actual),
- "Expected parcJSONValue_Parser to return a JSON object value");
- parcJSONValue_Release(&actual);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseSign_Negative);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseSign_NotASign);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseSign_Nil);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseWholeNumber);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseOptionalFraction);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseOptionalExponent);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseSign_Negative)
- char *string = "-";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- int sign;
- bool result = _parseSign(parser, &sign);
- assertTrue(result, "Expected true from _parseSign()");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseSign_NotASign)
- char *string = "asd";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- int sign;
- bool result = _parseSign(parser, &sign);
- assertFalse(result, "Expected true from _parseSign()");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseSign_Nil)
- char *string = "";
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- int sign;
- bool result = _parseSign(parser, &sign);
- assertTrue(result, "Expected true from _parseSign()");
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseWholeNumber)
- struct test_values {
- char *string;
- long double value;
- } successful[] = {
- { "0", 0 },
- { "1", 1 },
- { "123", 123 },
- { NULL },
- };
- for (int i = 0; successful[i].string != NULL; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(successful[i].string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- int64_t value = 0;
- bool actual = _parseWholeNumber(parser, &value);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected true from _parseNumber()");
- assertTrue(value == successful[i].value,
- "Expected %Lf actual %" PRIi64 "", successful[i].value, value);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseOptionalFraction)
- struct test_values {
- char *string;
- long double value;
- bool correct;
- } successful[] = {
- { ".0", 0, true },
- { ".", 0, false },
- { ".1", 1, true },
- { "crap", 0, false },
- { "}", 0, true },
- { NULL },
- };
- for (int i = 0; successful[i].string != NULL; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(successful[i].string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- int64_t value = 0;
- int log10OfFraction;
- bool actual = _parseOptionalFraction(parser, &value, &log10OfFraction);
- assertTrue(actual == successful[i].correct, "Expected true from _parseNumber()");
- assertTrue(value == successful[i].value,
- "Expected %Lf actual %" PRIi64 "", successful[i].value, value);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parseOptionalExponent)
- struct test_values {
- char *string;
- long double value;
- bool correct;
- } successful[] = {
- { "e", 0, false },
- { "ex", 0, false },
- { "e-1", -1, true },
- { "e1", 1, true },
- { "e+1", 1, true },
- { "x", 0, false },
- { NULL },
- };
- for (int i = 0; successful[i].string != NULL; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString(successful[i].string);
- PARCJSONParser *parser = parcJSONParser_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- int64_t value = 0;
- bool actual = _parseOptionalExponent(parser, &value);
- assertTrue(actual == successful[i].correct, "Expected true from _parseNumber()");
- assertTrue(value == successful[i].value,
- "Expected %Lf actual %" PRIi64 "", successful[i].value, value);
- parcJSONParser_Release(&parser);
- }
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_JSONValue);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_KeyValue.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_KeyValue.c
deleted file mode 100755
index f9440602..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_KeyValue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_KeyValue.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCKeyValueAsPARCObject, parcObject_Conformance);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCKeyValueAsPARCObject, parcObject_Conformance)
- PARCBuffer *key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Key_1");
- PARCBuffer *value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Value");
- PARCKeyValue *inst1 = parcKeyValue_Create(key, value);
- PARCKeyValue *inst2 = parcKeyValue_Create(key, value);
- PARCKeyValue *inst3 = parcKeyValue_Create(key, value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Key_0");
- value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Value");
- PARCKeyValue *lesser = parcKeyValue_Create(key, value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- key = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Key_2");
- value = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Value");
- PARCKeyValue *greater = parcKeyValue_Create(key, value);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertObjectConformance(inst1, inst2, inst3, lesser, greater);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&inst1);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&inst2);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&inst3);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&lesser);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&greater);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Compare);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_GetKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_GetValue);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_EqualKeys);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_SetKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_SetValue);
-typedef struct {
- PARCKeyValue *testKV1;
- PARCKeyValue *testKV2;
- PARCKeyValue *nullValue;
- PARCBuffer *key1;
- PARCBuffer *value1;
- PARCBuffer *key2;
- PARCBuffer *value2;
-} TestData;
- TestData *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestData));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestData));
- data->key1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("This is key 1");
- data->value1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("This is value 1");
- data->key2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("This is key 2");
- data->value2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("This is value 2");
- data->testKV1 = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key1, data->value1);
- data->testKV2 = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key2, data->value2);
- PARCBuffer *nullKey = parcBuffer_WrapCString("NULL KEY");
- data->nullValue = parcKeyValue_Create(nullKey, NULL);
- parcBuffer_Release(&nullKey);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, data);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcBuffer_Release(&data->key1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&data->value1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&data->key2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&data->value2);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&data->testKV1);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&data->testKV2);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&data->nullValue);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &data);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Create)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- assertNotNull(data->testKV1, "Expect a non-NULL key value");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Acquire)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- assertNotNull(data->testKV1, "Expect a non-NULL key value");
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcKeyValue_Acquire(data->testKV1);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_GetKey)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcKeyValue_GetKey(data->testKV1), data->key1),
- "The key returned is not the key provided");
- assertNotNull(parcKeyValue_GetKey(data->nullValue), "Expect Non-NULL key from NULL value kv");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_GetValue)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcKeyValue_GetValue(data->testKV1), data->value1),
- "The key returned is not the key provided");
- assertNull(parcKeyValue_GetValue(data->nullValue), "Expect NULL from GetValue");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Equals)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- bool isEqual = parcKeyValue_Equals(data->testKV1, data->testKV2);
- assertFalse(isEqual, "Expect test key-values to not be equal");
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key1, data->value2);
- isEqual = parcKeyValue_Equals(kv, data->testKV1) || parcKeyValue_Equals(kv, data->testKV2);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
- assertFalse(isEqual, "Expect test key-values to not be equal");
- kv = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key1, data->value1);
- isEqual = parcKeyValue_Equals(kv, data->testKV1) && !parcKeyValue_Equals(kv, data->testKV2);
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
- assertTrue(isEqual, "Expect test key-values to be equal");
- // NULL values
- isEqual = parcKeyValue_Equals(data->testKV1, data->nullValue);
- assertFalse(isEqual, "Expect NULL key-valuet to not be equal");
- kv = parcKeyValue_Copy(data->nullValue);
- isEqual = parcKeyValue_Equals(kv, data->nullValue);
- assertTrue(isEqual, "Expect NULL key-valuet to not be equal");
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Compare)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_Compare(NULL, NULL) == 0, "Expect 0 from comparing NULLs");
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_Compare(data->testKV1, NULL) > 0, "Expect result > 0 from comparing non-NULL to NULL");
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_Compare(NULL, data->testKV1) < 0, "Expect result < 0 from comparing NULL to non-NULL");
- int result = parcKeyValue_Compare(data->testKV1, data->testKV2);
- assertTrue(result < 0, "Expect compareison to be < 0");
- result = parcKeyValue_Compare(data->testKV2, data->testKV1);
- assertTrue(result > 0, "Expect compareison to be > 0");
- // Mixed keys & values
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key1, data->value2);
- result = parcKeyValue_Compare(kv, data->testKV1);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "Expect comparison to be 0");
- result = parcKeyValue_Compare(kv, data->testKV2);
- assertTrue(result < 0, "Expect comparison to be < 0");
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
- // NULL value
- result = parcKeyValue_Compare(data->testKV1, data->nullValue);
- assertTrue(result > 0, "Expect NULL key-value be > 0");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_HashCode)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCHashCode hash1 = parcKeyValue_HashCode(data->testKV1);
- PARCHashCode hash2 = parcKeyValue_HashCode(data->testKV2);
- assertFalse(hash1 == hash2, "Expect hash codes to be different");
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key1, data->value1);
- hash2 = parcKeyValue_HashCode(kv);
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash2, "Expect hash codes to be equal");
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
- // Mixed keys & values
- kv = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key1, data->value2);
- hash2 = parcKeyValue_HashCode(kv);
- assertTrue(hash1 == hash2, "Expect hash codes to be equal");
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
- // NULL value
- PARCHashCode hash = parcKeyValue_HashCode(data->nullValue);
- assertTrue(hash != 0, "Expect NULL key-value hash to != 0");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_EqualKeys)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- assertFalse(parcKeyValue_EqualKeys(data->testKV1, data->testKV2), "Expect keys to be different");
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcKeyValue_Create(data->key1, data->value2);
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_EqualKeys(data->testKV1, kv), "Expect keys to be equal");
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
- // NULL value
- assertFalse(parcKeyValue_EqualKeys(data->nullValue, data->testKV1), "Expect NULL key-value hash to != 0");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_SetKey)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcKeyValue_SetKey(data->testKV2, data->key1);
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_EqualKeys(data->testKV1, data->testKV2),
- "Expect kv keys to be equal after SetKey");
- // NULL value
- parcKeyValue_SetKey(data->nullValue, data->key1);
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_EqualKeys(data->testKV1, data->nullValue),
- "Expect kv keys to be equal after SetKey");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_SetValue)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcKeyValue_SetValue(data->testKV2, data->value1);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcKeyValue_GetValue(data->testKV1),
- parcKeyValue_GetValue(data->testKV2)),
- "Expect kv values to be equal after SetValue");
- // NULL value
- parcKeyValue_SetValue(data->testKV2, NULL);
- assertNull(parcKeyValue_GetValue(data->testKV2),
- "Expect NULL for testKV2 after SetValue");
- parcKeyValue_SetValue(data->nullValue, data->value1);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(parcKeyValue_GetValue(data->testKV1),
- parcKeyValue_GetValue(data->nullValue)),
- "Expect kv values to be equal after SetValue");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyValue_Copy)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcKeyValue_Copy(data->testKV1);
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_Equals(kv, data->testKV1),
- "Expect key-value copy to be equal to original key-value");
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
- // NULL value
- kv = parcKeyValue_Copy(data->nullValue);
- assertTrue(parcKeyValue_Equals(kv, data->nullValue),
- "Expect key-value copy to be equal to original key-value");
- parcKeyValue_Release(&kv);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_KeyValue);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_KeyedElement.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_KeyedElement.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a6866437..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_KeyedElement.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_KeyedElement.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_CreateDestroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_GetData);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_GetKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_SetData);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_CreateDestroy)
- char *key1 = "key001";
- size_t keylen1 = 7;
- PARCKeyedElement *keyedElement = parcKeyedElement_Create("Some data", key1, keylen1);
- parcKeyedElement_Destroy(&keyedElement);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_GetData)
- char *initial_data = "some data here";
- char *key1 = "key001";
- size_t keylen1 = 7;
- PARCKeyedElement *keyedElement = parcKeyedElement_Create(initial_data, key1, keylen1);
- char *data = parcKeyedElement_GetData(keyedElement);
- assertTrue(initial_data == data, "We got different data from element");
- parcKeyedElement_Destroy(&keyedElement);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_GetKey)
- char *initial_data = "some data here";
- char *key1 = "key001";
- size_t keylen1 = 7;
- PARCKeyedElement *keyedElement = parcKeyedElement_Create(initial_data, key1, keylen1);
- char *thekey = parcKeyedElement_GetKey(keyedElement);
- size_t thekeylen = parcKeyedElement_GetKeyLen(keyedElement);
- assertTrue(keylen1 == thekeylen, "We got different key size?");
- assertTrue(memcmp(key1, thekey, keylen1) == 0, "We got different keys?");
- parcKeyedElement_Destroy(&keyedElement);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcKeyedElement_SetData)
- char *key1 = "key001";
- size_t keylen1 = 7;
- char *initial_data = "some data here";
- PARCKeyedElement *keyedElement = parcKeyedElement_Create("Hello World", key1, keylen1);
- parcKeyedElement_SetData(keyedElement, initial_data);
- char *data = parcKeyedElement_GetData(keyedElement);
- assertTrue(initial_data == data, "We got different data from element");
- parcKeyedElement_Destroy(&keyedElement);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_KeyedElement);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_LinkedList.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_LinkedList.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 294f2ea2..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_LinkedList.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1192 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_LinkedList.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_StdlibMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcLinkedList_CreateRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcLinkedList_AcquireRelease);
- bool leaked = parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks memory \n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase)) != true;
- if (leaked) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcLinkedList_CreateRelease)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- assertNotNull(deque, "Expected non-null result from parcLinkedList_Create()");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(deque), "Expected created PARCLinkedList to be valid.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
- assertNull(deque, "Expected parcLinkedList_Release to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcLinkedList_AcquireRelease)
- PARCLinkedList *original = parcLinkedList_Create();
- assertNotNull(original, "Expected non-null result from parcLinkedList_Create()");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcLinkedList_Acquire, original);
- PARCLinkedList *reference = parcLinkedList_Acquire(original);
- assertTrue(original == reference, "Expected the reference to be equal to the original.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&original);
- assertNull(original, "Expected parcLinkedList_Release to null the pointer");
- PARCBuffer *object = parcBuffer_Allocate(11);
- parcLinkedList_Append(reference, object);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object);
- size_t expected = 1;
- size_t actual = parcLinkedList_Size(reference);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected size %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&reference);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_AssertValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Append_One);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Append_Two);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_AppendAll);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_AppendAll_None);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateDestroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_GetFirst);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_GetLast);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_SetAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Prepend_One);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Prepend_Two);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Prepend_Three);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_IsEmpty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Contains_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Contains_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst_SingleElement);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveLast);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveNotFound);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_Head);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_HeadEmptyList);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_Tail);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_Middle);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Display_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_RemoveHead);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_RemoveMiddle);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_RemoveTail);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_SetEquals_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_SetEquals_False);
- bool leaked = parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks memory \n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase)) != true;
- if (leaked) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_AssertValid)
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_AssertValid(list);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Append_One)
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object = parcBuffer_Allocate(11);
- PARCLinkedList *actual = parcLinkedList_Append(list, object);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(list), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- assertTrue(list == actual, "Expected parcLinkedList_Append to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(list) == 1, "Expected size of 1, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(list));
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Append_Two)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object1);
- PARCLinkedList *actual = parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcLinkedList_Append to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(deque) == 2, "Expected size of 2, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(deque));
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_AppendAll)
- PARCLinkedList *other = parcLinkedList_Create();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), i);
- parcLinkedList_Append(other, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_AppendAll(list, other);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Equals(list, other), "Expected equal lists.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&other);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_AppendAll_None)
- PARCLinkedList *other = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_AppendAll(list, other);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Equals(list, other), "Expected equal lists.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&other);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateDestroy)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- assertNotNull(deque, "Expected non-null result from parcLinkedList_Create()");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
- assertNull(deque, "Expected parcLinkedList_Destroy to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_HashCode)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object3);
- parcLinkedList_HashCode(deque);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_GetFirst)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object3);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcLinkedList_GetFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, actual), "Order of objects in the list is wrong.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_GetLast)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object3);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcLinkedList_GetLast(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object3, actual), "Order of objects in the list is wrong.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Prepend_One)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCLinkedList *actual = parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcLinkedList_Append to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(deque) == 1, "Expected size of 1, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(deque));
- assertTrue(deque->head != NULL, "Expected head to be not null.");
- assertTrue(deque->head == deque->tail, "Expected head to be equal to the tail.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Prepend_Two)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCLinkedList *actual = parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcLinkedList_Prepend to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(deque) == 2, "Expected size of 2, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(deque));
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Prepend_Three)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *actual = parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object3);
- assertTrue(deque == actual, "Expected parcLinkedList_Prepend to return its argument.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(deque) == 3, "Expected size of 3, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(deque));
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcLinkedList_GetFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object3, peek), "Order of objects failed");
- peek = parcLinkedList_GetLast(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, peek), "Order of objects failed");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst)
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), i));
- parcLinkedList_Append(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst(list);
- assertTrue(parcObject_GetReferenceCount(peek) == 1, "Expected reference count to be 1.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_GetUint32(peek) == 0, "Objects out of order.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst_SingleElement)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, peek),
- "Objects out of order.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveLast)
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), i));
- parcLinkedList_Append(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcLinkedList_RemoveLast(list);
- assertTrue(parcObject_GetReferenceCount(peek) == 1, "Expected reference count to be 1.");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_GetUint32(peek) == 999, "Objects out of order.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveLast_SingleElement)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcLinkedList_RemoveLast(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, peek),
- "Objects out of order.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Remove)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object3);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- bool found = parcLinkedList_Remove(deque, object2);
- assertTrue(found, "Expected item to be found");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(deque) == 2, "Expected size of 2, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(deque));
- PARCBuffer *peek;
- peek = parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, peek), "Object1 was not first in list");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- peek = parcLinkedList_RemoveFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object3, peek), "Object3 was not second in list");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveAtIndex)
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(list, object3);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(list, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(list, object1);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcLinkedList_RemoveAtIndex(list, 1);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object2, actual), "Wrong object returned from parcLinkedList_RemoveAtIndex");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_RemoveNotFound)
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *object4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object3);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- bool found = parcLinkedList_Remove(deque, object4);
- assertFalse(found, "Expected item to be not found");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(deque) == 3, "Expected size of 3, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(deque));
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object4);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Size)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object3);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(deque) == 3,
- "Expected 3, actual %zd", parcLinkedList_Size(deque));
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_IsEmpty)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsEmpty(deque), "Expected true.");
- parcLinkedList_Prepend(deque, object1);
- assertFalse(parcLinkedList_IsEmpty(deque), "Expected false.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object3);
- PARCBuffer *actual;
- actual = parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(deque, 0);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(actual, object1), "parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex failed");
- actual = parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(deque, 1);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(actual, object2), "parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex failed");
- actual = parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(deque, 2);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(actual, object3), "parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex failed");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_SetAtIndex)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *deque = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(deque, object3);
- PARCBuffer *newObject = parcBuffer_WrapCString("Hello");
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcLinkedList_SetAtIndex(deque, 0, newObject);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(actual, object1), "parcLinkedList_SetAtIndex failed to return the old value.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&actual);
- actual = parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(deque, 0);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(actual, newObject), "parcLinkedList_SetAtIndex failed to set the new value.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&newObject);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Contains_True)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(list, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(list, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(list, object3);
- bool actual = parcLinkedList_Contains(list, object2);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcLinkedList_Contains to return true for object in the list");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Contains_False)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *list = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(list, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(list, object3);
- bool actual = parcLinkedList_Contains(list, object2);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcLinkedList_Contains to return false for object not in the list");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Equals)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *y = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(y, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(y, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *z = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(z, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(z, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *u1 = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(u1, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *u2 = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(u2, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(u2, object3);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcLinkedList_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, NULL);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&y);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&z);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&u1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&u2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Copy)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object3);
- PARCLinkedList *y = parcLinkedList_Copy(x);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Equals(x, y), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&y);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_Head)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *object4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object3);
- parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex(x, 0, object4);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, 0);
- assertTrue(actual == object4, "Unexpected object at index 0");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object4);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_HeadEmptyList)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *object4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex(x, 0, object4);
- assertTrue(x->head->object == object4, "Malformed linked list node does not contain the proper object reference");
- assertTrue(x->head == x->tail, "Expected the list head and tail to be the same for a single element list.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, 0);
- assertTrue(actual == object4, "Unexpected object at index 0");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object4);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_Tail)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *object4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object3);
- parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex(x, 3, object4);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, 3);
- assertTrue(actual == object4, "Unexpected object at index 3");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object4);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex_Middle)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *object4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object3);
- parcLinkedList_InsertAtIndex(x, 1, object4);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, 0) == object1, "Unexpected object at index 1");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, 1) == object4, "Unexpected object at index 1");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, 2) == object2, "Unexpected object at index 1");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, 3) == object3, "Unexpected object at index 1");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object4);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Display)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object3);
- parcLinkedList_Display(x, 0);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_Display_NULL)
- parcLinkedList_Display(NULL, 0);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- uint32_t expectedCount = 10;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < expectedCount; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *object = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(object, i);
- parcBuffer_Flip(object);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object);
- }
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- uint32_t expected = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- uint32_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint32(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
- expected++;
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_Remove)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, i);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- size_t expected = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint64(parcIterator_Next(iterator));
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcIterator_Remove(iterator);
- expected++;
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- assertFalse(parcIterator_HasNext(iterator), "Expected an interator on an empty list to not HaveNext");
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(x) == 0, "List is not empty.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_RemoveHead)
- size_t listSize = 5;
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, i);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- parcLinkedList_Display(x, 0);
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- if (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint64(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 0, "Expected %d, actual %zd", 0, actual);
- parcIterator_Remove(iterator);
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- assertTrue(parcIterator_HasNext(iterator), "Expected an interator on a non-empty list to HaveNext");
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(x) == listSize - 1, "Expected the list to be %zd, actual %zd", listSize - 1, parcLinkedList_Size(x));
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_RemoveMiddle)
- size_t listSize = 5;
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, i);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(x) == listSize, "Expected the list to be %zd, actual %zd", listSize, parcLinkedList_Size(x));
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- for (size_t i = 0; i <= listSize / 2; i++) {
- if (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- }
- }
- parcIterator_Remove(iterator);
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- size_t expected = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- if (expected != (listSize / 2)) {
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint64(parcIterator_Next(iterator));
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- }
- expected++;
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(x) == listSize - 1, "Expected the list to be %zd, actual %zd", listSize - 1, parcLinkedList_Size(x));
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator_RemoveTail)
- size_t listSize = 5;
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, i);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(x) == listSize, "Expected the list to be %zd, actual %zd", listSize, parcLinkedList_Size(x));
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
- if (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- }
- }
- parcIterator_Remove(iterator);
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_Size(x) == listSize - 1, "Expected the list to be %zd, actual %zd", listSize - 1, parcLinkedList_Size(x));
- iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- size_t expected = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- size_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint64(parcIterator_Next(iterator));
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- expected++;
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_IsValid(x), "PARCLinkedList is invalid.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_SetEquals_True)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *y = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(y, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(y, object1);
- PARCLinkedList *u1 = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(u1, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *u2 = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(u2, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(u2, object3);
- assertTrue(parcLinkedList_SetEquals(x, y), "Expected to lists with the same elements to be equal regarless of order.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&y);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&u1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&u2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcLinkedList_SetEquals_False)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *u1 = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(u1, object2);
- PARCLinkedList *u2 = parcLinkedList_Create();
- parcLinkedList_Append(u2, object2);
- parcLinkedList_Append(u2, object3);
- assertFalse(parcLinkedList_SetEquals(x, u1), "Expected to lists without the same elements to be equal regarless of order.");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&u1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&u2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parcLinkedListNode_Create);
- bool leaked = parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks memory \n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase)) != true;
- if (leaked) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parcLinkedListNode_Create)
- PARCBuffer *object = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- struct parc_linkedlist_node *previous = NULL;
- struct parc_linkedlist_node *next = NULL;
- struct parc_linkedlist_node *actual = _parcLinkedListNode_Create(object, previous, next);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object);
- _parcLinkedListNode_Destroy(NULL, &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_FIXTURE_OPTIONS(Performance, .enabled = false)
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcLinkedList_Append);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcLinkedList_N2);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCStdlibMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcLinkedList_Append)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- }
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcLinkedList_N2)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object1);
- }
- for (size_t expected = 0; expected < parcLinkedList_Size(x); expected++) {
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcLinkedList_GetAtIndex(x, expected);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, actual), "Mismatched value in the list.");
- }
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcLinkedList_CreateIterator)
- PARCLinkedList *x = parcLinkedList_Create();
- uint32_t expectedCount = 100000;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < expectedCount; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *object = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(object, i);
- parcBuffer_Flip(object);
- parcLinkedList_Append(x, object);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object);
- }
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcLinkedList_CreateIterator(x);
- uint32_t expected = 0;
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = (PARCBuffer *) parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- uint32_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint32(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
- expected++;
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
- parcLinkedList_Release(&x);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARCLinkedList);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_List.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_List.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a7d136..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_List.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,872 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_List.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_ArrayList.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_LinkedList.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcList_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Equals_Contract);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Equals_Contract_Deep);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_FromInitialCapacity);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Remove_AtIndex_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Remove_AtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Remove_AtIndex_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_Last);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- PARCList *list = parcList(parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction), PARCArrayListAsPARCList);
- parcList_Add(list, 0);
- size_t actual = parcList_Size(list);
- assertTrue(1 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 1, actual);
- parcList_Release(&list);
- PARCList *list = parcList(parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction), PARCArrayListAsPARCList);
- void *elements[] = {
- strdup("a"),
- strdup("b"),
- strdup("c"),
- };
- parcList_AddAll(list, 3, elements);
- size_t actual = parcList_Size(list);
- assertTrue(3 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 3, actual);
- parcList_Release(&list);
- char *a = strdup("apple");
- char *b = strdup("bananna");
- char *c = strdup("cherry");
- PARCList *list = parcList(parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction), PARCArrayListAsPARCList);
- parcList_Add(list, a);
- parcList_Add(list, b);
- parcList_Add(list, c);
- parcList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcList_Release)
- PARCList *list = parcList(parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction), PARCArrayListAsPARCList);
- parcList_Release(&list);
- assertNull(list, "Expected null.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Equals_Empty)
- PARCArrayList *a = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- PARCArrayList *b = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(a, b), "Equal values were expected to be equal");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&a);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&b);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Equals_Same)
- PARCArrayList *a = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(a, a), "Expected the same array list to be equal to itself.");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&a);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Equals_Contract)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- char d[] = "potato";
- PARCArrayList *x = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, c);
- PARCArrayList *y = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, c);
- PARCArrayList *z = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, c);
- PARCArrayList *u1 = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, b);
- PARCArrayList *u2 = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- PARCArrayList *u3 = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, d);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcArrayList_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, u3);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&x);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&y);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&z);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u1);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u2);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u3);
-static bool
-stringEquals(void *x, void *y)
- return strcmp((char *) x, (char *) y) == 0;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Equals_Contract_Deep)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- char d[] = "potato";
- PARCArrayList *x = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(x, c);
- PARCArrayList *y = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(y, c);
- PARCArrayList *z = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(z, c);
- PARCArrayList *u1 = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u1, b);
- PARCArrayList *u2 = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- parcArrayList_Add(u2, c);
- PARCArrayList *u3 = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(stringEquals, NULL, 0);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(u3, d);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcArrayList_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, u3);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&x);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&y);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&z);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u1);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u2);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&u3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_FromInitialCapacity)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create_Capacity(NULL, parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction, 10);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(0 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 0, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- char *expected = strdup("Hello World");
- parcArrayList_Add(array, expected);
- char *actual = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected=%p, actual=%p", (void *) expected, (void *) actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(parcArrayList_StdlibFreeFunction);
- size_t size = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(0 == size, "Expected %d actual=%zd", 0, size);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, 0);
- size_t size = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(1 == size, "Expected %d actual=%zd", 1, size);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_IsEmpty(array), "Expected a new array to be empty.");
- parcArrayList_Add(array, 0);
- assertFalse(parcArrayList_IsEmpty(array), "Expected an array with more than zero elements to be empty.");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 2);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(2 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 2, actual);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 1, (void *) 3);
- actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(3 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 3, actual);
- void *element0 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(element0 == (void *) 1, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element1 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 1);
- assertTrue(element1 == (void *) 3, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element2 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 2);
- assertTrue(element2 == (void *) 2, "Element 1 moved?");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_Empty)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 0, (void *) 3);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(1 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 1, actual);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_First)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 0, (void *) 2);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(2 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 2, actual);
- void *element0 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(element0 == (void *) 2, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element1 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 1);
- assertTrue(element1 == (void *) 1, "Element 1 moved?");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_Last)
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 2);
- size_t actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(2 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 2, actual);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 2, (void *) 3);
- actual = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(3 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 3, actual);
- void *element0 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 0);
- assertTrue(element0 == (void *) 1, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element1 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 1);
- assertTrue(element1 == (void *) 2, "Element 1 moved?");
- void *element2 = parcArrayList_Get(array, 2);
- assertTrue(element2 == (void *) 3, "Element 1 moved?");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Remove_AtIndex_First)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- void *removedElement = parcArrayList_RemoveAtIndex(array, 0);
- assertTrue(removedElement == a, "Expected ");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Remove_AtIndex)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- void *removedElement = parcArrayList_RemoveAtIndex(array, 1);
- assertTrue(removedElement == b, "Expected ");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_Remove_AtIndex_Last)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- void *removedElement = parcArrayList_RemoveAtIndex(array, 2);
- assertTrue(removedElement == c, "Expected ");
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_First)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- parcArrayList_RemoveAndDestroyAtIndex(array, 0);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, c);
- parcArrayList_RemoveAndDestroyAtIndex(array, 1);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCList_RemoveAndDestroy_AtIndex_Last)
- char a[] = "apple";
- char b[] = "bananna";
- char c[] = "cherry";
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, b);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, c);
- PARCArrayList *expected = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, a);
- parcArrayList_Add(expected, b);
- parcArrayList_RemoveAndDestroyAtIndex(array, 2);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(expected, array), "Expected ");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&expected);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_OutOfCapacity);
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, array);
- PARCArrayList *array = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Errors %s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, PARCList_InsertAtIndex_OutOfCapacity, .event = &LongBowAssertEvent)
- PARCArrayList *array = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 1);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, (void *) 2);
- parcArrayList_InsertAtIndex(array, 200, (void *) 3);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_AddCollection);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_AddCollectionAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Contains);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_ContainsCollection);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_IsEmpty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_GetAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_RemoveCollection);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_RetainCollection);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_IndexOf);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_LastIndexOf);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Clear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_RemoveAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_SetAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_SubList);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_ToArray);
- longBowTestCase_SetInt(testCase, "initialAllocations", parcMemory_Outstanding());
- longBowTestCase_Set(testCase, "linkedList", parcLinkedList_Create());
- longBowTestCase_Set(testCase, "list", parcLinkedList_AsPARCList(longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "linkedList")));
- PARCLinkedList *linkedList = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "linkedList");
- parcLinkedList_Release(&linkedList);
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- parcList_Release(&list);
- int initialAllocations = longBowTestCase_GetInt(testCase, "initalAllocations");
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(initialAllocations, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-//#include "test_parc_List_modular.c"
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), 1));
- parcList_Add(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- size_t actual = parcList_Size(list);
- assertTrue(1 == actual, "Expected=%d, actual=%zu", 1, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_AddCollection)
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_AddCollectionAtIndex)
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Contains)
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_ContainsCollection)
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Equals)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- PARCList *copy = parcList_Copy(list);
- assertTrue(parcList_Equals(list, copy), "Expected copy to be equal to the original.");
- parcList_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_IsEmpty)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- assertTrue(parcList_IsEmpty(list), "Expected list to be empty.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_GetAtIndex)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), i));
- parcList_Add(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- uint32_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint32(parcList_GetAtIndex(list, 0));
- assertTrue(actual == 0, "Expected %u, actual %u\n", 0, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Remove)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), 1));
- parcList_Add(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), 1));
- bool actual = parcList_Remove(list, buffer);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected element to have been found and removed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), 3));
- actual = parcList_Remove(list, buffer);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected element to have not been found and removed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_RemoveCollection)
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_RetainCollection)
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_HashCode)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- parcList_HashCode(list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_IndexOf)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), i));
- parcList_Add(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- uint32_t expected = 10;
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), 10));
- size_t actual = parcList_IndexOf(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %u, actual %zu", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_LastIndexOf)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), 1));
- parcList_Add(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- uint32_t expected = 999;
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), 1));
- size_t actual = parcList_LastIndexOf(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %u, actual %zu", expected, actual);
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- PARCList *copy = parcList_Copy(list);
- assertTrue(parcList_Equals(list, copy), "Expected copy to be equal to the original.");
- parcList_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Clear)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- parcList_Clear(list);
- assertTrue(parcList_IsEmpty(list), "Expected list to be empty.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_Destroy)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- PARCList *copy = parcList_Copy(list);
- parcList_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_RemoveAtIndex)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), i));
- parcList_Add(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcList_RemoveAtIndex(list, 0);
- uint32_t actual = parcBuffer_GetUint32(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 0, "Expected buffer 0.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_SetAtIndex)
- PARCList *list = longBowTestCase_Get(testCase, "list");
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Flip(parcBuffer_PutUint32(parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(int)), i));
- parcList_Add(list, buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- }
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *oldValue = parcList_SetAtIndex(list, 50, buffer);
- PARCBuffer *actual = parcList_GetAtIndex(list, 50);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(buffer, actual), "parcList_SetAtIndex set the wrong location.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&oldValue);
- PARCArrayList *array = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- parcArrayList_Add(array, 0);
- size_t size = parcArrayList_Size(array);
- assertTrue(1 == size, "Expected %d actual=%zd", 1, size);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&array);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_SubList)
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCList, parcList_ToArray)
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARCList);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Memory.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Memory.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 5fb18ce3..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Memory.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Memory.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_RoundUpToMultiple);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_RoundUpToCacheLine);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Allocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_AllocateAndClear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_MemAlign);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Reallocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_StringDuplicate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Outstanding);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_SetInterface);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Format);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_RoundUpToMultiple)
- size_t actual = parcMemory_RoundUpToMultiple(14, 12);
- assertTrue((actual % 12) == 0, "Expected %zd to be a multiple of %d", actual, 12);
- assertTrue(24 == actual, "Expected 24, actual %zd", actual);
- actual = parcMemory_RoundUpToMultiple(14, 20);
- assertTrue((actual % 20) == 0, "Expected %zd to be a multiple of %d", actual, 20);
- assertTrue(20 == actual, "Expected 20, actual %zd", actual);
- actual = parcMemory_RoundUpToMultiple(20, 20);
- assertTrue((actual % 20) == 0, "Expected %zd to be a multiple of %d", actual, 20);
- assertTrue(20 == actual, "Expected 20, actual %zd", actual);
- actual = parcMemory_RoundUpToMultiple(0, 20);
- assertTrue((actual % 20) == 0, "Expected %zd to be a multiple of %d", actual, 20);
- assertTrue(20 == actual, "Expected 20, actual %zd", actual);
- actual = parcMemory_RoundUpToMultiple(8, 0);
- assertTrue(actual == 8, "Expected %d, actual %zd", 8, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_RoundUpToCacheLine)
- size_t actual = parcMemory_RoundUpToCacheLine(LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE - 1);
- assertTrue((actual % LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE) == 0,
- "Expected %zd to be a multiple of %d", actual, LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Allocate)
- void *pointer;
- pointer = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- assertNotNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&pointer);
- assertNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_MemAlign)
- void *pointer;
- int actual = parcMemory_MemAlign(&pointer, sizeof(void *), sizeof(int));
- assertTrue(actual == 0, "Expected successful return value.");
- assertNotNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&pointer);
- assertNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Reallocate)
- void *pointer;
- int actual = parcMemory_MemAlign(&pointer, sizeof(void *), sizeof(int));
- assertTrue(actual == 0, "Expected successful return value.");
- pointer = parcMemory_Reallocate(pointer, sizeof(int) * 2);
- assertNotNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&pointer);
- assertNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_AllocateAndClear)
- void *pointer;
- pointer = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(int));
- assertNotNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++) {
- assertTrue(((char *) pointer)[i] == 0, "Expected cell to be zero.");
- }
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&pointer);
- assertNull(pointer, "Expected pointer to not be NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_StringDuplicate)
- char *expected = "Hello";
- char *actual = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(expected, strlen(expected));
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Outstanding)
- void *pointer;
- pointer = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- size_t expected = 1;
- size_t actual = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&pointer);
- expected = 0;
- actual = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_SetInterface)
- const PARCMemoryInterface *old = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(old);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcMemory_Format)
- char *expected = "Hello World";
- char *actual = parcMemory_Format("Hello %s", "World");
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&actual);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Memory);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Network.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Network.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 864fe25d..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Network.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Network.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockInet4AddressAny);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockInet4Address_BuildString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockInet6Address_BuildString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_BuildString_dashes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_BuildString_colons);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_Inet4Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_dashes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_colons);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_dots);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress_BadScheme);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadLink);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadMixOfDashesAndDots);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadMixOfDotsAndDashes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadSpecification);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseInet4Address);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parseMAC48Address);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_Colons);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_Colons_TooShort);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_Colons_Garbage);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_TooShort);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockAddress_ipv4);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockAddress_ipv6);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockAddress_hostname);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_LOCAL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_INET4);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_INET6);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_IPX);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockInet4AddressAny)
- struct sockaddr_in *test_sock = parcNetwork_SockInet4AddressAny();
- assertNotNull(test_sock, "Expected a not null pointer\n");
- assertTrue(test_sock->sin_family == AF_INET, "Expecting sin_family to be AF_INET\n");
- assertTrue(test_sock->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY, "Expecting sin_addr.s_addr to be set to INADDR_ANY\n");
-#if defined(SIN6_LEN)
- assertTrue(test_sock->sin_len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), "Expecting sockaddr.sin_len to be %zu not %hhu\n",
- sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), test_sock->sin_len);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &test_sock);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockInet4Address_BuildString)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- struct sockaddr_in *address = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address("", 1234);
-#if defined(SIN6_LEN)
- assertTrue(address->sin_len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), "Expecting sockaddr.sin_len to be %zu not %hhu\n",
- sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), address->sin_len);
- parcNetwork_SockInet4Address_BuildString(address, composer);
- char *expected = "inet4://";
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &address);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockInet6Address_BuildString)
- struct sockaddr_in6 *address = parcNetwork_SockInet6Address("2001:720:1500:1::a100", 1234, 0, 1);
-#if defined(SIN6_LEN)
- assertTrue(address->sin6_len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), "Expecting sockaddr.sin6_len to be %zu not %hhu\n",
- sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), address->sin6_len);
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcNetwork_SockInet6Address_BuildString(address, composer);
- char *expected = "inet6://[2001:720:1500:1::a100%1]:1234";
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &address);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_BuildString_dashes)
- char *expected = "link://01-23-45-67-89-ab";
- PARCBuffer *address = parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcNetwork_LinkAddress_BuildString((unsigned char *) parcBuffer_Overlay(address, 0), parcBuffer_Remaining(address), composer);
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&address);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_BuildString_colons)
- char *expected = "link://01-23-45-67-89-ab";
- PARCBuffer *address = parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress("link://01:23:45:67:89:ab");
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcNetwork_LinkAddress_BuildString((unsigned char *) parcBuffer_Overlay(address, 0), parcBuffer_Remaining(address), composer);
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *actual = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&address);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_dashes)
- char *expected = "link://01-23-45-67-89-ab";
- PARCBuffer *address = parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(address);
- PARCBuffer *e = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(address, 0);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(address, 6);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(e, 0);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(e, 6);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(address, e),
- "Expected result failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&e);
- parcBuffer_Release(&address);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_colons)
- char *expected = "link://01:23:45:67:89:ab";
- PARCBuffer *address = parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
- PARCBuffer *e = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(address, 0);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(e, 0);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(address, 6);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(e, 6);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(address, e),
- "Expected result failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&e);
- parcBuffer_Release(&address);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_dots)
- char *expected = "link://0123.4567.89ab";
- PARCBuffer *address = parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
- PARCBuffer *e = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(address, 0);
- parcBuffer_SetPosition(e, 0);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(address, 6);
- parcBuffer_SetLimit(e, 6);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(address, e),
- "Expected result failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&e);
- parcBuffer_Release(&address);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Global, parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress_BadScheme, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- char *expected = "asdf://";
- parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadLink, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- char *expected = "link://";
- parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
- printf("Hello\n");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadSpecification, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- char *expected = "link://a";
- parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadMixOfDashesAndDots, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- char *expected = "link://01-23-45.6789ab";
- parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Global, parcNetwork_LinkAddress_Parse_BadMixOfDotsAndDashes, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
- char *expected = "link://012345.67-89-ab";
- parcNetwork_ParseLinkAddress(expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parseMAC48Address)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- bool actual = parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address("01-23-45-67-89-ab", buffer);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address() to return true");
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, buffer), "Expected buffer contents failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_Colons)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- bool actual = parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address("01:23:45:67:89:ab", buffer);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address() to return true");
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, buffer), "Expected buffer contents failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_Colons_TooShort)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- bool actual = parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address("01:23:45:67:89", buffer);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address() to return false");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 0, "Expected buffer to be unmodified.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_Colons_Garbage)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- bool actual = parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address("0x:23:45:67:89:ab", buffer);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address() to return false");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 0, "Expected the PARCBuffer to be unchanged.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- bool actual = parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address("0123.4567.89ab", buffer);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected _parseLinkAddressDot() to return true");
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, buffer), "Expected buffer contents failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address_TooShort)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- bool actual = parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address("0123.4567", buffer);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcNetwork_ParseMAC48Address() to return false");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 0, "Expected the PARCBuffer to be unchanged.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_ParseInet4Address)
- struct sockaddr_in *address = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address("", 1234);
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address_BuildString(address, parcBufferComposer_Create());
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *addressURI = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- struct sockaddr_in *actual = parcNetwork_ParseInet4Address(addressURI);
- assertTrue(parcNetwork_Inet4Equals(address, actual),
- "Expected Addresses are not equal");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &addressURI);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &address);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_Inet4Equals)
- struct sockaddr_in *x = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address("", 1234);
- struct sockaddr_in *y = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address("", 1234);
- struct sockaddr_in *z = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address("", 1234);
- struct sockaddr_in *u1 = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address("", 1234);
- struct sockaddr_in *u2 = parcNetwork_SockInet4Address("", 4567);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcNetwork_Inet4Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &x);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &y);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &z);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &u1);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &u2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockAddress_ipv4)
- const char *ipv4 = "";
- unsigned short port = 5959;
- struct sockaddr_in truth = {
- .sin_family = PF_INET,
- .sin_port = htons(port),
- .sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x01010101)
- };
- struct sockaddr_in *test = (struct sockaddr_in *) parcNetwork_SockAddress(ipv4, port);
- assertNotNull(test, "Got null address for %s port %u", ipv4, port);
- assertTrue(truth.sin_family == test->sin_family, "wrong family, expected %d got %d", truth.sin_family, test->sin_family);
- assertTrue(truth.sin_port == test->sin_port, "wrong port, expected %u got %u", truth.sin_port, test->sin_port);
- assertTrue(memcmp(&truth.sin_addr, &test->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) == 0, "struct in_addr did not compare");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &test);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockAddress_ipv6)
- const char *ipv6 = "fe80::aa20:66ff:fe00:314a";
- uint8_t truth_addr[16] = { 0xfe, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
- 0xaa, 0x20, 0x66, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x31, 0x4a };
- unsigned short port = 5959;
- struct sockaddr_in6 truth = {
- .sin6_family = PF_INET6,
- .sin6_port = htons(port)
- };
- memcpy(&truth.sin6_addr, truth_addr, sizeof(truth.sin6_addr));
- struct sockaddr_in6 *test = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) parcNetwork_SockAddress(ipv6, port);
- if (test == NULL) {
- testSkip("IPv6 is not supported in the runtime environment.");
- }
- assertTrue(truth.sin6_family == test->sin6_family, "wrong family, expected %d got %d", truth.sin6_family, test->sin6_family);
- assertTrue(truth.sin6_port == test->sin6_port, "wrong port, expected %u got %u", truth.sin6_port, test->sin6_port);
- assertTrue(memcmp(&truth.sin6_addr, &test->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) == 0, "struct in_addr did not compare");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &test);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_SockAddress_hostname)
- const char *name = "localhost";
- unsigned short port = 5959;
- struct sockaddr *test = parcNetwork_SockAddress(name, port);
- assertNotNull(test, "Got null looking up '%s'", name);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &test);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_LOCAL)
- struct sockaddr_un name;
- name.sun_family = PF_LOCAL;
- bool isLocal = parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal((struct sockaddr *) &name);
- assertTrue(isLocal, "PF_LOCAL address did not return as local");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_IPX)
- struct sockaddr_un name;
- name.sun_family = PF_IPX;
- bool isLocal = parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal((struct sockaddr *) &name);
- assertFalse(isLocal, "Expected parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal(PF_PUP) to return false");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_INET4)
- struct sockaddr *s = parcNetwork_SockAddress("", 5900);
- bool isLoopback = parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal(s);
- assertTrue(isLoopback, " should be called loopback");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal_PF_INET6)
- struct sockaddr *s = parcNetwork_SockAddress("::1", 5900);
- bool isLoopback = parcNetwork_IsSocketLocal(s);
- assertTrue(isLoopback, "::1 should be called loopback");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
-// =======================================================================
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet6Local_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet6Local_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet4Local_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet4Local_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon_Colons);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDot);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDot_TooShort);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon_Colons_TooShort);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon_Colons_Garbage);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet6Local_True)
- struct sockaddr *s = parcNetwork_SockAddress("::1", 5900);
- bool isLoopback = _isInet6Loopback((struct sockaddr_in6 *) s);
- assertTrue(isLoopback, "::1 should be called loopback");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet6Local_False)
- struct sockaddr *s = parcNetwork_SockAddress("fe80::aa20:66ff:fe00:1", 5900);
- bool isLoopback = _isInet6Loopback((struct sockaddr_in6 *) s);
- assertFalse(isLoopback, "fe80::aa20:66ff:fe00:1 should not be called loopback");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet4Local_True)
- struct sockaddr *s = parcNetwork_SockAddress("", 5900);
- bool isLoopback = _isInet4Loopback((struct sockaddr_in *) s);
- assertTrue(isLoopback, " should be called loopback");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcNetwork_IsInet4Local_False)
- struct sockaddr *s = parcNetwork_SockAddress("", 5900);
- bool isLoopback = _isInet4Loopback((struct sockaddr_in *) s);
- assertFalse(isLoopback, " should not be called loopback");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &s);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- PARCBuffer *actual = _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon("01-23-45-67-89-ab", buffer);
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected _parseLinkAddressDashOrColon() to return non-NULL value");
- parcBuffer_Flip(actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, actual), "Expected buffer contents failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon_Colons)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- PARCBuffer *actual = _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon("01:23:45:67:89:ab", buffer);
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected _parseLinkAddressDashOrColon() to return non-NULL value");
- parcBuffer_Flip(actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, actual), "Expected buffer contents failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon_Colons_TooShort)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- PARCBuffer *actual = _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon("01:23:45:67:89", buffer);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected _parseLinkAddressDashOrColon() to return NULL value");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon_Colons_Garbage)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- PARCBuffer *actual = _parseMAC48AddressDashOrColon("0x:23:45:67:89:ab", buffer);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected _parseLinkAddressDashOrColon() to return NULL value");
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Position(buffer) == 0, "Expected the PARCBuffer to be unchanged.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDot)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- PARCBuffer *actual = _parseMAC48AddressDot("0123.4567.89ab", buffer);
- assertNotNull(actual, "Expected _parseLinkAddressDot() to return non-NULL value");
- parcBuffer_Flip(actual);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(expected, actual), "Expected buffer contents failed.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, _parseMAC48AddressDot_TooShort)
- PARCBuffer *expected = parcBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t []) { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab }, 6, 0, 6);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(7);
- PARCBuffer *actual = _parseMAC48AddressDot("0123.4567", buffer);
- assertNull(actual, "Expected _parseLinkAddressDot() to return NULL value");
- parcBuffer_Release(&expected);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Networking);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Object.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Object.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 687654fe..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Object.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1580 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_Object.c"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_StdlibMemory.h>
-typedef struct {
- int calledCount;
- int val;
-} _dummy_object;
-typedef _dummy_object _DummyObject;
-static void
-_dummy_Destroy(_DummyObject **obj __attribute__((unused)))
-static _DummyObject *
-_dummy_Copy(const _DummyObject *obj);
-static bool
-_dummy_Equals(const _DummyObject *x, const _DummyObject *y)
- const _DummyObject *dummy1 = x;
- const _DummyObject *dummy2 = y;
- return (dummy1->calledCount == dummy2->calledCount);
-static int
-_dummy_Compare(const _DummyObject *x, const _DummyObject *y)
- const _DummyObject *dummy1 = x;
- const _DummyObject *dummy2 = y;
- if (dummy1->calledCount == dummy2->calledCount) {
- return 0;
- } else if (dummy1->calledCount < dummy2->calledCount) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-static uint32_t
-_dummy_HashCode(const _DummyObject *obj)
- _DummyObject *dummy = (_DummyObject *) obj;
- dummy->calledCount++;
- return 1337;
-static char *
-_dummy_ToString(const _DummyObject *x __attribute__((unused)))
- char *str = (char *) parcMemory_Allocate(6);
- char *test = "dummy";
- sprintf(str, "%s", test);
- return str;
-static PARCJSON *
-_dummy_ToJSON(const _DummyObject *x __attribute__((unused)))
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_ParseString("{ \"type\" : \"dummy\" }");
- return json;
-parcObject_Override(_DummyObject, PARCObject,
- .destroy = (PARCObjectDestroy *) _dummy_Destroy,
- .copy = (PARCObjectCopy *) _dummy_Copy,
- .toString = (PARCObjectToString *) _dummy_ToString,
- .equals = (PARCObjectEquals *) _dummy_Equals,
- .compare = (PARCObjectCompare *) _dummy_Compare,
- .hashCode = (PARCObjectHashCode *) _dummy_HashCode,
- .toJSON = (PARCObjectToJSON *) _dummy_ToJSON);
-static _DummyObject *
-_dummy_Copy(const _DummyObject *obj)
- _DummyObject *newDummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- const _DummyObject *dummy = obj;
- newDummy->calledCount = dummy->calledCount;
- return newDummy;
-typedef _dummy_object _DummyObjectNoHash;
- _dummy_Destroy,
- _dummy_Copy,
- _dummy_ToString,
- _dummy_Equals,
- _dummy_Compare,
- _dummy_ToJSON);
-static bool
-_meta_destructor_true(PARCObject **objPtr)
- return true;
-static bool
-_meta_destructor_false(PARCObject **objPtr)
- (*objPtr) = NULL;
- return false;
-static PARCObject *
-_meta_copy(const PARCObject *ptr)
- _DummyObject *d = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(_DummyObject));
- _DummyObject *xx = (_DummyObject *) ptr;
- d->val = xx->val;
- return d;
-static bool
-_meta_equals(const PARCObject *x, const PARCObject *y)
- _DummyObject *xx = (_DummyObject *) x;
- _DummyObject *yy = (_DummyObject *) y;
- return (xx->val == yy->val);
-static int
-_meta_compare(const PARCObject *x, const PARCObject *y)
- _DummyObject *xx = (_DummyObject *) x;
- _DummyObject *yy = (_DummyObject *) y;
- if (xx->val == yy->val) {
- return 0;
- } else if (xx->val < yy->val) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-static PARCHashCode
-_meta_hashCode(const PARCObject *ptr)
- _DummyObject *xx = (_DummyObject *) ptr;
- return xx->val;
-static char *
-_meta_toString(const PARCObject *ptr)
- _DummyObject *xx = (_DummyObject *) ptr;
- char *result;
- parcMemory_MemAlign((void **) &result, sizeof(void *), sizeof(char));
- assertNotNull(result, "parcMemory_Allocate returned NULL");
- char *p = result;
- sprintf(result, "%d", xx->val);
- return p;
-static PARCJSON *
-_meta_toJson(const PARCObject *ptr)
- _DummyObject *xx = (_DummyObject *) ptr;
- PARCJSON *json = parcJSON_Create();
- parcJSON_AddInteger(json, "value", xx->val);
- return json;
-static const PARCMemoryInterface *_originalMemoryProvider;
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(Synchronization);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _objectHeaderIsValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcObject_PrefixLength);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
-struct timeval _testObject;
-parcObject_Override(_testObject, PARCObject);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _objectHeaderIsValid)
- PARCObject *object = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- _PARCObjectHeader *header = _parcObject_Header(object);
- assertTrue(_parcObjectHeader_IsValid(header, object), "Expected _parcObject_HeaderHeaderIsValid to be valid");
- parcObject_Release(&object);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcObject_PrefixLength)
- // Test that the result is a multiple of the alignment value and greater than the size of _PARCObjectHeader.
- // Compute the power of 2 value of sizeof(void *)
- unsigned int v = sizeof(void *);
- unsigned int r = 0; // r will be lg(v)
- while (v >>= 1) {
- r++;
- }
- PARCObjectDescriptor descriptor;
- for (int i = r; i < 20; i++) {
- descriptor.objectAlignment = 1 << i;
- size_t actual = _parcObject_PrefixLength(&descriptor);
- assertTrue((actual & (descriptor.objectAlignment - 1)) == 0,
- "Alignment needs to be a multiple of %u", descriptor.objectAlignment);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcObject_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcObject_Release);
-// LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcObject_Acquire_Invalid);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcObject_Acquire)
- struct timeval *expected = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcObject_Acquire, expected);
- parcObject_Release((void **) &expected);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcObject_Release)
- struct timeval *time = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time);
- time->tv_sec = 1;
- time->tv_usec = 2;
- PARCReferenceCount count = parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &time);
- assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected reference count to be zero");
- assertTrue(time == 0, "Expected memory pointer to be NULL after destroy.");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Create);
-// LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_CreateAndClear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_IsValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_IsValid_NotValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_IsInstanceOf);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Copy_Default);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Compare_Default);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Compare_NoOverride);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Compare);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Equals_Default);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Equals_NoOverride);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_HashCode_Default);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_HashCode_NoOverride);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToString_Default);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToString_NoOverride);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToJSON_Default);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToJSON_NoOverride);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToJSON);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_GetReferenceCount);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Display_Default);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Display_NoOverride);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_GetDescriptor);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Release)
- struct timeval *time = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time);
- time->tv_sec = 1;
- time->tv_usec = 2;
- PARCReferenceCount count = parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &time);
- assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected reference count to be zero");
- assertTrue(time == 0, "Expected memory pointer to be NULL after destroy.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Create)
- struct timeval *time = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time);
- time->tv_sec = 1;
- time->tv_usec = 2;
- PARCReferenceCount count = parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &time);
- assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected reference count to be zero");
- assertTrue(time == 0, "Expected memory pointer to be NULL after destroy.");
-//LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_CreateAndClear)
-// struct timeval *time = parcObject_CreateAndClear(struct timeval);
-// parcObject_AssertValid(time);
-// time->tv_sec = 1;
-// time->tv_usec = 2;
-// PARCReferenceCount count = parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &time);
-// assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected reference count to be zero");
-// assertTrue(time == 0, "Expected memory pointer to be NULL after destroy.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_IsValid)
- PARCObject *object = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- assertTrue(parcObject_IsValid(object), "Expected valid PARCObject");
- parcObject_Release(&object);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_IsInstanceOf)
- _DummyObject *dummy1 = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- assertTrue(parcObject_IsInstanceOf(dummy1, &PARCObject_Descriptor),
- "Expected _DummyObject to be an instance of PARCObject");
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_IsValid_NotValid)
- PARCObject *object = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- PARCObject *alias = object;
- parcObject_Release(&object);
- assertFalse(parcObject_IsValid(object), "Expected invalid PARCObject");
- assertFalse(parcObject_IsValid(alias), "Expected invalid PARCObject");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Copy_Default)
- struct timeval *time = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time);
- time->tv_sec = 1;
- time->tv_usec = 2;
- struct timeval *copy = parcObject_Copy(time);
- parcObject_AssertValid(copy);
- assertTrue(copy->tv_sec == 1, "Expected tv_sec to equal 1");
- assertTrue(copy->tv_usec == 2, "Expected tv_usec to equal 2");
- PARCReferenceCount count = parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &copy);
- assertTrue(count == 0, "Expected reference count to be zero");
- assertTrue(copy == 0, "Expected memory pointer to be NULL after destroy.");
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &time);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Copy)
- _DummyObject *dummy1 = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- dummy1->calledCount = 100;
- _DummyObject *dummy2 = parcObject_Copy(dummy1);
- assertTrue(dummy2->calledCount == dummy1->calledCount,
- "Expected called counts to be the same. Got %d, expected %d.", dummy1->calledCount, dummy2->calledCount);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy1);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Compare_Default)
- struct timeval *time1 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time1);
- time1->tv_sec = 1;
- time1->tv_usec = 2;
- struct timeval *time2 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time2);
- time2->tv_sec = 1;
- time2->tv_usec = 2;
- int compareResult = parcObject_Compare(time1, time2);
- assertTrue(compareResult == 0, "Expected objects to compare equal. Comparison result: %d", compareResult);
- compareResult = parcObject_Compare(time1, time1);
- assertTrue(compareResult == 0, "Expected same object to be equal since they have identical pointer addresses. Comparison result: %d", compareResult);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &time1);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &time2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Compare_NoOverride)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("override",
- sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*),
- true,
- struct timeval *time1 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time1);
- time1->tv_sec = 1;
- time1->tv_usec = 2;
- struct timeval *time2 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time2);
- time2->tv_sec = 1;
- time2->tv_usec = 2;
- int compareResult = parcObject_Compare(time1, time2);
- assertTrue(compareResult == 0, "Expected objects to compare equal. Comparison result: %d", compareResult);
- compareResult = parcObject_Compare(time1, time1);
- assertTrue(compareResult == 0, "Expected same object to be equal since they have identical pointer addresses. Comparison result: %d", compareResult);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &time1);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &time2);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Compare)
- _DummyObject *value = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstance(_DummyObject);
- _DummyObject *equality[2];
- equality[0] = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstance(_DummyObject);
- equality[1] = NULL;
- _DummyObject *lesser[2];
- lesser[0] = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstance(_DummyObject);
- lesser[1] = NULL;
- _DummyObject *greater[2];
- greater[0] = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstance(_DummyObject);
- greater[1] = NULL;
- value->calledCount = 50;
- equality[0]->calledCount = 50;
- lesser[0]->calledCount = 10;
- greater[0]->calledCount = 80;
- parcObjectTesting_AssertCompareTo(parcObject_Compare, value, equality, lesser, greater);
- parcObject_Release((void **) &value);
- parcObject_Release((void **) &equality[0]);
- parcObject_Release((void **) &lesser[0]);
- parcObject_Release((void **) &greater[0]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Equals_Default)
- struct timeval *x = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- memset(x, 0, sizeof(struct timeval));
- x->tv_sec = 1;
- x->tv_usec = 2;
- struct timeval *y = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- memset(y, 0, sizeof(struct timeval));
- y->tv_sec = 1;
- y->tv_usec = 2;
- assertTrue(parcObject_Equals(x, y), "Expected equality");
- struct timeval *z = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- z->tv_sec = 1;
- z->tv_usec = 2;
- struct timeval *unequal1 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- unequal1->tv_sec = 1;
- unequal1->tv_usec = 1;
- struct timeval *unequal2 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- unequal2->tv_sec = 0;
- unequal2->tv_usec = 0;
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcObject_Equals, x, y, z, unequal1, unequal2, NULL);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &x);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &y);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &z);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &unequal1);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &unequal2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Equals_NoOverride)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("override", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- struct timeval *x = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- memset(x, 0, sizeof(struct timeval));
- x->tv_sec = 1;
- x->tv_usec = 2;
- struct timeval *y = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- memset(y, 0, sizeof(struct timeval));
- y->tv_sec = 1;
- y->tv_usec = 2;
- assertTrue(parcObject_Equals(x, y), "Expected equality");
- struct timeval *z = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- z->tv_sec = 1;
- z->tv_usec = 2;
- struct timeval *unequal1 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- unequal1->tv_sec = 1;
- unequal1->tv_usec = 1;
- struct timeval *unequal2 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- unequal2->tv_sec = 0;
- unequal2->tv_usec = 0;
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcObject_Equals, x, y, z, unequal1, unequal2, NULL);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &x);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &y);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &z);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &unequal1);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &unequal2);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Equals)
- _DummyObject *x = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- x->calledCount = 100;
- _DummyObject *y = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- y->calledCount = 100;
- _DummyObject *z = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- z->calledCount = 100;
- _DummyObject *unequal1 = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- unequal1->calledCount = 50;
- PARCObject *unequal2 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- PARCObjectDescriptor dummyMeta2 = parcObject_DescriptorName(_DummyObject);
- _DummyObject *unequal3 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&dummyMeta2);
- unequal3->calledCount = 100;
- PARCObject *unequal4 = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcObject_Equals, x, y, z, unequal1, unequal2, unequal3, unequal4, NULL);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &x);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &y);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &z);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &unequal1);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &unequal2);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &unequal3);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &unequal4);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_HashCode_Default)
- struct timeval *time = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time);
- time->tv_sec = 1;
- time->tv_usec = 2;
- PARCHashCode hashCode = parcObject_HashCode(time);
- PARCHashCode expected = parcHashCode_Hash((void *) time, sizeof(struct timeval));
- assertTrue(hashCode == expected, "Hash codes do not match. Got %" PRIPARCHashCode ", expected %" PRIPARCHashCode ".", hashCode, expected);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &time);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_HashCode_NoOverride)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("override", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- struct timeval *time = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(time);
- time->tv_sec = 1;
- time->tv_usec = 2;
- PARCHashCode hashCode = parcObject_HashCode(time);
- PARCHashCode expected = parcHashCode_Hash((void *) time, sizeof(struct timeval));
- assertTrue(hashCode == expected, "Hash codes do not match. Got %" PRIPARCHashCode ", expected %" PRIPARCHashCode ".", hashCode, expected);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject *) &time);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_HashCode)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- PARCHashCode hashCode = parcObject_HashCode(dummy);
- assertTrue(hashCode == 1337, "Expected hashcode to be 1337, got %" PRIPARCHashCode, hashCode);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToString)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- char *strRep = parcObject_ToString(dummy);
- assertTrue(strcmp(strRep, "dummy") == 0, "Expected 'dummy' string representation, got %s", strRep);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &strRep);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToString_Default)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_DummyObject_Descriptor);
- char *strRep = parcObject_ToString(dummy);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &strRep);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToString_NoOverride)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("override", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- char *strRep = parcObject_ToString(dummy);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &strRep);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToJSON_Default)
- size_t expectedSize = sizeof(struct timeval);
- PARCObject *memory = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_testObject_Descriptor);
- PARCJSON *json = parcObject_ToJSON(memory);
- const PARCJSONPair *lengthPair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, "objectLength");
- PARCJSONValue *lengthValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(lengthPair);
- uint64_t actualLength = parcJSONValue_GetInteger(lengthValue);
- const PARCJSONPair *alignmentPair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, "objectAlignment");
- PARCJSONValue *alignmentValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(alignmentPair);
- int alignment = (int) parcJSONValue_GetInteger(alignmentValue);
- assertTrue(actualLength >= expectedSize,
- "Expected length to be >= %zd, actual %" PRIu64 "", expectedSize, actualLength);
- assertTrue(alignment == sizeof(void *), "Expected objectAlignment to be %zd, got %d",
- sizeof(void *), alignment);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcObject_Release(&memory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToJSON)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- PARCJSON *json = parcObject_ToJSON(dummy);
- char *strRep = parcJSON_ToString(json);
- assertTrue(strcmp(strRep, "{ \"type\" : \"dummy\" }") == 0, "Expected fixed JSON object with a specific string representation, got %s", strRep);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &strRep);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_ToJSON_NoOverride)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("override", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- size_t expectedSize = sizeof(struct timeval);
- PARCObject *memory = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- PARCJSON *json = parcObject_ToJSON(memory);
- const PARCJSONPair *lengthPair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, "objectLength");
- PARCJSONValue *lengthValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(lengthPair);
- uint64_t actualLength = parcJSONValue_GetInteger(lengthValue);
- const PARCJSONPair *alignmentPair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, "objectAlignment");
- PARCJSONValue *alignmentValue = parcJSONPair_GetValue(alignmentPair);
- int alignment = (int) parcJSONValue_GetInteger(alignmentValue);
- assertTrue(actualLength >= expectedSize,
- "Expected length to be >= %zd, actual %" PRIu64 "", expectedSize, actualLength);
- assertTrue(alignment == sizeof(void *), "Expected objectAlignment to be %zd, got %d",
- sizeof(void *), alignment);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcObject_Release(&memory);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_GetReferenceCount)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- PARCReferenceCount refCount = parcObject_GetReferenceCount(dummy);
- assertTrue(refCount == 1, "Expected reference count to be 1, got %" PRIu64 "", refCount);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Display_Default)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(&_DummyObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_Display(dummy, 0);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Display_NoOverride)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("override", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateAndClearInstanceImpl(descriptor);
- parcObject_Display(dummy, 0);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_Display)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- parcObject_Display(dummy, 0);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcObject_GetDescriptor)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor = parcObject_GetDescriptor(dummy);
- assertTrue(descriptor == &_DummyObject_Descriptor, "Expected pointer to _DummyObject_Descriptor");
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Subclasses, parcObject_Copy);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Subclasses, parcObject_Copy)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *objectType =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Dummy", sizeof(_DummyObject), sizeof(void*), true,
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- parcObject_SetDescriptor(dummy, objectType);
- dummy->calledCount = 100;
- _DummyObject *dummy2 = parcObject_Copy(dummy);
- assertTrue(dummy2->calledCount == dummy->calledCount,
- "Expected called counts to be the same. Got %d, expected %d.", dummy->calledCount, dummy2->calledCount);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy2);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &objectType);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Locking, parcObject_TryLock_Unlock);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Locking, parcObject_Lock_Unlock);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Locking, parcObject_TryLock_AlreadyLockedSameThread);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Locking, parcObject_Lock_AlreadyLocked);
-static uint32_t initialAllocations;
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- initialAllocations = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, dummy);
- _DummyObject *dummy = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
- }
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Locking, parcObject_TryLock_Unlock)
- _DummyObject *dummy = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- bool actual = parcObject_TryLock(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_TryLock to succeed.");
- actual = parcObject_IsLocked(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_IsLocked to be true.");
- actual = parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_Unlock to succeed.");
- actual = parcObject_IsLocked(dummy);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcObject_IsLocked to be false.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Locking, parcObject_Lock_Unlock)
- _DummyObject *dummy = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- bool actual = parcObject_Lock(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_Lock to succeed.");
- actual = parcObject_IsLocked(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_IsLocked to be true.");
- actual = parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_Unlock to succeed.");
- actual = parcObject_IsLocked(dummy);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcObject_IsLocked to be false.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Locking, parcObject_TryLock_AlreadyLockedSameThread, .event = &LongBowTrapCannotObtainLockEvent)
- _DummyObject *dummy = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- bool actual = parcObject_TryLock(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_TryLock to succeed.");
- actual = parcObject_TryLock(dummy);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected parcObject_TryLock to fail when already locked by the same thread.");
- actual = parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_Unlock to succeed.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Locking, parcObject_Lock_AlreadyLocked, .event = &LongBowTrapCannotObtainLockEvent)
- _DummyObject *dummy = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- bool actual = parcObject_Lock(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected parcObject_Lock to succeed.");
- actual = parcObject_IsLocked(dummy);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected locked object to indicate being locked.");
- parcObject_Lock(dummy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitNotify);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitNotify2);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitUntil);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitFor);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitNotifyAll);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-// Just wait until told to wakeup, then increment a counter and unlock.
-static void *
-waiter(void *data)
- _DummyObject *dummy = data;
- while (parcObject_TryLock(dummy) == false) {
- ;
- }
- assertTrue(parcObject_IsLocked(dummy), "%p object %p not locked.", (void *) pthread_self(), (void *) dummy);
- parcObject_Wait(dummy);
- dummy->val++;
- parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- return data;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitNotify)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- dummy->val = 0;
- pthread_t thread_A;
- pthread_t thread_B;
- pthread_t thread_C;
- pthread_create(&thread_A, NULL, waiter, dummy);
- pthread_create(&thread_B, NULL, waiter, dummy);
- pthread_create(&thread_C, NULL, waiter, dummy);
- while (dummy->val != 3) {
- while (parcObject_TryLock(dummy) == false) {
- ;
- }
- parcObject_Notify(dummy);
- parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- }
- pthread_join(thread_A, NULL);
-// pthread_join(thread_B, NULL);
-// pthread_join(thread_C, NULL);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitNotifyAll)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- dummy->val = 0;
- pthread_t thread_A;
- pthread_t thread_B;
- pthread_t thread_C;
- pthread_create(&thread_A, NULL, waiter, dummy);
- pthread_create(&thread_B, NULL, waiter, dummy);
- pthread_create(&thread_C, NULL, waiter, dummy);
- while (dummy->val != 3) {
- while (parcObject_TryLock(dummy) == false) {
- ;
- }
- parcObject_NotifyAll(dummy);
- parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- }
- pthread_join(thread_A, NULL);
-// pthread_join(thread_B, NULL);
-// pthread_join(thread_C, NULL);
- assertTrue(dummy->val == 3, "Expected the counter to be 3, actual %d", dummy->val);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-static void *
-decrement(void *data)
- _DummyObject *dummy = data;
- while (parcObject_TryLock(dummy) == false) {
- ;
- }
- while (dummy->val < 12) {
- parcObject_Wait(dummy);
- dummy->val--;
- }
- parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- return data;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitNotify2)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- dummy->val = 0;
- pthread_t thread_A;
- pthread_create(&thread_A, NULL, decrement, dummy);
- dummy->val = 2;
- while (parcObject_TryLock(dummy) == false) {
- ;
- }
- while (dummy->val <= 12) {
- parcObject_Notify(dummy);
- dummy->val += 2;
- }
- parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- pthread_join(thread_A, NULL);
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitUntil)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- dummy->val = 0;
- time_t now;
- time_t then;
- time(&then);
- if (parcObject_Lock(dummy)) {
- struct timespec future;
- future.tv_sec = then + 3;
- future.tv_nsec = 0;
- parcObject_WaitUntil(dummy, &future);
- time(&now);
- long expected = now - 1; // Subtract 1 because the future may have been computed at the 999,999,999 nanosecond mark.
- assertTrue(now >= expected, "Expected now %ld, to be later than than %ld", now, expected);
- parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- }
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(WaitNotify, parcObject_WaitFor)
- _DummyObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- dummy->val = 0;
- time_t now;
- time_t then;
- time(&then);
- if (parcObject_Lock(dummy)) {
- uint64_t nanoSeconds = 1000000000;
- parcObject_WaitFor(dummy, nanoSeconds);
- time(&now);
- now++; // Advance now by 1 because of the precision mismatch between gettimeofday and nanosecond resolution of parcObject_WaitFor
- assertTrue(now >= then + (nanoSeconds / 1000000000),
- "Expected now %ld, to be later than time %" PRIu64, now, then + (nanoSeconds / 1000000000));
- parcObject_Unlock(dummy);
- }
- parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &dummy);
-typedef struct {
- PARCObject *value;
-} TestData;
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- TestData *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestData));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestData));
- data->value = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObjectNoHash);
- if (data->value == NULL) {
- }
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, data);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcObject_Release(&data->value);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &data);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_FIXTURE_OPTIONS(Performance, .enabled = false)
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, _parcObject_PrefixLength_10000000);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcObject_CreateRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcObject_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcObject_AcquireRelease);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCStdlibMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, _parcObject_PrefixLength_10000000)
- // Test that the result is a multiple of the alignment value and greater than the size of _PARCObjectHeader.
- // Compute the power of 2 value of sizeof(void *)
- unsigned int v = sizeof(void *);
- unsigned int r = 0; // r will be lg(v)
- while (v >>= 1) {
- r++;
- }
- PARCObjectDescriptor descriptor;
- for (int i = r; i < 20; i++) {
- descriptor.objectAlignment = 1 << i;
- size_t actual = _parcObject_PrefixLength(&descriptor);
- assertTrue((actual & (descriptor.objectAlignment - 1)) == 0,
- "Alignment needs to be a multiple of %u", descriptor.objectAlignment);
- }
-#define OBJECT_COUNT 10000000
-#define OBJECT_SIZE 1200
-typedef struct { char bytes[OBJECT_SIZE]; } PerformanceObject;
-parcObject_Override(PerformanceObject, PARCObject);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcObject_CreateRelease)
- for (int i = 0; i < OBJECT_COUNT; i++) {
- PARCObject *object = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&PerformanceObject_Descriptor);
- PARCObject *object1 = parcObject_Acquire(object);
- PARCObject *object2 = parcObject_Acquire(object);
- parcObject_Release(&object1);
- parcObject_Release(&object2);
- parcObject_Release(&object);
- }
-void *objects[OBJECT_COUNT];
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcObject_AcquireRelease)
- PARCObject *object = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&PerformanceObject_Descriptor);
- for (int i = 0; i < OBJECT_COUNT; i++) {
- objects[i] = parcObject_Acquire(object);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < OBJECT_COUNT; i++) {
- parcObject_Release(&objects[i]);
- }
- parcObject_Release(&object);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcObject_Create)
- for (int i = 0; i < OBJECT_COUNT; i++) {
- objects[i] = parcObject_CreateInstanceImpl(&PerformanceObject_Descriptor);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < OBJECT_COUNT; i++) {
- parcObject_Release(&objects[i]);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Meta, _metaDestructor_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Meta, _metaDestructor_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Meta, _metaDestructor_None);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Meta, parcObjectDescriptor_Create);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- _DummyObject *data;
- parcMemory_MemAlign((void **) &data, sizeof(void *), sizeof(_DummyObject));
- data->val = 10;
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, data);
- _DummyObject *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &data);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks %d memory allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Meta, parcObjectDescriptor_Create)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *interface = parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta",
- sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*),
- true,
- _meta_destructor_true, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString,
- _meta_equals, _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL,
- &PARCObject_Descriptor, NULL);
- assertNotNull(interface, "Expected interface instance to be allocated correctly.");
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &interface);
- assertNull(interface, "Expected parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy to NULL the input pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Meta, _metaDestructor_True)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *interface =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- _meta_destructor_true, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString, _meta_equals, _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL,
- &PARCObject_Descriptor, NULL);
- _DummyObject *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- bool actual = _parcObject_Destructor(interface, (PARCObject **) &data);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected destructor to return true.");
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &interface);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Meta, _metaDestructor_False)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor =
- parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- _meta_destructor_false, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString, _meta_equals, _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL,
- &PARCObject_Descriptor, NULL);
- _DummyObject *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- bool actual = _parcObject_Destructor(descriptor, (PARCObject **) &data);
- assertNull(data, "Expected destructor function to have been called to nullify the reference.");
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected destructor to return false.");
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Meta, _metaDestructor_None)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *interface = parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- NULL, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString, _meta_equals, _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL, &PARCObject_Descriptor, NULL);
- _DummyObject *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- _parcObject_Destructor(interface, (void **) &data);
- assertNotNull(data, "Expected destructor function to have been called to nullify the reference.");
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &interface);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_CreateExtension);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_GetSuperType);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_GetTypeState);
- longBowTestCase_SetInt(testCase, "initialAllocations", parcMemory_Outstanding());
- int initialAllocations = longBowTestCase_GetInt(testCase, "initialAllocations");
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcMemory_Outstanding() - initialAllocations;
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_Create)
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor = parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- NULL, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString, _meta_equals, _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL, &PARCObject_Descriptor, NULL);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy((PARCObjectDescriptor **) &descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_CreateExtension)
- PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor = parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- NULL, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString, _meta_equals, _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL, &PARCObject_Descriptor, NULL);
- PARCObjectDescriptor *extension = parcObjectDescriptor_CreateExtension(descriptor, "Extension");
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy(&extension);
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy(&descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_GetSuperType)
- PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor = parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- NULL, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString, _meta_equals, _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL, &PARCObject_Descriptor, NULL);
- const PARCObjectDescriptor *superType = parcObjectDescriptor_GetSuperType(descriptor);
- assertTrue(superType == &PARCObject_Descriptor, "Expected a pointer to PARCObject_Descriptor");
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy(&descriptor);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(PARCObjectDescriptor, parcObjectDescriptor_GetTypeState)
- PARCObjectDescriptor *descriptor = parcObjectDescriptor_Create("Meta", sizeof(struct timeval), sizeof(void*), true,
- NULL, NULL, _meta_copy, _meta_toString, _meta_equals,
- _meta_compare, _meta_hashCode, _meta_toJson, NULL,
- &PARCObject_Descriptor,
- (PARCObjectTypeState *) &PARCObject_Descriptor);
- PARCObjectTypeState *state = parcObjectDescriptor_GetTypeState(descriptor);
- assertTrue(state == &PARCObject_Descriptor, "Expected a pointer to PARCObject_Descriptor");
- parcObjectDescriptor_Destroy(&descriptor);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(StaticObjects, parcObject_WrapImpl);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(StaticObjects, parcObject_InitInstanceImpl);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(StaticObjects, parcObject_InitAndClearInstanceImpl);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(StaticObjects, parcObject_WrapImpl)
- char *origin = (char[parcObject_TotalSize(sizeof(void*), 10)]) { 0 };
- PARCObject *result = parcObject_WrapImpl(origin, &parcObject_DescriptorName(PARCObject));
- parcObject_AssertValid(result);
- parcObject_Release(&result);
-PARCObject *globalObject = parcObject_Instance(PARCObject, sizeof(void*), 10);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(StaticObjects, parcObject_InitInstanceImpl)
- parcObject_InitInstanceImpl(globalObject, &PARCObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(globalObject);
-// parcObject_Release(&globalObject);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(StaticObjects, parcObject_InitAndClearInstanceImpl)
- parcObject_InitAndClearInstanceImpl(globalObject, &PARCObject_Descriptor);
- parcObject_AssertValid(globalObject);
-// parcObject_Release(&globalObject);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Synchronization, parcObject_SynchronizeBegin);
- _originalMemoryProvider = parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(_originalMemoryProvider);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Synchronization, parcObject_SynchronizeBegin)
- PARCObject *dummy = parcObject_CreateInstance(_DummyObject);
- bool result = parcObject_BarrierSet(dummy);
- assertTrue(result, "Expected parcObject_BarrierSet to always return true.");
- _PARCObjectHeader *header = _parcObject_Header(dummy);
- assertTrue(header->barrier, "Expected the header barrier to be set.");
- result = parcObject_BarrierUnset(dummy);
- assertFalse(result, "Expected parcObject_BarrierUnset to always return false.");
- assertFalse(header->barrier, "Expected the header barrier to NOT be set.");
- parcObject_Release(&dummy);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parcObject);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_PathName.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_PathName.c
deleted file mode 100755
index b596aaa2..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_PathName.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- *
- */
-#include "../parc_PathName.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.h"
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#define PATH_SEGMENT "A"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcPathName_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcPathName_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcPathName_AcquireRelease);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcPathName_Create)
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Create();
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
- assertNull(pathName, "Expected parcPathName_Release to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcPathName_Release)
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Create();
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
- assertNull(pathName, "Expected parcPathName_Release to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(AcquireRelease, parcPathName_AcquireRelease)
- PARCPathName *original = parcPathName_Create();
- assertNotNull(original, "Expected non-null result from parcPathName_Create()");
- PARCPathName *reference = parcPathName_Acquire(original);
- assertTrue(original == reference, "Expected the reference to be equal to the original.");
- parcPathName_Release(&original);
- assertNull(original, "Expected parcDeque_Release to null the pointer");
- parcPathName_Append(reference, (void *) "Hello");
- size_t expected = 1;
- size_t actual = parcPathName_Size(reference);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected size %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcPathName_Release(&reference);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Append);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Prepend);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_IsAbsolute);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_MakeAbsolute);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Parse_AbsolutePath);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Parse_AbsolutePath_Limited);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Parse_RelativePath);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_ToString_AbsolutePath);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_ToString_RelativePath);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Head);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Tail);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Tail_ExceedsLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Copy);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Size)
- char *path = "/a/b/c";
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Parse(path);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertTrue(pathName->isAbsolute, "Expected the PARCPathName to be absolute.");
- assertTrue(parcPathName_Size(pathName) == 3, "Expected 3, actual %zu", parcPathName_Size(pathName));
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Prepend)
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Create();
- size_t size = 1000;
- char expected[10];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- sprintf(expected, "%zd", i);
- parcPathName_Prepend(pathName, expected);
- }
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- size_t actual = parcPathName_Size(pathName);
- assertTrue(size == actual,
- "Expected %zd, actual %zd", size, actual);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- sprintf(expected, "%zd", size - i - 1);
- char *segment = parcDeque_GetAtIndex(pathName->path, i);
- assertTrue(strcmp(segment, expected) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, segment);
- }
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Append)
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Create();
- size_t size = 1000;
- char expected[10];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- sprintf(expected, "%zd", i);
- parcPathName_Append(pathName, expected);
- }
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- size_t actual = parcPathName_Size(pathName);
- assertTrue(size == actual,
- "Expected %zd, actual %zd", size, actual);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- sprintf(expected, "%zd", i);
- char *segment = parcDeque_GetAtIndex(pathName->path, i);
- assertTrue(strcmp(segment, expected) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, segment);
- }
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Create)
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Create();
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
- assertNull(pathName, "Expected parcPathName_Release to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_IsAbsolute)
- char *path = "/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z/aa/bb/cc/dd/ee/ff/gg/hh/ii/jj/kk/ll/mm/nn/oo/pp/qq/rr/ss/tt/uu/vv/ww/xx/yy/zz";
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Parse(path);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertTrue(parcPathName_IsAbsolute(pathName), "Expected the PARCPathName to be absolute.");
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_MakeAbsolute)
-#define PATH "a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z"
- char *expected = PATH;
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Parse(expected);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertFalse(pathName->isAbsolute, "Expected the PARCPathName to be relative.");
- parcPathName_MakeAbsolute(pathName, true);
- char *actual = parcPathName_ToString(pathName);
- assertTrue(strcmp("/" PATH, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Parse_AbsolutePath)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "/%d", i);
- }
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *path = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Parse(path);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertTrue(pathName->isAbsolute, "Expected the PARCPathName to be absolute.");
- char *actual = parcPathName_ToString(pathName);
- assertTrue(strcmp(path, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", path, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &path);
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Parse_AbsolutePath_Limited)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "/%d", i);
- }
- parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "?hello world");
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *path = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- size_t limit = strchr(path, '?') - path;
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_ParseToLimit(limit, path);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertTrue(pathName->isAbsolute, "Expected the PARCPathName to be absolute.");
- path[limit] = 0;
- char *actual = parcPathName_ToString(pathName);
- assertTrue(strcmp(path, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", path, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &path);
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Parse_RelativePath)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "%d/", i);
- }
- parcBufferComposer_Format(composer, "%d", 1000);
- PARCBuffer *tempBuffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- char *expected = parcBuffer_ToString(tempBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&tempBuffer);
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Parse(expected);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertFalse(pathName->isAbsolute, "Expected the PARCPathName to be relative.");
- char *actual = parcPathName_ToString(pathName);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &expected);
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_ToString_AbsolutePath)
- char *path = "/a/b/c";
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Parse(path);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertTrue(pathName->isAbsolute, "Expected the PARCPathName to be absolute.");
- char *actual = parcPathName_ToString(pathName);
- assertTrue(strcmp(path, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", path, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_ToString_RelativePath)
- char *path = "a/b/c";
- PARCPathName *pathName = parcPathName_Parse(path);
- assertNotNull(pathName, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- assertFalse(pathName->isAbsolute, "Expected the PARCPathName to be relative.");
- char *actual = parcPathName_ToString(pathName);
- assertTrue(strcmp(path, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", path, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcPathName_Release(&pathName);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Head)
- PARCPathName *original = parcPathName_Parse("/" PATH_SEGMENT "/" PATH_SEGMENT "/" PATH_SEGMENT "/" PATH_SEGMENT);
- assertNotNull(original, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- PARCPathName *expected = parcPathName_Parse("/" PATH_SEGMENT "/" PATH_SEGMENT "/" PATH_SEGMENT);
- PARCPathName *actual = parcPathName_Head(original, 3);
- assertTrue(parcPathName_Equals(expected, actual),
- "expected did not match actual");
- parcPathName_Release(&original);
- parcPathName_Release(&expected);
- parcPathName_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Tail)
- assertNotNull(original, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- PARCPathName *expected = parcPathName_Parse(PATH_SEGMENT "/" PATH_SEGMENT "/" PATH_SEGMENT);
- PARCPathName *actual = parcPathName_Tail(original, 3);
- assertTrue(parcPathName_Equals(expected, actual),
- "expected did not match actual");
- parcPathName_Release(&original);
- parcPathName_Release(&expected);
- parcPathName_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Tail_ExceedsLength)
- assertNotNull(original, "Expected a non-null pointer");
- PARCPathName *actual = parcPathName_Tail(original, 10000000);
- parcPathName_MakeAbsolute(original, false);
- assertTrue(parcPathName_Equals(original, actual),
- "expected did not match actual");
- parcPathName_Release(&original);
- parcPathName_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Equals)
- PARCPathName *x = parcPathName_Parse("/a/b/c/d/");
- PARCPathName *y = parcPathName_Parse("/a/b/c/d/");
- PARCPathName *z = parcPathName_Parse("/a/b/c/d/");
- PARCPathName *u1 = parcPathName_Parse("/a/b/c/d/e");
- PARCPathName *u2 = parcPathName_Parse("/a/b/c/");
- PARCPathName *u3 = parcPathName_Parse("a/b/c/");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcPathName_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, u3, NULL);
- parcPathName_Release(&x);
- parcPathName_Release(&y);
- parcPathName_Release(&z);
- parcPathName_Release(&u1);
- parcPathName_Release(&u2);
- parcPathName_Release(&u3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPathName_Copy)
- PARCPathName *x = parcPathName_Parse("/a/b/c/d/");
- PARCPathName *y = parcPathName_Copy(x);
- assertTrue(parcPathName_Equals(x, y), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original.");
- parcPathName_Release(&x);
- parcPathName_Release(&y);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_PathName);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_PriorityQueue.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_PriorityQueue.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d42066e4..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_PriorityQueue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include <config.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "../parc_PriorityQueue.c"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Add);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Add_Expand);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Clear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Clear_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_ParcFreeDestroyer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Peek);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Poll);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Peek_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Poll_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo);
- if (parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO) != 0) {
- printf("('%s' leaks memory by %d (allocs - frees)) ", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), parcMemory_Outstanding());
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Add)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 60, 70, 50, 71, 72, 55 };
- size_t count = 6;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- parcPriorityQueue_Add(queue, &data[i]);
- }
- assertTrue(parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue) == count, "Wrong size got %zu expected %zu", parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue), count);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Add_Expand)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- size_t capacity = queue->capacity;
- for (int i = 0; i <= capacity; i++) {
- parcPriorityQueue_Add(queue, &capacity);
- }
- assertTrue(capacity < queue->capacity, "Did not expand queue before %zu after %zu", capacity, queue->capacity);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Clear)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 60, 70, 50, 71, 72, 55 };
- size_t count = 6;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- parcPriorityQueue_Add(queue, &data[i]);
- }
- parcPriorityQueue_Clear(queue);
- assertTrue(parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue) == 0, "Wrong size got %zu expected %d", parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue), 0);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Clear_Destroy)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, parcPriorityQueue_ParcFreeDestroyer);
- uint64_t *value = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(uint64_t));
- assertNotNull(value, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(uint64_t));
- *value = 1;
- parcPriorityQueue_Add(queue, value);
- parcPriorityQueue_Clear(queue);
- assertTrue(parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue) == 0, "Wrong size got %zu expected %d", parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue), 0);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
- assertTrue(parcMemory_Outstanding() == 0, "Memory imbalance after clear with destroy: %u", parcMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Create)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_ParcFreeDestroyer)
- size_t before_balance = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- uint64_t *a = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(uint64_t));
- assertNotNull(a, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(uint64_t));
- *a = 1;
- parcPriorityQueue_ParcFreeDestroyer((void **) &a);
- size_t after_balance = parcMemory_Outstanding();
- assertTrue(a == NULL, "Did not null double pointer");
- assertTrue(before_balance == after_balance, "Memory imbalance after destroy: before %zu after %zu", before_balance, after_balance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Peek)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 60, 70, 50, 71, 72, 55 };
- size_t count = 6;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- parcPriorityQueue_Add(queue, &data[i]);
- }
- uint64_t *test = parcPriorityQueue_Peek(queue);
- assertTrue(*test == 50, "Wrong head element, expected 50 got %" PRIu64 "", *test);
- assertTrue(parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue) == count, "Queue should not have shunk, size %zu expected %zu", parcPriorityQueue_Size(queue), count);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Poll)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 60, 70, 50, 71, 72, 55 };
- size_t count = 6;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- parcPriorityQueue_Add(queue, &data[i]);
- }
- uint64_t *test = parcPriorityQueue_Poll(queue);
- assertTrue(*test == 50, "Wrong head element, expected 50 got %" PRIu64 "", *test);
- assertTrue(queue->size == count - 1, "Queue should have shunk, size %zu expected %zu", queue->size, count - 1);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Peek_Empty)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t *test = parcPriorityQueue_Peek(queue);
- assertNull(test, "Peek on empty queue should return null, got %p", (void *) test);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Poll_Empty)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t *test = parcPriorityQueue_Poll(queue);
- assertNull(test, "Poll on empty queue should return null, got %p", (void *) test);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Size)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo)
- testUnimplemented("");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_BubbleUp_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_BubbleUp_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_Expand);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_LeftChildIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_ParentIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_RightChildIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_Swap);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleDown);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleLeftChild_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleLeftChild_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleRightChild_Case1_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleRightChild_Case2_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleRightChild_Case1_False);
- if (parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO) != 0) {
- printf("('%s' leaks memory by %d (allocs - frees)) ", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), parcMemory_Outstanding());
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_BubbleUp_True)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 50, 6 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->size = 2;
- _bubbleUp(queue, 1);
- assertTrue(queue->array[0].data == &data[1], "Element 6 did not make it to the root");
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_BubbleUp_False)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 50, 60 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->size = 2;
- _bubbleUp(queue, 1);
- assertTrue(queue->array[0].data == &data[0], "Element 60 did not stay as child");
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_Expand)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- size_t before_capacity = queue->capacity;
- _expand(queue);
- size_t after_capacity = queue->capacity;
- assertTrue(before_capacity < after_capacity, "Expected after capacity %zu to be larger than before %zu", after_capacity, before_capacity);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_LeftChildIndex)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_ParentIndex)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_RightChildIndex)
- testUnimplemented("");
- * Swaps two elements
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_Swap)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 50, 6 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->size = 2;
- _swap(queue, 0, 1);
- assertTrue(queue->array[0].data == &data[1], "array[0] does not equal data[1]: %p != %p",
- (void *) queue->array[0].data, (void *) &data[1]);
- assertTrue(queue->array[1].data == &data[0], "array[1] does not equal data[0]: %p != %p",
- (void *) queue->array[1].data, (void *) &data[0]);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
- * Tests each case in TrickleDown:
- * - right child exists, then
- * - no right child, only left child, then
- * - no child
- *
- * 60 50
- * / \ / \
- * 70 50 ====> 70 55
- * / \ / \ / \ / \
- * 71 72 55 x 71 72 60 x
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleDown)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 60, 70, 50, 71, 72, 55 };
- queue->size = 6;
- for (int i = 0; i < queue->size; i++) {
- queue->array[i].data = &data[i];
- }
- _trickleDown(queue, 0);
- assertTrue(*((uint64_t *) queue->array[0].data) == 50,
- "Root not 50, got %" PRIu64 "\n",
- (uint64_t) *((uint64_t *) queue->array[0].data));
- assertTrue(*((uint64_t *) queue->array[2].data) == 55,
- "Right not 55, got %" PRIu64 "\n",
- (uint64_t) *((uint64_t *) queue->array[2].data));
- assertTrue(*((uint64_t *) queue->array[5].data) == 60,
- "Last not 60, got %" PRIu64 "\n",
- (uint64_t) *((uint64_t *) queue->array[5].data));
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
- * Tests the TRUE case of this condition
- *
- * Case 3: Left child exists (right does not) and l.value < n.value
- * In this case, swap(n.index, l.index) and set n.index = l.index
- * 50 6
- * / \ ===> / \
- * 6 x 50 x
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleLeftChild_True)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 50, 6 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->size = 2;
- size_t nextElementIndex = _trickleLeftChild(queue, 0, 1);
- assertTrue(nextElementIndex == 1, "nextElementIndex should have been left child 1, got %zu\n", nextElementIndex);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
- * Tests the FALSE case of this condition
- *
- * Case 3: Left child exists (right does not) and l.value < n.value
- * In this case, swap(n.index, l.index) and set n.index = l.index
- * 50 6
- * / \ ===> / \
- * 6 x 50 x
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleLeftChild_False)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 6, 50 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->size = 2;
- size_t nextElementIndex = _trickleLeftChild(queue, 0, 1);
- assertTrue(nextElementIndex == 0, "nextElementIndex should have been root 0, got %zu\n", nextElementIndex);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
- * Tests the TRUE case
- *
- * Case 1: Right child exists and r.value < n.value && r.value < l.value
- * In this case, swap(n.index, r.index) and set n.index = r.index.
- * 50 6
- * / \ ===> / \
- * 9 6 9 50
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleRightChild_Case1_True)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 50, 9, 6 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->array[2].data = &data[2];
- queue->size = 3;
- size_t nextElementIndex = _trickleRightChild(queue, 0, 1, 2);
- assertTrue(nextElementIndex == 2, "nextElementIndex should have been right 2, got %zu\n", nextElementIndex);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
- * Tests the FALSE case
- *
- * Case 1: Right child exists and r.value < n.value && r.value < l.value
- * In this case, swap(n.index, r.index) and set n.index = r.index.
- * 50 6
- * / \ ===> / \
- * 9 6 9 50
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleRightChild_Case1_False)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- // r.value not < n.value
- uint64_t data[] = { 6, 9, 50 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->array[2].data = &data[2];
- queue->size = 3;
- size_t nextElementIndex = _trickleRightChild(queue, 0, 1, 2);
- assertTrue(nextElementIndex == 0, "nextElementIndex should have been root 0, got %zu\n", nextElementIndex);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
- * Tests the TRUE case
- *
- * Case 2: Right child exists and r.value < n.value && l.value <= r.value
- * In this case swap(n.index, l.index) and set n.index = l.index
- * This makes sense by transitivity that l <= r < n, so swap(n,l) satisfies the invariant.
- * 50 6
- * / \ ===> / \
- * 6 9 50 9
- */
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Local, parcPriorityQueue_TrickleRightChild_Case2_True)
- PARCPriorityQueue *queue = parcPriorityQueue_Create(parcPriorityQueue_Uint64CompareTo, NULL);
- uint64_t data[] = { 50, 6, 9 };
- queue->array[0].data = &data[0];
- queue->array[1].data = &data[1];
- queue->array[2].data = &data[2];
- queue->size = 3;
- size_t nextElementIndex = _trickleRightChild(queue, 0, 1, 2);
- assertTrue(nextElementIndex == 1, "nextElementIndex should have been left 1, got %zu\n", nextElementIndex);
- parcPriorityQueue_Destroy(&queue);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_PriorityQueue);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Properties.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Properties.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 994b8d8e..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Properties.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_Properties.c"
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Memory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_DisplayIndented.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- assertNotNull(instance, "Expected non-null result from parcProperties_Create();");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquire(instance);
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
- assertNull(instance, "Expected null result from parcProperties_Release();");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Compare);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_IsValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_ToJSON);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_ToString);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Compare)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Copy)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- PARCProperties *copy = parcProperties_Copy(instance);
- assertTrue(parcProperties_Equals(instance, copy), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original");
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
- parcProperties_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Display)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", "bar");
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "xyzzy", "plugh");
- parcProperties_Display(instance, 0);
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_Equals)
- PARCProperties *x = parcProperties_Create();
- PARCProperties *y = parcProperties_Create();
- PARCProperties *z = parcProperties_Create();
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEquals(x, y, z, NULL);
- parcProperties_Release(&x);
- parcProperties_Release(&y);
- parcProperties_Release(&z);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_HashCode)
- testUnimplemented("");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_IsValid)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- assertTrue(parcProperties_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcProperties_Create to result in a valid instance.");
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
- assertFalse(parcProperties_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcProperties_Release to result in an invalid instance.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_ToJSON)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", "bar");
- PARCJSON *json = parcProperties_ToJSON(instance);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcProperties_ToString)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", "bar");
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "bar", "baz");
- char *string = parcProperties_ToString(instance);
- assertNotNull(string, "Expected non-NULL result from parcProperties_ToString");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_SetProperty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetProperty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetPropertyDefault);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetAsBoolean_true);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetAsBoolean_false);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_SetProperty)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- char *expected = "bar";
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", expected);
- const char *actual = parcProperties_GetProperty(instance, "foo");
- assertTrue(strcmp("bar", actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetProperty)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- char *expected = "bar";
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", expected);
- const char *actual = parcProperties_GetProperty(instance, "foo");
- assertTrue(strcmp("bar", actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetPropertyDefault)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- char *expected = "bar";
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", expected);
- const char *actual = parcProperties_GetPropertyDefault(instance, "blurfl", "defaultValue");
- assertTrue(strcmp("defaultValue", actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", "defaultValue", actual);
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetAsBoolean_true)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- char *expected = "true";
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", expected);
- bool actual = parcProperties_GetAsBoolean(instance, "foo", false);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected true");
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialized, parcProperties_GetAsBoolean_false)
- PARCProperties *instance = parcProperties_Create();
- char *expected = "false";
- parcProperties_SetProperty(instance, "foo", expected);
- bool actual = parcProperties_GetAsBoolean(instance, "foo", true);
- assertFalse(actual, "Expected false");
- parcProperties_Release(&instance);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_Properties);
- int exitStatus = longBowMain(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_RandomAccessFile.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_RandomAccessFile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 796b69d8..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_RandomAccessFile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_RandomAccessFile.c"
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Memory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_DisplayIndented.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease)
- char dirname[] = "/tmp/RandomAccessFile_XXXXXX";
- char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *temporaryDirectory = mkdtemp(dirname);
- assertNotNull(temporaryDirectory, "tmp_dirname should not be null");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfile", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(filename);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- assertNotNull(instance, "Expected non-null result from parcRandomAccessFile_Open();");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseContract(parcRandomAccessFile_Acquire, instance);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
- assertNull(instance, "Expected null result from parcRandomAccessFile_Release();");
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Display);
- // XXX: Disable this test until fixed
- //LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_IsValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_ToJSON);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_ToString);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Display)
- char dirname[] = "/tmp/RandomAccessFile_XXXXXX";
- char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *temporaryDirectory = mkdtemp(dirname);
- assertNotNull(temporaryDirectory, "tmp_dirname should not be null");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfile", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(filename);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Display(instance, 0);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Equals)
- char dirname[] = "/tmp/RandomAccessFile_XXXXXX";
- char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *temporaryDirectory = mkdtemp(dirname);
- assertNotNull(temporaryDirectory, "tmp_dirname should not be null");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfileX", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *fileX = parcFile_Create(filename);
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfileY", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *fileY = parcFile_Create(filename);
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfileZ", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *fileZ = parcFile_Create(filename);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *x = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(fileX);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *y = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(fileY);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *z = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(fileZ);
- parcFile_Release(&fileX);
- parcFile_Release(&fileY);
- parcFile_Release(&fileZ);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEquals(x, y, z, NULL);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Close(x);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Close(y);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Close(z);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&x);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&y);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&z);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_IsValid)
- char dirname[] = "/tmp/RandomAccessFile_XXXXXX";
- char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *temporaryDirectory = mkdtemp(dirname);
- assertNotNull(temporaryDirectory, "tmp_dirname should not be null");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfile", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(filename);
- parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- assertTrue(parcRandomAccessFile_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcRandomAccessFile_Create to result in a valid instance.");
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
- assertFalse(parcRandomAccessFile_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcRandomAccessFile_Release to result in an invalid instance.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_ToJSON)
- char dirname[] = "/tmp/RandomAccessFile_XXXXXX";
- char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *temporaryDirectory = mkdtemp(dirname);
- assertNotNull(temporaryDirectory, "tmp_dirname should not be null");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfile", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(filename);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- PARCJSON *json = parcRandomAccessFile_ToJSON(instance);
- const PARCJSONPair *pair = parcJSON_GetPairByName(json, "fname");
- PARCJSONValue *value = parcJSONPair_GetValue(pair);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcJSONValue_GetString(value);
- char *string = parcBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(filename, string) == 0, "The file was stored correctly");
- parcMemory_Deallocate(&string);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_ToString)
- char dirname[] = "/tmp/RandomAccessFile_XXXXXX";
- char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *temporaryDirectory = mkdtemp(dirname);
- assertNotNull(temporaryDirectory, "tmp_dirname should not be null");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/tmpfile", temporaryDirectory);
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(filename);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- char *string = parcRandomAccessFile_ToString(instance);
- assertNotNull(string, "Expected non-NULL result from parcRandomAccessFile_ToString");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Read);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Write);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Seek);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Read)
- char *fname = "tmpfile";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(fname);
- parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "w");
- fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
- uint8_t data[128];
- for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
- data[i] = i;
- }
- fwrite(data, 1, 128, fp);
- fclose(fp);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(128);
- size_t numBytes = parcRandomAccessFile_Read(instance, buffer);
- assertTrue(numBytes == 128, "Expected 128 bytes to be read, but got %zu", numBytes);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- uint8_t *bytes = parcBuffer_Overlay(buffer, parcBuffer_Remaining(buffer));
- assertTrue(memcmp(data, bytes, 128) == 0, "Expected buffers to be equal");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Close(instance);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Write)
- char *fname = "tmpfile";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(fname);
- parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- uint8_t data[128];
- for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
- data[i] = i;
- }
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(128);
- parcBuffer_PutArray(buffer, 128, data);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- size_t numBytes = parcRandomAccessFile_Write(instance, buffer);
- assertTrue(numBytes == 128, "Expected 128 bytes to be read, but got %zu", numBytes);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Close(instance);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
- uint8_t bytes[128];
- FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "r");
- numBytes = fread(bytes, 1, 128, fp);
- assertTrue(numBytes == 128, "Expected 128 bytes to be read, but got %zu", numBytes);
- fclose(fp);
- assertTrue(memcmp(data, bytes, 128) == 0, "Expected buffers to be equal");
- parcFile_Release(&file);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Object, parcRandomAccessFile_Seek)
- char *fname = "tmpfile";
- PARCFile *file = parcFile_Create(fname);
- parcFile_CreateNewFile(file);
- FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "w");
- fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
- uint8_t data[128];
- for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
- data[i] = i;
- }
- fwrite(data, 1, 128, fp);
- fclose(fp);
- PARCRandomAccessFile *instance = parcRandomAccessFile_Open(file);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(128);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Seek(instance, 64, PARCRandomAccessFilePosition_Start);
- size_t numBytes = parcRandomAccessFile_Read(instance, buffer);
- assertTrue(numBytes == 64, "Expected 64 bytes to be read, but got %zu", numBytes);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Seek(instance, 0, PARCRandomAccessFilePosition_End);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- numBytes = parcRandomAccessFile_Read(instance, buffer);
- assertTrue(numBytes == 0, "Expected 0 bytes to be read, but got %zu", numBytes);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Seek(instance, 0, PARCRandomAccessFilePosition_Start);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- numBytes = parcRandomAccessFile_Read(instance, buffer);
- assertTrue(numBytes == 128, "Expected 128 bytes to be read, but got %zu", numBytes);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Close(instance);
- parcRandomAccessFile_Release(&instance);
- parcFile_Release(&file);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parcRandomAccessFile_RandomAccessFile);
- int exitStatus = longBowMain(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ReadOnlyBuffer.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ReadOnlyBuffer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e250f8..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_ReadOnlyBuffer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_ReadOnlyBuffer.c"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Memory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease);
-// LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease_TooMany);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap_WithOffset);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(actual) == 0, "Expected initial position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(actual) == 10, "Expected initial limit to be 10.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap_NULL)
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(parcBuffer_Wrap(NULL, 10, 0, 10));
- assertNull(actual, "Expected parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap to return NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(actual) == 0, "Expected initial position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(actual) == sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]), "Expected initial limit to be 10.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap_WithOffset)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 3, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Capacity(actual) == 10, "Expected initial capacity to be 3.");
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(actual) == 10, "Expected initial limit to be 3.");
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(actual) == 3, "Expected initial position to be 0.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *expected = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Acquire(expected);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %p, actual %p", (void *) expected, (void *) actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&expected);
- assertTrue(expected == NULL, "Expected parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release to NULL the pointer.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&actual);
- assertTrue(actual == NULL, "Expected parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release to NULL the pointer.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-//LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(CreateDestroy, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Allocate_AcquireRelease_TooMany, .event = &LongBowTrapIllegalValue)
-// PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(10);
-// PARCReadOnlyBuffer *expected = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
-// PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Acquire(expected);
-// PARCReadOnlyBuffer *alias = actual;
-// parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-// parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&expected);
-// parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&actual);
-// parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&alias); // this must fail.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Array);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_ArrayOffset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Clear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Flip);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetByte);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetArray);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_HasRemaining);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Mark);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Overlay);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Remaining);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Rewind);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetLimit);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetLimit_TruncatePosition);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_ToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Display);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Equals)
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *x = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *y = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *z = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *u1 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 }, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *u2 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [10]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 9, 0, 9);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *u3 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *u4 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9), 2);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *u5 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9), 9);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *u6 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap((uint8_t [9]) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, 9, 0, 9), 9);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, NULL);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&x);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&y);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&z);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&u1);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&u2);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&u3);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&u4);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&u5);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&u6);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Array)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *readWriteBuffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(expected, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(readWriteBuffer);
- parcBuffer_Release(&readWriteBuffer);
- PARCByteArray *array = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Array(buffer);
- uint8_t *actual = parcByteArray_Array(array);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected %p, actual %p",
- (void *) expected, (void *) actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Flip)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_PutArray(parcBuffer_Allocate(10), 10, expected);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Flip(actual);
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(actual) == 0,
- "Expected position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(actual) == 10,
- "Expected limit to be 10.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Copy)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_PutArray(parcBuffer_Allocate(10), 10, expected);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *original = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *copy = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Copy(original);
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Equals(original, copy), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&copy);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&original);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Clear)
- uint8_t expected[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_PutArray(parcBuffer_Allocate(10), 10, expected);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(actual) == 10, "Expected position to be 10.");
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(actual) == 10, "Expected limit to be 10.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Clear(actual);
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(actual) == 0, "Expected position to be 0.");
- assertTrue(parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(actual) == 10, "Expected limit to be 10.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_ArrayOffset)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- size_t expected = 5;
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, expected, 10);
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_ArrayOffset(buffer);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(0 == actual,
- "Expected offset to be 0, actual %zu", actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 5;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual,
- "Expected position to be 0, actual %zu", actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Overlay)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- uint8_t expected[5] = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t position = 5;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, position);
- uint8_t *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Overlay(buffer, sizeof(array) - position);
- assertTrue(memcmp(expected, actual, sizeof(expected)) == 0,
- "Array contents should not be different.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetLimit)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetLimit_TruncatePosition)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 5);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetLimit(buffer, expected);
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Limit(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Remaining)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 10;
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Remaining(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_HasRemaining)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- bool actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_HasRemaining(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected true");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Rewind)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 4);
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 4, "Expected position to be at 4.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Rewind(buffer);
- actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(actual == 0, "Expected position to be at 0.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Mark)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 4);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Reset(buffer);
- size_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Position(buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %zd, actual %zd", expected, actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetByte)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- uint8_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint8(buffer);
- assertTrue(array[0] == actual,
- "Expected %d, actual %d", array[0], actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetArray)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- uint8_t actual[10];
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetArray(buffer, actual, sizeof(actual));
- assertTrue(memcmp(array, actual, sizeof(actual)) == 0,
- "Expected arrays to be equal.");
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_HashCode)
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- PARCBuffer *referenceBuffer = parcBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer1 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer2 = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, 10, 0, 10);
- uint32_t hashX = parcReadOnlyBuffer_HashCode(buffer1);
- uint32_t hashY = parcReadOnlyBuffer_HashCode(buffer2);
- uint32_t referenceHash = parcBuffer_HashCode(referenceBuffer);
- assertTrue(hashX == hashY, "Expected %u, actual %u", hashX, hashY);
- assertTrue(hashX == referenceHash, "Expected %u, actual %u", hashX, hashY);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer2);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&referenceBuffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_ToString)
- uint8_t array[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', 'x' };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, sizeof(array), 0, sizeof(array));
- char *actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_ToString(buffer);
- assertTrue(strcmp("hello worldx", actual) == 0, "Expected 'hello world', actual %s", actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Display)
- uint8_t array[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', 'x' };
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, sizeof(array), 0, sizeof(array));
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Display(buffer, 0);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetAtIndex);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(100);
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, buffer);
- PARCBuffer *buffer = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetAtIndex)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint8_t));
- uint8_t expected = 0x12;
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *readOnly = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- uint8_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetAtIndex(readOnly, 0);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&readOnly);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint8)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint8_t));
- uint8_t expected = 0x12;
- parcBuffer_PutUint8(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *readOnly = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- uint8_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint8(readOnly);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&readOnly);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint16)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint16_t));
- uint16_t expected = 0x1234;
- parcBuffer_PutUint16(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *readOnly = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- uint16_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint16(readOnly);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&readOnly);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint32)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint32_t));
- uint32_t expected = 0x12345678;
- parcBuffer_PutUint32(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *readOnly = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- uint32_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint32(readOnly);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&readOnly);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %d, actual %d", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Getters, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint64)
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBuffer_Allocate(sizeof(uint64_t));
- uint64_t expected = 0x1234567812345678;
- parcBuffer_PutUint64(buffer, expected);
- parcBuffer_Flip(buffer);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *readOnly = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Create(buffer);
- uint64_t actual = parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint64(readOnly);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&readOnly);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- assertTrue(expected == actual, "Expected %" PRIu64 ", actual %" PRIu64 "", expected, actual);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetByte_Underflow);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Mark_mark_exceeds_position);
-typedef struct parc_buffer_longbow_clipboard {
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer;
-} parcReadOnlyBuffer_LongBowClipBoard;
- uint8_t array[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = calloc(1, sizeof(parcReadOnlyBuffer_LongBowClipBoard));
- testData->buffer = parcReadOnlyBuffer_Wrap(array, sizeof(array), 0, sizeof(array));
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, testData);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Release(&testData->buffer);
- free(testData);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetByte_Underflow, .event = &LongBowTrapOutOfBounds)
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = testData->buffer;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 10);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_GetUint8(buffer); // this will fail.
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, parcReadOnlyBuffer_Mark_mark_exceeds_position, .event = &LongBowAssertEvent)
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_LongBowClipBoard *testData = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCReadOnlyBuffer *buffer = testData->buffer;
- size_t expected = 2;
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, expected);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Mark(buffer);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_SetPosition(buffer, 0);
- parcReadOnlyBuffer_Reset(buffer);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_ReadableBuffer);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_SafeMemory.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_SafeMemory.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c0b3c8..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_SafeMemory.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,813 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_SafeMemory.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, PARCSafeMemory_Report);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_StateToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState_OK);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState_ALREADYFREE);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState_UNDERRUN);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Static, _computeUsableMemoryLength);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, PARCSafeMemory_Report)
- size_t expectedSize = 100;
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(expectedSize);
- int fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
- _parcSafeMemory_Report(memory, fd);
- close(fd);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_StateToString)
- assertNotNull(_parcSafeMemory_StateToString(PARCSafeMemoryState_OK),
- "PARCSafeMemoryState_OK cannot be a NULL string.");
- assertNotNull(_parcSafeMemory_StateToString(PARCSafeMemoryState_MISMATCHED),
- "PARCSafeMemoryState_MISMATCHED cannot be a NULL string.");
- assertNotNull(_parcSafeMemory_StateToString(PARCSafeMemoryState_UNDERRUN),
- "PARCSafeMemoryState_UNDERRUN cannot be a NULL string.");
- assertNotNull(_parcSafeMemory_StateToString(PARCSafeMemoryState_OVERRUN),
- "PARCSafeMemoryState_OVERRUN cannot be a NULL string.");
- assertNotNull(_parcSafeMemory_StateToString(PARCSafeMemoryState_NOTHINGALLOCATED),
- "PARCSafeMemoryState_NOTHINGALLOCATED cannot be a NULL string.");
- assertNotNull(_parcSafeMemory_StateToString(PARCSafeMemoryState_ALREADYFREE),
- "PARCSafeMemoryState_ALREADYFREE cannot be a NULL string.");
- assertNotNull(_parcSafeMemory_StateToString(-1),
- "Garbage cannot be represented by a NULL string.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState_OK)
- size_t expectedLength = 5;
- int expectedAlignment = sizeof(void *);
- char origin[100]; // just some number
- void *memory = _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryOrigin *) origin, expectedLength, expectedAlignment);
- PARCSafeMemoryState actual = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState(memory);
- assertTrue(actual == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected PARCSafeMemoryState_OK, actual = %d", actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState_ALREADYFREE)
- PARCSafeMemoryUsable *usable = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(10);
- PARCSafeMemoryUsable *saved = usable;
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate((void **) &usable);
- PARCSafeMemoryState actual = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState(saved);
- assertTrue(actual == PARCSafeMemoryState_ALREADYFREE,
- "Expected PARCSafeMemoryState_ALREADYFREE, actual = %d", actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState_UNDERRUN)
- char *usable = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(10);
- char savedByte = usable[-1];
- usable[-1] = 0;
- PARCSafeMemoryState actual = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) usable);
- assertTrue(actual == PARCSafeMemoryState_UNDERRUN,
- "Expected PARCSafeMemoryState_UNDERRUN, actual = %d", actual);
- usable[-1] = savedByte;
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate((void **) &usable);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix)
- size_t expectedLength = 5;
- int expectedAlignment = sizeof(void *) - 1;
- char base[100]; // just some number
- void *memory = _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryOrigin *) base, expectedLength, expectedAlignment);
- assertNull(memory,
- "Expected _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix to return NULL for bad alignment specification.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Static, _computeUsableMemoryLength)
- size_t actual = _computeUsableMemoryLength(100, sizeof(void *));
- // The result must be >= to the requested length and an even multiple of sizeof(void *)
- assertTrue(actual >= 100 && (actual % sizeof(void *)) == 0,
- "Expected the result to be >= to the requested length and an even multiple of sizeof(void *)");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ReportAllocation, parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ReportAllocation, parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation_One);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(ReportAllocation, parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation_Deallocated);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ReportAllocation, parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation_Empty)
- _parcSafeMemory_DeallocateAll();
- int fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
- size_t result = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(fd);
- close(fd);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "Expected 0, was %zd", result);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ReportAllocation, parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation_One)
- void *memory;
- size_t size = 100;
- memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(size);
- int fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
- size_t result = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(fd);
- close(fd);
- assertTrue(result == 1, "Expected 1, was %zd", result);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(ReportAllocation, parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation_Deallocated)
- size_t size = 100;
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(size);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() != 0, "No memory allocated!");
- PARCSafeMemoryState state = _parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
- assertTrue(state == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK, "Expected uncorrupted memory.");
- int fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
- size_t result = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(fd);
- close(fd);
- assertTrue(result == 0, "Expected 0, was %zd", result);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Allocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_MemAlign);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCSafeMemory_Realloc_Larger);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCSafeMemory_Realloc_Smaller);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Reallocate_Zero);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCSafeMemory_Validate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Allocate_BadAlignment);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Allocate_BadSize);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Reallocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Deallocate_NothingAllocated);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_IsValid_True);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_IsValid_False);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Display_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, compute_prefix_length);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, _parcSafeMemory_FormatMemory);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_prefix_format);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_prefix_validate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_suffix_format);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_suffix_validate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate_Long);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate_Short);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, validateAlignment);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 0, "Expected 0 outstanding allocations")
- {
- printf("Leaking test case: %s", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase));
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, validateAlignment)
- assertTrue(_alignmentIsValid(sizeof(void *)),
- "Expected alignment of sizeof(void *) failed.");
- assertTrue(_alignmentIsValid(16),
- "Expected alignment of 16 failed.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, compute_prefix_length)
- // Test that the result is a multiple of the alignment value and greater than the size of _MemoryPrefix.
- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- size_t alignment = 1 << i;
- size_t actual = _computePrefixLength(alignment);
- assertTrue((actual & (alignment - 1)) == 0,
- "Alignment needs to be a multiple of %zd", alignment);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_prefix_format)
- size_t expectedLength = 5;
- int expectedAlignment = sizeof(void *);
- char base[100];
- void *memory = _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryOrigin *) base, expectedLength, expectedAlignment);
- _MemoryPrefix *prefix = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefix(memory);
- assertAligned(prefix, sizeof(void *),
- "prefix address %p is not aligned to %d",
- memory, expectedAlignment);
- assertAligned(memory, expectedAlignment,
- "memory address %p is not aligned to %d",
- memory, expectedAlignment);
- assertTrue((void *) prefix >= (void *) base,
- "Expected >= %p, actual %p", (void *) base, (void *) prefix);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_PrefixMagic == prefix->magic,
- "Prefix magic is wrong.");
- assertTrue(expectedLength == prefix->requestedLength,
- "Expected length %zd, actual %zd", expectedLength, prefix->requestedLength);
- assertTrue(expectedAlignment == prefix->alignment,
- "Expected alignment %d, actual %zu",
- expectedAlignment, prefix->alignment);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_Guard == prefix->guard,
- "Prefix guard is wrong.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_suffix_format)
- size_t expectedLength = 5;
- int expectedAlignment = sizeof(void *);
- char base[100];
- void *memory = _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryOrigin *) base, expectedLength, expectedAlignment);
- _MemorySuffix *suffix = _parcSafeMemory_FormatSuffix(memory);
- assertAligned(suffix, sizeof(void *), "suffix pointer is not aligned to %zu", sizeof(void*));
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_suffix_validate)
- size_t expectedLength = 5;
- int expectedAlignment = sizeof(void *);
- char base[100];
- void *memory = _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryOrigin *) base, expectedLength, expectedAlignment);
- _MemorySuffix *suffix = _parcSafeMemory_FormatSuffix(memory);
- assertAligned(suffix, sizeof(void *),
- "suffix pointer is not aligned to %zu", sizeof(void*));
- PARCSafeMemoryState suffixState = _parcSafeMemory_GetSuffixState(memory);
- assertTrue(suffixState == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected PARCSafeMemoryState_OK suffix state, actual %s", _parcSafeMemory_StateToString(suffixState));
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, memory_prefix_validate)
- size_t expectedLength = 5;
- int expectedAlignment = sizeof(void *);
- char base[100];
- void *memory = _parcSafeMemory_FormatPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryOrigin *) base, expectedLength, expectedAlignment);
- PARCSafeMemoryState actual = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState(memory);
- assertTrue(actual == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected valid prefix, actual = %d", actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, _parcSafeMemory_FormatMemory)
- size_t expectedLength = 5;
- int expectedAlignment = sizeof(void *);
- char base[100];
- void *memory = _parcSafeMemory_FormatMemory((PARCSafeMemoryOrigin *) base, expectedLength, expectedAlignment);
- PARCSafeMemoryState state = _parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory);
- assertTrue(state == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Memory did not validate. Actual %d", state);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Allocate)
- void *memory;
- size_t size = 100;
- memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(size);
- assertTrue(memory != NULL,
- "Expected non-NULL return.");
- assertTrue((_parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState(memory)) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Prefix did not validate.");
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_MemAlign)
- void *memory;
- size_t size = 100;
- int failure = parcSafeMemory_MemAlign(&memory, sizeof(void *), size);
- assertTrue(failure == 0,
- "parcSafeMemory_MemAlign failed: %d", failure);
- assertTrue(memory != NULL,
- "Expected non-NULL return.");
- assertTrue((_parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState(memory)) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Prefix did not validate.");
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation)
- void *memory;
- size_t size = 100;
- memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(size);
- assertTrue(memory != NULL, "Expected non-NULL return.");
- PARCSafeMemoryState prefixState = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefixState(memory);
- assertTrue(prefixState == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Prefix did not validate.");
- parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCSafeMemory_Validate)
- void *memory;
- size_t size = 100;
- memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(size);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Memory did not validate.");
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCSafeMemory_Realloc_Larger)
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(100);
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- ((unsigned char *) memory)[i] = i;
- }
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected memory to be OK.");
- size_t expectedLength = 100 + 1;
- unsigned char *newMemory = parcSafeMemory_Reallocate(memory, expectedLength);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) memory) != PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected original memory to NOT be OK.");
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) newMemory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected new memory to be OK.");
- _MemoryPrefix *prefix = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) newMemory);
- assertTrue(prefix->requestedLength == expectedLength,
- "Prefix Expected length %zd, actual %zd", expectedLength, prefix->requestedLength);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- assertTrue(((unsigned char *) newMemory)[i] == i,
- "PARCSafeMemory_Realloc did not copy old memory correctly");
- }
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() != 0,
- "No memory allocated!");
- PARCSafeMemoryState state = _parcSafeMemory_GetState((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) newMemory);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate((void **) &newMemory);
- assertTrue(state == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected PARCSafeMemory_Deallocate of new memory to be OK, actual =%d", state);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) != PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected old memory to be invalid.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCSafeMemory_Realloc_Smaller)
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(100);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Memory did not validate.");
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- ((unsigned char *) memory)[i] = i;
- }
- size_t expectedLength = 100 - 1;
- unsigned char *newMemory = parcSafeMemory_Reallocate(memory, expectedLength);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) != PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected original memory to NOT be OK.");
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) newMemory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected new memory to be OK.");
- _MemoryPrefix *prefix = _parcSafeMemory_GetPrefix((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) newMemory);
- assertTrue(prefix->requestedLength == expectedLength,
- "Prefix Expected length %zd, actual %zd", expectedLength, prefix->requestedLength);
- for (int i = 0; i < expectedLength; i++) {
- assertTrue(((unsigned char *) newMemory)[i] == i,
- "PARCSafeMemory_Realloc did not copy correctly");
- }
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() != 0,
- "No memory allocated!");
- PARCSafeMemoryState state = _parcSafeMemory_GetState((PARCSafeMemoryUsable *) newMemory);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate((void **) &newMemory);
- assertTrue(state == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected PARCSafeMemory_Deallocate of new memory to be OK, actual =%d", state);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) != PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected old memory to be invalid.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Reallocate_Zero)
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(100);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Memory did not validate.");
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- ((unsigned char *) memory)[i] = i;
- }
- size_t expectedLength = 0;
- unsigned char *newMemory = parcSafeMemory_Reallocate(memory, expectedLength);
- assertTrue(newMemory == NULL,
- "Expected NULL, actual %p", (void *) newMemory);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
- assertNull(memory,
- "Expected memory pointer to be NULL.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARCSafeMemory_DoubleFree)
- size_t expectedSize = 100;
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(expectedSize);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Memory did not validate.");
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i < expectedSize; i++) {
- ((unsigned char *) memory)[i] = i;
- }
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() != 0,
- "No memory allocated!");
- PARCSafeMemoryState state = _parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
- assertTrue(state == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected memory to validate");
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() != 0,
- "No memory allocated!");
- state = _parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
- assertTrue(state == PARCSafeMemoryState_UNDERRUN,
- "Expected memory to be underrun (double free).");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate)
- char *string = "hello world";
- char *actual = parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate(string, strlen(string));
- assertTrue(strcmp(string, actual) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", string, actual);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate_Long)
- char *string = "hello world";
- char *actual = parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate(string, SIZE_MAX);
- assertTrue(strcmp(string, actual) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", string, actual);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate_Short)
- char *string = "hello world";
- char *expected = "hello";
- char *actual = parcSafeMemory_StringDuplicate(string, 5);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Allocate_BadAlignment)
- void *result;
- size_t alignment = 3;
- size_t size = 100;
- int failure = parcSafeMemory_MemAlign(&result, alignment, size);
- assertTrue(failure == EINVAL,
- "parcSafeMemory_MemAlign failed to report bad aligment specification");
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Allocate_BadSize)
- void *result;
- size_t alignment = sizeof(void *);
- size_t size = 0;
- int failure = parcSafeMemory_MemAlign(&result, alignment, size);
- assertTrue(failure == EINVAL,
- "parcSafeMemory_MemAlign failed to report bad aligment specification");
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear)
- void *result;
- size_t size = 100;
- result = parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear(size);
- assertNotNull(result,
- "parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear failed: NULL result.");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- assertTrue(((char *) result)[i] == 0,
- "parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear failed to zero memory at index %zd", i);
- }
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&result);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Reallocate)
- size_t size = 100;
- void *result = parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear(size);
- assertNotNull(result,
- "parcSafeMemory_Allocate failed: NULL.");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- assertTrue(((char *) result)[i] == 0,
- "parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear failed to zero memory at index %zd", i);
- }
- result = parcSafeMemory_Reallocate(result, size * 2);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&result);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Deallocate_NothingAllocated)
- void *result = 0;
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&result);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_IsValid_True)
- void *result = parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear(5);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_IsValid(result), "Expected properly allocated memory to be valid PARC Safe Memory.");
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&result);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_IsValid_False)
- char *memory[10];
- assertFalse(parcSafeMemory_IsValid(memory), "Expected improperly allocated memory to be invalid PARC Safe Memory.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Display)
- void *result = parcSafeMemory_AllocateAndClear(5);
- parcSafeMemory_Display(result, 0);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&result);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSafeMemory_Display_NULL)
- parcSafeMemory_Display(NULL, 0);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcSafeMemory_Reallocate_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, PARCSafeMemory_Deallocate_Overrun);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Errors, PARCSafeMemory_Deallocate_Underrun);
- // The tests purposefully wreck the various per-allocation accounting structures for the allocated memory in order to test for
- // properly catching the overrun, underrun or other damage.
- // As a result any cleanup of allocated memory is not possible, so these tests leak allocated memory.
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Errors, parcSafeMemory_Reallocate_NULL)
- void *result = NULL;
- size_t size = 100;
- result = parcSafeMemory_Reallocate(result, size * 2);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&result);
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcSafeMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, PARCSafeMemory_Deallocate_Underrun, .event = &LongBowTrapUnexpectedStateEvent)
- size_t expectedSize = sizeof(void *) * 2;
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(expectedSize);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Memory did not validate.");
- for (int i = -2; i < (int) expectedSize; i++) {
- ((unsigned char *) memory)[i] = (unsigned char) i;
- }
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_UNDERRUN,
- "Memory did not underrun.");
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() != 0,
- "No memory allocated!");
- PARCSafeMemoryState state = _parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory);
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
- assertTrue(state == PARCSafeMemoryState_UNDERRUN,
- "Expected memory to be underrun");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE_EXPECTS(Errors, PARCSafeMemory_Deallocate_Overrun, .event = &LongBowTrapUnexpectedStateEvent)
- size_t expectedSize = 100;
- void *memory = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(expectedSize);
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) == PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Memory did not validate.");
- for (unsigned char i = 0; i < expectedSize + 5; i++) {
- ((unsigned char *) memory)[i] = i;
- }
- assertTrue(parcSafeMemory_Outstanding() != 0,
- "No memory allocated!");
- assertTrue(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory) != PARCSafeMemoryState_OK,
- "Expected not OK, actual %s", _parcSafeMemory_StateToString(_parcSafeMemory_GetState(memory)));
- // this is expected to fail
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
-LONGBOW_TEST_FIXTURE_OPTIONS(Performance, .enabled = false)
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcSafeMemory_AllocateDeallocate_1000000_WorstCase);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcSafeMemory_AllocateDeallocate_1000000_BestCase);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, _computeUsableMemoryLength);
-void *memory[1000000];
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcSafeMemory_AllocateDeallocate_1000000_WorstCase)
- size_t size = 100;
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(memory) / sizeof(memory[0]); i++) {
- memory[i] = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(size);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(memory) / sizeof(memory[0]); i++) {
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory[i]);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcSafeMemory_AllocateDeallocate_1000000_BestCase)
- size_t size = 100;
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(memory) / sizeof(memory[0]); i++) {
- memory[i] = parcSafeMemory_Allocate(size);
- }
- int i = sizeof(memory) / sizeof(memory[0]);
- do {
- i--;
- parcSafeMemory_Deallocate(&memory[i]);
- } while (i > 0);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, _computeUsableMemoryLength)
- for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
- size_t alignment = sizeof(void *);
- size_t requestedLength = 10;
- _computeUsableMemoryLength(requestedLength, alignment);
- }
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(safetyMemory);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_SortedList.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_SortedList.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f0445d86..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_SortedList.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_SortedList.c"
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Memory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_DisplayIndented.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateCompare);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- assertNotNull(instance, "Expected non-null result from parcSortedList_Create();");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquire(instance);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
- assertNull(instance, "Expected null result from parcSortedList_Release();");
-// A signum function to compare two PARCBuffers by length of buffer.
-static int
-_compareTwoBuffersByLength(const PARCObject *buf1, const PARCObject *buf2)
- size_t size1 = parcBuffer_Limit((PARCBuffer *) buf1);
- size_t size2 = parcBuffer_Limit((PARCBuffer *) buf2);
- if (size1 > size2) {
- return 1;
- } else if (size2 > size1) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateCompare)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_CreateCompare(_compareTwoBuffersByLength);
- PARCBuffer *buf1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("medium long");
- PARCBuffer *buf2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("somewhat longer");
- PARCBuffer *buf3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("short");
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, buf1);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, buf2);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, buf3);
- PARCBuffer *test = parcSortedList_GetAtIndex(instance, 0);
- assertTrue(test == buf3, "Expected the shortes buffer first");
- test = parcSortedList_GetAtIndex(instance, 1);
- assertTrue(test == buf1, "Expected the medium length buffer second");
- test = parcSortedList_GetAtIndex(instance, 2);
- assertTrue(test == buf2, "Expected the longest buffer last");
- parcBuffer_Release(&buf1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buf2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buf3);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_IsValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_ToJSON);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_ToString);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_Copy)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCSortedList *copy = parcSortedList_Copy(instance);
- assertTrue(parcSortedList_Equals(instance, copy), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original");
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
- parcSortedList_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_Display)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_Equals)
- PARCSortedList *x = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCSortedList *y = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCSortedList *z = parcSortedList_Create();
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEquals(x, y, z, NULL);
- parcSortedList_Release(&x);
- parcSortedList_Release(&y);
- parcSortedList_Release(&z);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_HashCode)
- PARCSortedList *x = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCSortedList *y = parcSortedList_Create();
- parcObjectTesting_AssertHashCode(x, y);
- parcSortedList_Release(&x);
- parcSortedList_Release(&y);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_IsValid)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- assertTrue(parcSortedList_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcSortedList_Create to result in a valid instance.");
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
- assertFalse(parcSortedList_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcSortedList_Release to result in an invalid instance.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_ToJSON)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCJSON *json = parcSortedList_ToJSON(instance);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcSortedList_ToString)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- char *string = parcSortedList_ToString(instance);
- assertNotNull(string, "Expected non-NULL result from parcSortedList_ToString");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_Add);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_GetAtIndex);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_GetFirst);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_GetLast);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_RemoveFirst);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_RemoveFirst_SingleElement);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_RemoveLast);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-static void
-dump(PARCSortedList *i)
- PARCIterator *iterator = parcSortedList_CreateIterator(i);
- while (parcIterator_HasNext(iterator)) {
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcIterator_Next(iterator);
- parcBuffer_Display(buffer, 0);
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&iterator);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_Add)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *element1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *element2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *element3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *element4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- PARCBuffer *element7 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("7");
- PARCBuffer *element6 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("6");
- PARCBuffer *element5 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("5");
- PARCBuffer *element8 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("8");
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element2);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element8);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element3);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element4);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element7);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element6);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element5);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element1);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element6);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- dump(instance);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element5);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element6);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element7);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element8);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_Remove)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *element1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *element2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *element3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *element4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- PARCBuffer *element7 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("7");
- PARCBuffer *element6 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("6");
- PARCBuffer *element5 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("5");
- PARCBuffer *element8 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("8");
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element1);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element2);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element3);
- parcSortedList_Display(instance, 0);
- parcSortedList_Remove(instance, element2);
- assertTrue(parcSortedList_Size(instance) == 2, "Expected list to be 2 in size");
- parcBuffer_Release(&element1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element5);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element6);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element7);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element8);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_GetAtIndex)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *element1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *element2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *element3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *element4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- PARCBuffer *element7 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("7");
- PARCBuffer *element6 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("6");
- PARCBuffer *element5 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("5");
- PARCBuffer *element8 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("8");
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element1);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element2);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element3);
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcSortedList_GetAtIndex(instance, 1);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(element2, actual), "Got the wrong value at index 1");
- parcBuffer_Release(&element1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element5);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element6);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element7);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element8);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_GetFirst)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *element1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *element2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *element3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *element4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- PARCBuffer *element7 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("7");
- PARCBuffer *element6 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("6");
- PARCBuffer *element5 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("5");
- PARCBuffer *element8 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("8");
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element1);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element2);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element3);
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcSortedList_GetFirst(instance);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(element1, actual), "Got the wrong value.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&element1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element5);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element6);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element7);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element8);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_GetLast)
- PARCSortedList *instance = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *element1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *element2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *element3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCBuffer *element4 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("4");
- PARCBuffer *element7 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("7");
- PARCBuffer *element6 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("6");
- PARCBuffer *element5 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("5");
- PARCBuffer *element8 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("8");
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element1);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element2);
- parcSortedList_Add(instance, element3);
- PARCBuffer *actual = (PARCBuffer *) parcSortedList_GetLast(instance);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(element3, actual), "Got the wrong value at index 1");
- parcBuffer_Release(&element1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element4);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element5);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element6);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element7);
- parcBuffer_Release(&element8);
- parcSortedList_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_RemoveFirst)
- PARCSortedList *deque = parcSortedList_Create();
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object1);
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object2);
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object3);
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcSortedList_RemoveFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, peek), "Objects out of order");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcSortedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_RemoveFirst_SingleElement)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCSortedList *deque = parcSortedList_Create();
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object1);
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcSortedList_RemoveFirst(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, peek),
- "Objects out of order.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcSortedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_RemoveLast)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCBuffer *object2 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("2");
- PARCBuffer *object3 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("3");
- PARCSortedList *deque = parcSortedList_Create();
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object1);
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object2);
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object3);
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcSortedList_RemoveLast(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object3, peek),
- "Objects out of order.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&peek);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&object3);
- parcSortedList_Release(&deque);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Specialization, parcSortedList_RemoveLast_SingleElement)
- PARCBuffer *object1 = parcBuffer_WrapCString("1");
- PARCSortedList *deque = parcSortedList_Create();
- parcSortedList_Add(deque, object1);
- PARCBuffer *peek = parcSortedList_RemoveLast(deque);
- assertTrue(parcBuffer_Equals(object1, peek),
- "Objects out of order.");
- parcBuffer_Release(&object1);
- parcSortedList_Release(&deque);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_SortedList);
- int exitStatus = longBowMain(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Stack.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Stack.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 3ca27682..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Stack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * @header <#Headline Name#>
- * @abstract <#Abstract#>
- * @discussion
- * <#Discussion#>
- *
- */
-#include "../parc_Stack.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include <parc/algol/parc_ArrayList.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Deque.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStack_IsEmpty_PARCDeque);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStack_IsEmpty_PARCArrayList);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStack_IsEmpty_PARCDeque)
- PARCStackInterface dequeAsStack = {
- .parcStack_Release = (void (*)(void **))parcDeque_Release,
- .parcStack_IsEmpty = (bool (*)(const void *))parcDeque_IsEmpty,
- .parcStack_Peek = (void *(*)(const void *))parcDeque_PeekLast,
- .parcStack_Pop = (void *(*)(void *))parcDeque_RemoveLast,
- .parcStack_Push = (void *(*)(void *, void *))parcDeque_Append,
- .parcStack_Search = NULL
- };
- PARCStack *stack = parcStack(parcDeque_Create(), &dequeAsStack);
- bool actual = parcStack_IsEmpty(stack);
- parcStack_Release(&stack);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected the stack to be empty.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStack_IsEmpty_PARCArrayList)
- PARCStackInterface arrayListAsStack = {
- .parcStack_Release = (void (*)(void **))parcArrayList_Destroy,
- .parcStack_IsEmpty = (bool (*)(const void *))parcArrayList_IsEmpty,
- .parcStack_Peek = (void *(*)(const void *))parcArrayList_Peek,
- .parcStack_Pop = (void *(*)(void *))parcArrayList_Pop,
- .parcStack_Push = (void *(*)(void *, void *))parcArrayList_Add,
- .parcStack_Search = NULL
- };
- PARCStack *stack = parcStack(parcArrayList_Create(NULL), &arrayListAsStack);
- bool actual = parcStack_IsEmpty(stack);
- parcStack_Release(&stack);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected the stack to be empty.");
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(test_parc_Stack);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_StdlibMemory.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_StdlibMemory.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cf49991..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_StdlibMemory.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/** *
- */
-#include "../parc_StdlibMemory.c"
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_Allocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign_BadAlignment);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign_BadSize);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateAndClear);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateAndClear_BadSize);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_Reallocate);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_Reallocate_NULL);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_StringDuplicate);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaks allocations.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_Allocate)
- size_t size = 100;
- void *result = parcStdlibMemory_Allocate(size);
- assertNotNull(result, "parcStdlibMemory_Allocate failed: NULL result.");
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&result);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign_BadAlignment)
- void *result;
- size_t alignment = 3;
- size_t size = 1200;
- int failure = parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign(&result, alignment, size);
- assertTrue(failure == EINVAL,
- "parcStdlibMemory_Allocate failed to report bad aligment specification");
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign_BadSize)
- void *result;
- size_t alignment = sizeof(void *);
- size_t size = 0;
- int failure = parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign(&result, alignment, size);
- assertTrue(failure == EINVAL,
- "parcStdlibMemory_Allocate failed to report bad aligment specification");
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateAndClear)
- size_t size = 1200;
- void *result = parcStdlibMemory_AllocateAndClear(size);
- assertNotNull(result, "parcStdlibMemory_Allocate failed: NULL result.");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- assertTrue(((char *) result)[i] == 0,
- "parcStdlibMemory_AllocateAndClear failed to zero memory at index %zd", i);
- }
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&result);
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateAndClear_BadSize)
- void *result;
- size_t alignment = sizeof(void *);
- size_t size = 0;
- int failure = parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign(&result, alignment, size);
- assertTrue(failure == EINVAL,
- "parcStdlibMemory_Allocate failed to report bad aligment specification");
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
-static void
-_test_SetMemory(unsigned char *memory, size_t size)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- memory[i] = i;
- }
-static void
-_test_CheckMemory(unsigned char *memory, size_t size)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- assertTrue(memory[i] == (i % 256), "memory failed to check at index %zd", i);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_Reallocate)
- size_t size = 1200;
- void *result = parcStdlibMemory_AllocateAndClear(size);
- assertNotNull(result,
- "parcStdlibMemory_Allocate failed: NULL result.");
- _test_SetMemory(result, size);
- _test_CheckMemory(result, size);
- result = parcStdlibMemory_Reallocate(result, size * 2);
- _test_CheckMemory(result, size);
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&result);
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_Reallocate_NULL)
- void *result = NULL;
- size_t size = 1200;
- result = parcStdlibMemory_Reallocate(result, size * 2);
- _test_SetMemory(result, size * 2);
- _test_CheckMemory(result, size * 2);
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&result);
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcStdlibMemory_StringDuplicate)
- char *expected = "Hello World";
- char *actual = parcStdlibMemory_StringDuplicate(expected, strlen(expected));
- assertTrue(expected != actual,
- "Expected a distinct pointer unequal to the original string");
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected strings to be equal. '%s' vs '%s'", expected, actual);
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 1,
- "Expected 1 outstanding allocation, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- assertTrue(parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding() == 0,
- "Expected 0 outstanding allocations, actual %d", parcStdlibMemory_Outstanding());
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Threads, Threads1000);
-void *
-allocator(void *unused)
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- void *memory = parcStdlibMemory_Allocate(10);
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&memory);
- }
- return 0;
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Threads, Threads1000)
-#define NTHREADS 1000
- pthread_t thread[NTHREADS];
- for (int i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) {
- pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, allocator, NULL);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) {
- pthread_join(thread[0], NULL);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_FIXTURE_OPTIONS(Performance, .enabled = false)
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateDeallocate_Forward);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateDeallocate_Reverse);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlignDeallocate_Forward);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlignDeallocate_Reverse);
-#define ELEMENT_COUNT 1000000
-#define ELEMENT_SIZE 151
-void *memory[ELEMENT_COUNT];
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateDeallocate_Forward)
- for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENT_COUNT; i++) {
- memory[i] = parcStdlibMemory_Allocate(ELEMENT_SIZE);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENT_COUNT; i++) {
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&memory[i]);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_AllocateDeallocate_Reverse)
- for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENT_COUNT; i++) {
- memory[i] = parcStdlibMemory_Allocate(ELEMENT_SIZE);
- }
- int i = ELEMENT_COUNT;
- do {
- i--;
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&memory[i]);
- } while (i > 0);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlignDeallocate_Forward)
- for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENT_COUNT; i++) {
- parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign(&memory[i], sizeof(void *), ELEMENT_SIZE);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENT_COUNT; i++) {
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&memory[i]);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Performance, parcStdlibMemory_MemAlignDeallocate_Reverse)
- for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENT_COUNT; i++) {
- parcStdlibMemory_MemAlign(&memory[i], sizeof(void *), ELEMENT_SIZE);
- }
- int i = ELEMENT_COUNT;
- do {
- i--;
- parcStdlibMemory_Deallocate(&memory[i]);
- } while (i > 0);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(test_parc_StdlibMemory);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_String.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_String.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d3d3da..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_String.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include "../parc_String.c"
-#include <LongBow/testing.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Memory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_DisplayIndented.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_MemoryTesting.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_FIXTURE(CreateAcquireRelease);
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s leaked memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(CreateAcquireRelease, CreateRelease)
- PARCString *instance = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- assertNotNull(instance, "Expected non-null result from parcString_Create();");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertAcquireReleaseImpl(instance);
- parcString_Release(&instance);
- assertNull(instance, "Expected null result from parcString_Release();");
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Compare);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Display);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_HashCode);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_IsValid);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_ToJSON);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_ToString);
- if (!parcMemoryTesting_ExpectedOutstanding(0, "%s mismanaged memory.", longBowTestCase_GetFullName(testCase))) {
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Compare)
- PARCString *string = parcString_Create("Hello1");
- PARCString *equivalent[2] = {
- parcString_Create("Hello1"),
- };
- PARCString *greater[2] = {
- parcString_Create("Hello2"),
- };
- PARCString *lesser[2] = {
- parcString_Create("Hello0"),
- };
- parcObjectTesting_AssertCompareTo(parcString_Compare, string, equivalent, lesser, greater);
- parcString_Release(&string);
- parcString_Release(&equivalent[0]);
- parcString_Release(&greater[0]);
- parcString_Release(&lesser[0]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Copy)
- PARCString *instance = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- PARCString *copy = parcString_Copy(instance);
- assertTrue(parcString_Equals(instance, copy), "Expected the copy to be equal to the original");
- parcString_Release(&instance);
- parcString_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Display)
- PARCString *instance = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- parcString_Display(instance, 0);
- parcString_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_Equals)
- PARCString *x = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- PARCString *y = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- PARCString *z = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEquals(x, y, z, NULL);
- parcString_Release(&x);
- parcString_Release(&y);
- parcString_Release(&z);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_HashCode)
- PARCString *x = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- PARCString *y = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- parcObjectTesting_AssertHashCode(x, y);
- parcString_Release(&x);
- parcString_Release(&y);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_IsValid)
- PARCString *instance = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- assertTrue(parcString_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcString_Create to result in a valid instance.");
- parcString_Release(&instance);
- assertFalse(parcString_IsValid(instance), "Expected parcString_Release to result in an invalid instance.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_ToJSON)
- PARCString *instance = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- PARCJSON *json = parcString_ToJSON(instance);
- parcJSON_Release(&json);
- parcString_Release(&instance);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcString_ToString)
- PARCString *instance = parcString_Create("Hello World");
- char *string = parcString_ToString(instance);
- assertNotNull(string, "Expected non-NULL result from parcString_ToString");
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcString_Release(&instance);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_String);
- int exitStatus = longBowMain(argc, argv, testRunner, NULL);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Time.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Time.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2befdde1..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Time.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Memory.h>
-// Include the file(s) containing the functions to be tested.
-// This permits internal static functions to be visible to this Test Framework.
-#include "../parc_Time.c"
- // The following Test Fixtures will run their corresponding Test Cases.
- // Test Fixtures are run in the order specified, but all tests should be idempotent.
- // Never rely on the execution order of tests or share state between them.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once before any Test Fixtures are run.
-// The Test Runner calls this function once after all the Test Fixtures are run.
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_TimevalAsString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_TimevalAsISO8601);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_TimevalAsRFC3339);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_RFC3339_Now);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_NowTimeval);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_NowMicroseconds);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_TimevalAsString)
- struct timeval timeval;
- timeval.tv_sec = 0;
- timeval.tv_usec = 1000;
- char *expected = "0.001000";
- char *actual = parcTime_TimevalAsString(timeval);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_TimevalAsISO8601)
- struct timeval timeval;
- timeval.tv_sec = 0;
- timeval.tv_usec = 1000;
- char *expected = "1970-01-01 00:00:00.001000Z";
- char actual[64];
- parcTime_TimevalAsISO8601(&timeval, actual);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_TimevalAsRFC3339)
- struct timeval timeval;
- timeval.tv_sec = 0;
- timeval.tv_usec = 1000;
- char *expected = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001000Z";
- char actual[64];
- parcTime_TimevalAsRFC3339(&timeval, actual);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", expected, actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_RFC3339_Now)
- struct timeval timeval;
- gettimeofday(&timeval, NULL);
- char actual[64];
- parcTime_TimevalAsRFC3339(&timeval, actual);
- printf("%s\n", actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_NowTimeval)
- struct timeval result = parcTime_NowTimeval();
- assertTrue(result.tv_sec != 0, "Expected NOW to not be zero.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcTime_NowMicroseconds)
- uint64_t result = parcTime_NowMicroseconds();
- assertTrue(result != 0, "Expected NOW to not be zero.");
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(test_parc_Time);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_TreeMap.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_TreeMap.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 9355380b..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_TreeMap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1565 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include "../parc_TreeMap.c"
-typedef struct {
- int value;
-} _Int;
-static _Int *
-_int_Copy(const _Int *source);
-static bool
-_int_Equals(const _Int *a, const _Int *b)
- return a->value == b->value;
-static int
-_int_Compare(const _Int *a, const _Int *b)
- int result = 0;
- if (a->value > b->value) {
- result = 1;
- } else if (a->value < b->value) {
- result = -1;
- }
- return result;
-parcObject_ExtendPARCObject(_Int, NULL, _int_Copy, NULL, _int_Equals, _int_Compare, NULL, NULL);
-parcObject_ImplementRelease(_int, _Int);
-static _Int *
-_int_Create(const int value)
- _Int *newObj = parcObject_CreateInstance(_Int);
- assertNotNull(newObj, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(int));
- newObj->value = value;
- return newObj;
-static _Int *
-_int_Copy(const _Int *source)
- return _int_Create(source->value);
-static _Int *
-_int_Set(_Int *obj, const int value)
- obj->value = value;
- return obj;
-static PARCBuffer*
-strBuf(char *key)
- return parcBuffer_WrapCString(key);
- parcMemory_SetInterface(&PARCSafeMemoryAsPARCMemory);
- int seed = (int) time(NULL);
- srandom(seed);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Ordered);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_Ordered);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_OutOfOrder);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_Overwrite);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_ReleaseTillEmpty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Size_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Size_Overwrite);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_EmptyTree);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_NonExistent);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_Biggest);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_Smallest);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_FirstKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_FirstEntry);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LastKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LastEntry);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_FirstKey_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LastKey_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LowerEntry);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LowerKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_HigherEntry);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_HigherKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_NonExistent);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease_NonExistent);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_WithSuccessorNonRoot);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_LeftChildRightChild);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Values);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_DifferentLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_Not_Values);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_Not_Keys);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Copy_Direct);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Iterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_ValueIterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_KeyIterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Using_Iterator);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Element_Using_Iterator);
-#define N_TEST_ELEMENTS 42
-typedef struct {
- PARCTreeMap *testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *testMap2;
-} TestData;
- TestData *data = parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(sizeof(TestData));
- assertNotNull(data, "parcMemory_AllocateAndClear(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(TestData));
- data->testMap1 = parcTreeMap_Create();
- data->testMap2 = parcTreeMap_CreateCustom((PARCTreeMap_CustomCompare *) _int_Compare);
- for (int i = 0; i < N_TEST_ELEMENTS; ++i) {
- data->k[i] = _int_Create(i);
- data->v[i] = _int_Create(i + 1000);
- }
- longBowTestCase_SetClipBoardData(testCase, data);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- parcTreeMap_Release(&data->testMap1);
- parcTreeMap_Release(&data->testMap2);
- for (int i = 0; i < N_TEST_ELEMENTS; ++i) {
- _int_Release(&(data->k[i]));
- _int_Release(&(data->v[i]));
- }
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &data);
- /*
- * uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- * if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- * printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- * }
- */
-recursiveCheckBlackDepth(const PARCTreeMap *tree, const _RBNode *node)
- assertNotNull(tree, "Null tree?\n");
- assertNotNull(node, "Null node?\n");
- if (node == tree->nil) {
- return 0;
- }
- int right_depth = recursiveCheckBlackDepth(tree, node->rightChild);
- int left_depth = recursiveCheckBlackDepth(tree, node->leftChild);
- assertTrue(right_depth == left_depth, "Wrong depth!!\n");
- if (_rbNodeColor(node) == BLACK) {
- return right_depth + 1;
- }
- return right_depth;
-rbCheckTree(const PARCTreeMap *tree)
- assertNotNull(tree, "Tree can't be NULL");
- _rbNodeAssertTreeInvariants(tree);
- if (tree->size > 0) {
- recursiveCheckBlackDepth(tree, tree->root);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Ordered)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
- //rbPrintTreeString(tree1);
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Remove(tree1, data->k[i]);
- assertNotNull(value, "Data is null!");
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(value, data->v[i]), "Expect the ordered value.");
- parcObject_Release(&value);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Create)
- PARCTreeMap *map = parcTreeMap_Create();
- parcTreeMap_Release(&map);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Acquire)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *map = parcTreeMap_Acquire(data->testMap1);
- parcTreeMap_Release(&map);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_Release)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- PARCBuffer *value1 = strBuf("value 1");
- PARCBuffer *key1 = strBuf("1");
- PARCBuffer *value2 = strBuf("value 2");
- PARCBuffer *key2 = strBuf("2");
- PARCBuffer *value3 = strBuf("value 3");
- PARCBuffer *key3 = strBuf("3");
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, key1, value1);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, key2, value2);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, key3, value3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&key3);
- parcBuffer_Release(&value3);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_Overwrite)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[1], data->v[1]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[2], data->v[2]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[3], data->v[3]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[3], data->v[4]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[3], data->v[5]);
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeMap_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree should stay at 3");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_Ordered)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[1], data->v[1]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[2], data->v[2]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[3], data->v[3]);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Put_OutOfOrder)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[4], data->v[4]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[2], data->v[2]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[3], data->v[3]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[1], data->v[1]);
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[1], data->v[1]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[3], data->v[3]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[2], data->v[2]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[4], data->v[4]);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Expect trees to be Equal");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Size_Empty)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- assertTrue(0 == parcTreeMap_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree - empty, start");
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[4], data->v[4]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[2], data->v[2]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[3], data->v[3]);
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeMap_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after add 3");
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[1], data->v[1]);
- assertTrue(4 == parcTreeMap_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after add 1 more");
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree, data->k[2]);
- size_t size = parcTreeMap_Size(tree);
- assertTrue(3 == size, "Wrong size of tree after 1 delete (%zu instead of 3)", size);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[7], data->v[7]);
- assertTrue(4 == parcTreeMap_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after add 1 more");
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree, data->k[3]);
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeMap_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after del 1 more - 3");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_ReleaseTillEmpty)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- // This order of puts are removes exercises code paths
- // in TreeMap not exercised in any other place.
- int idx1a[7] = { 4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 7, 6 };
- int idx1b[7] = { 3, 1, 4, 2, 6, 5, 7 };
- int idx2a[7] = { 4, 6, 5, 7, 3, 1, 2 };
- int idx2b[7] = { 5, 7, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1a[i]], data->v[idx1a[i]]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[idx2a[i]], data->v[idx2a[i]]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[idx1b[i]]);
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, data->k[idx2b[i]]);
- }
- size_t size;
- size = parcTreeMap_Size(tree1);
- assertTrue(0 == size, "Wrong size of tree - empty (got %zu)", size);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Size_Overwrite)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[4], data->v[4]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[2], data->v[2]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[3], data->v[3]);
- // Size is 3 here, we'll insert the same number now..
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[3], data->v[23]);
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeMap_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after overwrite");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_EmptyTree)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Get(tree, data->k[1]);
- assertTrue(NULL == value, "Object did not exist, must return NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_NonExistent)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Get(tree, data->k[23]);
- assertTrue(NULL == value, "Object did not exist, must return NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_First)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Get(tree, data->k[1]);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->v[1], value), "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Get(tree, data->k[4]);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->v[4], value), "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_Last)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Get(tree, data->k[9]);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->v[9], value), "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_Smallest)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Get(tree, data->k[1]);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->v[1], value), "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Get_Biggest)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Get(tree, data->k[39]);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->v[39], value), "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_FirstEntry)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCKeyValue *entry = parcTreeMap_GetFirstEntry(tree);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->k[1], parcKeyValue_GetKey(entry)),
- "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) parcKeyValue_GetKey(entry));
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_FirstKey)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *key = parcTreeMap_GetFirstKey(tree);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->k[1], key), "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) key);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_FirstKey_Empty)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- PARCObject *key = parcTreeMap_GetFirstKey(tree);
- assertNull(key, "Should get NULL on empty tree");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LastKey_Empty)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- PARCObject *key = parcTreeMap_GetLastKey(tree);
- assertNull(key, "Should get NULL on empty tree");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LastEntry)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCKeyValue *entry = parcTreeMap_GetLastEntry(tree);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->k[39], parcKeyValue_GetKey(entry)),
- "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) parcKeyValue_GetKey(entry));
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LastKey)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = data->testMap1;
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *key = parcTreeMap_GetLastKey(tree);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->k[39], key), "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) key);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_First)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[1], data->v[1]);
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Remove(tree1, data->k[1]);
- parcObject_Release(&value);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 31; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[30], data->v[30]);
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Remove(tree1, data->k[30]);
- parcObject_Release(&value);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Last)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[41], data->v[41]);
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *value = parcTreeMap_Remove(tree1, data->k[41]);
- assertNotNull(value, "Expected to find some object.");
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(data->v[41], value), "Expected value 41 in return");
- parcObject_Release(&value);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees don't match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease_First)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[1], data->v[1]);
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[1]);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 31; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[30], data->v[30]);
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[30]);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[i]);
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, data->k[49 - i]);
- }
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[i]);
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, data->k[11 - i]);
- }
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- for (int i = 31; i < 40; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[i]);
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, data->k[70 - i]);
- }
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_NonExistent)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCObject *element = parcTreeMap_Remove(tree1, data->k[0]);
- assertNull(element, "Return value must be NULL on non existing element");
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease_NonExistent)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[0]);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_WithSuccessorNonRoot)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- int idx1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- int idx2[13] = { 8, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[idx2[i]], data->v[idx2[i]]);
- }
- _Int *key = _int_Create(4);
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, key);
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 12));
- _int_Release(&key);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_LeftChildRightChild)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- int idx1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- }
- _Int *key = _int_Create(0);
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 13));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 7));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 14));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 6));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 15));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 12));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 11));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 10));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 9));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 8));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 5));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 4));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 3));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 2));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, _int_Set(key, 1));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 1));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 2));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 3));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 4));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 5));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 6));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 7));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 8));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 9));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 10));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 11));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 12));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 13));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 14));
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree2, _int_Set(key, 15));
- _int_Release(&key);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_RemoveAndRelease_Last)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[41], data->v[41]);
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_RemoveAndRelease(tree1, data->k[41]);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LowerEntry)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- // Empty Tree
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcTreeMap_GetLowerEntry(tree1, data->k[23]);
- assertNull(kv, "Expected a NULL return for LowerEntry() on empty tree");
- // Fill Tree
- int max = N_TEST_ELEMENTS - 1;
- for (int i = 21; i <= max; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 21; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- // Using lowest key in tree
- kv = parcTreeMap_GetLowerEntry(tree1, data->k[1]);
- assertNull(kv, "Expected a NULL return for no lower entry");
- // On all entries except the lowest tree
- for (int i = max; i > 1; --i) {
- kv = parcTreeMap_GetLowerEntry(tree1, data->k[i]);
- assertNotNull(kv, "Expected a lower entry to exist");
- _Int *key = (_Int *) parcKeyValue_GetKey(kv);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(key, data->k[i - 1]),
- "Expected entry with key %d, got %d",
- data->k[i - 1]->value, key->value);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_LowerKey)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- // Empty Tree
- _Int *key = (_Int *) parcTreeMap_GetLowerKey(tree1, data->k[23]);
- assertNull(key, "Expected a NULL return for LowerEntry() on empty tree");
- int max = N_TEST_ELEMENTS - 1;
- for (int i = 21; i <= max; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 21; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- // Using lowest key in tree
- key = (_Int *) parcTreeMap_GetLowerKey(tree1, data->k[1]);
- assertNull(key, "Expected a NULL return for no lower entry");
- // On all entries except the lowest tree
- for (int i = max; i > 1; --i) {
- key = parcTreeMap_GetLowerKey(tree1, data->k[i]);
- assertNotNull(key, "Expected a lower entry to exist");
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(key, data->k[i - 1]),
- "Expected entry with key %d, got %d",
- data->k[i - 1]->value, key->value);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_HigherEntry)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- // Empty Tree
- PARCKeyValue *kv = parcTreeMap_GetHigherEntry(tree1, data->k[23]);
- assertNull(kv, "Expected a NULL return for HigherEntry() on empty tree");
- int max = N_TEST_ELEMENTS - 2;
- for (int i = 21; i <= max; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 21; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- // Using highest key in tree
- kv = parcTreeMap_GetHigherEntry(tree1, data->k[max]);
- assertNull(kv, "Expected a NULL return for no higher entry");
- // On all entries except the lowest tree
- for (int i = 1; i < max; ++i) {
- kv = parcTreeMap_GetHigherEntry(tree1, data->k[i]);
- assertNotNull(kv, "Expected a higher entry to exist");
- _Int *key = (_Int *) parcKeyValue_GetKey(kv);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(key, data->k[i + 1]),
- "Expected entry with key %d, got %d",
- data->k[i + 1]->value, key->value);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_HigherKey)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- // Empty Tree
- _Int *key = (_Int *) parcTreeMap_GetHigherKey(tree1, data->k[23]);
- assertNull(key, "Expected a NULL return for LowerEntry() on empty tree");
- int max = N_TEST_ELEMENTS - 2;
- for (int i = 21; i <= max; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 21; ++i) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- key = (_Int *) parcTreeMap_GetHigherEntry(tree1, data->k[max]);
- assertNull(key, "Expected a NULL return for no higher entry");
- for (int i = 1; i < max; ++i) {
- key = (_Int *) parcTreeMap_GetHigherKey(tree1, data->k[i]);
- assertNotNull(key, "Expected a higher entry to exist");
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(key, data->k[i + 1]),
- "Expected entry with key %d, got %d",
- data->k[i + 1]->value, key->value);
- }
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCList *list = parcList(parcArrayList_Create(NULL), PARCArrayListAsPARCList);
- // Insert in tree out of order
- for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- // Insert in list in order
- for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcList_Add(list, data->k[i]);
- }
- PARCList *keys = parcTreeMap_AcquireKeys(tree1);
- assertTrue(parcList_Equals(list, keys), "Key list doesnt' match");
- parcList_Release(&keys);
- parcList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Values)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCList *list = parcList(parcArrayList_Create(NULL), PARCArrayListAsPARCList);
- // Insert in tree out of order
- for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- // Insert in list in order
- for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcList_Add(list, data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCList *values = parcTreeMap_AcquireValues(tree1);
- assertTrue(parcList_Equals(list, values), "Key list doesnt' match");
- parcList_Release(&values);
- parcList_Release(&list);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_Empty)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Empty lists are not equal");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_DifferentLength)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[41], data->v[41]);
- assertFalse(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are equal");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_Not_Values)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i], data->v[20 - i]);
- }
- assertFalse(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are equal");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals_Not_Keys)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[i + 1], data->v[i]);
- }
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Size(tree1) == parcTreeMap_Size(tree2), "Expect trees to have the same size.");
- assertFalse(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists should not be equal");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Equals)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap2;
- for (int i = 1; i < 40; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[40 - i], data->v[40 - i]);
- }
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are not equal");
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *treeCopy = parcTreeMap_Copy(tree1);
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- assertFalse(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, treeCopy), "Lists are not equal");
- parcTreeMap_Release(&treeCopy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Copy_Direct)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[i], data->v[i]);
- }
- PARCTreeMap *treeCopy = parcTreeMap_Copy(tree1);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, treeCopy), "Lists are not equal");
- parcTreeMap_Release(&treeCopy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_ValueIterator)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- int idx1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- }
- PARCIterator *it = parcTreeMap_CreateValueIterator(tree1);
- for (int idx = 1; parcIterator_HasNext(it); ++idx) {
- _Int *value = (_Int *) parcIterator_Next(it);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(value, data->v[idx]), "Expected value %d got %d", data->v[idx]->value, value->value);
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&it);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_KeyIterator)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- int idx1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- }
- PARCIterator *it = parcTreeMap_CreateKeyIterator(tree1);
- for (int idx = 1; parcIterator_HasNext(it); ++idx) {
- _Int *key = (_Int *) parcIterator_Next(it);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals(key, data->k[idx]),
- "Expected value %d got %d",
- data->k[idx]->value,
- key->value);
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&it);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Iterator)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- int idx1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- }
- PARCIterator *it = parcTreeMap_CreateKeyValueIterator(tree1);
- for (int idx = 1; parcIterator_HasNext(it); ++idx) {
- PARCKeyValue *kv = (PARCKeyValue *) parcIterator_Next(it);
- assertTrue(_int_Equals((_Int *) parcKeyValue_GetKey(kv), data->k[idx]),
- "Expected value %d got %d",
- data->k[idx]->value,
- ((_Int *) parcKeyValue_GetKey(kv))->value);
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&it);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Using_Iterator)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- int idx1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- }
- PARCIterator *it = parcTreeMap_CreateKeyValueIterator(tree1);
- for (int idx = 1; parcIterator_HasNext(it); ++idx) {
- parcIterator_Next(it);
- parcIterator_Remove(it);
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&it);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Size(tree1) == 0, "Expect the tree to be empty after removes.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeMap_Remove_Element_Using_Iterator)
- TestData *data = longBowTestCase_GetClipBoardData(testCase);
- PARCTreeMap *tree1 = data->testMap1;
- PARCTreeMap *tree2 = data->testMap1;
- int idx1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 13 }; //Missing 11
- for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree2, data->k[idx1[i]], data->v[idx1[i]]);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, data->k[11], data->v[11]);
- PARCIterator *it = parcTreeMap_CreateKeyValueIterator(tree1);
- for (int idx = 1; parcIterator_HasNext(it); ++idx) {
- parcIterator_Next(it);
- if (idx == 11) {
- parcIterator_Remove(it);
- }
- }
- parcIterator_Release(&it);
- assertTrue(parcTreeMap_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Expect the trees to be equal after remove.");
- //LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, PARC_TreeMap_EnsureRemaining_NonEmpty);
- // LongBow could use a command line option to enable/disable tests
- // See LongBow issue #5
- if (getenv("LongBowStress")) {
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeMap_ExerciseRandomSeededSmall);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeMap_ExerciseRandomSeeded);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeMap_ExerciseRandomSeededSmall)
- unsigned seed;
- char *seedString;
- seedString = getenv("RBSeed");
- if (seedString) {
- seed = (unsigned) atol(seedString);
- } else {
- seed = 4179329122; // known to fail
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
- // this test case should obtain a seed and number of iterations from a
- // command line option once LongBow has that feature available
- srandom(seed);
- PARCTreeMap *tree = parcTreeMap_Create();
- int inserts = 0;
- int deletes = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- intptr_t item = 1 + (random() % 100);
- int operation = random() % 1000;
- if (operation < 400) {
- inserts++;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree, (void *) item, (void *) (item << 8));
- } else {
- deletes++;
- parcTreeMap_Remove(tree, (void *) item);
- }
- rbCheckTree(tree);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Release(&tree);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeMap_ExerciseRandomSeeded)
- PARCTreeMap *tree1;
- unsigned seed;
- char *seedString;
- // this test case should obtain a seed and number of iterations from a
- // command line option once LongBow has that feature available
- seedString = getenv("RBSeed");
- if (seedString) {
- seed = (unsigned) atol(seedString);
- } else {
- seed = 4179329122; // known to fail
- }
- srandom(seed);
- tree1 = parcTreeMap_Create();
- int inserts = 0;
- int deletes = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
- intptr_t item = 1 + (random() % 10000);
- int operation = random() % 1000;
- if (operation < 400) {
- inserts++;
- parcTreeMap_Put(tree1, (void *) item, (void *) (item << 8));
- } else {
- deletes++;
- parcTreeMap_Remove(tree1, (void *) item);
- }
- rbCheckTree(tree1);
- }
- parcTreeMap_Release(&tree1);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARC_TreeMap);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_TreeRedBlack.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_TreeRedBlack.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7fb1828a..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_TreeRedBlack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1461 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include "../parc_TreeRedBlack.c"
-void *
-keyNewInt(int key)
- int *newKey = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- assertNotNull(newKey, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(int));
- *newKey = key;
- return newKey;
-void *
-valueNewInt(int value)
- int *newValue = parcMemory_Allocate(sizeof(int));
- assertNotNull(newValue, "parcMemory_Allocate(%zu) returned NULL", sizeof(int));
- *newValue = value;
- return newValue;
-void *
-keyCopy(const void *key)
- return keyNewInt(*(int *) key);
-void *
-valueCopy(const void *value)
- return valueNewInt(*(int *) value);
-void *
-keyNew(char *key)
- return parcMemory_StringDuplicate(key, strlen(key));
-void *
-valueNew(char *value)
- return parcMemory_StringDuplicate(value, strlen(value));
-intComp(const void *key1, const void *key2)
- if (*(int *) key1 < *(int *) key2) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (*(int *) key1 == *(int *) key2) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-intEquals(const void *int1, const void *int2)
- return intComp(int1, int2) == 0;
-pointerComp(const void *key1, const void *key2)
- if (key1 < key2) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (key1 == key2) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-stringComp(const void *key1, const void *key2)
- // We assume all keys are strings.
- return strcmp(key1, key2);
-keyFree(void **value)
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) value);
- *value = NULL;
-valueFree(void **key)
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) key);
- *key = NULL;
- int seed = (int) time(NULL);
- printf("Seed = %u\n", seed);
- srandom(seed);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestRunner_GetName(testRunner), outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_Ordered);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_Ordered);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_OutOfOrder);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_Overwrite);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_DestroyTillEmpty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Size_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Size);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Size_Overwrite);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_EmptyTree);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_NonExistent);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_Biggest);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_Smallest);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_FirstKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_LastKey);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_FirstKey_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_LastKey_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_NonExistent);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy_First);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy_Last);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy_NonExistent);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_WithSuccessorNonRoot);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_LeftChildRightChild);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Keys);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Values);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Empty);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Func);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_DifferentLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Not_Values);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Not_Values_Func);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Not_Keys);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Copy_Direct);
- //LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_ExerciseRandom);
- //LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_ExerciseRootFailure);
- /*
- * uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- * if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- * printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- * }
- */
-strComp(const void *s1, const void *s2)
- return strcmp((char *) s1, (char *) s2);
-strEquals(const void *s1, const void *s2)
- return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
-recursiveCheckBlackDepth(const PARCTreeRedBlack *tree, const Node *node)
- assertNotNull(tree, "Null tree?\n");
- assertNotNull(node, "Null node?\n");
- if (node == tree->nil) {
- return 0;
- }
- int right_depth = recursiveCheckBlackDepth(tree, node->right_child);
- int left_depth = recursiveCheckBlackDepth(tree, node->left_child);
- assertTrue(right_depth == left_depth, "Wrong depth!!\n");
- if (_rbNodeColor(node) == BLACK) {
- return right_depth + 1;
- }
- return right_depth;
-rbCheckTree(const PARCTreeRedBlack *tree)
- assertNotNull(tree, "Tree can't be NULL");
- //printf("--- TREE ---\n");
- if (tree->size > 0) {
- //_rbNodeRecursiveRun((PARCTreeRedBlack *)tree,tree->root,rbCheckNode,(void *)tree);
- recursiveCheckBlackDepth(tree, tree->root);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_Ordered)
- char *insertList[16] = {
- "01",
- "02",
- "03",
- "04",
- "05",
- "06",
- "07",
- "08",
- "09",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- "13",
- "14",
- "15",
- "16"
- };
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(strComp, NULL, NULL, strEquals, NULL, NULL);
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, insertList[i], insertList[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
- //rbPrintTreeString(tree1);
- void *data = parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(tree1, insertList[i]);
- assertNotNull(data, "Data is null!");
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Create)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(stringComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(stringComp, keyFree, NULL, NULL, valueFree, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_Destroy)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(stringComp, keyFree, NULL, NULL, valueFree, NULL);
- void *value1 = valueNew("value 1");
- void *key1 = keyNew("1");
- void *value2 = valueNew("value 2");
- void *key2 = keyNew("2");
- void *value3 = valueNew("value 3");
- void *key3 = keyNew("3");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, key1, value1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, key2, value2);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, key3, value3);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_Overwrite)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(stringComp, keyFree, NULL, NULL, valueFree, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, keyNew("1"), valueNew("v1"));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, keyNew("2"), valueNew("v2"));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, keyNew("3"), valueNew("v3"));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, keyNew("3"), valueNew("v4"));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, keyNew("3"), valueNew("v5"));
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree should stay at 3");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_Ordered)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 1, (void *) 1001);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 2, (void *) 1002);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 3, (void *) 1003);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Insert_OutOfOrder)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 4, (void *) 1004);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 2, (void *) 1002);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 3, (void *) 1003);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 1, (void *) 1001);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Size_Empty)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- assertTrue(0 == parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree - empty, start");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Size)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- size_t size;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 4, (void *) 1004);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 2, (void *) 1002);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 3, (void *) 1003);
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after add 3");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 1, (void *) 1001);
- assertTrue(4 == parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after add 1 more");
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 2);
- size = parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree);
- assertTrue(3 == size, "Wrong size of tree after 1 delete (%zu instead of 3)", size);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 7, (void *) 1007);
- assertTrue(4 == parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after add 1 more");
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 3);
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after del 1 more - 3");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_DestroyTillEmpty)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- size_t size;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 4, (void *) 1004);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 2, (void *) 1002);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 3, (void *) 1003);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 1, (void *) 1001);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 5, (void *) 1001);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 7, (void *) 1001);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 6, (void *) 1001);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 3);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 4);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 2);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 6);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 5);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree, (void *) 7);
- size = parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree);
- assertTrue(0 == size, "Wrong size of tree - empty (got %zu)", size);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Size_Overwrite)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 4, (void *) 1004);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 2, (void *) 1002);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 3, (void *) 1003);
- // Size is 3 here, we'll insert the same number now..
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) 3, (void *) 1033);
- assertTrue(3 == parcTreeRedBlack_Size(tree), "Wrong size of tree after overwrite");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_EmptyTree)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- void *value = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(tree, (void *) 1);
- assertTrue(NULL == value, "Object did not exist, must return NULL");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_NonExistent)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *value = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(tree, (void *) 100);
- assertTrue(NULL == value, "Object did not exist, must return NULL");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_First)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *value = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(tree, (void *) 1);
- assertTrue((1 << 8) == (long) value, "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *value = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(tree, (void *) 4);
- assertTrue((4 << 8) == (long) value, "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_Last)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *value = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(tree, (void *) 9);
- assertTrue((9 << 8) == (long) value, "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_Smallest)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *value = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(tree, (void *) 1);
- assertTrue((1 << 8) == (long) value, "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_Biggest)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *value = parcTreeRedBlack_Get(tree, (void *) 39);
- assertTrue((39 << 8) == (long) value, "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) value);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_FirstKey)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *key = parcTreeRedBlack_FirstKey(tree);
- assertTrue(1 == (long) key, "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) key);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_FirstKey_Empty)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- void *key = parcTreeRedBlack_FirstKey(tree);
- assertNull(key, "Should get NULL on empty tree");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_LastKey_Empty)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- void *key = parcTreeRedBlack_LastKey(tree);
- assertNull(key, "Should get NULL on empty tree");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Get_LastKey)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree;
- tree = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *key = parcTreeRedBlack_LastKey(tree);
- assertTrue(39 == (long) key, "Wrong value, got %ld", (long) key);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_First)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, NULL, intEquals, valueFree, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, NULL, intEquals, valueFree, NULL);
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(1), valueNewInt(1 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 1;
- void *data = parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(tree1, &searchKey);
- valueFree(&data);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, NULL, intEquals, valueFree, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, NULL, intEquals, valueFree, NULL);
- for (int i = 31; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(30), valueNewInt(31 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 30;
- void *data = parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(tree1, &searchKey);
- valueFree(&data);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_Last)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, NULL, intEquals, valueFree, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, NULL, intEquals, valueFree, NULL);
- for (int i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(100), valueNewInt(100 << 8));
- for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, keyNewInt(i), valueNewInt(i << 8));
- }
- int searchKey = 100;
- void *data = parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(tree1, &searchKey);
- valueFree(&data);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy_First)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) 1, (void *) (1 << 8));
- for (long i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 1);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 31; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) 30, (void *) (30 << 8));
- for (long i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 30);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_NonExistent)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- void *element = parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(tree1, (void *) 100);
- assertNull(element, "Return value must be NULL on non existing element");
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy_NonExistent)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 100);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_WithSuccessorNonRoot)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- long insert1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- long insert2[13] = { 8, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) insert1[i], (void *) (insert1[i] << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) insert2[i], (void *) (insert2[i] << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 4);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 12);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Remove_LeftChildRightChild)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- long insert1[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- long insert2[15] = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) insert1[i], (void *) (insert1[i] << 8));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) insert2[i], (void *) (insert2[i] << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 13);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 7);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 14);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 6);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 15);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 12);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 11);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 10);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 9);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 8);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 5);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 4);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 3);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 2);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 2);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 3);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 4);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 5);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 6);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 7);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 8);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 9);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 10);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 11);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 12);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 13);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 14);
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree2, (void *) 15);
- //assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1,tree2),"Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy_Last)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 30; i < 40; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) 100, (void *) (100 << 8));
- for (long i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 20; i < 30; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_RemoveAndDestroy(tree1, (void *) 100);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Trees dont match after remove");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Keys)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCArrayList *list;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- list = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- // Insert in tree out of order
- for (long i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- // Insert in list in order
- for (long i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcArrayList_Add(list, (void *) i);
- }
- PARCArrayList *keys = parcTreeRedBlack_Keys(tree1);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(list, keys), "Key list doesnt' match");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&keys);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&list);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Values)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCArrayList *list;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- list = parcArrayList_Create(NULL);
- // Insert in tree out of order
- for (long i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) i, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- // Insert in list in order
- for (long i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- // Add some elements to the tree
- parcArrayList_Add(list, (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- PARCArrayList *values = parcTreeRedBlack_Values(tree1);
- assertTrue(parcArrayList_Equals(list, values), "Key list doesnt' match");
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&values);
- parcArrayList_Destroy(&list);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Empty)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Empty lists are not equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_DifferentLength)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 100;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1,
- (void *) i,
- (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2,
- (void *) (compareInserts - i),
- (void *) ((compareInserts - i) << 8));
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2, (void *) (1000), (void *) ((12304) << 8));
- assertFalse(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Not_Values)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 100;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1,
- (void *) i,
- (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2,
- (void *) (compareInserts - i),
- (void *) ((compareInserts + i) << 8));
- }
- assertFalse(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Not_Values_Func)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 100;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, keyFree, keyCopy, intEquals, valueFree, valueCopy);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, keyFree, keyCopy, intEquals, valueFree, valueCopy);
- for (int i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1,
- keyNewInt(i),
- valueNewInt(i + 1000));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2,
- keyNewInt(i),
- valueNewInt(i + 2000));
- }
- assertFalse(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Not_Keys)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 100;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1,
- (void *) i,
- (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2,
- (void *) (compareInserts + i),
- (void *) ((compareInserts - i) << 8));
- }
- assertFalse(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 100;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1,
- (void *) i,
- (void *) (i << 8));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2,
- (void *) (compareInserts - i),
- (void *) ((compareInserts - i) << 8));
- }
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are not equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Equals_Func)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 100;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, keyCopy, intEquals, valueFree, valueCopy);
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, keyCopy, intEquals, valueFree, valueCopy);
- for (int i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1,
- keyNewInt(i),
- valueNewInt(i + 1000));
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree2,
- keyNewInt(i),
- valueNewInt(i + 1000));
- }
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are not equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Copy)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 20;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(intComp, keyFree, keyCopy, intEquals, valueFree, valueCopy);
- for (int i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- void *key = keyNewInt(i);
- void *value = valueNewInt(i + 1000);
- //value = (void *) &((*(int*)value) + 100);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, key, value);
- }
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Copy(tree1);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are not equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, PARC_TreeRedBlack_Copy_Direct)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree2;
- int compareInserts = 20;
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- for (long i = 1; i < compareInserts; i++) {
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1,
- (void *) i,
- (void *) (i << 8));
- }
- tree2 = parcTreeRedBlack_Copy(tree1);
- assertTrue(parcTreeRedBlack_Equals(tree1, tree2), "Lists are not equal");
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree2);
- //LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Local, PARC_TreeRedBlack_EnsureRemaining_NonEmpty);
- // LongBow could use a command line option to enable/disable tests
- // See LongBow issue #5
- if (getenv("LongBowStress")) {
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeRedBlack_ExerciseRandomSeededSmall);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeRedBlack_ExerciseRandomSeeded);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeRedBlack_ExerciseRandomSeededSmall)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- unsigned seed;
- char *seedString;
- seedString = getenv("RBSeed");
- if (seedString) {
- seed = (unsigned) atol(seedString);
- } else {
- seed = 4179329122; // known to fail
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
- // this test case should obtain a seed and number of iterations from a
- // command line option once LongBow has that feature available
- printf("Random seed %u\n", seed);
- srandom(seed);
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- int inserts = 0;
- int deletes = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- intptr_t item = 1 + (random() % 100);
- int operation = random() % 1000;
- if (operation < 400) {
- inserts++;
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) item, (void *) (item << 8));
- } else {
- deletes++;
- parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(tree1, (void *) item);
- }
- rbCheckTree(tree1);
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Stress, PARC_TreeRedBlack_ExerciseRandomSeeded)
- PARCTreeRedBlack *tree1;
- unsigned seed;
- char *seedString;
- // this test case should obtain a seed and number of iterations from a
- // command line option once LongBow has that feature available
- seedString = getenv("RBSeed");
- if (seedString) {
- seed = (unsigned) atol(seedString);
- } else {
- seed = 4179329122; // known to fail
- }
- printf("Random seed %u\n", seed);
- srandom(seed);
- tree1 = parcTreeRedBlack_Create(pointerComp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- int inserts = 0;
- int deletes = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
- intptr_t item = 1 + (random() % 10000);
- int operation = random() % 1000;
- if (operation < 400) {
- inserts++;
- parcTreeRedBlack_Insert(tree1, (void *) item, (void *) (item << 8));
- } else {
- deletes++;
- parcTreeRedBlack_Remove(tree1, (void *) item);
- }
- rbCheckTree(tree1);
- }
- parcTreeRedBlack_Destroy(&tree1);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARC_TreeRedBlack);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URI.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URI.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5050deb3..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URI.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- *
- */
-#include "../parc_URI.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Hash.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_Hash.h>
-#include "_test_parc_URI.h"
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Tests leak memory by %d allocations\n", outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme_Only);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme_BadScheme);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme_EmptyScheme);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseAuthority);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseAuthority_NoAuthority);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseAuthority_NoPath);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_AuthorityEquals_SamePointer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_AuthorityEquals_NullPointers);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_QueryEquals_SamePointer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_QueryEquals_NullPointers);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_FragmentEquals_SamePointer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_FragmentEquals_NullPointers);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SchemeEquals_SamePointer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SchemeEquals_NullPointers);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Parse_NoScheme);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Parse_SchemeOnly);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetScheme);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetScheme_Reset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetScheme_Resetting);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetFragment);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetFragment_Reset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetFragment_Resetting);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetQuery_Reset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetQuery_Resetting);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetAuthority);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetAuthority_Reset);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetAuthority_Resetting);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Equals_Contract);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_GetFragment);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_ToString_Full);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Acquire)
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- PARCURI *handle = parcURI_Acquire(uri);
- assertTrue(parcURI_Equals(uri, handle), "Expected URI and acquired handle to be equal");
- parcURI_Release(&handle);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_AuthorityEquals_SamePointer)
- char *authority = "authority@auth";
- assertTrue(_parcURI_AuthorityEquals(authority, authority),
- "Expected authorities to be equal since they're the same pointers: %p - %p",
- (void *) authority, (void *) authority);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_AuthorityEquals_NullPointers)
- char *authority = "authority@auth";
- assertFalse(_parcURI_AuthorityEquals(NULL, authority), "Expected authorities to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertFalse(_parcURI_AuthorityEquals(authority, NULL), "Expected authorities to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertTrue(_parcURI_AuthorityEquals(NULL, NULL), "Expected authorities to be equal since both are NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_QueryEquals_SamePointer)
- char *query = "query";
- assertTrue(_parcURI_QueryEquals(query, query),
- "Expected queries to be equal since they're the same pointers: %p - %p",
- (void *) query, (void *) query);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_QueryEquals_NullPointers)
- char *query = "query";
- assertFalse(_parcURI_QueryEquals(NULL, query), "Expected queries to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertFalse(_parcURI_QueryEquals(query, NULL), "Expected queries to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertTrue(_parcURI_QueryEquals(NULL, NULL), "Expected queries to be equal since both are NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_FragmentEquals_SamePointer)
- char *fragment = "fragment";
- assertTrue(_parcURI_FragmentEquals(fragment, fragment),
- "Expected fragments to be equal since they're the same pointers: %p - %p",
- (void *) fragment, (void *) fragment);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_FragmentEquals_NullPointers)
- char *fragment = "fragment";
- assertFalse(_parcURI_FragmentEquals(NULL, fragment), "Expected fragments to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertFalse(_parcURI_FragmentEquals(fragment, NULL), "Expected fragments to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertTrue(_parcURI_FragmentEquals(NULL, NULL), "Expected fragments to be equal since both are NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SchemeEquals_SamePointer)
- char *scheme = "scheme";
- assertTrue(_parcURI_SchemeEquals(scheme, scheme),
- "Expected schemes to be equal since they're the same pointers: %p - %p",
- (void *) scheme, (void *) scheme);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SchemeEquals_NullPointers)
- char *scheme = "scheme";
- assertFalse(_parcURI_SchemeEquals(NULL, scheme), "Expected schemes to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertFalse(_parcURI_SchemeEquals(scheme, NULL), "Expected schemes to not be equal since one is NULL");
- assertTrue(_parcURI_SchemeEquals(NULL, NULL), "Expected schemes to be equal since both are NULL");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme_EmptyScheme)
- const char *pointer;
- char *actual = _parseScheme(":", &pointer); // empty string
- assertNull(actual, "Parsed scheme should be NULL since the input string was empty.");
- actual = _parseScheme("", &pointer); // empty string
- assertNull(actual, "Parsed scheme should be NULL since the input string was empty.");
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- assertNotNull(uri, "Expected non-null result for '%s'", uriString);
- memset(uriString, 0, strlen(uriString));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_SCHEME, parcURI_GetScheme(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_SCHEME, parcURI_GetScheme(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_AUTHORITY, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_AUTHORITY, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_QUERY, parcURI_GetQuery(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_QUERY, parcURI_GetQuery(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_FRAGMENT, parcURI_GetFragment(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_FRAGMENT, parcURI_GetFragment(uri));
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- assertNull(uri, "Expected parcURI_Release to null the pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Parse_NoScheme)
- char *uriString = "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- assertNull(uri,
- "Expected null result for '%s'", uriString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Parse_SchemeOnly)
- char *uriString = URI_SCHEME ":";
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- assertNotNull(uri,
- "Expected non-null result for '%s'", uriString);
- memset(uriString, 0, strlen(uriString));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_SCHEME, parcURI_GetScheme(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_SCHEME, parcURI_GetScheme(uri));
- assertNull(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri),
- "Expected NULL, actual '%s'", parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertNull(parcURI_GetQuery(uri),
- "Expected NULL, actual '%s'", parcURI_GetQuery(uri));
- assertNull(parcURI_GetFragment(uri),
- "Expected NULL, actual '%s'", parcURI_GetFragment(uri));
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- assertNull(uri,
- "Expected parcURI_Release to null the pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme)
- const char *pointer;
- char *actual = _parseScheme(URI_FULL, &pointer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_SCHEME, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", URI_SCHEME, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme_Only)
- const char *pointer;
- char *actual = _parseScheme(URI_SCHEME ":", &pointer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_SCHEME, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", URI_SCHEME, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseScheme_BadScheme)
- const char *pointer;
- char *actual = _parseScheme("", &pointer);
- assertNull(actual,
- "Expected NULL actual '%s'", actual);
- const char *actual = parcURI_GetAuthority(uri);
- assertTrue(strcmp(TEST_URI_AUTHORITY, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", URI_AUTHORITY, actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- const char *actual = parcURI_GetQuery(uri);
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_QUERY, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", URI_FRAGMENT, actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_GetFragment)
- const char *actual = parcURI_GetFragment(uri);
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_FRAGMENT, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", URI_FRAGMENT, actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- PARCURIPath *actual = parcURI_GetPath(uri);
- char *string = parcURIPath_ToString(actual);
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, string) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, string);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- PARCURI *uri2 = parcURI_Copy(uri);
- char *expected = parcURI_ToString(uri);
- char *actual = parcURI_ToString(uri2);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &expected);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- parcURI_Release(&uri2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_Equals_Contract)
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcURI_Equals, x, y, z, u);
- parcURI_Release(&x);
- parcURI_Release(&y);
- parcURI_Release(&z);
- parcURI_Release(&u);
- const char *actual = parcURI_GetScheme(uri);
- assertTrue(strcmp(TEST_URI_SCHEME, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", TEST_URI_SCHEME, actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- assertNotNull(uri,
- "Expected a non-null result.");
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_SCHEME, parcURI_GetScheme(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_SCHEME, parcURI_GetScheme(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_AUTHORITY, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_AUTHORITY, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_QUERY, parcURI_GetQuery(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_QUERY, parcURI_GetQuery(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_FRAGMENT, parcURI_GetFragment(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected '%s', actual '%s'", URI_FRAGMENT, parcURI_GetFragment(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_ToString_Full)
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(expected);
- char *actual = parcURI_ToString(uri);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- char *expected = URI_SCHEME ":" "/";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(expected);
- char *actual = parcURI_ToString(uri);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(expected);
- char *actual = parcURI_ToString(uri);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseAuthority)
- char *authority = "//" URI_AUTHORITY "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- char *expected = URI_AUTHORITY;
- const char *pointer;
- char *actual = _parseAuthority(authority, &pointer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", expected, actual);
- assertTrue(*pointer == '/',
- "Expected '/' actual '%c'", *pointer);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseAuthority_NoAuthority)
- char *string = "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- const char *pointer;
- char *actual = _parseAuthority(string, &pointer);
- assertTrue(actual == NULL,
- "Expected NULL actual '%s'", actual);
- assertTrue(*pointer == '/',
- "Expected '/' actual '%c'", *pointer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetScheme)
- char *scheme = "scheme";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetScheme(uri, scheme);
- assertTrue(strcmp(scheme, parcURI_GetScheme(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", scheme, parcURI_GetScheme(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetScheme_Resetting)
- char *scheme = "scheme";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetScheme(uri, scheme);
- _parcURI_SetScheme(uri, scheme);
- assertTrue(strcmp(scheme, parcURI_GetScheme(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", scheme, parcURI_GetScheme(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetScheme_Reset)
- char *scheme = "scheme";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetScheme(uri, scheme);
- _parcURI_SetScheme(uri, NULL);
- assertNull(parcURI_GetScheme(uri),
- "Expected NULL actual %s", parcURI_GetScheme(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetFragment)
- char *fragment = "fragment";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetFragment(uri, fragment);
- assertTrue(strcmp(fragment, parcURI_GetFragment(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", fragment, parcURI_GetFragment(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetFragment_Resetting)
- char *fragment = "fragment";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetFragment(uri, fragment);
- _parcURI_SetFragment(uri, fragment);
- assertTrue(strcmp(fragment, parcURI_GetFragment(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", fragment, parcURI_GetFragment(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetFragment_Reset)
- char *fragment = "query";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetFragment(uri, fragment);
- _parcURI_SetFragment(uri, NULL);
- assertNull(parcURI_GetFragment(uri),
- "Expected NULL actual %s", parcURI_GetFragment(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- char *query = "query";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetQuery(uri, query);
- assertTrue(strcmp(query, parcURI_GetQuery(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", query, parcURI_GetQuery(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetQuery_Resetting)
- char *query = "query";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetQuery(uri, query);
- _parcURI_SetQuery(uri, query);
- assertTrue(strcmp(query, parcURI_GetQuery(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", query, parcURI_GetQuery(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetQuery_Reset)
- char *query = "query";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetQuery(uri, query);
- _parcURI_SetQuery(uri, NULL);
- assertNull(parcURI_GetQuery(uri),
- "Expected NULL actual %s", parcURI_GetQuery(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetAuthority)
- char *authority = "authority@auth";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetAuthority(uri, authority);
- assertTrue(strcmp(authority, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", authority, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetAuthority_Resetting)
- char *authority = "query";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetAuthority(uri, authority);
- _parcURI_SetAuthority(uri, authority);
- assertTrue(strcmp(authority, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri)) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", authority, parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parcURI_SetAuthority_Reset)
- char *query = "query";
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Create();
- _parcURI_SetAuthority(uri, query);
- _parcURI_SetAuthority(uri, NULL);
- assertNull(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri),
- "Expected NULL actual %s", parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseAuthority_NoPath)
- char *authority = "//" URI_AUTHORITY;
- char *expected = URI_AUTHORITY;
- const char *pointer;
- char *actual = _parseAuthority(authority, &pointer);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expected, actual) == 0,
- "Expected '%s' actual '%s'", authority, actual);
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0,
- "Expected null actual '%c'", *pointer);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseFragment)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parsePath)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURI, parseQuery)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parcURI);
- int status = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(status);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URIAuthority.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URIAuthority.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e6d8196a..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URIAuthority.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_URIAuthority.c"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_URI.h>
-#include "_test_parc_URI.h"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Tests leak memory by %d allocations\n", outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_Parse);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_GetUserInfo);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_GetHostName);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_GetPort);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_Parse)
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- PARCURIAuthority *authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertEqualStrings(parcURIAuthority_GetUserInfo(authority), URI_AUTHORITY_USERINFO);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- // URI without the port
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertEqualStrings(parcURIAuthority_GetUserInfo(authority), URI_AUTHORITY_USERINFO);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- // URI with literal V4 address
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertEqualStrings(parcURIAuthority_GetHostName(authority), URI_AUTHORITY_LITERAL_HOSTNAME);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- // URI with literal V6 address
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertEqualStrings(parcURIAuthority_GetHostName(authority), URI_AUTHORITY_LITERAL_HOSTNAME6);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- // URI with full literal V6 address
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertEqualStrings(parcURIAuthority_GetHostName(authority), URI_AUTHORITY_LITERAL_HOSTNAME6_2);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_Acquire)
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- PARCURIAuthority *authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- PARCURIAuthority *handle = parcURIAuthority_Acquire(authority);
- assertTrue(parcURIAuthority_Equals(authority, handle), "URI Authorities should be equal since they refer to the same object.");
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&handle);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_Equals)
- char *uriString1 = URI_SCHEME "://" URI_AUTHORITY;
- uriString1 = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString1, strlen(uriString1));
- PARCURI *uri1 = parcURI_Parse(uriString1);
- PARCURIAuthority *x = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri1));
- char *uriString2 = URI_SCHEME "://" URI_AUTHORITY;
- uriString2 = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString2, strlen(uriString2));
- PARCURI *uri2 = parcURI_Parse(uriString2);
- PARCURIAuthority *y = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri2));
- char *uriString3 = URI_SCHEME "://" URI_AUTHORITY;
- uriString3 = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString3, strlen(uriString3));
- PARCURI *uri3 = parcURI_Parse(uriString3);
- PARCURIAuthority *z = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri3));
- char *differentUriString = URI_SCHEME "://" URI_AUTHORITY_USERINFO;
- differentUriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(differentUriString, strlen(differentUriString));
- PARCURI *unequalUri = parcURI_Parse(differentUriString);
- PARCURIAuthority *u = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(unequalUri));
- uriString5 = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString5, strlen(uriString5));
- PARCURI *unequalUri5 = parcURI_Parse(uriString5);
- PARCURIAuthority *u5 = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(unequalUri5));
- uriString4 = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString4, strlen(uriString4));
- PARCURI *unequalUri4 = parcURI_Parse(uriString4);
- PARCURIAuthority *u4 = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(unequalUri4));
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcURIAuthority_Equals, x, y, z, u);
- assertFalse(parcURIAuthority_Equals(x, u4), "Expected URI authorities with different user info to be unequal");
- assertFalse(parcURIAuthority_Equals(x, u5), "Expected URI authorities with different hsot names to be unequal");
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&x);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&y);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&z);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&u);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&u4);
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&u5);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString1);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString2);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString3);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString4);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString5);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &differentUriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri1);
- parcURI_Release(&uri2);
- parcURI_Release(&uri3);
- parcURI_Release(&unequalUri);
- parcURI_Release(&unequalUri4);
- parcURI_Release(&unequalUri5);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_GetUserInfo)
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- PARCURIAuthority *authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_AUTHORITY_USERINFO, parcURIAuthority_GetUserInfo(authority)) == 0, "URI Authority user info should be equal: %s - %s", URI_AUTHORITY_USERINFO, parcURIAuthority_GetUserInfo(authority));
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_GetHostName)
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- PARCURIAuthority *authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_AUTHORITY_HOSTNAME, parcURIAuthority_GetHostName(authority)) == 0, "URI Authority host name should be equal: %s - %s", URI_AUTHORITY_HOSTNAME, parcURIAuthority_GetHostName(authority));
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIAuthority, parcURIAuthority_GetPort)
- uriString = parcMemory_StringDuplicate(uriString, strlen(uriString));
- PARCURI *uri = parcURI_Parse(uriString);
- PARCURIAuthority *authority = parcURIAuthority_Parse(parcURI_GetAuthority(uri));
- assertTrue(atol(URI_AUTHORITY_PORT_1) == parcURIAuthority_GetPort(authority),
- "URI Authority host name should be equal: %ld - %ld", atol(URI_AUTHORITY_PORT_1), parcURIAuthority_GetPort(authority));
- parcURIAuthority_Release(&authority);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &uriString);
- parcURI_Release(&uri);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parcURIAuthority);
- int status = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(status);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URIPath.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URIPath.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f34a96..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URIPath.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_URIPath.c"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_URI.h>
-#include "_test_parc_URI.h"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Tests leak memory by %d allocations\n", outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Parse);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Parse_WithQuery);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Count);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Append);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_ToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Length);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Trim);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Copy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compare_Identity);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compare_Equal);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compare_Unequal);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compose);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_StartsWith);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_StartsWith_Equal);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_StartsWith_Fail);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_BuildString);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Acquire)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "//////" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *handle = parcURIPath_Acquire(path);
- assertTrue(parcURIPath_Equals(path, handle), "URI paths should be equal: %s - %s", parcURIPath_ToString(path), parcURIPath_ToString(handle));
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
- parcURIPath_Release(&handle);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Parse)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "//////" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(path, "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0, "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- char *actualPath = parcURIPath_ToString(path);
- char *expectedPath = URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedPath, actualPath) == 0, "Expected %s actual %s", expectedPath, actualPath);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualPath);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Release)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(path, "Expected non-null result.");
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
- assertNull(path, "Expected destroy to null the pointer.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Parse_WithQuery)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- assertNotNull(path, "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == '?', "Expected pointer to point to the terminating character.");
- char *actualPath = parcURIPath_ToString(path);
- char *expectedPath = URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedPath, actualPath) == 0, "Expected %s actual %s", expectedPath, actualPath);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualPath);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Equals)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *x = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *y = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *z = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *u1 = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "a/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *u2 = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcURIPath_Equals, x, y, z, u1, u2);
- parcURIPath_Release(&x);
- parcURIPath_Release(&y);
- parcURIPath_Release(&z);
- parcURIPath_Release(&u1);
- parcURIPath_Release(&u2);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Copy)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *copy = parcURIPath_Copy(path);
- assertTrue(copy != path, "Expected distinct instances of the path.");
- int comparison = parcURIPath_Compare(path, copy);
- assertTrue(comparison == 0, "Expected the copy to compare equal to the original.");
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
- parcURIPath_Release(&copy);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_StartsWith)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *base = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *prefix = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- bool actual = parcURIPath_StartsWith(base, prefix);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected true, actual false.");
- parcURIPath_Release(&prefix);
- parcURIPath_Release(&base);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_StartsWith_Equal)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *base = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *prefix = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- bool actual = parcURIPath_StartsWith(base, prefix);
- assertTrue(actual, "Expected true, actual false.");
- parcURIPath_Release(&prefix);
- parcURIPath_Release(&base);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_StartsWith_Fail)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *base = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *prefix1 = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *prefix2 = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "A?query", &pointer);
- assertFalse(parcURIPath_StartsWith(base, prefix1),
- "Expected false, actual true");
- assertFalse(parcURIPath_StartsWith(base, prefix2),
- "Expected false, actual true");
- parcURIPath_Release(&prefix1);
- parcURIPath_Release(&prefix2);
- parcURIPath_Release(&base);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compose)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *base = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *expected = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURISegment *a = parcURISegment_Parse(URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *actual = parcURIPath_Compose(base, a, a, NULL);
- parcURISegment_Release(&a);
- char *actualString = parcURIPath_ToString(actual);
- char *expectedString = parcURIPath_ToString(expected);
- assertTrue(parcURIPath_Compare(expected, actual) == 0, "Expected '%s' actual '%s'\n", expectedString, actualString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &expectedString);
- parcURIPath_Release(&actual);
- parcURIPath_Release(&expected);
- parcURIPath_Release(&base);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compare_Identity)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *equivalents[] = {
- path,
- parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query",&pointer),
- };
- PARCURIPath *lessers[] = {
- parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer),
- };
- PARCURIPath *greaters[] = {
- parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer),
- parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "AAA?query", &pointer),
- };
- parcObjectTesting_AssertCompareTo(parcURIPath_Compare, path, equivalents, lessers, greaters);
- for (int i = 0; equivalents[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcURIPath_Release(&equivalents[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; lessers[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcURIPath_Release(&lessers[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; greaters[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcURIPath_Release(&greaters[i]);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compare_Equal)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *pathA = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *pathB = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- int comparison = parcURIPath_Compare(pathA, pathB);
- assertTrue(comparison == 0, "Expected 0: equal paths to compare equal. Actual %d", comparison);
- parcURIPath_Release(&pathA);
- parcURIPath_Release(&pathB);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Compare_Unequal)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *pathA = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *pathB = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "?query", &pointer);
- int comparison = parcURIPath_Compare(pathA, pathB);
- assertTrue(comparison < 0, "Expected < 0: path A is less than path B. Actual %d", comparison);
- parcURIPath_Release(&pathA);
- parcURIPath_Release(&pathB);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Count)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(path, "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0, "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- size_t actual = parcURIPath_Count(path);
- assertTrue(3 == actual, "Expected %d actual %zd", 3, actual);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_ToString)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(path, "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0, "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- char *actualString = parcURIPath_ToString(path);
- char *expectedString = URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedString, actualString) == 0, "Expected %s actual %s", expectedString, actualString);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualString);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Length)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(path, "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0, "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- size_t actualCount = parcURIPath_Length(path);
- size_t expectedCount = 79;
- assertTrue(expectedCount == actualCount, "Expected %zd actual %zd", expectedCount, actualCount);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Append)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT "/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- PARCURIPath *result = parcURIPath_Append(path, segment);
- assertTrue(result == path, "Expected %p, actual %p", (void *) path, (void *) result);
- size_t actualCount = parcURIPath_Count(path);
- assertTrue(3 == actualCount, "Expected 3, actual %zd", actualCount);
- char *actualPath = parcURIPath_ToString(path);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedPath, actualPath) == 0, "Expected %s actual %s", expectedPath, actualPath);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualPath);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_Trim)
- const char *pointer;
- parcURIPath_Trim(path, 2);
- size_t actualCount = parcURIPath_Count(path);
- assertTrue(2 == actualCount, "Expected 2, actual %zd", actualCount);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURIPath, parcURIPath_BuildString)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURIPath *path = parcURIPath_Parse("/" URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- PARCBufferComposer *target = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- PARCBufferComposer *string = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(string, URI_PATH_SEGMENT);
- PARCBuffer *b1 = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(string);
- char *string1 = parcBuffer_ToString(b1);
- parcBuffer_Release(&b1);
- parcURIPath_BuildString(path, target);
- PARCBuffer *b2 = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(target);
- char *string2 = parcBuffer_ToString(b2);
- parcBuffer_Release(&b2);
- assertTrue(strncmp(string1, string2, strlen(string1)) == 0, "String representations of the paths should be equal: %s - %s", string1, string2);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string1);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &string2);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&string);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&target);
- parcURIPath_Release(&path);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parcURIPath);
- int status = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(status);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URISegment.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URISegment.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 640bab89..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_URISegment.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_URISegment.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_URI.h>
-#include "_test_parc_URI.h"
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/testing/parc_ObjectTesting.h>
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Tests leak memory by %d allocations\n", outstandingAllocations);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, _parcURISegment_fromHexDigit);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, _parcURISegment_parsePercentEncoded);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Acquire);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Create);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Parse);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Parse_WithExtraSlashes);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Parse_WithInvalidPercentage);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Release);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Length);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_ToString);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Equals_Contract);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Compare_Contract);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Clone);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_GetBuffer);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, _parcURISegment_fromHexDigit)
- const char test = 'G';
- signed char actual = _fromHexDigit(test);
- assertTrue(-1 == (int) actual, "Invalid hex digit should not be changed to a decimal value, we expect -1 as the result");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, _parcURISegment_parsePercentEncoded)
- unsigned char buffer;
- const char *test1 = "0G";
- const char *result1 = _parsePercentEncoded(test1, &buffer);
- assertTrue(NULL == result1, "Expected NULL parsed byte from invalid encoded percentage string, got %s", result1);
- const char *test2 = "GG";
- const char *result2 = _parsePercentEncoded(test2, &buffer);
- assertTrue(NULL == result2, "Expected NULL parsed byte from invalid encoded percentage string, got %s", result2);
- const char *test3 = "";
- const char *result3 = _parsePercentEncoded(test3, &buffer);
- assertTrue(NULL == result3, "Expected NULL parsed byte from empty encoded percentage string, got %s", result3);
- const char *test4 = "0";
- const char *result4 = _parsePercentEncoded(test4, &buffer);
- assertTrue(NULL == result4, "Expected NULL parsed byte from half-empty encoded percentage string, got %s", result4);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Acquire)
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(expected, &pointer);
- PARCURISegment *handle = parcURISegment_Acquire(segment);
- assertTrue(parcURISegment_Equals(segment, handle), "Expected URI segments to be equal: %s - %s", parcURISegment_ToString(segment), parcURISegment_ToString(handle));
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
- parcURISegment_Release(&handle);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Create)
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Create(strlen(expected), (unsigned char *) expected);
- assertNotNull(segment, "Expected non-null result.");
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Parse)
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(expected, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(segment, "Expected non-null result.");
- char *expectedBytes = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- char *actualBytes = parcURISegment_ToString(segment);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedBytes, actualBytes) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", expectedBytes, actualBytes);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualBytes);
- assertTrue(parcURISegment_Length(segment) == 39,
- "Expected 39, actual %zd", parcURISegment_Length(segment));
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0, "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Parse_WithExtraSlashes)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(URI_PATH_SEGMENT_WITH_SLASHES, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(segment, "Expected non-null result.");
- char *expectedBytes = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- char *actualBytes = parcURISegment_ToString(segment);
- assertTrue(strcmp(expectedBytes, actualBytes) == 0,
- "Expected %s actual %s", expectedBytes, actualBytes);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actualBytes);
- assertTrue(parcURISegment_Length(segment) == 39,
- "Expected 39, actual %zd", parcURISegment_Length(segment));
- assertTrue(*pointer == '/', "Expected pointer to point to the slash character: %c", *pointer);
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Parse_WithInvalidPercentage)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(URI_PATH_SEGMENT "%G", &pointer);
- assertNull(segment, "Parsed segment should be NULL since the last percent-encoded byte is invalid");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Release)
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(expected, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(segment, "Expected non-null result.");
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
- assertNull(segment, "Expected destroy to null the pointer");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Equals_Contract)
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *x = parcURISegment_Parse(expected, &pointer);
- PARCURISegment *y = parcURISegment_Parse(expected, &pointer);
- PARCURISegment *z = parcURISegment_Parse(expected, &pointer);
- parcObjectTesting_AssertEqualsFunction(parcURISegment_Equals, x, y, z, NULL);
- parcURISegment_Release(&x);
- parcURISegment_Release(&y);
- parcURISegment_Release(&z);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Clone)
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(expected, &pointer);
- PARCURISegment *copy = parcURISegment_Clone(segment);
- assertTrue(segment != copy, "Expected different instances of equal segments.");
- int comparison = parcURISegment_Compare(segment, copy);
- assertTrue(comparison == 0, "Expected equal segments.");
- assertTrue(parcURISegment_Equals(segment, copy), "Expected equal segments");
- parcURISegment_Release(&copy);
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Length)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(segment,
- "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0,
- "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- size_t actual = parcURISegment_Length(segment);
- assertTrue(actual == 39,
- "Expected 39, actual %zd", actual);
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_Compare_Contract)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse("MMM", &pointer);
- PARCURISegment *equivalents[] = {
- segment,
- parcURISegment_Parse("MMM",&pointer),
- };
- PARCURISegment *lessers[] = {
- parcURISegment_Parse("MM", &pointer),
- parcURISegment_Parse("MML", &pointer),
- };
- PARCURISegment *greaters[] = {
- parcURISegment_Parse("MMMM", &pointer),
- parcURISegment_Parse("MMN", &pointer),
- };
- parcObjectTesting_AssertCompareTo(parcURISegment_Compare, segment, equivalents, lessers, greaters);
- for (int i = 0; equivalents[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcURISegment_Release(&equivalents[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; lessers[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcURISegment_Release(&lessers[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; greaters[i] != NULL; i++) {
- parcURISegment_Release(&greaters[i]);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_ToString)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(segment, "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0, "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- char *actual = parcURISegment_ToString(segment);
- assertTrue(strcmp(URI_PATH_SEGMENT, actual) == 0, "Expected %s, actual %s", URI_PATH_SEGMENT, actual);
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
- parcMemory_Deallocate((void **) &actual);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(parcURISegment, parcURISegment_GetBuffer)
- const char *pointer;
- PARCURISegment *segment = parcURISegment_Parse(URI_PATH_SEGMENT, &pointer);
- assertNotNull(segment, "Expected non-null result.");
- assertTrue(*pointer == 0, "Expected pointer to point to the null terminating byte.");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcURISegment_GetBuffer(segment);
- char *expected = URI_PATH_SEGMENT;
- char *actual = (char *) parcBuffer_Overlay(buffer, 0);
- size_t compareLength = strlen(URI_PATH_SEGMENT);
- assertTrue(strncmp(expected, actual, compareLength), "Buffer does not contain original data.");
- parcURISegment_Release(&segment);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parcURISegment);
- int status = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(status);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Varint.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Varint.c
deleted file mode 100755
index cf0c865c..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Varint.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "../parc_Varint.c"
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_BufferComposer.h>
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_And);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsSize);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Destroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Equals);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromByteBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUTF8ByteBuffer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_New);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Or);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint16);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint32);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint64);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint8);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Set);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_ShiftLeft);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_ShiftRight);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_ToString);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_And)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint16)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint32)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint64)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AndUint8)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsSize)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint16)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint32)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint64)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_AsUint8)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Destroy)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Equals)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint16)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint32)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint64)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_EqualsUint8)
- unsigned char expected = 5;
- PARCVarint *a = parcVarint_FromUint8(expected);
- PARCVarint *b = parcVarint_FromUint8(expected);
- assertTrue(parcVarint_Equals(a, b), "Equal instances failed to be equal.");
- parcVarint_Destroy(&a);
- parcVarint_Destroy(&b);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromByteBuffer)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUTF8ByteBuffer)
- PARCBufferComposer *composer = parcBufferComposer_Create();
- parcBufferComposer_PutString(composer, "10");
- PARCBuffer *buffer = parcBufferComposer_ProduceBuffer(composer);
- PARCVarint *varint = parcVarint_FromUTF8ByteBuffer(buffer);
- uint32_t actual = parcVarint_AsUint32(varint);
- assertTrue(10 == actual, "Expected 10 actual %u", actual);
- parcBuffer_Release(&buffer);
- parcBufferComposer_Release(&composer);
- parcVarint_Destroy(&varint);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUint32)
- uint32_t value = 0x12345678;
- PARCVarint *a = parcVarint_FromUint32(value);
- assertNotNull(a, "Probably out of memory.");
- uint32_t actual = parcVarint_AsUint32(a);
- assertEqual(value, actual, "%u");
- parcVarint_Destroy(&a);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUint64)
- uint64_t value = 0x1234567812345678;
- PARCVarint *a = parcVarint_FromUint64(value);
- assertNotNull(a, "Probably out of memory.");
- uint64_t actual = parcVarint_AsUint64(a);
- assertEqual(value, actual, "%" PRIu64);
- parcVarint_Destroy(&a);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_FromUint8)
- uint8_t value = 0x12;
- PARCVarint *a = parcVarint_FromUint8(value);
- assertNotNull(a, "Probably out of memory.");
- uint8_t actual = parcVarint_AsUint8(a);
- assertEqual(value, actual, "%d");
- parcVarint_Destroy(&a);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_New)
- PARCVarint *a = parcVarint_Create();
- assertNotNull(a, "Probably out of memory.");
- parcVarint_Destroy(&a);
- assertNull(a, "Destroy failed to nullify.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Or)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint16)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint32)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint64)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_OrUint8)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_Set)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_ShiftLeft)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_ShiftRight)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVarint_ToString)
- testUnimplemented("This test is unimplemented");
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(parc_VarInt);
- int exitStatus = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(exitStatus);
diff --git a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Vector.c b/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Vector.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bea435dc..00000000
--- a/libparc/parc/algol/test/test_parc_Vector.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <LongBow/unit-test.h>
-#include <LongBow/debugging.h>
-#include <parc/algol/parc_SafeMemory.h>
-#include "../parc_Vector.c"
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDERR_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("Tests leak memory by %d allocations\n", outstandingAllocations);
- exit(1);
- }
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorDestroy);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorGetLength);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorGetPointer);
- LONGBOW_RUN_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorCreate);
- uint32_t outstandingAllocations = parcSafeMemory_ReportAllocation(STDOUT_FILENO);
- if (outstandingAllocations != 0) {
- printf("%s leaks memory by %d allocations\n", longBowTestCase_GetName(testCase), outstandingAllocations);
- }
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorDestroy)
- const char *string = "Hello World";
- PARCVector *x = parcVector_Create((void *) string, strlen(string));
- parcVector_Destroy(&x);
- assertNull(x, "Destroy did not nullify.");
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorGetLength)
- const char *string = "Hello World";
- PARCVector *x = parcVector_Create((void *) string, strlen(string));
- size_t expected = strlen(string);
- size_t actual = parcVector_GetLength(x);
- assertEqual(expected, actual, "%zd");
- parcVector_Destroy(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorGetPointer)
- const char *expected = "Hello World";
- PARCVector *x = parcVector_Create((void *) expected, strlen(expected));
- const char *actual = parcVector_GetPointer(x);
- assertEqual((void *) expected, (void *) actual, "%p");
- parcVector_Destroy(&x);
-LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, parcVectorCreate)
- const char *string = "Hello World";
- PARCVector *x = parcVector_Create((void *) string, strlen(string));
- assertNotNull(x, "Probably out of memory.");
- parcVector_Destroy(&x);
-main(int argc, char *argv[argc])
- LongBowRunner *testRunner = LONGBOW_TEST_RUNNER_CREATE(PARCVector);
- int status = LONGBOW_TEST_MAIN(argc, argv, testRunner);
- longBowTestRunner_Destroy(&testRunner);
- exit(status);