diff options
8 files changed, 1215 insertions, 366 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dde24ca407
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56de6b69e9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/bootstrap-centos.sh b/bootstrap-centos.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6f8fba00b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap-centos.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+set -x
+cat /etc/hostname
+cat /etc/hosts
+sudo apt-get -y update
+sudo apt-get -y install libpython2.7-dev python-virtualenv
+VIRL_SERVERS=("" "" "")
+SSH_OPTIONS="-i ${VIRL_PKEY} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o BatchMode=yes -o LogLevel=error"
+TEST_GROUPS=("l2bd,dhcp,gre,honeycomb,l2xc,lisp,softwire" "cop,telemetry,ipsec,ipv6,rpf,tap,vrf" "fds,iacl,ipv4,policer,vlan,vxlan")
+SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+# Create tmp dir
+mkdir ${SCRIPT_DIR}/tmp
+# Use tmp dir to store log files
+# Use tmp dir for tarballs
+export TMPDIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/tmp"
+function ssh_do() {
+ echo
+ echo "### " ssh $@
+ ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} $@
+rm -f ${VIRL_PKEY}
+cat > ${VIRL_PKEY} <<EOF
+chmod 600 ${VIRL_PKEY}
+# Pick a random host from the array of VIRL servers for every test set run
+# and attempt to reach it and verify it's status.
+# The server must be reachable and have a "status" file with
+# the content "PRODUCTION" to be selected.
+# If the server is not reachable or does not have the correct
+# status remove it from the array and start again.
+# Abort if there are no more servers left in the array.
+for index in "${!TEST_GROUPS[@]}"; do
+ VIRL_SERVER[${index}]=""
+ while [[ ! "${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}" ]]; do
+ num_hosts=${#VIRL_SERVERS[@]}
+ if [ $num_hosts == 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "No more VIRL candidate hosts available, failing."
+ exit 127
+ fi
+ element=$[ $RANDOM % $num_hosts ]
+ virl_server_candidate=${VIRL_SERVERS[$element]}
+ virl_server_status=$(ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${virl_server_candidate} cat $VIRL_SERVER_STATUS_FILE 2>&1)
+ echo VIRL HOST $virl_server_candidate status is \"$virl_server_status\"
+ if [ "$virl_server_status" == "$VIRL_SERVER_EXPECTED_STATUS" ]
+ then
+ # Candidate is in good status. Select this server.
+ VIRL_SERVER[${index}]="$virl_server_candidate"
+ else
+ # Candidate is in bad status. Remove from array.
+ VIRL_SERVERS=("${VIRL_SERVERS[@]:0:$element}" "${VIRL_SERVERS[@]:$[$element+1]}")
+ fi
+ done
+echo "Selected VIRL servers: ${VIRL_SERVER[@]}"
+# Temporarily download VPP packages from nexus.fd.io
+if [ "${#}" -ne "0" ]; then
+ arr=(${@})
+ echo ${arr[0]}
+ # DPDK is not part of the vpp build
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dev/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dev-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dkms/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dkms-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+ rm -f *.rpm
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dbg/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dbg-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dev/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dev-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dev/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dev-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-lib/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-lib-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-plugins/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-plugins-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.rpm" || exit
+echo ${VPP_RPMS[@]}
+# Prepend directory location at remote host to rpm list
+for index in "${!VPP_RPMS_FULL[@]}"; do
+ VPP_RPMS_FULL[${index}]=${VIRL_DIR_LOC}/${VPP_RPMS_FULL[${index}]}
+echo "Updated file names: " ${VPP_RPMS_FULL[@]}
+cat ${VIRL_PKEY}
+# Copy the files to VIRL hosts
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ # Do not copy files in case they have already been copied to the VIRL host
+ [[ "${DONE[@]}" =~ "${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}" ]] && copy=0 || copy=1
+ if [ "${copy}" -eq "0" ]; then
+ echo "VPP rpms have already been copied to the VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ else
+ scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} *.rpm \
+ result=$?
+ if [ "${result}" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to copy VPP rpms to VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ echo ${result}
+ exit ${result}
+ else
+ echo "VPP rpms successfully copied to the VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ fi
+ DONE+=(${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]})
+ fi
+# Start a simulation on VIRL server
+function stop_virl_simulation {
+ for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ "stop-testcase ${VIRL_SID[${index}]}"
+ done
+# Upon script exit, cleanup the simulation execution
+trap stop_virl_simulation EXIT
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ echo "Starting simulation nr. ${index} on VIRL server ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ VIRL_SID[${index}]=$(ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} \
+ ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]} \
+ "start-testcase -c ${VIRL_TOPOLOGY} -r ${VIRL_RELEASE} ${VPP_RPMS_FULL[@]}")
+ retval=$?
+ if [ ${retval} -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "VIRL simulation start failed on ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ exit ${retval}
+ fi
+ if [[ ! "${VIRL_SID[${index}]}" =~ session-[a-zA-Z0-9_]{6} ]]; then
+ echo "No VIRL session ID reported."
+ exit 127
+ fi
+ echo "VIRL simulation started on ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ ssh_do ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}\
+ cat /scratch/${VIRL_SID[${index}]}/topology.yaml
+ # Download the topology file from VIRL session and rename it
+ scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} \
+ ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}:/scratch/${VIRL_SID[${index}]}/topology.yaml \
+ topologies/enabled/topology${index}.yaml
+ retval=$?
+ if [ ${retval} -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to copy topology file from VIRL simulation nr. ${index} on VIRL server ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ exit ${retval}
+ fi
+echo ${VIRL_SID[@]}
+virtualenv --system-site-packages env
+. env/bin/activate
+echo pip install
+pip install -r ${SCRIPT_DIR}/requirements.txt
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ pykwalify -s ${SCRIPT_DIR}/resources/topology_schemas/3_node_topology.sch.yaml \
+ -s ${SCRIPT_DIR}/resources/topology_schemas/topology.sch.yaml \
+ -d ${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${index}.yaml \
+ -vvv
+ if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "Topology${index} schema validation failed."
+ echo "However, the tests will start."
+ fi
+function run_test_set() {
+ set +x
+ IFS=","
+ nr=$(echo $1)
+ rm -f ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${nr}.log
+ exec &> >(while read line; do echo "$(date +'%H:%M:%S') $line" \
+ >> ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${nr}.log; done;)
+ suite_str=""
+ for suite in ${TEST_GROUPS[${nr}]}; do
+ suite_str="${suite_str} --suite ${SUITE_PATH}.${suite}"
+ done
+ echo "PYTHONPATH=`pwd` pybot -L TRACE -W 136\
+ -v TOPOLOGY_PATH:${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${nr}.yaml \
+ ${suite_str} \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_single_link_topo \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_double_link_topo \
+ --exclude PERFTEST \
+ --exclude SKIP_PATCH \
+ --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
+ --output ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${nr} \
+ tests/"
+ PYTHONPATH=`pwd` pybot -L TRACE -W 136\
+ -v TOPOLOGY_PATH:${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${nr}.yaml \
+ ${suite_str} \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_single_link_topo \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_double_link_topo \
+ --exclude PERFTEST \
+ --exclude SKIP_PATCH \
+ --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
+ --output ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${nr} \
+ tests/
+ local_run_rc=$?
+ echo ${local_run_rc} > ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${nr}
+ set -x
+set +x
+# Send to background an instance of the run_test_set() function for each number,
+# record the pid.
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ run_test_set ${index} &
+ pid=$!
+ echo "Sent to background: Test_set${index} (pid=$pid)"
+ pids[$pid]=$index
+echo -n "Waiting..."
+# Watch the stable of background processes.
+# If a pid goes away, remove it from the array.
+while [ -n "${pids[*]}" ]; do
+ for i in $(seq 0 9); do
+ sleep 1
+ echo -n "."
+ done
+ for pid in "${!pids[@]}"; do
+ if ! ps "$pid" >/dev/null; then
+ echo -e "\n"
+ echo "Test_set${pids[$pid]} with PID $pid finished."
+ unset pids[$pid]
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -z "${!pids[*]}" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ echo -n -e "\nStill waiting for test set(s): ${pids[*]} ..."
+echo "All test set runs finished."
+set -x
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ echo "Test_set${index} log:"
+ cat ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${index}.log
+ RC_PARTIAL_RUN=$(cat ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${index})
+ rm -f ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${index}
+ rm -f ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${index}.log
+ echo
+# Log the final result
+if [ "${RC}" -eq "0" ]; then
+ set +x
+ echo
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo "Final result of all test loops: | PASS |"
+ echo "All critical tests have passed."
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo
+ set -x
+ if [ "${RC}" -eq "1" ]; then
+ HLP_STR="test has"
+ else
+ HLP_STR="tests have"
+ fi
+ set +x
+ echo
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo "Final result of all test loops: | FAIL |"
+ echo "${RC} critical ${HLP_STR} failed."
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo
+ set -x
+echo Post-processing test data...
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ partial_logs="${partial_logs} ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${index}.xml"
+# Rebot output post-processing
+rebot --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
+ --output output.xml ${partial_logs}
+# Remove unnecessary log files
+rm -f ${partial_logs}
+echo Post-processing finished.
+if [ ${RC} -eq 0 ]; then
diff --git a/bootstrap-ubuntu.sh b/bootstrap-ubuntu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7eeb68113c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap-ubuntu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+set -x
+cat /etc/hostname
+cat /etc/hosts
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+sudo apt-get -y update
+sudo apt-get -y install libpython2.7-dev python-virtualenv
+VIRL_SERVERS=("" "" "")
+SSH_OPTIONS="-i ${VIRL_PKEY} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o BatchMode=yes -o LogLevel=error"
+TEST_GROUPS=("l2bd,dhcp,gre,honeycomb,l2xc,lisp,softwire" "cop,telemetry,ipsec,ipv6,rpf,tap,vrf" "fds,iacl,ipv4,policer,vlan,vxlan")
+SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+# Create tmp dir
+mkdir ${SCRIPT_DIR}/tmp
+# Use tmp dir to store log files
+# Use tmp dir for tarballs
+export TMPDIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/tmp"
+function ssh_do() {
+ echo
+ echo "### " ssh $@
+ ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} $@
+rm -f ${VIRL_PKEY}
+cat > ${VIRL_PKEY} <<EOF
+chmod 600 ${VIRL_PKEY}
+# Pick a random host from the array of VIRL servers for every test set run
+# and attempt to reach it and verify it's status.
+# The server must be reachable and have a "status" file with
+# the content "PRODUCTION" to be selected.
+# If the server is not reachable or does not have the correct
+# status remove it from the array and start again.
+# Abort if there are no more servers left in the array.
+for index in "${!TEST_GROUPS[@]}"; do
+ VIRL_SERVER[${index}]=""
+ while [[ ! "${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}" ]]; do
+ num_hosts=${#VIRL_SERVERS[@]}
+ if [ $num_hosts == 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "No more VIRL candidate hosts available, failing."
+ exit 127
+ fi
+ element=$[ $RANDOM % $num_hosts ]
+ virl_server_candidate=${VIRL_SERVERS[$element]}
+ virl_server_status=$(ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${virl_server_candidate} cat $VIRL_SERVER_STATUS_FILE 2>&1)
+ echo VIRL HOST $virl_server_candidate status is \"$virl_server_status\"
+ if [ "$virl_server_status" == "$VIRL_SERVER_EXPECTED_STATUS" ]
+ then
+ # Candidate is in good status. Select this server.
+ VIRL_SERVER[${index}]="$virl_server_candidate"
+ else
+ # Candidate is in bad status. Remove from array.
+ VIRL_SERVERS=("${VIRL_SERVERS[@]:0:$element}" "${VIRL_SERVERS[@]:$[$element+1]}")
+ fi
+ done
+echo "Selected VIRL servers: ${VIRL_SERVER[@]}"
+# Temporarily download VPP and DPDK packages from nexus.fd.io
+if [ "${#}" -ne "0" ]; then
+ arr=(${@})
+ echo ${arr[0]}
+ # DPDK is not part of the vpp build
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dev/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dev-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dkms/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dkms-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ rm -f *.deb
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dbg/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dbg-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dev/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dev-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dev/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dev-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dkms/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dkms-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-lib/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-lib-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+ wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-plugins/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-plugins-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
+echo ${VPP_DEBS[@]}
+# Prepend directory location at remote host to deb file list
+for index in "${!VPP_DEBS_FULL[@]}"; do
+ VPP_DEBS_FULL[${index}]=${VIRL_DIR_LOC}/${VPP_DEBS_FULL[${index}]}
+echo "Updated file names: " ${VPP_DEBS_FULL[@]}
+cat ${VIRL_PKEY}
+# Copy the files to VIRL hosts
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ # Do not copy files in case they have already been copied to the VIRL host
+ [[ "${DONE[@]}" =~ "${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}" ]] && copy=0 || copy=1
+ if [ "${copy}" -eq "0" ]; then
+ echo "VPP deb files have already been copied to the VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ else
+ scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} *.deb \
+ result=$?
+ if [ "${result}" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to copy VPP deb files to VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ echo ${result}
+ exit ${result}
+ else
+ echo "VPP deb files successfully copied to the VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ fi
+ DONE+=(${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]})
+ fi
+# Start a simulation on VIRL server
+function stop_virl_simulation {
+ for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ "stop-testcase ${VIRL_SID[${index}]}"
+ done
+# Upon script exit, cleanup the simulation execution
+trap stop_virl_simulation EXIT
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ echo "Starting simulation nr. ${index} on VIRL server ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ VIRL_SID[${index}]=$(ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} \
+ ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]} \
+ "start-testcase -c ${VIRL_TOPOLOGY} -r ${VIRL_RELEASE} ${VPP_DEBS_FULL[@]}")
+ retval=$?
+ if [ ${retval} -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "VIRL simulation start failed on ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ exit ${retval}
+ fi
+ if [[ ! "${VIRL_SID[${index}]}" =~ session-[a-zA-Z0-9_]{6} ]]; then
+ echo "No VIRL session ID reported."
+ exit 127
+ fi
+ echo "VIRL simulation started on ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ ssh_do ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}\
+ cat /scratch/${VIRL_SID[${index}]}/topology.yaml
+ # Download the topology file from VIRL session and rename it
+ scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} \
+ ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}:/scratch/${VIRL_SID[${index}]}/topology.yaml \
+ topologies/enabled/topology${index}.yaml
+ retval=$?
+ if [ ${retval} -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to copy topology file from VIRL simulation nr. ${index} on VIRL server ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
+ exit ${retval}
+ fi
+echo ${VIRL_SID[@]}
+virtualenv --system-site-packages env
+. env/bin/activate
+echo pip install
+pip install -r ${SCRIPT_DIR}/requirements.txt
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ pykwalify -s ${SCRIPT_DIR}/resources/topology_schemas/3_node_topology.sch.yaml \
+ -s ${SCRIPT_DIR}/resources/topology_schemas/topology.sch.yaml \
+ -d ${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${index}.yaml \
+ -vvv
+ if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
+ echo "Topology${index} schema validation failed."
+ echo "However, the tests will start."
+ fi
+function run_test_set() {
+ set +x
+ IFS=","
+ nr=$(echo $1)
+ rm -f ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${nr}.log
+ exec &> >(while read line; do echo "$(date +'%H:%M:%S') $line" \
+ >> ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${nr}.log; done;)
+ suite_str=""
+ for suite in ${TEST_GROUPS[${nr}]}; do
+ suite_str="${suite_str} --suite ${SUITE_PATH}.${suite}"
+ done
+ echo "PYTHONPATH=`pwd` pybot -L TRACE -W 136\
+ -v TOPOLOGY_PATH:${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${nr}.yaml \
+ ${suite_str} \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_single_link_topo \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_double_link_topo \
+ --exclude PERFTEST \
+ --exclude SKIP_PATCH \
+ --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
+ --output ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${nr} \
+ tests/"
+ PYTHONPATH=`pwd` pybot -L TRACE -W 136\
+ -v TOPOLOGY_PATH:${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${nr}.yaml \
+ ${suite_str} \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_single_link_topo \
+ --include vm_envAND3_node_double_link_topo \
+ --exclude PERFTEST \
+ --exclude SKIP_PATCH \
+ --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
+ --output ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${nr} \
+ tests/
+ local_run_rc=$?
+ echo ${local_run_rc} > ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${nr}
+ set -x
+set +x
+# Send to background an instance of the run_test_set() function for each number,
+# record the pid.
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ run_test_set ${index} &
+ pid=$!
+ echo "Sent to background: Test_set${index} (pid=$pid)"
+ pids[$pid]=$index
+echo -n "Waiting..."
+# Watch the stable of background processes.
+# If a pid goes away, remove it from the array.
+while [ -n "${pids[*]}" ]; do
+ for i in $(seq 0 9); do
+ sleep 1
+ echo -n "."
+ done
+ for pid in "${!pids[@]}"; do
+ if ! ps "$pid" >/dev/null; then
+ echo -e "\n"
+ echo "Test_set${pids[$pid]} with PID $pid finished."
+ unset pids[$pid]
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -z "${!pids[*]}" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ echo -n -e "\nStill waiting for test set(s): ${pids[*]} ..."
+echo "All test set runs finished."
+set -x
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ echo "Test_set${index} log:"
+ cat ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${index}.log
+ RC_PARTIAL_RUN=$(cat ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${index})
+ rm -f ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${index}
+ rm -f ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${index}.log
+ echo
+# Log the final result
+if [ "${RC}" -eq "0" ]; then
+ set +x
+ echo
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo "Final result of all test loops: | PASS |"
+ echo "All critical tests have passed."
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo
+ set -x
+ if [ "${RC}" -eq "1" ]; then
+ HLP_STR="test has"
+ else
+ HLP_STR="tests have"
+ fi
+ set +x
+ echo
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo "Final result of all test loops: | FAIL |"
+ echo "${RC} critical ${HLP_STR} failed."
+ echo "========================================================================================================================================"
+ echo
+ set -x
+echo Post-processing test data...
+for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
+ partial_logs="${partial_logs} ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${index}.xml"
+# Rebot output post-processing
+rebot --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
+ --output output.xml ${partial_logs}
+# Remove unnecessary log files
+rm -f ${partial_logs}
+echo Post-processing finished.
+if [ ${RC} -eq 0 ]; then
diff --git a/bootstrap.sh b/bootstrap.sh
index 7eeb68113c..a3d18e5637 100755
--- a/bootstrap.sh
+++ b/bootstrap.sh
@@ -17,373 +17,10 @@ set -x
cat /etc/hostname
cat /etc/hosts
-export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
-sudo apt-get -y update
-sudo apt-get -y install libpython2.7-dev python-virtualenv
-VIRL_SERVERS=("" "" "")
-SSH_OPTIONS="-i ${VIRL_PKEY} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o BatchMode=yes -o LogLevel=error"
-TEST_GROUPS=("l2bd,dhcp,gre,honeycomb,l2xc,lisp,softwire" "cop,telemetry,ipsec,ipv6,rpf,tap,vrf" "fds,iacl,ipv4,policer,vlan,vxlan")
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
-# Create tmp dir
-mkdir ${SCRIPT_DIR}/tmp
-# Use tmp dir to store log files
-# Use tmp dir for tarballs
-export TMPDIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/tmp"
-function ssh_do() {
- echo
- echo "### " ssh $@
- ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} $@
-rm -f ${VIRL_PKEY}
-cat > ${VIRL_PKEY} <<EOF
-chmod 600 ${VIRL_PKEY}
-# Pick a random host from the array of VIRL servers for every test set run
-# and attempt to reach it and verify it's status.
-# The server must be reachable and have a "status" file with
-# the content "PRODUCTION" to be selected.
-# If the server is not reachable or does not have the correct
-# status remove it from the array and start again.
-# Abort if there are no more servers left in the array.
-for index in "${!TEST_GROUPS[@]}"; do
- VIRL_SERVER[${index}]=""
- while [[ ! "${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}" ]]; do
- num_hosts=${#VIRL_SERVERS[@]}
- if [ $num_hosts == 0 ]
- then
- echo "No more VIRL candidate hosts available, failing."
- exit 127
- fi
- element=$[ $RANDOM % $num_hosts ]
- virl_server_candidate=${VIRL_SERVERS[$element]}
- virl_server_status=$(ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${virl_server_candidate} cat $VIRL_SERVER_STATUS_FILE 2>&1)
- echo VIRL HOST $virl_server_candidate status is \"$virl_server_status\"
- if [ "$virl_server_status" == "$VIRL_SERVER_EXPECTED_STATUS" ]
- then
- # Candidate is in good status. Select this server.
- VIRL_SERVER[${index}]="$virl_server_candidate"
- else
- # Candidate is in bad status. Remove from array.
- VIRL_SERVERS=("${VIRL_SERVERS[@]:0:$element}" "${VIRL_SERVERS[@]:$[$element+1]}")
- fi
- done
-echo "Selected VIRL servers: ${VIRL_SERVER[@]}"
-# Temporarily download VPP and DPDK packages from nexus.fd.io
-if [ "${#}" -ne "0" ]; then
- arr=(${@})
- echo ${arr[0]}
- # DPDK is not part of the vpp build
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dev/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dev-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dkms/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dkms-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- rm -f *.deb
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dbg/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dbg-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dev/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dev-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dev/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dev-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-dpdk-dkms/${DPDK_STABLE_VER}/vpp-dpdk-dkms-${DPDK_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-lib/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-lib-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
- wget -q "${VPP_REPO_URL}/vpp-plugins/${VPP_STABLE_VER}/vpp-plugins-${VPP_STABLE_VER}${VPP_CLASSIFIER}.deb" || exit
-echo ${VPP_DEBS[@]}
-# Prepend directory location at remote host to deb file list
-for index in "${!VPP_DEBS_FULL[@]}"; do
- VPP_DEBS_FULL[${index}]=${VIRL_DIR_LOC}/${VPP_DEBS_FULL[${index}]}
-echo "Updated file names: " ${VPP_DEBS_FULL[@]}
-cat ${VIRL_PKEY}
-# Copy the files to VIRL hosts
-for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
- # Do not copy files in case they have already been copied to the VIRL host
- [[ "${DONE[@]}" =~ "${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}" ]] && copy=0 || copy=1
- if [ "${copy}" -eq "0" ]; then
- echo "VPP deb files have already been copied to the VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
- else
- scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} *.deb \
- result=$?
- if [ "${result}" -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Failed to copy VPP deb files to VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
- echo ${result}
- exit ${result}
- else
- echo "VPP deb files successfully copied to the VIRL host ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
- fi
- DONE+=(${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]})
- fi
-# Start a simulation on VIRL server
-function stop_virl_simulation {
- for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
- "stop-testcase ${VIRL_SID[${index}]}"
- done
-# Upon script exit, cleanup the simulation execution
-trap stop_virl_simulation EXIT
-for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
- echo "Starting simulation nr. ${index} on VIRL server ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
- VIRL_SID[${index}]=$(ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} \
- ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]} \
- "start-testcase -c ${VIRL_TOPOLOGY} -r ${VIRL_RELEASE} ${VPP_DEBS_FULL[@]}")
- retval=$?
- if [ ${retval} -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "VIRL simulation start failed on ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
- exit ${retval}
- fi
- if [[ ! "${VIRL_SID[${index}]}" =~ session-[a-zA-Z0-9_]{6} ]]; then
- echo "No VIRL session ID reported."
- exit 127
- fi
- echo "VIRL simulation started on ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
- ssh_do ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}\
- cat /scratch/${VIRL_SID[${index}]}/topology.yaml
- # Download the topology file from VIRL session and rename it
- scp ${SSH_OPTIONS} \
- ${VIRL_USERNAME}@${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}:/scratch/${VIRL_SID[${index}]}/topology.yaml \
- topologies/enabled/topology${index}.yaml
- retval=$?
- if [ ${retval} -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Failed to copy topology file from VIRL simulation nr. ${index} on VIRL server ${VIRL_SERVER[${index}]}"
- exit ${retval}
- fi
-echo ${VIRL_SID[@]}
-virtualenv --system-site-packages env
-. env/bin/activate
-echo pip install
-pip install -r ${SCRIPT_DIR}/requirements.txt
-for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
- pykwalify -s ${SCRIPT_DIR}/resources/topology_schemas/3_node_topology.sch.yaml \
- -s ${SCRIPT_DIR}/resources/topology_schemas/topology.sch.yaml \
- -d ${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${index}.yaml \
- -vvv
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Topology${index} schema validation failed."
- echo "However, the tests will start."
- fi
-function run_test_set() {
- set +x
- IFS=","
- nr=$(echo $1)
- rm -f ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${nr}.log
- exec &> >(while read line; do echo "$(date +'%H:%M:%S') $line" \
- >> ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${nr}.log; done;)
- suite_str=""
- for suite in ${TEST_GROUPS[${nr}]}; do
- suite_str="${suite_str} --suite ${SUITE_PATH}.${suite}"
- done
- echo "PYTHONPATH=`pwd` pybot -L TRACE -W 136\
- -v TOPOLOGY_PATH:${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${nr}.yaml \
- ${suite_str} \
- --include vm_envAND3_node_single_link_topo \
- --include vm_envAND3_node_double_link_topo \
- --exclude PERFTEST \
- --exclude SKIP_PATCH \
- --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
- --output ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${nr} \
- tests/"
- PYTHONPATH=`pwd` pybot -L TRACE -W 136\
- -v TOPOLOGY_PATH:${SCRIPT_DIR}/topologies/enabled/topology${nr}.yaml \
- ${suite_str} \
- --include vm_envAND3_node_single_link_topo \
- --include vm_envAND3_node_double_link_topo \
- --exclude PERFTEST \
- --exclude SKIP_PATCH \
- --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
- --output ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${nr} \
- tests/
- local_run_rc=$?
- echo ${local_run_rc} > ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${nr}
- set -x
-set +x
-# Send to background an instance of the run_test_set() function for each number,
-# record the pid.
-for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
- run_test_set ${index} &
- pid=$!
- echo "Sent to background: Test_set${index} (pid=$pid)"
- pids[$pid]=$index
-echo -n "Waiting..."
-# Watch the stable of background processes.
-# If a pid goes away, remove it from the array.
-while [ -n "${pids[*]}" ]; do
- for i in $(seq 0 9); do
- sleep 1
- echo -n "."
- done
- for pid in "${!pids[@]}"; do
- if ! ps "$pid" >/dev/null; then
- echo -e "\n"
- echo "Test_set${pids[$pid]} with PID $pid finished."
- unset pids[$pid]
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "${!pids[*]}" ]; then
- break
- fi
- echo -n -e "\nStill waiting for test set(s): ${pids[*]} ..."
-echo "All test set runs finished."
-set -x
-for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
- echo "Test_set${index} log:"
- cat ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${index}.log
- RC_PARTIAL_RUN=$(cat ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${index})
- rm -f ${SHARED_MEMORY_PATH}/rc_test_run${index}
- rm -f ${LOG_PATH}/test_run${index}.log
- echo
-# Log the final result
-if [ "${RC}" -eq "0" ]; then
- set +x
- echo
- echo "========================================================================================================================================"
- echo "Final result of all test loops: | PASS |"
- echo "All critical tests have passed."
- echo "========================================================================================================================================"
- echo
- set -x
+if [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then
+ ${SCRIPT_DIR}/bootstrap-centos.sh
- if [ "${RC}" -eq "1" ]; then
- HLP_STR="test has"
- else
- HLP_STR="tests have"
- fi
- set +x
- echo
- echo "========================================================================================================================================"
- echo "Final result of all test loops: | FAIL |"
- echo "${RC} critical ${HLP_STR} failed."
- echo "========================================================================================================================================"
- echo
- set -x
+ ${SCRIPT_DIR}/bootstrap-ubuntu.sh
-echo Post-processing test data...
-for index in "${!VIRL_SERVER[@]}"; do
- partial_logs="${partial_logs} ${LOG_PATH}/log_test_set_run${index}.xml"
-# Rebot output post-processing
-rebot --noncritical EXPECTED_FAILING \
- --output output.xml ${partial_logs}
-# Remove unnecessary log files
-rm -f ${partial_logs}
-echo Post-processing finished.
-if [ ${RC} -eq 0 ]; then
diff --git a/resources/tools/download_install_vpp_rpms.sh b/resources/tools/download_install_vpp_rpms.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29e09216db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/download_install_vpp_rpms.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+set -ex
+if [ -e "$VPP_REPO_URL_PATH" ]; then
+ REPO=$(echo ${VPP_REPO_URL#https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/})
+ REPO=$(echo ${REPO%/fd.io.centos7})
+ REPO='https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.centos7'
+ARTIFACTS="vpp vpp-lib vpp-debuginfo vpp-devel vpp-python-api vpp-plugins"
+yum-config-manager --add-repo $REPO
+if [ "$1" != "--skip-install" ]; then
+ echo Installing VPP
+ sudo yum install -y $ARTIFACTS
+ echo VPP Installation skipped
diff --git a/resources/tools/virl/topologies/double-ring-nested.centos7.virl b/resources/tools/virl/topologies/double-ring-nested.centos7.virl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a88e8377b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/virl/topologies/double-ring-nested.centos7.virl
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+<topology xmlns="http://www.cisco.com/VIRL" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" schemaVersion="0.9" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.cisco.com/VIRL https://raw.github.com/CiscoVIRL/schema/v0.9/virl.xsd">
+ <extensions>
+ <entry key="management_network" type="String">flat</entry>
+ </extensions>
+ <node name="tg1" type="SIMPLE" subtype="server" location="570,238" vmImage="$$VM_IMAGE$$">
+ <extensions>
+ <entry key="config" type="String">#cloud-config
+- ln -s -t /etc/rc.d /etc/rc.local
+hostname: tg1
+manage_etc_hosts: true
+nfs_server_scratch: $$NFS_SERVER_SCRATCH$$
+nfs_server_common: $$NFS_SERVER_COMMON$$
+- systemctl enable serial-getty-digi@ttyS0.service
+- systemctl start serial-getty-digi@ttyS0.service
+- systemctl start rc-local
+- touch /tmp/before-sed
+- sed -i 's/^\s*PasswordAuthentication\s\+no/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+- echo "UseDNS no" &gt;&gt; /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+- service ssh restart
+- service sshd restart
+- default
+- gecos: User configured by VIRL Configuration Engine 0.21.4
+ lock-passwd: false
+ name: cisco
+ plain-text-passwd: cisco
+ shell: /bin/bash
+ ssh-authorized-keys:
+- path: /usr/local/sbin/cloud-instance-name
+ content: |
+ #!/usr/bin/python3.5
+ import pickle
+ print(pickle.loads(open('/var/lib/cloud/instance/obj.pkl', 'rb').read(), encoding="ACSII").metadata['name'])
+ owner: root:root
+ permissions: '0755'
+- path: /etc/rc.local
+ owner: root:root
+ permissions: '0755'
+ content: |-
+ #!/bin/sh
+ grep -q nfs_server_scratch /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt || exit 1
+ grep -q nfs_server_common /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt || exit 1
+ nfs_server_scratch=$(grep -E '^nfs_server_scratch:' /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ nfs_server_common=$(grep -E '^nfs_server_common:' /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ instance_name=$(/usr/local/sbin/cloud-instance-name | cut -f 3 -d '&lt;' | cut -f 1 -d '&gt;')
+ echo My instance name is $instance_name
+ mkdir -p /scratch
+ mkdir -p /mnt/common
+ echo "Mounting NFS directories"
+ count=0
+ while [ $count -lt $MAXCOUNT ] &amp;&amp; ! mount -t nfs "${nfs_server_scratch}/${instance_name}" /scratch
+ do
+ sleep 5
+ count=$[$count+1]
+ done
+ mount -t nfs "${nfs_server_common}" /mnt/common
+ mkdir /scratch/$(hostname)
+ cp /VERSION /scratch/$(hostname)/
+ exit 0
+ <entry key="Auto-generate config" type="Boolean">false</entry>
+ </extensions>
+ <interface id="0" name="eth1"/>
+ <interface id="1" name="eth2"/>
+ <interface id="2" name="eth3"/>
+ <interface id="3" name="eth4"/>
+ <interface id="4" name="eth5"/>
+ <interface id="5" name="eth6"/>
+ </node>
+ <node name="sut1" type="SIMPLE" subtype="vPP" location="425,26" vmImage="$$VM_IMAGE$$">
+ <extensions>
+ <entry key="config" type="string">#cloud-config
+- ln -s -t /etc/rc.d /etc/rc.local
+hostname: sut1
+manage_etc_hosts: true
+nfs_server_scratch: $$NFS_SERVER_SCRATCH$$
+nfs_server_common: $$NFS_SERVER_COMMON$$
+- systemctl enable serial-getty-digi@ttyS0.service
+- systemctl start serial-getty-digi@ttyS0.service
+- systemctl start rc-local
+- sed -i '/^\s*PasswordAuthentication\s\+no/d' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+- echo "UseDNS no" &gt;&gt; /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+- service ssh restart
+- service sshd restart
+- sed -i 's/no-pci//' /opt/cisco/vpe/etc/qn.conf
+- sed -i 's/1024/1024 decimal-interface-names/g' /opt/cisco/vpe/etc/qn.conf
+- ln -s /dev/null /etc/sysctl.d/80-vpp.conf
+- default
+- gecos: User configured by VIRL Configuration Engine 0.21.4
+ lock-passwd: false
+ name: cisco
+ plain-text-passwd: cisco
+ shell: /bin/bash
+ ssh-authorized-keys:
+- path: /usr/local/sbin/cloud-instance-name
+ content: |
+ #!/usr/bin/python3.5
+ import pickle
+ print(pickle.loads(open('/var/lib/cloud/instance/obj.pkl', 'rb').read(), encoding="ACSII").metadata['name'])
+ owner: root:root
+ permissions: '0755'
+- path: /etc/rc.local
+ owner: root:root
+ permissions: '0755'
+ content: |-
+ #!/bin/sh
+ grep -q nfs_server_scratch /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt || exit 1
+ grep -q nfs_server_common /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt || exit 1
+ nfs_server_scratch=$(grep -E '^nfs_server_scratch:' /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ nfs_server_common=$(grep -E '^nfs_server_common:' /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ instance_name=$(/usr/local/sbin/cloud-instance-name | cut -f 3 -d '&lt;' | cut -f 1 -d '&gt;')
+ echo My instance name is $instance_name
+ mkdir -p /scratch
+ mkdir -p /mnt/common
+ echo "Mounting NFS directories"
+ count=0
+ while [ $count -lt $MAXCOUNT ] &amp;&amp; ! mount -t nfs "${nfs_server_scratch}/${instance_name}" /scratch
+ do
+ sleep 5
+ count=$[$count+1]
+ done
+ mount -t nfs "${nfs_server_common}" /mnt/common
+ # Overwrite nested VM image with latest as per NFS
+ if [ -f /mnt/common/nested-vm-current.img ]
+ then
+ rm -f /var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img
+ cp /mnt/common/nested-vm-current.img /var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img
+ fi
+ mkdir /scratch/$(hostname)
+ cp /VERSION /scratch/$(hostname)/
+ cat /var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img | strings | grep NESTED_VERSION= > /scratch/$(hostname)/NESTED_VERSION
+ exit 0
+- path: /etc/sysctl.d/90-csit.conf
+ owner: root:root
+ content: |
+ # Number of 2MB hugepages desired
+ vm.nr_hugepages=1024
+ # Must be greater than or equal to (2 * vm.nr_hugepages).
+ vm.max_map_count=20000
+ # All groups allowed to access hugepages
+ vm.hugetlb_shm_group=0
+ # Shared Memory Max must be greator or equal to the total size of hugepages.
+ # For 2MB pages, TotalHugepageSize = vm.nr_hugepages * 2 * 1024 * 1024
+ # If the existing kernel.shmmax setting (cat /sys/proc/kernel/shmmax)
+ # is greater than the calculated TotalHugepageSize then set this parameter
+ # to current shmmax value.
+ kernel.shmmax=2147483648
+ </extensions>
+ <interface id="0" name="GigabitEthernet0/4/0"/>
+ <interface id="1" name="GigabitEthernet0/5/0"/>
+ <interface id="2" name="GigabitEthernet0/6/0"/>
+ <interface id="3" name="GigabitEthernet0/7/0"/>
+ </node>
+ <node name="sut2" type="SIMPLE" subtype="vPP" location="748,26" vmImage="$$VM_IMAGE$$">
+ <extensions>
+ <entry key="config" type="string">#cloud-config
+- ln -s -t /etc/rc.d /etc/rc.local
+hostname: sut2
+manage_etc_hosts: true
+nfs_server_scratch: $$NFS_SERVER_SCRATCH$$
+nfs_server_common: $$NFS_SERVER_COMMON$$
+- systemctl enable serial-getty-digi@ttyS0.service
+- systemctl start serial-getty-digi@ttyS0.service
+- systemctl start rc-local
+- sed -i '/^\s*PasswordAuthentication\s\+no/d' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+- echo "UseDNS no" &gt;&gt; /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+- service ssh restart
+- service sshd restart
+- sed -i 's/no-pci//' /opt/cisco/vpe/etc/qn.conf
+- sed -i 's/1024/1024 decimal-interface-names/g' /opt/cisco/vpe/etc/qn.conf
+- ln -s /dev/null /etc/sysctl.d/80-vpp.conf
+- default
+- gecos: User configured by VIRL Configuration Engine 0.21.4
+ lock-passwd: false
+ name: cisco
+ plain-text-passwd: cisco
+ shell: /bin/bash
+ ssh-authorized-keys:
+- path: /usr/local/sbin/cloud-instance-name
+ content: |
+ #!/usr/bin/python3.5
+ import pickle
+ print(pickle.loads(open('/var/lib/cloud/instance/obj.pkl', 'rb').read(), encoding="ACSII").metadata['name'])
+ owner: root:root
+ permissions: '0755'
+- path: /etc/rc.local
+ owner: root:root
+ permissions: '0755'
+ content: |-
+ #!/bin/sh
+ grep -q nfs_server_scratch /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt || exit 1
+ grep -q nfs_server_common /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt || exit 1
+ nfs_server_scratch=$(grep -E '^nfs_server_scratch:' /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ nfs_server_common=$(grep -E '^nfs_server_common:' /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ instance_name=$(/usr/local/sbin/cloud-instance-name | cut -f 3 -d '&lt;' | cut -f 1 -d '&gt;')
+ echo My instance name is $instance_name
+ mkdir -p /scratch
+ mkdir -p /mnt/common
+ echo "Mounting NFS directories"
+ count=0
+ while [ $count -lt $MAXCOUNT ] &amp;&amp; ! mount -t nfs "${nfs_server_scratch}/${instance_name}" /scratch
+ do
+ sleep 5
+ count=$[$count+1]
+ done
+ mount -t nfs "${nfs_server_common}" /mnt/common
+ # Overwrite nested VM image with latest as per NFS
+ if [ -f /mnt/common/nested-vm-current.img ]
+ then
+ rm -f /var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img
+ cp /mnt/common/nested-vm-current.img /var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img
+ fi
+ mkdir /scratch/$(hostname)
+ cp /VERSION /scratch/$(hostname)/
+ cat /var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img | strings | grep NESTED_VERSION= > /scratch/$(hostname)/NESTED_VERSION
+ exit 0
+- path: /etc/sysctl.d/90-csit.conf
+ owner: root:root
+ content: |
+ # Number of 2MB hugepages desired
+ vm.nr_hugepages=1024
+ # Must be greater than or equal to (2 * vm.nr_hugepages).
+ vm.max_map_count=20000
+ # All groups allowed to access hugepages
+ vm.hugetlb_shm_group=0
+ # Shared Memory Max must be greator or equal to the total size of hugepages.
+ # For 2MB pages, TotalHugepageSize = vm.nr_hugepages * 2 * 1024 * 1024
+ # If the existing kernel.shmmax setting (cat /sys/proc/kernel/shmmax)
+ # is greater than the calculated TotalHugepageSize then set this parameter
+ # to current shmmax value.
+ kernel.shmmax=2147483648
+ </extensions>
+ <interface id="0" name="GigabitEthernet0/4/0"/>
+ <interface id="1" name="GigabitEthernet0/5/0"/>
+ <interface id="2" name="GigabitEthernet0/6/0"/>
+ <interface id="3" name="GigabitEthernet0/7/0"/>
+ </node>
+ <connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[1]/virl:interface[3]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[1]"/>
+ <connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[1]/virl:interface[4]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[2]"/>
+ <connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[3]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[3]/virl:interface[3]"/>
+ <connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[4]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[3]/virl:interface[4]"/>
+ <connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[1]/virl:interface[5]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[3]/virl:interface[1]"/>
+ <connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[1]/virl:interface[6]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[3]/virl:interface[2]"/>
diff --git a/resources/tools/virl/topologies/double-ring-nested.centos7.yaml b/resources/tools/virl/topologies/double-ring-nested.centos7.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00b297c7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/virl/topologies/double-ring-nested.centos7.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ version: 0.1
+ schema:
+ - resources/topology_schemas/3_node_topology.sch.yaml
+ - resources/topology_schemas/topology.sch.yaml
+ tags: [hw, 3-node]
+ TG:
+ type: TG
+ host: "{topology[tg1][nic-management][ip-addr]}"
+ port: 22
+ username: cisco
+ priv_key: |
+ interfaces:
+ port3:
+ mac_address: "{topology[tg1][nic-2][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:06.0"
+ link: link1
+ driver: virtio-pci
+ port4:
+ mac_address: "{topology[tg1][nic-3][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:07.0"
+ link: link4
+ driver: virtio-pci
+ port5:
+ mac_address: "{topology[tg1][nic-4][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:08.0"
+ link: link2
+ driver: virtio-pci
+ port6:
+ mac_address: "{topology[tg1][nic-5][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:09.0"
+ link: link5
+ driver: virtio-pci
+ DUT1:
+ type: DUT
+ host: "{topology[sut1][nic-management][ip-addr]}"
+ port: 22
+ username: cisco
+ honeycomb:
+ user: admin
+ passwd: admin
+ port: 8183
+ netconf_port: 2831
+ priv_key: |
+ interfaces:
+ port1:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut1][nic-0][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:04.0"
+ link: link1
+ port2:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut1][nic-1][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:05.0"
+ link: link4
+ port3:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut1][nic-2][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:06.0"
+ link: link3
+ port4:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut1][nic-3][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:07.0"
+ link: link6
+ DUT2:
+ type: DUT
+ host: "{topology[sut2][nic-management][ip-addr]}"
+ port: 22
+ username: cisco
+ honeycomb:
+ user: admin
+ passwd: admin
+ port: 8183
+ netconf_port: 2831
+ priv_key: |
+ interfaces:
+ port1:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut2][nic-0][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:04.0"
+ link: link2
+ port2:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut2][nic-1][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:05.0"
+ link: link5
+ port3:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut2][nic-2][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:06.0"
+ link: link3
+ port4:
+ mac_address: "{topology[sut2][nic-3][hw-addr]}"
+ pci_address: "0000:00:07.0"
+ link: link6