path: root/GPL/traffic_profiles/trex/trex-stl-ethip6-ip6dst100000.py
diff options
authorVratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>2022-07-20 10:18:29 +0200
committerVratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>2022-07-20 10:18:29 +0200
commitb06a1adb1c26eeb5bf5c86091fef30441f6d06a1 (patch)
tree74c1139c3fd8412fd39185b75b07b230f2415f79 /GPL/traffic_profiles/trex/trex-stl-ethip6-ip6dst100000.py
parent371bac71bc789bf9d68fa1b8ba77f21c4876244f (diff)
fix(astf): avoid issues in pps tput
When more than 1 data packet is sent in the same chunk, TRex is sometimes not fully deterministic in its usage of delayed ACKs. This changes the "application protocol" to sent 5 chunks (1 data packet each), c2s and s2c interleaved, so each subsequent chunk acts as an ACK. The overall packet count remains the same, and even though this interleaved way may be more demanding on TRex CPU, preliminary results show NAT performance is still well below ip4base performance. As a side effect, the interleaved way seems to work also for 100B data frames, so we are avoiding two issues at once. Ticket: CSIT-1846 Ticket: CSIT-1830 Change-Id: Ia4dcfa7c89f2c08fc32bd6118e2e009316b33c25 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'GPL/traffic_profiles/trex/trex-stl-ethip6-ip6dst100000.py')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
387' href='#n387'>387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

__thread int thread_id = 0;

#include <vppinfra/time.h>
#include <vppinfra/cache.h>
#include <vppinfra/error.h>
#include <vppinfra/heap.h>
#include <vppinfra/format.h>
#include <vppinfra/pool.h>
#include <vppinfra/error.h>
#include <vppinfra/hash.h>
#include <vppinfra/cache.h>

#define os_get_cpu_number() (thread_id)

#include <vppinfra/cuckoo_8_8.h>
#include <vppinfra/cuckoo_template.h>
#include <vppinfra/cuckoo_template.c>

#include <vppinfra/bihash_8_8.h>
#include <vppinfra/bihash_template.h>
#include <vppinfra/bihash_template.c>

#include <pthread.h>

#define MAX_THREADS 255

typedef struct
  void *tm;
  int thread_idx;
  u64 nlookups;
} thread_data_t;

typedef struct
  u64 deadline;
  u64 seed;
  u32 nbuckets;
  u32 nitems;
  u32 runtime;
  int verbose;
  int non_random_keys;
  int nthreads;
  int search_iter;
  uword *key_hash;
  u64 *keys;
    CVT (clib_cuckoo) ch;
    BVT (clib_bihash) bh;
  clib_time_t clib_time;
  u64 *key_add_del_sequence;
  u8 *key_op_sequence;
  u64 *key_search_sequence[MAX_THREADS];
  unformat_input_t *input;
  u64 nadds;
  u64 ndels;
  pthread_t bwriter_thread;
  pthread_t breader_threads[MAX_THREADS];
  pthread_t cwriter_thread;
  pthread_t creader_threads[MAX_THREADS];
  thread_data_t wthread_data;
  thread_data_t rthread_data[MAX_THREADS];
} test_main_t;

test_main_t test_main;

vl (void *v)
  return vec_len (v);

#define w_thread(x, guts)                                               \
  void *x##writer_thread (void *v)                                      \
  {                                                                     \
    test_main_t *tm = v;                                                \
    uword counter = 0;                                                  \
    u64 nadds = 0;                                                      \
    u64 ndels = 0;                                                      \
    u64 deadline = tm->deadline;                                        \
    do                                                                  \
      {                                                                 \
        for (counter = 0; counter < vec_len (tm->key_add_del_sequence); \
             ++counter)                                                 \
          {                                                             \
            u64 idx = tm->key_add_del_sequence[counter];                \
            u8 op = tm->key_op_sequence[counter];                       \
            if (op)                                                     \
              {                                                         \
                ++nadds;                                                \
              }                                                         \
            else                                                        \
              {                                                         \
                ++ndels;                                                \
              }                                                         \
            guts;                                                       \
            if (clib_cpu_time_now () > deadline)                        \
              {                                                         \
                break;                                                  \
              }                                                         \
          }                                                             \
      }                                                                 \
    while (clib_cpu_time_now () < deadline);                            \
    tm->nadds = nadds;                                                  \
    tm->ndels = ndels;                                                  \
    return NULL;                                                        \

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
w_thread (b, {
  BVT (clib_bihash_kv) kv;
  kv.key = tm->keys[idx];
  kv.value = *hash_get (tm->key_hash, kv.key);
  BV (clib_bihash_add_del) (&tm->bh, &kv, op);
/* *INDENT-ON* */

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
w_thread (c, {
  CVT (clib_cuckoo_kv) kv;
  kv.key = tm->keys[idx];
  kv.value = *hash_get (tm->key_hash, kv.key);
  CV (clib_cuckoo_add_del) (&tm->ch, &kv, op);
/* *INDENT-ON* */

#define r_thread(x, guts)                                      \
  void *x##reader_thread (void *v)                             \
  {                                                            \
    thread_data_t *data = v;                                   \
    thread_id = data->thread_idx;                              \
    test_main_t *tm = data->tm;                                \
    uword thread_idx = data->thread_idx;                       \
    u64 *idx;                                                  \
    uword nlookups = 0;                                        \
    u64 deadline = tm->deadline;                               \
    do                                                         \
      {                                                        \
        vec_foreach (idx, tm->key_search_sequence[thread_idx]) \
        {                                                      \
          guts;                                                \
          ++nlookups;                                          \
          if (clib_cpu_time_now () > deadline)                 \
            {                                                  \
              break;                                           \
            }                                                  \
        }                                                      \
      }                                                        \
    while (clib_cpu_time_now () < deadline);                   \
    data->nlookups = nlookups;                                 \
    return NULL;                                               \

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
r_thread (c, {
  CVT (clib_cuckoo_kv) kv;
  kv.key = tm->keys[*idx];
  kv.value = *hash_get (tm->key_hash, kv.key);
  CV (clib_cuckoo_search) (&tm->ch, &kv, &kv);
/* *INDENT-ON* */

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
r_thread (b, {
  BVT (clib_bihash_kv) kv;
  kv.key = tm->keys[*idx];
  kv.value = *hash_get (tm->key_hash, kv.key);
  BV (clib_bihash_search) (&tm->bh, &kv, &kv);
/* *INDENT-ON* */

#define run_threads(x)                                                        \
  do                                                                          \
    {                                                                         \
      before = clib_time_now (&tm->clib_time);                                \
      tm->deadline = clib_cpu_time_now () +                                   \
                     tm->runtime * tm->clib_time.clocks_per_second;           \
      fformat (stdout, #x "-> Start threads..., runtime is %llu second(s)\n", \
               (long long unsigned)tm->runtime);                              \
      /*                                                                      \
      fformat (stdout, #x "-> Writer thread only...\n");                      \
      if (0 !=                                                                \
          pthread_create (&tm->x##writer_thread, NULL, x##writer_thread, tm)) \
        {                                                                     \
          perror ("pthread_create()");                                        \
          abort ();                                                           \
        }                                                                     \
      if (0 != pthread_join (tm->x##writer_thread, NULL))                     \
        {                                                                     \
          perror ("pthread_join()");                                          \
          abort ();                                                           \
        }                                                                     \
      delta = clib_time_now (&tm->clib_time) - before;                        \
      fformat (stdout, #x "-> %wu adds, %wu dels in %.6f seconds\n",          \
               tm->nadds, tm->ndels, delta);                                  \
      tm->nadds = 0;                                                          \
      tm->ndels = 0;                                                          \
      */                                                                      \
      fformat (stdout, #x "-> Writer + %d readers\n", tm->nthreads);          \
      before = clib_time_now (&tm->clib_time);                                \
      tm->deadline = clib_cpu_time_now () +                                   \
                     tm->runtime * tm->clib_time.clocks_per_second;           \
      if (0 !=                                                                \
          pthread_create (&tm->x##writer_thread, NULL, x##writer_thread, tm)) \
        {                                                                     \
          perror ("pthread_create()");                                        \
          abort ();                                                           \
        }                                                                     \
      for (i = 0; i < tm->nthreads; i++)                                      \
        {                                                                     \
          tm->rthread_data[i].nlookups = 0;                                   \
          if (0 != pthread_create (&tm->x##reader_threads[i], NULL,           \
                                   x##reader_thread, &tm->rthread_data[i]))   \
            {                                                                 \
              perror ("pthread_create()");                                    \
              abort ();                                                       \
            }                                                                 \
        }                                                                     \
      if (0 != pthread_join (tm->x##writer_thread, NULL))                     \
        {                                                                     \
          perror ("pthread_join()");                                          \
          abort ();                                                           \
        }                                                                     \
      for (i = 0; i < tm->nthreads; i++)                                      \
        {                                                                     \
          if (0 != pthread_join (tm->x##reader_threads[i], NULL))             \
            {                                                                 \
              perror ("pthread_join()");                                      \
              abort ();                                                       \
            }                                                                 \
        }                                                                     \
      delta = clib_time_now (&tm->clib_time) - before;                        \
      total_searches = 0;                                                     \
      for (i = 0; i < tm->nthreads; ++i)                                      \
        {                                                                     \
          u64 nlookups = tm->rthread_data[i].nlookups;                        \
          fformat (stdout, #x "-> Thread #%d: %u searches\n", i, nlookups);   \
          total_searches += nlookups;                                         \
        }                                                                     \
      if (delta > 0)                                                          \
        {                                                                     \
          ops = (tm->nadds + tm->ndels) / (f64)delta;                         \
          fformat (stdout, #x "-> %.f add/dels per second\n", ops);           \
          sps = ((f64)total_searches) / delta;                                \
          fformat (stdout, #x "-> %.f searches per second\n", sps);           \
        }                                                                     \
      fformat (stdout,                                                        \
               #x "-> %wu adds, %wu dels, %lld searches in %.6f seconds\n",   \
               tm->nadds, tm->ndels, total_searches, delta);                  \
    }                                                                         \
  while (0);

static void
cb (CVT (clib_cuckoo) * h, void *ctx)
  fformat (stdout, "Garbage callback called...\n");

static clib_error_t *
test_cuckoo_bihash (test_main_t * tm)
  int i;
  uword *p;
  uword total_searches;
  f64 before, delta;
  f64 ops = 0, sps = 0;
  f64 bops = 0, bsps = 0;
  f64 cops = 0, csps = 0;
  CVT (clib_cuckoo) * ch;
  BVT (clib_bihash) * bh;

  ch = &tm->ch;
  bh = &tm->bh;

  CV (clib_cuckoo_init) (ch, "test", 1, cb, NULL);
  BV (clib_bihash_init) (bh, (char *) "test", tm->nbuckets, 256 << 20);

  fformat (stdout, "Pick %lld unique %s keys...\n", tm->nitems,
	   tm->non_random_keys ? "non-random" : "random");

  for (i = 0; i < tm->nitems; i++)
      u64 rndkey;

      if (tm->non_random_keys == 0)

	  rndkey = random_u64 (&tm->seed);

	  p = hash_get (tm->key_hash, rndkey);
	  if (p)
	    goto again;
	rndkey = (u64) (i + 1) << 16;

      hash_set (tm->key_hash, rndkey, i + 1);
      vec_add1 (tm->keys, rndkey);

      int j;
      for (j = 0; j < tm->nthreads; ++j)
	  u64 *x = tm->key_search_sequence[j];
	  vec_add1 (x, random_u64 (&tm->seed) % tm->nitems);
	  tm->key_search_sequence[j] = x;
      vec_add1 (tm->key_add_del_sequence,
		random_u64 (&tm->seed) % tm->nitems);
      vec_add1 (tm->key_op_sequence, (rndkey % 10 < 8) ? 1 : 0);

  int thread_counter = 0;
  tm->wthread_data.tm = tm;
  tm->wthread_data.thread_idx = thread_counter;
  for (i = 0; i < tm->nthreads; ++i)
      tm->rthread_data[i].tm = tm;
      tm->rthread_data[i].thread_idx = thread_counter;
      tm->rthread_data[i].nlookups = 0;

  int iter;
  for (iter = 0; iter < tm->search_iter; ++iter)
      fformat (stdout, "Bihash test #%d\n", iter);
      run_threads (b);
      bops = ops;
      bsps = sps;
      fformat (stdout, "%U", BV (format_bihash), bh, 0);
      fformat (stdout, "Cuckoo test #%d\n", iter);
      run_threads (c);
      cops = ops;
      csps = sps;
      fformat (stdout, "%U", CV (format_cuckoo), ch, 0);
      fformat (stdout,
	       "Bihash add/del speed is %.2f%% of cuckoo add/del speed\n",
	       bops / cops * 100);
      fformat (stdout,
	       "Bihash search speed is %.2f%% of cuckoo search speed\n",
	       bsps / csps * 100);
  return 0;

clib_error_t *
test_cuckoo_bihash_main (test_main_t * tm)
  unformat_input_t *i = tm->input;
  clib_error_t *error;

  while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
      if (unformat (i, "seed %u", &tm->seed))
      else if (unformat (i, "nbuckets %d", &tm->nbuckets))
      else if (unformat (i, "non-random-keys"))
	tm->non_random_keys = 1;
      else if (unformat (i, "nitems %d", &tm->nitems))
      else if (unformat (i, "search_iter %d", &tm->search_iter))
      else if (unformat (i, "verbose %d", &tm->verbose))
      else if (unformat (i, "runtime %d", &tm->runtime))
      else if (unformat (i, "nthreads %d", &tm->nthreads))
      else if (unformat (i, "verbose"))
	tm->verbose = 1;
	return clib_error_return (0, "unknown input '%U'",
				  format_unformat_error, i);

  error = test_cuckoo_bihash (tm);

  return error;

#ifdef CLIB_UNIX
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  unformat_input_t i;
  clib_error_t *error;
  test_main_t *tm = &test_main;
  clib_memset (&test_main, 0, sizeof (test_main));

  clib_mem_init (0, 3ULL << 30);

  tm->input = &i;
  tm->seed = 0xdeaddabe;

  tm->nbuckets = 2;
  tm->nitems = 5;
  tm->verbose = 1;
  tm->nthreads = 1;
  clib_time_init (&tm->clib_time);
  tm->runtime = 1;
  tm->search_iter = 1;
  tm->key_hash = hash_create (0, sizeof (uword));

  unformat_init_command_line (&i, argv);
  error = test_cuckoo_bihash_main (tm);
  unformat_free (&i);

  if (error)
      clib_error_report (error);
      return 1;
  return 0;
#endif /* CLIB_UNIX */

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