path: root/resources/libraries/robot/shared
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/libraries/robot/shared')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libraries/robot/shared/container.robot b/resources/libraries/robot/shared/container.robot
index e7b101cb94..e4748dbf60 100644
--- a/resources/libraries/robot/shared/container.robot
+++ b/resources/libraries/robot/shared/container.robot
@@ -17,67 +17,71 @@
| Library | resources.libraries.python.topology.Topology
*** Keywords ***
-| Construct VNF containers on all DUTs
-| | [Documentation] | Construct 1..N VNF container(s) of specific technology on
-| | ... | all DUT nodes.
+| Construct container on all DUTs
+| | [Documentation] | Construct 1 CNF of specific technology on all DUT nodes.
| | ...
-| | ${group}= | Set Variable | VNF
-| | ${skip_cpus}= | Evaluate | ${vpp_cpus}+${system_cpus}
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - chains: Total number of chains. Type: integer
+| | ... | - nodeness: Total number of nodes per chain. Type: integer
+| | ... | - chain_id: Chain ID. Type: integer
+| | ... | - node_id: Node ID. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Construct container on all DUTs \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${chains}=${1} | ${nodeness}=${1} | ${chain_id}=${1}
+| | ... | ${node_id}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | ${group}= | Set Variable | CNF
| | Import Library | resources.libraries.python.ContainerUtils.ContainerManager
| | ... | engine=${container_engine} | WITH NAME | ${group}
| | ${duts}= | Get Matches | ${nodes} | DUT*
| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
| | | ${env}= | Create List | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
| | | ${mnt}= | Create List | /tmp:/mnt/host | /dev/vfio:/dev/vfio
-| | | ${cpu_node}= | Get interfaces numa node | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | | ... | ${dut1_if1} | ${dut1_if2}
-| | | Run Keyword | ${group}.Construct containers
-| | | ... | name=${dut}_${group} | node=${nodes['${dut}']} | mnt=${mnt}
-| | | ... | image=${container_image} | cpu_count=${container_cpus}
-| | | ... | cpu_skip=${skip_cpus} | cpuset_mems=${cpu_node}
-| | | ... | cpu_shared=${False} | env=${env} | count=${container_count}
-| | | ... | install_dkms=${container_install_dkms}
-| | Append To List | ${container_groups} | ${group}
-| Construct ETCD containers on all DUTs
-| | [Documentation] | Construct Docker ETCD container on all DUTs.
-| | ...
-| | ${group}= | Set Variable | ETCD
-| | ${command}= | Set Variable
-| | ... | /usr/local/bin/etcd -advertise-client-urls -listen-client-urls
-| | ${image}= | Set Variable | quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.2.5
-| | ${publish}= | Create List | 2379:2379
-| | Import Library | resources.libraries.python.ContainerUtils.ContainerManager
-| | ... | engine=Docker | WITH NAME | ${group}
-| | ${duts}= | Get Matches | ${nodes} | DUT*
-| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
-| | | ${cpu_node}= | Get interfaces numa node | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | | ... | ${dut1_if1} | ${dut1_if2}
+| | | ${nf_cpus}= | Create network function CPU list | ${dut}
+| | | ... | chains=${chains} | nodeness=${nodeness} | chain_id=${chain_id}
+| | | ... | node_id=${node_id} | auto_scale=${True}
| | | Run Keyword | ${group}.Construct container
-| | | ... | name=${dut}_${group} | node=${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | | ... | image=${container_image} | cpu_count=${1} | cpu_skip=${0}
-| | | ... | cpuset_mems=${cpu_node} | cpu_shared=${True}
-| | | ... | publish=${publish} | command=${command}
+| | | ... | name=${dut}_${group}${chain_id}${node_id} | node=${nodes['${dut}']}
+| | | ... | mnt=${mnt} | env=${env} | cpuset_cpus=${nf_cpus}
| | Append To List | ${container_groups} | ${group}
-| Construct Kafka containers on all DUTs
-| | [Documentation] | Construct Docker Kafka container on all DUTs.
+| Construct chain of containers on all DUTs
+| | [Documentation] | Construct 1 chain of 1..N CNFs on all DUT nodes.
| | ...
-| | ${group}= | Set Variable | Kafka
-| | ${image}= | Set Variable | spotify/kafka
-| | ${publish}= | Create List | 2181:2181 | 9092:9092
-| | Import Library | resources.libraries.python.ContainerUtils.ContainerManager
-| | ... | engine=Docker | WITH NAME | ${group}
-| | ${duts}= | Get Matches | ${nodes} | DUT*
-| | :FOR | ${dut} | IN | @{duts}
-| | | ${env}= | Create List | ADVERTISED_HOST= | ADVERTISED_PORT=9092
-| | | ${cpu_node}= | Get interfaces numa node | ${nodes['${dut}']}
-| | | ... | ${dut1_if1} | ${dut1_if2}
-| | | Run Keyword | ${group}.Construct container
-| | | ... | name=${dut}_${group} | node=${nodes['${dut}']} | image=${image}
-| | | ... | cpu_count=${1} | cpu_skip=${0} | cpuset_mems=${cpu_node}
-| | | ... | cpu_shared=${True} | publish=${publish} | env=${env}
-| | Append To List | ${container_groups} | ${group}
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - chains: Total number of chains. Type: integer
+| | ... | - nodeness: Total number of nodes per chain. Type: integer
+| | ... | - chain_id: Chain ID. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Construct chain of containers on all DUTs \| 1 \| 1 \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${chains} | ${nodeness} | ${chain_id}
+| | ...
+| | :FOR | ${node_id} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${nodeness}+1
+| | | Construct container on all DUTs | chains=${chains} | nodeness=${nodeness}
+| | | ... | chain_id=${chain_id} | node_id=${node_id}
+| Construct chains of containers on all DUTs
+| | [Documentation] | Construct 1..N chains of 1..N CNFs on all DUT nodes.
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - chains: Total number of chains. Type: integer
+| | ... | - nodeness: Total number of nodes per chain. Type: integer
+| | ...
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ...
+| | ... | \| Construct chains of containers on all DUTs \| 1 \| 1 \|
+| | ...
+| | [Arguments] | ${chains}=${1} | ${nodeness}=${1}
+| | ...
+| | :FOR | ${chain_id} | IN RANGE | 1 | ${chains}+1
+| | | Construct chain of containers on all DUTs | chains=${chains}
+| | | ... | nodeness=${nodeness} | chain_id=${chain_id}
| Acquire all '${group}' containers
| | [Documentation] | Acquire all container(s) in specific container group on