path: root/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py')
1 files changed, 1513 insertions, 1076 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py
index 0748c6f59c..08c9d55305 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_tables.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
@@ -19,18 +19,24 @@ import logging
import csv
import re
-from string import replace
from collections import OrderedDict
-from numpy import nan, isnan
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
+from copy import deepcopy
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import plotly.offline as ploff
+import pandas as pd
-from utils import mean, stdev, relative_change, classify_anomalies, \
- convert_csv_to_pretty_txt, relative_change_stdev
+from numpy import nan, isnan
+from yaml import load, FullLoader, YAMLError
+from pal_utils import mean, stdev, classify_anomalies, \
+ convert_csv_to_pretty_txt, relative_change_stdev, relative_change
-REGEX_NIC = re.compile(r'\d*ge\dp\d\D*\d*')
+REGEX_NIC = re.compile(r'(\d*ge\dp\d\D*\d*[a-z]*)')
def generate_tables(spec, data):
@@ -42,18 +48,35 @@ def generate_tables(spec, data):
:type data: InputData
- logging.info("Generating the tables ...")
+ generator = {
+ u"table_merged_details": table_merged_details,
+ u"table_soak_vs_ndr": table_soak_vs_ndr,
+ u"table_perf_trending_dash": table_perf_trending_dash,
+ u"table_perf_trending_dash_html": table_perf_trending_dash_html,
+ u"table_last_failed_tests": table_last_failed_tests,
+ u"table_failed_tests": table_failed_tests,
+ u"table_failed_tests_html": table_failed_tests_html,
+ u"table_oper_data_html": table_oper_data_html,
+ u"table_comparison": table_comparison,
+ u"table_weekly_comparison": table_weekly_comparison
+ }
+ logging.info(u"Generating the tables ...")
for table in spec.tables:
- eval(table["algorithm"])(table, data)
+ if table[u"algorithm"] == u"table_weekly_comparison":
+ table[u"testbeds"] = spec.environment.get(u"testbeds", None)
+ generator[table[u"algorithm"]](table, data)
except NameError as err:
- logging.error("Probably algorithm '{alg}' is not defined: {err}".
- format(alg=table["algorithm"], err=repr(err)))
- logging.info("Done.")
+ logging.error(
+ f"Probably algorithm {table[u'algorithm']} is not defined: "
+ f"{repr(err)}"
+ )
+ logging.info(u"Done.")
-def table_details(table, input_data):
- """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_detailed_test_results
+def table_oper_data_html(table, input_data):
+ """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: html_table_oper_data
specified in the specification file.
:param table: Table to generate.
@@ -62,62 +85,198 @@ def table_details(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
# Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
- data = input_data.filter_data(table)
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
+ data = input_data.filter_data(
+ table,
+ params=[u"name", u"parent", u"show-run", u"type"],
+ continue_on_error=True
+ )
+ if data.empty:
+ return
+ data = input_data.merge_data(data)
- # Prepare the header of the tables
- header = list()
- for column in table["columns"]:
- header.append('"{0}"'.format(str(column["title"]).replace('"', '""')))
+ sort_tests = table.get(u"sort", None)
+ if sort_tests:
+ args = dict(
+ inplace=True,
+ ascending=(sort_tests == u"ascending")
+ )
+ data.sort_index(**args)
- # Generate the data for the table according to the model in the table
- # specification
- job = table["data"].keys()[0]
- build = str(table["data"][job][0])
- try:
- suites = input_data.suites(job, build)
- except KeyError:
- logging.error(" No data available. The table will not be generated.")
+ suites = input_data.filter_data(
+ table,
+ continue_on_error=True,
+ data_set=u"suites"
+ )
+ if suites.empty:
+ suites = input_data.merge_data(suites)
- for suite_longname, suite in suites.iteritems():
- # Generate data
- suite_name = suite["name"]
- table_lst = list()
- for test in data[job][build].keys():
- if data[job][build][test]["parent"] in suite_name:
- row_lst = list()
- for column in table["columns"]:
- try:
- col_data = str(data[job][build][test][column["data"].
- split(" ")[1]]).replace('"', '""')
- if column["data"].split(" ")[1] in ("conf-history",
- "show-run"):
- col_data = replace(col_data, " |br| ", "",
- maxreplace=1)
- col_data = " |prein| {0} |preout| ".\
- format(col_data[:-5])
- row_lst.append('"{0}"'.format(col_data))
- except KeyError:
- row_lst.append("No data")
- table_lst.append(row_lst)
- # Write the data to file
- if table_lst:
- file_name = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(table["output-file"], suite_name,
- table["output-file-ext"])
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(file_name))
- with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write(",".join(header) + "\n")
- for item in table_lst:
- file_handler.write(",".join(item) + "\n")
+ def _generate_html_table(tst_data):
+ """Generate an HTML table with operational data for the given test.
+ :param tst_data: Test data to be used to generate the table.
+ :type tst_data: pandas.Series
+ :returns: HTML table with operational data.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ colors = {
+ u"header": u"#7eade7",
+ u"empty": u"#ffffff",
+ u"body": (u"#e9f1fb", u"#d4e4f7")
+ }
+ tbl = ET.Element(u"table", attrib=dict(width=u"100%", border=u"0"))
+ trow = ET.SubElement(tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"header"]))
+ thead = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ thead.text = tst_data[u"name"]
+ trow = ET.SubElement(tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"empty"]))
+ thead = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ thead.text = u"\t"
+ if tst_data.get(u"show-run", u"No Data") == u"No Data":
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"header"])
+ )
+ tcol = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"td", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ tcol.text = u"No Data"
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"empty"])
+ )
+ thead = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ font = ET.SubElement(
+ thead, u"font", attrib=dict(size=u"12px", color=u"#ffffff")
+ )
+ font.text = u"."
+ return str(ET.tostring(tbl, encoding=u"unicode"))
+ tbl_hdr = (
+ u"Name",
+ u"Nr of Vectors",
+ u"Nr of Packets",
+ u"Suspends",
+ u"Cycles per Packet",
+ u"Average Vector Size"
+ )
+ for dut_data in tst_data[u"show-run"].values():
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"header"])
+ )
+ tcol = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"td", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ if dut_data.get(u"threads", None) is None:
+ tcol.text = u"No Data"
+ continue
- logging.info(" Done.")
+ bold = ET.SubElement(tcol, u"b")
+ bold.text = (
+ f"Host IP: {dut_data.get(u'host', '')}, "
+ f"Socket: {dut_data.get(u'socket', '')}"
+ )
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"empty"])
+ )
+ thead = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ thead.text = u"\t"
+ for thread_nr, thread in dut_data[u"threads"].items():
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"header"])
+ )
+ tcol = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"td", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ bold = ET.SubElement(tcol, u"b")
+ bold.text = u"main" if thread_nr == 0 else f"worker_{thread_nr}"
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"header"])
+ )
+ for idx, col in enumerate(tbl_hdr):
+ tcol = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"td",
+ attrib=dict(align=u"right" if idx else u"left")
+ )
+ font = ET.SubElement(
+ tcol, u"font", attrib=dict(size=u"2")
+ )
+ bold = ET.SubElement(font, u"b")
+ bold.text = col
+ for row_nr, row in enumerate(thread):
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr",
+ attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"body"][row_nr % 2])
+ )
+ for idx, col in enumerate(row):
+ tcol = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"td",
+ attrib=dict(align=u"right" if idx else u"left")
+ )
+ font = ET.SubElement(
+ tcol, u"font", attrib=dict(size=u"2")
+ )
+ if isinstance(col, float):
+ font.text = f"{col:.2f}"
+ else:
+ font.text = str(col)
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"empty"])
+ )
+ thead = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ thead.text = u"\t"
+ trow = ET.SubElement(tbl, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[u"empty"]))
+ thead = ET.SubElement(
+ trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=u"left", colspan=u"6")
+ )
+ font = ET.SubElement(
+ thead, u"font", attrib=dict(size=u"12px", color=u"#ffffff")
+ )
+ font.text = u"."
+ return str(ET.tostring(tbl, encoding=u"unicode"))
+ for suite in suites.values:
+ html_table = str()
+ for test_data in data.values:
+ if test_data[u"parent"] not in suite[u"name"]:
+ continue
+ html_table += _generate_html_table(test_data)
+ if not html_table:
+ continue
+ try:
+ file_name = f"{table[u'output-file']}{suite[u'name']}.rst"
+ with open(f"{file_name}", u'w') as html_file:
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {file_name}")
+ html_file.write(u".. raw:: html\n\n\t")
+ html_file.write(html_table)
+ html_file.write(u"\n\t<p><br><br></p>\n")
+ except KeyError:
+ logging.warning(u"The output file is not defined.")
+ return
+ logging.info(u" Done.")
def table_merged_details(table, input_data):
@@ -130,694 +289,332 @@ def table_merged_details(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
# Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
data = input_data.merge_data(data)
- data.sort_index(inplace=True)
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
+ sort_tests = table.get(u"sort", None)
+ if sort_tests:
+ args = dict(
+ inplace=True,
+ ascending=(sort_tests == u"ascending")
+ )
+ data.sort_index(**args)
suites = input_data.filter_data(
- table, continue_on_error=True, data_set="suites")
+ table, continue_on_error=True, data_set=u"suites")
suites = input_data.merge_data(suites)
# Prepare the header of the tables
header = list()
- for column in table["columns"]:
- header.append('"{0}"'.format(str(column["title"]).replace('"', '""')))
+ for column in table[u"columns"]:
+ header.append(
+ u'"{0}"'.format(str(column[u"title"]).replace(u'"', u'""'))
+ )
- for _, suite in suites.iteritems():
+ for suite in suites.values:
# Generate data
- suite_name = suite["name"]
+ suite_name = suite[u"name"]
table_lst = list()
for test in data.keys():
- if data[test]["parent"] in suite_name:
- row_lst = list()
- for column in table["columns"]:
- try:
- col_data = str(data[test][column["data"].
- split(" ")[1]]).replace('"', '""')
- col_data = replace(col_data, "No Data",
- "Not Captured ")
- if column["data"].split(" ")[1] in ("conf-history",
- "show-run"):
- col_data = replace(col_data, " |br| ", "",
- maxreplace=1)
- col_data = " |prein| {0} |preout| ".\
- format(col_data[:-5])
- row_lst.append('"{0}"'.format(col_data))
- except KeyError:
- row_lst.append('"Not captured"')
+ if data[test][u"parent"] not in suite_name:
+ continue
+ row_lst = list()
+ for column in table[u"columns"]:
+ try:
+ col_data = str(data[test][column[
+ u"data"].split(u" ")[1]]).replace(u'"', u'""')
+ # Do not include tests with "Test Failed" in test message
+ if u"Test Failed" in col_data:
+ continue
+ col_data = col_data.replace(
+ u"No Data", u"Not Captured "
+ )
+ if column[u"data"].split(u" ")[1] in (u"name", ):
+ if len(col_data) > 30:
+ col_data_lst = col_data.split(u"-")
+ half = int(len(col_data_lst) / 2)
+ col_data = f"{u'-'.join(col_data_lst[:half])}" \
+ f"- |br| " \
+ f"{u'-'.join(col_data_lst[half:])}"
+ col_data = f" |prein| {col_data} |preout| "
+ elif column[u"data"].split(u" ")[1] in (u"msg", ):
+ # Temporary solution: remove NDR results from message:
+ if bool(table.get(u'remove-ndr', False)):
+ try:
+ col_data = col_data.split(u" |br| ", 1)[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ col_data = f" |prein| {col_data} |preout| "
+ elif column[u"data"].split(u" ")[1] in \
+ (u"conf-history", u"show-run"):
+ col_data = col_data.replace(u" |br| ", u"", 1)
+ col_data = f" |prein| {col_data[:-5]} |preout| "
+ row_lst.append(f'"{col_data}"')
+ except KeyError:
+ row_lst.append(u'"Not captured"')
+ if len(row_lst) == len(table[u"columns"]):
# Write the data to file
if table_lst:
- file_name = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(table["output-file"], suite_name,
- table["output-file-ext"])
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{}'".format(file_name))
- with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write(",".join(header) + "\n")
+ separator = u"" if table[u'output-file'].endswith(u"/") else u"_"
+ file_name = f"{table[u'output-file']}{separator}{suite_name}.csv"
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {file_name}")
+ with open(file_name, u"wt") as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write(u",".join(header) + u"\n")
for item in table_lst:
- file_handler.write(",".join(item) + "\n")
+ file_handler.write(u",".join(item) + u"\n")
- logging.info(" Done.")
+ logging.info(u" Done.")
-def _tpc_modify_test_name(test_name):
- test_name_mod = test_name.replace("-ndrpdrdisc", ""). \
- replace("-ndrpdr", "").replace("-pdrdisc", ""). \
- replace("-ndrdisc", "").replace("-pdr", ""). \
- replace("-ndr", ""). \
- replace("1t1c", "1c").replace("2t1c", "1c"). \
- replace("2t2c", "2c").replace("4t2c", "2c"). \
- replace("4t4c", "4c").replace("8t4c", "4c")
- test_name_mod = re.sub(REGEX_NIC, "", test_name_mod)
+def _tpc_modify_test_name(test_name, ignore_nic=False):
+ """Modify a test name by replacing its parts.
+ :param test_name: Test name to be modified.
+ :param ignore_nic: If True, NIC is removed from TC name.
+ :type test_name: str
+ :type ignore_nic: bool
+ :returns: Modified test name.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ test_name_mod = test_name.\
+ replace(u"-ndrpdrdisc", u""). \
+ replace(u"-ndrpdr", u"").\
+ replace(u"-pdrdisc", u""). \
+ replace(u"-ndrdisc", u"").\
+ replace(u"-pdr", u""). \
+ replace(u"-ndr", u""). \
+ replace(u"1t1c", u"1c").\
+ replace(u"2t1c", u"1c"). \
+ replace(u"2t2c", u"2c").\
+ replace(u"4t2c", u"2c"). \
+ replace(u"4t4c", u"4c").\
+ replace(u"8t4c", u"4c")
+ if ignore_nic:
+ return re.sub(REGEX_NIC, u"", test_name_mod)
return test_name_mod
def _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(test_name):
- return test_name.replace("1t1c", "1c").replace("2t1c", "1c"). \
- replace("2t2c", "2c").replace("4t2c", "2c"). \
- replace("4t4c", "4c").replace("8t4c", "4c")
+ """Modify a test name which is displayed in a table by replacing its parts.
+ :param test_name: Test name to be modified.
+ :type test_name: str
+ :returns: Modified test name.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return test_name.\
+ replace(u"1t1c", u"1c").\
+ replace(u"2t1c", u"1c"). \
+ replace(u"2t2c", u"2c").\
+ replace(u"4t2c", u"2c"). \
+ replace(u"4t4c", u"4c").\
+ replace(u"8t4c", u"4c")
def _tpc_insert_data(target, src, include_tests):
+ """Insert src data to the target structure.
+ :param target: Target structure where the data is placed.
+ :param src: Source data to be placed into the target stucture.
+ :param include_tests: Which results will be included (MRR, NDR, PDR).
+ :type target: list
+ :type src: dict
+ :type include_tests: str
+ """
- if include_tests == "MRR":
- target.append(src["result"]["receive-rate"].avg)
- elif include_tests == "PDR":
- target.append(src["throughput"]["PDR"]["LOWER"])
- elif include_tests == "NDR":
- target.append(src["throughput"]["NDR"]["LOWER"])
+ if include_tests == u"MRR":
+ target[u"mean"] = src[u"result"][u"receive-rate"]
+ target[u"stdev"] = src[u"result"][u"receive-stdev"]
+ elif include_tests == u"PDR":
+ target[u"data"].append(src[u"throughput"][u"PDR"][u"LOWER"])
+ elif include_tests == u"NDR":
+ target[u"data"].append(src[u"throughput"][u"NDR"][u"LOWER"])
except (KeyError, TypeError):
-def _tpc_sort_table(table):
- # Sort the table:
- # 1. New in CSIT-XXXX
- # 2. See footnote
- # 3. Delta
- tbl_new = list()
- tbl_see = list()
- tbl_delta = list()
- for item in table:
- if isinstance(item[-1], str):
- if "New in CSIT" in item[-1]:
- tbl_new.append(item)
- elif "See footnote" in item[-1]:
- tbl_see.append(item)
- else:
- tbl_delta.append(item)
- # Sort the tables:
- tbl_new.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[0], reverse=False)
- tbl_see.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[0], reverse=False)
- tbl_see.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1], reverse=False)
- tbl_delta.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1], reverse=True)
- # Put the tables together:
- table = list()
- table.extend(tbl_new)
- table.extend(tbl_see)
- table.extend(tbl_delta)
- return table
-def table_performance_comparison(table, input_data):
- """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_performance_comparison
- specified in the specification file.
- :param table: Table to generate.
- :param input_data: Data to process.
- :type table: pandas.Series
- :type input_data: InputData
- """
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
- # Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
- data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
- # Prepare the header of the tables
- try:
- header = ["Test case", ]
- if table["include-tests"] == "MRR":
- hdr_param = "Rec Rate"
- else:
- hdr_param = "Thput"
- history = table.get("history", None)
- if history:
- for item in history:
- header.extend(
- ["{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(item["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(item["title"])])
- header.extend(
- ["{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"]),
- "{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"]),
- "Delta [%]"])
- header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n"
- except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err:
- logging.error("The model is invalid, missing parameter: {0}".
- format(err))
- return
- # Prepare data to the table:
- tbl_dict = dict()
- for job, builds in table["reference"]["data"].items():
- topo = "2n-skx" if "2n-skx" in job else ""
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data["parent"])
- nic = groups.group(0) if groups else ""
- name = "{0}-{1}".format(nic, "-".join(tst_data["name"].
- split("-")[:-1]))
- if "across testbeds" in table["title"].lower() or \
- "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {"name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()}
- _tpc_insert_data(target=tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["ref-data"],
- src=tst_data,
- include_tests=table["include-tests"])
- for job, builds in table["compare"]["data"].items():
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data["parent"])
- nic = groups.group(0) if groups else ""
- name = "{0}-{1}".format(nic, "-".join(tst_data["name"].
- split("-")[:-1]))
- if "across testbeds" in table["title"].lower() or \
- "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {"name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()}
- _tpc_insert_data(target=tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"],
- src=tst_data,
- include_tests=table["include-tests"])
- replacement = table["compare"].get("data-replacement", None)
- if replacement:
- create_new_list = True
- rpl_data = input_data.filter_data(
- table, data=replacement, continue_on_error=True)
- for job, builds in replacement.items():
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in rpl_data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- name = "{0}".format("-".join(tst_data["name"].
- split("-")[:-1]))
- if "across testbeds" in table["title"].lower() or \
- "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {"name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()}
- if create_new_list:
- create_new_list = False
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"] = list()
- _tpc_insert_data(target=tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"],
- src=tst_data,
- include_tests=table["include-tests"])
- if history:
- for item in history:
- for job, builds in item["data"].items():
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- continue
- if tbl_dict[tst_name_mod].get("history", None) is None:
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"] = OrderedDict()
- if tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"].get(item["title"],
- None) is None:
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item["title"]] = \
- list()
- try:
- # TODO: Re-work when NDRPDRDISC tests are not used
- if table["include-tests"] == "MRR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item["title"
- ]].append(tst_data["result"]["receive-rate"].
- avg)
- elif table["include-tests"] == "PDR":
- if tst_data["type"] == "PDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][
- item["title"]].\
- append(tst_data["throughput"]["value"])
- elif tst_data["type"] == "NDRPDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item[
- "title"]].append(tst_data["throughput"][
- "PDR"]["LOWER"])
- elif table["include-tests"] == "NDR":
- if tst_data["type"] == "NDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][
- item["title"]].\
- append(tst_data["throughput"]["value"])
- elif tst_data["type"] == "NDRPDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item[
- "title"]].append(tst_data["throughput"][
- "NDR"]["LOWER"])
- else:
- continue
- except (TypeError, KeyError):
- pass
- tbl_lst = list()
- footnote = False
- for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys():
- item = [tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"], ]
- if history:
- if tbl_dict[tst_name].get("history", None) is not None:
- for hist_data in tbl_dict[tst_name]["history"].values():
- if hist_data:
- item.append(round(mean(hist_data) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(hist_data) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"]
- if data_t:
- item.append(round(mean(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"]
- if data_t:
- item.append(round(mean(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- if item[-2] == "Not tested":
- pass
- elif item[-4] == "Not tested":
- item.append("New in CSIT-1908")
- elif topo == "2n-skx" and "dot1q" in tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"]:
- item.append("See footnote [1]")
- footnote = True
- elif item[-4] != 0:
- item.append(int(relative_change(float(item[-4]), float(item[-2]))))
- if (len(item) == len(header)) and (item[-3] != "Not tested"):
- tbl_lst.append(item)
- tbl_lst = _tpc_sort_table(tbl_lst)
- # Generate csv tables:
- csv_file = "{0}.csv".format(table["output-file"])
- with open(csv_file, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write(header_str)
- for test in tbl_lst:
- file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + "\n")
- txt_file_name = "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"])
- convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(csv_file, txt_file_name)
- if footnote:
- with open(txt_file_name, 'a') as txt_file:
- txt_file.writelines([
- "\nFootnotes:\n",
- "[1] CSIT-1908 changed test methodology of dot1q tests in "
- "2-node testbeds, dot1q encapsulation is now used on both "
- "links of SUT.\n",
- " Previously dot1q was used only on a single link with the "
- "other link carrying untagged Ethernet frames. This changes "
- "results\n",
- " in slightly lower throughput in CSIT-1908 for these "
- "tests. See release notes."
- ])
-def table_performance_comparison_nic(table, input_data):
- """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_performance_comparison
- specified in the specification file.
- :param table: Table to generate.
- :param input_data: Data to process.
- :type table: pandas.Series
- :type input_data: InputData
+def _tpc_generate_html_table(header, data, out_file_name, legend=u"",
+ footnote=u"", sort_data=True, title=u"",
+ generate_rst=True):
+ """Generate html table from input data with simple sorting possibility.
+ :param header: Table header.
+ :param data: Input data to be included in the table. It is a list of lists.
+ Inner lists are rows in the table. All inner lists must be of the same
+ length. The length of these lists must be the same as the length of the
+ header.
+ :param out_file_name: The name (relative or full path) where the
+ generated html table is written.
+ :param legend: The legend to display below the table.
+ :param footnote: The footnote to display below the table (and legend).
+ :param sort_data: If True the data sorting is enabled.
+ :param title: The table (and file) title.
+ :param generate_rst: If True, wrapping rst file is generated.
+ :type header: list
+ :type data: list of lists
+ :type out_file_name: str
+ :type legend: str
+ :type footnote: str
+ :type sort_data: bool
+ :type title: str
+ :type generate_rst: bool
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
- # Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
- data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
- # Prepare the header of the tables
- header = ["Test case", ]
- if table["include-tests"] == "MRR":
- hdr_param = "Rec Rate"
- else:
- hdr_param = "Thput"
- history = table.get("history", None)
- if history:
- for item in history:
- header.extend(
- ["{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(item["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(item["title"])])
- header.extend(
- ["{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"]),
- "{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"]),
- "Delta [%]"])
- header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n"
- except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err:
- logging.error("The model is invalid, missing parameter: {0}".
- format(err))
- return
- # Prepare data to the table:
- tbl_dict = dict()
- for job, builds in table["reference"]["data"].items():
- topo = "2n-skx" if "2n-skx" in job else ""
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- if table["reference"]["nic"] not in tst_data["tags"]:
- continue
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- name = "{0}".format("-".join(tst_data["name"].
- split("-")[:-1]))
- if "across testbeds" in table["title"].lower() or \
- "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {"name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()}
- _tpc_insert_data(target=tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["ref-data"],
- src=tst_data,
- include_tests=table["include-tests"])
- for job, builds in table["compare"]["data"].items():
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- if table["compare"]["nic"] not in tst_data["tags"]:
- continue
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- name = "{0}".format("-".join(tst_data["name"].
- split("-")[:-1]))
- if "across testbeds" in table["title"].lower() or \
- "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {"name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()}
- _tpc_insert_data(target=tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"],
- src=tst_data,
- include_tests=table["include-tests"])
- replacement = table["compare"].get("data-replacement", None)
- if replacement:
- create_new_list = True
- rpl_data = input_data.filter_data(
- table, data=replacement, continue_on_error=True)
- for job, builds in replacement.items():
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in rpl_data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- if table["compare"]["nic"] not in tst_data["tags"]:
- continue
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- name = "{0}".format("-".join(tst_data["name"].
- split("-")[:-1]))
- if "across testbeds" in table["title"].lower() or \
- "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {"name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()}
- if create_new_list:
- create_new_list = False
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"] = list()
- _tpc_insert_data(target=tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"],
- src=tst_data,
- include_tests=table["include-tests"])
- if history:
- for item in history:
- for job, builds in item["data"].items():
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- if item["nic"] not in tst_data["tags"]:
- continue
- tst_name_mod = _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name)
- if "across topologies" in table["title"].lower():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name_mod.replace("2n1l-", "")
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- continue
- if tbl_dict[tst_name_mod].get("history", None) is None:
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"] = OrderedDict()
- if tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"].get(item["title"],
- None) is None:
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item["title"]] = \
- list()
- try:
- # TODO: Re-work when NDRPDRDISC tests are not used
- if table["include-tests"] == "MRR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item["title"
- ]].append(tst_data["result"]["receive-rate"].
- avg)
- elif table["include-tests"] == "PDR":
- if tst_data["type"] == "PDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][
- item["title"]].\
- append(tst_data["throughput"]["value"])
- elif tst_data["type"] == "NDRPDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item[
- "title"]].append(tst_data["throughput"][
- "PDR"]["LOWER"])
- elif table["include-tests"] == "NDR":
- if tst_data["type"] == "NDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][
- item["title"]].\
- append(tst_data["throughput"]["value"])
- elif tst_data["type"] == "NDRPDR":
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["history"][item[
- "title"]].append(tst_data["throughput"][
- "NDR"]["LOWER"])
- else:
- continue
- except (TypeError, KeyError):
- pass
- tbl_lst = list()
- footnote = False
- for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys():
- item = [tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"], ]
- if history:
- if tbl_dict[tst_name].get("history", None) is not None:
- for hist_data in tbl_dict[tst_name]["history"].values():
- if hist_data:
- item.append(round(mean(hist_data) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(hist_data) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"]
- if data_t:
- item.append(round(mean(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"]
- if data_t:
- item.append(round(mean(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend(["Not tested", "Not tested"])
- if item[-2] == "Not tested":
- pass
- elif item[-4] == "Not tested":
- item.append("New in CSIT-1908")
- elif topo == "2n-skx" and "dot1q" in tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"]:
- item.append("See footnote [1]")
- footnote = True
- elif item[-4] != 0:
- item.append(int(relative_change(float(item[-4]), float(item[-2]))))
- if (len(item) == len(header)) and (item[-3] != "Not tested"):
- tbl_lst.append(item)
- tbl_lst = _tpc_sort_table(tbl_lst)
- # Generate csv tables:
- csv_file = "{0}.csv".format(table["output-file"])
- with open(csv_file, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write(header_str)
- for test in tbl_lst:
- file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + "\n")
- txt_file_name = "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"])
- convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(csv_file, txt_file_name)
- if footnote:
- with open(txt_file_name, 'a') as txt_file:
- txt_file.writelines([
- "\nFootnotes:\n",
- "[1] CSIT-1908 changed test methodology of dot1q tests in "
- "2-node testbeds, dot1q encapsulation is now used on both "
- "links of SUT.\n",
- " Previously dot1q was used only on a single link with the "
- "other link carrying untagged Ethernet frames. This changes "
- "results\n",
- " in slightly lower throughput in CSIT-1908 for these "
- "tests. See release notes."
- ])
-def table_nics_comparison(table, input_data):
- """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_nics_comparison
- specified in the specification file.
- :param table: Table to generate.
- :param input_data: Data to process.
- :type table: pandas.Series
- :type input_data: InputData
- """
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
- # Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
- data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
- # Prepare the header of the tables
- try:
- header = ["Test case", ]
- if table["include-tests"] == "MRR":
- hdr_param = "Rec Rate"
- else:
- hdr_param = "Thput"
- header.extend(
- ["{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"]),
- "{0} {1} [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"], hdr_param),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"]),
- "Delta [%]"])
- header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n"
- except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err:
- logging.error("The model is invalid, missing parameter: {0}".
- format(err))
+ idx = header.index(u"Test Case")
+ except ValueError:
+ idx = 0
+ params = {
+ u"align-hdr": (
+ [u"left", u"right"],
+ [u"left", u"left", u"right"],
+ [u"left", u"left", u"left", u"right"]
+ ),
+ u"align-itm": (
+ [u"left", u"right"],
+ [u"left", u"left", u"right"],
+ [u"left", u"left", u"left", u"right"]
+ ),
+ u"width": ([15, 9], [4, 24, 10], [4, 4, 32, 10])
+ }
+ df_data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=header)
+ if sort_data:
+ df_sorted = [df_data.sort_values(
+ by=[key, header[idx]], ascending=[True, True]
+ if key != header[idx] else [False, True]) for key in header]
+ df_sorted_rev = [df_data.sort_values(
+ by=[key, header[idx]], ascending=[False, True]
+ if key != header[idx] else [True, True]) for key in header]
+ df_sorted.extend(df_sorted_rev)
+ else:
+ df_sorted = df_data
+ fill_color = [[u"#d4e4f7" if idx % 2 else u"#e9f1fb"
+ for idx in range(len(df_data))]]
+ table_header = dict(
+ values=[f"<b>{item.replace(u',', u',<br>')}</b>" for item in header],
+ fill_color=u"#7eade7",
+ align=params[u"align-hdr"][idx],
+ font=dict(
+ family=u"Courier New",
+ size=12
+ )
+ )
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ if sort_data:
+ for table in df_sorted:
+ columns = [table.get(col) for col in header]
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Table(
+ columnwidth=params[u"width"][idx],
+ header=table_header,
+ cells=dict(
+ values=columns,
+ fill_color=fill_color,
+ align=params[u"align-itm"][idx],
+ font=dict(
+ family=u"Courier New",
+ size=12
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ buttons = list()
+ menu_items = [f"<b>{itm}</b> (ascending)" for itm in header]
+ menu_items.extend([f"<b>{itm}</b> (descending)" for itm in header])
+ for idx, hdr in enumerate(menu_items):
+ visible = [False, ] * len(menu_items)
+ visible[idx] = True
+ buttons.append(
+ dict(
+ label=hdr.replace(u" [Mpps]", u""),
+ method=u"update",
+ args=[{u"visible": visible}],
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ updatemenus=[
+ go.layout.Updatemenu(
+ type=u"dropdown",
+ direction=u"down",
+ x=0.0,
+ xanchor=u"left",
+ y=1.002,
+ yanchor=u"bottom",
+ active=len(menu_items) - 1,
+ buttons=list(buttons)
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ else:
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Table(
+ columnwidth=params[u"width"][idx],
+ header=table_header,
+ cells=dict(
+ values=[df_sorted.get(col) for col in header],
+ fill_color=fill_color,
+ align=params[u"align-itm"][idx],
+ font=dict(
+ family=u"Courier New",
+ size=12
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ploff.plot(
+ fig,
+ show_link=False,
+ auto_open=False,
+ filename=f"{out_file_name}_in.html"
+ )
+ if not generate_rst:
- # Prepare data to the table:
- tbl_dict = dict()
- for job, builds in table["data"].items():
- for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name.replace("-ndrpdrdisc", "").\
- replace("-ndrpdr", "").replace("-pdrdisc", "").\
- replace("-ndrdisc", "").replace("-pdr", "").\
- replace("-ndr", "").\
- replace("1t1c", "1c").replace("2t1c", "1c").\
- replace("2t2c", "2c").replace("4t2c", "2c").\
- replace("4t4c", "4c").replace("8t4c", "4c")
- tst_name_mod = re.sub(REGEX_NIC, "", tst_name_mod)
- if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- name = "-".join(tst_data["name"].split("-")[:-1])
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {"name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()}
- try:
- if table["include-tests"] == "MRR":
- result = tst_data["result"]["receive-rate"].avg
- elif table["include-tests"] == "PDR":
- result = tst_data["throughput"]["PDR"]["LOWER"]
- elif table["include-tests"] == "NDR":
- result = tst_data["throughput"]["NDR"]["LOWER"]
- else:
- result = None
- if result:
- if table["reference"]["nic"] in tst_data["tags"]:
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["ref-data"].append(result)
- elif table["compare"]["nic"] in tst_data["tags"]:
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"].append(result)
- except (TypeError, KeyError) as err:
- logging.debug("No data for {0}".format(tst_name))
- logging.debug(repr(err))
- # No data in output.xml for this test
- tbl_lst = list()
- for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys():
- item = [tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"], ]
- data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"]
- if data_t:
- item.append(round(mean(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend([None, None])
- data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"]
- if data_t:
- item.append(round(mean(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- item.append(round(stdev(data_t) / 1000000, 2))
- else:
- item.extend([None, None])
- if item[-4] is not None and item[-2] is not None and item[-4] != 0:
- item.append(int(relative_change(float(item[-4]), float(item[-2]))))
- if len(item) == len(header):
- tbl_lst.append(item)
- # Sort the table according to the relative change
- tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1], reverse=True)
- # Generate csv tables:
- csv_file = "{0}.csv".format(table["output-file"])
- with open(csv_file, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write(header_str)
- for test in tbl_lst:
- file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + "\n")
- convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(csv_file, "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"]))
+ file_name = out_file_name.split(u"/")[-1]
+ if u"vpp" in out_file_name:
+ path = u"_tmp/src/vpp_performance_tests/comparisons/"
+ else:
+ path = u"_tmp/src/dpdk_performance_tests/comparisons/"
+ with open(f"{path}{file_name}.rst", u"wt") as rst_file:
+ rst_file.write(
+ u"\n"
+ u".. |br| raw:: html\n\n <br />\n\n\n"
+ u".. |prein| raw:: html\n\n <pre>\n\n\n"
+ u".. |preout| raw:: html\n\n </pre>\n\n"
+ )
+ if title:
+ rst_file.write(f"{title}\n")
+ rst_file.write(f"{u'`' * len(title)}\n\n")
+ rst_file.write(
+ u".. raw:: html\n\n"
+ f' <iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" '
+ f'width="1600" height="1200" '
+ f'src="../..{out_file_name.replace(u"_build", u"")}_in.html">'
+ f'</iframe>\n\n'
+ )
+ if legend:
+ rst_file.write(legend[1:].replace(u"\n", u" |br| "))
+ if footnote:
+ rst_file.write(footnote.replace(u"\n", u" |br| ")[1:])
def table_soak_vs_ndr(table, input_data):
@@ -830,122 +627,180 @@ def table_soak_vs_ndr(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
# Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
# Prepare the header of the table
header = [
- "Test case",
- "{0} Thput [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"]),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["reference"]["title"]),
- "{0} Thput [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"]),
- "{0} Stdev [Mpps]".format(table["compare"]["title"]),
- "Delta [%]", "Stdev of delta [%]"]
- header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n"
+ u"Test Case",
+ f"Avg({table[u'reference'][u'title']})",
+ f"Stdev({table[u'reference'][u'title']})",
+ f"Avg({table[u'compare'][u'title']})",
+ f"Stdev{table[u'compare'][u'title']})",
+ u"Diff",
+ u"Stdev(Diff)"
+ ]
+ header_str = u";".join(header) + u"\n"
+ legend = (
+ u"\nLegend:\n"
+ f"Avg({table[u'reference'][u'title']}): "
+ f"Mean value of {table[u'reference'][u'title']} [Mpps] computed "
+ f"from a series of runs of the listed tests.\n"
+ f"Stdev({table[u'reference'][u'title']}): "
+ f"Standard deviation value of {table[u'reference'][u'title']} "
+ f"[Mpps] computed from a series of runs of the listed tests.\n"
+ f"Avg({table[u'compare'][u'title']}): "
+ f"Mean value of {table[u'compare'][u'title']} [Mpps] computed from "
+ f"a series of runs of the listed tests.\n"
+ f"Stdev({table[u'compare'][u'title']}): "
+ f"Standard deviation value of {table[u'compare'][u'title']} [Mpps] "
+ f"computed from a series of runs of the listed tests.\n"
+ f"Diff({table[u'reference'][u'title']},"
+ f"{table[u'compare'][u'title']}): "
+ f"Percentage change calculated for mean values.\n"
+ u"Stdev(Diff): "
+ u"Standard deviation of percentage change calculated for mean "
+ u"values.\n"
+ u":END"
+ )
except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err:
- logging.error("The model is invalid, missing parameter: {0}".
- format(err))
+ logging.error(f"The model is invalid, missing parameter: {repr(err)}")
# Create a list of available SOAK test results:
tbl_dict = dict()
- for job, builds in table["compare"]["data"].items():
+ for job, builds in table[u"compare"][u"data"].items():
for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- if tst_data["type"] == "SOAK":
- tst_name_mod = tst_name.replace("-soak", "")
+ for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].items():
+ if tst_data[u"type"] == u"SOAK":
+ tst_name_mod = tst_name.replace(u"-soak", u"")
if tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
- groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data["parent"])
- nic = groups.group(0) if groups else ""
- name = "{0}-{1}".format(nic, "-".join(tst_data["name"].
- split("-")[:-1]))
+ groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data[u"parent"])
+ nic = groups.group(0) if groups else u""
+ name = (
+ f"{nic}-"
+ f"{u'-'.join(tst_data[u'name'].split(u'-')[:-1])}"
+ )
tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = {
- "name": name,
- "ref-data": list(),
- "cmp-data": list()
+ u"name": name,
+ u"ref-data": list(),
+ u"cmp-data": list()
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["cmp-data"].append(
- tst_data["throughput"]["LOWER"])
+ tbl_dict[tst_name_mod][u"cmp-data"].append(
+ tst_data[u"throughput"][u"LOWER"])
except (KeyError, TypeError):
tests_lst = tbl_dict.keys()
# Add corresponding NDR test results:
- for job, builds in table["reference"]["data"].items():
+ for job, builds in table[u"reference"][u"data"].items():
for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- tst_name_mod = tst_name.replace("-ndrpdr", "").\
- replace("-mrr", "")
- if tst_name_mod in tests_lst:
- try:
- if tst_data["type"] in ("NDRPDR", "MRR", "BMRR"):
- if table["include-tests"] == "MRR":
- result = tst_data["result"]["receive-rate"].avg
- elif table["include-tests"] == "PDR":
- result = tst_data["throughput"]["PDR"]["LOWER"]
- elif table["include-tests"] == "NDR":
- result = tst_data["throughput"]["NDR"]["LOWER"]
- else:
- result = None
- if result is not None:
- tbl_dict[tst_name_mod]["ref-data"].append(
- result)
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].items():
+ tst_name_mod = tst_name.replace(u"-ndrpdr", u"").\
+ replace(u"-mrr", u"")
+ if tst_name_mod not in tests_lst:
+ continue
+ try:
+ if tst_data[u"type"] not in (u"NDRPDR", u"MRR", u"BMRR"):
+ if table[u"include-tests"] == u"MRR":
+ result = (tst_data[u"result"][u"receive-rate"],
+ tst_data[u"result"][u"receive-stdev"])
+ elif table[u"include-tests"] == u"PDR":
+ result = \
+ tst_data[u"throughput"][u"PDR"][u"LOWER"]
+ elif table[u"include-tests"] == u"NDR":
+ result = \
+ tst_data[u"throughput"][u"NDR"][u"LOWER"]
+ else:
+ result = None
+ if result is not None:
+ tbl_dict[tst_name_mod][u"ref-data"].append(
+ result)
+ except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ continue
tbl_lst = list()
- for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys():
- item = [tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"], ]
- data_r = tbl_dict[tst_name]["ref-data"]
+ for tst_name in tbl_dict:
+ item = [tbl_dict[tst_name][u"name"], ]
+ data_r = tbl_dict[tst_name][u"ref-data"]
if data_r:
- data_r_mean = mean(data_r)
- item.append(round(data_r_mean / 1000000, 2))
- data_r_stdev = stdev(data_r)
- item.append(round(data_r_stdev / 1000000, 2))
+ if table[u"include-tests"] == u"MRR":
+ data_r_mean = data_r[0][0]
+ data_r_stdev = data_r[0][1]
+ else:
+ data_r_mean = mean(data_r)
+ data_r_stdev = stdev(data_r)
+ item.append(round(data_r_mean / 1e6, 1))
+ item.append(round(data_r_stdev / 1e6, 1))
data_r_mean = None
data_r_stdev = None
item.extend([None, None])
- data_c = tbl_dict[tst_name]["cmp-data"]
+ data_c = tbl_dict[tst_name][u"cmp-data"]
if data_c:
- data_c_mean = mean(data_c)
- item.append(round(data_c_mean / 1000000, 2))
- data_c_stdev = stdev(data_c)
- item.append(round(data_c_stdev / 1000000, 2))
+ if table[u"include-tests"] == u"MRR":
+ data_c_mean = data_c[0][0]
+ data_c_stdev = data_c[0][1]
+ else:
+ data_c_mean = mean(data_c)
+ data_c_stdev = stdev(data_c)
+ item.append(round(data_c_mean / 1e6, 1))
+ item.append(round(data_c_stdev / 1e6, 1))
data_c_mean = None
data_c_stdev = None
item.extend([None, None])
- if data_r_mean and data_c_mean:
+ if data_r_mean is not None and data_c_mean is not None:
delta, d_stdev = relative_change_stdev(
data_r_mean, data_c_mean, data_r_stdev, data_c_stdev)
- item.append(round(delta, 2))
- item.append(round(d_stdev, 2))
+ try:
+ item.append(round(delta))
+ except ValueError:
+ item.append(delta)
+ try:
+ item.append(round(d_stdev))
+ except ValueError:
+ item.append(d_stdev)
# Sort the table according to the relative change
tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1], reverse=True)
# Generate csv tables:
- csv_file = "{0}.csv".format(table["output-file"])
- with open(csv_file, "w") as file_handler:
+ csv_file = f"{table[u'output-file']}.csv"
+ with open(csv_file, u"wt") as file_handler:
for test in tbl_lst:
- file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + "\n")
+ file_handler.write(u";".join([str(item) for item in test]) + u"\n")
+ convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(
+ csv_file, f"{table[u'output-file']}.txt", delimiter=u";"
+ )
+ with open(f"{table[u'output-file']}.txt", u'a') as txt_file:
+ txt_file.write(legend)
- convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(csv_file, "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"]))
+ # Generate html table:
+ _tpc_generate_html_table(
+ header,
+ tbl_lst,
+ table[u'output-file'],
+ legend=legend,
+ title=table.get(u"title", u"")
+ )
-def table_performance_trending_dashboard(table, input_data):
+def table_perf_trending_dash(table, input_data):
"""Generate the table(s) with algorithm:
- table_performance_trending_dashboard
+ table_perf_trending_dash
specified in the specification file.
:param table: Table to generate.
@@ -954,55 +809,67 @@ def table_performance_trending_dashboard(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
# Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
# Prepare the header of the tables
- header = ["Test Case",
- "Trend [Mpps]",
- "Short-Term Change [%]",
- "Long-Term Change [%]",
- "Regressions [#]",
- "Progressions [#]"
- ]
- header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n"
+ header = [
+ u"Test Case",
+ u"Trend [Mpps]",
+ u"Short-Term Change [%]",
+ u"Long-Term Change [%]",
+ u"Regressions [#]",
+ u"Progressions [#]"
+ ]
+ header_str = u",".join(header) + u"\n"
+ incl_tests = table.get(u"include-tests", u"MRR")
# Prepare data to the table:
tbl_dict = dict()
- for job, builds in table["data"].items():
+ for job, builds in table[u"data"].items():
for build in builds:
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems():
- if tst_name.lower() in table.get("ignore-list", list()):
+ for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].items():
+ if tst_name.lower() in table.get(u"ignore-list", list()):
if tbl_dict.get(tst_name, None) is None:
- groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data["parent"])
+ groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data[u"parent"])
if not groups:
nic = groups.group(0)
tbl_dict[tst_name] = {
- "name": "{0}-{1}".format(nic, tst_data["name"]),
- "data": OrderedDict()}
+ u"name": f"{nic}-{tst_data[u'name']}",
+ u"data": OrderedDict()
+ }
- tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"][str(build)] = \
- tst_data["result"]["receive-rate"]
+ if incl_tests == u"MRR":
+ tbl_dict[tst_name][u"data"][str(build)] = \
+ tst_data[u"result"][u"receive-rate"]
+ elif incl_tests == u"NDR":
+ tbl_dict[tst_name][u"data"][str(build)] = \
+ tst_data[u"throughput"][u"NDR"][u"LOWER"]
+ elif incl_tests == u"PDR":
+ tbl_dict[tst_name][u"data"][str(build)] = \
+ tst_data[u"throughput"][u"PDR"][u"LOWER"]
except (TypeError, KeyError):
pass # No data in output.xml for this test
tbl_lst = list()
- for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys():
- data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"]
+ for tst_name in tbl_dict:
+ data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name][u"data"]
if len(data_t) < 2:
classification_lst, avgs = classify_anomalies(data_t)
- win_size = min(len(data_t), table["window"])
- long_win_size = min(len(data_t), table["long-trend-window"])
+ win_size = min(len(data_t), table[u"window"])
+ long_win_size = min(len(data_t), table[u"long-trend-window"])
max_long_avg = max(
@@ -1017,59 +884,55 @@ def table_performance_trending_dashboard(table, input_data):
rel_change_last = nan
rel_change_last = round(
- ((last_avg - avg_week_ago) / avg_week_ago) * 100, 2)
+ ((last_avg - avg_week_ago) / avg_week_ago) * 1e2, 2)
if isnan(max_long_avg) or isnan(last_avg) or max_long_avg == 0.0:
rel_change_long = nan
rel_change_long = round(
- ((last_avg - max_long_avg) / max_long_avg) * 100, 2)
+ ((last_avg - max_long_avg) / max_long_avg) * 1e2, 2)
if classification_lst:
if isnan(rel_change_last) and isnan(rel_change_long):
- if (isnan(last_avg) or
- isnan(rel_change_last) or
- isnan(rel_change_long)):
+ if isnan(last_avg) or isnan(rel_change_last) or \
+ isnan(rel_change_long):
- [tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"],
- round(last_avg / 1000000, 2),
+ [tbl_dict[tst_name][u"name"],
+ round(last_avg / 1e6, 2),
- classification_lst[-win_size:].count("regression"),
- classification_lst[-win_size:].count("progression")])
+ classification_lst[-win_size:].count(u"regression"),
+ classification_lst[-win_size:].count(u"progression")])
tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[0])
tbl_sorted = list()
- for nrr in range(table["window"], -1, -1):
+ for nrr in range(table[u"window"], -1, -1):
tbl_reg = [item for item in tbl_lst if item[4] == nrr]
- for nrp in range(table["window"], -1, -1):
+ for nrp in range(table[u"window"], -1, -1):
tbl_out = [item for item in tbl_reg if item[5] == nrp]
tbl_out.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[2])
- file_name = "{0}{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"])
+ file_name = f"{table[u'output-file']}{table[u'output-file-ext']}"
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{0}'".format(file_name))
- with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler:
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {file_name}")
+ with open(file_name, u"wt") as file_handler:
for test in tbl_sorted:
- file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + '\n')
+ file_handler.write(u",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + u'\n')
- txt_file_name = "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"])
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{0}'".format(txt_file_name))
- convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(file_name, txt_file_name)
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {table[u'output-file']}.txt")
+ convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(file_name, f"{table[u'output-file']}.txt")
-def _generate_url(base, testbed, test_name):
+def _generate_url(testbed, test_name):
"""Generate URL to a trending plot from the name of the test case.
- :param base: The base part of URL common to all test cases.
:param testbed: The testbed used for testing.
:param test_name: The name of the test case.
- :type base: str
:type testbed: str
:type test_name: str
:returns: The URL to the plot with the trending data for the given test
@@ -1077,140 +940,145 @@ def _generate_url(base, testbed, test_name):
:rtype str
- url = base
- file_name = ""
- anchor = ".html#"
- feature = ""
- if "lbdpdk" in test_name or "lbvpp" in test_name:
- file_name = "link_bonding"
- elif "114b" in test_name and "vhost" in test_name:
- file_name = "vts"
+ if u"x520" in test_name:
+ nic = u"x520"
+ elif u"x710" in test_name:
+ nic = u"x710"
+ elif u"xl710" in test_name:
+ nic = u"xl710"
+ elif u"xxv710" in test_name:
+ nic = u"xxv710"
+ elif u"vic1227" in test_name:
+ nic = u"vic1227"
+ elif u"vic1385" in test_name:
+ nic = u"vic1385"
+ elif u"x553" in test_name:
+ nic = u"x553"
+ elif u"cx556" in test_name or u"cx556a" in test_name:
+ nic = u"cx556a"
+ else:
+ nic = u""
+ if u"64b" in test_name:
+ frame_size = u"64b"
+ elif u"78b" in test_name:
+ frame_size = u"78b"
+ elif u"imix" in test_name:
+ frame_size = u"imix"
+ elif u"9000b" in test_name:
+ frame_size = u"9000b"
+ elif u"1518b" in test_name:
+ frame_size = u"1518b"
+ elif u"114b" in test_name:
+ frame_size = u"114b"
+ else:
+ frame_size = u""
+ if u"1t1c" in test_name or \
+ (u"-1c-" in test_name and
+ testbed in (u"3n-hsw", u"3n-tsh", u"2n-dnv", u"3n-dnv")):
+ cores = u"1t1c"
+ elif u"2t2c" in test_name or \
+ (u"-2c-" in test_name and
+ testbed in (u"3n-hsw", u"3n-tsh", u"2n-dnv", u"3n-dnv")):
+ cores = u"2t2c"
+ elif u"4t4c" in test_name or \
+ (u"-4c-" in test_name and
+ testbed in (u"3n-hsw", u"3n-tsh", u"2n-dnv", u"3n-dnv")):
+ cores = u"4t4c"
+ elif u"2t1c" in test_name or \
+ (u"-1c-" in test_name and
+ testbed in (u"2n-skx", u"3n-skx", u"2n-clx")):
+ cores = u"2t1c"
+ elif u"4t2c" in test_name or \
+ (u"-2c-" in test_name and
+ testbed in (u"2n-skx", u"3n-skx", u"2n-clx")):
+ cores = u"4t2c"
+ elif u"8t4c" in test_name or \
+ (u"-4c-" in test_name and
+ testbed in (u"2n-skx", u"3n-skx", u"2n-clx")):
+ cores = u"8t4c"
+ else:
+ cores = u""
+ if u"testpmd" in test_name:
+ driver = u"testpmd"
+ elif u"l3fwd" in test_name:
+ driver = u"l3fwd"
+ elif u"avf" in test_name:
+ driver = u"avf"
+ elif u"rdma" in test_name:
+ driver = u"rdma"
+ elif u"dnv" in testbed or u"tsh" in testbed:
+ driver = u"ixgbe"
+ else:
+ driver = u"dpdk"
+ if u"acl" in test_name or \
+ u"macip" in test_name or \
+ u"nat" in test_name or \
+ u"policer" in test_name or \
+ u"cop" in test_name:
+ bsf = u"features"
+ elif u"scale" in test_name:
+ bsf = u"scale"
+ elif u"base" in test_name:
+ bsf = u"base"
+ else:
+ bsf = u"base"
+ if u"114b" in test_name and u"vhost" in test_name:
+ domain = u"vts"
+ elif u"testpmd" in test_name or u"l3fwd" in test_name:
+ domain = u"dpdk"
+ elif u"memif" in test_name:
+ domain = u"container_memif"
+ elif u"srv6" in test_name:
+ domain = u"srv6"
+ elif u"vhost" in test_name:
+ domain = u"vhost"
+ if u"vppl2xc" in test_name:
+ driver += u"-vpp"
+ else:
+ driver += u"-testpmd"
+ if u"lbvpplacp" in test_name:
+ bsf += u"-link-bonding"
+ elif u"ch" in test_name and u"vh" in test_name and u"vm" in test_name:
+ domain = u"nf_service_density_vnfc"
+ elif u"ch" in test_name and u"mif" in test_name and u"dcr" in test_name:
+ domain = u"nf_service_density_cnfc"
+ elif u"pl" in test_name and u"mif" in test_name and u"dcr" in test_name:
+ domain = u"nf_service_density_cnfp"
+ elif u"ipsec" in test_name:
+ domain = u"ipsec"
+ if u"sw" in test_name:
+ bsf += u"-sw"
+ elif u"hw" in test_name:
+ bsf += u"-hw"
+ elif u"ethip4vxlan" in test_name:
+ domain = u"ip4_tunnels"
+ elif u"ip4base" in test_name or u"ip4scale" in test_name:
+ domain = u"ip4"
+ elif u"ip6base" in test_name or u"ip6scale" in test_name:
+ domain = u"ip6"
+ elif u"l2xcbase" in test_name or \
+ u"l2xcscale" in test_name or \
+ u"l2bdbasemaclrn" in test_name or \
+ u"l2bdscale" in test_name or \
+ u"l2patch" in test_name:
+ domain = u"l2"
+ else:
+ domain = u""
- elif "testpmd" in test_name or "l3fwd" in test_name:
- file_name = "dpdk"
+ file_name = u"-".join((domain, testbed, nic)) + u".html#"
+ anchor_name = u"-".join((frame_size, cores, bsf, driver))
- elif "memif" in test_name:
- file_name = "container_memif"
- feature = "-base"
+ return file_name + anchor_name
- elif "srv6" in test_name:
- file_name = "srv6"
- elif "vhost" in test_name:
- if "l2xcbase" in test_name or "l2bdbasemaclrn" in test_name:
- file_name = "vm_vhost_l2"
- if "114b" in test_name:
- feature = ""
- elif "l2xcbase" in test_name and "x520" in test_name:
- feature = "-base-l2xc"
- elif "l2bdbasemaclrn" in test_name and "x520" in test_name:
- feature = "-base-l2bd"
- else:
- feature = "-base"
- elif "ip4base" in test_name:
- file_name = "vm_vhost_ip4"
- feature = "-base"
- elif "ipsecbasetnlsw" in test_name:
- file_name = "ipsecsw"
- feature = "-base-scale"
- elif "ipsec" in test_name:
- file_name = "ipsec"
- feature = "-base-scale"
- if "hw-" in test_name:
- file_name = "ipsechw"
- elif "sw-" in test_name:
- file_name = "ipsecsw"
- elif "ethip4lispip" in test_name or "ethip4vxlan" in test_name:
- file_name = "ip4_tunnels"
- feature = "-base"
- elif "ip4base" in test_name or "ip4scale" in test_name:
- file_name = "ip4"
- if "xl710" in test_name:
- feature = "-base-scale-features"
- elif "iacl" in test_name:
- feature = "-features-iacl"
- elif "oacl" in test_name:
- feature = "-features-oacl"
- elif "snat" in test_name or "cop" in test_name:
- feature = "-features"
- else:
- feature = "-base-scale"
- elif "ip6base" in test_name or "ip6scale" in test_name:
- file_name = "ip6"
- feature = "-base-scale"
- elif "l2xcbase" in test_name or "l2xcscale" in test_name \
- or "l2bdbasemaclrn" in test_name or "l2bdscale" in test_name \
- or "l2dbbasemaclrn" in test_name or "l2dbscale" in test_name:
- file_name = "l2"
- if "macip" in test_name:
- feature = "-features-macip"
- elif "iacl" in test_name:
- feature = "-features-iacl"
- elif "oacl" in test_name:
- feature = "-features-oacl"
- else:
- feature = "-base-scale"
- if "x520" in test_name:
- nic = "x520-"
- elif "x710" in test_name:
- nic = "x710-"
- elif "xl710" in test_name:
- nic = "xl710-"
- elif "xxv710" in test_name:
- nic = "xxv710-"
- elif "vic1227" in test_name:
- nic = "vic1227-"
- elif "vic1385" in test_name:
- nic = "vic1385-"
- else:
- nic = ""
- anchor += nic
- if "64b" in test_name:
- framesize = "64b"
- elif "78b" in test_name:
- framesize = "78b"
- elif "imix" in test_name:
- framesize = "imix"
- elif "9000b" in test_name:
- framesize = "9000b"
- elif "1518b" in test_name:
- framesize = "1518b"
- elif "114b" in test_name:
- framesize = "114b"
- else:
- framesize = ""
- anchor += framesize + '-'
- if "1t1c" in test_name:
- anchor += "1t1c"
- elif "2t2c" in test_name:
- anchor += "2t2c"
- elif "4t4c" in test_name:
- anchor += "4t4c"
- elif "2t1c" in test_name:
- anchor += "2t1c"
- elif "4t2c" in test_name:
- anchor += "4t2c"
- elif "8t4c" in test_name:
- anchor += "8t4c"
- return url + file_name + '-' + testbed + '-' + nic + framesize + \
- feature.replace("-int", "").replace("-tnl", "") + anchor + feature
-def table_performance_trending_dashboard_html(table, input_data):
+def table_perf_trending_dash_html(table, input_data):
"""Generate the table(s) with algorithm:
- table_performance_trending_dashboard_html specified in the specification
+ table_perf_trending_dash_html specified in the specification
:param table: Table to generate.
@@ -1219,70 +1087,94 @@ def table_performance_trending_dashboard_html(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- testbed = table.get("testbed", None)
- if testbed is None:
- logging.error("The testbed is not defined for the table '{0}'.".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ _ = input_data
+ if not table.get(u"testbed", None):
+ logging.error(
+ f"The testbed is not defined for the table "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
- with open(table["input-file"], 'rb') as csv_file:
- csv_content = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
- csv_lst = [item for item in csv_content]
+ with open(table[u"input-file"], u'rt') as csv_file:
+ csv_lst = list(csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=u',', quotechar=u'"'))
except KeyError:
- logging.warning("The input file is not defined.")
+ logging.warning(u"The input file is not defined.")
except csv.Error as err:
- logging.warning("Not possible to process the file '{0}'.\n{1}".
- format(table["input-file"], err))
+ logging.warning(
+ f"Not possible to process the file {table[u'input-file']}.\n"
+ f"{repr(err)}"
+ )
# Table:
- dashboard = ET.Element("table", attrib=dict(width="100%", border='0'))
+ dashboard = ET.Element(u"table", attrib=dict(width=u"100%", border=u'0'))
# Table header:
- tr = ET.SubElement(dashboard, "tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor="#7eade7"))
+ trow = ET.SubElement(dashboard, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=u"#7eade7"))
for idx, item in enumerate(csv_lst[0]):
- alignment = "left" if idx == 0 else "center"
- th = ET.SubElement(tr, "th", attrib=dict(align=alignment))
- th.text = item
+ alignment = u"left" if idx == 0 else u"center"
+ thead = ET.SubElement(trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=alignment))
+ thead.text = item
# Rows:
- colors = {"regression": ("#ffcccc", "#ff9999"),
- "progression": ("#c6ecc6", "#9fdf9f"),
- "normal": ("#e9f1fb", "#d4e4f7")}
+ colors = {
+ u"regression": (
+ u"#ffcccc",
+ u"#ff9999"
+ ),
+ u"progression": (
+ u"#c6ecc6",
+ u"#9fdf9f"
+ ),
+ u"normal": (
+ u"#e9f1fb",
+ u"#d4e4f7"
+ )
+ }
for r_idx, row in enumerate(csv_lst[1:]):
if int(row[4]):
- color = "regression"
+ color = u"regression"
elif int(row[5]):
- color = "progression"
+ color = u"progression"
- color = "normal"
- background = colors[color][r_idx % 2]
- tr = ET.SubElement(dashboard, "tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=background))
+ color = u"normal"
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ dashboard, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=colors[color][r_idx % 2])
+ )
# Columns:
for c_idx, item in enumerate(row):
- alignment = "left" if c_idx == 0 else "center"
- td = ET.SubElement(tr, "td", attrib=dict(align=alignment))
+ tdata = ET.SubElement(
+ trow,
+ u"td",
+ attrib=dict(align=u"left" if c_idx == 0 else u"center")
+ )
# Name:
if c_idx == 0:
- url = _generate_url("../trending/", testbed, item)
- ref = ET.SubElement(td, "a", attrib=dict(href=url))
+ ref = ET.SubElement(
+ tdata,
+ u"a",
+ attrib=dict(
+ href=f"../trending/"
+ f"{_generate_url(table.get(u'testbed', ''), item)}"
+ )
+ )
ref.text = item
- td.text = item
+ tdata.text = item
- with open(table["output-file"], 'w') as html_file:
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{0}'".format(table["output-file"]))
- html_file.write(".. raw:: html\n\n\t")
- html_file.write(ET.tostring(dashboard))
- html_file.write("\n\t<p><br><br></p>\n")
+ with open(table[u"output-file"], u'w') as html_file:
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {table[u'output-file']}")
+ html_file.write(u".. raw:: html\n\n\t")
+ html_file.write(str(ET.tostring(dashboard, encoding=u"unicode")))
+ html_file.write(u"\n\t<p><br><br></p>\n")
except KeyError:
- logging.warning("The output file is not defined.")
+ logging.warning(u"The output file is not defined.")
@@ -1296,45 +1188,56 @@ def table_last_failed_tests(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
# Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
if data is None or data.empty:
- logging.warn(" No data for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.warning(
+ f" No data for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
tbl_list = list()
- for job, builds in table["data"].items():
+ for job, builds in table[u"data"].items():
for build in builds:
build = str(build)
- version = input_data.metadata(job, build).get("version", "")
+ version = input_data.metadata(job, build).get(u"version", u"")
except KeyError:
- logging.error("Data for {job}: {build} is not present.".
- format(job=job, build=build))
+ logging.error(f"Data for {job}: {build} is not present.")
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][build].iteritems():
- if tst_data["status"] != "FAIL":
+ failed_tests = list()
+ passed = 0
+ failed = 0
+ for tst_data in data[job][build].values:
+ if tst_data[u"status"] != u"FAIL":
+ passed += 1
- groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data["parent"])
+ failed += 1
+ groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data[u"parent"])
if not groups:
nic = groups.group(0)
- tbl_list.append("{0}-{1}".format(nic, tst_data["name"]))
- file_name = "{0}{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"])
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{0}'".format(file_name))
- with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler:
+ failed_tests.append(f"{nic}-{tst_data[u'name']}")
+ tbl_list.append(str(passed))
+ tbl_list.append(str(failed))
+ tbl_list.extend(failed_tests)
+ file_name = f"{table[u'output-file']}{table[u'output-file-ext']}"
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {file_name}")
+ with open(file_name, u"wt") as file_handler:
for test in tbl_list:
- file_handler.write(test + '\n')
+ file_handler.write(test + u'\n')
def table_failed_tests(table, input_data):
@@ -1347,92 +1250,103 @@ def table_failed_tests(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
# Transform the data
- logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True)
# Prepare the header of the tables
- header = ["Test Case",
- "Failures [#]",
- "Last Failure [Time]",
- "Last Failure [VPP-Build-Id]",
- "Last Failure [CSIT-Job-Build-Id]"]
+ header = [
+ u"Test Case",
+ u"Failures [#]",
+ u"Last Failure [Time]",
+ u"Last Failure [VPP-Build-Id]",
+ u"Last Failure [CSIT-Job-Build-Id]"
+ ]
# Generate the data for the table according to the model in the table
# specification
now = dt.utcnow()
- timeperiod = timedelta(int(table.get("window", 7)))
+ timeperiod = timedelta(int(table.get(u"window", 7)))
tbl_dict = dict()
- for job, builds in table["data"].items():
+ for job, builds in table[u"data"].items():
for build in builds:
build = str(build)
- for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][build].iteritems():
- if tst_name.lower() in table.get("ignore-list", list()):
+ for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][build].items():
+ if tst_name.lower() in table.get(u"ignore-list", list()):
if tbl_dict.get(tst_name, None) is None:
- groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data["parent"])
+ groups = re.search(REGEX_NIC, tst_data[u"parent"])
if not groups:
nic = groups.group(0)
tbl_dict[tst_name] = {
- "name": "{0}-{1}".format(nic, tst_data["name"]),
- "data": OrderedDict()}
+ u"name": f"{nic}-{tst_data[u'name']}",
+ u"data": OrderedDict()
+ }
generated = input_data.metadata(job, build).\
- get("generated", "")
+ get(u"generated", u"")
if not generated:
- then = dt.strptime(generated, "%Y%m%d %H:%M")
+ then = dt.strptime(generated, u"%Y%m%d %H:%M")
if (now - then) <= timeperiod:
- tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"][build] = (
- tst_data["status"],
+ tbl_dict[tst_name][u"data"][build] = (
+ tst_data[u"status"],
- input_data.metadata(job, build).get("version", ""),
- build)
+ input_data.metadata(job, build).get(u"version",
+ u""),
+ build
+ )
except (TypeError, KeyError) as err:
- logging.warning("tst_name: {} - err: {}".
- format(tst_name, repr(err)))
+ logging.warning(f"tst_name: {tst_name} - err: {repr(err)}")
max_fails = 0
tbl_lst = list()
for tst_data in tbl_dict.values():
fails_nr = 0
- for val in tst_data["data"].values():
- if val[0] == "FAIL":
+ fails_last_date = u""
+ fails_last_vpp = u""
+ fails_last_csit = u""
+ for val in tst_data[u"data"].values():
+ if val[0] == u"FAIL":
fails_nr += 1
fails_last_date = val[1]
fails_last_vpp = val[2]
fails_last_csit = val[3]
if fails_nr:
max_fails = fails_nr if fails_nr > max_fails else max_fails
- tbl_lst.append([tst_data["name"],
- fails_nr,
- fails_last_date,
- fails_last_vpp,
- "mrr-daily-build-{0}".format(fails_last_csit)])
+ tbl_lst.append(
+ [
+ tst_data[u"name"],
+ fails_nr,
+ fails_last_date,
+ fails_last_vpp,
+ f"mrr-daily-build-{fails_last_csit}"
+ ]
+ )
tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[2], reverse=True)
tbl_sorted = list()
for nrf in range(max_fails, -1, -1):
tbl_fails = [item for item in tbl_lst if item[1] == nrf]
- file_name = "{0}{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"])
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{0}'".format(file_name))
- with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler:
- file_handler.write(",".join(header) + "\n")
+ file_name = f"{table[u'output-file']}{table[u'output-file-ext']}"
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {file_name}")
+ with open(file_name, u"wt") as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write(u",".join(header) + u"\n")
for test in tbl_sorted:
- file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + '\n')
+ file_handler.write(u",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + u'\n')
- txt_file_name = "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"])
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{0}'".format(txt_file_name))
- convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(file_name, txt_file_name)
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {table[u'output-file']}.txt")
+ convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(file_name, f"{table[u'output-file']}.txt")
def table_failed_tests_html(table, input_data):
@@ -1445,60 +1359,583 @@ def table_failed_tests_html(table, input_data):
:type input_data: InputData
- testbed = table.get("testbed", None)
- if testbed is None:
- logging.error("The testbed is not defined for the table '{0}'.".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ _ = input_data
+ if not table.get(u"testbed", None):
+ logging.error(
+ f"The testbed is not defined for the table "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
- logging.info(" Generating the table {0} ...".
- format(table.get("title", "")))
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
- with open(table["input-file"], 'rb') as csv_file:
- csv_content = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
- csv_lst = [item for item in csv_content]
+ with open(table[u"input-file"], u'rt') as csv_file:
+ csv_lst = list(csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=u',', quotechar=u'"'))
except KeyError:
- logging.warning("The input file is not defined.")
+ logging.warning(u"The input file is not defined.")
except csv.Error as err:
- logging.warning("Not possible to process the file '{0}'.\n{1}".
- format(table["input-file"], err))
+ logging.warning(
+ f"Not possible to process the file {table[u'input-file']}.\n"
+ f"{repr(err)}"
+ )
# Table:
- failed_tests = ET.Element("table", attrib=dict(width="100%", border='0'))
+ failed_tests = ET.Element(u"table", attrib=dict(width=u"100%", border=u'0'))
# Table header:
- tr = ET.SubElement(failed_tests, "tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor="#7eade7"))
+ trow = ET.SubElement(failed_tests, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=u"#7eade7"))
for idx, item in enumerate(csv_lst[0]):
- alignment = "left" if idx == 0 else "center"
- th = ET.SubElement(tr, "th", attrib=dict(align=alignment))
- th.text = item
+ alignment = u"left" if idx == 0 else u"center"
+ thead = ET.SubElement(trow, u"th", attrib=dict(align=alignment))
+ thead.text = item
# Rows:
- colors = ("#e9f1fb", "#d4e4f7")
+ colors = (u"#e9f1fb", u"#d4e4f7")
for r_idx, row in enumerate(csv_lst[1:]):
background = colors[r_idx % 2]
- tr = ET.SubElement(failed_tests, "tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=background))
+ trow = ET.SubElement(
+ failed_tests, u"tr", attrib=dict(bgcolor=background)
+ )
# Columns:
for c_idx, item in enumerate(row):
- alignment = "left" if c_idx == 0 else "center"
- td = ET.SubElement(tr, "td", attrib=dict(align=alignment))
+ tdata = ET.SubElement(
+ trow,
+ u"td",
+ attrib=dict(align=u"left" if c_idx == 0 else u"center")
+ )
# Name:
if c_idx == 0:
- url = _generate_url("../trending/", testbed, item)
- ref = ET.SubElement(td, "a", attrib=dict(href=url))
+ ref = ET.SubElement(
+ tdata,
+ u"a",
+ attrib=dict(
+ href=f"../trending/"
+ f"{_generate_url(table.get(u'testbed', ''), item)}"
+ )
+ )
ref.text = item
- td.text = item
+ tdata.text = item
- with open(table["output-file"], 'w') as html_file:
- logging.info(" Writing file: '{0}'".format(table["output-file"]))
- html_file.write(".. raw:: html\n\n\t")
- html_file.write(ET.tostring(failed_tests))
- html_file.write("\n\t<p><br><br></p>\n")
+ with open(table[u"output-file"], u'w') as html_file:
+ logging.info(f" Writing file: {table[u'output-file']}")
+ html_file.write(u".. raw:: html\n\n\t")
+ html_file.write(str(ET.tostring(failed_tests, encoding=u"unicode")))
+ html_file.write(u"\n\t<p><br><br></p>\n")
except KeyError:
- logging.warning("The output file is not defined.")
+ logging.warning(u"The output file is not defined.")
+def table_comparison(table, input_data):
+ """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_comparison
+ specified in the specification file.
+ :param table: Table to generate.
+ :param input_data: Data to process.
+ :type table: pandas.Series
+ :type input_data: InputData
+ """
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
+ # Transform the data
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
+ columns = table.get(u"columns", None)
+ if not columns:
+ logging.error(
+ f"No columns specified for {table.get(u'title', u'')}. Skipping."
+ )
+ return
+ cols = list()
+ for idx, col in enumerate(columns):
+ if col.get(u"data-set", None) is None:
+ logging.warning(f"No data for column {col.get(u'title', u'')}")
+ continue
+ tag = col.get(u"tag", None)
+ data = input_data.filter_data(
+ table,
+ params=[u"throughput", u"result", u"name", u"parent", u"tags"],
+ data=col[u"data-set"],
+ continue_on_error=True
+ )
+ col_data = {
+ u"title": col.get(u"title", f"Column{idx}"),
+ u"data": dict()
+ }
+ for builds in data.values:
+ for build in builds:
+ for tst_name, tst_data in build.items():
+ if tag and tag not in tst_data[u"tags"]:
+ continue
+ tst_name_mod = \
+ _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name, ignore_nic=True).\
+ replace(u"2n1l-", u"")
+ if col_data[u"data"].get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
+ name = tst_data[u'name'].rsplit(u'-', 1)[0]
+ if u"across testbeds" in table[u"title"].lower() or \
+ u"across topologies" in table[u"title"].lower():
+ name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
+ col_data[u"data"][tst_name_mod] = {
+ u"name": name,
+ u"replace": True,
+ u"data": list(),
+ u"mean": None,
+ u"stdev": None
+ }
+ _tpc_insert_data(
+ target=col_data[u"data"][tst_name_mod],
+ src=tst_data,
+ include_tests=table[u"include-tests"]
+ )
+ replacement = col.get(u"data-replacement", None)
+ if replacement:
+ rpl_data = input_data.filter_data(
+ table,
+ params=[u"throughput", u"result", u"name", u"parent", u"tags"],
+ data=replacement,
+ continue_on_error=True
+ )
+ for builds in rpl_data.values:
+ for build in builds:
+ for tst_name, tst_data in build.items():
+ if tag and tag not in tst_data[u"tags"]:
+ continue
+ tst_name_mod = \
+ _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name, ignore_nic=True).\
+ replace(u"2n1l-", u"")
+ if col_data[u"data"].get(tst_name_mod, None) is None:
+ name = tst_data[u'name'].rsplit(u'-', 1)[0]
+ if u"across testbeds" in table[u"title"].lower() \
+ or u"across topologies" in \
+ table[u"title"].lower():
+ name = _tpc_modify_displayed_test_name(name)
+ col_data[u"data"][tst_name_mod] = {
+ u"name": name,
+ u"replace": False,
+ u"data": list(),
+ u"mean": None,
+ u"stdev": None
+ }
+ if col_data[u"data"][tst_name_mod][u"replace"]:
+ col_data[u"data"][tst_name_mod][u"replace"] = False
+ col_data[u"data"][tst_name_mod][u"data"] = list()
+ _tpc_insert_data(
+ target=col_data[u"data"][tst_name_mod],
+ src=tst_data,
+ include_tests=table[u"include-tests"]
+ )
+ if table[u"include-tests"] in (u"NDR", u"PDR"):
+ for tst_name, tst_data in col_data[u"data"].items():
+ if tst_data[u"data"]:
+ tst_data[u"mean"] = mean(tst_data[u"data"])
+ tst_data[u"stdev"] = stdev(tst_data[u"data"])
+ cols.append(col_data)
+ tbl_dict = dict()
+ for col in cols:
+ for tst_name, tst_data in col[u"data"].items():
+ if tbl_dict.get(tst_name, None) is None:
+ tbl_dict[tst_name] = {
+ "name": tst_data[u"name"]
+ }
+ tbl_dict[tst_name][col[u"title"]] = {
+ u"mean": tst_data[u"mean"],
+ u"stdev": tst_data[u"stdev"]
+ }
+ if not tbl_dict:
+ logging.warning(f"No data for table {table.get(u'title', u'')}!")
+ return
+ tbl_lst = list()
+ for tst_data in tbl_dict.values():
+ row = [tst_data[u"name"], ]
+ for col in cols:
+ row.append(tst_data.get(col[u"title"], None))
+ tbl_lst.append(row)
+ comparisons = table.get(u"comparisons", None)
+ if comparisons and isinstance(comparisons, list):
+ for idx, comp in enumerate(comparisons):
+ try:
+ col_ref = int(comp[u"reference"])
+ col_cmp = int(comp[u"compare"])
+ except KeyError:
+ logging.warning(u"Comparison: No references defined! Skipping.")
+ comparisons.pop(idx)
+ continue
+ if not (0 < col_ref <= len(cols) and
+ 0 < col_cmp <= len(cols)) or \
+ col_ref == col_cmp:
+ logging.warning(f"Wrong values of reference={col_ref} "
+ f"and/or compare={col_cmp}. Skipping.")
+ comparisons.pop(idx)
+ continue
+ tbl_cmp_lst = list()
+ if comparisons:
+ for row in tbl_lst:
+ new_row = deepcopy(row)
+ add_to_tbl = False
+ for comp in comparisons:
+ ref_itm = row[int(comp[u"reference"])]
+ if ref_itm is None and \
+ comp.get(u"reference-alt", None) is not None:
+ ref_itm = row[int(comp[u"reference-alt"])]
+ cmp_itm = row[int(comp[u"compare"])]
+ if ref_itm is not None and cmp_itm is not None and \
+ ref_itm[u"mean"] is not None and \
+ cmp_itm[u"mean"] is not None and \
+ ref_itm[u"stdev"] is not None and \
+ cmp_itm[u"stdev"] is not None:
+ delta, d_stdev = relative_change_stdev(
+ ref_itm[u"mean"], cmp_itm[u"mean"],
+ ref_itm[u"stdev"], cmp_itm[u"stdev"]
+ )
+ new_row.append(
+ {
+ u"mean": delta * 1e6,
+ u"stdev": d_stdev * 1e6
+ }
+ )
+ add_to_tbl = True
+ else:
+ new_row.append(None)
+ if add_to_tbl:
+ tbl_cmp_lst.append(new_row)
+ tbl_cmp_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[0], reverse=False)
+ tbl_cmp_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1][u'mean'], reverse=True)
+ rcas = list()
+ rca_in = table.get(u"rca", None)
+ if rca_in and isinstance(rca_in, list):
+ for idx, itm in enumerate(rca_in):
+ try:
+ with open(itm.get(u"data", u""), u"r") as rca_file:
+ rcas.append(
+ {
+ u"title": itm.get(u"title", f"RCA{idx}"),
+ u"data": load(rca_file, Loader=FullLoader)
+ }
+ )
+ except (YAMLError, IOError) as err:
+ logging.warning(
+ f"The RCA file {itm.get(u'data', u'')} does not exist or "
+ f"it is corrupted!"
+ )
+ logging.debug(repr(err))
+ tbl_for_csv = list()
+ for line in tbl_cmp_lst:
+ row = [line[0], ]
+ for idx, itm in enumerate(line[1:]):
+ if itm is None:
+ row.append(u"NT")
+ row.append(u"NT")
+ else:
+ row.append(round(float(itm[u'mean']) / 1e6, 3))
+ row.append(round(float(itm[u'stdev']) / 1e6, 3))
+ for rca in rcas:
+ rca_nr = rca[u"data"].get(row[0], u"-")
+ row.append(f"[{rca_nr}]" if rca_nr != u"-" else u"-")
+ tbl_for_csv.append(row)
+ header_csv = [u"Test Case", ]
+ for col in cols:
+ header_csv.append(f"Avg({col[u'title']})")
+ header_csv.append(f"Stdev({col[u'title']})")
+ for comp in comparisons:
+ header_csv.append(
+ f"Avg({comp.get(u'title', u'')})"
+ )
+ header_csv.append(
+ f"Stdev({comp.get(u'title', u'')})"
+ )
+ header_csv.extend([rca[u"title"] for rca in rcas])
+ legend_lst = table.get(u"legend", None)
+ if legend_lst is None:
+ legend = u""
+ else:
+ legend = u"\n" + u"\n".join(legend_lst) + u"\n"
+ footnote = u""
+ for rca in rcas:
+ footnote += f"\n{rca[u'title']}:\n"
+ footnote += rca[u"data"].get(u"footnote", u"")
+ csv_file = f"{table[u'output-file']}-csv.csv"
+ with open(csv_file, u"wt", encoding='utf-8') as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write(
+ u",".join([f'"{itm}"' for itm in header_csv]) + u"\n"
+ )
+ for test in tbl_for_csv:
+ file_handler.write(
+ u",".join([f'"{item}"' for item in test]) + u"\n"
+ )
+ if legend_lst:
+ for item in legend_lst:
+ file_handler.write(f'"{item}"\n')
+ if footnote:
+ for itm in footnote.split(u"\n"):
+ file_handler.write(f'"{itm}"\n')
+ tbl_tmp = list()
+ max_lens = [0, ] * len(tbl_cmp_lst[0])
+ for line in tbl_cmp_lst:
+ row = [line[0], ]
+ for idx, itm in enumerate(line[1:]):
+ if itm is None:
+ new_itm = u"NT"
+ else:
+ if idx < len(cols):
+ new_itm = (
+ f"{round(float(itm[u'mean']) / 1e6, 1)} "
+ f"\u00B1{round(float(itm[u'stdev']) / 1e6, 1)}".
+ replace(u"nan", u"NaN")
+ )
+ else:
+ new_itm = (
+ f"{round(float(itm[u'mean']) / 1e6, 1):+} "
+ f"\u00B1{round(float(itm[u'stdev']) / 1e6, 1)}".
+ replace(u"nan", u"NaN")
+ )
+ if len(new_itm.rsplit(u" ", 1)[-1]) > max_lens[idx]:
+ max_lens[idx] = len(new_itm.rsplit(u" ", 1)[-1])
+ row.append(new_itm)
+ tbl_tmp.append(row)
+ tbl_final = list()
+ for line in tbl_tmp:
+ row = [line[0], ]
+ for idx, itm in enumerate(line[1:]):
+ if itm in (u"NT", u"NaN"):
+ row.append(itm)
+ continue
+ itm_lst = itm.rsplit(u"\u00B1", 1)
+ itm_lst[-1] = \
+ f"{u' ' * (max_lens[idx] - len(itm_lst[-1]))}{itm_lst[-1]}"
+ row.append(u"\u00B1".join(itm_lst))
+ for rca in rcas:
+ rca_nr = rca[u"data"].get(row[0], u"-")
+ row.append(f"[{rca_nr}]" if rca_nr != u"-" else u"-")
+ tbl_final.append(row)
+ header = [u"Test Case", ]
+ header.extend([col[u"title"] for col in cols])
+ header.extend([comp.get(u"title", u"") for comp in comparisons])
+ header.extend([rca[u"title"] for rca in rcas])
+ # Generate csv tables:
+ csv_file = f"{table[u'output-file']}.csv"
+ with open(csv_file, u"wt", encoding='utf-8') as file_handler:
+ file_handler.write(u";".join(header) + u"\n")
+ for test in tbl_final:
+ file_handler.write(u";".join([str(item) for item in test]) + u"\n")
+ # Generate txt table:
+ txt_file_name = f"{table[u'output-file']}.txt"
+ convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(csv_file, txt_file_name, delimiter=u";")
+ with open(txt_file_name, u'a', encoding='utf-8') as txt_file:
+ txt_file.write(legend)
+ txt_file.write(footnote)
+ if legend or footnote:
+ txt_file.write(u"\n:END")
+ # Generate html table:
+ _tpc_generate_html_table(
+ header,
+ tbl_final,
+ table[u'output-file'],
+ legend=legend,
+ footnote=footnote,
+ sort_data=False,
+ title=table.get(u"title", u"")
+ )
+def table_weekly_comparison(table, in_data):
+ """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_weekly_comparison
+ specified in the specification file.
+ :param table: Table to generate.
+ :param in_data: Data to process.
+ :type table: pandas.Series
+ :type in_data: InputData
+ """
+ logging.info(f" Generating the table {table.get(u'title', u'')} ...")
+ # Transform the data
+ logging.info(
+ f" Creating the data set for the {table.get(u'type', u'')} "
+ f"{table.get(u'title', u'')}."
+ )
+ incl_tests = table.get(u"include-tests", None)
+ if incl_tests not in (u"NDR", u"PDR"):
+ logging.error(f"Wrong tests to include specified ({incl_tests}).")
+ return
+ nr_cols = table.get(u"nr-of-data-columns", None)
+ if not nr_cols or nr_cols < 2:
+ logging.error(
+ f"No columns specified for {table.get(u'title', u'')}. Skipping."
+ )
+ return
+ data = in_data.filter_data(
+ table,
+ params=[u"throughput", u"result", u"name", u"parent", u"tags"],
+ continue_on_error=True
+ )
+ header = [
+ [u"VPP Version", ],
+ [u"Start Timestamp", ],
+ [u"CSIT Build", ],
+ [u"CSIT Testbed", ]
+ ]
+ tbl_dict = dict()
+ idx = 0
+ tb_tbl = table.get(u"testbeds", None)
+ for job_name, job_data in data.items():
+ for build_nr, build in job_data.items():
+ if idx >= nr_cols:
+ break
+ if build.empty:
+ continue
+ tb_ip = in_data.metadata(job_name, build_nr).get(u"testbed", u"")
+ if tb_ip and tb_tbl:
+ testbed = tb_tbl.get(tb_ip, u"")
+ else:
+ testbed = u""
+ header[2].insert(1, build_nr)
+ header[3].insert(1, testbed)
+ header[1].insert(
+ 1, in_data.metadata(job_name, build_nr).get(u"generated", u"")
+ )
+ header[0].insert(
+ 1, in_data.metadata(job_name, build_nr).get(u"version", u"")
+ )
+ for tst_name, tst_data in build.items():
+ tst_name_mod = \
+ _tpc_modify_test_name(tst_name).replace(u"2n1l-", u"")
+ if not tbl_dict.get(tst_name_mod, None):
+ tbl_dict[tst_name_mod] = dict(
+ name=tst_data[u'name'].rsplit(u'-', 1)[0],
+ )
+ try:
+ tbl_dict[tst_name_mod][-idx - 1] = \
+ tst_data[u"throughput"][incl_tests][u"LOWER"]
+ except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError, ValueError):
+ pass
+ idx += 1
+ if idx < nr_cols:
+ logging.error(u"Not enough data to build the table! Skipping")
+ return
+ cmp_dict = dict()
+ for idx, cmp in enumerate(table.get(u"comparisons", list())):
+ idx_ref = cmp.get(u"reference", None)
+ idx_cmp = cmp.get(u"compare", None)
+ if idx_ref is None or idx_cmp is None:
+ continue
+ header[0].append(
+ f"Diff({header[0][idx_ref - idx].split(u'~')[-1]} vs "
+ f"{header[0][idx_cmp - idx].split(u'~')[-1]})"
+ )
+ header[1].append(u"")
+ header[2].append(u"")
+ header[3].append(u"")
+ for tst_name, tst_data in tbl_dict.items():
+ if not cmp_dict.get(tst_name, None):
+ cmp_dict[tst_name] = list()
+ ref_data = tst_data.get(idx_ref, None)
+ cmp_data = tst_data.get(idx_cmp, None)
+ if ref_data is None or cmp_data is None:
+ cmp_dict[tst_name].append(float('nan'))
+ else:
+ cmp_dict[tst_name].append(
+ relative_change(ref_data, cmp_data)
+ )
+ tbl_lst = list()
+ for tst_name, tst_data in tbl_dict.items():
+ itm_lst = [tst_data[u"name"], ]
+ for idx in range(nr_cols):
+ item = tst_data.get(-idx - 1, None)
+ if item is None:
+ itm_lst.insert(1, None)
+ else:
+ itm_lst.insert(1, round(item / 1e6, 1))
+ itm_lst.extend(
+ [
+ None if itm is None else round(itm, 1)
+ for itm in cmp_dict[tst_name]
+ ]
+ )
+ tbl_lst.append(itm_lst)
+ tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[0], reverse=False)
+ tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[-1], reverse=True)
+ # Generate csv table:
+ csv_file = f"{table[u'output-file']}.csv"
+ with open(csv_file, u"wt", encoding='utf-8') as file_handler:
+ for hdr in header:
+ file_handler.write(u",".join(hdr) + u"\n")
+ for test in tbl_lst:
+ file_handler.write(u",".join(
+ [
+ str(item).replace(u"None", u"-").replace(u"nan", u"-").
+ replace(u"null", u"-") for item in test
+ ]
+ ) + u"\n")
+ txt_file = f"{table[u'output-file']}.txt"
+ convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(csv_file, txt_file, delimiter=u",")
+ # Reorganize header in txt table
+ txt_table = list()
+ with open(txt_file, u"rt", encoding='utf-8') as file_handler:
+ for line in file_handler:
+ txt_table.append(line)
+ try:
+ txt_table.insert(5, txt_table.pop(2))
+ with open(txt_file, u"wt", encoding='utf-8') as file_handler:
+ file_handler.writelines(txt_table)
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ # Generate html table:
+ hdr_html = [
+ u"<br>".join(row) for row in zip(*header)
+ ]
+ _tpc_generate_html_table(
+ hdr_html,
+ tbl_lst,
+ table[u'output-file'],
+ sort_data=True,
+ title=table.get(u"title", u""),
+ generate_rst=False
+ )