path: root/docs/vpp-device.rst
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authorPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2019-08-09 07:48:43 +0000
committerTibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>2019-08-09 08:30:53 +0000
commitc5e04c68e8361be8c7deac912a4d676492099629 (patch)
tree4be7ff1b964b8c0d4f7f132afa1b6c5b007a003b /docs/vpp-device.rst
parent16a6033e5405020d8ae2f52906596476784d25dd (diff)
DOC: rls1908 static content
Signed-off-by: Peter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com> Change-Id: Ia0778acc543a51fe85b8a75162f12905badaa382 (cherry picked from commit ce1c52b1fd27d3e2b6c4909219fa98418565ba61)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/vpp-device.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 534 deletions
diff --git a/docs/vpp-device.rst b/docs/vpp-device.rst
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index 4289887c6b..0000000000
--- a/docs/vpp-device.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Integration Tests
-FD.io VPP software data plane technology has become very popular across
-a wide range of VPP eco-system use cases, putting higher pressure on
-continuous verification of VPP software quality.
-This document describes a proposal for design and implementation of extended
-continuous VPP testing by extending existing test environments.
-Furthermore it describes and summarizes implementation details of Integration
-and System tests platform *1-Node VPP_Device*. It aims to provide a complete
-end-to-end view of *1-Node VPP_Device* environment in order to improve
-extendability and maintenance, under the guideline of VPP core team.
-The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD",
-"SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be
-interpreted as described in :rfc:`8174`.
-.. only:: latex
- .. raw:: latex
- \begin{figure}[H]
- \centering
- \graphicspath{{../_tmp/src/vpp_device_tests/}}
- \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{vpp_device}
- \label{fig:vpp_device}
- \end{figure}
-.. only:: html
- .. figure:: vpp_device.svg
- :alt: vpp_device
- :align: center
-Physical Testbeds
-All :abbr:`FD.io (Fast Data Input/Ouput)` :abbr:`CSIT (Continuous System
-Integration and Testing)` vpp-device tests are executed on physical testbeds
-built with bare-metal servers hosted by :abbr:`LF (Linux Foundation)` FD.io
-project. Two 1-node testbed topologies are used:
-- **2-Container Topology**: Consisting of one Docker container acting as SUT
- (System Under Test) and one Docker container as TG (Traffic Generator), both
- connected in ring topology via physical NIC cross-connecting.
-Current FD.io production testbeds are built with servers based on one
-processor generation of Intel Xeons: Skylake (Platinum 8180). Testbeds built
-with servers based on Arm processors are in the process of being added to FD.io
-Following section describe existing production 1n-skx testbed.
-1-Node Xeon Skylake (1n-skx)
-1n-skx testbed is based on single SuperMicro SYS-7049GP-TRT server equipped with
-two Intel Xeon Skylake Platinum 8180 2.5 GHz 28 core processors. Physical
-testbed topology is depicted in a figure below.
-.. only:: latex
- .. raw:: latex
- \begin{figure}[H]
- \centering
- \graphicspath{{../_tmp/src/vpp_device_tests/}}
- \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{vf-2n-nic2nic}
- \label{fig:vf-2n-nic2nic}
- \end{figure}
-.. only:: html
- .. figure:: vf-2n-nic2nic.svg
- :alt: vf-2n-nic2nic
- :align: center
-Server is populated with the following NIC models:
-#. NIC-1: x710-da4 4p10GE Intel.
-#. NIC-2: x710-da4 4p10GE Intel.
-All Intel Xeon Skylake servers run with Intel Hyper-Threading enabled,
-doubling the number of logical cores exposed to Linux, with 56 logical
-cores and 28 physical cores per processor socket.
-NIC interfaces are shared using Linux vfio_pci and VPP VF drivers:
-- DPDK VF driver,
-- Fortville AVF driver.
-Provided Intel x710-da4 4p10GE NICs support 32 VFs per interface, 128 per NIC.
-Complete 1n-skx testbeds specification is available on `CSIT LF Testbeds
-<https://wiki.fd.io/view/CSIT/Testbeds:_Xeon_Skx,_Arm,_Atom.>`_ wiki page.
-Total of two 1n-skx testbeds are in operation in FD.io labs.
-1-Node Virtualbox (1n-vbox)
-1n-skx testbed can run in single VirtualBox VM machine. This solution replaces
-the previously used Vagrant environment based on 3 VMs.
-VirtualBox VM MAY be created by Vagrant and MUST have additional 4 virtio NICs
-each pair attached to separate private networks to simulate back-to-back
-connections. It SHOULD be 82545EM device model (otherwise can be changed in
-boostrap scripts). Example of Vagrant configuration:
- Vagrant.configure(2) do |c|
- c.vm.network "private_network", type: "dhcp", auto_config: false,
- virtualbox__intnet: "port1", nic_type: "82545EM"
- c.vm.network "private_network", type: "dhcp", auto_config: false,
- virtualbox__intnet: "port2", nic_type: "82545EM"
- c.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
- v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nicpromisc2", "allow-all"]
- v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nicpromisc3", "allow-all"]
- v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nicpromisc4", "allow-all"]
- v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nicpromisc5", "allow-all"]
-Vagrant VM is populated with the following NIC models:
-#. NIC-1: 82545EM Intel.
-#. NIC-2: 82545EM Intel.
-#. NIC-3: 82545EM Intel.
-#. NIC-4: 82545EM Intel.
-It was agreed on :abbr:`TWS (Technical Work Stream)` call to continue with
-Ubuntu 18.04 LTS as a baseline system with OPTIONAL extend to Centos 7 and
-SuSE per demand [TWSLink]_.
-All :abbr:`DCR (Docker container)` images are REQUIRED to be hosted on Docker
-registry available from LF network, publicly available and trackable. For
-backup, tracking and contributing purposes all Dockerfiles (including files
-needed for building container) MUST be available and stored in [fdiocsitgerrit]_
-repository under appropriate folders. This allows the peer review process to be
-done for every change of infrastructure related to scope of this document.
-Currently only **csit-shim-dcr** and **csit-sut-dcr** containers will be stored
-and maintained under CSIT repository by CSIT contributors.
-At the time of designing solution described in this document the interconnection
-between [dockerhub]_ and [fdiocsitgerrit]_ for automated build purposes and
-image hosting cannot be established with the trust and respectful to
-security of FD.io project. Unless adressed, :abbr:`DCR` images will be placed in
-custom registry service [fdioregistry]_. Automated Jenkins jobs will be created
-in align of long term solution for container lifecycle and ability to build
-new version of docker images.
-In parallel, the effort is started to find the outsourced Docker registry
-As of initial version of vpp-device, we do have only single latest version of
-Docker image hosted on [dockerhub]_. This will be addressed as further
-improvement with proper semantic versioning.
-This :abbr:`DCR` acts as the Jenkins slave (known also as jenkins minion). It
-can connect over SSH protocol to TCP port 6022 of **csit-shim-dcr** and executes
-non-interactive reservation script. Nomad is responsible for scheduling this
-container execution onto specific **1-Node VPP_Device** testbed. It executes
-:abbr:`CSIT` environment including :abbr:`CSIT` framework.
-All software dependencies including VPP/DPDK that are not present in
-**csit-sut-dcr** container image and/or needs to be compiled prior running on
-**csit-sut-dcr** SHOULD be compiled in this container.
-- *Container Image Location*: Docker image at snergster/vpp-ubuntu18.
-- *Container Definition*: Docker file specified at [JenkinsSlaveDcrFile]_.
-- *Initializing*: Container is initialized from within *Consul by HashiCorp*
- and *Nomad by HashiCorp*.
-This :abbr:`DCR` acts as an intermediate layer running script responsible for
-orchestrating topologies under test and reservation. Responsible for managing VF
-resources and allocation to :abbr:`DUT (Device Under Test)`, :abbr:`TG
-(Traffic Generator)` containers. This MUST to be done on **csit-shim-dcr**.
-This image also acts as the generic reservation mechanics arbiter to make sure
-that only Y number of simulations are spawned on any given HW node.
-- *Container Image Location*: Docker image at snergster/csit-shim.
-- *Container Definition*: Docker file specified at [CsitShimDcrFile]_.
-- *Initializing*: Container is initialized from within *Consul by HashiCorp*
- and *Nomad by HashiCorp*. Required docker parameters, to be able to run
- nested containers with VF reservation system are: privileged, net=host,
- pid=host.
-- *Connectivity*: Over SSH only, using <host>:6022 format. Currently using
- *root* user account as primary. From the jenkins slave it will be able to
- connect via env variable, since the jenkins slave doesn't actually know what
- host its running on.
- ::
- ssh -p 6022 root@10.30.51.node
-This :abbr:`DCR` acts as an :abbr:`SUT (System Under Test)`. Any :abbr:`DUT` or
-:abbr:`TG` application is installed there. It is RECOMMENDED to install DUT and
-all DUT dependencies via commands ``rpm -ihv`` on RedHat based OS or ``dpkg -i``
-on Debian based OS.
-Container is designed to be a very lightweight Docker image that only installs
-packages and execute binaries (previously built or downloaded on
-**jenkins-slave-dcr**) and contains libraries necessary to run CSIT framework
-including those required by DUT/TG.
-- *Container Image Location*: Docker image at snergster/csit-sut.
-- *Container Definition*: Docker file specified at [CsitSutDcrFile]_.
-- *Initializing*:
- ::
- docker run
- # Run the container in the background and print the new container ID.
- --detach=true
- # Give extended privileges to this container. A "privileged" container is
- # given access to all devices and able to run nested containers.
- --privileged
- # Publish all exposed ports to random ports on the host interfaces.
- --publish-all
- # Automatically remove the container when it exits.
- --rm
- # Size of /dev/shm.
- --shm-size 512M
- # Override access to PCI bus by attaching a filesystem mount to the
- # container.
- --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/sys/bus/pci/devices
- # Mount vfio to be able to bind to see binded interfaces. We cannot use
- # --device=/dev/vfio as this does not see newly binded interfaces.
- --volume /dev/vfio:/dev/vfio
- # Mount nested_vm image to be able to run VM tests.
- --volume /var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img:/var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img
- # Mount docker.sock to be able to use docker deamon of the host.
- --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- # Image of csit-sut-dcr
- snergster/csit-vpp-device-test:latest
- Container name is catenated from **csit-** prefix and uuid generated uniquely
- for each container instance.
-- *Connectivity*: Over SSH only, using <host>[:<port>] format. Currently using
- *root* user account as primary.
- ::
- ssh -p <port> root@10.30.51.<node>
-Container required to run as ``--privileged`` due to ability to create nested
-containers and have full read/write access to sysfs (for bind/unbind). Docker
-automatically pick free network port (``--publish-all``) for ability to connect
-over ssh. To be able to limit access to PCI bus, container is creating tmpfs
-mount type in PCI bus tree. CSIT reservation script is dynamically linking only
-PCI devices (NIC cards) that are reserved for particular container. This
-way it is not colliding with other containers. To make vfio work, access to
-``/dev/vfio`` must be granted.
-.. todo: Change default user to testuser with non-privileged and install sudo.
-Environment initialization
-All 1-node servers are to be managed and provisioned via the [ansiblelink]_ set
-of playbooks with *vpp-device* role. Full playbooks can be found under
-[fdiocsitansible]_ directory. This way we are able to track all configuration
-changes of physical servers in gerrit (in structured yaml format) as well as we
-are able to extend *vpp-device* to additional servers with less effort or
-re-stage servers in case of failure.
-SR-IOV VF initialization is done via ``systemd`` service during host system boot
-up. Service with name *csit-initialize-vfs.service* is created under systemd
-system context (``/etc/systemd/system/``). By default service is calling
-``/usr/local/bin/csit-initialize-vfs.sh`` with single parameter:
-- **start**: Creates maximum number of :abbr:`virtual functions (VFs)` (detected
- from ``sriov_totalvfs``) for each whitelisted PCI device.
-- **stop**: Removes all :abbr:`VFs` for all whitelisted PCI device.
-Service is considered active even when all of its processes exited successfully.
-Stopping service will automatically remove :abbr:`VFs`.
- [Unit]
- Description=CSIT Initialize SR-IOV VFs
- After=network.target
- [Service]
- Type=one-shot
- RemainAfterExit=True
- ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/csit-initialize-vfs.sh start
- ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/csit-initialize-vfs.sh stop
- [Install]
- WantedBy=default.target
-Script is driven by two array variables ``pci_blacklist``/``pci_whitelist``.
-They MUST store all PCI addresses in **<domain>:<bus>:<device>.<func>** format,
-- **pci_blacklist**: PCI addresses to be skipped from :abbr:`VFs`
- initialization (usefull for e.g. excluding management network interfaces).
-- **pci_whitelist**: PCI addresses to be included for :abbr:`VFs`
- initialization.
-VF reservation
-During topology initialization phase of script, mutex is used to avoid multiple
-instances of script to interact with each other during resources allocation.
-Mutal exclusion ensure that no two distinct instances of script will get same
-resource list.
-Reservation function reads the list of all available virtual function network
-devices in system:
- net_path="/sys/bus/pci/devices/*/net/*"
- for netdev in \
- $(find ${net_path} -type d -name . -o -prune -exec basename '{}' ';');
- do
- if grep -q "${pci_id}" "/sys/class/net/${netdev}/device/device"; then
- # found VF
- fi
- done
-Where ``${pci_id}`` is ID of white-listed VF PCI ID. For more information please
-see [pciids]_. This act as security constraint to prevent taking other unwanted
-The output list of all VF network devices is split into two lists for TG and
-SUT side of connection. First two items from each TG or SUT network devices
-list are taken to expose directly to namespace of container. This can be done
-via commands:
- $ ip link set ${netdev} netns ${DCR_CPIDS[tg]}
- $ ip link set ${netdev} netns ${DCR_CPIDS[dut1]}
-In this stage also symbolic links to PCI devices under sysfs bus directory tree
-are created in running containers. Once VF devices are assigned to container
-namespace and PCI deivces are linked to running containers and mutex is exited.
-Selected VF network device automatically dissapear from parent container
-namespace, so another instance of script will not find device under that
-Once Docker container exits, network device is returned back into parent
-namespace and can be reused.
-Network traffic isolation - Intel i40evf
-In a virtualized environment, on Intel(R) Server Adapters that support SR-IOV,
-the virtual function (VF) may be subject to malicious behavior. Software-
-generated layer two frames, like IEEE 802.3x (link flow control), IEEE 802.1Qbb
-(priority based flow-control), and others of this type, are not expected and
-can throttle traffic between the host and the virtual switch, reducing
-performance. To resolve this issue, configure all SR-IOV enabled ports for
-VLAN tagging. This configuration allows unexpected, and potentially malicious,
-frames to be dropped. [inteli40e]_
-To configure VLAN tagging for the ports on an SR-IOV enabled adapter,
-use the following command. The VLAN configuration SHOULD be done
-before the VF driver is loaded or the VM is booted. [inteli40e]_
- $ ip link set dev <PF netdev id> vf <id> vlan <vlan id>
-For example, the following instructions will configure PF eth0 and
-the first VF on VLAN 10.
- $ ip link set dev eth0 vf 0 vlan 10
-VLAN Tag Packet Steering allows to send all packets with a specific VLAN tag to
-a particular SR-IOV virtual function (VF). Further, this feature allows to
-designate a particular VF as trusted, and allows that trusted VF to request
-selective promiscuous mode on the Physical Function (PF). [inteli40e]_
-To set a VF as trusted or untrusted, enter the following command in the
- $ ip link set dev eth0 vf 1 trust [on|off]
-Once the VF is designated as trusted, use the following commands in the VM
-to set the VF to promiscuous mode. [inteli40e]_
-- For promiscuous all:
- ::
- $ ip link set eth2 promisc on
-- For promiscuous Multicast:
- ::
- $ ip link set eth2 allmulti on
-.. note::
- By default, the ethtool priv-flag vf-true-promisc-support is set to
- *off*, meaning that promiscuous mode for the VF will be limited. To set the
- promiscuous mode for the VF to true promiscuous and allow the VF to see
- all ingress traffic, use the following command.
- $ ethtool set-priv-flags p261p1 vf-true-promisc-support on
- The vf-true-promisc-support priv-flag does not enable promiscuous mode;
- rather, it designates which type of promiscuous mode (limited or true)
- you will get when you enable promiscuous mode using the ip link commands
- above. Note that this is a global setting that affects the entire device.
- However,the vf-true-promisc-support priv-flag is only exposed to the first
- PF of the device. The PF remains in limited promiscuous mode (unless it
- is in MFP mode) regardless of the vf-true-promisc-support setting.
- [inteli40e]_
-Service described earlier *csit-initialize-vfs.service* is responsible for
-assigning 802.1Q vlan tagging to each vitual function via physical function
-from list of white-listed PCI addresses by following (simplified) code.
- pci_idx=0
- for pci_addr in ${pci_whitelist[@]}; do
- pci_path="/sys/bus/pci/devices/${pci_addr}"
- pf=$(basename "${pci_path}"/net/*)
- for vf in $(seq "${sriov_totalvfs}"); do
- # PCI address index in array (pairing siblings).
- vlan_pf_idx=$(( pci_idx % (${#pci_whitelist[@]} / 2) ))
- # 802.1Q base offset.
- vlan_bs_off=1100
- # 802.1Q PF PCI address offset.
- vlan_pf_off=$(( vlan_pf_idx * 100 + vlan_bs_off ))
- # 802.1Q VF PCI address offset.
- vlan_vf_off=$(( vlan_pf_off + vf - 1 ))
- # VLAN string.
- vlan_str="vlan ${vlan_vf_off}"
- # MAC string.
- mac5="$(printf '%x' ${pci_idx})"
- mac6="$(printf '%x' $(( vf - 1 )))"
- mac_str="mac ba:dc:0f:fe:${mac5}:${mac6}"
- # Set 802.1Q VLAN id and MAC address
- ip link set ${pf} vf $(( vf - 1 )) ${mac_str} ${vlan_str}
- ip link set ${pf} vf $(( vf - 1 )) trust on
- ip link set ${pf} vf $(( vf - 1 )) spoof off
- done
- pci_idx=$(( pci_idx + 1 ))
- done
-Assignment starts at VLAN 1100 and incrementing by 1 for each VF and by 100 for
-each white-listed PCI address up to the middle of the PCI list. Second half of
-the lists is assumed to be directly (cable) paired siblings and assigned with
-same 802.1Q VLANs as its siblings.
-Open tasks
-.. note::
- Switch to non-privileged containers: As of now all three container
- flavors are using privileged containers to make it working. Explore options
- to switch containers to non-privileged with explicit rather implicit
- privileges.
-.. note::
- Switch to testuser account intead of root.
-.. note::
- Docker image distribution: Create jenkins jobs with full pipiline of
- CI/CD for CSIT Docker images.
-.. note::
- Implement queueing mechanism: Currently there is no mechanics that
- would place starving jobs in queue in case of no resources available.
-.. note::
- Replace reservation script with Docker network plugin written in
- GOLANG/SH/Python - platform independent.
-.. [TWSLink] `TWS <https://wiki.fd.io/view/CSIT/TWS>`_
-.. [dockerhub] `Docker hub <https://hub.docker.com/>`_
-.. [fdiocsitgerrit] `FD.io/CSIT gerrit <https://gerrit.fd.io/r/CSIT>`_
-.. [fdioregistry] `FD.io registy <registry.fdiopoc.net>`_
-.. [JenkinsSlaveDcrFile] `jenkins-slave-dcr-file <https://github.com/snergfdio/multivppcache/blob/master/ubuntu18/Dockerfile>`_
-.. [CsitShimDcrFile] `csit-shim-dcr-file <https://github.com/snergfdio/multivppcache/blob/master/csit-shim/Dockerfile>`_
-.. [CsitSutDcrFile] `csit-sut-dcr-file <https://github.com/snergfdio/multivppcache/blob/master/csit-sut/Dockerfile>`_
-.. [ansiblelink] `ansible <https://www.ansible.com/>`_
-.. [fdiocsitansible] `Fd.io/CSIT ansible <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible>`_
-.. [inteli40e] `Intel i40e <https://downloadmirror.intel.com/26370/eng/readme.txt>`_
-.. [pciids] `pci ids <http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/v2.2/pci.ids>`_