path: root/PyPI/MLRsearch/.gitignore
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-06-18CSIT-986: Implement proposed MDR improvementsVratko Polak1-0/+104
+ Use first intermediate with goal in initial phase. + Measure above MRR if that got zero loss. + Always prioritizes NDR in internal search. + Rename classes. + Copy code for standalone PyPI publishing. - Original files will be deleted after publish. Change-Id: I5169d602d1e5e35a1894645cd52e70d791871608 Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>
='#n353'>353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470
// Code generated by GoVPP's binapi-generator. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
//  binapi-generator: v0.6.0-dev
//  VPP:              22.02-release
// source: /usr/share/vpp/api/core/virtio.api.json

// Package virtio contains generated bindings for API file virtio.api.
// Contents:
//   1 enum
//   8 messages
package virtio

import (

	api "go.fd.io/govpp/api"
	ethernet_types "go.fd.io/govpp/binapi/ethernet_types"
	interface_types "go.fd.io/govpp/binapi/interface_types"
	pci_types "go.fd.io/govpp/binapi/pci_types"
	codec "go.fd.io/govpp/codec"

// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the GoVPP api package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// GoVPP api package needs to be updated.
const _ = api.GoVppAPIPackageIsVersion2

const (
	APIFile    = "virtio"
	APIVersion = "3.0.0"
	VersionCrc = 0xa507d784

// VirtioFlags defines enum 'virtio_flags'.
type VirtioFlags uint32

const (
	VIRTIO_API_FLAG_GSO          VirtioFlags = 1
	VIRTIO_API_FLAG_PACKED       VirtioFlags = 8
	VIRTIO_API_FLAG_IN_ORDER     VirtioFlags = 16

var (
	VirtioFlags_name = map[uint32]string{
	VirtioFlags_value = map[string]uint32{
		"VIRTIO_API_FLAG_GSO":          1,

func (x VirtioFlags) String() string {
	s, ok := VirtioFlags_name[uint32(x)]
	if ok {
		return s
	str := func(n uint32) string {
		s, ok := VirtioFlags_name[uint32(n)]
		if ok {
			return s
		return "VirtioFlags(" + strconv.Itoa(int(n)) + ")"
	for i := uint32(0); i <= 32; i++ {
		val := uint32(x)
		if val&(1<<i) != 0 {
			if s != "" {
				s += "|"
			s += str(1 << i)
	if s == "" {
		return str(uint32(x))
	return s

// SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails defines message 'sw_interface_virtio_pci_details'.
type SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails struct {
	SwIfIndex interface_types.InterfaceIndex `binapi:"interface_index,name=sw_if_index" json:"sw_if_index,omitempty"`
	PciAddr   pci_types.PciAddress           `binapi:"pci_address,name=pci_addr" json:"pci_addr,omitempty"`
	MacAddr   ethernet_types.MacAddress      `binapi:"mac_address,name=mac_addr" json:"mac_addr,omitempty"`
	TxRingSz  uint16                         `binapi:"u16,name=tx_ring_sz" json:"tx_ring_sz,omitempty"`
	RxRingSz  uint16                         `binapi:"u16,name=rx_ring_sz" json:"rx_ring_sz,omitempty"`
	Features  uint64                         `binapi:"u64,name=features" json:"features,omitempty"`

func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails) Reset()               { *m = SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails{} }
func (*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails) GetMessageName() string { return "sw_interface_virtio_pci_details" }
func (*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails) GetCrcString() string   { return "6ca9c167" }
func (*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.ReplyMessage

func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	size += 4     // m.SwIfIndex
	size += 2     // m.PciAddr.Domain
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Bus
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Slot
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Function
	size += 1 * 6 // m.MacAddr
	size += 2     // m.TxRingSz
	size += 2     // m.RxRingSz
	size += 8     // m.Features
	return size
func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	buf.EncodeBytes(m.MacAddr[:], 6)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	m.SwIfIndex = interface_types.InterfaceIndex(buf.DecodeUint32())
	m.PciAddr.Domain = buf.DecodeUint16()
	m.PciAddr.Bus = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.PciAddr.Slot = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.PciAddr.Function = buf.DecodeUint8()
	copy(m.MacAddr[:], buf.DecodeBytes(6))
	m.TxRingSz = buf.DecodeUint16()
	m.RxRingSz = buf.DecodeUint16()
	m.Features = buf.DecodeUint64()
	return nil

// SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump defines message 'sw_interface_virtio_pci_dump'.
type SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump struct{}

func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump) Reset()               { *m = SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump{} }
func (*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump) GetMessageName() string { return "sw_interface_virtio_pci_dump" }
func (*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump) GetCrcString() string   { return "51077d14" }
func (*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.RequestMessage

func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	return size
func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	return nil

// VirtioPciCreate defines message 'virtio_pci_create'.
// Deprecated: the message will be removed in the future versions
type VirtioPciCreate struct {
	PciAddr                pci_types.PciAddress      `binapi:"pci_address,name=pci_addr" json:"pci_addr,omitempty"`
	UseRandomMac           bool                      `binapi:"bool,name=use_random_mac" json:"use_random_mac,omitempty"`
	MacAddress             ethernet_types.MacAddress `binapi:"mac_address,name=mac_address" json:"mac_address,omitempty"`
	GsoEnabled             bool                      `binapi:"bool,name=gso_enabled" json:"gso_enabled,omitempty"`
	ChecksumOffloadEnabled bool                      `binapi:"bool,name=checksum_offload_enabled" json:"checksum_offload_enabled,omitempty"`
	Features               uint64                    `binapi:"u64,name=features" json:"features,omitempty"`

func (m *VirtioPciCreate) Reset()               { *m = VirtioPciCreate{} }
func (*VirtioPciCreate) GetMessageName() string { return "virtio_pci_create" }
func (*VirtioPciCreate) GetCrcString() string   { return "1944f8db" }
func (*VirtioPciCreate) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.RequestMessage

func (m *VirtioPciCreate) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	size += 2     // m.PciAddr.Domain
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Bus
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Slot
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Function
	size += 1     // m.UseRandomMac
	size += 1 * 6 // m.MacAddress
	size += 1     // m.GsoEnabled
	size += 1     // m.ChecksumOffloadEnabled
	size += 8     // m.Features
	return size
func (m *VirtioPciCreate) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	buf.EncodeBytes(m.MacAddress[:], 6)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *VirtioPciCreate) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	m.PciAddr.Domain = buf.DecodeUint16()
	m.PciAddr.Bus = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.PciAddr.Slot = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.PciAddr.Function = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.UseRandomMac = buf.DecodeBool()
	copy(m.MacAddress[:], buf.DecodeBytes(6))
	m.GsoEnabled = buf.DecodeBool()
	m.ChecksumOffloadEnabled = buf.DecodeBool()
	m.Features = buf.DecodeUint64()
	return nil

// VirtioPciCreateReply defines message 'virtio_pci_create_reply'.
// Deprecated: the message will be removed in the future versions
type VirtioPciCreateReply struct {
	Retval    int32                          `binapi:"i32,name=retval" json:"retval,omitempty"`
	SwIfIndex interface_types.InterfaceIndex `binapi:"interface_index,name=sw_if_index" json:"sw_if_index,omitempty"`

func (m *VirtioPciCreateReply) Reset()               { *m = VirtioPciCreateReply{} }
func (*VirtioPciCreateReply) GetMessageName() string { return "virtio_pci_create_reply" }
func (*VirtioPciCreateReply) GetCrcString() string   { return "5383d31f" }
func (*VirtioPciCreateReply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.ReplyMessage

func (m *VirtioPciCreateReply) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	size += 4 // m.Retval
	size += 4 // m.SwIfIndex
	return size
func (m *VirtioPciCreateReply) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *VirtioPciCreateReply) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	m.Retval = buf.DecodeInt32()
	m.SwIfIndex = interface_types.InterfaceIndex(buf.DecodeUint32())
	return nil

// VirtioPciCreateV2 defines message 'virtio_pci_create_v2'.
type VirtioPciCreateV2 struct {
	PciAddr      pci_types.PciAddress      `binapi:"pci_address,name=pci_addr" json:"pci_addr,omitempty"`
	UseRandomMac bool                      `binapi:"bool,name=use_random_mac" json:"use_random_mac,omitempty"`
	MacAddress   ethernet_types.MacAddress `binapi:"mac_address,name=mac_address" json:"mac_address,omitempty"`
	VirtioFlags  VirtioFlags               `binapi:"virtio_flags,name=virtio_flags" json:"virtio_flags,omitempty"`
	Features     uint64                    `binapi:"u64,name=features" json:"features,omitempty"`

func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2) Reset()               { *m = VirtioPciCreateV2{} }
func (*VirtioPciCreateV2) GetMessageName() string { return "virtio_pci_create_v2" }
func (*VirtioPciCreateV2) GetCrcString() string   { return "5d096e1a" }
func (*VirtioPciCreateV2) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.RequestMessage

func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	size += 2     // m.PciAddr.Domain
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Bus
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Slot
	size += 1     // m.PciAddr.Function
	size += 1     // m.UseRandomMac
	size += 1 * 6 // m.MacAddress
	size += 4     // m.VirtioFlags
	size += 8     // m.Features
	return size
func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	buf.EncodeBytes(m.MacAddress[:], 6)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	m.PciAddr.Domain = buf.DecodeUint16()
	m.PciAddr.Bus = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.PciAddr.Slot = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.PciAddr.Function = buf.DecodeUint8()
	m.UseRandomMac = buf.DecodeBool()
	copy(m.MacAddress[:], buf.DecodeBytes(6))
	m.VirtioFlags = VirtioFlags(buf.DecodeUint32())
	m.Features = buf.DecodeUint64()
	return nil

// VirtioPciCreateV2Reply defines message 'virtio_pci_create_v2_reply'.
type VirtioPciCreateV2Reply struct {
	Retval    int32                          `binapi:"i32,name=retval" json:"retval,omitempty"`
	SwIfIndex interface_types.InterfaceIndex `binapi:"interface_index,name=sw_if_index" json:"sw_if_index,omitempty"`

func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2Reply) Reset()               { *m = VirtioPciCreateV2Reply{} }
func (*VirtioPciCreateV2Reply) GetMessageName() string { return "virtio_pci_create_v2_reply" }
func (*VirtioPciCreateV2Reply) GetCrcString() string   { return "5383d31f" }
func (*VirtioPciCreateV2Reply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.ReplyMessage

func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2Reply) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	size += 4 // m.Retval
	size += 4 // m.SwIfIndex
	return size
func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2Reply) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *VirtioPciCreateV2Reply) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	m.Retval = buf.DecodeInt32()
	m.SwIfIndex = interface_types.InterfaceIndex(buf.DecodeUint32())
	return nil

// VirtioPciDelete defines message 'virtio_pci_delete'.
type VirtioPciDelete struct {
	SwIfIndex interface_types.InterfaceIndex `binapi:"interface_index,name=sw_if_index" json:"sw_if_index,omitempty"`

func (m *VirtioPciDelete) Reset()               { *m = VirtioPciDelete{} }
func (*VirtioPciDelete) GetMessageName() string { return "virtio_pci_delete" }
func (*VirtioPciDelete) GetCrcString() string   { return "f9e6675e" }
func (*VirtioPciDelete) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.RequestMessage

func (m *VirtioPciDelete) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	size += 4 // m.SwIfIndex
	return size
func (m *VirtioPciDelete) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *VirtioPciDelete) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	m.SwIfIndex = interface_types.InterfaceIndex(buf.DecodeUint32())
	return nil

// VirtioPciDeleteReply defines message 'virtio_pci_delete_reply'.
type VirtioPciDeleteReply struct {
	Retval int32 `binapi:"i32,name=retval" json:"retval,omitempty"`

func (m *VirtioPciDeleteReply) Reset()               { *m = VirtioPciDeleteReply{} }
func (*VirtioPciDeleteReply) GetMessageName() string { return "virtio_pci_delete_reply" }
func (*VirtioPciDeleteReply) GetCrcString() string   { return "e8d4e804" }
func (*VirtioPciDeleteReply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
	return api.ReplyMessage

func (m *VirtioPciDeleteReply) Size() (size int) {
	if m == nil {
		return 0
	size += 4 // m.Retval
	return size
func (m *VirtioPciDeleteReply) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if b == nil {
		b = make([]byte, m.Size())
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (m *VirtioPciDeleteReply) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
	buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
	m.Retval = buf.DecodeInt32()
	return nil

func init() { file_virtio_binapi_init() }
func file_virtio_binapi_init() {
	api.RegisterMessage((*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDetails)(nil), "sw_interface_virtio_pci_details_6ca9c167")
	api.RegisterMessage((*SwInterfaceVirtioPciDump)(nil), "sw_interface_virtio_pci_dump_51077d14")
	api.RegisterMessage((*VirtioPciCreate)(nil), "virtio_pci_create_1944f8db")
	api.RegisterMessage((*VirtioPciCreateReply)(nil), "virtio_pci_create_reply_5383d31f")
	api.RegisterMessage((*VirtioPciCreateV2)(nil), "virtio_pci_create_v2_5d096e1a")
	api.RegisterMessage((*VirtioPciCreateV2Reply)(nil), "virtio_pci_create_v2_reply_5383d31f")
	api.RegisterMessage((*VirtioPciDelete)(nil), "virtio_pci_delete_f9e6675e")
	api.RegisterMessage((*VirtioPciDeleteReply)(nil), "virtio_pci_delete_reply_e8d4e804")

// Messages returns list of all messages in this module.
func AllMessages() []api.Message {
	return []api.Message{