path: root/resources/libraries/robot
diff options
authorPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2019-06-13 15:01:34 +0000
committerPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2019-07-24 11:22:46 +0000
commitc58cba70baa74588619018a2e8b461592bff1bf4 (patch)
tree64a1c247b5b49163ff0bb753e13980301f4154e7 /resources/libraries/robot
parent7da0581190efdf16026f84899ba33f33e5240f46 (diff)
NF_density dot1qip4udpvxlan
+ NF_density compatible + Baseline VM tests compatible + Scalability NxM - 3n variant is missing in VXLAN and DOT1Q due to requests to have it asymmetrical - TODO Change-Id: Ia817d7be00622b594b451bc07756240d1a379e04 Signed-off-by: Peter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/libraries/robot')
2 files changed, 257 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_configuration.robot b/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_configuration.robot
index a000fa2fd7..b04f9d9f34 100644
--- a/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_configuration.robot
+++ b/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_configuration.robot
@@ -1619,8 +1619,8 @@
| | ...
| | ... | *Note:*
| | ... | Socket paths for VM are defined in following format:
-| | ... | - /tmp/sock-\${VM_ID}-1
-| | ... | - /tmp/sock-\${VM_ID}-2
+| | ... | - /var/run/vpp/sock-\${VM_ID}-1
+| | ... | - /var/run/vpp/sock-\${VM_ID}-2
| | ...
| | ... | *Example:*
| | ...
@@ -1629,24 +1629,27 @@
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${dut} | ${nf_chain}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1}
| | ...
-| | ${bd_id2}= | Evaluate | ${nf_nodes}+1
-| | Add interface to bridge domain | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | ... | ${${dut}_if1} | ${1}
-| | Add interface to bridge domain | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | ... | ${${dut}_if2} | ${bd_id2}
-| | :FOR | ${nf_node} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${nf_nodes}+1
+| | ${bd_id1}= | Evaluate | ${nf_nodes} * (${nf_chain} - 1) + ${nf_chain}
+| | ${bd_id2}= | Evaluate | ${nf_nodes} * ${nf_chain} + ${nf_chain}
+| | ${dut_str}= | Convert To Lowercase | ${dut}
+| | Add interface to bridge domain
+| | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${nf_chain}_1}
+| | ... | ${bd_id1}
+| | Add interface to bridge domain
+| | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${nf_chain}_2}
+| | ... | ${bd_id2}
+| | :FOR | ${nf_node} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${nf_nodes} + 1
| | | ${qemu_id}= | Evaluate | (${nf_chain} - ${1}) * ${nf_nodes} + ${nf_node}
-| | | ${sock1}= | Set Variable | /var/run/vpp/sock-${qemu_id}-1
-| | | ${sock2}= | Set Variable | /var/run/vpp/sock-${qemu_id}-2
-| | | Configure vhost interfaces for L2BD forwarding | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2}
-| | | ... | ${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if1
-| | | ... | ${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if2
-| | | ${bd_id2}= | Evaluate | ${nf_node}+1
-| | | Add interface to bridge domain | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | | ... | ${${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if1} | ${nf_node}
-| | | Add interface to bridge domain | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | | ... | ${${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if2} | ${bd_id2}
+| | | Configure vhost interfaces for L2BD forwarding
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']}
+| | | ... | /var/run/vpp/sock-${qemu_id}-1 | /var/run/vpp/sock-${qemu_id}-2
+| | | ... | ${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if1 | ${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if2
+| | | ${bd_id1}= | Evaluate | ${qemu_id} + (${nf_chain} - 1)
+| | | ${bd_id2}= | Evaluate | ${bd_id1} + 1
+| | | Add interface to bridge domain
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if1} | ${bd_id1}
+| | | Add interface to bridge domain
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut}-vhost-${qemu_id}-if2} | ${bd_id2}
| Initialize L2 bridge domains with Vhost-User
| | [Documentation]
@@ -1665,10 +1668,9 @@
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${nf_chain}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1}
| | ...
-| | ${duts}= | Get Matches | ${nodes} | DUT*
| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
-| | | Initialize L2 bridge domains with Vhost-User on node | ${dut}
-| | | ... | nf_chain=${nf_chain} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
+| | | Initialize L2 bridge domains with Vhost-User on node
+| | | ... | ${dut} | nf_chain=${nf_chain} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
| Initialize L2 bridge domains for multiple chains with Vhost-User
| | [Documentation]
@@ -1676,6 +1678,7 @@
| | ... | with defined number of VNF nodes on all defined VPP nodes. Add each
| | ... | Vhost-User interface into L2 bridge domains with learning enabled
| | ... | with physical inteface or Vhost-User interface of another VM.
+| | ... | Put all interfaces in path up.
| | ...
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - nf_chains - Number of chains of NFs. Type: integer
@@ -1688,9 +1691,10 @@
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${nf_chains}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1}
| | ...
-| | :FOR | ${nf_chain} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${nf_chains}+1
-| | | Initialize L2 bridge domains with Vhost-User | nf_chain=${nf_chain}
-| | | ... | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
+| | Set interfaces in path up
+| | :FOR | ${nf_chain} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${nf_chains} + 1
+| | | Initialize L2 bridge domains with Vhost-User
+| | | ... | nf_chain=${nf_chain} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
| Initialize L2 bridge domain with VXLANoIPv4 in 3-node circular topology
| | [Documentation]
@@ -2058,6 +2062,17 @@
| | Add interface to bridge domain | ${dut2} | ${vhost_if2} | ${bd_id2}
| | Add interface to bridge domain | ${dut2} | ${dut2_if2} | ${bd_id2}
+| Add VLAN strip offload switch off
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Add VLAN Strip Offload switch off on all PCI devices.
+| | ...
+| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
+| | | ${dut_str}= | Convert To Lowercase | ${dut}
+| | | Run keyword | ${dut}.Add DPDK Dev Parameter | ${${dut_str}_if1_pci}
+| | | ... | vlan-strip-offload | off
+| | | Run keyword | ${dut}.Add DPDK Dev Parameter | ${${dut_str}_if2_pci}
+| | | ... | vlan-strip-offload | off
| Add VLAN strip offload switch off between DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Add VLAN Strip Offload switch off on PCI devices between DUTs to VPP
@@ -2897,7 +2912,7 @@
| | | ${acl} = | Run Keyword If | '${acl}' == '${EMPTY}'
| | | ... | Set Variable | ipv4 ${acl_action} src ${subnet}
| | | ... | ELSE
-| | | ... | Catenate | SEPARATOR=, | ${acl}
+| | | ... | Catenate | SEPARATOR=", " | ${acl}
| | | ... | ipv4 ${acl_action} src ${subnet}
| | Add Replace Acl Multi Entries | ${dut} | rules=${acl}
| | @{acl_list} = | Create List | ${0}
diff --git a/resources/libraries/robot/shared/interfaces.robot b/resources/libraries/robot/shared/interfaces.robot
index 5b6ebc743d..a3b4223c48 100644
--- a/resources/libraries/robot/shared/interfaces.robot
+++ b/resources/libraries/robot/shared/interfaces.robot
@@ -44,3 +44,219 @@
| | [Return] | ${vhost_dump}
| | ...
| | ${vhost_dump}= | Vhost User Dump | ${dut_node}
+| Initialize layer interface on node
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Baseline interfaces variables to be created.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - dut - DUT node. Type: string
+| | ... | - count - Number of baseline interface variables. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer interface on node \| DUT1 \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${dut} | ${count}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | ${dut_str}= | Convert To Lowercase | ${dut}
+| | :FOR | ${id} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${count} + 1
+| | | Set Test Variable | ${${dut_str}_if_${id}_1} | ${${dut_str}_if1}
+| | | Set Test Variable | ${${dut_str}_if_${id}_2} | ${${dut_str}_if2}
+| Initialize layer interface
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Physical interfaces variables to be created on all DUTs.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - count - Number of untagged interfaces variables. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer interface \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${count}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
+| | | Initialize layer interface on node | ${dut} | count=${count}
+| | Set Test Variable | ${prev_layer} | if
+| | Set interfaces in path up
+| Initialize layer bonding on node
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Bonded interface and variables to be created on across east and
+| | ... | west DUT's node interfaces.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - dut - DUT node. Type: string
+| | ... | - bond_mode - Link bonding mode. Type: string
+| | ... | - lb_mode - Load balance mode. Type: string
+| | ... | - count - Number of bond interface variables. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer bonding on node \| DUT1 \| xor \| l34 \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${dut} | ${bond_mode}=xor | ${lb_mode}=l34 | ${count}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | ${dut_str}= | Convert To Lowercase | ${dut}
+| | ${if_index}= | VPP Create Bond Interface
+| | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${bond_mode} | load_balance=${lb_mode}
+| | ... | mac=00:00:00:01:01:01
+| | Set Interface State | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${if_index} | up
+| | VPP Enslave Physical Interface
+| | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_1_1} | ${if_index}
+| | VPP Enslave Physical Interface
+| | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_1_2} | ${if_index}
+| | :FOR | ${id} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${count} + 1
+| | | Set Test Variable | ${${dut_str}_bond_${id}_1} | ${if_index}
+| | | Set Test Variable | ${${dut_str}_bond_${id}_2} | ${if_index}
+| Initialize layer bonding
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Bonded interfaces and variables to be created on all DUT's interfaces.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - bond_mode - Link bonding mode. Type: string
+| | ... | - lb_mode - Load balance mode. Type: string
+| | ... | - count - Number of bond interface variables. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer bonding \| xor \| l34 \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${bond_mode}=xor | ${lb_mode}=l34 | ${count}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
+| | | Initialize layer bonding on node
+| | | ... | ${dut} | bond_mode=${bond_mode} | lb_mode=${lb_mode}
+| | | ... | count=${count}
+| | Set Test Variable | ${prev_layer} | bond
+| Initialize layer dot1q on node
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Dot1q interfaces and variables to be created on all DUT's node
+| | ... | interfaces.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - dut - DUT node. Type: string
+| | ... | - count - Number of tagged interfaces. Type: integer
+| | ... | - create - Whether to create vlan subinterface for each chain.
+| | ... | Type: boolean
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer dot1q on node \| DUT1 \| 1 \| True \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${dut} | ${count}=${1} | ${create}=${True}
+| | ...
+| | ${dut_str}= | Convert To Lowercase | ${dut}
+| | :FOR | ${id} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${count} + 1
+| | | ${vlan_west}= | Evaluate | 100 + ${id} - 1
+| | | ${vlan_east}= | Evaluate | 200 + ${id} - 1
+| | | ${if1_name} | ${if1_index}= | Run Keyword Unless
+| | | ... | ${create} and ${id} > ${1}
+| | | ... | Create Vlan Subinterface
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_1}
+| | | ... | ${vlan_west}
+| | | ${if2_name} | ${if2_index}= | Run Keyword Unless
+| | | ... | ${create} and ${id} > ${1}
+| | | ... | Create Vlan Subinterface
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_2}
+| | | ... | ${vlan_east}
+| | | Run Keyword Unless | ${create} and ${id} > ${1}
+| | | ... | Set Interface State | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${if1_index} | up
+| | | Run Keyword Unless | ${create} and ${id} > ${1}
+| | | ... | Set Interface State | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${if2_index} | up
+| | | Set Test Variable | ${${dut_str}_dot1q_${id}_1} | ${if1_index}
+| | | Set Test Variable | ${${dut_str}_dot1q_${id}_2} | ${if2_index}
+| Initialize layer dot1q
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Dot1q interfaces and variables to be created on all DUT's interfaces.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - count - Number of tagged interfaces. Type: integer
+| | ... | - create - Whether to create vlan for each chain. Type: boolean
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer dot1q \| 1 \| True \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${count}=${1} | ${create}=${True}
+| | ...
+| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
+| | | Initialize layer dot1q on node | ${dut} | count=${count}
+| | | ... | create=${create}
+| | Set Test Variable | ${prev_layer} | dot1q
+| Initialize layer ip4vxlan on node
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | Setup VXLANoIPv4 between TG and DUTs and DUT to DUT by connecting
+| | ... | physical and vxlan interfaces on each DUT. All interfaces are brought
+| | ... | up. IPv4 addresses with prefix /24 are configured on interfaces
+| | ... | towards TG. VXLAN sub-interfaces has same IPv4 address as interfaces.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - dut - DUT node. Type: string
+| | ... | - count - Number of vxlan interfaces. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer ip4vxlan on node \| DUT1 \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${dut} | ${count}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | ${dut_str}= | Convert To Lowercase | ${dut}
+| | Configure IP addresses on interfaces
+| | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_1_1}
+| | ... | | 24
+| | Configure IP addresses on interfaces
+| | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_1_2}
+| | ... | | 24
+| | :FOR | ${id} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${count} + 1
+| | | ${subnet}= | Evaluate | ${id} - 1
+| | | ${vni}= | Evaluate | ${id} - 1
+| | | ${ip4vxlan_1}= | Create VXLAN interface
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${vni} | | 172.17.${subnet}.2
+| | | ${ip4vxlan_2}= | Create VXLAN interface
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${vni} | | 172.27.${subnet}.2
+| | | ${prev_mac}= | Set Variable If | '${dut}' == 'DUT1'
+| | | ... | ${tg_if1_mac} | ${dut1_if2_mac}
+| | | ${next_mac}= | Set Variable If | '${dut}' == 'DUT1' and ${duts_count} == 2
+| | | ... | ${dut2_if1_mac} | ${tg_if2_mac}
+| | | VPP Add IP Neighbor
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_1}
+| | | ... | 172.16.${subnet}.2 | ${prev_mac}
+| | | VPP Add IP Neighbor
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_2}
+| | | ... | 172.26.${subnet}.2 | ${next_mac}
+| | | VPP Route Add
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | 172.17.${subnet}.0 | 24
+| | | ... | gateway=172.16.${subnet}.2
+| | | ... | interface=${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_1}
+| | | VPP Route Add
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | 172.27.${subnet}.0 | 24
+| | | ... | gateway=172.26.${subnet}.2
+| | | ... | interface=${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_2}
+| | | Set VXLAN Bypass
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_1}
+| | | Set VXLAN Bypass
+| | | ... | ${nodes['${dut}']} | ${${dut_str}_${prev_layer}_${id}_2}
+| | | Set Test Variable
+| | | ... | ${${dut_str}_ip4vxlan_${id}_1} | ${ip4vxlan_1}
+| | | Set Test Variable
+| | | ... | ${${dut_str}_ip4vxlan_${id}_2} | ${ip4vxlan_2}
+| Initialize layer ip4vxlan
+| | [Documentation]
+| | ... | VXLAN interfaces and variables to be created on all DUT's interfaces.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - count - Number of vxlan interfaces. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Initialize layer ip4vxlan \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${count}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
+| | | Initialize layer ip4vxlan on node | ${dut} | count=${count}
+| | Set Test Variable | ${prev_layer} | ip4vxlan