path: root/resources/libraries/python
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/libraries/python')
2 files changed, 457 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libraries/python/PapiExecutor.py b/resources/libraries/python/PapiExecutor.py
index a3f2479cff..792fa4c3b3 100644
--- a/resources/libraries/python/PapiExecutor.py
+++ b/resources/libraries/python/PapiExecutor.py
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from resources.libraries.python.PythonThree import raise_from
from resources.libraries.python.PapiHistory import PapiHistory
from resources.libraries.python.ssh import (
SSH, SSHTimeout, exec_cmd_no_error, scp_node)
+from resources.libraries.python.VppApiCrc import VppApiCrcChecker
__all__ = ["PapiExecutor", "PapiSocketExecutor"]
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ def dictize(obj):
ret.__getitem__ = new_get
return ret
class PapiSocketExecutor(object):
"""Methods for executing VPP Python API commands on forwarded socket.
@@ -126,6 +128,8 @@ class PapiSocketExecutor(object):
# Class cache for reuse between instances.
cached_vpp_instance = None
+ api_json_directory = None
+ crc_checker_instance = None
def __init__(self, node, remote_vpp_socket="/run/vpp-api.sock"):
"""Store the given arguments, declare managed variables.
@@ -145,6 +149,20 @@ class PapiSocketExecutor(object):
self._local_vpp_socket = None
+ def crc_checker(self):
+ """Return the cached instance or create new one from directory.
+ It is assumed self.api_json_directory is set, as a class variable.
+ :returns: Cached or newly created instance aware of .api.json content.
+ :rtype: VppApiCrc.VppApiCrcChecker
+ """
+ cls = self.__class__
+ if cls.crc_checker_instance is None:
+ cls.crc_checker_instance = VppApiCrcChecker(cls.api_json_directory)
+ return cls.crc_checker_instance
+ @property
def vpp_instance(self):
"""Return VPP instance with bindings to all API calls.
@@ -183,13 +201,17 @@ class PapiSocketExecutor(object):
exec_cmd_no_error(node, ["bash", "-c", "'" + inner_cmd + "'"])
scp_node(node, tmp_dir + "/papi.txz", "/tmp/papi.txz", get=True)
run(["tar", "xf", tmp_dir + "/papi.txz", "-C", tmp_dir])
+ cls.api_json_directory = tmp_dir + "/usr/share/vpp/api"
+ # Perform initial checks before .api.json files are gone,
+ # by accessing the property (which also creates its instance).
+ self.crc_checker
# When present locally, we finally can find the installation path.
package_path = glob.glob(tmp_dir + installed_papi_glob)[0]
# Package path has to be one level above the vpp_papi directory.
package_path = package_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
from vpp_papi.vpp_papi import VPPApiClient as vpp_class
- vpp_class.apidir = tmp_dir + "/usr/share/vpp/api"
+ vpp_class.apidir = cls.api_json_directory
# We need to create instance before removing from sys.path.
cls.cached_vpp_instance = vpp_class(
use_socket=True, server_address="TBD", async_thread=False,
@@ -315,6 +337,14 @@ class PapiSocketExecutor(object):
be repeated in kwargs.
Unless disabled, new entry to papi history is also added at this point.
+ Any pending conflicts from .api.json processing are raised.
+ Then the command name is checked for known CRCs.
+ Unsupported commands raise an exception, as CSIT change
+ should not start using messages without making sure which CRCs
+ are supported.
+ Each CRC issue is raised only once, so subsequent tests
+ can raise other issues.
:param csit_papi_command: VPP API command.
:param history: Enable/disable adding command to PAPI command history.
:param kwargs: Optional key-value arguments.
@@ -323,10 +353,13 @@ class PapiSocketExecutor(object):
:type kwargs: dict
:returns: self, so that method chaining is possible.
:rtype: PapiSocketExecutor
+ :raises RuntimeError: If unverified or conflicting CRC is encountered.
+ self.crc_checker.report_initial_conflicts()
if history:
self._node, csit_papi_command, **kwargs)
+ self.crc_checker.check_api_name(csit_papi_command)
dict(api_name=csit_papi_command, api_args=kwargs))
return self
@@ -486,6 +519,7 @@ class PapiSocketExecutor(object):
if not isinstance(reply, list):
reply = [reply]
for item in reply:
+ self.crc_checker.check_api_name(item.__class__.__name__)
dict_item = dictize(item)
if "retval" in dict_item.keys():
# *_details messages do not contain retval.
diff --git a/resources/libraries/python/VppApiCrc.py b/resources/libraries/python/VppApiCrc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eba65ac785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/libraries/python/VppApiCrc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Module for keeping track of VPP API CRCs relied on by CSIT."""
+import json
+import os
+from robot.api import logger
+class VppApiCrcChecker(object):
+ """Holder of data related to tracking VPP API CRCs.
+ Each instance of this class starts with same default state,
+ so make sure the calling libraries have appropriate robot library scope.
+ For usual testing, it means "GLOBAL" scope."""
+ def __init__(self, directory):
+ """Initialize empty state, then register known collections.
+ This also scans directory for .api.json files
+ and performs initial checks, but does not report the findings yet.
+ :param directory: Root directory of the search for .api.json files.
+ :type directory: str
+ """
+ self._expected = dict()
+ """Mapping from collection name to mapping from API name to CRC string.
+ Colection name should be something useful for logging.
+ API name is ordinary Python2 str, CRC is also str.
+ Order of addition reflects the order colections should be queried.
+ If an incompatible CRC is found, affected collections are removed.
+ A CRC that would remove all does not, added to _reported instead,
+ while causing a failure in single test.
+ """
+ self._missing = dict()
+ """Mapping from collection name to mapping from API name to CRC string.
+ Starts the same as _expected, but each time an encountered api,crc pair
+ fits the expectation, the pair is removed from this mapping.
+ Ideally, the active mappings will become empty.
+ If not, it is an error, VPP removed or renamed a message CSIT needs."""
+ self._found = dict()
+ """Mapping from API name to CRC string.
+ This gets populated with CRCs found in .api.json,
+ to serve as a hint when reporting errors."""
+ self._reported = dict()
+ """Mapping from API name to CRC string.
+ This gets populated with APIs used, but not found in collections,
+ just before the fact is reported in an exception.
+ The CRC comes from _found mapping (otherwise left as None).
+ The idea is to not report those next time, allowing the job
+ to find more problems in a single run."""
+ self._initial_conflicts_reported = False
+ self._register_all()
+ self._check_dir(directory)
+ def _register_collection(self, collection_name, collection_dict):
+ """Add a named (copy of) collection of CRCs.
+ :param collection_name: Helpful string describing the collection.
+ :param collection_dict: Mapping from API names to CRCs.
+ :type collection_name: str
+ :type collection_dict: dict from str to str
+ """
+ if collection_name in self._expected:
+ raise RuntimeError("Collection {cl} already registered.".format(
+ cl=collection_name))
+ self._expected[collection_name] = collection_dict.copy()
+ self._missing[collection_name] = collection_dict.copy()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_name(msg_obj):
+ """Utility function to extract API name from an intermediate json.
+ :param msg_obj: Loaded json object, item of "messages" list.
+ :type msg_obj: list of various types
+ :returns: Name of the message.
+ :rtype: str or unicode
+ :raises RuntimeError: If no name is found.
+ """
+ for item in msg_obj:
+ if isinstance(item, (dict, list)):
+ continue
+ return item
+ raise RuntimeError("No name found for message: {obj!r}".format(
+ obj=msg_obj))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_crc(msg_obj):
+ """Utility function to extract API CRC from an intermediate json.
+ :param msg_obj: Loaded json object, item of "messages" list.
+ :type msg_obj: list of various types
+ :returns: CRC of the message.
+ :rtype: str or unicode
+ :raises RuntimeError: If no CRC is found.
+ """
+ for item in reversed(msg_obj):
+ if not isinstance(item, dict):
+ continue
+ crc = item.get("crc", None)
+ if crc:
+ return crc
+ raise RuntimeError("No CRC found for message: {obj!r}".format(
+ obj=msg_obj))
+ def _process_crc(self, api_name, crc):
+ """Compare API to verified collections, update class state.
+ Conflict is NOT when a collection does not recognize the API.
+ Such APIs are merely added to _found for later reporting.
+ Conflict is when a collection recognizes the API under a different CRC.
+ If a partial match happens, only the matching collections are preserved.
+ On no match, all current collections are preserved,
+ but the offending API is added to _reported mapping.
+ Note that it is expected that collections are incompatible
+ with each other for some APIs. The removal of collections
+ on partial match is there to help identify the intended collection
+ for the VPP build under test. But if no collection fits perfectly,
+ the last collections to determine the "known" flag
+ depends on the order of api_name submitted,
+ which tends to be fairly random (depends on order of .api.json files).
+ Order of collection registrations does not help much in this regard.
+ Attempts to overwrite value in _found or _reported should not happen,
+ so the code does not check for that, simply overwriting.
+ The intended usage is to call this method multiple times,
+ and then raise exception listing all _reported.
+ :param api_name: API name to check.
+ :param crc: Discovered CRC to check for the name.
+ :type api_name: str
+ :type crc: str or unicode
+ """
+ # Regardless of the result, remember as found.
+ self._found[api_name] = crc
+ old_expected = self._expected
+ new_expected = old_expected.copy()
+ for collection_name, collection_dict in old_expected.items():
+ if api_name not in collection_dict:
+ continue
+ if collection_dict[api_name] == crc:
+ self._missing[collection_name].pop(api_name, None)
+ continue
+ # Remove the offending collection.
+ new_expected.pop(collection_name, None)
+ if new_expected:
+ # Some collections recognized the CRC.
+ self._expected = new_expected
+ self._missing = {name: self._missing[name] for name in new_expected}
+ return
+ # No new_expected means some colections knew the api_name,
+ # but CRC does not match any. This has to be reported.
+ self._reported[api_name] = crc
+ def _check_dir(self, directory):
+ """Parse every .api.json found under directory, remember conflicts.
+ As several collections are supported, each conflict invalidates
+ one of them, failure happens only when no collections would be left.
+ In that case, set of collections just before the failure is preserved,
+ the _reported mapping is filled with conflicting APIs.
+ The _found mapping is filled with discovered api names and crcs.
+ The exception is not thrown here, but from report_initial_conflicts.
+ :param directory: Root directory of the search for .api.json files.
+ :type directory: str
+ """
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
+ for filename in files:
+ if not filename.endswith(".api.json"):
+ continue
+ with open(root + '/' + filename, "r") as file_in:
+ json_obj = json.load(file_in)
+ msgs = json_obj["messages"]
+ for msg_obj in msgs:
+ msg_name = self._get_name(msg_obj)
+ msg_crc = self._get_crc(msg_obj)
+ self._process_crc(msg_name, msg_crc)
+ logger.info("Surviving collections: {col}".format(
+ col=self._expected.keys()))
+ def report_initial_conflicts(self, report_missing=False):
+ """Report issues discovered by _check_dir, if not done that already.
+ Intended use: Call once after init, at a time when throwing exception
+ is convenient.
+ Optionally, report also missing messages.
+ Missing reporting is disabled by default, because some messages
+ come from plugins that might not be enabled at runtime.
+ :param report_missing: Whether to raise on missing messages.
+ :type report_missing: bool
+ :raises RuntimeError: If CRC mismatch or missing messages are detected.
+ """
+ if self._initial_conflicts_reported:
+ return
+ self._initial_conflicts_reported = True
+ if self._reported:
+ raise RuntimeError("Dir check found incompatible API CRCs: {rep!r}"\
+ .format(rep=self._reported))
+ if not report_missing:
+ return
+ missing = {name: mapp for name, mapp in self._missing.items() if mapp}
+ if missing:
+ raise RuntimeError("Dir check found missing API CRCs: {mis!r}"\
+ .format(mis=missing))
+ def check_api_name(self, api_name):
+ """Fail if the api_name has no known CRC associated.
+ Do not fail if this particular failure has been already reported.
+ Intended use: Call everytime an API call is queued or response received.
+ :param api_name: VPP API messagee name to check.
+ :type api_name: str
+ :raises RuntimeError: If no verified CRC for the api_name is found.
+ """
+ if api_name in self._reported:
+ return
+ old_expected = self._expected
+ new_expected = old_expected.copy()
+ for collection_name, collection_dict in old_expected.items():
+ if api_name in collection_dict:
+ continue
+ # Remove the offending collection.
+ new_expected.pop(collection_name, None)
+ if new_expected:
+ # Some collections recognized the message name.
+ self._expected = new_expected
+ return
+ crc = self._found.get(api_name, None)
+ self._reported[api_name] = crc
+ raise RuntimeError("No active collection has API {api} CRC found {crc}"\
+ .format(api=api_name, crc=crc))
+ # Moved to the end as this part will be edited frequently.
+ def _register_all(self):
+ """Add all collections this CSIT codebase is tested against."""
+ # Rework to read from files?
+ self._register_collection(
+ "19.08-rc0~762-gbb2e5221a", {
+ "acl_add_replace": "0x13bc8539", # perf
+ "acl_add_replace_reply": "0xac407b0c", # perf
+ "acl_dump": "0xef34fea4", # perf teardown
+ "acl_interface_list_dump": "0x529cb13f", # perf teardown
+ # ^^^^ tc01-64B-1c-ethip4udp-ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-mrr
+ "acl_interface_set_acl_list": "0x8baece38", # perf
+ "acl_interface_set_acl_list_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # perf
+ "acl_details": "0xf89d7a88", # perf teardown
+ "acl_interface_list_details": "0xd5e80809", # perf teardown
+ # ^^^^ tc01-64B-1c-ethip4udp-ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-mrr
+ # ^^ ip4fwdANDiaclANDacl10AND100_flows
+ "avf_create": "0xdaab8ae2", # perf
+ "avf_create_reply": "0xfda5941f", # perf
+ # ^^ tc01-64B-1c-avf-eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-mrr
+ # ^ l2bdmaclrnANDbaseANDdrv_avf
+ "bridge_domain_add_del": "0xc6360720", # dev
+ "bridge_domain_add_del_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "classify_add_del_session": "0x85fd79f4", # dev
+ "classify_add_del_session_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "classify_add_del_table": "0x9bd794ae", # dev
+ "classify_add_del_table_reply": "0x05486349", # dev
+ "cli_inband": "0xb1ad59b3", # dev setup
+ "cli_inband_reply": "0x6d3c80a4", # dev setup
+ "cop_interface_enable_disable": "0x69d24598", # dev
+ "cop_interface_enable_disable_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "cop_whitelist_enable_disable": "0x8bb8f6dc", # dev
+ "cop_whitelist_enable_disable_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "create_loopback": "0x3b54129c", # dev
+ "create_loopback_reply": "0xfda5941f", # dev
+ "create_subif": "0x86cfe408", # virl
+ "create_subif_reply": "0xfda5941f", # virl
+ "create_vhost_user_if": "0xbd230b87", # dev
+ "create_vhost_user_if_reply": "0xfda5941f", # dev
+ "create_vlan_subif": "0x70cadeda", # virl
+ "create_vlan_subif_reply": "0xfda5941f", # virl
+ "gre_tunnel_add_del": "0x04199f47", # virl
+ "gre_tunnel_add_del_reply": "0x903324db", # virl
+ "gpe_enable_disable": "0xeb0e943b", # virl
+ "gpe_enable_disable_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "hw_interface_set_mtu": "0x132da1e7", # dev
+ "hw_interface_set_mtu_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "input_acl_set_interface": "0xe09537b0", # dev
+ "input_acl_set_interface_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "ip_address_details": "0x2f1dbc7d", # dev
+ "ip_address_dump": "0x6b7bcd0a", # dev
+ "ip_neighbor_add_del": "0x7a68a3c4", # dev
+ "ip_neighbor_add_del_reply": "0x1992deab", # dev
+ "ip_probe_neighbor": "0x2736142d", # virl
+ "ip_route_add_del": "0x83e086ce", # dev
+ "ip_route_add_del_reply": "0x1992deab", # dev
+ "ip_source_check_interface_add_del": "0x0a60152a", # virl
+ "ip_source_check_interface_add_del_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "ip_table_add_del": "0xe5d378f2", # dev
+ "ip_table_add_del_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "ipsec_interface_add_del_spd": "0x1e3b8286", # dev
+ "ipsec_interface_add_del_spd_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "ipsec_sad_entry_add_del": "0xa25ab61e", # dev
+ "ipsec_sad_entry_add_del_reply": "0x9ffac24b", # dev
+ "ipsec_spd_add_del": "0x9ffdf5da", # dev
+ "ipsec_spd_add_del_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "ipsec_spd_entry_add_del": "0x6bc6a3b5", # dev
+ "ipsec_spd_entry_add_del_reply": "0x9ffac24b", # dev
+ "l2_interface_vlan_tag_rewrite": "0xb90be6b4", # virl
+ "l2_interface_vlan_tag_rewrite_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "l2_patch_add_del": "0x62506e63", # perf
+ "l2_patch_add_del_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # perf
+ # ^^ tc01-64B-1c-avf-eth-l2patch-mrr
+ # ^ l2patchANDdrv_avf
+ "lisp_add_del_adjacency": "0xf047390d", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_adjacency_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_local_eid": "0xe6d00717", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_local_eid_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_locator": "0x006a4240", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_locator_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_locator_set": "0x06968e38", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_locator_set_reply": "0xb6666db4", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_remote_mapping": "0xb879c3a9", # virl
+ "lisp_add_del_remote_mapping_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "lisp_eid_table_details": "0xdcd9f414", # virl
+ "lisp_eid_table_dump": "0xe0df64da", # virl
+ "lisp_enable_disable": "0xeb0e943b", # virl
+ "lisp_enable_disable_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "lisp_locator_set_details": "0x6b846882", # virl
+ "lisp_locator_set_dump": "0xc79e8ab0", # virl
+ "lisp_map_resolver_details": "0x60a5f5ca", # virl
+ "lisp_map_resolver_dump": "0x51077d14", # virl
+ "memif_create": "0x6597cdb2", # dev
+ "memif_create_reply": "0xfda5941f", # dev
+ "memif_details": "0x4f5a3397", # dev
+ "memif_dump": "0x51077d14", # dev
+ "memif_socket_filename_add_del": "0x30e3929d", # dev
+ "memif_socket_filename_add_del_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "nat_det_add_del_map": "0x04b76549", # perf
+ "nat_det_add_del_map_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # perf
+ "nat44_interface_add_del_feature": "0xef3edad1", # perf
+ "nat44_interface_add_del_feature_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # perf
+ # ^^^^ tc01-64B-1c-ethip4udp-ip4base-nat44-mrr
+ # ^ nat44NOTscaleNOTsrc_user_1
+ "proxy_arp_intfc_enable_disable": "0x69d24598", # virl
+ "proxy_arp_intfc_enable_disable_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # virl
+ "show_lisp_status": "0x51077d14", # virl
+ "show_lisp_status_reply": "0xddcf48ef", # virl
+ "show_threads": "0x51077d14", # dev
+ "show_threads_reply": "0xf5e0b66f", # dev
+ "show_version": "0x51077d14", # dev setup
+ "show_version_reply": "0xb9bcf6df", # dev setup
+ "sw_interface_add_del_address": "0x7b583179", # dev
+ "sw_interface_add_del_address_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "sw_interface_details": "0xe4ee7eb6", # dev setup
+ "sw_interface_dump": "0x052753c5", # dev setup
+ "sw_interface_ip6nd_ra_config": "0xc3f02daa", # dev
+ "sw_interface_ip6nd_ra_config_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "sw_interface_rx_placement_details": "0x0e9e33f4", # perf
+ "sw_interface_rx_placement_dump": "0x529cb13f", # perf
+ # ^^ tc01-64B-1c-dot1q-l2bdbasemaclrn-eth-2memif-1dcr-mrr
+ # ^ dot1qANDl2bdmaclrnANDbaseANDmemif
+ "sw_interface_set_flags": "0x555485f5", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_flags_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_l2_bridge": "0x5579f809", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_l2_bridge_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_l2_xconnect": "0x95de3988", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_l2_xconnect_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_rx_placement": "0x4ef4377d", # perf
+ "sw_interface_set_rx_placement_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # perf
+ # ^^ tc01-64B-1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2memif-1dcr-mrr
+ # ^ l2xcfwdANDbaseANDlxcANDmemif
+ "sw_interface_set_table": "0xacb25d89", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_table_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_vxlan_bypass": "0xe74ca095", # dev
+ "sw_interface_set_vxlan_bypass_reply": "0xe8d4e804", # dev
+ "sw_interface_vhost_user_details": "0x91ff3307", # dev
+ "sw_interface_vhost_user_dump": "0x51077d14", # dev
+ "vxlan_add_del_tunnel": "0x00f4bdd0", # virl
+ "vxlan_add_del_tunnel_reply": "0xfda5941f", # virl
+ "vxlan_tunnel_details": "0xce38e127", # virl
+ "vxlan_tunnel_dump": "0x529cb13f", # virl
+ }
+ # Perf verify with: csit-3n-skx-perftest
+ # mrrAND1cAND64bANDnic_intel-x710ANDip4fwdANDiaclANDacl10AND100_flows
+ # mrrAND1cAND64bANDnic_intel-x710ANDl2bdmaclrnANDbaseANDdrv_avf
+ # mrrAND1cAND64bANDnic_intel-x710ANDl2patchANDdrv_avf
+ # mrrAND1cAND64bANDnic_intel-x710ANDnat44NOTscaleNOTsrc_user_1
+ # mrrAND1cAND64bANDnic_intel-x710ANDdot1qANDl2bdmaclrnANDbaseANDmemif
+ # mrrAND1cAND64bANDnic_intel-x710ANDl2xcfwdANDbaseANDlxcANDmemif
+ # TODO: Add a tag expression for covering those perf tests,
+ # even though any CSIT change can make that outdated.
+ # TODO: Once API coverage job is ready,
+ # add a check to make sure each message was encountered;
+ # failure means we need to add more tests to API coverage job.
+ # Alternatively, add an option to compile messages actually
+ # used or encountered, so CSIT knows what to remove from mapping.
+ )