path: root/resources/traffic_profiles/trex
diff options
authorTibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>2020-01-14 13:47:18 +0100
committerTibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>2020-01-15 07:03:11 +0000
commit5147d3ac0844b31852a3c221759f31915744b1c7 (patch)
treebc9ead02d5f5f1d4a5d3d043da030d60ef6965a4 /resources/traffic_profiles/trex
parent2da2aa12260143bc513b4dff5e2b2ef6755172ab (diff)
Report: Current vs. Previous Release - NFV Tests
Change-Id: I00cbde38b8f900efe3e3123a942de2288381ea3b Signed-off-by: Tibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/traffic_profiles/trex')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
id='n130' href='#n130'>130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368
# Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Documentation | Keywords related to linux containers
| Library | resources.libraries.python.CpuUtils
| Library | resources.libraries.python.topology.Topology
| Variables | resources/libraries/python/Constants.py

*** Keywords ***
| Construct container on all DUTs
| | [Documentation] | Construct 1 CNF of specific technology on all DUT nodes.
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - nf_chains: Total number of chains (Optional). Type: integer, default
| | ... | value: ${1}
| | ... | - nf_nodes: Total number of nodes per chain (Optional). Type: integer,
| | ... | default value: ${1}
| | ... | - nf_chain: Chain ID (Optional). Type: integer, default value: ${1}
| | ... | - nf_node: Node ID (Optional). Type: integer, default value: ${1}
| | ... | - auto_scale - If True, use same amount of Dataplane threads for
| | ... | network function as DUT, otherwise use single physical core for
| | ... | every network function. Type: boolean
| | ... | - pinning: Set True if CPU pinning should be done on starting
| | ... | containers. Type: boolean, default value: ${False}
| |
| | ... | *Example:*
| |
| | ... | \| Construct container on all DUTs \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \| ${True} \|
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${nf_chains}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1} | ${nf_chain}=${1}
| | ... | ${nf_node}=${1} | ${auto_scale}=${True} | ${pinning}=${True}
| |
| | ${duts}= | Get Matches | ${nodes} | DUT*
| | FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
| | | Run Keyword | Construct container on DUT | ${dut}
| | | ... | ${nf_chains} | ${nf_nodes} | ${nf_chain}
| | | ... | ${nf_node} | ${auto_scale} | ${pinning}
| | END

| Construct container on DUT
| | [Documentation] | Construct 1 CNF of specific technology on specific DUT.
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - dut: DUT node to construct the CNF on. Type: string
| | ... | - nf_chains: Total number of chains (Optional). Type: integer, default
| | ... | value: ${1}
| | ... | - nf_nodes: Total number of nodes per chain (Optional). Type: integer,
| | ... | default value: ${1}
| | ... | - nf_chain: Chain ID (Optional). Type: integer, default value: ${1}
| | ... | - nf_node: Node ID (Optional). Type: integer, default value: ${1}
| | ... | - auto_scale - If True, use same amount of Dataplane threads for
| | ... | network function as DUT, otherwise use single physical core for
| | ... | every network function. Type: boolean
| | ... | - pinning: Set True if CPU pinning should be done on starting
| | ... | containers. Type: boolean, default value: ${False}
| |
| | ... | *Example:*
| |
| | ... | \| Construct container on DUT \| DUT1 \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \|
| | ... | \| ${True} \|
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${dut}
| | ... | ${nf_chains}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1} | ${nf_chain}=${1}
| | ... | ${nf_node}=${1} | ${auto_scale}=${True} | ${pinning}=${True}
| |
| | ${nf_dtcr_status} | ${value}= | Run Keyword And Ignore Error
| | ... | Variable Should Exist | ${nf_dtcr}
| | ${nf_dtcr}= | Run Keyword If | '${nf_dtcr_status}' == 'PASS'
| | ... | Set Variable | ${nf_dtcr} | ELSE | Set Variable | ${1}
| | ${nf_dtc}= | Run Keyword If | ${pinning}
| | ... | Set Variable If | ${auto_scale} | ${cpu_count_int}
| | ... | ${nf_dtc}
| | ${nf_id}= | Evaluate | (${nf_chain} - ${1}) * ${nf_nodes} + ${nf_node}
| | ${env}= | Create List | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
| | ${dut1_uuid_length} = | Get Length | ${DUT1_UUID}
| | ${root}= | Run Keyword If | ${dut1_uuid_length}
| | ... | Get Docker Mergeddir | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${DUT1_UUID}
| | ... | ELSE | Set Variable | ${EMPTY}
| | ${node_arch}= | Get Node Arch | ${nodes['${dut}']}
| | ${name}= | Set Variable | ${dut}_${container_group}${nf_id}${DUT1_UUID}
| | ${mnt}= | Create List
| | ... | ${root}/tmp/:/mnt/host/
| | ... | ${root}/tmp/vpp_sockets/${name}/:/run/vpp/
| | ... | ${root}/dev/vfio/:/dev/vfio/
| | ... | ${root}/usr/bin/vpp:/usr/bin/vpp
| | ... | ${root}/usr/bin/vppctl:/usr/bin/vppctl
| | ... | ${root}/usr/lib/${node_arch}-linux-gnu/:/usr/lib/${node_arch}-linux-gnu/
| | ... | ${root}/usr/share/vpp/:/usr/share/vpp/
| | ${nf_cpus}= | Set Variable | ${None}
| | ${nf_cpus}= | Run Keyword If | ${pinning}
| | ... | Get Affinity NF | ${nodes} | ${dut}
| | ... | nf_chains=${nf_chains} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
| | ... | nf_chain=${nf_chain} | nf_node=${nf_node}
| | ... | vs_dtc=${cpu_count_int} | nf_dtc=${nf_dtc} | nf_dtcr=${nf_dtcr}
| | &{cont_args}= | Create Dictionary
| | ... | name=${name} | node=${nodes['${dut}']} | mnt=${mnt} | env=${env}
| | ... | root=${root}
| | Run Keyword If | ${pinning}
| | ... | Set To Dictionary | ${cont_args} | cpuset_cpus=${nf_cpus}
| | Run Keyword | ${container_group}.Construct container | &{cont_args}

| Construct chain of containers
| | [Documentation] | Construct 1 chain of 1..N CNFs on selected/all DUT nodes.
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - dut: DUT node to start the containers on. Run on all nodes if None.
| | ... | Type: string or None
| | ... | - nf_chains: Total number of chains. Type: integer
| | ... | - nf_nodes: Total number of nodes per chain. Type: integer
| | ... | - nf_chain: Chain ID. Type: integer
| | ... | - auto_scale - If True, use same amount of Dataplane threads for
| | ... | network function as DUT, otherwise use single physical core for
| | ... | every network function. Type: boolean
| | ... | - pinning: Set True if CPU pinning should be done on starting
| | ... | containers. Type: boolean, default value: ${False}
| |
| | ... | *Example:*
| |
| | ... | \| Construct chain of containers \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \| ${True} \|
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${dut}=${None} | ${nf_chains}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1}
| | ... | ${nf_chain}=${1} | ${auto_scale}=${True} | ${pinning}=${True}
| |
| | FOR | ${nf_node} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${nf_nodes}+1
| | | Run Keyword If | '${dut}' == '${None}'
| | | ... | Construct container on all DUTs
| | | ... | nf_chains=${nf_chains} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes} | nf_chain=${nf_chain}
| | | ... | nf_node=${nf_node} | auto_scale=${auto_scale} | pinning=${pinning}
| | | ... | ELSE
| | | ... | Construct container on DUT | ${dut}
| | | ... | nf_chains=${nf_chains} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes} | nf_chain=${nf_chain}
| | | ... | nf_node=${nf_node} | auto_scale=${auto_scale} | pinning=${pinning}
| | END

| Construct chains of containers
| | [Documentation] | Construct 1..N chains of 1..N CNFs on selected/all DUT
| | ... | nodes.
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - dut: DUT node to start the containers on. Run on all nodes if None.
| | ... | Type: string or None
| | ... | - nf_chains: Total number of chains (Optional). Type: integer, default
| | ... | value: ${1}
| | ... | - nf_nodes: Total number of nodes per chain (Optional). Type: integer,
| | ... | default value: ${1}
| | ... | - auto_scale - If True, use same amount of Dataplane threads for
| | ... | network function as DUT, otherwise use single physical core for
| | ... | every network function. Type: boolean
| | ... | - pinning: Set True if CPU pinning should be done on starting
| | ... | containers. Type: boolean, default value: ${True}
| |
| | ... | *Example:*
| |
| | ... | \| Construct chains of containers \| 1 \| 1 \|
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${dut}=${None} | ${nf_chains}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1}
| | ... | ${auto_scale}=${True} | ${pinning}=${True}
| |
| | FOR | ${nf_chain} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${nf_chains}+1
| | | Construct chain of containers
| | | ... | dut=${dut} | nf_chains=${nf_chains} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
| | | ... | nf_chain=${nf_chain} | auto_scale=${auto_scale} | pinning=${pinning}
| | END

| Acquire all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Acquire all container(s) in specific container group on
| | ... | all DUT nodes.
| |
| | Run Keyword | ${group}.Acquire all containers

| Create all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Create/deploy all container(s) in specific container group
| | ... | on all DUT nodes.
| |
| | Run Keyword | ${group}.Create all containers

| Start VPP in all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Start VPP on all container(s) in specific container
| | ... | group on all DUT nodes.
| |
| | Run Keyword | ${group}.Start VPP In All Containers

| Restart VPP in all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Restart VPP on all container(s) in specific container
| | ... | group on all DUT nodes.
| |
| | Run Keyword | ${group}.Restart VPP In All Containers

| Configure VPP in all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Configure VPP on all container(s) in specific container
| | ... | group on all DUT nodes.
| |
| | ... | *Test (or broader scope) variables read:*
| | ... | - container_chain_topology - Topology type used for configuring CNF
| | ... | (VPP) in container. Type: string
| |
| | ${dut1_if2} = | Get Variable Value | \${dut1_if2} | ${None}
| | ${dut2_if2} = | Get Variable Value | \${dut2_if2} | ${None}
| | Run Keyword If | '${container_chain_topology}' == 'chain_ip4'
| | ... | ${group}.Configure VPP In All Containers
| | ... | ${container_chain_topology}
| | ... | tg_pf1_mac=${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
| | ... | tg_pf2_mac=${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
| | ... | nodes=${nf_nodes}
| | ... | ELSE IF | '${container_chain_topology}' == 'chain_ipsec'
| | ... | ${group}.Configure VPP In All Containers
| | ... | ${container_chain_topology}
| | ... | tg_pf1_ip4=${tg_if1_ip4}
| | ... | tg_pf1_mac=${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
| | ... | tg_pf2_ip4=${tg_if2_ip4}
| | ... | tg_pf2_mac=${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
| | ... | dut1_if1_ip4=${dut1_if1_ip4}
| | ... | dut1_if2_ip4=${dut1_if2_ip4}
| | ... | dut2_if1_ip4=${dut2_if1_ip4}
| | ... | dut2_if2_ip4=${dut2_if2_ip4}
| | ... | raddr_ip4=${raddr_ip4}
| | ... | laddr_ip4=${laddr_ip4}
| | ... | nodes=${nodes}
| | ... | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
| | ... | ELSE IF | '${container_chain_topology}' == 'pipeline_ip4'
| | ... | ${group}.Configure VPP In All Containers
| | ... | ${container_chain_topology}
| | ... | tg_pf1_mac=${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
| | ... | tg_pf2_mac=${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
| | ... | nodes=${nf_nodes}
| | ... | ELSE IF | '${container_chain_topology}' == 'cross_horiz'
| | ... | ${group}.Configure VPP In All Containers
| | ... | ${container_chain_topology}
| | ... | dut1_if=${DUT1_${int}2}[0]
| | ... | dut2_if=${DUT2_${int}2}[0]
| | ... | ELSE
| | ... | ${group}.Configure VPP In All Containers
| | ... | ${container_chain_topology}

| Stop all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Stop all container(s) in specific container group on all
| | ... | DUT nodes.
| |
| | Run Keyword | ${group}.Stop all containers

| Destroy all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Destroy all container(s) in specific container group on
| | ... | all DUT nodes.
| |
| | Run Keyword | ${group}.Destroy all containers

| Verify VPP in all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Verify that VPP is running inside containers in specific
| | ... | container group on all DUT nodes. Does 120 retries with one second
| | ... | between retries.
| |
| | Run Keyword | ${group}.Verify VPP in all containers

| Start containers for test
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Start containers for test.
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - dut: DUT node to start the containers on. Run on all nodes if None.
| | ... | Type: string or None
| | ... | - nf_chains: Total number of chains. Type: integer
| | ... | - nf_nodes: Total number of nodes per chain. Type: integer
| | ... | - auto_scale - If True, use same amount of Dataplane threads for
| | ... | network function as DUT, otherwise use single physical core for
| | ... | every network function. Type: boolean
| | ... | - pinning: Set True if CPU pinning should be done on starting
| | ... | containers. Type: boolean, default value: ${False}
| |
| | ... | *Example:*
| |
| | ... | \| Start containers for test \| 1 \| 1 \|
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${dut}=${None} | ${nf_chains}=${1} | ${nf_nodes}=${1}
| | ... | ${auto_scale}=${True} | ${pinning}=${True}
| |
| | Set Test Variable | @{container_groups} | @{EMPTY}
| | Set Test Variable | ${container_group} | CNF
| | Set Test Variable | ${nf_nodes}
| | Import Library | resources.libraries.python.ContainerUtils.ContainerManager
| | ... | engine=${container_engine} | WITH NAME | ${container_group}
| | Construct chains of containers
| | ... | dut=${dut} | nf_chains=${nf_chains} | nf_nodes=${nf_nodes}
| | ... | auto_scale=${auto_scale} | pinning=${pinning}
| | Acquire all '${container_group}' containers
| | Create all '${container_group}' containers
| | Configure VPP in all '${container_group}' containers
| | Start VPP in all '${container_group}' containers
| | Append To List | ${container_groups} | ${container_group}
| | Save VPP PIDs

# TODO: Remove the vswitch startup.conf and read the host configuration instead.
| Start vswitch in container on DUT
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Configure and start vswitch in container.
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - dut: DUT node on which to install vswitch. Type: string
| | ... | - phy_cores - Number of physical cores to use. Type: integer
| | ... | - rx_queues: Number of RX queues. Type: integer
| |
| | ... | *Example:*
| |
| | ... | \| Start vswitch in container on DUT \| DUT1 \| 1 \| 1 \|
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${dut} | ${phy_cores} | ${rx_queues}=${None}
| |
| | Set Test Variable | ${container_group} | VSWITCH
| | Import Library | resources.libraries.python.ContainerUtils.ContainerManager
| | ... | engine=${container_engine} | WITH NAME | VSWITCH
| | Construct container on DUT | ${dut}
| | ... | nf_chains=${1} | nf_nodes=${1} | nf_chain=${1}
| | ... | nf_node=${1} | auto_scale=${False} | pinning=${False}
| | Acquire all '${container_group}' containers
| | Create all '${container_group}' containers
| | ${cpu_count_int} | Convert to Integer | ${phy_cores}
| | ${thr_count_int} | Convert to Integer | ${phy_cores}
| | ${smt_used}= | Is SMT enabled | ${nodes['${dut}']['cpuinfo']}
| | ${thr_count_int}= | Run keyword if | ${smt_used}
| | ... | Evaluate | int(${cpu_count_int}*2)
| | ... | ELSE | Set variable | ${thr_count_int}
| | ${rxq_count_int}= | Run keyword if | ${rx_queues}
| | ... | Set variable | ${rx_queues}
| | ... | ELSE | Evaluate | int(${thr_count_int}/2)
| | ${rxq_count_int}= | Run keyword if | ${rxq_count_int} == 0
| | ... | Set variable | ${1}
| | ... | ELSE | Set variable | ${rxq_count_int}
| | VSWITCH.Configure VPP in all containers | chain_vswitch
| | ... | rxq=${rxq_count_int} | n_instances=${n_instances} | node=${dut}
| | ... | dut1_if1=${DUT1_${int}1}[0] | dut1_if2=${DUT1_${int}2}[0]
| | ... | dut2_if1=${DUT2_${int}1}[0] | dut2_if2=${DUT2_${int}2}[0]
| | ... | dut2_if2_ip4=${dut2_if2_ip4}
| | ... | tg_pf1_ip4=${tg_if1_ip4} | tg_pf1_mac=${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
| | ... | tg_pf2_ip4=${tgi_f2_ip4} | tg_pf2_mac=${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
| | ... | nodes=${nodes}
| | Start VPP in all '${container_group}' containers

| Start vswitch in container
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Configure and start vswitch in container on all DUTs.
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - phy_cores - Number of physical cores to use. Type: integer
| | ... | - rx_queues: Number of RX queues. Type: integer
| |
| | ... | *Example:*
| |
| | ... | \| Start vswitch in container \| 1 \| 1 \|
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${phy_cores} | ${rx_queues}=${None}
| |
| | FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
| | | Run Keyword | Start vswitch in container on DUT
| | | ... | ${dut} | ${phy_cores} | ${rx_queues}
| | END
| | Append To List | ${container_groups} | ${container_group}
| | Save VPP PIDs