path: root/resources/templates/vat/show_hardware_detail.vat
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-02-16VppCounters: DBG CLI: show commandsMiroslav Miklus1-0/+1
href='#n55'>55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""Constants used in CSIT."""

class Constants(object):
    """Constants used in CSIT.

    TODO: Yaml files are easier for humans to edit.
    Figure out how to set the attributes by parsing a file
    that works regardless of current working directory.

    # OpenVPP testing directory location at topology nodes
    REMOTE_FW_DIR = '/tmp/openvpp-testing'

    # shell scripts location
    RESOURCES_LIB_SH = 'resources/libraries/bash'

    # Python API provider location
    RESOURCES_PAPI_PROVIDER = 'resources/tools/papi/vpp_papi_provider.py'

    # vat templates location
    RESOURCES_TPL_VAT = 'resources/templates/vat'

    # Kubernetes templates location
    RESOURCES_TPL_K8S = 'resources/templates/kubernetes'

    # KernelVM templates location
    RESOURCES_TPL_VM = 'resources/templates/vm'

    # Container templates location
    RESOURCES_TPL_CONTAINER = 'resources/templates/container'

    # HTTP Server www root directory
    RESOURCES_TP_WRK_WWW = 'resources/traffic_profiles/wrk/www'

    # OpenVPP VAT binary name
    VAT_BIN_NAME = 'vpp_api_test'

    # VPP service unit name
    VPP_UNIT = 'vpp'

    # Number of system CPU cores.

    # Number of vswitch main thread CPU cores.
    CPU_CNT_MAIN = 1

    # QEMU binary path
    QEMU_BIN_PATH = '/usr/bin'

    # QEMU VM kernel image path
    QEMU_VM_KERNEL = '/opt/boot/vmlinuz'

    # QEMU VM kernel initrd path
    QEMU_VM_KERNEL_INITRD = '/opt/boot/initrd.img'

    # QEMU VM nested image path
    QEMU_VM_IMAGE = '/var/lib/vm/vhost-nested.img'

    # QEMU VM DPDK path
    QEMU_VM_DPDK = '/opt/dpdk-19.02'

    # Docker container SUT image
    DOCKER_SUT_IMAGE_UBUNTU = 'snergster/csit-sut:latest'

    # Docker container arm SUT image
    DOCKER_SUT_IMAGE_UBUNTU_ARM = 'snergster/csit-arm-sut:latest'

    # TRex install version

    # TRex install directory
    TREX_INSTALL_DIR = '/opt/trex-core-2.54'

    # Honeycomb directory location at topology nodes:
    REMOTE_HC_DIR = '/opt/honeycomb'

    # Honeycomb persistence files location
    REMOTE_HC_PERSIST = '/var/lib/honeycomb/persist'

    # Honeycomb log file location
    REMOTE_HC_LOG = '/var/log/honeycomb/honeycomb.log'

    # Honeycomb templates location
    RESOURCES_TPL_HC = 'resources/templates/honeycomb'

    # ODL Client Restconf listener port
    ODL_PORT = 8181

    # Sysctl kernel.core_pattern
    KERNEL_CORE_PATTERN = '/tmp/%p-%u-%g-%s-%t-%h-%e.core'

    # Core dump directory
    CORE_DUMP_DIR = '/tmp'

    # Equivalent to ~0 used in vpp code
    BITWISE_NON_ZERO = 0xffffffff

    # Default path to VPP API socket.
    SOCKSVR_PATH = "/run/vpp/api.sock"

    # Global "kill switch" for CRC checking during runtime.

    # Mapping from NIC name to its bps limit.
    # TODO: Implement logic to lower limits to TG NIC or software. Or PCI.
        # TODO: Explain why ~40Gbps NICs are using ~25Gbps limit.
        "Cisco-VIC-1227": 10000000000,
        "Cisco-VIC-1385": 24500000000,
        "Intel-X520-DA2": 10000000000,
        "Intel-X553": 10000000000,
        "Intel-X710": 10000000000,
        "Intel-XL710": 24500000000,
        "Intel-XXV710": 24500000000,
        "virtual": 100000000,

    # Suite file names use somewhat more rich (less readable) codes for NICs.
        "Cisco-VIC-1227": "10ge2p1vic1227",
        "Cisco-VIC-1385": "40ge2p1vic1385",
        "Intel-X520-DA2": "10ge2p1x520",
        "Intel-X553": "10ge2p1x553",
        "Intel-X710": "10ge2p1x710",
        "Intel-XL710": "40ge2p1xl710",
        "Intel-XXV710": "25ge2p1xxv710",

    # TODO CSIT-1481: Crypto HW should be read from topology file instead.
        "Intel-X553": "HW_C3xxx",
        "Intel-X710": "HW_DH895xcc",
        "Intel-XL710": "HW_DH895xcc",

        "mrr": "Traffic should pass with maximum rate",
        "ndrpdr": "Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search",
        "soak": "Find critical load using PLRsearch",

        "mrr" : '''fication:* In MaxReceivedRate tests TG sends traffic\\
| ... | at line rate and reports total received packets over trial period.\\''',
        # TODO: Figure out how to include the full "*[Ver] TG verification:*"
        # while keeping this readable and without breaking line length limit.
        "ndrpdr": '''fication:* TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop\\
| ... | Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop\\
| ... | Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage\\
| ... | of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different\\
| ... | Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library.\\''',
        "soak": '''fication:* TG sends traffic at dynamically computed\\
| ... | rate as PLRsearch algorithm gathers data and improves its estimate\\
| ... | of a rate at which a prescribed small fraction of packets\\
| ... | would be lost. After set time, the serarch stops\\
| ... | and the algorithm reports its current estimate.\\''',

        "mrr": '''Measure MaxReceivedRate for ${frame_size}B frames\\
| | ... | using burst trials throughput test.\\''',
        "ndrpdr": '''Measure NDR and PDR values using MLRsearch algorithm.\\''',
        "soak": '''Estimate critical rate using PLRsearch algorithm.\\''',