path: root/resources/libraries/python/telemetry/IPFIXSetup.py
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-10-03CSIT-235: Switched Port Analyzer mirroring (SPAN) - IPv4selias1-0/+129
ighlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ }
# VPP SPAN implementation    {#span_doc}

This is a memo intended to contain documentation of the VPP SPAN implementation.
Everything that is not directly obvious should come here.

## Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN)
Port mirroring is used on a network switch to send a copy of network packets seen on one switch port to a network monitoring connection on another switch port.
Can be used by network engineers or administrators to measure performance, analyze and debug data or diagnose errors on a network.

### RX traffic node
There is one static node to mirror incoming packets.
* span-input: Creates a copy of incoming buffer due to incoming buffers can be reused internally.

Chaining: dpdk-input -> span-input ->
* original buffer is sent to ethernet-input for processing
* buffer copy is sent to interface-output

### Configuration
SPAN supports the following CLI configuration commands:

#### Enable/Disable SPAN (CLI)
	set interface span <if-name> [disable | destination <if-name>]

<if-name>: mirrored interface name
destination <if-name>: monitoring interface name
disable: delete mirroring

#### Enable/Disable SPAN (API)
SPAN supports the following API configuration command:
	sw_interface_span_enable_disable src GigabitEthernet0/8/0 dst GigabitEthernet0/9/0
	sw_interface_span_enable_disable src_sw_if_index 1 dst_sw_if_index 2

src/src_sw_if_index: mirrored interface name
dst/dst_sw_if_index: monitoring interface name

#### Remove SPAN entry (API)
SPAN supports the following API configuration command:
	sw_interface_span_enable_disable src_sw_if_index 1 dst_sw_if_index 2 disable

src_sw_if_index: mirrored interface name
dst_sw_if_index: monitoring interface name

### Configuration example

Mirror all packets on interface GigabitEthernet0/10/0 to interface GigabitEthernet0/11/0.

Configure IPv4 addresses on mirrored interface:
set interface ip address GigabitEthernet0/10/0
set interface state GigabitEthernet0/10/0 up

Configure IPv4 addresses on monitoring interface:
set interface ip address GigabitEthernet0/11/0
set interface state GigabitEthernet0/11/0 up

Configure SPAN
set span src GigabitEthernet0/10/0 dst GigabitEthernet0/11/0

### Operational data

Active SPAN mirroring CLI show command:
    show interfaces span

Active SPAN mirroring API dump command: