diff options
70 files changed, 29103 insertions, 2615 deletions
diff --git a/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_design.rst b/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_design.rst
index 3e6ae66a31..b0c5d4acce 100644
--- a/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_design.rst
+++ b/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_design.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
.. _csit-design:
-CSIT Design
FD.io CSIT system design needs to meet continuously expanding
requirements of FD.io projects including VPP, related sub-systems (e.g.
diff --git a/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_tag_description.rst b/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_tag_description.rst
index af6e659457..1152ee3c62 100644
--- a/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_tag_description.rst
+++ b/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_tag_description.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-CSIT TAGs Descriptions
+CSIT RF Tags Descriptions
All CSIT test cases are labelled with Robot Framework tags used to allow for
easy test case type identification, test case grouping and selection for
diff --git a/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_test_naming.rst b/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_test_naming.rst
index 253d6992f7..9bb18a8f8b 100644
--- a/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_test_naming.rst
+++ b/docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_test_naming.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
.. _csit_test_naming:
-CSIT Test Naming
+Test Naming
diff --git a/docs/report/detailed_test_results/cot_performance_results/index.rst b/docs/report/detailed_test_results/cot_performance_results/index.rst
index d4e0b53970..a37070e164 100644
--- a/docs/report/detailed_test_results/cot_performance_results/index.rst
+++ b/docs/report/detailed_test_results/cot_performance_results/index.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Container Orchestrated Performance Results
+VPP K8s Container Memif
.. note::
diff --git a/docs/report/detailed_test_results/dpdk_performance_results/index.rst b/docs/report/detailed_test_results/dpdk_performance_results/index.rst
index e6466d2e60..2c3297ef93 100644
--- a/docs/report/detailed_test_results/dpdk_performance_results/index.rst
+++ b/docs/report/detailed_test_results/dpdk_performance_results/index.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@media only all and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .highlight .hll { background-color: #49483e } .highlight .c { color: #75715e } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #960050; background-color: #1e0010 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword */ .highlight .l { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal */ .highlight .n { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name */ .highlight .o { color: #f92672 } /* Operator */ .highlight .p { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Punctuation */ .highlight .ch { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #75715e } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #f92672 } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gi { color: #a6e22e } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #75715e } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .kc { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #f92672 } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .ld { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.Date */ .highlight .m { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #66d9ef } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ni { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Entity */ .highlight .ne { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .nx { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Other */ .highlight .py { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #f92672 } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #f92672 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ } @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ }
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include <vlib/vlib.h>
#include <vnet/vnet.h>
#include <vnet/pg/pg.h>
#include <vppinfra/error.h>

#include <vnet/ip/ip.h>

#include <vppinfra/hash.h>
#include <vppinfra/error.h>
#include <vppinfra/elog.h>

#include <vnet/ip/ip6_hop_by_hop.h>
#include <vnet/fib/ip6_fib.h>
#include <vnet/classify/vnet_classify.h>

 * @file
 * @brief In-band OAM (iOAM).
 * In-band OAM (iOAM) is an implementation study to record operational
 * information in the packet while the packet traverses a path between
 * two points in the network.
 * VPP can function as in-band OAM encapsulating, transit and
 * decapsulating node. In this version of VPP in-band OAM data is
 * transported as options in an IPv6 hop-by-hop extension header. Hence
 * in-band OAM can be enabled for IPv6 traffic.

ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

#define foreach_ip6_hbyh_ioam_input_next	\
  _(IP6_REWRITE, "ip6-rewrite")			\
  _(IP6_LOOKUP, "ip6-lookup")			\
  _(DROP, "ip6-drop")

typedef enum
#define _(s,n) IP6_HBYH_IOAM_INPUT_NEXT_##s,
#undef _
} ip6_hbyh_ioam_input_next_t;

static uword
unformat_opaque_ioam (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args)
  u64 *opaquep = va_arg (*args, u64 *);
  u8 *flow_name = NULL;
  uword ret = 0;

  if (unformat (input, "ioam-encap %s", &flow_name))
      *opaquep = ioam_flow_add (1, flow_name);
      ret = 1;
  else if (unformat (input, "ioam-decap %s", &flow_name))
      *opaquep = ioam_flow_add (0, flow_name);
      ret = 1;

  vec_free (flow_name);
  return ret;

u8 *
get_flow_name_from_flow_ctx (u32 flow_ctx)
  flow_data_t *flow = NULL;
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  u32 index;

  index = IOAM_MASK_DECAP_BIT (flow_ctx);

  if (pool_is_free_index (hm->flows, index))
    return NULL;

  flow = pool_elt_at_index (hm->flows, index);
  return (flow->flow_name);

/* The main h-b-h tracer will be invoked, no need to do much here */
ip6_hbh_add_register_option (u8 option,
			     u8 size,
			     int rewrite_options (u8 * rewrite_string,
						  u8 * rewrite_size))
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->add_options));

  /* Already registered */
  if (hm->add_options[option])
    return (-1);

  hm->add_options[option] = rewrite_options;
  hm->options_size[option] = size;

  return (0);

ip6_hbh_add_unregister_option (u8 option)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->add_options));

  /* Not registered */
  if (!hm->add_options[option])
    return (-1);

  hm->add_options[option] = NULL;
  hm->options_size[option] = 0;
  return (0);

/* Config handler registration */
ip6_hbh_config_handler_register (u8 option,
				 int config_handler (void *data, u8 disable))
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->config_handler));

  /* Already registered  */
  if (hm->config_handler[option])

  hm->config_handler[option] = config_handler;

  return (0);

ip6_hbh_config_handler_unregister (u8 option)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->config_handler));

  /* Not registered */
  if (!hm->config_handler[option])

  hm->config_handler[option] = NULL;
  return (0);

/* Flow handler registration */
ip6_hbh_flow_handler_register (u8 option,
			       u32 ioam_flow_handler (u32 flow_ctx, u8 add))
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->flow_handler));

  /* Already registered */
  if (hm->flow_handler[option])

  hm->flow_handler[option] = ioam_flow_handler;

  return (0);

ip6_hbh_flow_handler_unregister (u8 option)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->flow_handler));

  /* Not registered */
  if (!hm->flow_handler[option])

  hm->flow_handler[option] = NULL;
  return (0);

typedef struct
  u32 next_index;
} ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace_t;

/* packet trace format function */
static u8 *
format_ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args)
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *);
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *);
  ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t = va_arg (*args,
					  ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace_t *);

  s = format (s, "IP6_ADD_HOP_BY_HOP: next index %d", t->next_index);
  return s;

extern vlib_node_registration_t ip6_add_hop_by_hop_node;

#define foreach_ip6_add_hop_by_hop_error \
_(PROCESSED, "Pkts w/ added ip6 hop-by-hop options")

typedef enum
#define _(sym,str) IP6_ADD_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_##sym,
#undef _
} ip6_add_hop_by_hop_error_t;

static char *ip6_add_hop_by_hop_error_strings[] = {
#define _(sym,string) string,
#undef _

VLIB_NODE_FN (ip6_add_hop_by_hop_node) (vlib_main_t * vm,
					vlib_node_runtime_t * node,
					vlib_frame_t * frame)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  u32 n_left_from, *from, *to_next;
  ip_lookup_next_t next_index;
  u32 processed = 0;
  u8 *rewrite = hm->rewrite;
  u32 rewrite_length = vec_len (rewrite);

  from = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame);
  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;
  next_index = node->cached_next_index;

  while (n_left_from > 0)
      u32 n_left_to_next;

      vlib_get_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, to_next, n_left_to_next);
      while (n_left_from >= 4 && n_left_to_next >= 2)
	  u32 bi0, bi1;
	  vlib_buffer_t *b0, *b1;
	  u32 next0, next1;
	  ip6_header_t *ip0, *ip1;
	  ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *hbh0, *hbh1;
	  u64 *copy_src0, *copy_dst0, *copy_src1, *copy_dst1;
	  u16 new_l0, new_l1;

	  /* Prefetch next iteration. */
	    vlib_buffer_t *p2, *p3;

	    p2 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, from[2]);
	    p3 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, from[3]);

	    vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (p2, LOAD);
	    vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (p3, LOAD);

	    CLIB_PREFETCH (p2->data - rewrite_length,
	    CLIB_PREFETCH (p3->data - rewrite_length,

	  /* speculatively enqueue b0 and b1 to the current next frame */
	  to_next[0] = bi0 = from[0];
	  to_next[1] = bi1 = from[1];
	  from += 2;
	  to_next += 2;
	  n_left_from -= 2;
	  n_left_to_next -= 2;

	  b0 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi0);
	  b1 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi1);

	  /* $$$$$ Dual loop: process 2 x packets here $$$$$ */
	  ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b0);
	  ip1 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b1);

	  /* Copy the ip header left by the required amount */
	  copy_dst0 = (u64 *) (((u8 *) ip0) - rewrite_length);
	  copy_dst1 = (u64 *) (((u8 *) ip1) - rewrite_length);
	  copy_src0 = (u64 *) ip0;
	  copy_src1 = (u64 *) ip1;

	  copy_dst0[0] = copy_src0[0];
	  copy_dst0[1] = copy_src0[1];
	  copy_dst0[2] = copy_src0[2];
	  copy_dst0[3] = copy_src0[3];
	  copy_dst0[4] = copy_src0[4];

	  copy_dst1[0] = copy_src1[0];
	  copy_dst1[1] = copy_src1[1];
	  copy_dst1[2] = copy_src1[2];
	  copy_dst1[3] = copy_src1[3];
	  copy_dst1[4] = copy_src1[4];

	  vlib_buffer_advance (b0, -(word) rewrite_length);
	  vlib_buffer_advance (b1, -(word) rewrite_length);
	  ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b0);
	  ip1 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b1);

	  hbh0 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *) (ip0 + 1);
	  hbh1 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *) (ip1 + 1);
	  /* $$$ tune, rewrite_length is a multiple of 8 */
	  clib_memcpy_fast (hbh0, rewrite, rewrite_length);
	  clib_memcpy_fast (hbh1, rewrite, rewrite_length);
	  /* Patch the protocol chain, insert the h-b-h (type 0) header */
	  hbh0->protocol = ip0->protocol;
	  hbh1->protocol = ip1->protocol;
	  ip0->protocol = 0;
	  ip1->protocol = 0;
	  new_l0 =
	    clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip0->payload_length) + rewrite_length;
	  new_l1 =
	    clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip1->payload_length) + rewrite_length;
	  ip0->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (new_l0);
	  ip1->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (new_l1);

	  /* Populate the (first) h-b-h list elt */

	  /* $$$$$ End of processing 2 x packets $$$$$ */

	  if (PREDICT_FALSE ((node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)))
	      if (b0->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
		  ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		    vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b0, sizeof (*t));
		  t->next_index = next0;
	      if (b1->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
		  ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		    vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b1, sizeof (*t));
		  t->next_index = next1;
	  processed += 2;
	  /* verify speculative enqueues, maybe switch current next frame */
	  vlib_validate_buffer_enqueue_x2 (vm, node, next_index,
					   to_next, n_left_to_next,
					   bi0, bi1, next0, next1);
      while (n_left_from > 0 && n_left_to_next > 0)
	  u32 bi0;
	  vlib_buffer_t *b0;
	  u32 next0;
	  ip6_header_t *ip0;
	  ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *hbh0;
	  u64 *copy_src0, *copy_dst0;
	  u16 new_l0;

	  /* speculatively enqueue b0 to the current next frame */
	  bi0 = from[0];
	  to_next[0] = bi0;
	  from += 1;
	  to_next += 1;
	  n_left_from -= 1;
	  n_left_to_next -= 1;

	  b0 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi0);

	  ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b0);

	  /* Copy the ip header left by the required amount */
	  copy_dst0 = (u64 *) (((u8 *) ip0) - rewrite_length);
	  copy_src0 = (u64 *) ip0;

	  copy_dst0[0] = copy_src0[0];
	  copy_dst0[1] = copy_src0[1];
	  copy_dst0[2] = copy_src0[2];
	  copy_dst0[3] = copy_src0[3];
	  copy_dst0[4] = copy_src0[4];
	  vlib_buffer_advance (b0, -(word) rewrite_length);
	  ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b0);

	  hbh0 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *) (ip0 + 1);
	  /* $$$ tune, rewrite_length is a multiple of 8 */
	  clib_memcpy_fast (hbh0, rewrite, rewrite_length);
	  /* Patch the protocol chain, insert the h-b-h (type 0) header */
	  hbh0->protocol = ip0->protocol;
	  ip0->protocol = 0;
	  new_l0 =
	    clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip0->payload_length) + rewrite_length;
	  ip0->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (new_l0);

	  /* Populate the (first) h-b-h list elt */

	  if (PREDICT_FALSE ((node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)
			     && (b0->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)))
	      ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b0, sizeof (*t));
	      t->next_index = next0;


	  /* verify speculative enqueue, maybe switch current next frame */
	  vlib_validate_buffer_enqueue_x1 (vm, node, next_index,
					   to_next, n_left_to_next,
					   bi0, next0);

      vlib_put_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, n_left_to_next);

  vlib_node_increment_counter (vm, ip6_add_hop_by_hop_node.index,
			       IP6_ADD_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_PROCESSED, processed);
  return frame->n_vectors;

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (ip6_add_hop_by_hop_node) =	/* *INDENT-OFF* */
  .name = "ip6-add-hop-by-hop",
  .vector_size = sizeof (u32),
  .format_trace = format_ip6_add_hop_by_hop_trace,
  .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN (ip6_add_hop_by_hop_error_strings),
  .error_strings = ip6_add_hop_by_hop_error_strings,
  /* See ip/lookup.h */
  .n_next_nodes = IP6_HBYH_IOAM_INPUT_N_NEXT,
  .next_nodes = {
#define _(s,n) [IP6_HBYH_IOAM_INPUT_NEXT_##s] = n,
#undef _
/* *INDENT-ON* */

/* The main h-b-h tracer was already invoked, no need to do much here */
typedef struct
  u32 next_index;
} ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace_t;

/* packet trace format function */
static u8 *
format_ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args)
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *);
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *);
  ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
    va_arg (*args, ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace_t *);

  s = format (s, "IP6_POP_HOP_BY_HOP: next index %d", t->next_index);
  return s;

ip6_hbh_pop_register_option (u8 option,
			     int options (vlib_buffer_t * b,
					  ip6_header_t * ip,
					  ip6_hop_by_hop_option_t * opt))
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->pop_options));

  /* Already registered */
  if (hm->pop_options[option])
    return (-1);

  hm->pop_options[option] = options;

  return (0);

ip6_hbh_pop_unregister_option (u8 option)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  ASSERT ((u32) option < ARRAY_LEN (hm->pop_options));

  /* Not registered */
  if (!hm->pop_options[option])
    return (-1);

  hm->pop_options[option] = NULL;
  return (0);

extern vlib_node_registration_t ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_node;

#define foreach_ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_error                \
_(PROCESSED, "Pkts w/ removed ip6 hop-by-hop options")  \
_(NO_HOHO, "Pkts w/ no ip6 hop-by-hop options")         \
_(OPTION_FAILED, "ip6 pop hop-by-hop failed to process")

typedef enum
#define _(sym,str) IP6_POP_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_##sym,
#undef _
} ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_error_t;

static char *ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_error_strings[] = {
#define _(sym,string) string,
#undef _

static inline void
ioam_pop_hop_by_hop_processing (vlib_main_t * vm,
				ip6_header_t * ip0,
				ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t * hbh0,
				vlib_buffer_t * b)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  ip6_hop_by_hop_option_t *opt0, *limit0;
  u8 type0;

  if (!hbh0 || !ip0)

  opt0 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_option_t *) (hbh0 + 1);
  limit0 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_option_t *)
    ((u8 *) hbh0 + ((hbh0->length + 1) << 3));

  /* Scan the set of h-b-h options, process ones that we understand */
  while (opt0 < limit0)
      type0 = opt0->type;
      switch (type0)
	case 0:		/* Pad1 */
	  opt0 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_option_t *) ((u8 *) opt0) + 1;
	case 1:		/* PadN */
	  if (hm->pop_options[type0])
	      if ((*hm->pop_options[type0]) (b, ip0, opt0) < 0)
		  vlib_node_increment_counter (vm,
      opt0 =
	(ip6_hop_by_hop_option_t *) (((u8 *) opt0) + opt0->length +
				     sizeof (ip6_hop_by_hop_option_t));

VLIB_NODE_FN (ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_node) (vlib_main_t * vm,
					vlib_node_runtime_t * node,
					vlib_frame_t * frame)
  u32 n_left_from, *from, *to_next;
  ip_lookup_next_t next_index;
  u32 processed = 0;
  u32 no_header = 0;

  from = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame);
  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;
  next_index = node->cached_next_index;

  while (n_left_from > 0)
      u32 n_left_to_next;

      vlib_get_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, to_next, n_left_to_next);

      while (n_left_from >= 4 && n_left_to_next >= 2)
	  u32 bi0, bi1;
	  vlib_buffer_t *b0, *b1;
	  u32 next0, next1;
	  u32 adj_index0, adj_index1;
	  ip6_header_t *ip0, *ip1;
	  ip_adjacency_t *adj0, *adj1;
	  ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *hbh0, *hbh1;
	  u64 *copy_dst0, *copy_src0, *copy_dst1, *copy_src1;
	  u16 new_l0, new_l1;

	  /* Prefetch next iteration. */
	    vlib_buffer_t *p2, *p3;

	    p2 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, from[2]);
	    p3 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, from[3]);

	    vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (p2, LOAD);
	    vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (p3, LOAD);

	    clib_prefetch_store (p2->data);
	    clib_prefetch_store (p3->data);

	  /* speculatively enqueue b0 and b1 to the current next frame */
	  to_next[0] = bi0 = from[0];
	  to_next[1] = bi1 = from[1];
	  from += 2;
	  to_next += 2;
	  n_left_from -= 2;
	  n_left_to_next -= 2;

	  b0 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi0);
	  b1 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi1);

	  /* $$$$$ Dual loop: process 2 x packets here $$$$$ */
	  ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b0);
	  ip1 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b1);
	  adj_index0 = vnet_buffer (b0)->ip.adj_index[VLIB_TX];
	  adj_index1 = vnet_buffer (b1)->ip.adj_index[VLIB_TX];
	  adj0 = adj_get (adj_index0);
	  adj1 = adj_get (adj_index1);

	  next0 = adj0->lookup_next_index;
	  next1 = adj1->lookup_next_index;

	  hbh0 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *) (ip0 + 1);
	  hbh1 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *) (ip1 + 1);

	  ioam_pop_hop_by_hop_processing (vm, ip0, hbh0, b0);
	  ioam_pop_hop_by_hop_processing (vm, ip1, hbh1, b1);

	  vlib_buffer_advance (b0, (hbh0->length + 1) << 3);
	  vlib_buffer_advance (b1, (hbh1->length + 1) << 3);

	  new_l0 = clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip0->payload_length) -
	    ((hbh0->length + 1) << 3);
	  new_l1 = clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip1->payload_length) -
	    ((hbh1->length + 1) << 3);

	  ip0->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (new_l0);
	  ip1->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (new_l1);

	  ip0->protocol = hbh0->protocol;
	  ip1->protocol = hbh1->protocol;

	  copy_src0 = (u64 *) ip0;
	  copy_src1 = (u64 *) ip1;
	  copy_dst0 = copy_src0 + (hbh0->length + 1);
	  copy_dst0[4] = copy_src0[4];
	  copy_dst0[3] = copy_src0[3];
	  copy_dst0[2] = copy_src0[2];
	  copy_dst0[1] = copy_src0[1];
	  copy_dst0[0] = copy_src0[0];
	  copy_dst1 = copy_src1 + (hbh1->length + 1);
	  copy_dst1[4] = copy_src1[4];
	  copy_dst1[3] = copy_src1[3];
	  copy_dst1[2] = copy_src1[2];
	  copy_dst1[1] = copy_src1[1];
	  copy_dst1[0] = copy_src1[0];
	  processed += 2;
	  /* $$$$$ End of processing 2 x packets $$$$$ */

	  if (PREDICT_FALSE ((node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)))
	      if (b0->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
		  ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		    vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b0, sizeof (*t));
		  t->next_index = next0;
	      if (b1->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
		  ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		    vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b1, sizeof (*t));
		  t->next_index = next1;

	  /* verify speculative enqueues, maybe switch current next frame */
	  vlib_validate_buffer_enqueue_x2 (vm, node, next_index,
					   to_next, n_left_to_next,
					   bi0, bi1, next0, next1);

      while (n_left_from > 0 && n_left_to_next > 0)
	  u32 bi0;
	  vlib_buffer_t *b0;
	  u32 next0;
	  u32 adj_index0;
	  ip6_header_t *ip0;
	  ip_adjacency_t *adj0;
	  ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *hbh0;
	  u64 *copy_dst0, *copy_src0;
	  u16 new_l0;

	  /* speculatively enqueue b0 to the current next frame */
	  bi0 = from[0];
	  to_next[0] = bi0;
	  from += 1;
	  to_next += 1;
	  n_left_from -= 1;
	  n_left_to_next -= 1;

	  b0 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi0);

	  ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b0);
	  adj_index0 = vnet_buffer (b0)->ip.adj_index[VLIB_TX];
	  adj0 = adj_get (adj_index0);

	  /* Default use the next_index from the adjacency. */
	  next0 = adj0->lookup_next_index;

	  /* Perfectly normal to end up here w/ out h-b-h header */
	  hbh0 = (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *) (ip0 + 1);

	  /* TODO:Temporarily doing it here.. do this validation in end_of_path_cb */
	  ioam_pop_hop_by_hop_processing (vm, ip0, hbh0, b0);
	  /* Pop the trace data */
	  vlib_buffer_advance (b0, (hbh0->length + 1) << 3);
	  new_l0 = clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip0->payload_length) -
	    ((hbh0->length + 1) << 3);
	  ip0->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (new_l0);
	  ip0->protocol = hbh0->protocol;
	  copy_src0 = (u64 *) ip0;
	  copy_dst0 = copy_src0 + (hbh0->length + 1);
	  copy_dst0[4] = copy_src0[4];
	  copy_dst0[3] = copy_src0[3];
	  copy_dst0[2] = copy_src0[2];
	  copy_dst0[1] = copy_src0[1];
	  copy_dst0[0] = copy_src0[0];

	  if (PREDICT_FALSE ((node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)
			     && (b0->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)))
	      ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b0, sizeof (*t));
	      t->next_index = next0;

	  /* verify speculative enqueue, maybe switch current next frame */
	  vlib_validate_buffer_enqueue_x1 (vm, node, next_index,
					   to_next, n_left_to_next,
					   bi0, next0);

      vlib_put_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, n_left_to_next);

  vlib_node_increment_counter (vm, ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_node.index,
			       IP6_POP_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_PROCESSED, processed);
  vlib_node_increment_counter (vm, ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_node.index,
			       IP6_POP_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_NO_HOHO, no_header);
  return frame->n_vectors;

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_node) =
  .name = "ip6-pop-hop-by-hop",
  .vector_size = sizeof (u32),
  .format_trace = format_ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_trace,
  .sibling_of = "ip6-lookup",
  .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN (ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_error_strings),
  .error_strings = ip6_pop_hop_by_hop_error_strings,
  /* See ip/lookup.h */
  .n_next_nodes = 0,
/* *INDENT-ON* */

typedef struct
  u32 protocol;
  u32 next_index;
} ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t;


/* packet trace format function */
static u8 *
format_ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args)
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *);
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *);
  ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
    va_arg (*args, ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t *);

  s = format (s, "IP6_LOCAL_HOP_BY_HOP: protocol %d,  next index %d\n",
	      t->protocol, t->next_index);
  return s;

vlib_node_registration_t ip6_local_hop_by_hop_node;


#define foreach_ip6_local_hop_by_hop_error                      \
_(UNKNOWN, "Unknown protocol ip6 local h-b-h packets dropped")  \
_(OK, "Good ip6 local h-b-h packets")

typedef enum
#define _(sym,str) IP6_LOCAL_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_##sym,
#undef _
} ip6_local_hop_by_hop_error_t;

static char *ip6_local_hop_by_hop_error_strings[] = {
#define _(sym,string) string,
#undef _

typedef enum
} ip6_local_hop_by_hop_next_t;

always_inline uword
ip6_local_hop_by_hop_inline (vlib_main_t * vm,
			     vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame,
			     int is_trace)
  u32 n_left_from, *from;
  vlib_buffer_t *bufs[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], **b;
  u16 nexts[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], *next;
  u32 ok = 0;
  u32 unknown_proto_error = node->errors[IP6_LOCAL_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN];
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  /* Note: there is only one of these */
  ip6_local_hop_by_hop_runtime_t *rt = hm->ip6_local_hbh_runtime;

  from = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame);
  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;

  vlib_get_buffers (vm, from, bufs, n_left_from);
  b = bufs;
  next = nexts;

  while (n_left_from >= 4)
      ip6_header_t *ip0, *ip1, *ip2, *ip3;
      u8 *hbh0, *hbh1, *hbh2, *hbh3;

      /* Prefetch next iteration. */
      if (PREDICT_TRUE (n_left_from >= 8))
	  vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (b[4], STORE);
	  vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (b[5], STORE);
	  vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (b[6], STORE);
	  vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (b[7], STORE);
	  clib_prefetch_store (b[4]->data);
	  clib_prefetch_store (b[5]->data);
	  clib_prefetch_store (b[6]->data);
	  clib_prefetch_store (b[7]->data);

       * Leave current_data pointing at the IP header.
       * It's reasonably likely that any registered handler
       * will want to know where to find the ip6 header.
      ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b[0]);
      ip1 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b[1]);
      ip2 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b[2]);
      ip3 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b[3]);

      /* Look at hop-by-hop header */
      hbh0 = ip6_next_header (ip0);
      hbh1 = ip6_next_header (ip1);
      hbh2 = ip6_next_header (ip2);
      hbh3 = ip6_next_header (ip3);

       * ... to find the next header type and see if we
       * have a handler for it...
      next[0] = rt->next_index_by_protocol[*hbh0];
      next[1] = rt->next_index_by_protocol[*hbh1];
      next[2] = rt->next_index_by_protocol[*hbh2];
      next[3] = rt->next_index_by_protocol[*hbh3];

      b[0]->error = unknown_proto_error;
      b[1]->error = unknown_proto_error;
      b[2]->error = unknown_proto_error;
      b[3]->error = unknown_proto_error;

      /* Account for non-drop pkts */
      ok += next[0] != 0;
      ok += next[1] != 0;
      ok += next[2] != 0;
      ok += next[3] != 0;

      if (is_trace)
	  if (b[0]->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
	      ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b[0], sizeof (*t));
	      t->next_index = next[0];
	      t->protocol = *hbh0;
	  if (b[1]->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
	      ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b[1], sizeof (*t));
	      t->next_index = next[1];
	      t->protocol = *hbh1;
	  if (b[2]->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
	      ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b[2], sizeof (*t));
	      t->next_index = next[2];
	      t->protocol = *hbh2;
	  if (b[3]->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
	      ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b[3], sizeof (*t));
	      t->next_index = next[3];
	      t->protocol = *hbh3;

      b += 4;
      next += 4;
      n_left_from -= 4;

  while (n_left_from > 0)
      ip6_header_t *ip0;
      u8 *hbh0;

      ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b[0]);

      hbh0 = ip6_next_header (ip0);

      next[0] = rt->next_index_by_protocol[*hbh0];

      b[0]->error = unknown_proto_error;
      ok += next[0] != 0;

      if (is_trace)
	  if (b[0]->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)
	      ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace_t *t =
		vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b[0], sizeof (*t));
	      t->next_index = next[0];
	      t->protocol = *hbh0;

      b += 1;
      next += 1;
      n_left_from -= 1;

  vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next (vm, node, from, nexts, frame->n_vectors);

  vlib_node_increment_counter (vm, node->node_index,
			       IP6_LOCAL_HOP_BY_HOP_ERROR_OK, ok);
  return frame->n_vectors;

VLIB_NODE_FN (ip6_local_hop_by_hop_node) (vlib_main_t * vm,
					  vlib_node_runtime_t * node,
					  vlib_frame_t * frame)
    return ip6_local_hop_by_hop_inline (vm, node, frame, 1 /* is_trace */ );
    return ip6_local_hop_by_hop_inline (vm, node, frame, 0 /* is_trace */ );

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (ip6_local_hop_by_hop_node) =
  .name = "ip6-local-hop-by-hop",
  .vector_size = sizeof (u32),
  .format_trace = format_ip6_local_hop_by_hop_trace,

  .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN(ip6_local_hop_by_hop_error_strings),
  .error_strings = ip6_local_hop_by_hop_error_strings,

  .n_next_nodes = IP6_LOCAL_HOP_BY_HOP_N_NEXT,

  /* edit / add dispositions here */
  .next_nodes =
    [IP6_LOCAL_HOP_BY_HOP_NEXT_DROP] = "error-drop",
/* *INDENT-ON* */

clib_error_t *
show_ip6_hbh_command_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
			 unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
  int i;
  u32 next_index;
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  ip6_local_hop_by_hop_runtime_t *rt = hm->ip6_local_hbh_runtime;
  vlib_node_t *n = vlib_get_node (vm, ip6_local_hop_by_hop_node.index);

  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%-6s%s", "Proto", "Node Name");

  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN (rt->next_index_by_protocol); i++)
      if ((next_index = rt->next_index_by_protocol[i]))
	  u32 next_node_index = n->next_nodes[next_index];
	  vlib_node_t *next_n = vlib_get_node (vm, next_node_index);
	  vlib_cli_output (vm, "[%3d] %v", i, next_n->name);

  return 0;

 * Display the set of ip6 local hop-by-hop next protocol handler nodes
 * @cliexpar
 * Display ip6 local hop-by-hop next protocol handler nodes
 * @cliexcmd{show ip6 hbh}
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (show_ip6_hbh, static) = {
  .path = "show ip6 hbh",
  .short_help = "show ip6 hbh",
  .function = show_ip6_hbh_command_fn,
/* *INDENT-ON* */


static clib_error_t *
ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_init (vlib_main_t * vm)
  clib_error_t *error;
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  if ((error = vlib_call_init_function (vm, ip_main_init)))
    return (error);

  if ((error = vlib_call_init_function (vm, ip6_lookup_init)))
    return error;

  hm->vlib_main = vm;
  hm->vnet_main = vnet_get_main ();
  hm->unix_time_0 = (u32) time (0);	/* Store starting time */
  hm->vlib_time_0 = vlib_time_now (vm);
  hm->ioam_flag = IOAM_HBYH_MOD;
  clib_memset (hm->add_options, 0, sizeof (hm->add_options));
  clib_memset (hm->pop_options, 0, sizeof (hm->pop_options));
  clib_memset (hm->options_size, 0, sizeof (hm->options_size));

  vnet_classify_register_unformat_opaque_index_fn (unformat_opaque_ioam);
  hm->ip6_local_hbh_runtime = clib_mem_alloc_aligned
    (sizeof (ip6_local_hop_by_hop_runtime_t), CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES);

  memset (hm->ip6_local_hbh_runtime, 0,
	  sizeof (ip6_local_hop_by_hop_runtime_t));

  ip6_register_protocol (IP_PROTOCOL_IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS,
  return (0);

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_init) =
  .runs_after = VLIB_INITS("ip_main_init", "ip6_lookup_init"),
/* *INDENT-ON* */

ip6_local_hop_by_hop_register_protocol (u32 protocol, u32 node_index)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  vlib_main_t *vm = hm->vlib_main;
  ip6_local_hop_by_hop_runtime_t *local_hbh_runtime
    = hm->ip6_local_hbh_runtime;
  u32 old_next_index;

  ASSERT (protocol < ARRAY_LEN (local_hbh_runtime->next_index_by_protocol));

  old_next_index = local_hbh_runtime->next_index_by_protocol[protocol];

  local_hbh_runtime->next_index_by_protocol[protocol] =
    vlib_node_add_next (vm, ip6_local_hop_by_hop_node.index, node_index);

  /* Someone will eventually do this. Trust me. */
  if (old_next_index &&
      (old_next_index != local_hbh_runtime->next_index_by_protocol[protocol]))
    clib_warning ("WARNING: replaced next index for protocol %d", protocol);

ip6_ioam_set_rewrite (u8 ** rwp, int has_trace_option,
		      int has_pot_option, int has_seqno_option)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  u8 *rewrite = NULL;
  u32 size, rnd_size;
  ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *hbh;
  u8 *current;
  u8 *trace_data_size = NULL;
  u8 *pot_data_size = NULL;

  vec_free (*rwp);

  if (has_trace_option == 0 && has_pot_option == 0)
    return -1;

  /* Work out how much space we need */
  size = sizeof (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t);

  //if (has_trace_option && hm->get_sizeof_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST] != 0)
  if (has_trace_option
      && hm->options_size[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST] != 0)
      size += hm->options_size[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST];
  if (has_pot_option
      && hm->add_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_PROOF_OF_TRANSIT] != 0)
      size += hm->options_size[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_PROOF_OF_TRANSIT];

  if (has_seqno_option)
      size += hm->options_size[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE];

  /* Round to a multiple of 8 octets */
  rnd_size = (size + 7) & ~7;

  /* allocate it, zero-fill / pad by construction */
  vec_validate (rewrite, rnd_size - 1);

  hbh = (ip6_hop_by_hop_header_t *) rewrite;
  /* Length of header in 8 octet units, not incl first 8 octets */
  hbh->length = (rnd_size >> 3) - 1;
  current = (u8 *) (hbh + 1);

  if (has_trace_option
      && hm->add_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST] != 0)
      if (0 != (hm->options_size[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST]))
	  trace_data_size =
	  if (0 ==
	      hm->add_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST] (current,
	    current += *trace_data_size;
  if (has_pot_option
      && hm->add_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_PROOF_OF_TRANSIT] != 0)
      pot_data_size =
      if (0 ==
	  hm->add_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_PROOF_OF_TRANSIT] (current,
	current += *pot_data_size;

  if (has_seqno_option &&
      (hm->add_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE] != 0))
      if (0 == hm->add_options[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE] (current,
	current += hm->options_size[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE];

  *rwp = rewrite;
  return 0;

clib_error_t *
clear_ioam_rewrite_fn (void)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  vec_free (hm->rewrite);
  hm->rewrite = 0;
  hm->has_trace_option = 0;
  hm->has_pot_option = 0;
  hm->has_seqno_option = 0;
  hm->has_analyse_option = 0;
  if (hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST])
    hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST] (NULL, 1);

  if (hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_PROOF_OF_TRANSIT])
    hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_PROOF_OF_TRANSIT] (NULL, 1);

  if (hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE])
      hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE] ((void *)

  return 0;

clib_error_t *
clear_ioam_rewrite_command_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
			       unformat_input_t * input,
			       vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
  return (clear_ioam_rewrite_fn ());

 * This command clears all the In-band OAM (iOAM) features enabled by
 * the '<em>set ioam rewrite</em>' command. Use '<em>show ioam summary</em>' to
 * verify the configured settings cleared.
 * @cliexpar
 * Example of how to clear iOAM features:
 * @cliexcmd{clear ioam rewrite}
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (ip6_clear_ioam_rewrite_cmd, static) = {
  .path = "clear ioam rewrite",
  .short_help = "clear ioam rewrite",
  .function = clear_ioam_rewrite_command_fn,
/* *INDENT-ON* */

clib_error_t *
ip6_ioam_enable (int has_trace_option, int has_pot_option,
		 int has_seqno_option, int has_analyse_option)
  int rv;
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  rv = ip6_ioam_set_rewrite (&hm->rewrite, has_trace_option,
			     has_pot_option, has_seqno_option);

  switch (rv)
    case 0:
      if (has_trace_option)
	  hm->has_trace_option = has_trace_option;
	  if (hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST])
	    hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_TRACE_DATA_LIST] (NULL,

      if (has_pot_option)
	  hm->has_pot_option = has_pot_option;
	  if (hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_PROOF_OF_TRANSIT])
      hm->has_analyse_option = has_analyse_option;
      if (has_seqno_option)
	  hm->has_seqno_option = has_seqno_option;
	  if (hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE])
	      hm->config_handler[HBH_OPTION_TYPE_IOAM_EDGE_TO_EDGE] ((void *)

      return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0,
				     "ip6_ioam_set_rewrite returned %d", rv);

  return 0;

static clib_error_t *
ip6_set_ioam_rewrite_command_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
				 unformat_input_t * input,
				 vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
  int has_trace_option = 0;
  int has_pot_option = 0;
  int has_seqno_option = 0;
  int has_analyse_option = 0;
  clib_error_t *rv = 0;

  while (unformat_check_input (input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
      if (unformat (input, "trace"))
	has_trace_option = 1;
      else if (unformat (input, "pot"))
	has_pot_option = 1;
      else if (unformat (input, "seqno"))
	has_seqno_option = 1;
      else if (unformat (input, "analyse"))
	has_analyse_option = 1;

  rv = ip6_ioam_enable (has_trace_option, has_pot_option,
			has_seqno_option, has_analyse_option);

  return rv;

 * This command is used to enable In-band OAM (iOAM) features on IPv6.
 * '<em>trace</em>' is used to enable iOAM trace feature. '<em>pot</em>' is used to
 * enable the Proof Of Transit feature. '<em>ppc</em>' is used to indicate the
 * Per Packet Counter feature for Edge to Edge processing. '<em>ppc</em>' is
 * used to indicate if this node is an '<em>encap</em>' node (iOAM edge node
 * where packet enters iOAM domain), a '<em>decap</em>' node (iOAM edge node
 * where packet leaves iOAM domain) or '<em>none</em>' (iOAM node where packet
 * is in-transit through the iOAM domain). '<em>ppc</em>' can only be set if
 * '<em>trace</em>' or '<em>pot</em>' is enabled.
 * Use '<em>clear ioam rewrite</em>' to disable all features enabled by this
 * command. Use '<em>show ioam summary</em>' to verify the configured settings.
 * @cliexpar
 * Example of how to enable trace and pot with ppc set to encap:
 * @cliexcmd{set ioam rewrite trace pot ppc encap}
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (ip6_set_ioam_rewrite_cmd, static) = {
  .path = "set ioam rewrite",
  .short_help = "set ioam [trace] [pot] [seqno] [analyse]",
  .function = ip6_set_ioam_rewrite_command_fn,
/* *INDENT-ON* */

static clib_error_t *
ip6_show_ioam_summary_cmd_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
			      unformat_input_t * input,
			      vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;
  u8 *s = 0;

  if (!is_zero_ip6_address (&hm->adj))
      s = format (s, "              REWRITE FLOW CONFIGS - \n");
      s = format (s, "               Destination Address : %U\n",
		  format_ip6_address, &hm->adj, sizeof (ip6_address_t));
      s =
	format (s, "                    Flow operation : %d (%s)\n",
		(hm->ioam_flag ==
		 IOAM_HBYH_ADD) ? "Add" : ((hm->ioam_flag ==
					    IOAM_HBYH_MOD) ? "Mod" : "Pop"));
      s = format (s, "              REWRITE FLOW CONFIGS - Not configured\n");

  s = format (s, "                        TRACE OPTION - %d (%s)\n",
	      (hm->has_trace_option ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
  if (hm->has_trace_option)
    s =
      format (s,
	      "Try 'show ioam trace and show ioam-trace profile' for more information\n");

  s = format (s, "                        POT OPTION - %d (%s)\n",
	      (hm->has_pot_option ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
  if (hm->has_pot_option)
    s =
      format (s,
	      "Try 'show ioam pot and show pot profile' for more information\n");

  s = format (s, "         EDGE TO EDGE - SeqNo OPTION - %d (%s)\n",
	      hm->has_seqno_option ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
  if (hm->has_seqno_option)
    s = format (s, "Try 'show ioam e2e' for more information\n");

  s = format (s, "         iOAM Analyse OPTION - %d (%s)\n",
	      hm->has_analyse_option ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");

  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%v", s);
  vec_free (s);
  return 0;

 * This command displays the current configuration data for In-band
 * OAM (iOAM).
 * @cliexpar
 * Example to show the iOAM configuration:
 * @cliexstart{show ioam summary}
 *               REWRITE FLOW CONFIGS -
 *                Destination Address : ff02::1
 *                     Flow operation : 2 (Pop)
 *                         TRACE OPTION - 1 (Enabled)
 * Try 'show ioam trace and show ioam-trace profile' for more information
 *                         POT OPTION - 1 (Enabled)
 * Try 'show ioam pot and show pot profile' for more information
 *          EDGE TO EDGE - PPC OPTION - 1 (Encap)
 * @cliexend
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (ip6_show_ioam_run_cmd, static) = {
  .path = "show ioam summary",
  .short_help = "show ioam summary",
  .function = ip6_show_ioam_summary_cmd_fn,
/* *INDENT-ON* */

vnet_register_ioam_end_of_path_callback (void *cb)
  ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main_t *hm = &ip6_hop_by_hop_ioam_main;

  hm->ioam_end_of_path_cb = cb;

 * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
 * Local Variables:
 * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
 * End:
0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/index.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/index.rst
index 4507978b66..dd8d320878 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/index.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Packet Latency Graphs
+Packet Latency
Plotted results are generated from a single execution of CSIT NDR discovery
test. Box plots are used to show the Minimum, Median and Maximum packet
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ TGint2-to-SUT2-to-SUT1-to-TGint1.
files csit-vpp-perf-|srelease|-\*.zip `archived here <../../_static/archive/>`_.
.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
@@ -34,3 +35,4 @@ TGint2-to-SUT2-to-SUT1-to-TGint1.
+ vts
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4.rst
index 7ea8af4af8..16bbe20072 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv4 Routed-Forwarding
+IPv4 Routing
This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy packet latency
with IPv4 Routed-Forwarding measured at 50% of discovered NDR throughput
@@ -7,42 +7,676 @@ rate. Latency is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph below.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst
index c1482514ca..1957576c01 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv4 Overlay Tunnels
+IPv4 Tunnels
This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy packet latency
with IPv4 Overlay Tunnels measured at 50% of discovered NDR throughput
@@ -7,42 +7,323 @@ rate. Latency is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph below.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay Tunnels.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay Tunnels.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6.rst
index 622813d763..4213439c84 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv6 Routed-Forwarding
+IPv6 Routing
This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy packet latency
with IPv6 Routed-Forwarding measured at 50% of discovered NDR throughput
@@ -7,42 +7,676 @@ rate. Latency is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph below.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst
index 12d21f6bf3..dbbb592446 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv6 Overlay Tunnels
+IPv6 Tunnels
This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy packet latency
with IPv6 Overlay Tunnels measured at 50% of discovered NDR throughput
@@ -7,42 +7,58 @@ rate. Latency is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph below.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay Tunnels.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+:index:`Latency: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay Tunnels.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ipsec.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ipsec.rst
index 0c8f3de767..76759ac5e3 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ipsec.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/ipsec.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPSec Crypto HW: IP4 Routed-Forwarding
+IPSec IPv4 Routing
This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy packet latency
with IPSec encryption used in combination with IPv4 routed-forwarding,
@@ -10,43 +10,58 @@ for VPP running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s),
a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s)
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPSec HW with IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+:index:`Latency: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy IPSec HW with IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/l2.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/l2.rst
index a430d5525d..8edabac932 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/l2.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/l2.rst
@@ -7,82 +7,676 @@ rate. Latency is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph below.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1a. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50.html}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1b. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (feature).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2a. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2b. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (feature).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/srv6.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/srv6.rst
index 163d892cde..6ac86f25cf 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/srv6.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/srv6.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+SRv6 Routing
This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy packet latency
with SRv6 measured at 50% of discovered NDR throughput
@@ -7,42 +7,58 @@ rate. Latency is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph below.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy SRv6.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+:index:`Latency: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-Phy SRv6.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/vm_vhost.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/vm_vhost.rst
index 5eb8a5750c..303f421f44 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/vm_vhost.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/vm_vhost.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-VM vhost Connections
+KVM VM vHost
This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-VM(s)-to-Phy packet
latency with with VM virtio and VPP vhost-user virtual interfaces
@@ -8,82 +8,314 @@ for VPP running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s),
a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s)
-VPP packet latency in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented in the graph below.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1a. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs (ipv4).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 1b. VPP 1thread 1core - packet latency for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs (l2).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP packet latency in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented in the graph below.
+:index:`Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2a. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs (ipv4).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
-*Figure 2b. VPP 2threads 2cores - packet latency for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs (l2).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/vts.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/vts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eb2147549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_latency_graphs/vts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+This section includes summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-VM(s)-to-Phy packet
+latency with with VM virtio and VPP vhost-user virtual interfaces
+measured at 50% of discovered NDR throughput rate. Latency is reported
+for VPP running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s),
+a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s)
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vts?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Latency: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr-lat50.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr-lat50}
+ \label{fig:vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr-lat50}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_memif.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_memif.rst
index 3aa67ad917..9697860ace 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_memif.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_memif.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Container memif Connections
+LXC/DRC Container Memif
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance
with Container memif Connections, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss)
@@ -7,97 +7,684 @@ and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-container-memif-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-container-memif-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-container-memif-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-container-memif-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-container-memif-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-container-memif-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-container-memif-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-container-memif-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-container-memif-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-container-memif-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-container-memif-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-container-memif-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_orchestrated.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_orchestrated.rst
index 5fd535d9db..37397f82f4 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_orchestrated.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/container_orchestrated.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Container Orchestrated Topologies
+K8s Container Memif
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance
with Container Orchestrated Topologies, including NDR throughput (zero packet
@@ -7,94 +7,587 @@ loss) and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/index.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/index.rst
index ec3c9f9173..78dd34db04 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/index.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Packet Throughput Graphs
+Packet Throughput
Plotted results are generated by multiple executions of the same CSIT
performance tests across three physical testbeds within LF FD.io labs.
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ and their indices.
presented in this report version: **10**.
.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
@@ -46,3 +47,4 @@ and their indices.
+ vts
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4.rst
index 7d2e707ebf..90aef59b5e 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv4 Routed-Forwarding
+IPv4 Routing
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance
with IPv4 Routed-Forwarding, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss)
@@ -7,95 +7,1248 @@ and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
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+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst
index 7b75f7e378..27d9bbe8b0 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip4_tunnels.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv4 Overlay Tunnels
+IPv4 Tunnels
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance
with IPv4 Overlay Tunnels, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss)
@@ -7,94 +7,587 @@ and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay Tunnels.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ethip4-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ethip4-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ethip4-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ethip4-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ethip4-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ethip4-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay Tunnels.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6.rst
index 982752aa20..d23328cc11 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv6 Routed-Forwarding
+IPv6 Routing
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance
with IPv6 Routed-Forwarding, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss)
@@ -7,93 +7,1248 @@ and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-features}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 78B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst
index 8191ec4a9f..21bf1a2821 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ip6_tunnels.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv6 Overlay Tunnels
+IPv6 Tunnels
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance
with IPv6 Overlay Tunnels, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss)
@@ -7,96 +7,102 @@ and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 78B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 78B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ipsec.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ipsec.rst
index 723e1f29de..a84773ac59 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ipsec.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/ipsec.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPSec Crypto HW: IP4 Routed-Forwarding
+IPSec IPv4 Routing
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance with
IPSec encryption used in combination with IPv4 routed-forwarding,
@@ -10,92 +10,102 @@ Performance is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPSEC HW.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPSEC HW.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-ipsechw-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-ipsechw-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-ipsechw-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPSEC HW.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-ipsechw-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-ipsechw-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-ipsechw-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPSEC HW.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/l2.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/l2.rst
index 701e3b2988..d84c9103f3 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/l2.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/l2.rst
@@ -7,174 +7,1248 @@ and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (feature).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (feature).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 5. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 6. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (feature).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 7. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
-*Figure 8. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (feature).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-features}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/srv6.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/srv6.rst
index 0df40ac636..ffc1081811 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/srv6.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/srv6.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+SRv6 Routing
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-Phy performance
with SRv6, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss)
@@ -7,93 +7,102 @@ and PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy SRv6.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr}
-*Figure 2. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy SRv6.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
-PDR Throughput
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 78B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy SRv6.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 78B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr}
-*Figure 4. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vm_vhost.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vm_vhost.rst
index af8eec226b..ed0b6cc10d 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vm_vhost.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vm_vhost.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-VM vhost Connections
+KVM VM vHost
Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-VM(s)-to-Phy
performance with VM virtio and VPP vhost-user virtual interfaces,
@@ -8,172 +8,578 @@ packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP running in multiple
configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s),
and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 1a. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM vhost-user
-selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 1b. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below.
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 2a. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 2b. VPP 2threads 2cores - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: latex
-PDR Throughput
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 3a. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 3b. VPP 1thread 1core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 2t2c setup (2thread, 2core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
-*Figure 4a. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
-*Figure 4b. VPP 2thread 2core - PDR Throughput for Phy-to-VM-to-Phy VM
-vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vts.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3452556bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Following sections include summary graphs of VPP Phy-to-VM(s)-to-Phy
+performance with VM virtio and VPP vhost-user virtual interfaces,
+including NDR throughput (zero packet loss) and PDR throughput (<0.5%
+packet loss). Performance is reported for VPP running in multiple
+configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s),
+and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vts?h=rls1807>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr}
+ \label{fig:vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-pdr.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-pdr}
+ \label{fig:vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-pdr}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_memif.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_memif.rst
index 4fb8791dff..90c370e74d 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_memif.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_memif.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Container memif Connections
+LXC/DRC Container Memif
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -9,58 +9,355 @@ Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
-PDR Throughput
+.. raw:: html
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet Switching (base).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_orchestrated.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_orchestrated.rst
index 4e8ff4cd25..d3fedbef57 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_orchestrated.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/container_orchestrated.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Container Orchestrated Topologies
+K8s Container Memif
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -9,102 +9,355 @@ Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 10ge2p1x710 network interface cards.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x710
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-PDR Throughput
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 10ge2p1x710 network interface cards.
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 3. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x710
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 4. VPP 1thread 1core - NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet
-Switching (base).*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/kubernetes/perf/container_memif?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/index.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/index.rst
index dca77c5b7b..edaf9ff9cc 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/index.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/index.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
.. _throughput_speedup_multi_core:
-Throughput Speedup Multi-Core
+Speedup Multi-Core
Throughput Speedup Multi-Core graphs are generated based on results from
multiple executions of the same CSIT performance tests across the three
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ threaded VPP configurations relative to 1-core configurations.
files csit-vpp-perf-\*.zip `archived here <../../_static/archive/>`_.
.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4.rst
index 0b2b7ef791..1545c9a614 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv4 Routed-Forwarding
+IPv4 Routing
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -9,81 +9,684 @@ used for the graphs comes from Phy-to-Phy 64B performance tests with VPP
IPv4 Routed-Forwarding, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss) and
PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss).
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 40ge2p1xl710
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
-PDR Throughput
+.. raw:: html
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards. PDR
-measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 3. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4_tunnels.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4_tunnels.rst
index 001584b856..998cd43157 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4_tunnels.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip4_tunnels.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv4 Overlay Tunnels
+IPv4 Tunnels
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -9,58 +9,355 @@ Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay Tunnels.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
-PDR Throughput
+.. raw:: html
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv4 Overlay Tunnels.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip4_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6.rst
index e8c70d0c18..9638a44caa 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv6 Routed-Forwarding
+IPv6 Routing
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -9,82 +9,684 @@ used for the graphs comes from Phy-to-Phy 78B performance tests with VPP
IPv6 Routed-Forwarding, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss) and
PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss).
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Routed-Forwarding.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-NIC 40ge2p1xl710
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: latex
-PDR Throughput
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xl710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
-VPP PDR 78B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards. PDR
-measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 3. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Routed-Forwarding.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6?h=rls1804>`_.
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6_tunnels.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6_tunnels.rst
index 3965242e8c..4f2fdacd07 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6_tunnels.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ip6_tunnels.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPv6 Overlay Tunnels
+IPv6 Tunnels
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -9,58 +9,55 @@ Performance is reported for VPP
running in multiple configurations of VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP
data plane thread(s), and their physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay Tunnels.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
-PDR Throughput
+.. raw:: html
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+:index:`Speedup: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPv6 Overlay Tunnels.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/ip6_tunnels?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ipsec.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ipsec.rst
index a5a4d7d1bc..82124a3db2 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ipsec.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/ipsec.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-IPSec Crypto HW: IP4 Routed-Forwarding
+IPSec IPv4 Routing
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -11,61 +11,55 @@ Performance is reported for VPP running in multiple configurations of
VPP worker thread(s), a.k.a. VPP data plane thread(s), and their
physical CPU core(s) placement.
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 40ge2p1xl710 network interface card.
-NIC 40ge2p1xl710
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPSEC HW.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
-PDR Throughput
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 40ge2p1xl710 network interface card.
+.. raw:: html
-NIC 40ge2p1xl710
+ <center><b>
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput in 1t1c setup (1thread, 1core) is presented
-in the graph below. PDR measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+:index:`Speedup: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy IPSEC HW.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/crypto?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/l2.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/l2.rst
index 5db8eba307..0a1371cb2a 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/l2.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/l2.rst
@@ -9,81 +9,684 @@ used for the graphs comes from Phy-to-Phy 64B performance tests with VPP
L2 Ethernet switching, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss) and
PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss).
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet Switching.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 40ge2p1xl710
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet Switching.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
-PDR Throughput
+.. raw:: html
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards. PDR
-measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 3. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy L2 Ethernet Switching.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/l2?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xl710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/srv6.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/srv6.rst
index 4ece4d538e..eecaaeb1ee 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/srv6.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/srv6.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+SRv6 Routing
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
@@ -9,60 +9,55 @@ used for the graphs comes from Phy-to-Phy 78B performance tests with VPP
SRv6, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss) and
PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss).
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 78B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 1. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy SRv6.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
-PDR Throughput
+.. raw:: html
-VPP PDR 78B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520 network interface card. PDR
-measured for 0.5% packet loss ratio.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
+:index:`Speedup: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 3. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy SRv6.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/srv6?h=rls1804>`_.
diff --git a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/vm_vhost.rst b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/vm_vhost.rst
index 9bd49b42ab..6d1880e799 100644
--- a/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/vm_vhost.rst
+++ b/docs/report/vpp_performance_tests/throughput_speedup_multi_core/vm_vhost.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-VM vhost Connections
+KVM VM vHost
Following sections include Throughput Speedup Analysis for VPP multi-
core multi-thread configurations with no Hyper-Threading, specifically
for tested 2t2c (2threads, 2cores) and 4t4c scenarios. 1t1c throughput
@@ -8,222 +9,296 @@ used for the graphs comes from Phy-to-Phy 64B performance tests with
VM vhost-user, including NDR throughput (zero packet loss) and
PDR throughput (<0.5% packet loss).
-NDR Throughput
+CSIT source code for the test cases used for plots can be found in
+`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1807>`_.
-VPP NDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520, 10ge2p1x710 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards.
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 1a. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 1b. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x710
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 2. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 40ge2p1xl710
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 3a. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 3b. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-NDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-PDR Throughput
+.. raw:: latex
-VPP PDR 64B packet throughput speedup ratio is presented in the graphs
-below for 10ge2p1x520, 10ge2p1x710 and 40ge2p1xl710 network interface cards.
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
-NIC 10ge2p1x520
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 4a. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 4b. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-NIC 10ge2p1x710
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 5. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+ <center><b>
-NIC 40ge2p1xl710
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
-*Figure 6a. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr`
.. raw:: html
- <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc.html"></iframe>
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
.. raw:: latex
- \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc}
- \label{fig:40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa}
-*Figure 6b. Throughput Speedup Analysis - Multi-Core Speedup Ratio - Normalized
-PDR Throughput for Phy-to-Phy VM vhost-user selected TCs.*
+.. raw:: html
+ <center><b>
+:index:`Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr`
+.. raw:: html
+ </b>
+ <iframe width="700" height="1000" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../../_static/vpp/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa.html"></iframe>
+ <p><br><br></p>
+ </center>
-CSIT source code for the test cases used for above plots can be found in
-`CSIT git repository <https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/tests/vpp/perf/vm_vhost?h=rls1804>`_.
+.. raw:: latex
+ \begin{figure}[H]
+ \centering
+ \graphicspath{{../_build/_static/vpp/}}
+ \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 8cm 5cm 0cm, width=0.70\textwidth]{vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \label{fig:vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/conf.py b/resources/tools/presentation/conf.py
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+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/conf.py
@@ -133,7 +133,20 @@ html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
-# html_theme_options = {}
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+ 'canonical_url': '',
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# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
@@ -149,6 +162,15 @@ html_context = {
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index 8e77ba7502..1618532e05 100644
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+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_report.py
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def generate_pdf_report(release, spec, versions, report_version):
'pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode csit.tex || true'.
'cd {build_dir} && '
- 'cp csit.pdf ../{archive_dir}/csit_{release}_{report_version}.pdf'.
+ 'cp csit.pdf ../{archive_dir}/csit_{release}_v{report_version}.pdf'.
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--- a/resources/tools/presentation/specification.yaml
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/specification.yaml
@@ -97,26 +97,6 @@
- 46 # wrk
- 47 # wrk
- 48 # wrk
-# TODO: Add the data sources
-# vpp-meltdown-impact:
-# csit-vpp-perf-1707-all:
-# - 9
-# - 10
-# - 13
-# csit-vpp-perf-1710-all:
-# - 11l
-# - 12
-# - 13
-# TODO: Add the data sources
-# vpp-spectre-impact:
-# csit-vpp-perf-1707-all:
-# - 9
-# - 10
-# - 13
-# csit-vpp-perf-1710-all:
-# - 11
-# - 12
-# - 13
- 11
@@ -176,7 +156,7 @@
- 20 # mrr - sel
- 21 # mrr - sel
- 22 # mrr - sel
- plot-throughput-speedup-analysis:
+ plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw:
- 19 # full
- 20 # full
@@ -192,7 +172,63 @@
- 30 # sel
- 31 # sel
- 35 # sel
- plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis:
+ plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx:
+ csit-vpp-perf-1804-all:
+ - 19 # full
+ - 20 # full
+ - 25 # full
+ - 49 # full
+ - 21 # sel
+ - 22 # sel
+ - 23 # sel
+ - 24 # sel
+ - 27 # sel
+ - 28 # sel
+ - 29 # sel
+ - 30 # sel
+ - 31 # sel
+ - 35 # sel
+ plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx:
+ csit-vpp-perf-1804-all:
+ - 19 # full
+ - 20 # full
+ - 25 # full
+ - 49 # full
+ - 21 # sel
+ - 22 # sel
+ - 23 # sel
+ - 24 # sel
+ - 27 # sel
+ - 28 # sel
+ - 29 # sel
+ - 30 # sel
+ - 31 # sel
+ - 35 # sel
+ plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw:
+ csit-ligato-perf-1804-all:
+ - 5 # sel
+ - 6 # sel
+ - 7 # sel
+ - 8 # sel
+ - 9 # sel
+ - 10 # sel
+ - 11 # sel
+ - 12 # sel
+ - 13 # sel
+ - 14 # sel
+ plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx:
+ csit-ligato-perf-1804-all:
+ - 5 # sel
+ - 6 # sel
+ - 7 # sel
+ - 8 # sel
+ - 9 # sel
+ - 10 # sel
+ - 11 # sel
+ - 12 # sel
+ - 13 # sel
+ - 14 # sel
+ plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx:
- 5 # sel
- 6 # sel
@@ -204,54 +240,6 @@
- 12 # sel
- 13 # sel
- 14 # sel
-# performance-improvements:
-# csit-vpp-perf-1707-all:
-# - 9
-# - 10
-# - 13
-# - 14
-# - 15
-# - 16
-# - 17
-# - 18
-# - 19
-# - 21
-# csit-vpp-perf-1710-all:
-# - 11
-# - 12
-# - 13
-# - 14
-# - 15
-# - 16
-# - 17
-# - 18
-# - 19
-# - 20
-# csit-vpp-perf-1801-all:
-# - 124
-# - 127
-# - 128
-# csit-ligato-perf-1710-all:
-# - 5
-# - 7
-# - 8
-# - 9
-# - 10
-# - 11
-# - 12
-# - 13
-# - 16
-# - 17
-# csit-ligato-perf-1801-all:
-# - 16 # sel
-# - 17 # sel
-# - 18 # sel
-# - 19 # sel
-# - 20 # sel
-# - 21 # sel
-# - 22 # sel
-# - 23 # sel
-# - 24 # sel
- 19 # full
@@ -279,7 +267,7 @@
- 7
- plot-vpp-throughput-latency:
+ plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw:
- 19 # full
- 20 # full
@@ -295,7 +283,51 @@
- 30 # sel
- 31 # sel
- 35 # sel
- plot-dpdk-throughput-latency:
+ plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx:
+ csit-vpp-perf-1804-all:
+ - 19 # full
+ - 20 # full
+ - 25 # full
+ - 49 # full
+ - 21 # sel
+ - 22 # sel
+ - 23 # sel
+ - 24 # sel
+ - 27 # sel
+ - 28 # sel
+ - 29 # sel
+ - 30 # sel
+ - 31 # sel
+ - 35 # sel
+ plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx:
+ csit-vpp-perf-1804-all:
+ - 19 # full
+ - 20 # full
+ - 25 # full
+ - 49 # full
+ - 21 # sel
+ - 22 # sel
+ - 23 # sel
+ - 24 # sel
+ - 27 # sel
+ - 28 # sel
+ - 29 # sel
+ - 30 # sel
+ - 31 # sel
+ - 35 # sel
+ plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw:
+ csit-dpdk-perf-1804-all:
+ - 4
+ - 5
+ - 6
+ - 7
+ - 8
+ - 9
+ - 10
+ - 11
+ - 12
+ - 13
+ plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx:
- 4
- 5
@@ -307,7 +339,43 @@
- 11
- 12
- 13
- plot-ligato-throughput-latency:
+ plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx:
+ csit-dpdk-perf-1804-all:
+ - 4
+ - 5
+ - 6
+ - 7
+ - 8
+ - 9
+ - 10
+ - 11
+ - 12
+ - 13
+ plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw:
+ csit-ligato-perf-1804-all:
+ - 5 # sel
+ - 6 # sel
+ - 7 # sel
+ - 8 # sel
+ - 9 # sel
+ - 10 # sel
+ - 11 # sel
+ - 12 # sel
+ - 13 # sel
+ - 14 # sel
+ plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx:
+ csit-ligato-perf-1804-all:
+ - 5 # sel
+ - 6 # sel
+ - 7 # sel
+ - 8 # sel
+ - 9 # sel
+ - 10 # sel
+ - 11 # sel
+ - 12 # sel
+ - 13 # sel
+ - 14 # sel
+ plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx:
- 5 # sel
- 6 # sel
@@ -539,17 +607,6 @@
download-path: "{job}/{build}/robot/report/*zip*/{filename}"
extract: "robot-plugin/output.xml"
-# csit-vpp-perf-1707-all:
-# - 9
-# - 10
-# - 13
-# - 14
-# - 15
-# - 16
-# - 17
-# - 18
-# - 19
-# - 21
- 11
- 12
@@ -686,81 +743,13 @@
- full
- pdf:
- - minimal
+# pdf:
+# - minimal
### T A B L E S ###
-# type: "table"
-# title: "Performance Impact of Meltdown Patches"
-# algorithm: "table_performance_comparison"
-# output-file-ext: ".csv"
-## TODO: specify dir
-# output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/meltdown-impact"
-# reference:
-# title: "No Meltdown"
-## TODO: specify data sources
-# data:
-# csit-vpp-perf-1707-all:
-# - 9
-# - 10
-# - 13
-# compare:
-# title: "Meltdown Patches Applied"
-## TODO: specify data sources
-# data:
-# csit-vpp-perf-1710-all:
-# - 11
-# - 12
-# - 13
-# data:
-# "vpp-meltdown-impact"
-# filter: "all"
-# parameters:
-# - "name"
-# - "parent"
-# - "throughput"
-# # Number of the best and the worst tests presented in the table. Use 0 (zero)
-# # to present all tests.
-# nr-of-tests-shown: 20
-# type: "table"
-# title: "Performance Impact of Spectre Patches"
-# algorithm: "table_performance_comparison"
-# output-file-ext: ".csv"
-## TODO: specify dir
-# output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/meltdown-spectre-impact"
-# reference:
-# title: "No Spectre"
-## TODO: specify data sources
-# data:
-# csit-vpp-perf-1707-all:
-# - 9
-# - 10
-# - 13
-# compare:
-# title: "Spectre Patches Applied"
-## TODO: specify data sources
-# data:
-# csit-vpp-perf-1710-all:
-# - 11
-# - 12
-# - 13
-# data:
-# "vpp-spectre-impact"
-# filter: "all"
-# parameters:
-# - "name"
-# - "parent"
-# - "throughput"
-# # Number of the best and the worst tests presented in the table. Use 0 (zero)
-# # to present all tests.
-# nr-of-tests-shown: 20
type: "table"
title: "VPP Performance Changes"
@@ -868,48 +857,6 @@
nr-of-tests-shown: 20
outlier-const: 1.5
-# type: "table"
-# title: "Performance improvements"
-# algorithm: "table_performance_improvements"
-# template: "{DIR[DTR,PERF,VPP,IMPRV]}/tmpl_performance_improvements.csv"
-# output-file-ext: ".csv"
-# output-file: "{DIR[DTR,PERF,VPP,IMPRV]}/performance_improvements"
-# columns:
-# -
-# title: "Test Name"
-# data: "template 1"
-# -
-# title: "16.09 mean [Mpps]"
-# data: "template 2"
-# -
-# title: "17.01 mean [Mpps]"
-# data: "template 3"
-# -
-# title: "17.04 mean [Mpps]"
-# data: "template 4"
-# -
-# title: "17.07 mean [Mpps]"
-# data: "data csit-vpp-perf-1707-all mean"
-# -
-# title: "17.10 mean [Mpps]"
-# data: "data csit-vpp-perf-1710-all csit-ligato-perf-1710-all mean"
-# -
-# title: "18.01 mean [Mpps]"
-# data: "data csit-vpp-perf-1801-all csit-ligato-perf-1801-all mean"
-# -
-# title: "18.01 stdev [Mpps]"
-# data: "data csit-vpp-perf-1801-all csit-ligato-perf-1801-all stdev"
-# -
-# title: "17.10 to 18.01 change [%]"
-# data: "operation relative_change 5 6"
-# rows: "generated"
-# data:
-# "performance-improvements"
-# filter: "template"
-# parameters:
-# - "throughput"
type: "table"
title: "Detailed Test Results - VPP Performance Results"
@@ -1481,6 +1428,7 @@
### P L O T S ###
# Plots VPP HTTP Server Performance
type: "plot"
@@ -1526,639 +1474,927 @@
-# Plot Throughput Speedup Analysis
-# L2 - 10ge2p1x520 - NDR
+# Packet Throughput - VPP L2 3n-hsw-x520
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'LXC' and not 'DOCKER'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# L2 - 40ge2p1xl710 - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-l2-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'LXC' and not 'DOCKER'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# L2 - 10ge2p1x520 - PDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-l2-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'LXC' and not 'DOCKER'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IPv4 - 10ge2p1x520 - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-ethip4-ip4(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'DOT1Q' and not 'IPSEC'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-ethip4-ip4(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IPv4 - 40ge2p1xl710 - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-ethip4-ip4(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-ip4-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'DOT1Q' and not 'IPSEC'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-ethip4-ip4(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IPv4 - 10ge2p1x520 - PDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-ethip4-ip4(base|scale)*pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-ip4-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'FEATURE' and not 'DOT1Q' and not 'IPSEC'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-ethip4-ip4(base|scale)*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IPv6 - 10ge2p1x520 - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '78B' and 'IP6FWD' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IPv6 - 40ge2p1xl710 - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-78B-ip6-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '78B' and 'IP6FWD' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IPv6 - 10ge2p1x520 - PDR
+# Packet Throughput - VPP L2 3n-hsw-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-78B-ip6-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '78B' and 'IP6FWD' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# SRv6 - 10ge2p1x520 - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'NDRDISC' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# SRv6 - 10ge2p1x520 - PDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-78B-srv6-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-*-ethip6-ip6(base|scale)*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IP4_overlay - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IP4_overlay - PDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-ethip4-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IP6_overlay - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 78B-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-*-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# IP6_overlay - PDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 78B-*-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-78B-ethip6-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-*-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP L2 3n-hsw-xl710
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP L2 3n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel1-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-vhost-sel2-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'NDRDISC' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-.*ipsec.*-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/40ge2p1xl710-64B-ipsechw-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-.*ipsec.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# Container memif - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# Container memif - PDR
+# Packet Throughput - VPP L2 3n-skx-xxv710
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-memif-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# Container orchestrated - NDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# Container orchestrated - PDR
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x520-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "TSA: 64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/10ge2p1x710-64B-container-orchestrated-tsa-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis"
- filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
- - "tags"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-*-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# Plot packets per second
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP L2 sel1
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- # Keep this formatting, the filter is enclosed with " (quotation mark) and
- # each tag is enclosed with ' (apostrophe).
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2167,19 +2403,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2188,19 +2430,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP L2 2n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2209,19 +2457,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2230,20 +2483,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP L2 sel2
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'FEATURE' and ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2252,19 +2509,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'FEATURE' and ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2273,19 +2535,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'FEATURE' and ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2294,19 +2562,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'FEATURE' and ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2315,20 +2589,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP IP4
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'ACL1' and not 'ACL10' and not '100_FLOWS' and not '100k_FLOWS' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2337,19 +2616,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'ACL1' and not 'ACL10' and not '100_FLOWS' and not '100k_FLOWS' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2358,19 +2643,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP L2 2n-skx-xxv710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'ACL1' and not 'ACL10' and not '100_FLOWS' and not '100k_FLOWS' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2379,19 +2670,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'ACL1' and not 'ACL10' and not '100_FLOWS' and not '100k_FLOWS' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2400,20 +2696,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP IP6
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2422,19 +2722,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2443,19 +2748,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2464,19 +2775,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2485,20 +2802,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP SRv6
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-1t1c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2507,19 +2829,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-2t2c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2528,19 +2856,27 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x520
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-1t1c-ethip6*srv6*pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2549,19 +2885,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6*srv6*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-2t2c-ethip6*srv6*pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2570,20 +2911,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6*srv6*pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP IP4_overlay
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2592,19 +2937,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2613,19 +2963,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ethip4-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2634,19 +2990,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ethip4-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2655,20 +3016,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP IP6_overlay
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-1t1c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2677,19 +3042,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-2t2c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2698,19 +3068,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-xl710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-1t1c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2719,19 +3095,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 78B-2t2c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2740,20 +3121,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2762,19 +3147,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2783,19 +3173,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2804,19 +3200,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2825,20 +3226,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2847,19 +3252,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2868,19 +3278,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-xxv710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2889,19 +3305,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2910,20 +3331,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2932,19 +3357,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2953,19 +3383,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-.*ipsec.*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ipsechw-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2974,19 +3410,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*ipsec.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ipsechw-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -2995,20 +3436,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-1t1c-l2-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3017,19 +3462,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-2t2c-l2-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3038,19 +3488,25 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-xxv710
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-1t1c-ipv4-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3059,19 +3515,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-2t2c-ipv4-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3080,19 +3541,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-1t1c-l2-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3101,19 +3567,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-2t2c-l2-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3122,19 +3593,27 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Orchestrated Memif 3n-hsw-x520
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-1t1c-ipv4-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3143,19 +3622,24 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Performance 64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-pdrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-2t2c-ipv4-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
@@ -3164,727 +3648,13676 @@
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Orchestrated Memif 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Orchestrated Memif 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Orchestrated Memif 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Orchestrated Memif 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP Container Orchestrated Memif 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 tunnels 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 tunnels 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 tunnels 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 tunnels 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 tunnels 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv4 tunnels 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPv6 tunnels 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP IPSec 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP SRv6 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - VPP VTS 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VTS'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VTS'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VTS'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Throughput: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-pdr"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VTS'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK l3fwd 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK l3fwd 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK l3fwd 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK l3fwd 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK l3fwd 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK l3fwd 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK l3fwd 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK testpmd 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK testpmd 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK testpmd 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK testpmd 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK testpmd 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# Plot latency
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
-# VPP L2 sel1
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK testpmd 2n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Throughput - DPDK testpmd 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Throughput: testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-pdr"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput"
+# Packet Latency - VPP L2 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-l2-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# VPP L2 sel2
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('FEATURE' and 'ACL50' and '10k_FLOWS') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-l2-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('FEATURE' and 'ACL50' and '10k_FLOWS') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# VPP IP4
+# Packet Latency - VPP L2 3n-hsw-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'ACL1' and not 'ACL10' and not '100_FLOWS' and not '100k_FLOWS' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'ACL1' and not 'ACL10' and not '100_FLOWS' and not '100k_FLOWS' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# VPP IP6
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST' and not 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# VPP SRv6
+# Packet Latency - VPP L2 3n-hsw-xl710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 78B-1t1c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 78B-2t2c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-srv6-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'FEATURE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and 'SRv6'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6*srv6*ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# VPP IP4_overlay
+# Packet Latency - VPP L2 3n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ethip4-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# VPP IP6_overlay
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 78B-1t1c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-1t1c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "78B-1t1c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 78B-2t2c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/78B-2t2c-ethip6-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'78B' and 'ENCAP' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "78B-2t2c-ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP L2 3n-skx-xxv710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel1-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# VPP VM VHOST selection
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-vhost-sel2-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*vhost.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP L2 2n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-ipsechw-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and not 'VHOST' and 'IP4FWD' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN')"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Latency 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-1t1c-l2-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Latency 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-2t2c-l2-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP L2 2n-skx-xxv710
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Latency 64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-1t1c-ipv4-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "DPDK Latency 64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/64B-2t2c-ipv4-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
boxmean: False
- title: "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# Ligato - Throughput
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# Container memif
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "VPP Latency: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-container-memif-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv4 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv4 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv4 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv4 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Ipv4 tunnels 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Ipv4 tunnels 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Ipv4 tunnels 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Ipv4 tunnels 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Ipv4 tunnels 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP Ipv4 tunnels 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-2t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-4t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPv6 tunnels 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
- "throughput"
- "parent"
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP IPSec 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP SRv6 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-1t1c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-2t2c-features-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base_and_scale-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - VPP VTS 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'VTS'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Latency: vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vts-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-vpp-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'VTS'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ boxmean: False
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK l3fwd 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-container-memif-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- - "throughput"
+ - "latency"
- "parent"
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK l3fwd 3n-hsw-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-container-memif-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- - "throughput"
+ - "latency"
- "parent"
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-container-memif-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- - "throughput"
+ - "latency"
- "parent"
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# Container orchestrated
+# Packet Latency - DPDK l3fwd 3n-hsw-xl710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- - "throughput"
+ - "latency"
- "parent"
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- - "throughput"
+ - "latency"
- "parent"
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK l3fwd 3n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- - "throughput"
+ - "latency"
- "parent"
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Performance 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- algorithm: "plot_performance_box"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-pdrdisc"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- - "throughput"
+ - "latency"
- "parent"
hoverinfo: "x+y"
boxpoints: "outliers"
whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-pdrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-throughput"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# Ligato - Latency
+# Packet Latency - DPDK l3fwd 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# Container memif
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-container-memif-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
- boxmean: False
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK l3fwd 2n-skx-x710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-container-memif-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-vpp-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and 'BASE' and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
- boxmean: False
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
-# Container orchestrated
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-1t1c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
- boxmean: False
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK l3fwd 2n-skx-xxv710
type: "plot"
- title: "VPP Latency 64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
output-file-type: ".html"
- output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/64B-2t2c-container-orchestrated-ndrdisc-lat50"
- data:
- "plot-ligato-throughput-latency"
- filter: "'64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and 'NDRDISC' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
- "latency"
- "parent"
- boxmean: False
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
- title: "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-memif-ndrdisc"
- layout:
- "plot-latency"
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/l3fwd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ 'IP4FWD'"
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK testpmd 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x520-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK testpmd 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-x710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK testpmd 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-1t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '1T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-2t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK testpmd 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK testpmd 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK testpmd 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-x710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Packet Latency - DPDK testpmd 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-2t1c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '2T1C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "DPDK Latency: testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ algorithm: "plot_latency_box"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,DPDK]}/testpmd-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-4t2c-base-ndr-lat50"
+ data: "plot-dpdk-throughput-latency-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'BASE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ '4T2C' and
+ parameters:
+ - "latency"
+ - "parent"
+ traces:
+ hoverinfo: "x+y"
+ boxpoints: "outliers"
+ whiskerwidth: 0
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-latency"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container k8s memif 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP Container Memif 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/k8s-memif-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-ligato-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 Tunnels 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 Tunnels 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 Tunnels 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 Tunnels 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 Tunnels 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 Tunnels 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv4 Tunnels 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip4tun-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-hsw-xl710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-3n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-x710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6-2n-skx-xxv710-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ not 'SRv6' and
+ not 'IPSEC' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPv6 tunnels 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ip6tun-3n-hsw-x520-78b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'ENCAP' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP IPSec 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/ipsec-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'IP4FWD' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IPSECHW' and
+ not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP SRv6 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/srv6-3n-hsw-x520-78b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '78B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'IP6FWD' and
+ 'SRv6'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP L2 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP L2 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP L2 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP L2 3n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP L2 3n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-3n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP L2 2n-skx-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-x710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP L2 2n-skx-xxv710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "Speedup: l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/l2sw-2n-skx-xxv710-64b-features-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-2n-skx"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XXV710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'FEATURE' and
+ ('ACL10' or 'ACL50') and '10k_FLOWS' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and
+ not 'VHOST' and
+ not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-x520
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x520-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-x710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-x710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP vhost l2sw 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-l2sw-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+# Speedup - VPP vhost ip4 3n-hsw-xl710
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-ndr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"
+ type: "plot"
+ title: "VPP Speedup: vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ algorithm: "plot_throughput_speedup_analysis"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/vhost-ip4-3n-hsw-xl710-64b-base_and_scale-pdr-tsa"
+ data: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis-3n-hsw"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and
+ '64B' and
+ 'PDRDISC' and not 'NDRDISC' and
+ 'VHOST' and
+ not 'VXLAN' and
+ not 'IP4FWD' and
+ not 'DOT1Q' and
+ not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "throughput"
+ - "parent"
+ - "tags"
+ layout:
+ title: "" # No title
+ layout: "plot-throughput-speedup-analysis"