path: root/terraform-ci-infra/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf
diff options
authorTomas Alexy <tomas.alexy@pantheon.tech>2021-01-28 08:59:22 +0100
committerPeter Mikus <pmikus@cisco.com>2021-02-18 13:51:53 +0000
commita678231f39f4d4ea079018e7d11be36d0cc454d2 (patch)
tree973ad7d06ef0a419b945e7bfab0cee8818039c01 /terraform-ci-infra/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf
parent98d86e98c9bc9d2ed10b01fb81d6d7e02f09eb51 (diff)
Infra: Fix AWS deployment
Signed-off-by: Tomas Alexy <tomas.alexy@pantheon.tech> Change-Id: Ie24f5fac5827e28b1ac7c22192a94994700b2910
Diffstat (limited to 'terraform-ci-infra/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/terraform-ci-infra/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf b/terraform-ci-infra/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf
index c0da7a487e..a73288d9e8 100644
--- a/terraform-ci-infra/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf
+++ b/terraform-ci-infra/2n_aws_c5n/main.tf
@@ -1,304 +1,53 @@
-provider "aws" {
- region = "eu-central-1"
+module "deploy" {
+ source = "./deploy"
+ # TODO: Use ENV variable for testbed_name for dynamic deployment
+ testbed_name = "testbed1"
+ topology_name = "2n_aws_c5n"
+ environment_name = "CSIT-AWS"
+ resources_name_prefix = "CSIT_2n_aws_c5n"
+ # AWS general
+ region = "eu-central-1"
+ avail_zone = "eu-central-1a"
+ instance_type = "c5n.4xlarge"
+ ami_image = "ami-0b418580298265d5c"
+ # eu-central-1/bionic-18.04-amd64-hvm-ssd-20200112
+ # kernel 4.15.0-1057-aws (~4.15.0-74)
+ # AWS Network
+ vpc_cidr_mgmt = ""
+ vpc_cidr_b = ""
+ vpc_cidr_c = ""
+ vpc_cidr_d = ""
+ tg_mgmt_ip = ""
+ dut1_mgmt_ip = ""
+ tg_if1_ip = ""
+ tg_if2_ip = ""
+ dut1_if1_ip = ""
+ dut1_if2_ip = ""
+ trex_dummy_cidr_port_0 = ""
+ trex_dummy_cidr_port_1 = ""
+ # Ansible
+ ansible_python_executable = "/usr/bin/python3"
+ ansible_file_path = "../../resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/site.yaml"
+ ansible_topology_path = "../../resources/tools/testbed-setup/ansible/cloud_topology.yaml"
+ ansible_provision_pwd = "Csit1234"
+ # First run
+ # TODO: Remove the testuser creation when added to user_add ansible role
+ first_run_commands = [
+ "sudo sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication/#PasswordAuthentication/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config",
+ "sudo systemctl restart sshd",
+ "sudo useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash provisionuser",
+ "echo 'provisionuser:Csit1234' | sudo chpasswd",
+ "echo 'provisionuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers",
+ "sudo useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash testuser",
+ "echo 'testuser:Csit1234' | sudo chpasswd",
+ "echo 'testuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers"
+ ]
-variable "avail_zone" {
- type = string
- default = "eu-central-1a"
-# Base VPC CIDRs
-variable "vpc_cidr_mgmt" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_b" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_c" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "vpc_cidr_d" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-# Trex Dummy CIDRs
-variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_0" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "trex_dummy_cidr_port_1" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-# IPs
-variable "tg_if1_ip" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "tg_if2_ip" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "dut1_if1_ip" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "dut1_if2_ip" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "tg_mgmt_ip" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "dut1_mgmt_ip" {
- type = string
- default = ""
-# Instance Type
-variable "instance_type" {
- type = string
- default = "c5n.2xlarge"
-resource "aws_vpc" "CSIT" {
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_mgmt
-resource "aws_security_group" "CSIT" {
- name = "CSIT"
- description = "Allow inbound traffic"
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- ingress {
- from_port = 22
- to_port = 22
- protocol = "tcp"
- cidr_blocks = [""]
- }
- ingress {
- from_port = 0
- to_port = 0
- protocol = -1
- self = true
- }
- egress {
- from_port = 0
- to_port = 0
- protocol = "-1"
- cidr_blocks = [""]
- }
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT]
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "b" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_b
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT]
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "c" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_c
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT]
-resource "aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association" "d" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_d
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT]
-resource "aws_subnet" "mgmt" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_mgmt
- availability_zone = var.avail_zone
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT]
-resource "aws_subnet" "b" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_b
- availability_zone = var.avail_zone
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.b]
-resource "aws_subnet" "c" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_c
- availability_zone = var.avail_zone
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.c]
-resource "aws_subnet" "d" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_d
- availability_zone = var.avail_zone
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.d]
-resource "aws_internet_gateway" "CSIT" {
- vpc_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.id
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT]
-resource "aws_key_pair" "CSIT" {
- key_name = "CSIT"
- public_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
-data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
- most_recent = true
- filter {
- name = "name"
- values = ["*hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64*"]
- }
- filter {
- name = "virtualization-type"
- values = ["hvm"]
- }
- owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical
-resource "aws_placement_group" "CSIT" {
- name = "CSIT"
- strategy = "cluster"
-resource "aws_instance" "tg" {
- ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
- instance_type = var.instance_type
-# cpu_threads_per_core = 1
-# cpu_core_count = 18
- key_name = aws_key_pair.CSIT.key_name
- associate_public_ip_address = true
- subnet_id = aws_subnet.mgmt.id
- root_block_device {
- volume_size = 50
- }
- private_ip = var.tg_mgmt_ip
- vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.CSIT.id]
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_placement_group.CSIT]
- placement_group = aws_placement_group.CSIT.id
- source_dest_check = false
-resource "aws_instance" "dut1" {
- ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
-# cpu_threads_per_core = 1
-# cpu_core_count = 18
- instance_type = var.instance_type
- key_name = aws_key_pair.CSIT.key_name
- associate_public_ip_address = true
- subnet_id = aws_subnet.mgmt.id
- root_block_device {
- volume_size = 50
- }
- private_ip = var.dut1_mgmt_ip
- vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.CSIT.id]
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_placement_group.CSIT]
- placement_group = aws_placement_group.CSIT.id
- source_dest_check = false
-resource "aws_route" "CSIT-igw" {
- route_table_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.main_route_table_id
- gateway_id = aws_internet_gateway.CSIT.id
- destination_cidr_block = ""
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_internet_gateway.CSIT]
-resource "aws_route" "dummy-trex-port-0" {
- route_table_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.main_route_table_id
- network_interface_id = aws_instance.tg.primary_network_interface_id
- destination_cidr_block = var.trex_dummy_cidr_port_0
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_instance.dut1]
-resource "aws_route" "dummy-trex-port-1" {
- route_table_id = aws_vpc.CSIT.main_route_table_id
- network_interface_id = aws_instance.tg.primary_network_interface_id
- destination_cidr_block = var.trex_dummy_cidr_port_1
- depends_on = [aws_vpc.CSIT, aws_instance.dut1]
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_tg" {
- depends_on = [ aws_instance.tg ]
- connection {
- user = "ubuntu"
- host = aws_instance.tg.public_ip
- private_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
- }
- provisioner "ansible" {
- plays {
- playbook {
- file_path = "../../testbed-setup/ansible/site_aws.yaml"
- force_handlers = true
- }
- hosts = ["tg"]
- extra_vars = {
- ansible_python_interpreter = "/usr/bin/python3"
- aws = true
- }
- }
- }
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_dut1" {
- depends_on = [ aws_instance.dut1 ]
- connection {
- user = "ubuntu"
- host = aws_instance.dut1.public_ip
- private_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
- }
- provisioner "ansible" {
- plays {
- playbook {
- file_path = "../../testbed-setup/ansible/site_aws.yaml"
- force_handlers = true
- }
- hosts = ["sut"]
- extra_vars = {
- ansible_python_interpreter = "/usr/bin/python3"
- aws = true
- }
- }
- }
-resource "null_resource" "deploy_topology" {
- depends_on = [ aws_instance.tg, aws_instance.dut1 ]
- provisioner "ansible" {
- plays {
- playbook {
- file_path = "../../testbed-setup/ansible/cloud_topology.yaml"
- }
- hosts = ["local"]
- extra_vars = {
- ansible_python_interpreter = "/usr/bin/python3"
- cloud_topology = "2n_aws_c5n"
- tg_if1_mac = data.aws_network_interface.tg_if1.mac_address
- tg_if2_mac = data.aws_network_interface.tg_if2.mac_address
- dut1_if1_mac = data.aws_network_interface.dut1_if1.mac_address
- dut1_if2_mac = data.aws_network_interface.dut1_if2.mac_address
- tg_public_ip = aws_instance.tg.public_ip
- dut1_public_ip = aws_instance.dut1.public_ip
- }
- }
- }
-output "dbg_tg" {
- value = "TG IP: ${aws_instance.tg.public_ip}"
-output "dbg_dut1" {
- value = "DUT1 IP: ${aws_instance.dut1.public_ip}"