diff options
authorpmikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2021-02-15 12:01:48 +0000
committerPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2021-04-08 11:53:02 +0000
commitd653bff621c44d0af1f4dcb786e9830362cdac38 (patch)
parentdf5672b3d9c29b51397f4770eb992c9f3f3955ce (diff)
Infra: UEFI PXE integrated infra
+ uefi + dnsmasq + nginx + ubuntu focal {arm64|amd64} Signed-off-by: pmikus <pmikus@cisco.com> Change-Id: I9974a5b9255d64ba8b8231cf81f59c048b52bbba
124 files changed, 4152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/build.sh b/fdio.infra.pxe/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..bd28a4227f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Clean.
+docker container rm --force pxe-dnsmasq
+docker image rm pxe-dnsmasq
+docker container rm --force pxe-nginx
+docker image rm pxe-nginx
+# Build.
+docker build \
+ --network host \
+ --build-arg HTTP_PROXY="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg NO_PROXY="$no_proxy" \
+ --build-arg http_proxy="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg https_proxy="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg no_proxy="$no_proxy" \
+ --tag pxe-dnsmasq docker-dnsmasq/.
+docker build \
+ --build-arg HTTP_PROXY="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg NO_PROXY="$no_proxy" \
+ --build-arg http_proxy="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg https_proxy="$http_proxy" \
+ --build-arg no_proxy="$no_proxy" \
+ --tag pxe-nginx docker-nginx/.
+# Run.
+docker run \
+ --rm \
+ --detach \
+ --publish 8081:80 \
+ --name pxe-nginx \
+ pxe-nginx
+docker run \
+ --rm \
+ --detach \
+ --net host \
+ --name pxe-dnsmasq \
+ --env "E_INT=$(ip -o -4 route show to default | awk '{print $5}')" \
+ --env "E_ADD=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')" \
+ --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
+ pxe-dnsmasq \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/Dockerfile b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..729e3c52d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+FROM ubuntu:20.04 as ubuntu_focal
+LABEL Description="ubuntu intermediate image"
+LABEL Version="2.0"
+RUN apt update \
+ && apt install -y wget genisoimage syslinux-common \
+ && mkdir -p /var/lib/tftpboot/grub \
+ && mkdir -p /var/lib/tftpboot/casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/ \
+ && mkdir -p /var/lib/tftpboot/casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/
+ENV ISO_FOCAL_AMD64 https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso
+ENV ISO_FOCAL_ARM64 https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/20.04/release/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso
+ENV EFI_FOCAL_AMD64 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/grubnetx64.efi.signed
+ENV EFI_FOCAL_ARM64 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/focal/main/uefi/grub2-arm64/current/grubnetaa64.efi.signed
+RUN echo "Preparing Grub EFI Binary" \
+ && wget $EFI_FOCAL_AMD64 -O /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grubnetx64.efi.signed \
+ && wget $EFI_FOCAL_ARM64 -O /var/lib/tftpboot/grub/grubnetaa64.efi.signed
+RUN echo "Preparing Casper Kernel" \
+ && wget $ISO_FOCAL_AMD64 -O /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso \
+ && isoinfo -i /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso -x "/CASPER/INITRD.;1" > /var/lib/tftpboot/casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd \
+ && isoinfo -i /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso -x "/CASPER/VMLINUZ.;1" > /var/lib/tftpboot/casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz\
+ && wget $ISO_FOCAL_ARM64 -O /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso \
+ && isoinfo -i /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso -x "/CASPER/INITRD.;1" > /var/lib/tftpboot/casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/initrd \
+ && isoinfo -i /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso -x "/CASPER/VMLINUZ.;1" > /var/lib/tftpboot/casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/vmlinuz
+FROM alpine
+LABEL Description="dnsmasq service image"
+LABEL Version="2.0"
+RUN apk add --update --no-cache dnsmasq \
+ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
+# Extract installer from previous image.
+COPY --from=ubuntu_focal /var/lib/tftpboot /var/lib/tftpboot
+# Configure PXE.
+COPY tftpboot/ /var/lib/tftpboot/
+# Configure DNSMASQ.
+COPY etc/ /etc/
+# Start dnsmasq. It picks up default configuration from /etc/dnsmasq.conf and
+# /etc/default/dnsmasq plus any command line switch
+ENTRYPOINT ["sh","-c","dnsmasq","--interface=$E_INT","--listen-address=$E_ADD"] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.conf b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..15769773b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Disable DNS.
+# TFTP settings.
+# PXE settings.
+# General DHCP settings.
+# DHCP ranges for yul1_1.
+# DHCP ranges for yul1_2.
+# Hosts DHCP settings yul1_1 subnet.
+dhcp-host=00:fe:c8:e5:6c:76,,t1-tg1,infinite # enp11s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:fe:c8:e5:68:32,,t1-sut1,infinite # enp23s0f0
+dhcp-host=cc:46:d6:17:e0:58,,t1-sut2,infinite # enp25s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72,,t2-tg1,infinite # enp11s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0,,t2-sut1,infinite # enp25s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6,,t2-sut2,infinite # enp25s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2,,t3-tg1,infinite # enp11s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a,,t3-sut1,infinite # enp25s0f0
+dhcp-host=58:ac:78:5c:90:78,,t3-sut2,infinite # enp25s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:f2:8b:7c:fb:12,,s41-nomad,infinite # enp8s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:42:68:6f:68:ee,,s39-nomad,infinite # enp9s0f0
+dhcp-host=00:42:68:6f:6f:c0,,s40-nomad,infinite # enp9s0f0
+dhcp-host=6c:41:6a:1f:39:26,,s42-nomad,infinite # enp2s0f0
+dhcp-host=4c:00:82:ae:5a:f8,,s43-nomad,infinite # enp1s0f0
+dhcp-host=38:0e:4d:9c:85:7a,,s44-nomad,infinite # enp1s0f0
+dhcp-host=38:0e:4d:9c:4b:0c,,s45-nomad,infinite # enp1s0f0
+dhcp-host=a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28,,s17-t33-sut1,infinite # enahisic2i0
+dhcp-host=a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa,,s18-t33-sut2,infinite # enahisic2i0
+dhcp-host=40:8d:5c:e7:b2:6e,,fdio-marvell-dev,infinite # enP2p1s0f1
+dhcp-host=40:8d:5c:e7:b3:19,,s53-nomad,infinite # enP2p1s0f1
+dhcp-host=40:8d:5c:e0:9f:cd,,s54-nomad,infinite # enP2p1s0f1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:b6,,s3-t21-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:94,,s4-t21-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c4,,s11-t31-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:56:b6,,s12-t31-sut2,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:55:78,,s13-t31-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:53:60,,s19-t33t211-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8a:8c:76,,s1-t11-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:53:96,,s2-t12-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae,,s5-t22-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a,,s6-t22-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92,,s7-t23-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:56:8c,,s8-t23-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:55:d8,,s9-t24-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a,,s10-t24-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:53:64,,s14-t32-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:56:e2,,s15-t32-sut2,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:55:ae,,s16-t32-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=40:8d:5c:e7:b1:12,,s52-nomad,infinite # enP2p1s0f1
+dhcp-host=40:8d:5c:e7:b0:aa,,s51-nomad,infinite # enP2p1s0f1
+dhcp-host=1c:1b:0d:68:7c:b3,,s49-nomad,infinite # enP2p1s0f1
+dhcp-host=1c:1b:0d:01:d8:dc,,s50-nomad,infinite # enP2p1s0f1
+dhcp-host=e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26,,s27-t211-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=b4:2e:99:ab:1d:e8,,s55-t36-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=b4:2e:99:ab:1d:dc,,s56-t37-sut1,infinite # eno1
+# Hosts DHCP settings yul1_2 subnet.
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c8,,s28-t26t35-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:cc,,s29-t26-sut1,infinite # eno3
+dhcp-host=0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58,,s30-t35-sut1,infinite # eno3
+dhcp-host=0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90,,s31-t35-sut2,infinite # eno3
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:5a:6a:d4,,s46-nomad,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:5a:6a:b4,,s47-nomad,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:5a:6b:08,,s48-nomad,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ac:d9:2e,,s57-nomad,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6,,s33-t27-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c,,s34-t27-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0,,s35-t28-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56,,s36-t28-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba,,s37-t29-sut1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76,,s38-t29-tg1,infinite # eno1
+dhcp-host=3c:ec:ef:43:a3:ba,,s60-t210-sut1,infinite # eno1np0
+dhcp-host=3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8,,s61-t210-tg1,infinite # eno1np0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..969b530b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set gfxpayload=keep
+set default=0
+set timeout=0
+source "$configfile"
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a66fe1f799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t3-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76ee0966d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t2-sut2" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:32 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:32
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..124c05bb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:32
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t1-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=00:fe:c8:e5:68:32 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f53e7e9d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t3-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d5444a824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t2-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f63351ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t2-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:6c:76 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:6c:76
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d88d96c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-00:fe:c8:e5:6c:76
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t1-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=00:fe:c8:e5:6c:76 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2da14e0f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s30-t35-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58 url= autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf84ae71f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s31-t35-sut2" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90 url= autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:cc b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14908fc107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:cc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s29-t26-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:cc url= autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-38:0e:4d:9c:4b:0c b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-38:0e:4d:9c:4b:0c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57d78288fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-38:0e:4d:9c:4b:0c
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s45-nomad" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=38:0e:4d:9c:4b:0c url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-38:0e:4d:9c:85:7a b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-38:0e:4d:9c:85:7a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fdd21e35d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-38:0e:4d:9c:85:7a
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s44-nomad" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=38:0e:4d:9c:85:7a url=http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/20.04.1/ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-3c:ec:ef:43:a3:ba b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-3c:ec:ef:43:a3:ba
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59a966a468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-3c:ec:ef:43:a3:ba
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s60-t210-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=3c:ec:ef:43:a3:ba url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94351d8e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s61-t210-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-58:ac:78:5c:90:78 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-58:ac:78:5c:90:78
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ddca125a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-58:ac:78:5c:90:78
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t3-sut2" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=58:ac:78:5c:90:78 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05ab92a05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s18-t33-sut2" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa url= autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cb3625f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s17-t33-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28 url= autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eb84a2b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s10-t24-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:94 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:94
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0f5cb2868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:94
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s4-t21-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:94 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:b6 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:b6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35d9101231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:b6
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s3-t21-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:b6 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:53:60 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:53:60
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab67a7fd60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:53:60
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s19-t33t211-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:53:60 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:53:64 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:53:64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92dddf3441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:53:64
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s14-t32-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:53:64 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c4 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fd5593b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c4
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s11-t31-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c4 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c8 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7de18f89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c8
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s28-t26t35-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c8 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:78 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:78
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e7b21cc6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:78
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s13-t31-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:55:78 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:ae b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:ae
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5f85ff366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:ae
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s16-t32-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:55:ae url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:d8 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:d8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13a6668a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:55:d8
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s9-t24-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:55:d8 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:8c b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:8c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cb5b505be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:8c
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s8-t23-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:56:8c url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:b6 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:b6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19cad614f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:b6
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s12-t31-sut2" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:56:b6 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:e2 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:e2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4cdcd5dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:8b:56:e2
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s15-t32-sut2" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:8b:56:e2 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a31825abe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s6-t22-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae5be00aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s7-t23-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b1c6b5da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s5-t22-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..572d4ec443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s36-t28-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3928bdf8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s38-t29-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59096e40b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s34-t27-tg1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9687678064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s37-t29-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b57f7bc91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s35-t28-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e4cd6fc09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s33-t27-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-cc:46:d6:17:e0:58 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-cc:46:d6:17:e0:58
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30541ff8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-cc:46:d6:17:e0:58
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install t1-sut2" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=cc:46:d6:17:e0:58 url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-amd64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26 b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37cc6d5c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-dnsmasq/tftpboot/grub/grub.cfg-e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+menuentry "Install s27-t211-sut1" {
+ linux /casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp interface=e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26 url= autoinstall ds=nocloud-net\;s= --- console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 quiet
+ initrd /casper/ubuntu-focal-arm64/initrd
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/Dockerfile b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c171f116e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+FROM ubuntu:20.04 as ubuntu_focal
+LABEL Description="ubuntu intermediate image"
+LABEL Version="2.0"
+RUN apt update \
+ && apt install -y wget
+ENV ISO_FOCAL_AMD64 https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.2/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso
+ENV ISO_FOCAL_ARM64 https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/20.04/release/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso
+RUN echo "Preparing ISO Pre-cache" \
+ && wget $ISO_FOCAL_AMD64 -O /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso \
+ && wget $ISO_FOCAL_ARM64 -O /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso
+FROM nginx:stable-alpine
+LABEL Description="nginx service image"
+LABEL Version="2.0"
+ENV NGINX_FOCAL_AMD64 /usr/share/nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/
+ENV NGINX_FOCAL_ARM64 /usr/share/nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/
+RUN mkdir -p $NGINX_FOCAL_AMD64 \
+ && mkdir -p $NGINX_FOCAL_ARM64
+COPY --from=ubuntu_focal /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso $NGINX_FOCAL_AMD64/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso
+COPY --from=ubuntu_focal /ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso $NGINX_FOCAL_ARM64/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-arm64.iso
+COPY html/ /usr/share/nginx/html/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a/meta-data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a/meta-data
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a/user-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a/user-data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..723e3af55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:f2:8b:7c:fb:4a/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t3-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp25s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6/meta-data
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6/user-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6/user-data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..887fd02536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:58:1e:f6/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t2-sut2
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp25s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:32/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:32/meta-data
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:32/meta-data
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:32/user-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:32/user-data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f36d6968b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:32/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t1-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp23s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2/meta-data
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:c2/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t3-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp11s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:68:e0/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t2-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp25s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72/meta-data
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:6a:72/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t2-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp11s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:6c:76/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/00:fe:c8:e5:6c:76/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t1-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp11s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58/meta-data
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+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:c9:58/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s30-t35-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno3:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:90/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s31-t35-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno3:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:cc/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/0c:c4:7a:fc:ca:cc/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s29-t26-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno3:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/3c:ec:ef:43:a3:ba/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/3c:ec:ef:43:a3:ba/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s60-t210-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1np0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8/meta-data
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+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/3c:ec:ef:46:34:e8/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s61-t210-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1np0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/58:ac:78:5c:90:78/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/58:ac:78:5c:90:78/meta-data
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+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/58:ac:78:5c:90:78/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t3-sut2
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp25s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a/meta-data
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+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:0a/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t24-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:94/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:94/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t21-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:b6/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8a:8d:b6/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t21-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:53:60/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:53:60/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s19-t33t211-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:53:64/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:53:64/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s14-t32-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c4/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c4/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s11-t31-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c8/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:54:c8/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s28-t26t35-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:55:78/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:55:78/meta-data
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+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s13-t31-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:55:ae/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:55:ae/meta-data
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+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s16-t32-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:55:d8/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:55:d8/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t24-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:56:8c/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:56:8c/meta-data
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+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t23-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:56:b6/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:56:b6/meta-data
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+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s12-t31-sut2
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:56:e2/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:8b:56:e2/meta-data
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s15-t32-sut2
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a/meta-data
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index 0000000000..375bb89f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:4a/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t22-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92/meta-data
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+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d7:92/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t23-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ab:d9:ae/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s7-t22-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sdb
+ path: /dev/sdb
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-1
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - id: format-1
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-2
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - device: disk-sdb
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-3
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - name: md0
+ raidlevel: raid1
+ devices: [partition-2, partition-3]
+ spare_devices: []
+ preserve: false
+ type: raid
+ id: raid-0
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-2
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: raid-0
+ - device: format-2
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:56/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s36-t28-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:76/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s38-t29-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:8c/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s34-t27-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba/meta-data
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+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:ba/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s37-t29-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0/meta-data
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+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:c0/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s28-t26t35-tg1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/ac:1f:6b:ac:d7:d6/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s33-t27-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ eno1:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/cc:46:d6:17:e0:58/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/cc:46:d6:17:e0:58/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_amd64/cc:46:d6:17:e0:58/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: t1-sut2
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp25s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa/meta-data
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/a0:a3:3b:c1:12:fa/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s18-t33-sut2
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enahisic2i0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28/meta-data
new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/a0:a3:3b:c1:14:28/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s17-t33-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enahisic2i0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26/meta-data b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26/meta-data
new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdio.infra.pxe/docker-nginx/html/ubuntu_focal_arm64/e0:d5:5e:ae:70:26/user-data
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ version: 1
+ apt:
+ geoip: true
+ preserve_sources_list: false
+ primary:
+ - arches: [amd64, i386]
+ uri: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
+ - arches: [default]
+ uri: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
+ identity:
+ hostname: s27-t211-sut1
+ password: $6$Y62lhMGJD8YNzmJn$H4DSqjrwFp5WN3tOvIrF.g/G2duOV76zXHAmaA/RU8jfT8H8sDumLQe/Q.EmI5pjPv7dzgI8j9BQPWes7efBK0
+ realname: testuser
+ username: testuser
+ keyboard:
+ layout: us
+ toggle: null
+ variant: ''
+ locale: en_US.UTF-8
+ network:
+ ethernets:
+ enp5s0f0:
+ addresses: [ ]
+ dhcp4: false
+ gateway4:
+ nameservers:
+ addresses: [, ]
+ version: 2
+ packages:
+ - python3
+ refresh-installer:
+ update: no
+ ssh:
+ allow-pw: true
+ authorized-keys: []
+ install-server: true
+ storage:
+ config:
+ - grub_device: false
+ id: disk-sda
+ path: /dev/sda
+ ptable: gpt
+ preserve: false
+ type: disk
+ wipe: superblock-recursive
+ - device: disk-sda
+ grub_device: true
+ id: partition-0
+ flag: boot
+ number: 1
+ preserve: false
+ size: 536870912
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - id: format-0
+ fstype: fat32
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-0
+ - device: disk-sda
+ flag: ''
+ grub_device: false
+ id: partition-1
+ number: 2
+ preserve: false
+ size: -1
+ type: partition
+ wipe: superblock
+ - fstype: ext4
+ id: format-1
+ preserve: false
+ type: format
+ volume: partition-1
+ - device: format-1
+ id: mount-1
+ path: /
+ type: mount
+ - device: format-0
+ id: mount-0
+ path: /boot/efi
+ type: mount \ No newline at end of file