path: root/longbow/src/python/site-packages/longbow/StyleReport.py
diff options
authorMauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>2019-01-24 17:52:53 +0100
committerMauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>2019-01-24 17:52:53 +0100
commitc07ad72f016930e2aba6471d0e2e9625b935bf9a (patch)
tree03aa7b7c737a7a70321ef25d67c2fbd892cd76db /longbow/src/python/site-packages/longbow/StyleReport.py
parent9fc2b9ec49c54ec2d5f0164bbedc1c78732c464c (diff)
Remove cframework files from master
Change-Id: I02f17ede1cf97986a8b8852ed6d6a28fc016f590 Signed-off-by: Mauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'longbow/src/python/site-packages/longbow/StyleReport.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/longbow/src/python/site-packages/longbow/StyleReport.py b/longbow/src/python/site-packages/longbow/StyleReport.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e8d72e0..00000000
--- a/longbow/src/python/site-packages/longbow/StyleReport.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import sys
-import os
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-import difflib
-import csv
-import argparse
-import LongBow
-import ANSITerm
-import FileUtil
-import pprint
-def getExemplar(fileName, command, config):
- """Create the exemplar formatted file into memory as a string"""
- with open(fileName) as inputFile:
- result = subprocess.check_output([command, "-q", "-c", config], stdin=inputFile)
- return result;
-def diff(exemplar, fileName):
- d = difflib.Differ()
- differ = d.compare(exemplar.splitlines(), fileName.splitlines())
- return differ
-class Ratchet:
- def __init__(self):
- self.currentValue = 0
- self.signal = 0
- def value(self):
- return self.currentValue
- def toggle(self, signal):
- if self.signal == "-":
- if signal == "-":
- self.currentValue = self.currentValue + 1
- elif signal == "?":
- self.currentValue = self.currentValue + 1
- self.signal = 0
- else:
- self.currentValue = self.currentValue + 1
- self.signal = 0
- pass
- elif self.signal == "+":
- if signal == "-":
- self.currentValue = self.currentValue + 1
- elif signal == "?":
- self.currentValue = self.currentValue + 1
- self.signal = 0
- else:
- self.currentValue = self.currentValue + 1
- self.signal = 0
- pass
- else:
- self.signal = signal;
- return self.currentValue
-def computeNonCompliantLines(differ):
- lines = 0
- changes = Ratchet()
- for l in differ:
- if l.startswith('-'):
- changes.toggle(l[0])
- lines = lines - 1
- elif l.startswith('+'):
- changes.toggle(l[0])
- lines = lines + 1
- elif l.startswith('?'):
- pass
- elif l.startswith(' '):
- lines = lines +1
- else:
- print "What is this:", l
- return changes.value()
-def reportWhy(differ):
- print '\n'.join(diff)
- return
-class SyntaxCompliance:
- def __init__(self, fileName, exemplarCommand, exemplarConfig):
- self.fileName = fileName
- self.nonCompliantLines = 0
- self.score = 0
- self.exemplarCommand = exemplarCommand
- self.exemplarConfig = exemplarConfig
- try:
- self.fileData = FileUtil.readFileString(self.fileName)
- self.totalLines = len(self.fileData.splitlines())
- except IOError, e:
- print >> sys.stderr, e
- sys.exit(1)
- pass
- def check(self):
- self.exemplarData = getExemplar(self.fileName, self.exemplarCommand, self.exemplarConfig)
- differ = diff(self.fileData, self.exemplarData)
- self.nonCompliantLines = computeNonCompliantLines(differ)
- return self
- def report(self):
- result = { "fileName" : self.fileName,
- "label": "style",
- "score": self.getScore(),
- "totalLines" : self.getTotalLines(),
- "nonCompliantLines" : self.getNonCompliantLines()
- }
- return result
- def getFileName(self):
- return self.fileName
- def getExemplarCommand(self):
- return self.exemplarCommand;
- def getExemplarConfig(self):
- return self.exemplarConfig;
- def getScore(self):
- result = 0
- try:
- result = int(100 * (1.0 - (float(self.getNonCompliantLines()) / float(self.getTotalLines()))))
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- pass
- return result
- def getTotalLines(self):
- return self.totalLines
- def getNonCompliantLines(self):
- return self.nonCompliantLines
- def explain(self):
- self.exemplarData = getExemplar(self.fileName, self.exemplarCommand, self.exemplarConfig)
- differ = diff(self.fileData, self.exemplarData)
- ansiTerm = ANSITerm.ANSITerm()
- for l in differ:
- if l[0] == '-':
- ansiTerm.printColorized("red", l)
- elif l[0] == '+':
- ansiTerm.printColorized("green", l)
- elif l[0] == '?':
- ansiTerm.printColorized("yellow", l[0:len(l)-1])
- else:
- print l
- pass
- return
-def csvScore(distribution, report):
- string = "style,%s,%d,%d,%.2f" % (report["fileName"], report["totalLines"], report["nonCompliantLines"], report["score"])
- LongBow.scorePrinter(distribution, report["score"], string)
- return
-def csvAverage(distribution, complianceList):
- scores = map(lambda target: target.getScore(), complianceList)
- sum = reduce(lambda sum, score : sum + score, scores)
- value = float(sum) / float(len(complianceList))
- LongBow.scorePrinter(distribution, value, "%.2f" % (value))
- return
-def csvTotal(distribution, complianceList):
- totalLines = reduce(lambda sum, x: sum + x, map(lambda element : element.getTotalLines(), complianceList))
- totalNonCompliantLines = reduce(lambda sum, x: sum + x, map(lambda element : element.getNonCompliantLines(), complianceList))
- value = 100.0 - (100.0 * float(totalNonCompliantLines) / float(totalLines))
- LongBow.scorePrinter(distribution, value, "%.2f" % (value))
- return
-def csvSummary(distribution, complianceList):
- map(lambda target: csvScore(distribution, target.report()), complianceList)
- return
-def textScore(distribution, report, maxFileNameLength, prefix=""):
- '''
- '''
- format = "%s%-*s %6d %6d %6.2f"
- string = format % (prefix, maxFileNameLength, report["fileName"], report["totalLines"], report["nonCompliantLines"], report["score"])
- LongBow.scorePrinter(distribution, report["score"], string)
- return
-def textAverage(distribution, complianceList):
- scores = map(lambda target: target.getScore(), complianceList)
- sum = reduce(lambda sum, score : sum + score, scores)
- value = float(sum) / float(len(complianceList))
- LongBow.scorePrinter(distribution, value, "%.2f" % (value))
- return
-def textTotal(distribution, complianceList):
- totalLines = reduce(lambda sum, x: sum + x, map(lambda element : element.getTotalLines(), complianceList))
- totalNonCompliantLines = reduce(lambda sum, x: sum + x, map(lambda element : element.getNonCompliantLines(), complianceList))
- value = 100.0 - (100.0 * float(totalNonCompliantLines) / float(totalLines))
- LongBow.scorePrinter(distribution, value, "%.2f" % (value))
- return
-def textSummary(distribution, complianceList, prefix=""):
- if len(complianceList) > 0:
- maxFileNameLength = max(max(map(lambda target: len(target.getFileName()), complianceList)), len("File Name"))
- print "%s%-*s %6s %6s %6s" % (prefix, maxFileNameLength, "File Name", "Lines", "Errors", "Score")
- map(lambda target: textScore(distribution, target.report(), maxFileNameLength, prefix), complianceList)
- return
-def textVisual(complianceList):
- map(lambda target: target.explain(), complianceList)
- return
-def openDiff(sourceFile, exemplarCommand, exemplarConfig):
- exemplar = getExemplar(sourceFile, exemplarCommand, exemplarConfig);
- temporaryExemplarFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".c", delete=False)
- try:
- with open(temporaryExemplarFile.name, "w") as exemplarOutput:
- exemplarOutput.write(exemplar)
- subprocess.check_output(["opendiff", sourceFile, temporaryExemplarFile.name, "-merge", sourceFile])
- finally:
- pass
- return
-def displaySummary(args, complianceList):
- distribution = eval(args.distribution)
- if args.output == "text":
- textSummary(distribution, complianceList)
- elif args.output == "gui":
- textSummary(distribution, complianceList)
- else:
- csvSummary(distribution, complianceList)
- return
-def displayAverage(args, complianceList):
- distribution = eval(args.distribution)
- if args.output == "text":
- textAverage(distribution, complianceList)
- elif args.output == "gui":
- textAverage(distribution, complianceList)
- else:
- csvAverage(distribution, complianceList)
- return
-def displayTotal(args, complianceList):
- distribution = eval(args.distribution)
- if args.output == "text":
- textTotal(distribution, complianceList)
- elif args.output == "gui":
- textTotal(distribution, complianceList)
- else:
- csvTotal(distribution, complianceList)
- return
-def guiVisual(args, complianceList):
- map(lambda target: openDiff(target.getFileName(), target.getExemplarCommand(), target.getExemplarConfig()), complianceList)
- return
-def displayVisual(args, complianceList):
- if args.output == "text":
- textVisual(complianceList)
- elif args.output == "gui":
- guiVisual(args, complianceList)
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, "Unsupported output format '%s'. Expected 'text' or 'gui'." % (args.output)
- sys.exit(1)
- return
-def sortComplianceList(args, complianceList):
- sorter = {
- "name" : { "function" : lambda k: k.getFileName(), "reverse" : False },
- "descending-name" : { "function" : lambda k: k.getFileName(), "reverse" : True },
- "score" : { "function" : lambda k: k.getScore(), "reverse" : False },
- "descending-score" : { "function" : lambda k: k.getScore(), "reverse" : True },
- "size" : { "function" : lambda k: k.getTotalLines(), "reverse" : False },
- "descending-size" : { "function" : lambda k: k.getTotalLines(), "reverse" : True },
- }
- if args.key == "help":
- print >> sys.stderr, "Supported sort keys:"
- map(lambda k: sys.stderr.write("'" + k + "' "), sorted(sorter))
- print
- sys.exit(1)
- if args.key in sorter:
- complianceList = sorted(complianceList, key=sorter[args.key]["function"], reverse=sorter[args.key]["reverse"])
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, "Unsupported sort key '%s'. Type '--key help'" % (args.key)
- sys.exit(1)
- return complianceList
-def exclude(args, complianceList):
- excluded = map(lambda token : token.strip(), args.exclude.split(","))
- complianceList = filter(lambda entry: LongBow.score(eval(args.distribution), entry.getScore()) not in excluded, complianceList)
- return complianceList
-def gradeAndPrint(targets, exemplarCommand, exemplarConfig, problemsOnly=False, prefix=""):
- complianceList = []
- problemList = []
- for target in targets:
- try:
- complianceList.append(SyntaxCompliance(target, exemplarCommand, exemplarConfig).check())
- except:
- problemList.append(target)
- pass
- complianceList = sorted(complianceList, key=lambda k: k.getFileName())
- if problemsOnly:
- complianceList = filter(lambda entry: entry.getScore() < 100, complianceList)
- distribution=[99,90]
- textSummary(distribution, complianceList, prefix)
- for target in problemList:
- print LongBow.buildRed("%s%s could not be evaluated" % (prefix, target))
-def commandLineMain(args, targets, exemplarCommand, exemplarConfig):
- complianceList = map(lambda target: SyntaxCompliance(target, exemplarCommand, exemplarConfig).check(), targets)
- complianceList = sortComplianceList(args, complianceList)
- complianceList = exclude(args, complianceList)
- if args.summary:
- displaySummary(args, complianceList)
- elif args.average:
- displayAverage(args, complianceList)
- elif args.total:
- displayTotal(args, complianceList)
- elif args.visual:
- displayVisual(args, complianceList)
- return