path: root/resources/libraries/python/SetupFramework.py
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-07-28CSIT-212 SetupFramework scp result - logging fixMiroslav Miklus1-9/+17
2016-06-02CSIT-114: Eliminate repeated download of PIP packagesCarsten Koester1-1/+1
2016-04-22Reformat python libraries.Matej Klotton1-19/+20
2016-04-08Add Vagrantfile for local testing.Stefan Kobza1-12/+53
2016-03-18Remove apt-get call to install dependencies.Carsten Koester1-15/+0
2016-02-27Minor change in virtual env creationJan Gelety1-1/+3
2016-02-23Automate VIRL simulation life cycle.Stefan Kobza1-0/+14
2016-02-08New version of RF tests.Stefan Kobza1-0/+137
href='#n355'>355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <vat/vat.h>
#include <vlibapi/api.h>
#include <vlibmemory/api.h>

#include <vppinfra/error.h>
#include <lb/lb.h>

#define __plugin_msg_base lb_test_main.msg_id_base
#include <vlibapi/vat_helper_macros.h>

//TODO: Move that to vat/plugin_api.c
uword unformat_ip46_address (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args)
  ip46_address_t *ip46 = va_arg (*args, ip46_address_t *);
  ip46_type_t type = va_arg (*args, ip46_type_t);
  if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP6) &&
      unformat(input, "%U", unformat_ip4_address, &ip46->ip4)) {
    return 1;
  } else if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP4) &&
      unformat(input, "%U", unformat_ip6_address, &ip46->ip6)) {
    return 1;
  return 0;
uword unformat_ip46_prefix (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args)
  ip46_address_t *ip46 = va_arg (*args, ip46_address_t *);
  u8 *len = va_arg (*args, u8 *);
  ip46_type_t type = va_arg (*args, ip46_type_t);

  u32 l;
  if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP6) && unformat(input, "%U/%u", unformat_ip4_address, &ip46->ip4, &l)) {
    if (l > 32)
      return 0;
    *len = l + 96;
    ip46->pad[0] = ip46->pad[1] = ip46->pad[2] = 0;
  } else if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP4) && unformat(input, "%U/%u", unformat_ip6_address, &ip46->ip6, &l)) {
    if (l > 128)
      return 0;
    *len = l;
  } else {
    return 0;
  return 1;

#define vl_msg_id(n,h) n,
typedef enum {
#include <lb/lb.api.h>
    /* We'll want to know how many messages IDs we need... */
} vl_msg_id_t;
#undef vl_msg_id

/* define message structures */
#define vl_typedefs
#include <lb/lb.api.h>
#undef vl_typedefs

/* declare message handlers for each api */

#define vl_endianfun             /* define message structures */
#include <lb/lb.api.h>
#undef vl_endianfun

/* instantiate all the print functions we know about */
#define vl_print(handle, ...)
#define vl_printfun
#include <lb/lb.api.h>
#undef vl_printfun

/* Get the API version number. */
#define vl_api_version(n,v) static u32 api_version=(v);
#include <lb/lb.api.h>
#undef vl_api_version

typedef struct {
    /* API message ID base */
    u16 msg_id_base;
    vat_main_t *vat_main;
} lb_test_main_t;

lb_test_main_t lb_test_main;

#define foreach_standard_reply_retval_handler   \
_(lb_conf_reply)                 \
_(lb_add_del_vip_reply)          \

#define _(n)                                            \
    static void vl_api_##n##_t_handler                  \
    (vl_api_##n##_t * mp)                               \
    {                                                   \
        vat_main_t * vam = lb_test_main.vat_main;   \
        i32 retval = ntohl(mp->retval);                 \
        if (vam->async_mode) {                          \
            vam->async_errors += (retval < 0);          \
        } else {                                        \
            vam->retval = retval;                       \
            vam->result_ready = 1;                      \
        }                                               \
#undef _

 * Table of message reply handlers, must include boilerplate handlers
 * we just generated
#define foreach_vpe_api_reply_msg                               \
  _(LB_CONF_REPLY, lb_conf_reply)                               \
  _(LB_ADD_DEL_VIP_REPLY, lb_add_del_vip_reply)                 \
  _(LB_ADD_DEL_AS_REPLY, lb_add_del_as_reply)                   \
  _(LB_VIP_DETAILS, lb_vip_details)                             \
  _(LB_AS_DETAILS, lb_as_details)

static int api_lb_conf (vat_main_t * vam)
  unformat_input_t *line_input = vam->input;
  vl_api_lb_conf_t *mp;
  u32 ip4_src_address = 0xffffffff;
  ip46_address_t ip6_src_address;
  u32 sticky_buckets_per_core = LB_DEFAULT_PER_CPU_STICKY_BUCKETS;
  u32 flow_timeout = LB_DEFAULT_FLOW_TIMEOUT;
  int ret;

  ip6_src_address.as_u64[0] = 0xffffffffffffffffL;
  ip6_src_address.as_u64[1] = 0xffffffffffffffffL;

  while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
    if (unformat(line_input, "ip4-src-address %U", unformat_ip4_address, &ip4_src_address))
    else if (unformat(line_input, "ip6-src-address %U", unformat_ip6_address, &ip6_src_address))
    else if (unformat(line_input, "buckets %d", &sticky_buckets_per_core))
    else if (unformat(line_input, "timeout %d", &flow_timeout))
    else {
        errmsg ("invalid arguments\n");
        return -99;

  M(LB_CONF, mp);
  clib_memcpy (&(mp->ip4_src_address), &ip4_src_address, sizeof (ip4_src_address));
  clib_memcpy (&(mp->ip6_src_address), &ip6_src_address, sizeof (ip6_src_address));
  mp->sticky_buckets_per_core = htonl (sticky_buckets_per_core);
  mp->flow_timeout = htonl (flow_timeout);

  W (ret);
  return ret;

static int api_lb_add_del_vip (vat_main_t * vam)
  unformat_input_t *line_input = vam->input;
  vl_api_lb_add_del_vip_t *mp;
  int ret;
  ip46_address_t ip_prefix;
  u8 prefix_length = 0;
  u8 protocol = 0;
  u32 port = 0;
  u32 encap = 0;
  u32 dscp = ~0;
  u32 srv_type = LB_SRV_TYPE_CLUSTERIP;
  u32 target_port = 0;
  u32 new_length = 1024;
  int is_del = 0;

  if (!unformat(line_input, "%U", unformat_ip46_prefix, &ip_prefix,
                &prefix_length, IP46_TYPE_ANY, &prefix_length)) {
    errmsg ("lb_add_del_vip: invalid vip prefix\n");
    return -99;

  while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
    if (unformat(line_input, "new_len %d", &new_length))
    else if (unformat(line_input, "del"))
      is_del = 1;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "protocol tcp"))
        protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_TCP;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "protocol udp"))
        protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "port %d", &port))
    else if (unformat(line_input, "encap gre4"))
      encap = LB_ENCAP_TYPE_GRE4;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "encap gre6"))
      encap = LB_ENCAP_TYPE_GRE6;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "encap l3dsr"))
      encap = LB_ENCAP_TYPE_L3DSR;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "encap nat4"))
      encap = LB_ENCAP_TYPE_NAT4;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "encap nat6"))
      encap = LB_ENCAP_TYPE_NAT6;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "dscp %d", &dscp))
    else if (unformat(line_input, "type clusterip"))
      srv_type = LB_SRV_TYPE_CLUSTERIP;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "type nodeport"))
      srv_type = LB_SRV_TYPE_NODEPORT;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "target_port %d", &target_port))
    else {
        errmsg ("invalid arguments\n");
        return -99;

  if ((encap != LB_ENCAP_TYPE_L3DSR) && (dscp != ~0))
      errmsg("lb_vip_add error: should not configure dscp for none L3DSR.");
      return -99;

  if ((encap == LB_ENCAP_TYPE_L3DSR) && (dscp >= 64))
      errmsg("lb_vip_add error: dscp for L3DSR should be less than 64.");
      return -99;

  M(LB_ADD_DEL_VIP, mp);
  clib_memcpy (mp->pfx.address.un.ip6, &ip_prefix.ip6, sizeof (ip_prefix.ip6));
  mp->pfx.len = prefix_length;
  mp->protocol = (u8)protocol;
  mp->port = htons((u16)port);
  mp->encap = (u8)encap;
  mp->dscp = (u8)dscp;
  mp->type = (u8)srv_type;
  mp->target_port = htons((u16)target_port);
  mp->node_port = htons((u16)target_port);
  mp->new_flows_table_length = htonl(new_length);
  mp->is_del = is_del;

  W (ret);
  return ret;

static int api_lb_add_del_as (vat_main_t * vam)

  unformat_input_t *line_input = vam->input;
  vl_api_lb_add_del_as_t *mp;
  int ret;
  ip46_address_t vip_prefix, as_addr;
  u8 vip_plen;
  ip46_address_t *as_array = 0;
  u32 port = 0;
  u8 protocol = 0;
  u8 is_del = 0;
  u8 is_flush = 0;

  if (!unformat(line_input, "%U", unformat_ip46_prefix,
                &vip_prefix, &vip_plen, IP46_TYPE_ANY))
      errmsg ("lb_add_del_as: invalid vip prefix\n");
      return -99;

  while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
    if (unformat(line_input, "%U", unformat_ip46_address,
                 &as_addr, IP46_TYPE_ANY))
        vec_add1(as_array, as_addr);
    else if (unformat(line_input, "del"))
        is_del = 1;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "flush"))
        is_flush = 1;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "protocol tcp"))
          protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_TCP;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "protocol udp"))
          protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "port %d", &port))
    else {
        errmsg ("invalid arguments\n");
        return -99;

  if (!vec_len(as_array)) {
    errmsg ("No AS address provided \n");
    return -99;

  M(LB_ADD_DEL_AS, mp);
  clib_memcpy (mp->pfx.address.un.ip6, &vip_prefix.ip6, sizeof (vip_prefix.ip6));
  mp->pfx.len = vip_plen;
  mp->protocol = (u8)protocol;
  mp->port = htons((u16)port);
  clib_memcpy (&mp->as_address, &as_addr, sizeof (as_addr));
  mp->is_del = is_del;
  mp->is_flush = is_flush;

  W (ret);
  return ret;

static void vl_api_lb_vip_details_t_handler
  (vl_api_lb_vip_details_t * mp)
  vat_main_t *vam = &vat_main;

  print (vam->ofp, "%24U%14d%14d%18d",
       format_ip46_address, &mp->vip.pfx.address, IP46_TYPE_ANY,
       ntohs (mp->vip.port));
  lb_main_t *lbm = &lb_main;
  u32 i = 0;

  u32 vip_count = pool_len(lbm->vips);

  print (vam->ofp, "%11d", vip_count);

  for (i=0; i<vip_count; i--)
      print (vam->ofp, "%24U%14d%14d%18d",
           format_ip46_address, &mp->vip.pfx.address, IP46_TYPE_ANY,
           ntohs (mp->vip.port));

static int api_lb_vip_dump (vat_main_t * vam)
  vl_api_lb_vip_dump_t *mp;
  int ret;

  M(LB_VIP_DUMP, mp);

  W (ret);
  return ret;

static void vl_api_lb_as_details_t_handler
  (vl_api_lb_as_details_t * mp)
  vat_main_t *vam = &vat_main;

  print (vam->ofp, "%24U%14d%14d%18d%d%d",
       format_ip46_address, &mp->vip.pfx.address, IP46_TYPE_ANY,
       ntohs (mp->vip.port),

  //u32 i = 0;

  lb_main_t *lbm = &lb_main;
  print (vam->ofp, "%11d", pool_len(lbm->ass));
  for (i=0; i<pool_len(lbm->ass); i--)
      print (vam->ofp, "%24U%14d%14d%18d",
           format_ip46_address, &mp->pfx.address, IP46_TYPE_ANY,
           ntohs (mp->pfx.port),

static int api_lb_as_dump (vat_main_t * vam)

  unformat_input_t *line_input = vam->input;
  vl_api_lb_as_dump_t *mp;
  int ret;
  ip46_address_t vip_prefix, as_addr;
  u8 vip_plen;
  ip46_address_t *as_array = 0;
  u32 port = 0;
  u8 protocol = 0;

  if (!unformat(line_input, "%U", unformat_ip46_prefix,
                &vip_prefix, &vip_plen, IP46_TYPE_ANY))
      errmsg ("lb_add_del_as: invalid vip prefix\n");
      return -99;

  while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
    if (unformat(line_input, "%U", unformat_ip46_address,
                 &as_addr, IP46_TYPE_ANY))
        vec_add1(as_array, as_addr);
    else if (unformat(line_input, "protocol tcp"))
          protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_TCP;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "protocol udp"))
          protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_UDP;
    else if (unformat(line_input, "port %d", &port))
    else {
        errmsg ("invalid arguments\n");
        return -99;

  if (!vec_len(as_array)) {
    errmsg ("No AS address provided \n");
    return -99;

  M(LB_AS_DUMP, mp);
  clib_memcpy (mp->pfx.address.un.ip6, &vip_prefix.ip6, sizeof (vip_prefix.ip6));
  mp->pfx.len = vip_plen;
  mp->protocol = (u8)protocol;
  mp->port = htons((u16)port);

  W (ret);
  return ret;

 * List of messages that the api test plugin sends,
 * and that the data plane plugin processes
#define foreach_vpe_api_msg                             \
_(lb_conf, "[ip4-src-address <addr>] [ip6-src-address <addr>] " \
           "[buckets <n>] [timeout <s>]")  \
_(lb_add_del_vip, "<prefix> "  \
                  "[protocol (tcp|udp) port <n>] "  \
                  "[encap (gre6|gre4|l3dsr|nat4|nat6)] " \
                  "[dscp <n>] "  \
                  "[type (nodeport|clusterip) target_port <n>] " \
                  "[new_len <n>] [del]")  \
_(lb_add_del_as, "<vip-prefix> [protocol (tcp|udp) port <n>] "  \
                 "[<address>] [del] [flush]")              \
_(lb_vip_dump, "")          \
_(lb_as_dump, "<vip-prefix> [protocol (tcp|udp) port <n>]")

static void
lb_api_hookup (vat_main_t *vam)
  lb_test_main_t * lbtm = &lb_test_main;
  /* Hook up handlers for replies from the data plane plug-in */
#define _(N,n)                                                  \
  vl_msg_api_set_handlers((VL_API_##N + lbtm->msg_id_base),       \
                          #n,                                   \
                          vl_api_##n##_t_handler,               \
                          vl_noop_handler,                      \
                          vl_api_##n##_t_endian,                \
                          vl_api_##n##_t_print,                 \
                          sizeof(vl_api_##n##_t), 1);
#undef _

  /* API messages we can send */
#define _(n,h) hash_set_mem (vam->function_by_name, #n, api_##n);
#undef _

  /* Help strings */
#define _(n,h) hash_set_mem (vam->help_by_name, #n, h);
#undef _