path: root/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools/presentation/utils.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py b/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py
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--- a/resources/tools/presentation/utils.py
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-# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""General purpose utilities.
-import multiprocessing
-import subprocess
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import logging
-import csv
-import prettytable
-from os import walk, makedirs, environ
-from os.path import join, isdir
-from shutil import move, Error
-from datetime import datetime
-from pandas import Series
-from resources.libraries.python import jumpavg
-from errors import PresentationError
-def mean(items):
- """Calculate mean value from the items.
- :param items: Mean value is calculated from these items.
- :type items: list
- :returns: MEan value.
- :rtype: float
- """
- return float(sum(items)) / len(items)
-def stdev(items):
- """Calculate stdev from the items.
- :param items: Stdev is calculated from these items.
- :type items: list
- :returns: Stdev.
- :rtype: float
- """
- return Series.std(Series(items))
-def relative_change(nr1, nr2):
- """Compute relative change of two values.
- :param nr1: The first number.
- :param nr2: The second number.
- :type nr1: float
- :type nr2: float
- :returns: Relative change of nr1.
- :rtype: float
- """
- return float(((nr2 - nr1) / nr1) * 100)
-def relative_change_stdev(mean1, mean2, std1, std2):
- """Compute relative standard deviation of change of two values.
- The "1" values are the base for comparison.
- Results are returned as percentage (and percentual points for stdev).
- Linearized theory is used, so results are wrong for relatively large stdev.
- :param mean1: Mean of the first number.
- :param mean2: Mean of the second number.
- :param std1: Standard deviation estimate of the first number.
- :param std2: Standard deviation estimate of the second number.
- :type mean1: float
- :type mean2: float
- :type std1: float
- :type std2: float
- :returns: Relative change and its stdev.
- :rtype: float
- """
- mean1, mean2 = float(mean1), float(mean2)
- quotient = mean2 / mean1
- first = std1 / mean1
- second = std2 / mean2
- std = quotient * math.sqrt(first * first + second * second)
- return (quotient - 1) * 100, std * 100
-def get_files(path, extension=None, full_path=True):
- """Generates the list of files to process.
- :param path: Path to files.
- :param extension: Extension of files to process. If it is the empty string,
- all files will be processed.
- :param full_path: If True, the files with full path are generated.
- :type path: str
- :type extension: str
- :type full_path: bool
- :returns: List of files to process.
- :rtype: list
- """
- file_list = list()
- for root, _, files in walk(path):
- for filename in files:
- if extension:
- if filename.endswith(extension):
- if full_path:
- file_list.append(join(root, filename))
- else:
- file_list.append(filename)
- else:
- file_list.append(join(root, filename))
- return file_list
-def get_rst_title_char(level):
- """Return character used for the given title level in rst files.
- :param level: Level of the title.
- :type: int
- :returns: Character used for the given title level in rst files.
- :rtype: str
- """
- chars = ('=', '-', '`', "'", '.', '~', '*', '+', '^')
- if level < len(chars):
- return chars[level]
- else:
- return chars[-1]
-def execute_command(cmd):
- """Execute the command in a subprocess and log the stdout and stderr.
- :param cmd: Command to execute.
- :type cmd: str
- :returns: Return code of the executed command, stdout and stderr.
- :rtype: tuple(int, str, str)
- """
- env = environ.copy()
- proc = subprocess.Popen(
- [cmd],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- shell=True,
- env=env)
- stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
- if stdout:
- logging.info(stdout)
- if stderr:
- logging.info(stderr)
- if proc.returncode != 0:
- logging.error(" Command execution failed.")
- return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr
-def get_last_successful_build_number(jenkins_url, job_name):
- """Get the number of the last successful build of the given job.
- :param jenkins_url: Jenkins URL.
- :param job_name: Job name.
- :type jenkins_url: str
- :type job_name: str
- :returns: The build number as a string.
- :rtype: str
- """
- url = "{}/{}/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildNumber".format(jenkins_url, job_name)
- cmd = "wget -qO- {url}".format(url=url)
- return execute_command(cmd)
-def get_last_completed_build_number(jenkins_url, job_name):
- """Get the number of the last completed build of the given job.
- :param jenkins_url: Jenkins URL.
- :param job_name: Job name.
- :type jenkins_url: str
- :type job_name: str
- :returns: The build number as a string.
- :rtype: str
- """
- url = "{}/{}/lastCompletedBuild/buildNumber".format(jenkins_url, job_name)
- cmd = "wget -qO- {url}".format(url=url)
- return execute_command(cmd)
-def get_build_timestamp(jenkins_url, job_name, build_nr):
- """Get the timestamp of the build of the given job.
- :param jenkins_url: Jenkins URL.
- :param job_name: Job name.
- :param build_nr: Build number.
- :type jenkins_url: str
- :type job_name: str
- :type build_nr: int
- :returns: The timestamp.
- :rtype: datetime.datetime
- """
- url = "{jenkins_url}/{job_name}/{build_nr}".format(jenkins_url=jenkins_url,
- job_name=job_name,
- build_nr=build_nr)
- cmd = "wget -qO- {url}".format(url=url)
- timestamp = execute_command(cmd)
- return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp/1000)
-def archive_input_data(spec):
- """Archive the report.
- :param spec: Specification read from the specification file.
- :type spec: Specification
- :raises PresentationError: If it is not possible to archive the input data.
- """
- logging.info(" Archiving the input data files ...")
- extension = spec.input["arch-file-format"]
- data_files = list()
- for ext in extension:
- data_files.extend(get_files(
- spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[WORKING,DATA]"], extension=ext))
- dst = spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[STATIC,ARCH]"]
- logging.info(" Destination: {0}".format(dst))
- try:
- if not isdir(dst):
- makedirs(dst)
- for data_file in data_files:
- logging.info(" Moving the file: {0} ...".format(data_file))
- move(data_file, dst)
- except (Error, OSError) as err:
- raise PresentationError("Not possible to archive the input data.",
- str(err))
- logging.info(" Done.")
-def classify_anomalies(data):
- """Process the data and return anomalies and trending values.
- Gather data into groups with average as trend value.
- Decorate values within groups to be normal,
- the first value of changed average as a regression, or a progression.
- :param data: Full data set with unavailable samples replaced by nan.
- :type data: OrderedDict
- :returns: Classification and trend values
- :rtype: 2-tuple, list of strings and list of floats
- """
- # Nan means something went wrong.
- # Use 0.0 to cause that being reported as a severe regression.
- bare_data = [0.0 if np.isnan(sample) else sample
- for sample in data.itervalues()]
- # TODO: Make BitCountingGroupList a subclass of list again?
- group_list = jumpavg.classify(bare_data).group_list
- group_list.reverse() # Just to use .pop() for FIFO.
- classification = []
- avgs = []
- active_group = None
- values_left = 0
- avg = 0.0
- for sample in data.itervalues():
- if np.isnan(sample):
- classification.append("outlier")
- avgs.append(sample)
- continue
- if values_left < 1 or active_group is None:
- values_left = 0
- while values_left < 1: # Ignore empty groups (should not happen).
- active_group = group_list.pop()
- values_left = len(active_group.run_list)
- avg = active_group.stats.avg
- classification.append(active_group.comment)
- avgs.append(avg)
- values_left -= 1
- continue
- classification.append("normal")
- avgs.append(avg)
- values_left -= 1
- return classification, avgs
-def convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(csv_file, txt_file):
- """Convert the given csv table to pretty text table.
- :param csv_file: The path to the input csv file.
- :param txt_file: The path to the output pretty text file.
- :type csv_file: str
- :type txt_file: str
- """
- txt_table = None
- with open(csv_file, 'rb') as csv_file:
- csv_content = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
- for row in csv_content:
- if txt_table is None:
- txt_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(row)
- else:
- txt_table.add_row(row)
- txt_table.align["Test case"] = "l"
- if txt_table:
- with open(txt_file, "w") as txt_file:
- txt_file.write(str(txt_table))
-class Worker(multiprocessing.Process):
- """Worker class used to process tasks in separate parallel processes.
- """
- def __init__(self, work_queue, data_queue, func):
- """Initialization.
- :param work_queue: Queue with items to process.
- :param data_queue: Shared memory between processes. Queue which keeps
- the result data. This data is then read by the main process and used
- in further processing.
- :param func: Function which is executed by the worker.
- :type work_queue: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue
- :type data_queue: multiprocessing.Manager().Queue()
- :type func: Callable object
- """
- super(Worker, self).__init__()
- self._work_queue = work_queue
- self._data_queue = data_queue
- self._func = func
- def run(self):
- """Method representing the process's activity.
- """
- while True:
- try:
- self.process(self._work_queue.get())
- finally:
- self._work_queue.task_done()
- def process(self, item_to_process):
- """Method executed by the runner.
- :param item_to_process: Data to be processed by the function.
- :type item_to_process: tuple
- """
- self._func(self.pid, self._data_queue, *item_to_process)