path: root/resources/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools')
3 files changed, 107 insertions, 430 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/report_gen/conf.py b/resources/tools/report_gen/conf.py
index 4baf5bb184..4c90e55ddf 100644
--- a/resources/tools/report_gen/conf.py
+++ b/resources/tools/report_gen/conf.py
@@ -61,22 +61,22 @@ rst_epilog = """
.. |release-1| replace:: rls1704
.. |vpp-release| replace:: VPP-17.07 release
.. |vpp-release-1| replace:: VPP-17.04 release
-.. |dpdk-release| replace:: DPDK 17.02
+.. |dpdk-release| replace:: DPDK 17.05
.. |trex-release| replace:: TRex v2.25
.. |virl-image-ubuntu| replace:: ubuntu-16.04.1_2017-02-23_1.8
.. |virl-image-centos| replace:: centos-7.3-1611_2017-02-23_1.4
-.. _tag documentation rst file: https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/docs/tag_documentation.rst?h=rls1704
-.. _TRex intallation: https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/resources/tools/trex/trex_installer.sh?h=rls1704
-.. _TRex driver: https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/resources/tools/trex/trex_stateless_profile.py?h=rls1704
-.. _CSIT Honeycomb Functional Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1704/doc/tests.func.html
-.. _CSIT Testpmd Performance Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1704/doc/tests.perf.html
-.. _CSIT VPP Functional Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1704/doc/tests.func.html
-.. _CSIT VPP Performance Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1704/doc/tests.perf.html
-.. _VPP test framework documentation: https://docs.fd.io/vpp/17.04/vpp_make_test/html/
-.. _FD.io test executor vpp performance jobs: https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job/csit-vpp-perf-1704-all
-.. _FD.io test executor dpdk performance jobs: https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job/csit-dpdk-perf-1704-all
-.. _FD.io VPP compile job: https://jenkins.fd.io/view/vpp/job/vpp-merge-1704-ubuntu1604/
+.. _tag documentation rst file: https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/docs/tag_documentation.rst?h=rls1707
+.. _TRex intallation: https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/resources/tools/trex/trex_installer.sh?h=rls1707
+.. _TRex driver: https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/resources/tools/trex/trex_stateless_profile.py?h=rls1707
+.. _CSIT Honeycomb Functional Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1707/doc/tests.func.html
+.. _CSIT DPDK Performance Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1707/doc/tests.perf.html
+.. _CSIT VPP Functional Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1707/doc/tests.func.html
+.. _CSIT VPP Performance Tests Documentation: https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1707/doc/tests.perf.html
+.. _VPP test framework documentation: https://docs.fd.io/vpp/17.07/vpp_make_test/html/
+.. _FD.io test executor vpp performance jobs: https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job/csit-vpp-perf-1707-all
+.. _FD.io test executor dpdk performance jobs: https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job/csit-dpdk-perf-1707-all
+.. _FD.io VPP compile job: https://jenkins.fd.io/view/vpp/job/vpp-merge-1707-ubuntu1604/
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
@@ -125,58 +125,3 @@ html_context = {
'_static/theme_overrides.css', # overrides for wide tables in RTD theme
-# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = u'CSIT 17.07 report'
-# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
-latex_elements = {
- # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
- #
- # 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
- # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
- #
- # 'pointsize': '10pt',
- # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
- #
- # 'preamble': '',
- # Latex figure (float) alignment
- #
- # 'figure_align': 'htbp',
-# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title,
-# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
-latex_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'CSIT1707report.tex', u'CSIT 17.07 report',
- u'cisco', 'manual'),
-# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
-# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
-# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
-man_pages = [
- (master_doc, 'csit1707report', u'CSIT 17.07 report',
- [author], 1)
-# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
-# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author,
-# dir menu entry, description, category)
-texinfo_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'CSIT1707report', u'CSIT 17.07 report',
- author, 'CSIT1707report', 'One line description of project.',
- 'Miscellaneous'),
diff --git a/resources/tools/report_gen/requirements.txt b/resources/tools/report_gen/requirements.txt
index a345c946f1..e62023aeef 100644
--- a/resources/tools/report_gen/requirements.txt
+++ b/resources/tools/report_gen/requirements.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/resources/tools/report_gen/run_report.sh b/resources/tools/report_gen/run_report.sh
index 7fdd613fe1..c24034f483 100755
--- a/resources/tools/report_gen/run_report.sh
+++ b/resources/tools/report_gen/run_report.sh
@@ -2,19 +2,27 @@
set -x
+# Build locally without jenkins integrations
+# Build directories
@@ -25,12 +33,9 @@ DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR=${DTC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration
+# Jenkins links
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev build-essential \
@@ -59,10 +64,10 @@ export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
# Download raw outputs for plots
echo Downloading raw outputs for plots ...
mkdir -p ${STATIC_DIR_VPP}
+mkdir -p ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}
mkdir -p ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}
@@ -71,402 +76,105 @@ JEN_JOB='csit-vpp-perf-1704-all'
JEN_BUILD=(6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 17)
for i in "${JEN_BUILD[@]}"; do
- curl --fail -fs ${JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/${JEN_FILE_PERF} \
+ curl --fail -fs ${CSIT_JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/output_perf_data.xml \
-o ${PLOT_VPP_SOURCE_DIR}/${JEN_JOB}-${i}.xml
if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ;
- cp ./${JEN_JOB}-${JEN_BUILD[-1]}.zip ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-${JEN_BUILD[-1]}.zip
+ cp ./${JEN_JOB}-10.zip ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-10.zip
- curl --fail -fs ${JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
+ curl --fail -fs ${CSIT_JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
-o ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-${i}.zip
unzip -o ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-10.zip -d ${WORKING_DIR}/
-# L2 Ethernet Switching
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results_l2.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndr" \
- --title "L2 Ethernet Switching"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration_l2.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndr" \
- --title "L2 Ethernet Switching"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data_l2.rst \
- --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndr" \
- --title "L2 Ethernet Switching"
-# IPv4 Routed-Forwarding
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results_ipv4.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndr" \
- --title "IPv4 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration_ipv4.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndr" \
- --title "IPv4 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data_ipv4.rst \
- --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4-ip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndr" \
- --title "IPv4 Routed-Forwarding"
-# IPv6 Routed-Forwarding
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results_ipv6.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndr" \
- --title "IPv6 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration_ipv6.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndr" \
- --title "IPv6 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data_ipv6.rst \
- --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6-ip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z-]*ndr" \
- --title "IPv6 Routed-Forwarding"
-# IPv4 Overlay Tunnels
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results_ipv4o.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndr" \
- --title "IPv4 Overlay Tunnels"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration_ipv4o.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndr" \
- --title "IPv4 Overlay Tunnels"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data_ipv4o.rst \
- --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndr" \
- --title "IPv4 Overlay Tunnels"
-# IPv6 Overlay Tunnels
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results_ipv6o.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndr" \
- --title "IPv6 Overlay Tunnels"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration_ipv6o.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndr" \
- --title "IPv6 Overlay Tunnels"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data_ipv6o.rst \
- --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]*-ndr" \
- --title "IPv6 Overlay Tunnels"
-# VM Vhost Connections
python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results_vhost.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+vhost.*" \
- --title "VM Vhost Connections"
+ --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results.rst \
+ --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2
python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration_vhost.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+vhost.*" \
- --title "VM Vhost Connections"
+ --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration.rst \
+ --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2
python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data_vhost.rst \
- --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+vhost.*" \
- --title "VM Vhost Connections"
-# IPSec Crypto HW: IP4 Routed-Forwarding
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_results_ipsec.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ipsec.*" \
- --title "IPSec Crypto HW: IP4 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_PERF_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_performance_configuration_ipsec.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ipsec.*" \
- --title "IPSec Crypto HW: IP4 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data_ipsec.rst \
- --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 3 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ipsec.*" \
- --title "IPSec Crypto HW: IP4 Routed-Forwarding"
-sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
+ -o ${DTO_PERF_SOURCE_OPER_DIR}/vpp_performance_operational_data.rst \
+ --data "SH_RUN" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2
+sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/75@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${CSIT_JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/75@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/75@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${CSIT_JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/75@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/75@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${CSIT_JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/75@g" \
-JEN_BUILD=(1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11)
+JEN_BUILD=(13 14 15 16)
for i in "${JEN_BUILD[@]}"; do
- curl --fail -fs ${JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/${JEN_FILE_PERF} \
+ curl --fail -fs ${CSIT_JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/output_perf_data.xml \
+ -o ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR}/${JEN_JOB}-${i}.xml
if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ;
- cp ./${JEN_JOB}-${JEN_BUILD[-1]}.zip ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-${JEN_BUILD[-1]}.zip
+ cp ./${JEN_JOB}-16.zip ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-16.zip
- curl --fail -fs ${JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
+ curl --fail -fs ${CSIT_JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${i}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
-o ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-${i}.zip
-unzip -o ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-${JEN_BUILD[-1]}.zip -d ${WORKING_DIR}/
-# Testpmd Performance Results
+unzip -o ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-16.zip -d ${WORKING_DIR}/
python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_TESTPMD_SOURCE_DIR}/testpmd_performance_results.rst \
+ --output ${DTR_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR}/dpdk_performance_results.rst \
--formatting rst --start 3 --level 2
-sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD[-1]}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/16@g" \
+ ${DTR_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR}/index.rst
+sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${CSIT_JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/16@g" \
+ ${DTR_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR}/index.rst
if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ;
- curl -fs ${JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${JEN_BUILD}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
+ curl -fs ${CSIT_JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${JEN_BUILD}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
unzip -o ${STATIC_DIR_ARCH}/${JEN_JOB}-${JEN_BUILD}.zip -d ${WORKING_DIR}/
-# Cop Address Security
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_cop.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+cop.*" \
- --title "Cop Address Security"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_cop.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+cop.*" \
- --title "Cop Address Security"
-# DHCP Client and proxy
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_dhcp.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+dhcp.*" \
- --title "DHCP - Client and Proxy"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_dhcp.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+dhcp.*" \
- --title "DHCP - Client and Proxy"
-# GRE Overlay Tunnels
python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_gre.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4gre.*" \
- --title "GRE Overlay Tunnels"
+ --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results.rst \
+ --formatting rst --start 5 --level 2
python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_gre.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4gre.*" \
- --title "GRE Overlay Tunnels"
-# iACL Security
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_iacl.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+iacl.*" \
- --title "iACL Security"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_iacl.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+iacl.*" \
- --title "iACL Security"
-# IPSec - Tunnels and Transport
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_ipsec.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ipsec(tnl|tpt)+-.*" \
- --title "IPSec - Tunnels and Transport"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_ipsec.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ipsec(tnl|tpt)+-.*" \
- --title "IPSec - Tunnels and Transport"
-# IPv4 Routed-Forwarding
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_ipv4.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4-ip4base-(func|ip4ecmp\-func|ip4proxyarp\-func|ip4arp\-func)+" \
- --title "IPv4 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_ipv4.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip4-ip4base-(func|ip4ecmp\-func|ip4proxyarp\-func|ip4arp\-func)+" \
- --title "IPv4 Routed-Forwarding"
-# IPv6 Routed-Forwarding
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_ipv6.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6-ip6base-(func|ip6ecmp\-func|ip6ra\-func)+" \
- --title "IPv6 Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_ipv6.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip6-ip6base-(func|ip6ecmp\-func|ip6ra\-func)+" \
- --title "IPv6 Routed-Forwarding"
-# L2BD Ethernet Switching
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results/vpp_functional_results_l2bd.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+eth-l2bdbasemac(lrn|stc)+-(func|eth\-2vhost|l2shg\-func).*" \
- --title "L2BD Ethernet Switching"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_l2bd.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+eth-l2bdbasemac(lrn|stc)+-(func|eth\-2vhost|l2shg\-func).*" \
- --title "L2BD Ethernet Switching"
-# L2XC Ethernet Switching
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_l2xc.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+eth-l2xcbase-(eth|func).*" \
- --title "L2XC Ethernet Switching"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_l2xc.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+eth-l2xcbase-(eth|func).*" \
- --title "L2XC Ethernet Switching"
-# LISP Overlay Tunnels
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_lisp.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+lisp.*" \
- --title "LISP Overlay Tunnels"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_lisp.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+lisp.*" \
- --title "LISP Overlay Tunnels"
-# QoS Policer Metering
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_policer.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ipolicemark.*" \
- --title "QoS Policer Metering"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_policer.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ipolicemark.*" \
- --title "QoS Policer Metering"
-# RPF Source Security
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_rpf.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+rpf.*" \
- --title "RPF Source Security"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_rpf.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+rpf.*" \
- --title "RPF Source Security"
-# Softwire Tunnels
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_softwire.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+swire.*" \
- --title "Softwire Tunnels"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_softwire.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+swire.*" \
- --title "Softwire Tunnels"
-# Tap Interface
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_tap.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+tap.*" \
- --title "Tap Interface"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_tap.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+tap.*" \
- --title "Tap Interface"
-# Telemetry - IPFIX and SPAN
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_telemetry.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(ipfix|spanrx).*" \
- --title "Telemetry - IPFIX and SPAN"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_telemetry.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(ipfix|spanrx).*" \
- --title "Telemetry - IPFIX and SPAN"
-# VLAN Tag Translation
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_vlan.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(dot1q\-|dot1ad\-).*" \
- --title "VLAN Tag Translation"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_vlan.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(dot1q\-|dot1ad\-).*" \
- --title "VLAN Tag Translation"
-# VRF Routed-Forwarding
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_vrf.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip(4|6)+-ip(4|6)+basevrf.*" \
- --title "VRF Routed-Forwarding"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_vrf.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+ethip(4|6)+-ip(4|6)+basevrf.*" \
- --title "VRF Routed-Forwarding"
-# VXLAN Overlay Tunnels
-python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTR_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_results_vxlan.rst \
- --formatting rst --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(ip4vxlan|ip6vxlan).*" \
- --title "VXLAN Overlay Tunnels"
-python run_robot_teardown_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
- --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration_vxlan.rst \
- --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 4 --level 2 \
- --regex ".+(ip4vxlan|ip6vxlan).*" \
- --title "VXLAN Overlay Tunnels"
+ --output ${DTC_FUNC_SOURCE_DIR}/vpp_functional_configuration.rst \
+ --data "VAT_H" -f "rst" --start 5 --level 2
sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${CSIT_JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${CSIT_JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ;
- curl -fs ${JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${JEN_BUILD}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
+ curl -fs ${HC_JEN_URL}/${JEN_JOB}/${JEN_BUILD}/robot/report/\*zip\*/robot-plugin.zip \
@@ -476,7 +184,7 @@ python run_robot_data.py -i ${WORKING_DIR}/robot-plugin/output.xml \
--formatting rst --start 3 --level 2
sed -i -e "s@###JOB###@${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
-sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
+sed -i -e "s@###LINK###@${HC_JEN_URL}\/${JEN_JOB}\/${JEN_BUILD}@g" \
# Delete temporary json files
@@ -635,23 +343,39 @@ python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_VPP_SOURCE_DIR} \
--title "64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-pdrdisc" \
--xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and not(contains(@tags, "VHOST")) and contains(@tags, "IP4FWD") and contains(@tags, "PDRDISC") and not(contains(@tags,"NDRDISC")) and contains(@tags, "2T2C") and contains(@tags, "IPSECHW") and (contains(@tags, "IPSECTRAN") or contains(@tags, "IPSECTUN"))]'
-python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_TESTPMD_SOURCE_DIR} \
- --output ${STATIC_DIR_TESTPMD}/64B-1t1c-l2-ndrdisc \
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-1t1c-l2-ndrdisc \
--title "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc" \
--xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"1T1C") and (contains(@tags,"L2BDMACSTAT") or contains(@tags,"L2BDMACLRN") or contains(@tags,"L2XCFWD")) and not(contains(@tags,"VHOST"))]'
-python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_TESTPMD_SOURCE_DIR} \
- --output ${STATIC_DIR_TESTPMD}/64B-2t2c-l2-ndrdisc \
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-2t2c-l2-ndrdisc \
--title "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc" \
--xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"2T2C") and (contains(@tags,"L2BDMACSTAT") or contains(@tags,"L2BDMACLRN") or contains(@tags,"L2XCFWD")) and not(contains(@tags,"VHOST"))]'
-python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_TESTPMD_SOURCE_DIR} \
- --output ${STATIC_DIR_TESTPMD}/64B-1t1c-l2-pdrdisc \
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-1t1c-ipv4-ndrdisc \
+ --title "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc" \
+ --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"1T1C") and contains(@tags,"IP4FWD")]'
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-2t2c-ipv4-ndrdisc \
+ --title "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc" \
+ --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"2T2C") and contains(@tags,"IP4FWD")]'
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-1t1c-l2-pdrdisc \
--title "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc" \
--xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"PDRDISC") and not(contains(@tags,"NDRDISC")) and contains(@tags,"1T1C") and (contains(@tags,"L2BDMACSTAT") or contains(@tags,"L2BDMACLRN") or contains(@tags,"L2XCFWD")) and not(contains(@tags,"VHOST"))]'
-python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_TESTPMD_SOURCE_DIR} \
- --output ${STATIC_DIR_TESTPMD}/64B-2t2c-l2-pdrdisc \
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-2t2c-l2-pdrdisc \
--title "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-pdrdisc" \
- --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"PDRDISC") and not(contains(@tags,"NDRDISC")) and contains(@tags,"2T2C") and (contains(@tags,"L2BDMACSTAT") or contains(@tags,"L2BDMACLRN") or contains(@tags,"L2XCFWD")) and not(contains(@tags,"VHOST"))]'
+ --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"PDRDISC") and not(contains(@tags,"NDRDISC")) and not(contains(@tags,"NDRDISC")) and contains(@tags,"2T2C") and (contains(@tags,"L2BDMACSTAT") or contains(@tags,"L2BDMACLRN") or contains(@tags,"L2XCFWD")) and not(contains(@tags,"VHOST"))]'
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-1t1c-ipv4-pdrdisc \
+ --title "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-pdrdisc" \
+ --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"PDRDISC") and not(contains(@tags,"NDRDISC")) and contains(@tags,"1T1C") and contains(@tags,"IP4FWD")]'
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-2t2c-ipv4-pdrdisc \
+ --title "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-pdrdisc" \
+ --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"PDRDISC") and not(contains(@tags,"NDRDISC")) and contains(@tags,"2T2C") and contains(@tags,"IP4FWD")]'
# Plot latency
@@ -718,14 +442,22 @@ python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_VPP_SOURCE_DIR} \
--title "64B-2t2c-.*ipsec.*-ndrdisc" \
--xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and not(contains(@tags, "VHOST")) and contains(@tags, "IP4FWD") and contains(@tags, "NDRDISC") and contains(@tags, "2T2C") and contains(@tags, "IPSECHW") and (contains(@tags, "IPSECTRAN") or contains(@tags, "IPSECTUN"))]' --latency lat_50
-python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_TESTPMD_SOURCE_DIR} \
- --output ${STATIC_DIR_TESTPMD}/64B-1t1c-l2-ndrdisc-lat50 \
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-1t1c-l2-ndrdisc-lat50 \
--title "64B-1t1c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc" \
--xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"1T1C") and (contains(@tags,"L2BDMACSTAT") or contains(@tags,"L2BDMACLRN") or contains(@tags,"L2XCFWD")) and not(contains(@tags,"VHOST"))]' --latency lat_50
-python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_TESTPMD_SOURCE_DIR} \
- --output ${STATIC_DIR_TESTPMD}/64B-2t2c-l2-ndrdisc-lat50 \
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-2t2c-l2-ndrdisc-lat50 \
--title "64B-2t2c-(eth|dot1q|dot1ad)-(l2xcbase|l2bdbasemaclrn)-ndrdisc" \
--xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"2T2C") and (contains(@tags,"L2BDMACSTAT") or contains(@tags,"L2BDMACLRN") or contains(@tags,"L2XCFWD")) and not(contains(@tags,"VHOST"))]' --latency lat_50
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-1t1c-ipv4-ndrdisc-lat50 \
+ --title "64B-1t1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc" \
+ --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"1T1C") and contains(@tags,"IP4FWD")]' --latency lat_50
+python run_plot.py --input ${PLOT_DPDK_SOURCE_DIR} \
+ --output ${STATIC_DIR_DPDK}/64B-2t2c-ipv4-ndrdisc-lat50 \
+ --title "64B-2t2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrdisc" \
+ --xpath '//*[@framesize="64B" and contains(@tags,"BASE") and contains(@tags,"NDRDISC") and contains(@tags,"2T2C") and contains(@tags,"IP4FWD")]' --latency lat_50
# Create archive
echo Creating csit.report.tar.gz ...