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+bookToc: false
+title: "PLRsearch"
+weight: 3
+# PLRsearch
+## Motivation for PLRsearch
+Network providers are interested in throughput a system can sustain.
+`RFC 2544`[^3] assumes loss ratio is given by a deterministic function of
+offered load. But NFV software systems are not deterministic enough.
+This makes deterministic algorithms (such as `binary search`[^9] per RFC 2544
+and MLRsearch with single trial) to return results,
+which when repeated show relatively high standard deviation,
+thus making it harder to tell what "the throughput" actually is.
+We need another algorithm, which takes this indeterminism into account.
+## Generic Algorithm
+Detailed description of the PLRsearch algorithm is included in the IETF
+draft `draft-vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch-02`[^1] that is in the process
+of being standardized in the IETF Benchmarking Methodology Working Group (BMWG).
+### Terms
+The rest of this page assumes the reader is familiar with the following terms
+defined in the IETF draft:
++ Trial Order Independent System
++ Duration Independent System
++ Target Loss Ratio
++ Critical Load
++ Offered Load regions
+ + Zero Loss Region
+ + Non-Deterministic Region
+ + Guaranteed Loss Region
++ Fitting Function
+ + Stretch Function
+ + Erf Function
++ Bayesian Inference
+ + Prior distribution
+ + Posterior Distribution
++ Numeric Integration
+ + Monte Carlo
+ + Importance Sampling
+## FD.io CSIT Implementation Specifics
+The search receives min_rate and max_rate values, to avoid measurements
+at offered loads not supporeted by the traffic generator.
+The implemented tests cases use bidirectional traffic.
+The algorithm stores each rate as bidirectional rate (internally,
+the algorithm is agnostic to flows and directions,
+it only cares about aggregate counts of packets sent and packets lost),
+but debug output from traffic generator lists unidirectional values.
+### Measurement Delay
+In a sample implemenation in FD.io CSIT project, there is roughly 0.5
+second delay between trials due to restrictons imposed by packet traffic
+generator in use (T-Rex).
+As measurements results come in, posterior distribution computation takes
+more time (per sample), although there is a considerable constant part
+(mostly for inverting the fitting functions).
+Also, the integrator needs a fair amount of samples to reach the region
+the posterior distribution is concentrated at.
+And of course, the speed of the integrator depends on computing power
+of the CPU the algorithm is able to use.
+All those timing related effects are addressed by arithmetically increasing
+trial durations with configurable coefficients
+(currently 5.1 seconds for the first trial,
+each subsequent trial being 0.1 second longer).
+### Rounding Errors and Underflows
+In order to avoid them, the current implementation tracks natural logarithm
+(instead of the original quantity) for any quantity which is never negative.
+Logarithm of zero is minus infinity (not supported by Python),
+so special value "None" is used instead.
+Specific functions for frequent operations (such as "logarithm
+of sum of exponentials") are defined to handle None correctly.
+### Fitting Functions
+Current implementation uses two fitting functions, called "stretch" and "erf".
+In general, their estimates for critical rate differ,
+which adds a simple source of systematic error,
+on top of randomness error reported by integrator.
+Otherwise the reported stdev of critical rate estimate
+is unrealistically low.
+Both functions are not only increasing, but also convex
+(meaning the rate of increase is also increasing).
+Both fitting functions have several mathematically equivalent formulas,
+each can lead to an arithmetic overflow or underflow in different sub-terms.
+Overflows can be eliminated by using different exact formulas
+for different argument ranges.
+Underflows can be avoided by using approximate formulas
+in affected argument ranges, such ranges have their own formulas to compute.
+At the end, both fitting function implementations
+contain multiple "if" branches, discontinuities are a possibility
+at range boundaries.
+### Prior Distributions
+The numeric integrator expects all the parameters to be distributed
+(independently and) uniformly on an interval (-1, 1).
+As both "mrr" and "spread" parameters are positive and not dimensionless,
+a transformation is needed. Dimentionality is inherited from max_rate value.
+The "mrr" parameter follows a `Lomax distribution`[^4]
+with alpha equal to one, but shifted so that mrr is always greater than 1
+packet per second.
+The "stretch" parameter is generated simply as the "mrr" value
+raised to a random power between zero and one;
+thus it follows a `reciprocal distribution`[^5].
+### Integrator
+After few measurements, the posterior distribution of fitting function
+arguments gets quite concentrated into a small area.
+The integrator is using `Monte Carlo`[^6] with `importance sampling`[^7]
+where the biased distribution is `bivariate Gaussian`[^8] distribution,
+with deliberately larger variance.
+If the generated sample falls outside (-1, 1) interval,
+another sample is generated.
+The center and the covariance matrix for the biased distribution
+is based on the first and second moments of samples seen so far
+(within the computation). The center is used directly,
+covariance matrix is scaled up by a heurictic constant (8.0 by default).
+The following additional features are applied
+designed to avoid hyper-focused distributions.
+Each computation starts with the biased distribution inherited
+from the previous computation (zero point and unit covariance matrix
+is used in the first computation), but the overal weight of the data
+is set to the weight of the first sample of the computation.
+Also, the center is set to the first sample point.
+When additional samples come, their weight (including the importance correction)
+is compared to sum of the weights of data seen so far (within the iteration).
+If the new sample is more than one e-fold more impactful, both weight values
+(for data so far and for the new sample) are set to (geometric) average
+of the two weights.
+This combination showed the best behavior, as the integrator usually follows
+two phases. First phase (where inherited biased distribution
+or single big sample are dominating) is mainly important
+for locating the new area the posterior distribution is concentrated at.
+The second phase (dominated by whole sample population)
+is actually relevant for the critical rate estimation.
+### Offered Load Selection
+First two measurements are hardcoded to happen at the middle of rate interval
+and at max_rate. Next two measurements follow MRR-like logic,
+offered load is decreased so that it would reach target loss ratio
+if offered load decrease lead to equal decrease of loss rate.
+The rest of measurements start directly in between
+erf and stretch estimate average.
+There is one workaround implemented, aimed at reducing the number of consequent
+zero loss measurements (per fitting function). The workaround first stores
+every measurement result which loss ratio was the targed loss ratio or higher.
+Sorted list (called lossy loads) of such results is maintained.
+When a sequence of one or more zero loss measurement results is encountered,
+a smallest of lossy loads is drained from the list.
+If the estimate average is smaller than the drained value,
+a weighted average of this estimate and the drained value is used
+as the next offered load. The weight of the estimate decreases exponentially
+with the length of consecutive zero loss results.
+This behavior helps the algorithm with convergence speed,
+as it does not need so many zero loss result to get near critical region.
+Using the smallest (not drained yet) of lossy loads makes it sure
+the new offered load is unlikely to result in big loss region.
+Draining even if the estimate is large enough helps to discard
+early measurements when loss hapened at too low offered load.
+Current implementation adds 4 copies of lossy loads and drains 3 of them,
+which leads to fairly stable behavior even for somewhat inconsistent SUTs.
+### Caveats
+As high loss count measurements add many bits of information,
+they need a large amount of small loss count measurements to balance them,
+making the algorithm converge quite slowly. Typically, this happens
+when few initial measurements suggest spread way bigger then later measurements.
+The workaround in offered load selection helps,
+but more intelligent workarounds could get faster convergence still.
+Some systems evidently do not follow the assumption of repeated measurements
+having the same average loss rate (when the offered load is the same).
+The idea of estimating the trend is not implemented at all,
+as the observed trends have varied characteristics.
+Probably, using a more realistic fitting functions
+will give better estimates than trend analysis.
+## Bottom Line
+The notion of Throughput is easy to grasp, but it is harder to measure
+with any accuracy for non-deterministic systems.
+Even though the notion of critical rate is harder to grasp than the notion
+of throughput, it is easier to measure using probabilistic methods.
+In testing, the difference between througput measurements and critical
+rate measurements is usually small.
+In pactice, rules of thumb such as "send at max 95% of purported throughput"
+are common. The correct benchmarking analysis should ask "Which notion is
+95% of throughput an approximation to?" before attempting to answer
+"Is 95% of critical rate safe enough?".
+## Algorithmic Analysis
+### Motivation
+While the estimation computation is based on hard probability science;
+the offered load selection part of PLRsearch logic is pure heuristics,
+motivated by what would a human do based on measurement and computation results.
+The quality of any heuristic is not affected by soundness of its motivation,
+just by its ability to achieve the intended goals.
+In case of offered load selection, the goal is to help the search to converge
+to the long duration estimates sooner.
+But even those long duration estimates could still be of poor quality.
+Even though the estimate computation is Bayesian (so it is the best it could be
+within the applied assumptions), it can still of poor quality when compared
+to what a human would estimate.
+One possible source of poor quality is the randomnes inherently present
+in Monte Carlo numeric integration, but that can be supressed
+by tweaking the time related input parameters.
+The most likely source of poor quality then are the assumptions.
+Most importantly, the number and the shape of fitting functions;
+but also others, such as trial order independence and duration independence.
+The result can have poor quality in basically two ways.
+One way is related to location. Both upper and lower bounds
+can be overestimates or underestimates, meaning the entire estimated interval
+between lower bound and upper bound lays above or below (respectively)
+of human-estimated interval.
+The other way is related to the estimation interval width.
+The interval can be too wide or too narrow, compared to human estimation.
+An estimate from a particular fitting function can be classified
+as an overestimate (or underestimate) just by looking at time evolution
+(without human examining measurement results). Overestimates
+decrease by time, underestimates increase by time (assuming
+the system performance stays constant).
+Quality of the width of the estimation interval needs human evaluation,
+and is unrelated to both rate of narrowing (both good and bad estimate intervals
+get narrower at approximately the same relative rate) and relatative width
+(depends heavily on the system being tested).
+### Graphical Examples
+The following pictures show the upper (red) and lower (blue) bound,
+as well as average of Stretch (pink) and Erf (light green) estimate,
+and offered load chosen (grey), as computed by PLRsearch,
+after each trial measurement within the 30 minute duration of a test run.
+Both graphs are focusing on later estimates. Estimates computed from
+few initial measurements are wildly off the y-axis range shown.
+The following analysis will rely on frequency of zero loss measurements
+and magnitude of loss ratio if nonzero.
+The offered load selection strategy used implies zero loss measurements
+can be gleaned from the graph by looking at offered load points.
+When the points move up farther from lower estimate, it means
+the previous measurement had zero loss. After non-zero loss,
+the offered load starts again right between (the previous values of)
+the estimate curves.
+The very big loss ratio results are visible as noticeable jumps
+of both estimates downwards. Medium and small loss ratios are much harder
+to distinguish just by looking at the estimate curves,
+the analysis is based on raw loss ratio measurement results.
+The following descriptions should explain why the graphs seem to signal
+low quality estimate at first sight, but a more detailed look
+reveals the quality is good (considering the measurement results).
+#### L2 patch
+Both fitting functions give similar estimates, the graph shows
+"stochasticity" of measurements (estimates increase and decrease
+within small time regions), and an overall trend of decreasing estimates.
+On the first look, the final interval looks fairly narrow,
+especially compared to the region the estimates have travelled
+during the search. But the look at the frequency of zero loss results shows
+this is not a case of overestimation. Measurements at around the same
+offered load have higher probability of zero loss earlier
+(when performed farther from upper bound), but smaller probability later
+(when performed closer to upper bound). That means it is the performance
+of the system under test that decreases (slightly) over time.
+With that in mind, the apparent narrowness of the interval
+is not a sign of low quality, just a consequence of PLRsearch assuming
+the performance stays constant.
+{{< svg "static/PLR_patch.svg" >}}
+#### Vhost
+This test case shows what looks like a quite broad estimation interval,
+compared to other test cases with similarly looking zero loss frequencies.
+Notable features are infrequent high-loss measurement results
+causing big drops of estimates, and lack of long-term convergence.
+Any convergence in medium-sized intervals (during zero loss results)
+is reverted by the big loss results, as they happen quite far
+from the critical load estimates, and the two fitting functions
+extrapolate differently.
+In other words, human only seeing estimates from one fitting function
+would expect narrower end interval, but human seeing the measured loss ratios
+agrees that the interval should be wider than that.
+{{< svg "static/PLR_vhost.svg" >}}
+#### Summary
+The two graphs show the behavior of PLRsearch algorithm applied to soaking test
+when some of PLRsearch assumptions do not hold:
++ L2 patch measurement results violate the assumption
+ of performance not changing over time.
++ Vhost measurement results violate the assumption
+ of Poisson distribution matching the loss counts.
+The reported upper and lower bounds can have distance larger or smaller
+than a first look by a human would expect, but a more closer look reveals
+the quality is good, considering the circumstances.
+The usefullness of the critical load estimate is of questionable value
+when the assumptions are violated.
+Some improvements can be made via more specific workarounds,
+for example long term limit of L2 patch performance could be estmated
+by some heuristic.
+Other improvements can be achieved only by asking users
+whether loss patterns matter. Is it better to have single digit losses
+distributed fairly evenly over time (as Poisson distribution would suggest),
+or is it better to have short periods of medium losses
+mixed with long periods of zero losses (as happens in Vhost test)
+with the same overall loss ratio?
+[^1]: [draft-vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch-02](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch-02)
+[^2]: [plrsearch draft](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch-00)
+[^3]: [RFC 2544](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2544)
+[^4]: [Lomax distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lomax_distribution)
+[^5]: [reciprocal distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reciprocal_distribution)
+[^6]: [Monte Carlo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_integration)
+[^7]: [importance sampling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Importance_sampling)
+[^8]: [bivariate Gaussian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_normal_distribution)
+[^9]: [binary search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm) \ No newline at end of file