path: root/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_utils.robot
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1 files changed, 78 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_utils.robot b/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_utils.robot
index 6ce706a514..80fddc671a 100644
--- a/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_utils.robot
+++ b/resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_utils.robot
@@ -37,128 +37,28 @@
| ... | and PDR.
*** Keywords ***
-| Get Average Frame Size
-| | [Documentation]
-| | ... | Framesize can be either integer in case of a single packet
-| | ... | in stream, or set of packets in case of IMIX type or simmilar.
-| | ... | This keyword returns average framesize, as float or argument type.
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - framesize - Framesize. Type: integer or string
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ...
-| | ... | \| Get Average Frame Size \| IMIX_v4_1 \|
-| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${framesize}
-| | ...
-| | Return From Keyword If | '${framesize}' == 'IMIX_v4_1' | ${353.83333}
-| | Return From Keyword | ${framesize}
-| Get Max Rate And Jumbo
-| | [Documentation]
-| | ... | Argument framesize can be either integer in case of a single packet
-| | ... | in stream, or IMIX string defining mix of packets.
-| | ... | For jumbo frames detection, the maximal packet size is relevant.
-| | ... | For maximal transmit rate, the average packet size is relevant.
-| | ... | In both cases, encapsulation overhead (if any) has effect.
-| | ... | The maximal rate is computed from line limit bandwidth,
-| | ... | but NICs also have an independent limit in packet rate.
-| | ... | For some NICs, the limit is not reachable (bps limit is stricter),
-| | ... | in those cases None is used (meaning no limiting).
-| | ...
-| | ... | This keyword returns computed maximal unidirectional transmit rate
-| | ... | and jumbo boolean (some suites need that).
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - bps_limit - Line rate limit in bps. Type: integer
-| | ... | - framesize - Framesize in bytes or IMIX. Type: integer or string
-| | ... | - overhead - Overhead in bytes. Default: 0. Type: integer
-| | ... | - pps_limit - NIC limit rate value in pps. Type: integer or None
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Returns:*
-| | ... | - 2-tuple, consisting of:
-| | ... | - Calculated unidirectional maximal transmit rate.
-| | ... | Type: integer or float
-| | ... | - Jumbo boolean, true if jumbo packet support has to be enabled.
-| | ... | Type: boolean
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ...
-| | ... | \| Get Max Rate And Jumbo | \${10000000} \| IMIX_v4_1 \
-| | ... | \| overhead=\${40} \| pps_limit=\${18750000} \|
-| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${bps_limit} | ${framesize}
-| | ... | ${overhead}=${0} | ${pps_limit}=${None}
-| | ...
-| | ${avg_size} = | Get Average Frame Size | ${framesize}
-| | ${max_size} = | Set Variable If | '${framesize}' == 'IMIX_v4_1'
-| | ... | ${1518} | ${framesize}
-| | # swo := size_with_overhead
-| | ${avg_swo} = | Evaluate | ${avg_size} + ${overhead}
-| | ${max_swo} = | Evaluate | ${max_size} + ${overhead}
-| | ${jumbo} = | Set Variable If | ${max_swo} < 1522
-| | ... | ${False} | ${True}
-| | # For testing None see: https://groups.google.com/\
-| | # forum/#!topic/robotframework-users/XntFz0ocD9E
-| | ${limit_set} = | Set Variable | ${pps_limit != None}
-| | # TODO: Can our code handle float rate?
-| | ${rate} = | Evaluate | (${bps_limit}/((${avg_swo}+20)*8)).__trunc__()
-| | ${max_rate} = | Set Variable If | ${limit_set} and ${rate} > ${pps_limit}
-| | ... | ${pps_limit} | ${rate}
-| | Return From Keyword | ${max_rate} | ${jumbo}
-| Get Max Rate And Jumbo And Handle Multi Seg
-| | [Documentation]
-| | ... | This keyword adds correct multi seg configuration,
-| | ... | then returns the result of Get Max Rate And Jumbo keyword.
-| | ...
-| | ... | See Documentation of Get Max Rate And Jumbo for more details.
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - bps_limit - Line rate limit in bps. Type: integer
-| | ... | - framesize - Framesize in bytes. Type: integer or string
-| | ... | - overhead - Overhead in bytes. Default: 0. Type: integer
-| | ... | - pps_limit - NIC limit rate value in pps. Type: integer or None
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Returns:*
-| | ... | - 2-tuple, consisting of:
-| | ... | - Calculated unidirectional maximal transmit rate.
-| | ... | Type: integer or float
-| | ... | - Jumbo boolean, true if jumbo packet support has to be enabled.
-| | ... | Type: boolean
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ...
-| | ... | \| Get Max Rate And Jumbo And Handle Multi Seg | \${10000000} \
-| | ... | \| IMIX_v4_1 \| overhead=\${40} \| pps_limit=\${18750000} \|
-| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${bps_limit} | ${framesize}
-| | ... | ${overhead}=${0} | ${pps_limit}=${None}
-| | ...
-| | ${max_rate} | ${jumbo} = | Get Max Rate And Jumbo
-| | ... | ${bps_limit} | ${framesize} | ${overhead} | ${pps_limit}
-| | Run Keyword If | not ${jumbo} | Add no multi seg to all DUTs
-| | Return From Keyword | ${max_rate} | ${jumbo}
| Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Find boundaries for RFC2544 compatible NDR and PDR values
| | ... | using an optimized search algorithm.
| | ... | Display results as formatted test message.
| | ... | Fail if a resulting lower bound has too high loss fraction.
-| | ... | Proceed with Perform additional measurements based on NDRPDR result.
| | ... | Input rates are understood as uni-directional,
| | ... | reported result contains bi-directional rates.
+| | ... | Currently, the min_rate value is hardcoded to match test teardowns.
| | ...
| | ... | TODO: Should the trial duration of the additional
| | ... | measurements be configurable?
| | ...
+| | ... | Some inputs are read from variables to streamline suites.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Test (or broader scope) variables read:*
+| | ... | - traffic_profile - Topology type. Type: string
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX string. Type: int or str
+| | ... | - max_rate - Calculated unidirectional maximal transmit rate [pps].
+| | ... | Type: float
+| | ...
| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX string. Type: int or str
-| | ... | - topology_type - Topology type. Type: string
-| | ... | - minimum_transmit_rate - Lower limit of search [pps]. Type: float
-| | ... | - maximum_transmit_rate - Upper limit of search [pps]. Type: float
| | ... | - packet_loss_ratio - Accepted loss during search. Type: float
| | ... | - final_relative_width - Maximal width multiple of upper. Type: float
| | ... | - final_trial_duration - Duration of final trials [s]. Type: float
@@ -169,29 +69,25 @@
| | ...
| | ... | *Example:*
| | ...
-| | ... | \| Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search \| \${64} \| \
-| | ... | 3-node-IPv4 \| \${100000} \| \${14880952} \| \${0.005} \| \${0.005} \
-| | ... | \| \${30.0} \| \${1.0} \| \${2} \| ${600.0} \| ${2} \|
+| | ... | \| Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search \| \${0.005}
+| | ... | \| \${0.005} \| \${30.0} \| \${1.0} \| \${2} \| ${600.0} \| ${2} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${frame_size} | ${topology_type} | ${minimum_transmit_rate}
-| | ... | ${maximum_transmit_rate} | ${packet_loss_ratio}=${0.005}
+| | [Arguments] | ${packet_loss_ratio}=${0.005}
| | ... | ${final_relative_width}=${0.005} | ${final_trial_duration}=${30.0}
| | ... | ${initial_trial_duration}=${1.0}
| | ... | ${number_of_intermediate_phases}=${2} | ${timeout}=${720.0}
| | ... | ${doublings}=${2}
| | ...
| | ${result} = | Perform optimized ndrpdr search | ${frame_size}
-| | ... | ${topology_type} | ${minimum_transmit_rate*2}
-| | ... | ${maximum_transmit_rate*2} | ${packet_loss_ratio}
-| | ... | ${final_relative_width} | ${final_trial_duration}
-| | ... | ${initial_trial_duration} | ${number_of_intermediate_phases}
-| | ... | timeout=${timeout} | doublings=${doublings}
+| | ... | ${traffic_profile} | ${20000} | ${max_rate*2}
+| | ... | ${packet_loss_ratio} | ${final_relative_width}
+| | ... | ${final_trial_duration} | ${initial_trial_duration}
+| | ... | ${number_of_intermediate_phases} | timeout=${timeout}
+| | ... | doublings=${doublings}
| | Display result of NDRPDR search | ${result} | ${frame_size}
| | Check NDRPDR interval validity | ${result.pdr_interval}
| | ... | ${packet_loss_ratio}
| | Check NDRPDR interval validity | ${result.ndr_interval}
-| | Perform additional measurements based on NDRPDR result
-| | ... | ${result} | ${frame_size} | ${topology_type}
| Find critical load using PLRsearch
| | [Documentation]
@@ -201,28 +97,28 @@
| | ... | Fail if computed lower bound is below minimal rate.
| | ... | Input rates are understood as uni-directional,
| | ... | reported result contains bi-directional rates.
-| | ... | TODO: Any additional measurements for debug purposes?
+| | ... | Currently, the min_rate value is hardcoded to match test teardowns.
+| | ... | Some inputs are read from variables to streamline suites.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Test (or broader scope) variables read:*
+| | ... | - traffic_profile - Topology type. Type: string
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX string. Type: int or str
+| | ... | - max_rate - Calculated unidirectional maximal transmit rate [pps].
+| | ... | Type: float
| | ...
| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX string. Type: int or str
-| | ... | - topology_type - Topology type. Type: string
-| | ... | - minimum_transmit_rate - Lower limit of search [pps]. Type: float
-| | ... | - maximum_transmit_rate - Upper limit of search [pps]. Type: float
| | ... | - packet_loss_ratio - Accepted loss during search. Type: float
| | ... | - timeout - Stop when search duration is longer [s]. Type: float
| | ...
| | ... | *Example:*
| | ...
-| | ... | \| Find critical load usingPLR search \| \${64} \| \
-| | ... | 3-node-IPv4 \| \${100000} \| \${14880952} \| \${1e-7} \| \${1800} \
+| | ... | \| Find critical load usingPLR search \| \${1e-7} \| \${1800} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${frame_size} | ${topology_type} | ${minimum_transmit_rate}
-| | ... | ${maximum_transmit_rate} | ${packet_loss_ratio}=${1e-7}
-| | ... | ${timeout}=${1800.0}
+| | [Arguments] | ${packet_loss_ratio}=${1e-7} | ${timeout}=${1800.0}
| | ...
-| | ${min_rate} = | Set Variable | ${minimum_transmit_rate*2}
+| | ${min_rate} = | Set Variable | ${20000}
| | ${average} | ${stdev} = | Perform soak search | ${frame_size}
-| | ... | ${topology_type} | ${min_rate} | ${maximum_transmit_rate*2}
+| | ... | ${traffic_profile} | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate*2}
| | ... | ${packet_loss_ratio} | timeout=${timeout}
| | ${lower} | ${upper} = | Display result of soak search
| | ... | ${average} | ${stdev} | ${frame_size}
@@ -243,7 +139,7 @@
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - text - Flavor text describing which bound is this. Type: string
| | ... | - rate_total - Total (not per stream) measured Tr [pps]. Type: float
-| | ... | - framesize - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer
| | ... | - latency - Latency data to display if non-empty. Type: string
| | ...
| | ... | *Example:*
@@ -251,9 +147,9 @@
| | ... | \| Display single bound \| NDR lower bound \| \${12345.67} \
| | ... | \| \${64} \| show_latency=\${EMPTY} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${text} | ${rate_total} | ${framesize} | ${latency}=${EMPTY}
+| | [Arguments] | ${text} | ${rate_total} | ${frame_size} | ${latency}=${EMPTY}
| | ...
-| | ${bandwidth_total} = | Evaluate | ${rate_total} * (${framesize}+20)*8 / 1e9
+| | ${bandwidth_total} = | Evaluate | ${rate_total} * (${frame_size}+20)*8 / 1e9
| | Set Test Message | ${\n}${text}: ${rate_total} pps, | append=yes
| | Set Test Message | ${bandwidth_total} Gbps (untagged) | append=yes
| | Return From Keyword If | not """${latency}"""
@@ -273,25 +169,25 @@
| | ...
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - result - Measured result data per stream [pps]. Type: NdrPdrResult
-| | ... | - framesize - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer
| | ...
| | ... | *Example:*
| | ...
| | ... | \| Display result of NDRPDR search \| \${result} \| \${64} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${result} | ${framesize}
+| | [Arguments] | ${result} | ${frame_size}
| | ...
-| | ${framesize} = | Get Average Frame Size | ${framesize}
+| | ${frame_size} = | Get Average Frame Size | ${frame_size}
| | Display single bound | NDR_LOWER
-| | ... | ${result.ndr_interval.measured_low.transmit_rate} | ${framesize}
+| | ... | ${result.ndr_interval.measured_low.transmit_rate} | ${frame_size}
| | ... | ${result.ndr_interval.measured_low.latency}
| | Display single bound | NDR_UPPER
-| | ... | ${result.ndr_interval.measured_high.transmit_rate} | ${framesize}
+| | ... | ${result.ndr_interval.measured_high.transmit_rate} | ${frame_size}
| | Display single bound | PDR_LOWER
-| | ... | ${result.pdr_interval.measured_low.transmit_rate} | ${framesize}
+| | ... | ${result.pdr_interval.measured_low.transmit_rate} | ${frame_size}
| | ... | ${result.pdr_interval.measured_low.latency}
| | Display single bound | PDR_UPPER
-| | ... | ${result.pdr_interval.measured_high.transmit_rate} | ${framesize}
+| | ... | ${result.pdr_interval.measured_high.transmit_rate} | ${frame_size}
| Display result of soak search
| | [Documentation]
@@ -308,7 +204,7 @@
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - avg - Estimated average critical load [pps]. Type: float
| | ... | - stdev - Standard deviation of critical load [pps]. Type: float
-| | ... | - framesize - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer
| | ...
| | ... | *Returns:*
| | ... | - Lower and upper bound of critical load [pps]. Type: 2-tuple of float
@@ -317,15 +213,15 @@
| | ...
| | ... | \| Display result of soak search \| \${100000} \| \${100} \| \${64} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${avg} | ${stdev} | ${framesize}
+| | [Arguments] | ${avg} | ${stdev} | ${frame_size}
| | ...
-| | ${framesize} = | Get Average Frame Size | ${framesize}
+| | ${frame_size} = | Get Average Frame Size | ${frame_size}
| | ${avg} = | Convert To Number | ${avg}
| | ${stdev} = | Convert To Number | ${stdev}
| | ${lower} = | Evaluate | ${avg} - ${stdev}
| | ${upper} = | Evaluate | ${avg} + ${stdev}
-| | Display single bound | PLRsearch lower bound: | ${lower} | ${framesize}
-| | Display single bound | PLRsearch upper bound: | ${upper} | ${framesize}
+| | Display single bound | PLRsearch lower bound: | ${lower} | ${frame_size}
+| | Display single bound | PLRsearch upper bound: | ${upper} | ${frame_size}
| | Return From Keyword | ${lower} | ${upper}
| Check NDRPDR interval validity
@@ -356,31 +252,6 @@
| | ... | ${message}${\n}${message_zero} | ${message}${\n}${message_other}
| | Fail | ${message}
-| Perform additional measurements based on NDRPDR result
-| | [Documentation]
-| | ... | Perform any additional measurements which are not directly needed
-| | ... | for determining NDR nor PDR, but which are needed for gathering
-| | ... | additional data for debug purposes.
-| | ... | Currently, just "Traffic should pass with no loss" is called.
-| | ... | TODO: Move latency measurements from optimized search here.
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - result - Measured result data per stream [pps]. Type: NdrPdrResult
-| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX string. Type: int or str
-| | ... | - topology_type - Topology type. Type: string
-| | ...
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Perform additional measurements based on NDRPDR result \
-| | ... | \| \${result} \| ${64} \| 3-node-IPv4 \|
-| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${result} | ${framesize} | ${topology_type}
-| | ...
-| | ${duration}= | Set Variable | 5.0
-| | ${rate_per_stream}= | Evaluate
-| | ... | ${result.ndr_interval.measured_low.target_tr} / 2.0
-| | Traffic should pass with no loss | ${duration} | ${rate_per_stream}pps
-| | ... | ${framesize} | ${topology_type} | fail_on_loss=${False}
| Traffic should pass with no loss
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Send traffic at specified rate. No packet loss is accepted at loss
@@ -389,8 +260,8 @@
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - duration - Duration of traffic run [s]. Type: integer
| | ... | - rate - Rate for sending packets. Type: string
-| | ... | - framesize - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX_v4_1. Type: integer/string
-| | ... | - topology_type - Topology type. Type: string
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX_v4_1. Type: integer/string
+| | ... | - traffic_profile - Topology type. Type: string
| | ... | - fail_on_loss - If True, the keyword fails if loss occurred.
| | ... | Type: boolean
| | ...
@@ -399,22 +270,27 @@
| | ... | \| Traffic should pass with no loss \| 10 \| 4.0mpps \| 64 \
| | ... | \| 3-node-IPv4 \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${duration} | ${rate} | ${framesize} | ${topology_type}
+| | [Arguments] | ${duration} | ${rate} | ${frame_size} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${fail_on_loss}=${True}
| | ...
-| | Send traffic at specified rate | ${duration} | ${rate} | ${framesize}
-| | ... | ${topology_type}
+| | Send traffic at specified rate | ${duration} | ${rate} | ${frame_size}
+| | ... | ${traffic_profile}
| | Run Keyword If | ${fail_on_loss} | No traffic loss occurred
| Traffic should pass with maximum rate
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Send traffic at maximum rate.
| | ...
+| | ... | Some inputs are read from variables to streamline suites.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Test (or broader scope) variables read:*
+| | ... | - traffic_profile - Topology type. Type: string
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX string. Type: int or str
+| | ... | - max_rate - Calculated unidirectional maximal transmit rate [pps].
+| | ... | Type: float
+| | ...
| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - rate - Rate for sending packets. Type: string
-| | ... | - framesize - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX_v4_1. Type: integer/string
-| | ... | - topology_type - Topology type. Type: string
-| | ... | - subsamples - How many trials in this measurement. Type:int
+| | ... | - subsamples - How many trials in this measurement. Type: int
| | ... | - trial_duration - Duration of single trial [s]. Type: float
| | ... | - fail_no_traffic - Whether to fail on zero receive count. Type: boolean
| | ... | - unidirection - False if traffic is bidirectional. Type: boolean
@@ -423,18 +299,16 @@
| | ...
| | ... | *Example:*
| | ...
-| | ... | \| Traffic should pass with maximum rate \| 4.0mpps \| 64 \
-| | ... | \| 3-node-IPv4 \| ${1} \| ${10.0} \| ${False}
-| | ... | \| ${False} \| ${0} | ${1} \|
+| | ... | \| Traffic should pass with maximum rate \| ${1} \| ${10.0} \|
+| | ... | \| ${False} \| ${False} \| ${0} \| ${1} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${rate} | ${framesize} | ${topology_type}
-| | ... | ${trial_duration}=${perf_trial_duration} | ${fail_no_traffic}=${True}
-| | ... | ${subsamples}=${perf_trial_multiplicity}
+| | [Arguments] | ${trial_duration}=${perf_trial_duration}
+| | ... | ${fail_no_traffic}=${True} | ${subsamples}=${perf_trial_multiplicity}
| | ... | ${unidirection}=${False} | ${tx_port}=${0} | ${rx_port}=${1}
| | ...
-| | ${results} = | Send traffic at specified rate | ${trial_duration} | ${rate}
-| | ... | ${framesize} | ${topology_type} | ${subsamples} | ${unidirection}
-| | ... | ${tx_port} | ${rx_port}
+| | ${results} = | Send traffic at specified rate | ${trial_duration}
+| | ... | ${max_rate}pps | ${frame_size} | ${traffic_profile} | ${subsamples}
+| | ... | ${unidirection} | ${tx_port} | ${rx_port}
| | Set Test Message | ${\n}Maximum Receive Rate trial results
| | Set Test Message | in packets per second: ${results}
| | ... | append=yes
@@ -446,12 +320,13 @@
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Send traffic at specified rate.
| | ... | Return list of measured receive rates.
+| | ... | The rate argument should be TRex friendly, so it should include "pps".
| | ...
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - trial_duration - Duration of single trial [s]. Type: float
| | ... | - rate - Rate for sending packets. Type: string
-| | ... | - framesize - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer/string
-| | ... | - topology_type - Topology type. Type: string
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B]. Type: integer/string
+| | ... | - traffic_profile - Topology type. Type: string
| | ... | - subsamples - How many trials in this measurement. Type: int
| | ... | - unidirection - False if traffic is bidirectional. Type: boolean
| | ... | - tx_port - TX port of TG, default 0. Type: integer
@@ -462,12 +337,12 @@
| | ... | \| Send traffic at specified rate \| ${1.0} \| 4.0mpps \| 64 \
| | ... | \| 3-node-IPv4 \| ${10} \| ${False} \| ${0} | ${1} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${trial_duration} | ${rate} | ${framesize}
-| | ... | ${topology_type} | ${subsamples}=${1} | ${unidirection}=${False}
+| | [Arguments] | ${trial_duration} | ${rate} | ${frame_size}
+| | ... | ${traffic_profile} | ${subsamples}=${1} | ${unidirection}=${False}
| | ... | ${tx_port}=${0} | ${rx_port}=${1}
| | ...
| | Clear and show runtime counters with running traffic | ${trial_duration}
-| | ... | ${rate} | ${framesize} | ${topology_type}
+| | ... | ${rate} | ${frame_size} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${unidirection} | ${tx_port} | ${rx_port}
| | Run Keyword If | ${dut_stats}==${True} | Clear all counters on all DUTs
| | Run Keyword If | ${dut_stats}==${True} and ${pkt_trace}==${True}
@@ -478,8 +353,8 @@
| | :FOR | ${i} | IN RANGE | ${subsamples}
| | | # The following line is skipping some default arguments,
| | | # that is why subsequent arguments have to be named.
-| | | Send traffic on tg | ${trial_duration} | ${rate} | ${framesize}
-| | | ... | ${topology_type} | warmup_time=${0} | unidirection=${unidirection}
+| | | Send traffic on tg | ${trial_duration} | ${rate} | ${frame_size}
+| | | ... | ${traffic_profile} | warmup_time=${0} | unidirection=${unidirection}
| | | ... | tx_port=${tx_port} | rx_port=${rx_port}
| | | ${rx} = | Get Received
| | | ${rr} = | Evaluate | ${rx} / ${trial_duration}
@@ -501,8 +376,8 @@
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - duration - Duration of traffic run [s]. Type: integer
| | ... | - rate - Rate for sending packets. Type: string
-| | ... | - framesize - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX_v4_1. Type: integer/string
-| | ... | - topology_type - Topology type. Type: string
+| | ... | - frame_size - L2 Frame Size [B] or IMIX_v4_1. Type: integer/string
+| | ... | - traffic_profile - Topology type. Type: string
| | ... | - unidirection - False if traffic is bidirectional. Type: boolean
| | ... | - tx_port - TX port of TG, default 0. Type: integer
| | ... | - rx_port - RX port of TG, default 1. Type: integer
@@ -512,10 +387,11 @@
| | ... | \| Clear and show runtime counters with running traffic \| 10 \
| | ... | \| 4.0mpps \| 64 \| 3-node-IPv4 \| ${False} \| ${0} | ${1} \|
| | ...
-| | [Arguments] | ${duration} | ${rate} | ${framesize} | ${topology_type}
+| | [Arguments] | ${duration} | ${rate} | ${frame_size} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${unidirection}=${False} | ${tx_port}=${0} | ${rx_port}=${1}
| | ...
-| | Send traffic on tg | ${-1} | ${rate} | ${framesize} | ${topology_type}
+| | # Duration of -1 means we will stop traffic manually.
+| | Send traffic on tg | ${-1} | ${rate} | ${frame_size} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | warmup_time=${0} | async_call=${True} | latency=${False}
| | ... | unidirection=${unidirection} | tx_port=${tx_port} | rx_port=${rx_port}
| | Run Keyword If | ${dut_stats}==${True}