path: root/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio')
6 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/conf/nomad/mc.hcl b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/conf/nomad/mc.hcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..238003bb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/conf/nomad/mc.hcl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+job "${job_name}" {
+ # The "region" parameter specifies the region in which to execute the job.
+ # If omitted, this inherits the default region name of "global".
+ # region = "global"
+ #
+ # The "datacenters" parameter specifies the list of datacenters which should
+ # be considered when placing this task. This must be provided.
+ datacenters = "${datacenters}"
+ # The "type" parameter controls the type of job, which impacts the scheduler's
+ # decision on placement. This configuration is optional and defaults to
+ # "service". For a full list of job types and their differences, please see
+ # the online documentation.
+ #
+ # For more information, please see the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/jobspec/schedulers.html
+ #
+ type = "batch"
+ # The "group" stanza defines a series of tasks that should be co-located on
+ # the same Nomad client. Any task within a group will be placed on the same
+ # client.
+ #
+ # For more information and examples on the "group" stanza, please see
+ # the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/group.html
+ #
+ group "prod-group1-mc" {
+ task "prod-task1-create-buckets" {
+ # The "driver" parameter specifies the task driver that should be used to
+ # run the task.
+ driver = "docker"
+ %{ if use_vault_provider }
+ vault {
+ policies = "${vault_kv_policy_name}"
+ }
+ %{ endif }
+ # The "config" stanza specifies the driver configuration, which is passed
+ # directly to the driver to start the task. The details of configurations
+ # are specific to each driver, so please see specific driver
+ # documentation for more information.
+ config {
+ image = "${image}"
+ entrypoint = [
+ "/bin/sh",
+ "-c",
+ "${command}"
+ ]
+ dns_servers = [ "$${attr.unique.network.ip-address}" ]
+ privileged = false
+ }
+ # The env stanza configures a list of environment variables to populate
+ # the task's environment before starting.
+ env {
+ %{ if use_vault_provider }
+ {{ with secret "${vault_kv_path}" }}
+ MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = "{{ .Data.data.${vault_kv_field_access_key} }}"
+ MINIO_SECRET_KEY = "{{ .Data.data.${vault_kv_field_secret_key} }}"
+ {{ end }}
+ %{ else }
+ MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = "${access_key}"
+ MINIO_SECRET_KEY = "${secret_key}"
+ %{ endif }
+ ${ envs }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/conf/nomad/minio.hcl b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/conf/nomad/minio.hcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2df44f666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/conf/nomad/minio.hcl
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+job "${job_name}" {
+ # The "region" parameter specifies the region in which to execute the job.
+ # If omitted, this inherits the default region name of "global".
+ # region = "global"
+ #
+ # The "datacenters" parameter specifies the list of datacenters which should
+ # be considered when placing this task. This must be provided.
+ datacenters = "${datacenters}"
+ # The "type" parameter controls the type of job, which impacts the scheduler's
+ # decision on placement. This configuration is optional and defaults to
+ # "service". For a full list of job types and their differences, please see
+ # the online documentation.
+ #
+ # For more information, please see the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/jobspec/schedulers.html
+ #
+ type = "service"
+ update {
+ # The "max_parallel" parameter specifies the maximum number of updates to
+ # perform in parallel. In this case, this specifies to update a single task
+ # at a time.
+ max_parallel = 1
+ health_check = "checks"
+ # The "min_healthy_time" parameter specifies the minimum time the allocation
+ # must be in the healthy state before it is marked as healthy and unblocks
+ # further allocations from being updated.
+ min_healthy_time = "10s"
+ # The "healthy_deadline" parameter specifies the deadline in which the
+ # allocation must be marked as healthy after which the allocation is
+ # automatically transitioned to unhealthy. Transitioning to unhealthy will
+ # fail the deployment and potentially roll back the job if "auto_revert" is
+ # set to true.
+ healthy_deadline = "3m"
+ # The "progress_deadline" parameter specifies the deadline in which an
+ # allocation must be marked as healthy. The deadline begins when the first
+ # allocation for the deployment is created and is reset whenever an allocation
+ # as part of the deployment transitions to a healthy state. If no allocation
+ # transitions to the healthy state before the progress deadline, the
+ # deployment is marked as failed.
+ progress_deadline = "10m"
+%{ if use_canary }
+ # The "canary" parameter specifies that changes to the job that would result
+ # in destructive updates should create the specified number of canaries
+ # without stopping any previous allocations. Once the operator determines the
+ # canaries are healthy, they can be promoted which unblocks a rolling update
+ # of the remaining allocations at a rate of "max_parallel".
+ #
+ # Further, setting "canary" equal to the count of the task group allows
+ # blue/green deployments. When the job is updated, a full set of the new
+ # version is deployed and upon promotion the old version is stopped.
+ canary = 1
+ # Specifies if the job should auto-promote to the canary version when all
+ # canaries become healthy during a deployment. Defaults to false which means
+ # canaries must be manually updated with the nomad deployment promote
+ # command.
+ auto_promote = true
+ # The "auto_revert" parameter specifies if the job should auto-revert to the
+ # last stable job on deployment failure. A job is marked as stable if all the
+ # allocations as part of its deployment were marked healthy.
+ auto_revert = true
+%{ endif }
+ }
+ # All groups in this job should be scheduled on different hosts.
+ constraint {
+ operator = "distinct_hosts"
+ value = "true"
+ }
+ # The "group" stanza defines a series of tasks that should be co-located on
+ # the same Nomad client. Any task within a group will be placed on the same
+ # client.
+ #
+ # For more information and examples on the "group" stanza, please see
+ # the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/group.html
+ #
+ group "prod-group1-minio" {
+ # The "count" parameter specifies the number of the task groups that should
+ # be running under this group. This value must be non-negative and defaults
+ # to 1.
+ count = ${group_count}
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/volume
+ %{ if use_host_volume }
+ volume "prod-volume1-minio" {
+ type = "host"
+ read_only = false
+ source = "${host_volume}"
+ }
+ %{ endif }
+ # The "task" stanza creates an individual unit of work, such as a Docker
+ # container, web application, or batch processing.
+ #
+ # For more information and examples on the "task" stanza, please see
+ # the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/task.html
+ #
+ task "prod-task1-minio" {
+ # The "driver" parameter specifies the task driver that should be used to
+ # run the task.
+ driver = "docker"
+ %{ if use_host_volume }
+ volume_mount {
+ volume = "prod-volume1-minio"
+ destination = "${data_dir}"
+ read_only = false
+ }
+ %{ endif }
+ %{ if use_vault_provider }
+ vault {
+ policies = "${vault_kv_policy_name}"
+ }
+ %{ endif }
+ # The "config" stanza specifies the driver configuration, which is passed
+ # directly to the driver to start the task. The details of configurations
+ # are specific to each driver, so please see specific driver
+ # documentation for more information.
+ config {
+ image = "${image}"
+ dns_servers = [ "$${attr.unique.network.ip-address}" ]
+ network_mode = "host"
+ command = "server"
+ args = [ "${host}:${port}${data_dir}" ]
+ port_map {
+ http = ${port}
+ }
+ privileged = false
+ }
+ # The env stanza configures a list of environment variables to populate
+ # the task's environment before starting.
+ env {
+%{ if use_vault_provider }
+{{ with secret "${vault_kv_path}" }}
+ MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = "{{ .Data.data.${vault_kv_field_access_key} }}"
+ MINIO_SECRET_KEY = "{{ .Data.data.${vault_kv_field_secret_key} }}"
+{{ end }}
+%{ else }
+ MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = "${access_key}"
+ MINIO_SECRET_KEY = "${secret_key}"
+%{ endif }
+ ${ envs }
+ }
+ # The service stanza instructs Nomad to register a service with Consul.
+ #
+ # For more information and examples on the "task" stanza, please see
+ # the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/service.html
+ #
+ service {
+ name = "${service_name}"
+ port = "http"
+ tags = [ "storage$${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}" ]
+ check {
+ name = "Min.io Server HTTP Check Live"
+ type = "http"
+ port = "http"
+ protocol = "http"
+ method = "GET"
+ path = "/minio/health/live"
+ interval = "10s"
+ timeout = "2s"
+ }
+ check {
+ name = "Min.io Server HTTP Check Ready"
+ type = "http"
+ port = "http"
+ protocol = "http"
+ method = "GET"
+ path = "/minio/health/ready"
+ interval = "10s"
+ timeout = "2s"
+ }
+ }
+ # The "resources" stanza describes the requirements a task needs to
+ # execute. Resource requirements include memory, network, cpu, and more.
+ # This ensures the task will execute on a machine that contains enough
+ # resource capacity.
+ #
+ # For more information and examples on the "resources" stanza, please see
+ # the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/resources.html
+ #
+ resources {
+ cpu = ${cpu}
+ memory = ${memory}
+ # The network stanza specifies the networking requirements for the task
+ # group, including the network mode and port allocations. When scheduling
+ # jobs in Nomad they are provisioned across your fleet of machines along
+ # with other jobs and services. Because you don't know in advance what host
+ # your job will be provisioned on, Nomad will provide your tasks with
+ # network configuration when they start up.
+ #
+ # For more information and examples on the "template" stanza, please see
+ # the online documentation at:
+ #
+ # https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/job-specification/network.html
+ #
+ network {
+ port "http" {
+ static = ${port}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/main.tf b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/main.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6877211e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/main.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+locals {
+ datacenters = join(",", var.nomad_datacenters)
+ minio_env_vars = join("\n",
+ concat([
+ ], var.minio_envs)
+ )
+ mc_env_vars = join("\n",
+ concat([
+ ], var.mc_envs)
+ )
+ mc_formatted_bucket_list = formatlist("LOCALMINIO/%s", var.minio_buckets)
+ mc_add_config_command = concat(
+ [
+ "mc",
+ "config",
+ "host",
+ "add",
+ "http://${var.minio_service_name}.service.consul:${var.minio_port}",
+ ])
+ mc_create_bucket_command = concat(["mc", "mb", "-p"], local.mc_formatted_bucket_list)
+ command = join(" ", concat(local.mc_add_config_command, ["&&"], local.mc_create_bucket_command, [";"], concat(var.mc_extra_commands)))
+data "template_file" "nomad_job_minio" {
+ template = file("${path.module}/conf/nomad/minio.hcl")
+ vars = {
+ job_name = var.minio_job_name
+ datacenters = local.datacenters
+ use_canary = var.minio_use_canary
+ group_count = var.minio_group_count
+ use_host_volume = var.minio_use_host_volume
+ host_volume = var.nomad_host_volume
+ service_name = var.minio_service_name
+ host = var.minio_host
+ port = var.minio_port
+ upstreams = jsonencode(var.minio_upstreams)
+ cpu_proxy = var.minio_resource_proxy.cpu
+ memory_proxy = var.minio_resource_proxy.memory
+ use_vault_provider = var.minio_vault_secret.use_vault_provider
+ image = var.minio_container_image
+ access_key = var.minio_access_key
+ secret_key = var.minio_secret_key
+ data_dir = var.minio_data_dir
+ envs = local.minio_env_vars
+ cpu = var.minio_cpu
+ memory = var.minio_memory
+ }
+data "template_file" "nomad_job_mc" {
+ template = file("${path.module}/conf/nomad/mc.hcl")
+ vars = {
+ job_name = var.mc_job_name
+ service_name = var.mc_service_name
+ datacenters = local.datacenters
+ minio_service_name = var.minio_service_name
+ minio_port = var.minio_port
+ image = var.mc_container_image
+ access_key = var.minio_access_key
+ secret_key = var.minio_secret_key
+ use_vault_provider = var.minio_vault_secret.use_vault_provider
+ envs = local.mc_env_vars
+ command = local.command
+ }
+resource "nomad_job" "nomad_job_minio" {
+ jobspec = data.template_file.nomad_job_minio.rendered
+ detach = false
+resource "nomad_job" "nomad_job_mc" {
+ jobspec = data.template_file.nomad_job_mc.rendered
+ detach = false
+ depends_on = [
+ nomad_job.nomad_job_minio
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/outputs.tf b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/outputs.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3d7f15af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/outputs.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+output "minio_service_name" {
+ description = "Minio service name"
+ value = data.template_file.nomad_job_minio.vars.service_name
+output "minio_access_key" {
+ description = "Minio access key"
+ value = data.template_file.nomad_job_minio.vars.access_key
+ sensitive = true
+output "minio_secret_key" {
+ description = "Minio secret key"
+ value = data.template_file.nomad_job_minio.vars.secret_key
+ sensitive = true
+output "minio_port" {
+ description = "Minio port number"
+ value = data.template_file.nomad_job_minio.vars.port
diff --git a/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/variables.tf b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/variables.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01f94fcd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/variables.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Nomad
+variable "nomad_datacenters" {
+ description = "Nomad data centers"
+ type = list(string)
+ default = [ "dc1" ]
+variable "nomad_host_volume" {
+ description = "Nomad Host Volume"
+ type = string
+ default = "persistence"
+# Minio
+variable "minio_job_name" {
+ description = "Minio job name"
+ type = string
+ default = "minio"
+variable "minio_service_name" {
+ description = "Minio service name"
+ type = string
+ default = "minio"
+variable "minio_group_count" {
+ description = "Number of Minio group instances"
+ type = number
+ default = 1
+variable "minio_host" {
+ description = "Minio host"
+ type = string
+ default = ""
+variable "minio_port" {
+ description = "Minio port"
+ type = number
+ default = 9000
+variable "minio_cpu" {
+ description = "CPU allocation for Minio"
+ type = number
+ default = 200
+variable "minio_memory" {
+ description = "Memory allocation for Minio"
+ type = number
+ default = 1024
+variable "minio_container_image" {
+ description = "Minio docker image"
+ type = string
+ default = "minio/minio:latest"
+variable "minio_envs" {
+ description = "Minio environment variables"
+ type = list(string)
+ default = []
+variable "minio_access_key" {
+ description = "Minio access key"
+ type = string
+ default = "minio"
+variable "minio_secret_key" {
+ description = "Minio secret key"
+ type = string
+ default = "minio123"
+variable "minio_data_dir" {
+ description = "Minio server data dir"
+ type = string
+ default = "/data/"
+variable "minio_use_host_volume" {
+ description = "Use Nomad host volume feature"
+ type = bool
+ default = false
+variable "minio_use_canary" {
+ description = "Uses canary deployment for Minio"
+ type = bool
+ default = false
+variable "minio_vault_secret" {
+ description = "Set of properties to be able to fetch secret from vault"
+ type = object({
+ use_vault_provider = bool,
+ vault_kv_policy_name = string,
+ vault_kv_path = string,
+ vault_kv_field_access_key = string,
+ vault_kv_field_secret_key = string
+ })
+variable "minio_resource_proxy" {
+ description = "Minio proxy resources"
+ type = object({
+ cpu = number,
+ memory = number
+ })
+ default = {
+ cpu = 200,
+ memory = 128
+ }
+ validation {
+ condition = var.minio_resource_proxy.cpu >= 200 && var.minio_resource_proxy.memory >= 128
+ error_message = "Proxy resource must be at least: cpu=200, memory=128."
+ }
+# MC
+variable "mc_job_name" {
+ description = "Minio client job name"
+ type = string
+ default = "mc"
+variable "mc_service_name" {
+ description = "Minio client service name"
+ type = string
+ default = "mc"
+variable "mc_container_image" {
+ description = "Minio client docker image"
+ type = string
+ default = "minio/mc:latest"
+variable "mc_envs" {
+ description = "Minio client environment variables"
+ type = list(string)
+ default = []
+variable "minio_buckets" {
+ description = "List of buckets to create on startup"
+ type = list(string)
+ default = []
+variable "minio_upstreams" {
+ description = "List of upstream services (list of object with service_name, port)"
+ type = list(object({
+ service_name = string,
+ port = number,
+ }))
+ default = []
+variable "mc_extra_commands" {
+ description = "Extra commands to run in MC container after creating buckets"
+ type = list(string)
+ default = [""]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/versions.tf b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/versions.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..960bd4bba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terraform-ci-infra/1n_nmd/minio/versions.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+terraform {
+ required_providers {
+ nomad = {
+ source = "hashicorp/nomad"
+ version = "~> 1.4.9"
+ }
+ template = {
+ source = "hashicorp/template"
+ version = "~> 2.1.2"
+ }
+ }
+ required_version = ">= 0.13"