path: root/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common
diff options
authorPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2020-03-12 12:23:18 +0000
committerPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2020-03-12 14:07:22 +0000
commit048a9ca3484a06e54f48dc80e7ab24dbfebe406f (patch)
tree2936cab9365802a14d99c61fd4f82c86f26383c1 /resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common
parentd7aec8ee052468f55e2e9bd27de1dedd918c8a37 (diff)
LTS: Performance testing
Change-Id: I06dfa929402b05ff8cbd8720b51059bf3df7e35c Signed-off-by: Peter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common')
11 files changed, 148 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/defaults/main.yaml b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/defaults/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15a241d1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/defaults/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# file: roles/common/defaults/main.yaml
+packages: "{{ packages_base + packages_by_distro[ansible_distribution | lower] + packages_by_arch[ansible_machine] }}"
+ - "autoconf"
+ - "cgroup-tools"
+ - "dkms"
+ - "iperf3"
+ - "linux-tools-common"
+ - "qemu-system"
+ - "socat"
+ - "unzip"
+ - "virtualenv"
+ ubuntu:
+ - "build-essential"
+ - "libpcap-dev"
+ - "python-all"
+ - "python-apt"
+ - "python-cffi"
+ - "python-cffi-backend"
+ - "python-dev"
+ - "python-pip"
+ - "python-setuptools"
+ - "python3-all"
+ - "python3-apt"
+ - "python3-cffi"
+ - "python3-cffi-backend"
+ - "python3-dev"
+ - "python3-pip"
+ - "python3-setuptools"
+ aarch64:
+ - "gfortran"
+ - "libblas-dev"
+ - "liblapack-dev"
+ x86_64:
+ - []
+# Proxy settings: Uncomment and fill the proper values. These variables will be
+# set globally by writing into /etc/environment file on target machine.
+# http_proxy: http://proxy.com:80
+# HTTP_PROXY: http://proxy.com:80
+# https_proxy: http://proxy.com:80
+# HTTPS_PROXY: http://proxy.com:80
+# ftp_proxy: http://proxy.com:80
+# FTP_PROXY: http://proxy.com:80
+# no_proxy: localhost,,{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}
+# NO_PROXY: localhost,,{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/apt-sources_bionic_aarch64.list b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/apt-sources_bionic_aarch64.list
deleted file mode 100644
index 08da1ecf96..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/apt-sources_bionic_aarch64.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-deb http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic main restricted
-deb-src http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic main restricted
-## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
-## distribution.
-deb http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-updates main restricted
-deb-src http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-updates main restricted
-## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
-## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
-## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
-deb http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic universe
-deb-src http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic universe
-deb http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-updates universe
-deb-src http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-updates universe
-## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
-## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
-## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
-## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
-## security team.
-deb http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic multiverse
-deb-src http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic multiverse
-deb http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-updates multiverse
-deb-src http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-updates multiverse
-## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
-## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
-## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
-## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
-## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
-deb http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
-deb-src http://ca.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
-deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security main restricted
-deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security main restricted
-deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security universe
-deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security universe
-deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security multiverse
-deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic-security multiverse
-## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
-## 'partner' repository.
-## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the
-## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.
-# deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic partner
-# deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic partner
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/apt-sources_bionic_x86_64.list b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/apt-sources_bionic_x86_64.list
deleted file mode 100644
index e8ccadfc64..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/apt-sources_bionic_x86_64.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted
-# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted
-# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted
-# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to
-# newer versions of the distribution.
-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted
-deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted
-## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
-## distribution.
-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted
-deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted
-## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
-## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
-## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic universe
-deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic universe
-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates universe
-deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates universe
-## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
-## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
-## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
-## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
-## security team.
-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic multiverse
-deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic multiverse
-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates multiverse
-deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates multiverse
-## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
-## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
-## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
-## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
-## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
-deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
-deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted
-deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted
-deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security universe
-deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security universe
-deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security multiverse
-deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security multiverse
-## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
-## 'partner' repository.
-## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the
-## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.
-# deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic partner
-# deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic partner
-## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Ubuntu's
-## 'extras' repository.
-## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by third-party
-## developers who want to ship their latest software.
-# deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main
-# deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/initramfs_modules b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/initramfs_modules
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ae8e03e7..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/initramfs_modules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-vfio-pci \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/initramfs_resume b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/initramfs_resume
deleted file mode 100644
index 820819823b..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/files/initramfs_resume
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-RESUME=none \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/cimc.yaml b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/cimc.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e31d712d4d..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/cimc.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# file: roles/common/handlers/cimc.yaml
-- name: Boot from network
- imc_rest:
- hostname: '{{ inventory_cimc_hostname }}'
- username: '{{ inventory_cimc_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_cimc_password }}'
- validate_certs: no
- content: |
- <!-- Configure PXE boot -->
- <configConfMo><inConfig>
- <lsbootLan dn="sys/rack-unit-1/boot-policy/lan-read-only" access="read-only" order="1" prot="pxe" type="lan"/>
- </inConfig></configConfMo>
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: boot-network
-- name: Boot from storage
- imc_rest:
- hostname: '{{ inventory_cimc_hostname }}'
- username: '{{ inventory_cimc_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_cimc_password }}'
- validate_certs: no
- content: |
- <configConfMo><inConfig>
- <lsbootStorage dn="sys/rack-unit-1/boot-policy/storage-read-write" access="read-write" order="1" type="storage"/>
- </inConfig></configConfMo>
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: boot-storage
-- name: Power up server
- imc_rest:
- hostname: '{{ inventory_cimc_hostname }}'
- username: '{{ inventory_cimc_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_cimc_password }}'
- validate_certs: no
- content: |
- <configConfMo><inConfig>
- <computeRackUnit dn="sys/rack-unit-1" adminPower="up"/>
- </inConfig></configConfMo>
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: power-up
-- name: Power down server
- imc_rest:
- hostname: '{{ inventory_cimc_hostname }}'
- username: '{{ inventory_cimc_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_cimc_password }}'
- validate_certs: no
- content: |
- <configConfMo><inConfig>
- <computeRackUnit dn="sys/rack-unit-1" adminPower="down"/>
- </inConfig></configConfMo>
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: power-down
-- name: Power cycle server
- imc_rest:
- hostname: '{{ inventory_cimc_hostname }}'
- username: '{{ inventory_cimc_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_cimc_password }}'
- validate_certs: no
- content: |
- <!-- Power cycle server -->
- <configConfMo><inConfig>
- <computeRackUnit dn="sys/rack-unit-1" adminPower="cycle-immediate"/>
- </inConfig></configConfMo>
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: power-cycle
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/ipmi.yaml b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/ipmi.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6252cc04fd..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/ipmi.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# file: roles/common/handlers/ipmi.yaml
-- name: Boot from network
- ipmi_boot:
- name: '{{ inventory_ipmi_hostname }}'
- user: '{{ inventory_ipmi_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_ipmi_password }}'
- bootdev: network
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: boot-network
-- name: Boot from storage
- ipmi_boot:
- name: '{{ inventory_ipmi_hostname }}'
- user: '{{ inventory_ipmi_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_ipmi_password }}'
- bootdev: hd
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: boot-storage
-- name: Power up server
- ipmi_power:
- name: '{{ inventory_ipmi_hostname }}'
- user: '{{ inventory_ipmi_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_ipmi_password }}'
- state: on
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: power-up
-- name: Power down server
- ipmi_power:
- name: '{{ inventory_ipmi_hostname }}'
- user: '{{ inventory_ipmi_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_ipmi_password }}'
- state: off
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: power-down
-- name: Power cycle server
- ipmi_power:
- name: '{{ inventory_ipmi_hostname }}'
- user: '{{ inventory_ipmi_username }}'
- password: '{{ inventory_ipmi_password }}'
- state: boot
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: power-cycle
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/main.yaml b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/main.yaml
index f994afdc60..e7327d3944 100644
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/main.yaml
+++ b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/handlers/main.yaml
@@ -1,30 +1,8 @@
# file: roles/common/handlers/main.yaml
-- name: IPMI specific
- import_tasks: ipmi.yaml
- when: inventory_ipmi_hostname is defined
- tags: ipmi-handlers
-- name: CIMC specific
- import_tasks: cimc.yaml
- when: inventory_cimc_hostname is defined
- tags: cimc-handlers
-- name: Update GRUB
- command: update-grub
- tags: update-grub
- name: Reboot server
reboot_timeout: 3600
- tags: reboot-server
-- name: Wait for server to restart
- wait_for:
- host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
- search_regex: OpenSSH
- port: 22
- delay: 60
- timeout: 3600
- tags: reboot-server
+ tags:
+ - reboot-server
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/kernel_install.yaml b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/kernel_install.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cfa415330..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/kernel_install.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# file: roles/common/tasks/kernel_install.yaml
-- name: Backup remote initramfs modules
- copy:
- src: '/etc/initramfs-tools/modules'
- dest: '/tmp/initramfs_modules.bkp'
- remote_src: yes
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Update remote initramfs modules
- copy:
- src: '../files/initramfs_modules'
- dest: '/etc/initramfs-tools/modules'
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Backup remote initramfs resume config
- copy:
- src: '/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume'
- dest: '/tmp/initramfs-resume.bkp'
- remote_src: yes
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Update remote initramfs resume config
- copy:
- src: '../files/initramfs_resume'
- dest: '/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume'
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Create target kernel dir
- file:
- path: '/opt/boot'
- state: 'directory'
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Build initrd image
- shell: 'update-initramfs -k {{ ansible_kernel }} -c -b /opt/boot'
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Copy corresponding kernel img
- copy:
- src: '/boot/vmlinuz-{{ ansible_kernel }}'
- dest: '/opt/boot/vmlinuz-{{ ansible_kernel }}'
- remote_src: yes
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Restore remote initramfs modules
- copy:
- src: '/tmp/initramfs_modules.bkp'
- dest: '/etc/initramfs-tools/modules'
- remote_src: yes
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Remove remote backup initramfs modules
- file:
- path: '/tmp/initramfs_modules.bkp'
- state: 'absent'
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Restore remote initramfs resume config
- copy:
- src: '/tmp/initramfs-resume.bkp'
- dest: '/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume'
- remote_src: yes
- tags: install-kernel-image
-- name: Remove remote backup initramfs resume config
- file:
- path: '/tmp/initramfs-resume.bkp'
- state: 'absent'
- tags: install-kernel-image
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yaml b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yaml
index 96e3f83e1b..e60eec9fb0 100644
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yaml
+++ b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -1,90 +1,106 @@
# file: roles/common/tasks/main.yaml
-- name: Ensure the system exists in Cobbler
- cobbler_system:
- host: '{{ cobbler_hostname }}'
- port: 60080
- interfaces:
- br1:
- ipaddress: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}'
- macaddress: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.macaddress }}'
- name: '{{ hostname }}'
- password: '{{ cobbler_password }}'
- properties:
- hostname: '{{ hostname }}'
- gateway: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.gateway }}'
- profile: '{{ cobbler_profile }}'
- name_servers: '{{ name_servers }}'
- name_servers_search: '{{ name_servers_search }}'
- kickstart: '/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/{{ cobbler_profile }}.seed'
- kernel_options: '"interface={{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}"'
- netboot_enabled: yes
- username: '{{ cobbler_username }}'
- use_ssl: no
- validate_certs: no
- when: provision_enabled
- delegate_to: localhost
- tags: cobbler-include
-- name: Commit Cobbler changes
- cobbler_sync:
- host: '{{ cobbler_hostname }}'
- port: 60080
- password: '{{ cobbler_password }}'
- username: '{{ cobbler_username }}'
- use_ssl: no
- validate_certs: no
- run_once: yes
- when: provision_enabled
- delegate_to: localhost
- register: __included_in_cobbler
- notify:
- - 'Boot from network'
- - 'Reboot server'
- tags: cobbler-include
-- meta: flush_handlers
- name: Add permanent proxy settings
- path: '/etc/environment'
- state: 'present'
- line: '{{ item.key }}={{ item.value }}'
- with_dict: '{{ proxy_env }}'
+ path: "/etc/environment"
+ state: "present"
+ line: "{{ item.key }}={{ item.value }}"
+ with_dict: "{{ proxy_env }}"
when: proxy_env is defined
+ tags:
+ - set-proxy
-- name: Install distribution - release - machine prerequisites
- include_tasks: '{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}_{{ ansible_distribution_release }}.yaml'
+- name: Install Distribution - Release - Machine Prerequisites
+ package:
+ name: "{{ packages | flatten(levels=1) }}"
+ state: latest
+ update_cache: true
+ tags:
+ - install-dependencies
+- name: Install CSIT PIP requirements
+ pip:
+ name:
+ - "ecdsa==0.13.3"
+ - "paramiko==2.6.0"
+ - "pycrypto==2.6.1"
+ - "pypcap==1.2.3"
+ - "PyYAML==5.1.1"
+ - "requests==2.22.0"
+ - "robotframework==3.1.2"
+ - "scapy==2.4.3"
+ - "scp==0.13.2"
+ - "ansible==2.7.8"
+ - "dill=="
+ - "numpy==1.17.3"
+ - "hdrhistogram==0.6.1"
+ - "pandas==0.25.3"
+ - "plotly==4.1.1"
+ - "PTable==0.9.2"
+ - "Sphinx==2.2.1"
+ - "sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.0"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-programoutput==0.15"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-robotdoc==0.11.0"
+ - "alabaster==0.7.12"
+ - "Babel==2.7.0"
+ - "bcrypt==3.1.7"
+ - "certifi==2019.9.11"
+ - "cffi==1.13.2"
+ - "chardet==3.0.4"
+ - "cryptography==2.8"
+ - "docutils==0.15.2"
+ - "future==0.18.2"
+ - "idna==2.8"
+ - "imagesize==1.1.0"
+ - "Jinja2==2.10.3"
+ - "MarkupSafe==1.1.1"
+ - "packaging==19.2"
+ - "pbr==5.4.3"
+ - "pycparser==2.19"
+ - "Pygments==2.4.2"
+ - "PyNaCl==1.3.0"
+ - "pyparsing==2.4.4"
+ - "python-dateutil==2.8.1"
+ - "pytz==2019.3"
+ - "retrying==1.3.3"
+ - "six==1.13.0"
+ - "snowballstemmer==2.0.0"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.1"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.1"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==1.0.2"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.2"
+ - "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.3"
+ - "urllib3==1.25.6"
+ tags:
+ - install-pip
+- name: Install CSIT PIP requirements - SciPy workaround
+ pip:
+ name:
+ - "scipy==1.1.0"
+ tags:
+ - install-pip
- name: Set sudoers admin
- path: '/etc/sudoers'
- state: 'present'
- regexp: '^%admin ALL='
- line: '%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL'
- validate: '/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s'
- tags: set-sudoers
+ path: "/etc/sudoers"
+ state: "present"
+ regexp: "^%admin ALL="
+ line: "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL"
+ validate: "/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s"
+ tags:
+ - set-sudoers
- name: Set sudoers sudo
- path: '/etc/sudoers'
- state: 'present'
- regexp: '^%sudo'
- line: '%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
- validate: '/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s'
- tags: set-sudoers
-- name: Copy grub file
- template:
- src: 'files/grub_{{ ansible_machine }}'
- dest: '/etc/default/grub'
- owner: 'root'
- group: 'root'
- mode: '644'
- notify:
- - 'Update GRUB'
- - 'Reboot server'
- tags: copy-grub
+ path: "/etc/sudoers"
+ state: "present"
+ regexp: "^%sudo"
+ line: "%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
+ validate: "/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s"
+ tags:
+ - set-sudoers
- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/ubuntu_bionic.yaml b/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/ubuntu_bionic.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 31872e035f..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/roles/common/tasks/ubuntu_bionic.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# file: roles/common/tasks/ubuntu_bionic.yaml
-- name: Copy apt sources file
- template:
- src: 'files/apt-sources_{{ ansible_distribution_release }}_{{ ansible_machine }}.list'
- dest: '/etc/apt/sources.list'
- tags: copy-apt-sources
-- name: Install CSIT dependencies
- apt:
- name:
- - 'python-apt'
- - 'python-setuptools'
- - 'git'
- - 'crudini'
- - 'expect'
- - 'socat'
- - 'qemu-system'
- - 'build-essential'
- state: 'present'
- cache_valid_time: 3600
- install_recommends: False
- tags: install-csit-dependencies